HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-12-8, Page 1inn
VOL. XX. NO. 15.
PIrbil sber and Proprietor"
e._ . _ .....
ust Alll rived
The Cheapest Line Of
Four Goads ever brought
11v0 Exeter, •
Hating secured a huge ,consignment
'these foods at
re will give the people of this vicinity
le advantage of our *lase buying, For
ie next few weeks we will oiler Ladies'
torin Collars, Ladies' Boas and Muffs,
a rices bound to sell them.
p r
The best value in Children Lamb
teas in the trade.
Came and get the fust ohoice o£ those
Goods. We are also offering anything
1 the Dry Goods line at the lowest cash
rice and wilibe p leased to show you
lrougll our Store.
ihTo truulrle to show floods.
Liieur .
BaIEPs-lift J,.lin Cameron is at present
very eiok.-The marriage fever is going to
be very eontageous this reinter about And-
mon. It is even reported that some are
seriously attaoked at present. - Revival
meetinve are being carried cn at Salem
ehurob, 4th ►iue, this week. They have
a considerable amount of good tens
far, -Missionary sermons will be preached
here an Sunday next by ;Rev Williams of
Luean.-Mtas Annie Switzer is at present
complaining of a lingering disease. -A large
number of aur ponug people spent last
Monday evening on the 8th fine, at their
annual tea meeting,
U sborne Council.
The comma tact c n the 3rd loaf„ pursu•
$Itt to adjournment. Alt the members
present. The minutoe of previous meeting
were read and approved.
The clerk laid before the council the re-
port of the Board of Health.
Halls-Kvdd--Ghat the report of the
B e sin ua inard of altto h be oebe pard,-ived and t expen, •Dau
g $26--.
Shier -Lydd -that a hereae the Board of
Health has recommended -the council to
appoint Dr. 'Thompson eledioal Health
Officer of the township in place of Dr.Irving
resigned, resolved that the recommendation
be approved, and that the clerk be author.
ized to prepare a by-law appointing Dr.
Tttompson of Kirkton as Medical Health
Officer of this munioipality,-Carried.
Halla-Kvdd-that Ilia nomination lar
reeve feud cnuucillora to serve in the Muni-
oipality of Usboree for 1893. be held in the
township hall, Elimvitle, on Monday, the
26th day of December, 1892, at the hour of
10 o cloak, a. m„ for reeve, and 12 o'clock
noon foe councillors • teat G. W. Holman
preside at said nomination, and in ease polls
be demanded, they be held as (follows: S.
W. Ward, at township hall, Elitnviile, G.
W. Holman, 11 O; N. W Ward, Lot 0, S.T.
R, Geo Love, D' Be 0; S. E. Ward, Lot 2,
oon 10, L. Walker, D, ft. 0; N. E. Ward,
Gardiner's Hall, Farquhar, A, Duncan, D.
B. 0; tbat said pales be opened at 0 o'clock
a. m, and oleo at 5 u'olook p. m , Monday,
the 2nd day of January, 18b3, and that the
clerk duly advertiselbe semie and that a
by law be drafted in accordance therewith.
thefts--Cameron-that the following a0•
counts for abeep tilled by doge, being two.
thirds value of claim, be paid : 'Thomas
Coward, 512; R. Rammer, ee.-Varried.
Cameron -Shier - that A. Carmiobaol
receive 57 for clothing, and T. Brimanombo
$8 for keep of A. Carmichael, indigent,-
9hior-Cameron- that Sire, Stimpson
receive $5 for relief, -Carried,
The following or Mower() granted, viz •:
Board of IIeattll, services for 1892, w2G 50;
Ohne Monteith,gravel and damages, $16 90;
G. Armstrong, gravelling, eve; L. Hunter,
dtr,$12; S, Cornish, do, $10; R. Jones, do,
57 rte W, Balman, rep bridge, thio W.
Horton, 0u1, $7; A. Oole, cutting thistles,
$2; e. Stewart, rep rand, $a; T. Tort.,
gravel, $1.. 30; R^ ?same, gravel (our halt)
516'11; do, gravel, $8 38: J. Weber, gravel-
ling, $20 50; J, A Dempsey, drain, 83; J.
I{orrlako, gravel and damages, 517 S0; P.
Case, undordrnin (our half), $2 15; do, do,
$3; W. Mitchell, ravel, e3 30;J. Fitz er-
ald, da, °v4 40; R. Ball, do, $7 44; T. ,Har-
tont do, 56 70; 3. O'Mara, underdrain (oar
hall), $2; M. Samson, keep of J. Hewitt
and wife, $13; S, Saef, gravel, damages,
work in pit, $42 70; do, mol and 6 in the
drain, 53 60; 3 T. Atkinson, cul and under
drain our half), $1 751 Abray &s Edwards,
county bridges, 5192; Mrs Beer,gravel,
55 94; G.Godbolt gravel, demagog, work in
n ,
pit, 458 45; C. Godbatt, 3 underdrains, 88;
J Welsh, gravelling, $-0; W. Either, do,
8251 11 Eioks, do, 590; W. Balmau, do,
510 50; R. Dope. gravel, $12 50; W. Kirk,
$22 65; W Wiseman, do, 53 95; Abray
& Edward,, lamber, 514 88; W. Brook,
uuderdrain, 52; S. Ford, do, 53; R. Herd-
mnu, gravel, 1153 45; Stephen & Ueberne
Agr, Society grant, 425; J. Moir, gravel
and damages, 528 30; B. Cann, grarel,
816 55; J. Wood, gravel and damages,
$7 90; R. 11icCord , gravelling, 525; W.
Stewart, gravel and work in pit, 540 35; R.
Remmer, sheep 'killed by dogs, $4; Mrs.
Sampacn relief, $5; T. Coward, aces
, , P
Jelled by dogs, ale; G. Coward, gravelling
$7 5'); W Quinton, tile underdrains, $2 10;
A. Darman, nails. 40e; J. Polon, opening
ditch on T. R, , $2 50; S. Passmore, 3 In
tile vnderdrain, $2 75; Mrs Bear, gravel
and work in pit, 56 16; W. Campbell, haul
10 yds gravel, $4; J, McCurdy, breaking
atone, $2; W. Bray, eul and cleaning Water
$5; J. Stewart; grave], 89 04; E.
Stone, gravel and work in pit, $18 20; W.
Gilfillan, gravelling, 58 5 50; J. Kay, gravel-
ling, cutting thietlee 518; A. Robson, break
g +
ing stone and cutting ihistlee, $3 50; G.
Coward, gravelling, 57 50; T. Paeamore,do,
l6 J, Stewart, do 810 J. Cottle cutting
516; , , , , g
thistles. 51. 45; J. Cann, gravel, 54; A.
Turnbull, 2 underdrains, � 50; T. Pass-
more, cul and hauling lumber, 52; A. Car
michnel, clothing, 57; T. Brimaeombe,keep
of A. Carmichael, 58; R. Monteith, gravel-
ling. 510; J. Ogden, breaking stone, 52: T.
bI Kay, services se reeve, 550; W. Kvdd,
cervices as de ut reeve, 540;J. ?della
services as oonncillor, 510; J. Shier, do,
510; T. Cameron, do, 540; J. & D. Woods,
gravel and damages, $28; G. W. Holman,
salary. postage, :stationery. 5115; T, Veal,
nervines as carttaker, $5; T. Coates, gravel,
Shier-Kvdd-the council adjourned to
meet again Thursday, the 15th Deo. at 2
o'clock p m. Geo. W. Horntav, Clerk.
l3RlEF$-ylr. A. BOSS of the 12th op. was
thrown from a stone boat the other day
against a wire fence, sustaining several
severe outs. -Mr. !Daniel Carey, clerk in
Mr, Pomeroy's store, went to Thamesford
some days ago, where be entered into the
bonds of matrimony with Miss Edna Dug,
has our best wisliea.
The people's great favorite. Do y
knotty the secrt t of ills pgpularity $
Simply, that he is opposed to. hi
tariffs. Probably this will serve
solve what has so long been a nlyst
to many, viz : the popularity of
Market Store. Now, the secret n£
popularity is that we are sworn enem
to high tariffs and exorbitant prices, a
(MIND YOU) we don't sell one arts
to ono oncustomerthaway below cost a
tuck it on to the next customer to m
it up. No, no ! Every article ill
store es marked at bare Iiving profits.
'Just try nasal flea out foryoi
3 O a7
Market Square Bar gain Depc
Hiss Amelia Snowden, of Parkhill, apart
Sunday last with friends in McGillivray.
—Miss Minnia Lamb, of Arkona, has been
en��aged to teach in S. S. No. 13, Me-
Giltivray, for the year 1893, -Mies E. J.
Godkin, who has been in Dakota during
the past eight months, returned home re-
cont1Ys suMr ffering W at Treaentson, ofsia attack the 19thdone
g p
of inflammation of the lungs.
BRIEFS -Mr. Wm. Rattenbury is busy
training and working with bis trotters, and
we expect noon to see some of them in the
2,30 list, -Mr, Wm, Simpson now driven
the finest team in this part, ---Mr. Mustard
having lately purabased a fine grey horse
to match his old one, Will may now feel
proud when he handles the ribbons guiding
such fiue boraes.-The pulpit of TJniou
church was occupied by Rev, Mr. Anderson
of Goderioh last Sa1Aath, the pastor taking
Ur. Anderson's work. The appointment
was made by the Presbytery, having
they g
to give M}asmnary addresses, Mr, Ander-
sou apoke on Rome Mission in the morning
and Foreign in the evening, Both se:vioes
were very largely attended, and Mr. Ander-
eon's dieconrsee greatly appreciated -Mr.q
Wm. McQueen, who has been Master la the
High School at Port Hope, has returned
home for a short time. We are sorry to
learn tbroat trouble is the *ruse. -air, G.
Cook bas been engaged with Mr. Peter Mo-
Grego: for the winter months, George ie a
good man and has secured a good place.-
Mr. Dougall McKnight,who hoe been in the
employ of Mr, James Turner for the past
two wave, bas resigned, and is hired with
Mr. Alex, Mustard. He has moved to the
northern part ot the village ant is doing
well, -lir, D. Roo, who has been in Mani.
toes during the summer has returned home
for the winter, -aft Robert Smith, who
wont out to the North West last aprissg,has
returned home, looking hale and hearty.-
Mr. MoLaohlin, teaahar in Stanley, has
recovered from leis resent illness, and is
ague in our midst. -The annusl meetingfrom
of filo Upper Canada Bible Society of thi
branch was bend in the Methodist church
Friday *venin The meetingwas address-
ed by Bev Drgbbtollatt, Secretary of the So.
Elliot, who has been awry r a
misty (ars some
visit for some time, has returned, -fir R.
young has rented the farm on the 2nd Batt
Tuokereulith, owned by Mr Sparks, and
will take posseesiou in the spring. Robert
will be aniseed In the village, but we wish
111tH sncarsa,-il1r Long, merchant of St
Marys, aacompaniedby Miss B Jamionou,
s pout a few inomeate Sunday evening under
the parental roof. -Mr David M Lntoeli,
our popular VS, is kept buoy night and
day, tee having many cabs from neighboring
towue, which speaks well for hos skill.--
Miss Kennard is visiting friends in Soaforth.
-Mr Moses Dixon left last week in pursuit
of a spark, flying towards Manitoba. -Miss
Sterling of Loaburn is the guest of Mins B
Mason. -Everything favorable for a strong
Savior Font Ball Team limo next Hawn.
The bays hope to have the pleasure of
meeting with their Eden friends in Exeter
Briars --The reviv8l: meetings are being
continued during this week at the fourth
lino. --Wears, II, Vickers and W. Rule-
wood have about finished their season's
work after having throehod over 700 houeo.
-MIR, Jas. Roso has nr,hnged the house
of Wm. Webb in teahouse, and intends re-
moving it to his lot opposite the creamery,
some time next week, -Mr Steele is the
guest of Rev Staele.-Membere of the Eng-
Iish ohureh purpose holding an (entertain.
moat on the evening of the 22nd inst.-
Thera were 180 patrons of the creamery this
year and the total amount of butter trade
was 62,655 lbs,---
Swoon Baronn-The following is the
report of the Kirkton imbed for the month
of November, the report is based on attend-
arms, reoitation, conduct and punctuality :
V-iiarray iiobineon. Sr 1V --Maggie
Davis, Josie Dope, Laura Whaley. Jr IV
--.Salah Doure, Nelly Switzer, Minnie Wat
eons •• Sr'III-Bella Hazlewood, Laura
Wiseman, Roy Jamieson` Jr III -Perry
Doupo, Norman sViseman, Olive Doupe,
II-Rov Shier, Alex Leigh, Violet Jamie-
son, Tae following in the first °lassoo were
present every day, Ester 13rotbour, Frank
Milts .... average attendanme was se
* - •,
BIIIEFS-^A Arently by the 51 Marys
BRIEFS -Apparently
papers there is in or township a diminu-
tive aspopt to the olorltship of the township.
-The annual tea of Molntyre's oburah took
plane on Monday evening last. The evg
being beantifnl, consequently a large crowd,
-Mies Aliso (lameroq who has for the
pad few yeara beep teaching Vin the North
West, returned to her home on the 3rd line
on Saturday last, looking well, notwi#h-
standing the severe weather of the west.-
'There is going to be a hot ooutest at the
townabip election thia Christmas, as there
is need of a great change. -,Tile Fourth line
church has purchased a new organ from
Perkins ctt Martin of Exeter.
OEwra WANTED -Good white Moen oats. We
ro paying 29 to 10+i cents. having made ay.
momenta wins a livorpoel arm for all the
that 1 Dan nlannta0tµx0 this season,
inners having a quantity of oats to dispose
1 should °all at the Bensail Oatmeal Mills.
eVeeeen -At A. Weselob's, 0,000 pairs of
loots and shoes that need repairing, a wish
o announce to the public that we bane nest
of Fwill sell
o and Oversboh, welch 'l will soil
albinoband O v Woe a. which t
heap for edit during the next sv lass. We
;tee an a.sertment equal to bo found in any
its and buy aux made for Cash, throe from
danufaeturers,thus enabling tie to sell you
11 kinds of footwear as cheep, and in some
ines cheaper, than any other ideater, as our
mottoie and has been, "small profits and quick
1taros" llnvrngreoontly wit* ad the n mitcs
e• Mr, H. Pfaff of Ritmo. . who has been man-
for el r. Weismiller, for the paetsix sumo
bo}iaviug ctosed that departuo°nt, wo fen-
•oto 5fr e. loots ks o ftevmx ire with their
latronngo. Iioota,G senor repaired while you
'Tbunkine my old ouatolnora for past
1 am years truly, A. et'Esnore
3uttor and Eggs taken. Sign of Big Boot.
OIirATCosARINO 8AIa..-In order to make
room farms Spring stook, I will for the noxi
30 Besaott at the following rcduot one :-
Best {Worsted Suits, worth $30 for 22C.
Al 25 for 21,
11 14
'+ 22 for ie.
�' 18 for 155,
Best 8c itch Tweeds worth 42i for $1s.
All -(Pool Serres 21. for 10
and as low rig $10.
In Overeoatings we have some fltteer, pieces
newest, cost.
Mese goods arc will
a e, aeras
end will bo made up in the latest styles with
Al trimminits.
In (lents' Furnishings, itis a well known fact
tont avecarry anthe nbestor and largest steak, equalsrep
toof big ref any town p ce will net well be fold
1t big roductrons. Space will not poriuit fur-
that nit hosgyrsvlta buy will
sail conclude ficinnio e
int Christmi s will be given a neck tie or neck
scarf as a present. Remember this is a genuine
Belo and you will save money by bus ing from
us; 14o guarantee all work, as we can boast of
having the beet system of outtingana first -olds
hands to make up natyleah suit, dive us non
andbe convinced that wo mean w}int wo adver
Remember the eta, d, 1trcEivoit'a Block, op
Done Commercial Notal.
de 4t JOHN POPE, Prom
Fallowing are the market quotations :
Wheat G3 to 65
Barley 38 to 40
Oats 26 to 28
lana 55 to 5G
' ....
Hay 5.00 to 6.00
Batter 17 to 18
Eggs ..... . .... . .. 9 to 19
Hogs 5.75 to 76.00:50
seed 7 er to 7:50
BRIEFS -Mrs. W. C. Charters and laugh
tor, Miss Jeanie, of Ashland, Wisconsin,
and formerly of this village, ars visiting
g , fd
among their many relatives and friends in
this neighborhood and village, all of whom
are pleased to nes them atter so manyyears
absence, looking so well and enjoying life.
-Mr. R. D.Ross is purobasing carriage
home, while Mr. T Berry is as usual pur-
chasing all olnesea,-Mr, D, Urquhart
shipped this week 12 carloads of oatmeal -
8 for Liverpool, 4 for London, Lng,-Mae•
John Pope has returned home after athree
weeks' vise( with friends in Fair Grove,
Mich. -Mr. Fred Leiroh, ;who has been iu
the employ of Mr. J. C. Ktauson for some
time, loft Tuesday for Manitoba, where be
has secured a situation. -The wade are in
a bad state and businose is et a amid still.
-Word fie R. D. Young of Manitoba is
to the effect that be likes the country and
i; doing well. Ho is book-keepiug for
largo grain merchants at Nepewo, and is
getting $65 per month.-Hensall is to
have fire protection,
trona Various SourcesThroug
out the District.
A women in Clifford has been fiued e
for using a cancelled stamp..
Mrs Hay of Downie was thrown from
buggy the other day, when her arm v
Mr. Johnston Stewart of BInnehard 1
a two year old filly that tips the Reales
1.480 pounds.
A. lions, eon, 12, Fullerton, this y
raised 350 bnehela of barley Maumee, vagi
flea acres.
Tho city of Stratford ! •in five diilerE
townships and contains noleee than two
three licensed hotels,
Mrs.MoLaron, of;Westminster townal
ea years ,fend 6 menthe old and is s
in good health,
Ex -warden 'rhos. 1{aitiueou of East I
semi, sold a fat hoof the other day fI
weighed 2,800 pounds,
George Putlmau, it boy in Mitol
had a leg broken on Wednesday as a ree
of banging on waggon(+.
kites Munroe who has been tease.
iu the pubtie schools of Parkhill, wilt tai
near Nairn daring the coming year.
The St Marys Collegiate Institute Bo,
pays 5510 annually to encu of the lo
papers for publishing the results of 1
monthly examination.
11Ir, Chas, Fitzgerald, lot 7, con 3, n
Tborndale had the misfortune to have
arm broken by the kick of a horse. H,
progressing towazda reoorery.
The Barns farm on the IGth conceas
Goderioh township consisting of 80 ne
has been leased to lir Kyle of Hallett,
five years at n rental of 5165 a year.
Logan has lost another of its of
pioneers in the parson of Mrs, P• O•$
who, after a lingering illness breathed
last on Sunday, at the ago of 80 yo
At the adjourned inquest at Stratf
upon the body of Richard Hander who
found dead in his bed, a verdict erase
tarred that a tumor on the brain was
canes of deatb.
Messrs. Robert Leslie and Alfred
ings, of St. Marys have been appeinte
the charge of soboola in North Beath
The former teaches in school section
and the latter in No. 7.
Mr, John Murphy of Hibbert has rei
ilia farm, which is on the and aoneesaio
Mr. John Gaetzmeyer of Hullett, for a
of seven sears at an annual rental of $
The farm contains 150 Horse.
One day last week blisa May Hutchin
a student in the Collegiate Institute
Marys beoamoeuaeneible while at her
eons. A. doctor was summoned, who lc
that a blood vessel in the head had bi
No better preparation for the hair
ever been invented than Ayer's Hair Vi
It restores the original oolor to faded
gray hair, and imparts that natural i
and 1reahneee everyone so mune adm
Its reputation is world-wide.
Two young folks were happily marrie
London on Wednesday at the Du
Street Centre M. Church parsonage,
groom was Mr. W. H. Sheldon, livery
er and the bride was Miss Loa re}fe
daughter of the late Daniel Jefferson.
The R. T. of T. of Exeter visited '
call Council on Thursday evg. last
report none too pleasant a time. Th
casion was an open meeting of the He
t Lodge, whose courtesy was some,
( limited. A number of the local coi
yisited Crediton last (Wednesday) n
to attend an open meeting of the Orec
Lodge. -Coat,
There are more cases of seokneas
death from diseased kidneys then fro
other diseases combined. It is your
fault if you allow your kidneys to tamer
an unhealthy state when the pure i
hand, Dodd's Klduey Pills are para
to cure the worst cases. It costs bate
to are for
all Drei�ggise nndtrial.
dealeraeor by mail no
velar of 50 eta. or 6 boxer for 52,50.
for book called Kidney Talk.
Aderful story Tborn$ao the
Johu fiainstinct
comafromy lor a
known resident of that village the
Muskoka about Nov. 1st for a deer
He took two hounds with him. Be
nue of the hoaudo in Muskoka wood.
retina came home, mourning (110 lc
a valuable hound. His surprise cams
imagined when he found the dog wee
before him: The lag had been take
the way in a baggage -car, had never
there before, and had no possible me
knowing his whereabouts Or the dire
. of his home: It certainly appears to
01Itt, house. extraordinary instance of the unerrin
stinot of the faithful animal,
St. Marys.
The concert under the auspicea of the
Lacrosse club here, in aid of John Keen
Jr on Thursday evening last was a grand
success, the proceeds being about $5U well
done for the Lacrosse boys, -ear Et Fred
Sharp, Jr of Toronto after having spent
few days
y with us returned home to Toros-
to on Monday last after a heart-rending
parting et the depot. -J D Graha m is ex-
accred homy from Scotland soma of
these days Tem anniversary of the dol-
lotion of tho Knox church took place on
Sunday Inst, when the Rev Mr AloKay
ay s , w a
preached C nd evening, and On the
Monday a hot bun supper receiv
ed ample justice, the proceeds being 'big,
-The Collegiate Institute purpose boldin
g p p B
their canversazione on the 20th 'of Dec.
comber as pr°vioas yenta his itas generally
been a su°°aseit is expected that the record
will saill be maintained -Memos. 0 and J
White;soipped several oar -loads of sheep
on Monday last,
`-'- ,
BRIEFS-JemesWalwinaud Wm Fergus.
on have returned Home from Cleveland,
-- \rnl, Clark*. mail carrier, fres pnrohased
two holneca i Clan Gregor cclle Square and
converted one into an excellent stable and
drive house. -Walter Baker has resumed
teaching, h yfallowing
a littering recovered from
his moot saved illness . -Mies Dupoan
has boon engaged to tench at ]3lyth.--
Herbert Fowlie has returned home from
Detroit, and will manage the skating rink
thin season, -The fishermen who were en-
gaged g up the lakes Duck Intends
and Southampton had a very rough tame
this fall, but all have arrived home safely.
_-Miss Mar Morgan has been home on a
Friday evening n large number of the mem-
hers of the `Trinity Church and emigre-
gation assembled at the parsonage to bid
far well to Rev. and .Airs, Newton and
family Their many friends here greatly
regret their departuro, and wish them
abuu dant
As an evidence of�the highteateem in which
they are hour they were presented with a
well-filled purse and address,
BRUEFs--Mrs Alex McKellar panted
her husband with a daughter on the 27th,
and on the 29th( Arra Anthony Allan pros•
entad her husband with a son; all aro doing
well -On Wednesday evening last a few of
where 9f apmnfla v cry out
The a too p ce on Fridayment in our school
here took place on Friday evening, The
echoed children acquitted, themselves credit-
ably, The singing cf Mr. ilnney of Kirk.
ton was wall npplandod, as was also the
singing of Mr Delgatty of Staffs, Aliso
Hotham was organist of the evening, Mr
DeOouraey Uutbeeou gave some violin solos
accompanied by Mise Robiue on the organ,
Mr J A Norris ablyfilled the *hair. Amount
taken at the door was $38, -Mies Letitia
Bamiltou is ver ell with infiammation.-
.Hackney is not getting any stronger,
slowly oinking, -Air James Dow has
returned from his trip to Lanark county,
accompanied by bis uncle and aunt, Mr and
Mrs Thomas Lynch.
131t11Fa.--Airs Staeblor is p,tyiuq herdo,
parole in Brooklyn, N. Y., a visit. and
lm Dr, Tooke Iallesallle.- Mies NI Y
Winer has gone to Kippon to take up her
abode. -The Rev Bsuud has been ill for
some time but is imnrovin Tem roads
aro very bad owingo n the heavy ee tdme of
late. -Mr. John Young has been deliver -Mr
ing coal to our citizens the past week.--
Mr Thos Lamport lost the valuable horse
which was hurt in a collision in the village
during s. dark nignt.-Our genial barber is
b 8 y
sportinga fine horse and Sam. says that
there is no grass grows under his feet.-
Word has been received from Mr Chris,
Kibler of Dakota, he likes the country,
save the blizzards. -kir Wm Lewis, clerk
of the 1 ith Division Court, Aho has been
visiting friends and relatives in Michigan,
returned home sick ; but is convalescing,course,
-Last Monday the Conrail met and a
large number of ratepayers paid their
taxes, while many others received payment
for contracts during the vent. -Interest •es
getting cheaper ; Henry Eilber is offering
any amount on Mortgages at 51 per cent
-The Royal Templets nf Temperance gave
an entertainment in the town hall tiVednes
day night. Members of Several visiting
lodges were present, and a pleasant time
was spent. -Thos* people who drive on
the gravel walks to avoid the bad roads
should remember that the by-laws impose
a fine of 520. Beware 1
Rev, W. 1i. Watson of Winghain has re-
reivesl a call from the'Congregationalists of
Woodstock, and will likely accept.
Blow, Blow, Blow! That diaagreoble ea-
tarrh can be cured by taking Hood's
•Sarsaparilla the countitntionnl remedy,
Mr. John Thompson, Moleillop, died the
other day at an advanced age. Deceased
ens one of the pioneers of the township, a
stalwart Conservative and was universally
Emmanuel and Sidney "'edgier( of Mc-
Gillivray, settled the charge of aesult pre-
(erred *gainer them by the Seale brothers
before Squire Lacey on Saturday. They
paid costs and 530 extra for the injuries
•inflicted on the com lainants' persona,
Mr. Harry Garbutt, of Wiugham instead
of going to Goderioh to become landlord of
the British Exchange, as was announced in
these columns a couple of weeks ago, left
town on Tuesday for Sarnia, whore he bee
obtained poseeeslon ot a good house the
Arlington hotel, a new building,
Principal of the Model School, gave his leg
u sever* wrench by slipping, on Saturday,
The other day Mr. Robert Welsh was clean-
ing out a t ambler when it broke in hie
hande inflicting a painful wound; tumblers
are dangerous things to handle. OnFriday
last Constable Wheatley took HarryBeaoom
down to the insaue asylum at London; he
was quite willing to go but made ooneider-
able amneement on his way down.
season the effects of catarrh and cold in the
head are most seriously felt and endanger
life and health if not promptly treated
For this purpose there is no remedy equal
Nasal Balm. prompt in giving relief and
never faila to cure Sold by all dealers.
50c. a bottle, by mail post paid. Address
G. T. Fulford & Co Brockville, Ont.
A eorresponent writes concerning a house
of refuge for this County : "We cheerfully
agree with many as to the scriptural nom•
monde to remember the poor, widows, father-
lase orphants, but can it be deducted from
any part of the Old or New Testaments that
theto care for the des-
tnPeis by ereer ct ng a house of poor and
we not taught rather to give privately to
any in need, "not letting the right know
what the left hand loath," so that thy
Father, which seetb in secret may reward
thee openly. `Aro cannot see that there is
any scriptural command' in the matter of a
county poor *orae. We met a Presbyterian
o'er man the other dap, who spent the
mogt of hes life in Aberdeen, Scotland, and
wishing for inlormation on the subject,
asked him his opinion, as he could speak
from experience. He said unoperiem had
: increased vary largely in the parishes where
,the poor horse was established, while in
those parishes which were ander a system
similar to that at present in vogue here,
there'was no perceptible increase. Hie oon-
eluding remarks were . Poor houses area
tellare there. The proposition to establish
one in Huron is absurd, and it will. only be
money throvpu away.
Bnxars.-Granton ahead again there
being in our midst no less than a toboggan
and a. goat, owned by William the Con-
gaeror.-Howard. took a Toroutonian fora
brisk ride over the beautiful, frozen snow
Sunday. -Also Bo11y Barlow, he being sup-
plied with no less than two ladies, -Mr.
NV, 'Bain. moved into Mr. 3. Bay's house
last week. Welcome I -Quito a number of
our' dudes are talkie lowlyof takingunto
themselves a partner for lit, which will be
a memorable event as lit is -drawing near
Xmae.-Our sleighing has all broken up
and taken its flight. -Miss Sarah Smith of
Kirkton Sundayed in this place. -Master
Webb has returned home from Manitoba,
which will, no doubt, be pleasing to one of
the fair sex, -Master MoUontie who has
been actin as switchman nt this talion for
some time, has been removed, W. Mid -deputy
dleton, jun taking his place, There has
been a great many changes the last six
months in the switchmen, -We hope We,
remain this time which will no doubt
add to the happiness of some of Grantors
fair sex, -Mise Ada Uermyn,who has been
visiting friends for some time has returned
home, -It is understood moat of the stone
es on the ground preparatory to .the erect-
ion of the new Methodist church -Mr,
Charlie Cook who moved a short time since
'r ,m Gr tnton has again taken up his abode
here,-MieSanaburnwho spent all summer
working near Winchelsea has returned to,
Dimes -The coats] agent, S. W.
Moyer, held an annual meeting of the
Upper Canada Bible Society in the Evan-
gelical Churchou Thursday of last week.
Rev F. Heist occupied thechair, aa the Pros-
ident could not be present. The report of
last year was read, and adopted. The
officers for the current year are. Fred Hess
President; Heury Dsurer; Sr. Secretary;
Herman Well, Treasurer. D• S, Faust,
Deposetary, The agent gave a good address
on Aiiasinns,. especially iu heathenlauds,
and the good work the holy Rible has
already done to nations. -Mr. A J. Roll=
ins of eaceter was in town on Monday in
connection with the erection of a grief.
mill in Exeter:-MsJohn Decker, of the
Babylon lane. and Miss Roeder, of the
Goshen Lhie,'`wersaaat Sunda united in
matrimony. Mr Abel Schilbe and Miss
cession, have O1sch oinodbhmnds anh of d toe ot reg in
matrimony.' Mr Wolfang Brechtel and
Miss Kate .field*, both of the Babylon
Line, were made man and wife last Tues-
day. Mr Fred Kalbfleisch and Miss Flax-
bend took the lead of all, and got married
about two weeks a o, We wish tbem all a
ion and happyanti prosperous life, as well
as the compliments of pthe -season.-Mr
Simon Greiner, who has been in Minnesota
Dakota and Michigan, returned home last
week. -Wm Baker, �wetia' his wife and
Tamil has moved to hes father-in-law's
after a ten years stay in North Dakota.-
BRInFs-Mr, Joseph Caere on Saturday
last Bold his farm of 100 gores on the 2nd
con. of Ha to Mr. Win. Northcott, a
p+ '
neighbor, for $5,000. This is a grass farm,
and used for pasturage, there being no
buiidinge on it, -Mr, ;Belton McTaggart of
the London road is home from British Col
umbia, Laving coma for two oar loedr of
Tan •FoiuroAST.-The mnnieipal pot is
coming to the to her There prromsisestto be
alively time in Hay again this" year. For
she s eveshep, Mr. J. C. Kaes held will
oppose Mr, ci.McE wen, who has held down
the seat the past year. Both men are
popular and the contest will be keen, For
1st deputy the names of Robt Turnbull and
J, H, Schnell aro npolsen of; fur 2nd deputy
Wm. Campbell, Wm, Caldwell and Moses
Geiger are to be in it. And: for,00unoillors,
Robt.. •MoMordie, Pater Munn, Wendel
Smith, and the tried andianthful servant,
John Vcelker, Toes°ooutestauta rvi11 make
a drone Sgt t. Messrs. Smith and •Mo-
g h
Mordie last year coming within a very fear
votes of beeng eleotad, Aa t}iore rte`s few
weeks to elapse before nomination day,
there will probably be `several dark horses
Bulges -Mr, James Ballantyne, who
has beeu confined to the house fur ;erne
time iu consequence of an eu'nry sustained
q 1
SOME years ago by a runaway, is not em
proving materially. Dr Gardiner of Lou-_
don is attending him. -Miss Clarke of
California visited friends on the Thames
Road last week. -Her many friends in this
neighborhood will regret to learn of the
death of Mrs. Thos Steaey of Cromarty,
who died onMonday week, and was buriedave
on Thursday last. She' had been ill for
scene time of apoplexy, from which she
died. She leaves to survive her a husbandP
and 8 children, all of whom have the s m
pathy of the community.-AIrs.D..Duncan,
of the 12tH con , is stall very 111 ; rhelima•
(ism is the ailment. W e hope soon to be
able to report her restoration to health.-
Mrs, A, Robb of Stratford is vssn►iuq her
parents, Mr. and Aire. A. Duncan; and
other friends around `here. -Miss Jennie
Allison of St. Thomas le visiting at Mr. A.
Robertson's. -11r. A. LaMond has rented
his farm in Hibbert to Itir. Stephen Hicks
rterm of ears and will
of up ne fora Y
give up possession next April, -Mr, Jas.
Stewart's new house is completed, and is
one of the finest in the township.
- EliInville.
Bn1nFs-Mr. Thomas tVeny, sr, woo
sustained seri*sin arieasome weeke ago
es able to be aroundjagain. All were glad
to see him at demote -Toe pastor of (Tie
Woodham oircnit was over one evening last
week and rvices.-Rev IW HHGanec of Am-
Revival seth
beratburg, a former pastor, is expected to
be at Elimvad and Sunshine appointments
to preach or address the 5 S scholars on
Christmas Sunday., It is probable be will
also lecture at Sunshine the following evg,
-Mr: John Hunter has his wind mill eteot
ed and in working order, so that a tank in
`the outbuildings will be hedby wind power,
Truly time brings obenges,', Our fathers
out a hole In rho coo in the creek or pond
and let the cattle run out of doors; but nom.
to farm suocesefnl► 11 is necesear chat the
stock be as warm and fed as re ular ns
human„beings,whioh entails a great increase
of lobar coneegoiently all onnvenienaee sae
adopted the wide-awake farmer --Ruiner er
actitph there will bo opposition in the muni-
Mr,W.Citdmore Ki •en`es chi in �a1ed
ha from Clinton; it 1s eventuallpin ended
for the English market; he has pressed this
Farmers residing on the 4th and ,5th
of i3lddulph killed 4,062 sparrows race
Minard'e Liniment is aced by d'hyeicians
season over, J5U tone.
cepa l arena.
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