HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-12-22, Page 5AT CHAMPION CiTY. Shortens Ohristmae Blowout In the Spread { Eagle Theater. HERE were ser. eral unique fea- tures connect- ed with the ob- servation of one Christmas eve at Champion; City during the time that I was editing thq Clarion there, and, I may add,' hutting hair in' the then pre= vtillulg style, dealing in hided and pelts, lead' • ink' the choir, selling land, calling teeth with neatness and dis- etch, and otherwise making myself seful as well as ornamental. The Christmas tree was erected in a : Spread Eagle theater, and there the ride and chivalry of the settlement as- sembled at even -tide, and "bright the lamps shone o'er fair women and brave men," as I so appropriately remarked in the succeeding issue of. the Clarion. At the conclusion of the regular pro- gramme, which was interspersed with impromptu fits byBiekety Waditdns,the presents were distributed. I do not now remember the character of any of Ithe gifts except those in which I was personally interested. I distinctly re - 'call, however, that Col. Corkright, a !gentleman of the old school, who had taken exception to one of my editorial uttorances, hung a neatly written invi- tation on the tree for me to call at his 'office any time during the week and Lave nay nose pulled. I forgot to ac- cept, and three days later the colonel 'called on me and made his word good. Some eight months before, three san- ' uine souls in a neighboring town had formed a copartnership for the purpose 'of conquering the world anew with ,liver pills. They purchased a double column of advertising space in the Clarion for six months, paying therefor lin advance and pills. While their peculiar talents might have won them renown in the days of Alexander the Great, they were not ap- preciated in the degenerate present, and the pill syndicate collapsed in five weeks, leaving mo with several bushels of beautiful pills on !rand. As they were Homeopathic pills and had never been medicated, I won the gratitude of my subscribers without taking any ar iT O ei n y. :ye sir lw NO ou es- Ys ;t, . ox► CITRISTMAB EVE .AT ,y1,1PYON CITY. risks when I made each a Christmas gift of a box of pills. The entertainment concluded with the partial hanging of paralytic John Lanks by Dr. Slade. The physician had but just learned of the discovery by a Kansas City scientist of the efficacy of partial hanging as a remedial agent in the treatment of locomotor ataxia andaralysis. He recognized that the Chriamas eve entertainment offered an excellent opportunity for familiarizing the public with this method of treat- ment and at the same time providing them with a thrilling spectacle. Ac- cordingly, a temporary gallows was erected on the stage, and upon this poor Lanus was duly hanged while the lights were turned down to a yellow Laze. So realistic was this bit of acting that even the little children shouted their approbation. The expe'•iment was a signal success in every particular except that it seemed to exercise no beneficial effect whatever upon Mr. Lanks. Then we all went our several ways, feeling, as I also appropriately re- marked in the Clarion, that "it had in - indeed been good to be there." To P. MORGAN• Ito Had Nothing Lott. • First Footpad—There is no use tack- ling that fellow. Second Foodpad•—Wily? First Footpad—He's been buying Christmas presents all day.—Judge. BOLD DAYLIGHT ROBBERY. The Express ORtoe at Sarnia Plundered of $ 7,000 Belonging to Banks. SA,RNIA, Dec. 21,—Yesterday between 12 and 1 p. m., while Mr..,7as. McMahon, who has charge of the Canadian Express office, was at 'dinner, some one pried open the cellar door, came up to the office and opened the safe, and secured about $7,000 which was going east. The party who did the job could not be seen from the street, The safe has not a combination lock and there was a brass key found in the lock. The money belonged as follows: Mon- treal, $2,000; Commerce, $3,000; Traci. ers', $2,000. Only Too Willing. Generous Six-Year-Old—papa, there's a poor little cripple next door that hasn't any use of his arms. I'd, like to give him for a Christmas present some, of the things I got last year. Papa .(with tears of parental pride in his eyes) -So you shall, my boy—so you shall! Give him that niice.little drum ,A1int Mary sent you. -Chicago Tribune. ODDFELLOW S BLOCK. Clubbing Rates. THE TIMss and any of the following newspapers will be sent to any address from now to January 1st, 1894, for the prices mentioned TUE TIMES and Toronto Empire $1.75 THE Tares and Toronto Globe 1.70 THE Tiiu s and Toronto Mail L75 Txs TIMES and Toronto News 1.75 Tire Tmu s and London Free Press 1.75 TILE Tom and London Advertiser 1.50 Tarr Tines and Illustrated Buffalo Express 2.50 Till. Twos and the Family Herald and Weekly Star, including the Star Almanac '1.75 THE TIMES and The Farmer's;Snn L50 Any other paper not mentioned in the list at equally low rates. BIRTHS Baa.Nro2—In Granton, on the 15th inst., the wife of George Branyon of a daugh- ter. Rous son—In'Osborne, on the 14th Inst-, the wife of Arch. Robertson of a daugh- ter.. GAew CER—In Usborne, on the 14th inst., the wife of Robert Gardner, of a daugh- ter. MARRIED. LoNsnnouox--HoncIss,—By the Rev. Mr, Holmes, on the 14th inat„ W. E. Lona brough, of McGillivray, to Laura Hodgins of Parkhill.. GLSNN—MoFanr,al'E—Ica Stanley, on the 21th inat, at the residence of the bride's Parents 4th con. Mr, E. Glenn to Mise McFarlane, second daughter of Mr. James McFarlane, Bannrx—SuanseLL—At the residence of the bride's parents, Mitchell, on Wed- nesday, Doo. I4th, by the Rev, Dr. Cor. nigh, Mr. Louis A, Barley to Minnie R. youngest daughter of Mr. John Stlarsell Wocns—GEMGrr11ARDT,---At the residence of thebrido's father, on the 14 inst., by the Rev L. W. Diehl, of Clinton, Mr, Geo. Woods, reeve, to Mise Lena Gemeinhardt fourth daughter of Mr. A. Gemeinhardt, all of Bayfield. DEARINO--FINxnsnNE5—In Stephen, on the 21st inet, at the residence of thebride'e parents, by Rev Brand, Crediton Mr. W I3. Dearing of Exeter, to Mies Christens, second daughter of Mr, Matthew Fink - Winer Esc!, of Stephen. DIhD. Gruen—In Bid Web, onthe 10th just, Mrs, Grace, aged 80 years. WaLs0n—At Woodham, on Dec. 7, Wm, Walker, aged 56 years. T1loursoN—In St, Marys, on Deo. 9, Thomas Thompson, aged 54 years. SMITH—In St. Marys, on Friday, Decorahtr Oth inst, Matilda. wife of C. P. Smith, aged 31 years. WOOLDRIDGE—In Blanabard, on Friday, December 9th inpt, William Wooldridge, sr., aged 80 years 8 months and 15 days. 1V Ern—In Snowflake, So;tthern Manitoba, on Saturday, the 4th inat., Mary Ann. wife of the late. Daniel Neil, (formerly of McGillivary township) eged73 years. CATARBIIIN TUEHEAD is;undoubtediy a disease of the blood and as anal only a reliably purifier can ofi'oat n perfect cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best blood -purifier and it has a larger sale than any other medicine. Such success could not be won without positive merit. Flood's Pills puce constipation by restoring the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal. They aro the best family cathatio. Fenn Dons Colin A COIIOn.--Gentlemen —My little boy was troubled with a very bad cough and a lady friend:advised me to try Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. I got it at once and can truly say I did not give him more than three or four doses until his cough was gone. I have never been with- out it since as I find it the best for trouble- some coughs. Mits. J. S. Rum:, Glen iVilliama Ont. ABOUT ANNEXATION,—When dyspepsia invades your whole system and bad blood occupies a stronghold in your body the way out of trouble is to annex a bottle of 13. B.B. the best remedy for dyspepsia and bad blood and the only one that cures to stay cured. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley, Ind eat a :"I have been in a distressed condi- tion for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gone. I bad been doctoring Constantly with no re- lief. I bought one bottle of South Ameri- can Nervine; which done me more good, than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly personto nee this valuable and lovely rem- edy. A trial bottle will oonvinoe yon. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. aug. 14 C. C. RICHARDS 85 CO. I Kaye used your KINARD'S LINIMENT successfully in a serious case of oronp in my family. I consider it a remedy no one should be without. J. F.CIINNINOHAM. Special Cheap Sale of Furniture Gridley's Xmas Greeting With THE TIMES of chi s week we wish all our custom ers a Merry X-mas and a Happy New Year. BARGAINS. 25 pairs Men's Felt Overshoes at $1.10 50 prs Wom's " buckle .55 in sizes 3 and 4, 25 prs Wom's buttoned Overshoes 1,00 24; prs Men's plain Rubbers .50 25 prs Men's Clogs .85 25 prs Wom's Croquet Rubbers .35 25 prs Wom's Clogs, .25. 12 prs Misses' Carnival 1.25 These goods are in perfect condition and never before have the citizens of Exeter and surrounding country had such an offer. Therefore don't fail to see them. They will be sold for CASH only. Yours very truly, criavann CAUTION EAu111 PLUG OP. Myrtle Navy IS MARTCBID T&B. SN- 33 .0uvZ2i3 T+mTT mut$. NONE - OTHER - GENUINE Application painless and easy, relief immedi- ate, this preparatioc, .dila a great and long -felt wantamone those who suffer from Piles. It is a remedy of the highest merit—effective and reliable --and has more than met the antioipa. tions of those physicians who have used it in their practice. Tilekone le a Sure Gure when other remediee fail to relieve. Tostim- oniala furnished. Price $1. Per sale by drug- gists or by mail on receipt of prion. pandas ,Si Lond,n Manufacturing Chemist, 148 lAREET RETORTS. Exeter, Deo 21, 1892. Fall wheat porbusl- $ 68 Spring wheat per bush, 68 $ 60 Barloyper bush ,,,,.. 3o 35 Oats per bush• 26 Pons por bash - " • 62 Flour per bbt4 00 Apples per bag ........ 75 Potatoes per bag .....,,1 00 Hayper ton 6 Wooper cord hard 4 00 cod per cord soft 2 00 ti tor por lb... 18 Eggs por dozen 8 Pork per hundred „ 7 00 7 50 26 52 1 85 1 00 46 00 00 18 WANTED ! AT TIf13 Exeter Packing House 8NELL BROS & 00'Y Will pay the Highest Market prices for Dressed Hogs. All hogs bought subject tothe following rules :-2 lbs per cwt. off all hogs ; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck ; 3 lbs for bung gut or jollet if left in ; hogs to be cut through from tail to throat. SNELL BROS. & CO. THIa BEST YET ! TEE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET! Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen I leave your orders early, for with the bet staff of. Tailors; the best. stock of Fine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, you are aura of satisfac- tion HtUII BOtEIt'Il ! Helln Did You Get _ma I hat Staso4 di And that Splendid Hardware P At MoDONELL'S BJG SALE If you require anything in °or line, buy at once, and save money, for never" before. were such bargains offered. never: before. Old Stand, Exeter. McDONELL BROS Par"(0111"1111E Watch STORE. this space Next Week. R. S. RICHARDSON, PINE CIGARS, CIGARETTE, TOBACCO Brand Now Stec —JUST OPENED OUT AT THE --- PALACE GROCERY, (G A Iiyndman's Old Stand) Comprising Teas, Coffees, Spices. Baking Powders, Bird Foods, Starthes, Blues, Soaps, Brusihc' , Brooms, Pails, Raisins, Rica, Currants, Oatmea]a, Wheat Germs, Figs, Nuts, Dates, Oranges, Lemons, Peels Extracts, Fine Dairy Salt, Middle, Oys tors, Boneless Cod. Fish, Slscoes, and every thing kept in a General Grocery. Give us a call. G. A. HrNrornN, M. VINCENT, Manager. Proprietor, OYSTER PARLORS .NOW OPEN. •,a,� �•.l MAIL CONTE AOi.'' Scaled tenders addressed to the Postmaster General. will Pe xooeivod at Ottawa until noon on Fan) 1.37. , the 27th TAN UAR1,1593, for the conveyance of Her Majesty's Mail, on proposed. contracts for !four years from the 1st April next. 1• Between Zurich and Hensel!, and Honsan and the Railway Station, 12 and 2.1 tines per week. each trey respectively 2. Between Drysdale and I{ippen, 3 times Per week each ivay• Printed notices containing further inform- ation ss to conditions of nroposed con traots may bo seen and blank forms of Tender maybe obtained at the Post Offices along the respeot- fvo routes and at this office, Ii. G. HOPKIRE:, Post Office Inspector. Post Office inspector's Office t Stratford. 16th Dec. 1692. 5 3t The New Bakery A. _3AGSHAW, Wishes to announce that he has open- ed a Bakery and Confectionery Busi- ness in the stand lately occupied by E. A. Follick, north of the Post Office, and would respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. Bread, Cake Buns Fresh every day, and delivered to all parts of the town. OYSTERS & LUNCHES- . served at all Hours. Having engaged as Foreman baker, Mr. B. C. McKAY of London I shall by using the best grades of Flour, and pure Hop Yeast, so highly recommend- Do you want a cd by the Medical fraternity for its nutritious and dtgestible = qualities, be enabled to turn out by far the best bread in town. Wedding, Birthday, and other cakes a specialty. Oysters and Lunches at all hours. dl -tt A. BAGSHAW. ' ' t OURS 18 NOT A BANKRUPT STOOK, But a large and well -selected Stock of Bright New Goods which we are selling below so-called Bankrupt prices. An inspection of the Stock and a com- parison of prices will tell the tale. We carry everything in the Hardware line --light and heavy. 00532312EDIOIM ,dd O,f,.f l.,�uf.INTcrri. AH�STTN S, BARBETi, FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. As you pass by en the Main street And have sour hair and whiskers trimmed At flasting's Barber shop, Wo aro tbo lightning barbers, Wo do our work with caro. Wo always keen our razors And shears in good repair, Wo have the very finest styles of„chairs. We keep our towels clean. We shampoo in the bust of sy1e And use the easy hair machine. Some barbers work so slowly, Bat this Is our text: We do not keep you waiting, Your turn is always"next." next." As for the ladies and children, We do their work tip-top, Wo shingle their hair and trim their bangs At IIasting's Barber shop. NEW GOODS For Christmas Are continually arriving, among which are found the following extra good lines : LADIES' SHOPPING BAGS, ,Ladies'and Gents' Calling Card Cases Ladies' Money Bags and Purses, Wallets and Pocket Books, Plush and Leather Cases, Music Portfolios, Writing Portfolios, Plush tG Leather Albums THE LATEST TEST NOVELS, Dolls, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, An:l s:>:n1thiun very superior in the following lines : Bibles, Bibles and Methodist Hymns combined, Methodist Hynin Books, Bibles andPresbyterian Hymns combined, English Church Prayer and Hymnals, And will have the finest display of Xmas and New Years Cards ever shown in Exeter. We would advise purchasers to call early and pick out -presents, and have them put away until wanted. J. 'W. BROWNING 1 money SAVED byBuy- PLANI G- I ML LUMBER YARD ing at cur Wo keep constantly on hand a large stock of 811 kinds of building materials. Dressed or un- dressed pine and hemlock lumber, also a choice stock of No. 1 pine lath. Our stook of doors. sash, blinds, rnouidings. itWe complete alel On 000 XXannddXXX PINE and CEDAR SHIINGLES manufaoturedby the best maim -sin Ontario. Tanks and cisterns. all shapes and sites,made to order at lowest prices. Wo have something newin this lino for watering cattle lathe stable or barnyard.. Every woman uaincelebratedtroomm©ngde tL m highly. Turing,hand,scrollsawing, and all kinds of machine work promptly attended to. !twill be to your interest to examine om stook before purchasing elsewhere. ROSS & TAYLOR, Main. Street Th reeFeints NOTE WELL. C' We have had the Experience, expenience that at- tention to business, close prices and proper fits, aro the main factors in our business. Prorn,etitude. redeWitheming this ;Let! imprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors especially, namely I putting off until next week what should have been done this. 'Satitsfaction,This is a nice looking word,but to carry out its meaning is difficult to some. We glory in word and the way it is exemplified in our shop. We guar- antee satisfaction every time in all res - Ipects. 1f you want a suit, a coat, vest or pair of pants, give us a call and be convinced that what we have said is true. • .. ESMEN WANTED. mom To sell our unexcelled Nursery Stook. Steady employment and control of terri tory. Have done business in Canada 35 years. Liberal pay to the Tight man, o I Send f r terms CHASE BROS & CO. Colborne Ont. CANNOT an Dnvinn,-The ourative influ- ence of the pine in lung d;sec osis every- where admitted and when combined with other effective pee'oral, remedies as Dr.. Wood's Norway P e, Syrup the ai'ects doubly' ben,=fieal. No ease of cough, colds two= o.ritis or ltoarre es Oan resit the heal i n pea ers of Dr. Wco l': No way Pine Syrup 25 aub 50eat druf gists, tlT�� . JOHNS. PIANO, ORGAN, BICYCLE, SEWINGI R ToN MACHINE, BOYS' & GIRDS' TRICY CLES, :EXPRESS WAGONS? 90,00 - i• Great inducements in Dry— c"" �4 Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. If you want the best goods, the great- est variety, and low prides coma to Doupe's Store. 5 STRICTLY aeon OnADF. ALL MADE OF THE DES? STF_^L' A.IO WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR �t ULN,UU ACTURED eY The tL•'�R 1 o h� Fps yL �Co. Ltd, F*RA/IfTf'ORD, ONT. .., .r1 for, Catalogue If you do, the place to got rho most reliable goods at a modern price is at PIIRKFNS ,k MARTIN'S, dealer' in Musical Instrunients, Sewing Machine supplies. etc. All kinds of farm implements sold on a mar gin over cost. Agentsfor the celebrated Chat. ham Wagon. PERKINS & MARTIN, Panson's Block. ELEGANT DRY -GOODS, [Fine Flannels and Woollens, Cold wea- ther Dry -Goods never so good and, never so cheap. Wo stand at the top in style, quality I•and variety, ' And all can roach' our prices. All are invited to the Bargains that we give,. Business increasing all the tine. I DOUPE & GO.