The Exeter Times, 1892-12-22, Page 8INSU1tA1QE �l! e . )rileESTT 1�,I AGENT R. THE WESTERN ASSURANCE eoi VARY, of Tcrontoalso for the PUP 'UK FIRE ENSURANOF; COMPANY, of Isondou; Ragland, ALLIANCE INSURANCE COM- P ANY otEuglaud, F, KINSMAN,l L.D,S, D.D , Graduateof RoyaCollege of "dental.S Surgeons. and of the Dental Department of ' Toronto University, (with honors.) Speoisast inbridge-work, and gold and por- celain browns. Pure nnteathet- ies for painless extractions. Always at home. Office : Fanson'a Block. Exeter. TO m_[ -3E Youiig and Old OF THE-- VILLAGE OF EXETER A MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all I've got about Three Hundred MILLION People to visit, and have to be spry, but have not forgot Exeter, although 1800 years old. I have dumped off a Lot of Presents for you at The Mart, where you will please call and get them. . Again, I say A MERRY X. --MAS. Good Bye, I'm O0", SANTA CLAUS, SNAPS: IN FANCY CROCKERY ROCKERY -ATTIIE- Hig Eankupt Sion I3revitie Yesterday was the shortest day. Christmas iscoming at a 2-40 gait. Get yon. Christmas turkey ready, The Trues for the halauce of this year FREE. You had better get your Christmas pre- sents early. The silver question t• "Can you lend me a quarter. Blankets, blanket a the Exeter Wool- len still at first cost, The Order of Chosen Friends now hold their meetings in Wood's hall. The Royal Templara held an open meet- ing in their hall on Monday evening. The local butchers are busy making pro. paretionstor a grand display of Christmas meats. It isn't much of a boy who cannot get around to three Sunday Schools these days. The Verity Plots Works Co., Brantford. have at last got to work with a large stab of men. Public school closes to -day and opens on. January 2nd. The promotion examina- tions took place this week. A house in Exeter North, sold under a Mortgage held by Mr. Muttart, on. Mon- day was purchased by his son for $90. A number of our sports go an a few days hunt next week in (seat of a black fox in the neighborhood of Grand Bend. CRAYON PORTRAITS'-111iaa M. V. White is now prepared to do portraits in crayon, life size. °cetera to be left at reeidence. Sunday next will be Christmas, but the event will be celebrated on Monday by a public holiday. Monday will also be nom- ination day. , One of The beat prese�.ttsc you call give your friends is a fine peer Of all -wool bed blankets. from the E2,6te1 Woollen Mill. Call and see them r, 6 A beautiful new stock just opened. Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, hanging Lamps Hall Lamps, Parlor Lamps And All Kinds of Fancy Crockery. Suitable for X-mas boxes. See the beautiful assortment. DOLLS, DOLLS, DOLLS Every little girl in Exeter can have a ,ovely family of dolls, at very low prices We Have an immense stock, and they ce nust go before X-mas. MANTLES going at sale prices. We suean it ; every Mantle in our stare a oargain. See them, J. A. STEWART. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 1892. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. On December 15th therd were scone $200 unpaid taxes in town and the collector has been busy the past:few days levying on personal property. Mother earth hag again been covered wi'h a mantle of the "'beautiful" and sleighing for light rigs is the order of the day. Mee, it continuo. The County Council of Oxford has pass- ed a report protesting against the reduc- tion of county councillors as proposed by Han. Ur. Hardy's bill. This is the time for Choice Fruits in Raisins and Currants. New citron and lemon peels. Very fine qualityVoatozza Currants at J. P. Clarke's. The financial statements. of Exeter, Hay and L st n P Jnr a monies alitiea have been ie. sued Exeter carries a surplus of $999.52; Usl.or ne $5601.71; Hay $357 10. air. I Armstrong broke the fr out axle of his buggy while in the back part ot Stephen township on Saturday. He had a narrow escape and had to borrow a rig to get home. Messrs Jas. Bissett and Wel. Johns had their regular weekly fox hunt through Stephen township on Tuesday, and ane- cceded in capturing two very fine foxes, on the 10th con. Parents with venturesome boys find the early winter a trying time Deaths from skating ou shaky ice are now daily reported In this neighborhood the trouble is to get even shaky ice. Wo received a timely communication last week, but owing to tho name of the writer not being given, it has been with- held. We must in every case have the author's name, as a guarantee ot good faith, Personale The. Inspectors of weights and measur• OR were in town this week examining the scales and measures of the different mer chants, -)lis honor Judge .Doyle held Division Court here on Monday some Iv (wee were disposed of. --Messrs Rollins & Willieens are hiving the huller of the old. grist mill cleaned and repaired. -Mr. J'as. Creech, as announced hist week, has taken nossesaion of Mr GTrigg's. tailor shop. Mr Grigg retires from the business, after many years, steady application to the trade. - Mrs. Phoebe Harris, Huron -street on Friday (Dapped of her brick residence in Rensall to Mr. Henry Cook for a hand- some figure. -Mr D. Elembaum and wife of Cavalier, N. D., are visiting friends in and around Exeter. Mr E. some fifteen years ago kept a general store in Dash- wood, in partne'ship with Mr. John Hall. tVlien in renewiughis subscription to TUE TIa1Es he remarked that Exeter had great Iv improved since his last visit, some 10 yeors ago. He has been fanning in Dako• ta, bit on his return he intends embarking again in the mercantile `business. -Mr. G. Muttart, jr., who hails from Uncle Sam's domain. is visiting under the parental roof tits father is yery ill and cannot recover. -Mr, McNab, barrister of London, at- tended Division Court, here, Monday, in behalf of his clients, the McClary Mfg Co. A number of debtors of the Bissett Bros estate were sued fox accounts they 7 iehtly should not have to pay, as they held con tra aeeounts against individual members of the firm. -Mr. L. Day, foreman in the Exeter Packing House, has moved into Mrs. Atkinson's residence on William -St, -Mr. W. Williams of Seaforth, spent Sun day anti Monday in town. -Mrs. W. Daw Huron-st , is at present visiting relatives in Woodstoek.-Mrs. Geo. Easterbrook and family of Burlington, Ont., are guests at Mrs Henry Harris' Mrs, E's mother.- Mr. John Hannah of Seaforth, gave Tire Teams a friendly call on Monday -Moire I. Armstrong and W. Snell, make weakly tripe to the London market with beef and pork. -Messrs Perkin & Martin, last week sold three organs. -Mr. h Eandford is confined to his room through serious ill- ness,- Mr Geo Knox, who has spent the past summer in and around Brandon, Mau is visiting friends here, -Messrs Robt Sanders, Thos. Boll and Thos Routley took advantage of the snow on Tuesday. They scoured the woada in the neighborhood of Quinton Bros, and captured several, Rey- nard's.-lilt. Jas. Bissett, Gidley-street gave the young people a party an 1Y ednes day evening last. -Mr. Jos. Cobblediek was confined to the house tbis week with an attack of lumbago, -The Misses ;tic Lennan of Stratford spent the past week the guests of Miss Fanny Pinch, town.- Capt. Stanley Hays of Brussels paid this village flying visitton Tuefuley last, -Mr. L. Dent, Mitchell, who has been teaching at No. 5, Usborne.far the past term,elosed his school on Tuesday last fir the Christ mas holidays and returned to Mitchell. - Mr Henry Heist and wife and Mr John Dearing and wife and family of Marlette, Mich., arrived here on Tuesday evening last to be present at the wedding of Mr.W II, Dearing, which teak place yesterday. - Mise Smith of Toronto is the guest of the Misses Elliot. -Mr. Hy Francis of Usbotne will move to town to -day, into the rosi- denee purchased of Mr. Ed Dyer. -Tho to ern is already well -tilled with former Exoterites, home spending the X -mea holi- days. -Mr. T. Horn has sold his residence in Exeter north to Mr D Russell, who has moved to town -Melt McIntyre and fanc- ily of Heusall will move to Exeter to spend the winter. -Mr. Roessler of Ben - miller was in town on Monday looking after his interests here. -Mrs Hiller, who lived iu Exete • some years ago, it is learn ed, was married in California some two years ago. -Mrs Thos Bathwoll and fam- ily of Point Edward, are visiting Mrs L. Day. -J. A. Gregory is home from Aylmer and is spending his Xmas holidays under the parental roof. -Mr. Wm Neil of Ide- Gillivray has moved to town, into the residence recently purcbasedof his brother Chas Neil. -Chas. Neil is visiting in the neighborhood. -Messrs Geo. 13awden and Noah Fried of Parkhill were in town ye:- terday; the latter having business with The Tines, arranging to place a new and more powerful engine with us to replace the old one The Times oirculation has increased so this fall that we are forced to put in a taster engine. Mr. Thos. Bissett of South Manitoba returned to Exeter on Tuesday t i spend the winter. Notice, Having disposed of our butcher business to Ford. Bros., a'l accounts owing to Snell Bros. & Co. must be settled on or before tat _December, 169e. SNELL Tinos. & Co. 3 Creamery. For some weeks Tae TIMES has, among other things, been agitating for the es- tablishment of a creamery or cheese factory in Exeter. Our efforts have not been in vain. Through our worthy reeve, who acted upon of oursuggestion at once, Mr. J. Hannah of Seaforth was brought to town and the matter talked over, with the re- sult that Mr. Hannah takes a favorable view of the matter and will likely establish a creamery here as an early date, and put in a separator. By the means of a separa- tor, the farmer's milk is separated from the cream at the efactory, and the skim milk returned to ;the farm. This saves trouble and the results are better in every respect. Mr. Hannah expresses the belief that a creamery in Exeter would pay well, the country around being adapted for such, and if the farmers would only apply every means, and supply abundance of milk, they would realize much larger pro- fits than by giving their sole attention to cropping their land. It is hoped that Mr. Hannah will receive every encouragement from the farming community. ereeaweveeneweeenewee BARGAINS, BAitthI, BARGAINS We will close out l a .number of lines of Goods , during the next TEN DAYS ol our Great Saleat prices that will astonish everybody. We are clearing our entire 'stock of Fur Goods Ladies' Fur Setts (Collarette and Muff) from $2.50 upwards ; Felt Boots for the next ten, days $1.55 Top Boots 95c. She sparrow hurt'which has been in pro. gross for some time, and which is captain- ed. by Mestere Ed Dignan and Ed Crock- er, of town, ends on Saturday next, when the losing side willbe called upon to dish up the oysters. Notwithstanding the absence of snow, busineas in Exeter hes been good the past week, and things generally have boomed. Every day the streets have been thronged with farmera'rigs. The bargains given by the Exeter merchants in every line are great drawine cards. I want my customers to remember my Rubber and Overshoe bargains a splen- did Xmas present for son or daughter, husband or wife, and they can be pur- chased at a small figure at Clarke's for cash. A well-known pen manufacturer offers THE Testes a dollar's worth of pens in payment for $6 worth of advertising. THE Teams has not yet conte to the low ebb of accepting such offers,and thoea papers that have accepted surely place little value on their adver.leing space. The Two Orphans Comedy Co, played in the Opera House on Monday and Tues- day evenings to fair audiences, In case they should again visit Exeter they will be greeted with a much larger house, as they are a first-class troupe, and merited more liberal patronage. A Charity Concert was given in the Opera House last evening. The attend- ance was very large, and a splendid pro• gram was rendered by local talent. The proceeds was large and will be distributed among the deserving poor of the town this week by the various churches. The Grist MW. It was mentioned last week that Exeter' was to have two grist snips. At time of going to press matters were settled and. work had been begun towards the erection of both. But time bas wrought a change ; and on Thursday an offer was made to pur. chase the site of the Exeter Milling Co., A price could not be agreed upon, and the matter was left to arbitration, with the result that Messra Rollins & Williams have acquired the old Pickard site, including the residence, for the sum of 81,800 ; so that after all Exeter is to have but one mill -indeed, quite a sufficiency. As to the location of the new mill, it :is not yet known, but very likely it will be built on the site before chosen, on the Hooper pro- perty, opposite the town hall. The names of the two gentlemen, Messrs Rollins & Williams, is sufficient guarantee that we will have one of the best mills in the prov- ince, run on a Large scale, and in a satis- factory manner to the farming community. With Mr. Rollins'characteristic enterprise, and Mr Williams',experienoe and business tact, we have two men that will make the milling business a marked success in Exeter. Wheat has taken another drop and is noW down to 60o. } Sheeting -white and grey -best quality eandlowest`prices at:the Exeter Woollen Ng Mill, Mr Ambrose Cottle has purchased the lot on the corner of Ann and William•sts from Mr. Edw. Christie and is making preparations for putting up a mammoth rake and cradle factory on the premises. Mr. Cottle is a thorough business man and should command a large patronage. On Wednesday last e. travelling lecturer visited. Harriston public school and re- quested the attention of the pupils for an hour, when the teacher, Mr, D. C. Dor- ranee, formerly of Centralia, ejected him from the school room as he appeared to have no authority to enter the school for that purpose. Tern Tniss X-mas number issued last eeweek was , much appreciated. Although the issue was over 3,000, we were soon without a single copy, 11 was sent to distant friends to give them an idea of what Exeter can do in the newspaper lige. The words of praise showered on our devoted head would fill a column. Remember we always lead and never follow. RICHARD PICKARD & SON. Seaforth Dye Works. ' All orders for the above works can be left at E H Fish's barber shop. Satisfac- tion guaranteed, -s- Add,: ess, At the last regular meeting of the Bp,, worth League of the Main st. Method ist church, the following address was read, on behalf of the League, to Mr. Walter Carley, who leaves for 'Brantford in a few days, to take a situation with the Verity Plow Works Co.: - To Mr. Walter Carley, Dear Sir and Brother -Baying regretfully heard of your intended removal from Exeter, and consequently from the tutmbership of our League, we cannot allow this opportunity to pass without expressing to you our high sense of your faitbfuniess to the interests and pros. parity of the Epworth League of the Main St Methodist ahurclt in this town. 'Yrur uniform consistency of character beforb,t:io nubile. to- gether with your zeal in 1111+ d all offices of trust committed to you,ba• .ou our confidence and esteem for you as a'":iristien and brother beloved. vof heart all through the lenstat on d kind- ness - bershipyou have field among us. And while we sorrow over your departure, and obeli miss V e ri w 1 attic ng , gook g r' uohsn Our y youse m y that the Divine the ho Di t shall not cease to pray y mayabide on yru and yt ur family, beth for thiworld an- the Spirit land,whero we hopo to meet et G'4 ,t's right hand. Signed on helialf of the Longuoby the Prosi dent and ;ootetary. Exeter, De 13, 38d2. Mr Carlyr replied very feelingly to the address, o resain f; his sorrow at leaving his friendk, , and thanked the League for the kindness and friendship shown him. Only $t In\\tdvance. This is the' month to renew newspaper subscriptions; find the month for now sub- scribers to THE 1 urs. eltiph with order will send Tut•, T7 tEs from now till Jan. 1st, 1894, tows n v name, and is the best Christmas presee that can be sent to ah absent friend. E. ry w`eelt in the year it raminde the ree_igie t of the donor's -good wisheiwould like t,. »v-Iind).11 as e a ery a "tbscriber on our list prepaid next year. .. ee. The Dominion Parliament will meet on Jan, 26. As Christmas grows nearer, the crowds in the stores grow bigger. Pork brings a better price in Exeter than in Toronto, viz: $7.25 to $7.60 per cwt. Some one is going to lose money. The members of Advance Council, No. 207, will meet in their lodge room on Tues day evening next, instead of Monday. Send along the news, it is always wel- come. When in town drop in at Tun TIMES and tell us the happenings of your locality. The Officers, Teachers, and Scholars of Tri vitt Memorial Church expect to occupy the New building on Sunday January • 1st, Afull line . f Drug Store. fumes & toil LOOKING OVER OUR - - WDTEII STOCK You will find never before were Goods more attractive They are better than have ever been offered by us and we don't mind telling you that we propose to make our Competitors Hustle And will accomplish it by our Goods and our prices. Have you bought your Furs yet ? We have a fine range. A choice line of Ties, Silk Handkerchiefs, Etc., for X.-mas boxes in ladies' and gents,'for See our Tweed Suitings o dresses, beautiful Goods. Trimmings the newest. Gents Ties, Braces and Underwear in itbuodauce, ;'nobby Goods. For a fine Suit get our prices and we will convince you that we are the Lowest and Best. Take a look at our windows, and see the fine display of Lamps, and Fancy China for X-mas. Boots and Shoes - We take the lead. Men's Boots, 98c ; Felt Boots, $1.59. Gxoceries- This Department we pride ourselves in. TRY OUR 25c. TEA, THE TALK OF THE VILLA3E. Fancy Soap, just think of it, 15 cakes for 25c.. Highest price paid,for produce : Butter, 19c ; Lard, 110 ; Eggs, 17c ; Ducks, 7e ; Geese, Ge ; Turkeys, 90 ; Chicken, 5c ; Pried Apples, 4c. ArcrioN SALE BANKRUPT STOCK or Funs. The subscriber will offer for sale by auction on Friday next 23rd Dec- ember et 7 o' loch; ir;°n , the balance of his stuck of Xurs, consisting of Seal and Persian' Lamb Cnpefi, Storm Collars and Seal Caps;\; all tor"'i/"otold without any reserve, There 1l alga be offered at this Sale a lottafohoots 1Xt ahoes, over shoes and Rublaers, CloAthh and Tweeds, and a choice lob q£ il''t%cr plated ware, and a beau fol representation of a Man of War, eleltitly fitted up and framed. C:tll and see this beautiful ornament. Remember the Store, 4 doors north of the post office. Exeter December 22nd 1892. J. W. BRODERICK urkish Dyes at theCentral o an assortment of per- rtieles suitable for X-mas presents. -31 u• i.urz'. Next week our carrier will present his patrons with the usual annual Christmas gree'.,ing, and hopes that the sine of the devil will be forgotten and forgiven. Second Lieut. H. L. Billings, No. 6 Co., 33rd Huron Batt-, Exeter, having left the limits, his name is removed from the list. John T. Westcott is likely to be appointed in his stead. I haye 9 only genuine Rubber Coats, regular selling price $3.25,will sell them for $2.25 each. This is a bargain, and don't miss it at J. P. Clarke's. At a recent meeting of the trustees of the Exeter School Board, Meseta Lutz, Fitton and Hueston tendered their resig- nation, which will cause the election of three more trustees to fill the vacancies. They will likely stand for re-election. At a meeting in Mitchell last week for the discussion of dairy matters, Mr. R. Clelland of Elma showed that some farm- ers iu his neighborhood, owners of 100 acres of land, had realized for milk deliv- ered at his cheese feetory last year over $600, while the average was about $500. We wish to firmly press upon the minds of those having occasion to do so the nee esaity of roistering births, marriages and deaths. Persona neglecting to comply with this law are liable to a fine of $20. Had it not been for the forethought of the town olerk, a number of residents would last year have each paid this amount into. the provincial treasury. Ttie very small sum received by the clerk does not warrant him in -hunting them up, and es it costa nothing for registry, we advise all persons to do so immediately. On Saturday afternoon Messrs, A John- ston and Geo. Snell were drawing hay. Mr Johnston was building the load, and Mr. Snell was Corking the hay. The lines were done up in the rings of the 'harness, and the animal in moving forward knocked the blanket off, which scared it, causing it to run away. After leaving Mr. Johnston, hay and waggon up an apple tree, the horse jumped a high picket gate, and run- ing along Huron and up Main street, it was stopped in front of McTavish's by coming in contact with several rigsand a, tie nosh. The animal was thrown to the ground and sustained serious injury. Dr. Minard's Liniment, Lumberman's )Fiend' Tennentwas called to dress the wounds.. County Board Examiners, Tho following candidates having suc- cessfully passed the prescribed examin- ations have been awarded third class teachers' certificates by the Huron County Board of Education :-Xetie Brown, Emily 0. Buchanan, Julia Casey Minnie Cooper, Victoria Cooper, Eva Chidley, Lydia Campbell,Martha Engler Mary Fee Birdie Graham, Alice G. Hawkins, Clara Jenkins Maggie Keefe, Nellie Medd, Minnie W Mackay, Annie McGregor, Annie Marshall, Sarah Mc- Leod, Annie May Ouelette, Maggie Porterfield, Maggie Roadhouse, Rachel Richardson, Martha Smillie, Ella Smith Bertha Scott, Emma M. Stephenson, Vida E. Thompson, Maggie M. Wilson, Violet V. Whiteside, Rolston Dunlop, James Drummond, James Elston, Wil- liam Henry Gundry, Thomas Gilmore, Edward Hill, BensonHamilton, Reuben W. Jewitt, Herbert Lawrence, Albert E. Moore, William J. Mitchell, James McEwen, Neil Reid Smith, Richard Smillie, Joseph Smillie, David S. Tod. S. P. HAILS, M. A. Sec of Board. Ask for Minard's and take CABLING BFtOS, 11 S. LANG'S11.00141B Market Square, Exeter. We supply in season, every hind of Implement used on a farm, in- cluding Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Drills, Cultivators, Etc., and all the Implements of the Massey -Harris Co's manufacture. On the removal of the Verity Foundry to Brantford we purchased a large quantity of plow:repairs at a low figure, which will be sold at a reduced price Also Special Agent for the VERITY PLOWS and Their REPAIRS. e haveithem in large quantities and can supply them at Factory prices. Poultry 4Poultry ! Poultry, Upon the opening of the season, about 2oth Nov. we will be prepar- highest pared to purchase any quantity of all kinds ot Poultry, at prices, Watch for instructions as to killing and dressing. Leamington adds 2 per cent. to taxes unpaid after Deo. 15. Five thousand dol- tars are still out, with $3,200 paid in. The Epworth Leagues of the Main and James street Meth churches held a union Temperance meeting on Tuesday evening in the Main st church. The following is the answer to the puzzle in your issue a few weeks ado 2 9 4 7 5 3 6 1 8 At J. P. Clarke's,the greatest bargain in Men's Eur Caps to hand this week, 12 only -sizes 7 and 7} -their regular prices were $3.00, $4.00, etc.; they will be sold for $1I.50 and $2.00 etc.,suitable for middle-aged men and older --Cape without peaks. • NOTICE -Notice is hereby given to the supportera of the Exeter Public School that the annual meeting will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 28th, at 10 a. m., in the town hall, for the purpose of transacting the business prescribed by the. 19th to the 24th eectlons of the Public School Act. J. GRiad, R. S -LANG r1•1=•02==.11 --s FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING. --My I xareroonr is packed full of furniture of ARGAINS- all the latest styles and finish, and at right prices. I have also a stock ot bam- boo work, fancy tables, eaeils, musicIN racks, all very suitable for:Christmas or I wedding presents, Remember also that I do a large business in the line of pic- ture framing- A large stock of mould- ings on hand. from 4c per foot upwards. Undertaking department upstairs. Com- plete stock always on hand. R. N. Rows, Main -at. Exeter. E. A. FoLLIcx's for Christmas goods -in the confection line. The season is here and we have prepared:for it. We have a large stock of Candy, as has ever been in Exeter, over one thousand lbs, in about one hundred varieties. All new goods, no old stock on hand. Every- body knows that sum is, cheap, conse- quently candy is cheap. Also a large stock of Florida and California oranges, figs, lemons, dates; grapes, bananas, cranberries, Spanish onions, sweet po- tatoes, nuts of all kinds. Follick s for bread, buns and cakes of all kinds. Or. ders for anything special filled on short- est notice. Wedding cakes a specialty. Wedding cake ornaments, boxes, silver pellets, and flowers, :ornaments for X-mas, Birthday and Christening cakes. Now we come to Oysters, either hot or cold; you may have them dewed, fried or raw ; Always fresh and good Balti- more Oysters. Remember the place, 'no other. Exeter, Dec. 21, 1892. Secy. .HARNESg, TRUNKS, VALISES, WHIPS,. RUGS, BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, ETC. AT John Treble's,: Main St NOTE A FEW PRICES : Half Fox Felt Boot, Grain, Felt Boot, Loose Socks, Grain, Men's Rubbers, Women's Rubbers, Misses' Rubbers, $2.00 2.25 0.50 0.30 0.25' Skilled Workmen are employed to manufacture the goods, and the best of material is used. Prompt attention given to all kinds of repairing. My Stock is well assorted and every customer is guaranteed satis- faction. The Prices mean a sale every time. Call and be convinced. JOHN TREBLE.. - Exeter. >: FREEThe Trnlrs willbe sentfrom ' now until the first of January 1894, for $1 Subscribe at once and get. Wood's block, apposite the post office. the balance .1 18921ree.