HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-12-15, Page 7a luesmarresmeeremusineena Established in i877 THE WEEK'S NEWS. Condensed for Times' Readers, Eyerything in Brief: Et. B. O') EXL, BANKER, EXETER, - ONT. Transacts a goneralbankinabusineve. Receives the #Accounts of Merchants and others on favorable terms O.fferr every accommodation ooneistent with safe and oonservative banking prinoiples.1 Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts isa'hed payable at any o43oe of tho Merohante Bank. NOTES DISCOUNTED, and MONETTO LOAN ON NOTES and MORToAoES. Bite nilly Minos. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15tb, 1892. Stephen Council. Council met on Dec. 5th. All pres- ent. Minutes read and ;approved, J. Sheritt—Eilber—that F, Weurth attend to Mr. Greb's case. Mr. A. Brown is requested to attend next council meet- ing to explain the circumstances of T. Clarke's statute labor. Resolved that the council at their next meeting take up the requisition of G. Brown of Cen- tralia, and if advisable, pass a resolution calling on engineer. Resolved that the following persons be D. R. Officers for municipal election for 1893 Division 1 Wm. Baker, S.Housel " 2 0. Brown, " 6 `• 8 0. Prouty, T. Hall 4 4 H. Doyle, Halls 0, " 5 P. MoKenzie, Reitzmanag. ae 6 C.H.Wilson, S.l evejl0 " 7 J. Mollard, After passing the following orders,the council adjourned to meet again Thurs- day, 15th inst.: T. Cotter, ditching S.B. $10; G. Brown, error in assessment, $178; J. Carroll, cul S. B„ $3; H. Doyle, ditch lat S. R, $2; W. klan1ers, ditch, $2; A. Birk, gravel contract, $40 80; C. Stocly, gravel, $2 56; S. Sanders, gravel, $11'8 68; L Hodgins, rep pick, 90c; A. Campbell, ditching,$2; W. a n '[ ivsor, gravel, $10 78; J. Allister keep of Eagleson, $10; Mrs Newcombe, n$9; Mr Campbell, gravel, $13 75; N. McLellan, cul, $325; Murner Co., spikes, $150; M. Hoffman, nom,18 50; S. Morrison, bal contract, $10; Sharron and others, W. B., $73 49; John Kerr, 13. Reitz, $3 80; London Foundry, $4 55 H. Smith, rep, $5 40; Mr Gratto,apikes $2 57; J. Winkenwedor, gravel, $2812; S. Schweitzer at Co, lumber, $33 16; T. Shapton, corn, $4; W. Thompson, cul, $5; T. J. Amey, rep cul, $3; J. Hea- mau, rep road, $21 75; J, R. Essay,rep 13, $1 50; R. Barry, rap S. L, $2; J. McCarthy, rep S. B, $5 14; D. Sutton, lumber, $13 72; W. Jones, rep cul S. B, $2 50; W, Huston, gravel, $41 37; I. Tetreau, bridge, $30 30; L 1lo11rns, gravel, $68 02; A. Clarke, corn, $90 75; M. Morlook, oul 2d, $2 ; F. Trobner, rep, $1 26; AL Porelleu, help, $5; W. Goeser, corn, $8; F, Heist, tile, $2 97; W. Nairn, com,$8 75; J. Barrie, rop road, $1; W. Coatz, gravel, $3 35; Baker and others, 21st, $55; G. Webb and others, Sha. S. R, $15 25; G. Ford gravel, $32 13; T. Follis, gravel, $77 15 J. Fenwick, rep N. B, $2; C. Kuhn, tile, $2 G0; J Mallard, cul 22nd, $5 ; J. Young, drain, $0; H. Essery, gravel contract, $52 50; 0. Brown, rop town hall, $1; T. Lamport, contract, $40; G. ',swami, coni, $44 75; J. W. Anderson, gravel con, $26; J. Ford, com, $5 62; 0. Prouty, expenditure N. B, $56; J. 0 ,• Lawson �, ravel C. Eilber R, W..7 15; H. L er insuring hall, $8 50; Page do Co. grat el, $46; R. Hamilton, ref D. T, $1; A. Gratto, dog tax, $1; '1'. Hayton, rep B, $1 50; J. Brenner, do, 50c; A. Wilson, D. S. B, $10; J.B. Hodgins, com,$3 75 C. Eilber, tile drain, $2; S. McCoy, D. tax, 1891, $1; Municipal World, $1. C. PROUTY, Clark. • ♦s. e A PROMINENT LAwrsa SAvs:—"I have eight children, every one In good health, not one of whom bot has taken Soott's Emulsion, in which my wife has boundless confident) e." A. verdict of "found dead"wan_ r000rdod by a coroner's jury en the body of the in- fant found on the road at Stratford last week. THE BEST BLOOD PCRIBIEa.—Thomas White, P. M., River Joseph, Que., writes:— "Having used Dr Williams, Pink Pills, I find that they are undoubtedly the best blood purifier and reooustructor of a weak- ened and debilitated constitution that can be found." Beware of substitutes and im- itations. From dealers or by mail, poet paid. at 50o. a box or eiz boxes for 82,50. Dr. Williams' Med. Co., Brookville, Ont. .A. vote of the Perth County ratepayers will be taken in January.'on the question of establishing a House of Refuge. .e 8 Do You Owe For Your Paper ? The plica of THE TIMES is $1 a year in advance, Look at the date on your label this week, and see that your name is marked well in advance, 8O" No paper is discontinued until all ar- rears aro fully paid,exoopt at the option of the publisher. The date when the subscription :ex- pires is on the address label of each paper, the change of which to a subse- quent date becomes a receipt of remit- tance. Subscribers will please examine their label before and after making a remittance. ;Chatham has 65 U.,a. pensioner.. gnat! shooting eloees to -borrow, $200 have been paid by Brantford hotel keepers in three months in pollee bond Ilnee. Do not suffer from sick beadacbe, a mo- ment longer. It is not aeeeseary. Carter's Little Liver Pills will mire you. Dose, one little pill. Small prion, email dose, Small pill. 'viy friend look beret you know how weak your wife is, and you know that Car- ter's Iron Pills will relieve her, new why not be fair about it and buy a box, We do not know of any preparation has caught the pnbllo 11EVer in so short a time Dodd's Kidney Pills but trhenwe oonefder that of the Canadian people are afflicted with kiduey troubles in sem way orranother and that Dodd's Pills are a quiek and per- manent cure for all these troubles, the large and increasing demand oan rearoaly bo won- dered at Sold by all dealers or by mail on receipt of price, 50 °eats per boa. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co, Toronto. McDonnell teller of the Bank of Montreal it Stratford was granted leave of absence and sails for England in a day or two. Tho joints and muscles are to lubricated by Hood's Sarsaparilla that all rheumatism and atiftnese soon disappears. 14,, and 1M1xe. John Siddle received the congratulation ..f many Mende on the m- enden of their golden wedding, Wednesday. The aged couple have lived in Downie and Stratford for 46 years and came to Canada in 1636. Tnsxu's MANY A Star—Now that winter has Dome, .many horses and cattle will be injured by slipping, A atrain causes a lameness which if properly attended to from the stark will soon be eared, but it kit a hard substanoe often forms over a joint and serioua blemish results. Dick's Lleitnent should bo applied as noon as any lameness is shown, while if a Spavin Curb or Ringbone has already formed it, it can be cured with Dick's Blister. Get Dick's it coats only 50 ole. Bohemia Wilktneon, of Brownevalley, Ind soya :—"I have been in a distressed condi. tion for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gone. I had beau doctoring constantly with no re- lief. I bonght one bottle of South Ameri- can Norvine; which done mo more good thou any $50 worth of doctoring I eves did in my life. I would advise every weakly personio use this valuable and lovely rem. tidy. A trial bottle will eonvinoe you. Sold by 0 Lutz, Druggist. ' tag. 11 0. 0. Ittoi anus & CO. I Bayo used your MINARD'S .LINIMENT sucoeesfnlly in a eerione ease of croup in my tamily. 1 ooneider it a remedy no one should be without, Dashwood. (Too late for lad week) BRIERS—At the semi-annual bueinese meeting of the Y. P. A. the following officers were elected : Pres., Mies M. Snell; Vico Pres., Mr. Henry Guenther; Reo. Soo., Mr. John E. TJoffman; Cor. Sec.. Mr. Louis Staubus; Trona.. Miss Ida Cook; Organist, Mise F. Snell; Lib- rarian, Mr. M. Cook. The Alliance numbers now from 35 to 40 members.— Rev. M. L. Wing of Berlin conducted quarterly meeting services in the Evan. gelical church here on Sunday.—Mr, and Mrs. F. Kibler of Zurich wore in our village last Sunday.—On Tuesday of last week Mr, Zimmer of the Bronson Line was married to Miss Welsh. The happy couple will reside on tiro Bronson Line. Monthly Prizes for Boys and Girls' Tho"Sunlight"Soap Co„ of Toronto, offer thefollowing prizes every month till further notice, to boys and girls under 16, residing in the Provinoo of Ontario, who send the greatest number of "Sunlight." wrappers : 1st $10. 2nd, $6 ; 3rd $3 ; 4th $1 ; 5 th to 14th a handsome book ; and a pretty picture to those who sand not less than 12 wrappers. Send wrappers to "Sunlight" Soap Office. 43Scotts hoot. Toronto not later than 21th of each month, and marked a°mpotition; also give full name, address, age and number of wrapper,. Winners' names will be publietadte Toronto Mail on first Saturday in oaoh month. A. HASTING'S, BARBER, FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. As yeu pass by on the Main street Just for a moment atop. And have your hair and whiskers trimmed At }lasting's Barber shop. Wo are the lightning barbers, Wo do our work with Dare. We always koeo our razors And shears in good repair. We have the very finest styles oftohaire. We keep our towels Olean. We shampoo in the best of syle And use the easy hair machine. Some barbers work so slowly, But this is our text: Wo do not keep you waiting, Your turn is always "next." As for the ladies andehildren, Wo do their work tip-top, We shingle tbeir hair and trim their bangs At Hastiva's Barber shoo. RHEUMATISM RHEUMATIC rates NEURALGIA and kindred diseases are ducat° oongestion of the blood vessels that produce fermon Wien, resulting in acids: If tho blood does not oiroulato in flommation in time must he the inevit- able result. Tho aur ative Absorbent is one of the most pow- erful blood Rhesus lents known. It sties unites the blood to action, res tonne the circulation. That once established dis- ease must pease. Canadian Otto%, LONDON. ONT AIJESIKEN WANTED. WWII To sell our unexcelled Nursery Stock. Steady employment and control of terra tory. Have done business in Canada 35 dears. Liberal pay to the right roan. Send for. terms. CHASE BROS & CO Colborne,, Ont. IMPORTANT NOTICES.. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Berkshire Boar (large breed) for ■ervtoe on lot 15,eon 7, Usbsrne. Bred from let price stoek. Terms $1, WM SNELL. iJ ERKSHIBE BOAR FOR SER 1." VICE. Two Berkshire Boars:for 'sale ; also a,Pitt's Horse Power, nearly new. TSYMAB RDBBSLL, Riverside Farm, Thames !load, Usborne•- 061m. BOAR FOR SERVICE. A tboro'bred Berkshire Boar for service, on lot 2, con 1, Stephen (near Centralia.) Bred from Delbridge's Stock. Terme $1, dt-2m W;r. HU%TABLE, Prop RAILS FOR SALE. The undersigned has for sale 10,000 bleak ash rails, which will be sold cheap. JOHN SOUTHCOTT, Lot 18. eon l0, Stephen. Dashwood P. 0. kJ STRAY. Came into the premises of the undersigned lot 13, eon. 9. Usborne. on or about 20th Oet. a white yearling heifer. Owner can have the same by prestos property and paYingsexpense WM.CLARKE. W iuehelsea P.0, • ,ESTRAY SHEEP. Came into the premises of the undersigned, 1016. con 2. Usborno. one ewe,on or obout Nov. 12,18:)2. The owner is requested to prove pro- thirty, ro- d8 lm pay expenses and HICKS. Exeter animal P 0. ESTRAY. 1 Strayed from lots Nos. 3 and 8, 1st con of Iliddulph, two White Sows, one. weighing 250 the other 125 lbs. or thereabouts- Any infor- mation as regards their whereabouts will bo favorably received by 51 2t J.iI3EZ SHORT, enntralia P. 0: 1711ARM FOR SALE. Barna lot 10, con;14, South Boundary of Mb- bort, flb .bort, containing 100 acres of first-olass soil. A. bank barn 120 x 55, part brink. and part frame. \Ve11 fenced, good water in fine wells : iv sores of bush, 90 acres cleared. Ono mile from post- °tfloo. and convenient to school. Will bo sold for $6,000. ono -half down. balance to salt pur- abaser at 5i per Dent. Immediate .possession given. Apply to N10 -2m RElliimvilte, P.,0 NOTICE. .i. ;\otloeis hereby given that anplicatien will be made to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario. at the nee: acs -fan thereof for an Aot nuth,+rizing the 'Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron. to issue debentures for the purpose of tho said tomootissued for thepurposo of aiding the London. Huron k Bruno Railway and accruing duo on the 25th day of July. 1893. LSW1S 'H, DICKSON Solioitorfor Applicants, Dated at Exeter, the 24th November. .A.D„189] s 1114 -it !arm$' Attcn1n! PRICE LIST FLOUR Zurich S. B. $ 2.10 Family Choice 1.75 ” Pastry 1.90 Myers' Royal Spice (per cwt.) 6.00 SHORTS (Per cwt) 0.75 BRAN " 0.60 All orders of ton lots or over filled on shortest notice. Orders in the village delivered prom- ptly and satisfaction guaranteed. R. S. RIC HARDSON, Opposite Town Hall. Manager. KIRKTON Great inducements in Dry– Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. If you want the best goods, the great- est variety, and low prices come to Doupe's Store. ELEGANT DRY -GOODS, Fine Flannels and Woollens, Cold wea- ther Dry -Goods never so good and never so cheap. We stand at the top in style, quality and variety. And all can reach our prices. All are invited to the Bargains that we give. Business increasing all the time. DOUPE & CO. RE MOVAL pp��jj I U ��1t�� BAKERY W� tai & Confectonery We have this week removed to our new premises, In WOOD BROS.' BLOCK, Where, in addition to our already (nicely as- sorted stook of carrals;s, 3i`R'UTIT CON Si EICTI03\T3x7R'Y, We have opened the finest display over seen i0 the County. Call and see us ; eyorybody welcome. Oysters 6- Lunckes, In the best style. We make a specialty of Wedding Cakes end carry a large stock of Wedding Con- fectionery ; also wedding cake boxes.; While we return thanks to our many customers for past favors, we solicit a con- tinuenee of their patronage and invite that of others. E. A. POLI ICK. THE GOODS ARE GOING PAT ourt PIVICES WILL ea TL you YOU ARE ALI, INVITED To McDONELLS' SLAUGHTER SALE Of STOVES, HARDWARE, TINWARE, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS In fact,t,everything"('�]in the Stock—whichAis first-class,—will besold a'ta COST. POSITIVELY EL _E._ AT AND Having purchased, at the lop. rate of 49 cents on the dollar, The 3p1 STOCIKof SICS3ETT MILOS. We will for the next 30 days Slaughter the Goods. If you require anything in our line, buy at once, and save money, for never before were such bargains offered, Bissett's Old Stand, Exeter. MoDONELL BROS. t Do you want a r PIANO, OB,GAN, BICYCLE, SEWING MACHINE, BOYS' & GIRLS' TRICY- CLES, .EXPRESS WAGONS? Our $8000 eq 6 STRIOTLY 111011 GRADE. ALL MADE OF THE BEST STEL AND WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR tiAaUPAOTURCO Cr( C.l lte Goold Bicycle Co. Ltd, 6 Rr3ld TFORD, ONT Setid for Catalogue If you do, the place to get the most reliable goods at a modern price is at PERKINS k MARTIN'S, dealers in Meeical Instruments, Sewing Machine supplies, etc. All kinds of farm imulementasold on a mar sin over cost. Agents for the celebrated Chat ham Wagon. PERE.INS & MARTIN, Faneon'e Bleck, V!!J 11I2011I91 LEM ��DVi'�Rf `8 T 0 R E Cobbledick & Follanc. Ravin; lately purchased the Stock and Good -will of M 3, N. Howard, and added largely to the Stock, they have now the hest equipped and largest Hardware and Tinware Establishment in the County. They sell whole- sale and Retail, and carry BUILDERS' MATERIALS, ETU. BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES, ETC., CARRIAGE MAKER'S GOODS, ETC., STOVES, TINWARE, BICYCLES, andeFerythingin SMALL HARDWAB LARGEST STOCK OF NAILS in the COUNT] GET THEIR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY. House cleaning time is upon us. Use Alabasline for your walls a ceilings. They have the genuine thing only, in an improve," for You can mix it yourself with cold water. They have all the til Call and see their fine store, fine stock and fine prices. 0O33L XC s. 4 FOLLA,IsT Money SAVED bu r in,q at our PLANING MILL And LUMBER YAl New Dining Room Is Auv Horse 1 Worth $20 at Osborne Cost 5100,000 We frankly confess that wo are un- able to furnish a dining room to cost that sum, but what is probably of more interest to the young men of lofty hopes and slim purse, aspiring to matrimony, wo are able to furnish you not a dining room only, but a whole house with really handsome and well -made furni- ture for $99,000 less than what the Queen's dining room cost. We can even furnish you a com- fortable little home for less than. that. Come and see what we can do for you S. GIDLEY. Oddfellows' Bleak The New • Bakery A. BAGSHAW Wishes to announce that he has open- ed a Bakery and Confectionery Busi- ness in the stand lately occupied by E. A. Follick, north of the Post Office, and would respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. . • Bread, Cake 86 Buns Fresh every day, and delivered to all parts of the town. OYSTERS & LUNCHES served at all hours. Having engaged as Foreman baker, Mr. B. 0. Mc AY, of London, I shall by using the best grades of Flour, and pure Hop Yeast, so highly recommend- ed by the Medical fraternity for its nutritious and digestible qualities, be enabled to turn out by far the best bread in town. Wedding, Birthday, and other cakes a specialty. Oysters and Lunches nit all hours. 51-tf A. BAGSHAW. English Spavin Linimeut remvoes al hard, tort or calloused Lumps and Blemel ishes from horses, Blood Spavin,Curbs. Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Ooughe. oto. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War anted the most wonderful: Blemish0ure' er known, Sold by O. Lutz.29•1y DICK'S BLOOD PUR IFFIER, DICK'S BLISTER 60o. DICK'S OINTMENT >ICK'S LINIMENT 950. IF HE IS NOT HEALTHY & SOUND Every'aliimal thas is worth keeping over winter should :have WICK'S BLOOD) PURI- FIER in the spring. It will take less food to keep them in condition Thoy will sell better. A horse wilt do more work. DICK'S II0119E and CATTLE MEDICINES ARE Tun BEST IN TE! WarLD. Send a postal card fer full partioulars. and a book of valuable household and farm recipes will be sent free, DICK & CO. P 0 Box 462, M0NT13EAL 592 ly Sold Everywhere. Three Points! NOTE WELL. experience We have had the expenience that at- tention to business, close prices and proper fits, are the main factors in our business. Promptitude. r deeminigsf at- ure imprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors especially, namely putting off until next week what ahould have been done this. SatisfactionThis is a nice • lookingword,but to carry out its meaning is difficult to some. We glory in word and the way it is exemplified in our shop. We guar- antee satisfaction every time in all res- pects. Iftyou want a emit, a coat, treat or pair of pants, give us a call and be convinced that what we have amid is true, O' NS. DOCS COTTON ROOT COMPOUND. A repent diseorery 1 an old physician. ,pureaeeseeilyue- ed monthly by Amanda of Leone. Is the only perfect- ly safe and radiable medicine discovered. 'Beware of un- principled druraists who offer inferior medicines in oleos tacos Ask . fer Coox'e Coteox 1100E (. OMPOOND.talce no substitute ; or Inalore $1 and 4 three -cont Canada postage stamps in letter. and we will send, sealed, by return mail. Full sealed' particulars in plain envelope. to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pond Lily company No s"Father Block 131 Woodward Detroit Alia. Sold in Exeter by 0TZ'C Lal Deng Store and all dealers •Te We keep oonataatly on hand a largo stoop .11 kinds of building materials. Dreseedor dressed pine and hemlock lumber, also a oh stocker No, 1 pine Iatk. Our stook of doors. sash. blinds. mouldl ke. is complete and thorough kiln dried. We offer for sale l.=00,000XX. and XXXP and CED AR SHINGLES manufactured b7J bestmakorain Ontario. Tanks and cisterns, all ;lapel and sizes.: to order at lowest pricer. w o have lomat newin this line for Watering settle tithe al or barnyard. Call and see our celebrated Baltic$ livery woman using them reeurnmenda 1 highly. Turning,band, sorollsawing, and all kin maohino work promptly attended to. It will be to your interest to examine stook before purehasing elsewhere. ROSSI& TAYLOR, Main Str READ THIS : 'MIDST ALL BLOW AND BLUSTL R. N. R 0 W Still takes Lend in the �' urniture dosine W e are too busy to call on peopl need of Furniture ; but please dre our Warerooms and see our Stock we will try to suit you in this line. Ordered Fork Neatly -Done on Short n Remember we have ales a hand. line of Un,der'taking Good llways on hand, and 11 calls ine will be promptly a' ':ended t satisfaction guaranteed every t� . Store—Next to Molsons Bank, E\': ROBT. N. R O 'l A Combination High Quality&Loi' n This is the condition of affairs us as regards Footwear of every der tion, Prices within the reach of al now is the time to buy BOOTS cts SHOES, SLIPPERS, RUBBERS, In ordered boots and shoes- we every satisfaction, For first. elan a nd first class workmanship we. lea Repairing neatly and quickly dor' right prices. A call will convince that the beat place to buy is at lrwhere. LU car Q. lifiANSOZ