HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-11-10, Page 8r.— INSURANCE Bpi EST II,LL,IOT, t3Q.EN T FOR Ji + TI11.1 WEFSTX.RNASKUR&NGE, COM. PANT, of Toronto; also for theP73CENIIC l'3TtE C SUiiATOE CIOXPANT, of 1tonaoa;. ':;.,;land, ALI1ANG I1�Si:MANGE coa- PaNY otEugland. Xrnas Ll e ' The rapidly cooling weather is a reminder that winter is coming, and with it the swift approach of the holiday season. We are now within the Xmas SU eta Zintto. 1 Addit!onal !coals on 4th page. THURSDAY, NOYEMBER' 10th 1892 LOCAL HAP EN t€ E8. A new map of the county of Middlesex is being prepared. Far the best value in town in Boots ad Shoes call at the Big Bankrupt Store Beeville i You savii moat b by buying at .the 1 Baukrupt sale. Me onell Bros.; Bisaett's Now is the time to get ie stoveat cost. oldstand. Only two weeks longer. ,Meponell Brea., Mr, John Hawkeliaw'a team rail Bissett's old stand. on Saturday, but beyond spilling a The Salvation Army inaugurated their load did no damage, annual week of self.denial Sunday eight. A�Thanksgiving service will be held in They have made a house to house canvass the Trivitt Memorial church this (Thurs• for aid. day) morning at 11 o'clock, The annual ttieet ug of the Canadian Come alongaat+ onee, Anything in the store at cost. atKe are holding a genuine bankrupt sale. ,,,1V1oDonell Broa away small quarter and a few flakes of snow occas- Press Association will be held in Toronto on Thursday and Friday, the 9th and 10th .tonally fluttering through the air bring of February. with them ninny pleasing hopes. Sev- To -day (Thursdayl being Thanksgiving thousand boys and girls within a Day, will be observed as a general holiday; few miles around £eel like giving ant the poet .flies will only be open theaual occasional shout of what may possibly • holiday hours. ,6come to fill the pocket and enriolt the Mr. Gifford Elliot eon of B. V. EIILotiof rooms before the year closes. We have this place, thinks of,opening an office in thought of them and provided many Gerrie. He has been practising in the months ago, Just now some of the Ottawa district for the past five years. goods are commencing to snake their The cow by-law prohibiting cattle run appearance. in cases of different sizes. ,ting at large day or night, , during the Yee will have lots of them this season, winter menthe, went into effect Nov. lat,. Our stock is generally pretty full, but This law is not being observed, and the "bide a -wee" and you may look through constable is bound to enforce it,. the door and see counters, shelves and The Provincial Board of Health met in stands literally groaning (as the tea- Toronto Friday. In his report, Dr. Bryce meetings say),with their large display. I predicts that Canada will be visited by Dull tidies will not daunt us, the goods cholera in 1593, and nrges local Boards of willlbe here and so we hope the cus- tomers. Stationer and Fancy Goods Dealer, STILL AIIEAI) STILL LE4DING, STI LL G1iO?1NG. The Big Bankrupt Store, the Greatest Bargain House they are being refused at all the banks, T tome in the eastern part of Ontario dis- counting them 20 per cent„ their intrinsic Soule people say that our methods value being gory much below par. selling A total eclipse of the moon occurred tend to over trading, that collecting such Friday night, but the feet did Cot mate3 latae stocks: of goads, and selling; with much interest in local astronomical circles such a reckless disregard of ordinary The moon wee obscured by heavy clouds profits, is bad for business in general. during part of the night, and the eclipse Tliis is not so, A few years ago you would have been visible at any rate in thought our store large enough, but look only more northerly latitudes. at it now—still growing. Another new For `be information of the rural resi- depas umnent to be added shortly; and we believe there is scope for growth beyond the hope; of the highest ambition. A combination of points favorable to buyorand seller has made ours a great and leading stock of all thats newest in Mantle creations, favorable to buyers be cause of their excellence in materials and goodness in workmanship ; and to the seller,—ourselves—because of a buy ing opportunity which enabled us to place the best of the season's manufac- ture on sale in the Mantle department at nearly a -half less than the lines were nanufactured to sell for. We get your ode at a profit, and you get good Iantlos at the cost of inferior ones. kote the qualities of all Mantle stocks then you are buying—our's are super- ior. A great hit has been made in the Mil- linery stock of this Store. The new show room is full, chockfull of all that's new in hats and,bonneta. For richness and newness in Millinery, you must see our stock. We want your trade and we are going to have it, if beauty, style and value are what you want. The Clinton New Era is dubious about a new society, a brawl of which has just been opened in that town. A Mr. White of Winnipeg was in town this week buying horses, and Mr, 13. S. O'Neil Bold his driver for a good fi'ure There is a ready sale in. town for -all the fowl being brought in, As the weather gets colder the supply will, no doubt, be greater. PEE The Trains will be senttrom now until the first of January 1894, for $1. Subscribe at once and get the balance of 1892 free. Bankrupt pr: es ell every time. The stock of Bissett irtieehas been going lively, The Goods are sellas, and selling at Health to prepare for its coming. emit. MoDone t 13ros. The Salvation Army aro not holding The demand for freight cars is unpre- services this week, owing to the captain cedented all over the United Staten and giving all her time to the self-denial Canada. This is due to the unusually petition, distributed among the citizens large amount of produce to be moved. fu generally. All the money contributed re- this province, in the matter of apples mina in Canada. alone, there are three times as many to Star gazers tell us that a comet ie sow move as there were a year ago. Already in sight and approachiug the earth that the whole of the ocean space open for in brilliancy will discount the grand comet apple freight has been engaged iu adyanse f in ISSQ. It can be seen early m the morn- of the arrivals of the beats. ing in the eastern sky with an ordinary The Cosgrove Co. gave one of their en - opera glass. tertainmenta in the Opera house on Friday So many of the American silver dollars evening. under the auspices of the firemen, have latey been sent into Canada that to a fair audience. The musical 8.4ec- tions by the Cosgrove Family were splen- did white the elocutionary effo+ta of Mies La Dell were of a high character, and in the dramatic as well as the humorous. he is superb, Mr. Harvey is also a good comedian, and frill of Irish wit. Our beautiful fall has taken a chill, and a skit of snow this week was the result. hall on Monday evening last for the first time. Mr. Follicle has moved into his new shop in Wood Bros. block, and has the finest rooms in the county. See advt. Minard's Liniment is need by Physioiaus Telephone connection bas been success fully opened betweeu New York and Chicago. The distance between the two cities is 1,000 miles, but so complete is, the system that the ticking of a watch in one city can be heard in the other. It it reported that" words uttered in a whin (lents we alight say that blank forms for per in New York were plainly heard in the re can beeen had births, any postmaster er Ch,ca o," when the liue was tested. den hs, can from postmaster g ws fur the caking, and if filled up can be 'There is a slight strain on our adver- trensinitted to the clerk by mail free of tieing space this week ; and owing to the post•tge. A little attention to this con- veuieuce would, save the clerk no little trouble and sometimes inconvenience, time;appeared before an Exeter au,lienee <tecaetonal tbmni; da mo}, the year, we ase. on Saturday night, and a full house greet- ed them. Tho troupe is composed of 17 performers and is a strong one. The six Guy tiros. furnish the Minstrel part of the program, while, as variation, a magicau, contortionist, and two acrobats, play an important part. As a MI iatrei show it is fairly good. late hour at which it was spoken for has prevented our giving a auppletnent with this issue. But, es the sew', thus taken The any Bros.' Minstrels, for the first 9 by our wide-awake merehan1s is only an on this occasion, the forbearance of our many ,coders, promising to make up the diserepancy at an early date. We aro in receipt of a copy of au Am- herstburg paper, in which appeara an ex- tended report of the opening of the new Meth.ohureb,there. An illustration of the church appears to the renort, as also a cut The troupe that Sundayed in Exeter 1 of the pastor, Rev. Mr. Gana, formerly of felt highly indignant because one of the E Exeter, through whose inatrumeutatity ministers of the Methodist church repri- and energy, the old edifice was replaced mended several of their members for talk- f by one of the finest in Ontario, at a cost of ing and laughing during service, more par -1 nearly $9,000. The Amheratburg people ticulary while the sermon was being die- may well be proud of Mr. Gane. coursed. We might just say that the EXETER NORTm{,—A, C. Inspector Batk- three young men were deservedly exposed, er, of London, as their conduct i11 became would-be gen- tlemen, and would have been discreditable even to persons with much loss brains. At a meeting of the officers arid. Direc- tors of the South Hurou Farmera'Jnstitute it was decided to hold six Iuatitute meetings during the coming winter. The first meetings will be held et 7uriee ens, , , ,,..-+ - ,i, . a•+ , , ,., 1 ., at Hensati, the next two at some points in mug at full capacity, and the genial pro - the north part of the riding and the last prtetor, Mr. Herber+, is giving good sat - two at points in the south part of the rid- isfaction.—Tho grist mill is to he rebuilt ing. A good program of eeld taken part in{ brick and lumber and will award the con - by Professors from the Agricultural Ool- l tract in a few days. The building will be lege and other prominent agriculturists. erected on the old site. don was here on Fridayan had the post office moved to Mr ,Toon Blatehford's residence, where it will be kept until a new building is erected The postmaster, Iter. \Yelper, is about to pur- chase a lot on main St. and at once erect a building for a store and post office. At present Mr. Geo, Blatchford, Sr., is eesiet- gerammsmw 11161111111111t401P,IIIST.E11,,iti. R1CHARD PICKARD & SUN Are offering immense bargains in all Ladies' Misses' Ind Children's Mantles. These goods were irnported direct and bought for spot cash. Now is the time secure a cheap Coag. If you want a Ready -Made G-arment of any des- cription, call and see our prices. RICHARD PICKARD & SON. Seaforth Dye Works.. All orders for the above works can be left at E 11 Fish's barber shop. Satisfac- tion guaranteed, Notice, J. H. Grieve, having disposed of his stock and accepted a situation in Cobourg, requests an early settlement of all ac- counts, All outstanding accounts must he paid to J. Senior on or before Nov. 15th, J, H. GRxi,vz. Short Bits. Poultry was plentiful in town this week. Turkeys brought tl>iu per lb,; ducks 40o per pair ; chickens 30c per pair. We hope all may enjoy their. Thauksgiving Dinner to -day. lhii'ding aperatione have been n a p brisk in town the past Beason, and me. Nt111111t1111111111A111111111111f1111111➢11111111NII1111111111 Why Am chanies are jubilant in consequence. --,y la Several weddings have taken place this week, and many mate are on dit., tllItelleivt.111thitlilietill111111,a➢1t➢l!I.➢Iill!II➢"11t111 -,, ;,. i Church Notes. Owing' to Thursday being Thanksgiving Day, the usual Prayer Meetings of the different churches will not be held. Revival services are being continued in the James-st Methodist church this week ; services every evening except Saturday. Union. Thanksgiving service of the Presbyterian end Methodist churches will be held in the former church Thursday (Thanksgiving) morning at ]] o'oktck, A hill attendance is requested and a liberal collection in aid of the poor,heped for. The Anniv-rsary services of the Main -at Methodist church will be conducted on Sunday next by Rev. Johii Scott, M. A., President of the Guelph Conference. As the usual tea has been dispensed with, the Trustees would solicit a liberal contribu- tion in aid of church funds. Ilan You AmongThom There are nine classes of poop's who do a town no good and retard improvement and progress. These nine ela68es ate :- 1. Those who go out of town to do their trading. 2 Those who oppose improve- ment. 3. Those who prefer a quiet town to one of push and business. 4. 1 hose who imagine theyruathetown. fi. Those who think business can he done slyly without advertising. 0 These who de- ride public spirited men. 7 Those who oppose every improvement that does not originate with themselves. 8. Those who not appear to benefit them. 9. Those who seek to injure the credit of an individual. Examine the above list and see if you are to be found in any of the classes enumer- ated. If you are you may come to the conclusion that you do the town no good and retard progress and improvement. r 13C... 5E 1 do all my trading with.Carling Bros. THE SQUARE MERCHANTS OF EXETER They don't ask a price, then come down one third. •S -* esfiva CABLING BROS, MOINIMMINOMMIIIIMMOINNEMC They are g record unpreoe trade this tall, as long as we tell sale prices. Mo43'onell Bros. Detective Graham has arrested 'Wm. Henry of Niasouri on a charge of brealc- ing into the house of John Michael, con. 16, London Township. the other night. li,eury aim a tratnl, ,Aati.etr uatety 2,1c. Laughlin are said to haye smashed open the doors, but upon the proprietor con- fronting them with an axe to have loft very quickly. The Trams for the balance of this year FREE. ing fast 1 Our stoves —a I. Two cases of new Mantles just arrived entsd We have done tht the Big Bankrupt Store. Prices away* will continue so to do, down. he best gouda at whole- `i• whole - Messrs, Boss &Taylor have purchased a, new steel boiler, and have erected a now engine house to accommodate the same. Mr -Emery is having the dobria from the 11 I., , ,. n o. , , ... ,.,.. ctw.a. YUP tho new mill �to bo erected at once. There aro rumors that another mill will be built, but it is hardly probable. For Mantles in all the newest styles `idd lowest prices call at the Big Bauk. erupt Store. JUST OPENED TO -DAY. 400 LADIES' & CIIILi)REN'S JACKETS & ELSTERS-400 THE LARGEST PURCHASE EVER BROUGHT INTO WESTERN ONTARIO. pUNiiilllllttlit1111111111118Iillll➢till➢IIIIIIItIi11iI1tII11111iIfHIID00(s) O 1� o r • tlllllilllilllt111111111i11i11111N11111M1IN1111111111111111i1111111llilitt GOODS THE NEWEST ! .11N t 1111111111111111111111111111111 t 111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111 We purpose to make the next two months A WATERLOO for our Competitors. all opposition ; and we carry the goods that sell. STYLES THE LATEST '.w We have the snap, push and enterprise7to lead our trade, and extend in the face of THIS IS ONLY ONE OF THE MANY SNAPS WE GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS. These Jackets and Ulsters were bought at a great bargain, and are all German manufacture, of the finest quality, Silk lined, and trimmed with the best materials. Every one a beauty. Every Lady in the County invited to come and see the gre body delighted, If you want a jacket, conte ; If you have already bought, It was the low price that prompted HS to invest so heavily, and the low atest show ever brought into Exeter. Every come ; If you don't need one come ; Come anyhow prices It which we offer the goods will sell them. JUST THINK t Jackets worth from. $20 to $65, sold for $10. Children's and Girl's Jackets worth from $7 to $10 for only $3. These prices may seem startling ; but as we are not in the habit of advertising what we cannot fulfil, we would respectfully ask an inspection of the goods. $0,0 6,000. rOIR,--� 200 Men's `Suits, 300 Odd Pants, 400 Boys' Suits, 200 Men's Overcoats, 200 Boys' Overcoats, We mould J just here remind the Gentlemen that we carry- the largest Stock of Ready-made Clothing in the County. The,. above goods were bought in large Bringalong yourBoysyouwe will fit you all—large or small; and are beingsold at Wholesale Prices.>.n when came and... $$ issx.aast 4 quantities 414 0(0•0 Susi.