HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-11-10, Page 5peeseseselessemines,,,,,..„„we_ THE WEEK'S NEWS. Condensed for TimesReaders, Everything in Brief. Be,. Mr. Leeoh, of Lonclesleoro, is Mill very ill. The trustees of Revere sohool have ie. onred the 'terve:see of A. Iiranion as teacher tor 1893. Menne. Jarrett Bros., of Stanley, thrashed for Wm. Logan 1,000 bushels of peas and Oats in six home. G. D. Lawrie. Esq„ Mitohell road, Blau - shard, has sold bin farm to Mr. Wm Rundle tor the sum of $7,000. The petition against the return of Mr. W. F. MoLean, as M. P. for Esst York, has been dietnissed. A student in Albert College, named Filler, was dangerously hurt in a football game at Belleville Friday. The total amount of goods exported from Goderioh during the month of 90. Sober foote up to 8122,230. Mr. T. Ration of London tp,, whil& on his way to Granton the ether day, had a valuable horse die on the road. Mr. James Meacham, poatmaster of Belleville, has completed his 85t1i year of life, and is still notiVe in his duty. Probably the last veeeel to carry stook - ere from Canada was the stearaehip Texas, which sailed on TueecleY front Montreal for Bristol. A gang of workmen aornmeneed moat Netting at the corner ot King and John streets. Hamilton, on Monday for the foundation of Sir John A. MoDoneld's memorial atatute The Nitiety.firat Battalion, Manitoba Light Iufantry, with the exeeption of NOS. 2 and 0 companies, has been wiped out of existence) by tbe latest militia gen- eral orders, The Nova Scotia Fruit Growers' Asso- ciation has sent to Chicago for oold storage upwards of 200 varieties of apples and pears which have been put up in as many different oases. H. R. eves, a Montreal foundryrnan, ho a called a meeting of his oreditore. He Owes about $100,000 but his aatual Assets are expooted to show a surplus of $19,000 Qt. $20,000. The new brick school home al Union No 5, Puliarton, known as Neigh's school, was opened on Thursday niabt, of lad week, with a pablie entertainment. The teacher, Mr. Gibe= Mahaffe, had a splendid pro- gram. • It ia mid that Mr. E. A. Macdonald will issue another evening paper on Thursday to advocate annexation. That will make four evening papers in To- ronto. On the 210 of October, Mr. John Fer- guson, of Bayfield, while looking for vrreolcage on the beach found a shingle with the following written in red chalk: "Bonham United States, we are all lost on an open boat, On the mom side, upset on reef." 4,04 'MUTE AKE.-Tho Sale Of the lands in this came, advertiod in our columns to have takeu place on the let ultimo, and postponed as per adver- tieemene till the 29th ultimo, has been Further postpened. Full particulars of which will appoo.r by posters. - 'THE TESTIAtORIALS published on behelf of Seed's Sarsaparilla are as reliable and as worthy your confidence, as if they came from yonr beat and most trusted neighbor. They state only the simple feats in regard to what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done, al, ways within truth and reason, Constipation and all troubles with the digelleive organs] and the liver, are cured by Hood's Pills. Unequalled ati a dinner Pill. In the abeence of Mr. Wm. Atkinson of Clandeboye, and family from home one day lately, two young tramps entered their residence, broke open the cash box and abstracted $1. 50 -all the cash it contained. There was a check on the bank for $25, but it remained untouched; it was cash they wanted. They proaeeded to the residence of Mr, Samuel Hedging and offered to hire, pretending to be looking for work, ' CATARRH No Locar, ',Hue CONSTITUTION- Dio Lewis, the eminent Boston phyarcian, in a magazine article Says: "A radical error underlies nearly all medical treatment of eattarle It is not a disease of the man's nose; it Is a disease of the man, showing itself in the noso-a local exhi- bition of a constitutional trouble." There- fore, he argues, the use of snuff and other local applications is wrong, and vrhile they • seem to give temporary relief, they really do more harm than good. Other leading authorities agree with Dr. Lewis. Hence the only proper method of mire for catarrh is by taking a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla, werieb, reaching every part of the body througla the blood does eliminate all impurites and make the whole inan healthier. It removes the cause of the trouble and restores the diseased membrene to proper condition. That this is the practical result is proved by them- anda oi peuple who have been Loured of catarrh tee taking ;levee Sarsaparilla, .12,-A grey hound bitch, light yel ere color,white spot on back of neck. Finder.will be suitably rewarded by leaving earn° at Mr. Gillespie's. BELEUIVIATISM CURED IN A South America Rheumatic Cure for Ithen- matism and Neuralgia ridioally aures inl to 3 dave. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediat- ely disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 onto. Warranted by C. Late, Druggist. aug. 14. C. C. RICHARDS & CO. 14.) SoD Clemge has milli:wed with ilea. ealgia sound the heart since 1898, but by the application of MINARD'S LINIMENT in 1830 n cotnplOtely dieeppeared and has not troubled bine slum. JAS. McKee, Linwood, Ont. 6. •414-441 11/Ionth1y Prizes for Boys and Girls The "Sunlight" Soap Co., of Terontoi offer • the following pri zee every month till further notice, to boys and girls urider 16, residing in *the Province of Ontario, who send the greatest number ef"Suntight" wrappers: 1st 510; 2nd, 56; 3rd 43; 4th 51 5 th to 14th a handsome book ; and a pretty Meter° to those who send not less than 12 wrappers. Send -wrappers to '68unlight" Soap Office. 43 Scott s treet, Toronto not later than 29th of each month, a,nd marked eemisetition; also give full name, address, aye arid number of wrappers. Winner' names will be published in Toronto Mail on first Saturday in eh mouth. loop lotIr ON THIS SPACE Read Carel ally its contents, than come and PROVE ITS REALITY. For Grey Flannels, Fancy Flannels and Flannelettes, and Ladies' and Children's -Underclothing, you can be satisfied at j, 13. CLARICE'S, Huron CountyUnion ofChristian Endeavor. • The iirat annual convention of the Huron °Gent), Union of Christian Endeavor eon- vened in ethe Preabyterian church, Wing - ham, on Wedneedey of last week. There was a good attenderme of delegates,though not as many outsiders aa had been expect- ed. Nevertheless the convention was a ettecess and it is atife to eey that good will be the outcome of it. .Among the more important addressee was one from Rev. Mr, McDonagh of Exe- ter, who spoke "of the advantages of Christian Unity. People who belittled Christianity aud ask for a 'recurrence of the Penticomal povrer, forget that in every 24 hours no leas than 6,000 souls are brought to Christ. The election of officers reaulted in the choice of Rev. J et, Henderson, Heneall, Pres.; Rev. S. Sellery, Wingham, and A. M. McKay, Brueeels, Vice .Prea ; de Grigg, Exeter, See.; Mies Bogie McGregor, Brneefield, Treas. It waa decided to hold the next annual meeting ia Hensel' in September next about the 3rd week, Exeter Public School Report. The following aro the names of those who received the highest number of marks during the month of October Dept. 1 -Sr. class- W. Brooks, .A Holland, E. MeCallnm. Inter. elem- .& Martin, W. Millenn, in. Kemp. JT, elass-A. Brooks, M. Weataway, G Hicks. No, on roll, 60; average attendance, 54 T. A Blume, Teacher. Dep t. II -Sr. class -Nellie Queue°, Willie Bewden, Frank Willis, Ethel Sweet. Jr. class-Roso Barton, Stella, Gregory, Berney Dignan, Allie Sandford. No. on roll, 50; average attendance, 41. M xss VOSDER, Teacher. Dept. III -Sr. class -N. Kinsman, R, Eamon, R. Southcott, Ge Kemp. Jr elate Qu ance, A. Martin, M. Rollin, E. Beer. No. on roll, 54; average attend- ance, 40. Miss GREGORY, Teacher, Dept. IV -Sr. class -Eva Carling,Clara Fanson, Jennie Sandford, Eddie Dignan. Jr. 0 la -Ada Powell, Czar Rollins, Geo Sanders, Eno Cudtnore. No, on roll, 57; average attendance, 40. M. E. GILL, Teacher. Dept. V -Sr. class -Gilbert Williams, Percy Browning, Jessie Dow, Alice Peter- son. Inter. class -John Newcombe, Alma Cudmore, Vera Hawkshavs, Maud Taylor. Jr. class -Annie Hiedeman, Louisa Piper Nettie Walters, Delia Walper. No. on roll, 82; average attendance, 66. Mess Weenonn, Teacher Dept. VI -Sr. class -Ralph Sage,Pearl Sage, Paul Sage, Jennie Russell. Inter, class -Shirley Bobier, Regina Davia,Ruby Davidson, Lette Jones. Jr. class -Mabel 'Newton, Percy Wood, Harry Huaton,Roy Leatborn. No. on roll, Si; average at- tendance, 63. Mess Petneare, Teacher. Average attendance for the month,310; No. on rolls, 887. T. A. BROWN', Principal. BORN. Smiee-In Modesto, Cal., on the 12th ult., the wife of John Smsle, a daughter. Molhams-In Biddnlph, on the 9th inet, wile of Oscar MeFalls, of a son. McAvos-In Exeter, on the 9th inst., wife of J. MeAvoy. of a son. MARR lED Mooren-lexien-Al the residence of the bride's parents, on the 9th inst.. by Rev. 0, Fleteher; Mr, Wm, Moodie, of Far. quhet, to Iviies Agnes leydd, eldest daugh- ter of Wm. Kydd, Men, deputy-veeve of 'Osborne. SANDERS-PERKINS-At the residence of the bride's parents; on the 9th inst., by Rev. A. L. Russell, B. D., Mr. Samuel Sanders, of Stephen township, to Miss Josephine Perkins, 4th daughter of Mr. Chas, Perkine, of Exeter. HETRLY -STETENS-At the reside:roe of the bride's father, on Oot. 27th, MineTos, Whetely, to Miss Lizeieithird daughter of Mr. Je Stevens, all ofElullett. STOVAx -RIDDELL-At Pilot Motinchon the 18th Oot., by Rev. W. Farquharson, Hr. Stovall of Deloraiue. Man., to Miss Mary Riddell, daughter of Mr. W. Riddell, RISMIoND-RoRniSoN-Ab the R. C. church Kingehridge (Ashiield) on the 29th Oot., by Bev. Fathee Lizi,t, Ur. John Red- mond of West Veawanosh to Minnie, daughter of ,Mr. Charlea Bobinson of Aohfield. Joutreeon-Reommern ---On the 1st inst., at the Rattenbury St. Methodist Parsonage, Clinton, by the Rev. J. W. Shilton, B.A„ Mr. John H. Johnston of Mich„to Lizzie sister of Rev. R. Redmond, and youngest daughtar of the late John Redmond of Hay. DIED. MoLneeAtr-In 'libber*, on Oct. 29th, Mar- garet McLellan, aged 82 Items. ' Romtn---Iu Motherwell, on the 31st Oot., Geo. Roger, sr., aged 55 years,i0 menthe. PETERS -In SeafOrth, On 3r5 Met., John Peters, aged 74 years, Senvmate.-In Clinton, on the 7th Met., James Staveley, aged 74 years. " Sale RegisPer. Tuesday, Nov. 15 -Farm Stock, inn. plements, dot, the property of 1VIrs, S. Jury, lot 21, con. 2, N. T. R., Usborne. Sale at one o'clock. A. J. Rollins, .A.uc. English Sperm Liniment remvoes al heed, soft or eallouged Lurepe and Memel ishee from horses, Blood Spavin,Otetbs. Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Cougha eto. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War anted the most wonderful Blemish Cure or known. Sold by 0. Lutz.29-ly BOAR FOR SERVICE. Berkshito Boar (large breed) for servioe on lot 15, con 7, fIsberne. Bred from lst prize stook. Terme 31. Wil SNELL. F, KINSMAN, L.D.S, D.D.S • Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. and of the Dental Departntent of Toronto University, (with honors.) Specie, iat in bridge -work, and gold and por- t:101am crowns. Pore Nitrous Oxide Gas and lona] ansisthet- las for painless extraotions. Always at home, Office : Fanson's Block.. Exeter, FARM FOR SALE. I3eing lot 10, con,t14. South HoundarY of Mb- bert, containing 100aeres of first-olass oil. A bank barn 120 x 50, part brier, end part, frante. Well fenced, good water in fine well ; 10 gores of bush, 90 urea cleared. One mile from poste office, and onvenient to Bohol. WM be told for $6,000, one-half down, baltinee to suit pur- chaser at5-1 per cent: Immediate poetession given. Apply to N10 -2m R. KELLAND , Etimville. P.O. MARKET REPORTS, Exeter. 1892 Fall wheat per bush t Nov,* ' . * Snring wheat L "V.- •••••• • - 03 $ 65 33 per euscse..,....00 60 -le Peas per bush Oat per bush - .:. •• • Fa 23 es Flour perbbl.... . 400 440 Apples per bag ... .. 75 85 Potatoes per bag 1 00 1 00 Hay per ton 600 600 Wood per oord hard....-4 00 4 0 le ood per cordsoft... 0 00 2 00 Butter per lb. • .•-•,.... • ....•• 16 18 Eggs per dozen ,, . 4 15 Pork per hundred-, -............. 5 50 6 00 roars' Motion! PRICE LIST FLOUR. Zurich S. 13. cc Family Choice Pastry Myers' Royal Spice (per cwt.) SHORTS (Per cwt) BRAN All orders of ton lots or over ffiled on shortest notice. Orders in the village delivered prom- ptly .in' ea Hetnetinn Tiarppt,.,9(1. R. S. RICHARDSON, Opposite Town. Hall. Manager. $ 2,10 1,75 1.90 6.00 0.'75 0.00 HOGS "WANTED I, • ON' AND APTER ISI OCTOBER. SNELL Bf?0,3 & CO'Y Will pay the Highest Cash mice for Hogs DRESSED OR ALIVE. AT THE Exeter Packing House Hogs to Weigh from 100 to 200 lbs REMOVAL V0131,1,11 4.116Pdv, BAKERY 41; tailatiA, & Confectonery -- We have this week removed to our new promises, In WOOD BROS.' BLOCK, Where, in addition to our already nicely a si sorted stock of C_AasTrams, mm,-172TS, ite C1clasTmnECTsciri'vmm,"2-, We have opened the finest display ever soon in the County. Call and see us ; eyerybody welcome. We melte a specialty of Wedding. Cakes and carry a large stock of Wedding Con- fectionery; also wedeitte take boxee While we return thanket to our many customers for past favors, we solicit a con- tinnance of their patronage and invite that of others. E. A. FOLLICK. THE • GOODS ARE GOING "'AST YOU _ARE To McDONELLS' OUR• PRICES WILL STA WTI/a You ALJL INVITED SLAEG HTER SALE: Of STOVES, HARDWARE, TINWARE, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS In fact, everything in the Stock—which is first-classi—will be sold at a Bargain, POSITIVELY AT AND BELOW COST. Having purchased, at the low rate of 49 cents on the dollar, The 13.661\TICELTYPT STOCIC of SZSSETT BROS. We will for the next 30 days Slaughter the Goods. If you require anything in our line, buy at once, and save money, for never before were such bargains offered. Bissett's Old Stand, Exeter, IVIoDONELL BROS, VOIMINSIENNIMPIIIIIIME.110010.1mannilicimesperraulimiumilmonommOntaleaNallailliN you w PIANO, ORGAN, BICYCLE, SEWING 1VIACRINE, BOYS' & GIRLS' TRICY- 3''C:a)nt a 7-CDTJ" ? ITHE NEMO CLES, EXPRESS WAGONS? seenaree meet GRADE. ALL MADE OF THE arin STEEL AND WARRANTED Fon ONE yos.w MANUCOMTURMUY he Geoid Bievole Go. Ltd, LIMP/TFORD, ONT. Send for Catalogue If you do, the place tO get the most reliable goods at a modern prim is at PERKTNS & MARTIN'S, dealer; in Mnsioal Instruments, Sowing Maohine supplies. eto. All kinds of farm icatitemente sold on i mar gin aver cot. Agents for the eelebrated Chat ham Wagon. PERRIN'S & MARTIN, Fanson's Block. JUST ARRIVED —AT— G3E3E/LEY'S Cobbledick & Fol1ana .Elaiing lately purchased the Stook and Good -will of Mr. J, N. Howard, and added largely to the Stock, they have now the best equipped and largest Hardware at Tinware Establishment in the County. They sel tole - sale and Retail, and carry • BUILDERS' MATERIALS, ETU. BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES, ETC., CARRIAGE MAKER'S GOODS, ETC., STOVES, TINWARE, BICYCLES, and everything in SMALL HARDWAR LARGEST STOCK OF Ni4lL8 in the COUNTi, GET THEIR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY. House clearing,time is upon ns. U iiv fer• 'ceilings. They have the genuine thing only, in an improved form. You can mix it yourself with cold water. They have all the tints Call and see their fine store, fine stock and fine prices, C01313LIDDICIM cgc TOLLAND Furnitirre & Undertaking EstablishmentC AU TION A very NEW Prices to suit large line of GOODS everybody. Bring along your old Furniture and have it made new. The largest stock of New Picture Mouldings in tovrn. Also PARLOR SUITES seem' CURTAIN POLES -in all colors. Remember you can have your Curtain Poles cut any length desired, as we buy them in long lengths. Call and Instect our Stock GIDLEY. Oddfellows Block. rashional)lo 31y1os 1 Left in the shade hy our Prices, Summer Goods going at ANY PRICE Now is the time for Bargains! Big Orives in PRINTS AND • DRES Lots of New Pall:Goods, than ever. Come ad see the that we lead in ' CHOICE GOODS and LOW PRICES, DOUPE THh BEST YET! THE CHEAPEST YET • THE BIGGEST YET ed Clothing produced in Exeter I leave yonz orders early, fov tat! of Tailors; the best mmings, and the best are sure of Batista°. wit ttoak Ontting 112 deb EACH PLUG OF Myrtle Navy IS MARKED T & B. 331ZONZ731 NONE - OTHER - GENUINE Three:Points! NOTE WELL. Experience, ehadto. e x p en haveience that tention to business, close prices and proper fits, are the main factors in our business. Pronintitude Vein this ever • redeeming feat - ere imprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors especially, namely putting off until next week what should have been done thin Satisfaction This is a nice • looking word,but to carry out its meaningbis difficult to some. We glory in word and the way it is exemplified in our shop- We guar- antee eatisfaction every time in all res- pects. If you want a suit, a coat, vest or pair of pants, give us a call and be convinced that what we have mid is true. W. JOHNS. ALESNEN WANTED. 141111, To sell our unexcelled Nursery Stock. Steady employment and control of terri tory. Have done businese in Canada 35 years. Liberal pay to the right man. Send for terms. CHASE BROS & CO Cotborne,. Ont. SALESMEN WANTED. We want both travelling and local Salesmen to reprcsent the old established Fonthill Nur- series. SALARY PAID PROM THE START to Salesmen experienced in our lino; liberal terms to beginners and a permanent situation assured. We have 71'l) ACRES under cultiva- tion and are the only firm furnishing STRICT- LY FIRST-CLASS CANADIAN GROWN STOCK. OUTFIT FREE. HARDY VARIE- TIES for North Ontario and Manitoba. a spee- tatty. WE teUARANTER OUR STOCK Apply for terms at once. We wank you NOW STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Oen. tion, ey SATED hyl3uy- ing at our PLANING MILL And LUMBER YARD We keep constantly on hand a large stock of sit kinds of building materials. Dresseder un- dressed pine and hemlock lumbor, also a ohoiee stook of No. 1 pine lath. Our stook of doors, sash, blinds. mouldings, ko. is complete and thorougly kiln dried. We offer for sale 1,6'00,000 XX aud XXX PINS and OED AR SHINGLES manufactured by the best makersin Ontario. ' Tanks and cisterns, all shapes and sizes,made to order at lowest prices. We have something newin this line for watering cattle in the stable or barnyard. Call and see our oelebrated Baking Cabin. Every woman using them reeommensis tl.em Turning,band,sorollsawintr, and all kinds of maohine work promptly attended to. It will be to your interest to examine out stook before purchasing elsewhere. ROSS & TAYLOR, Main Street READ THIS: '111107 -ALL BLOW AND BLUSTER R N. ROW .t.1 Still takes lead in the Furniture Eiusiness We are too busy to call on people in need of Furniture; but please drop in our Warerooms and see our Stock and we will try to suit you in this line. Ordered 1AT ork Neatly Done on Short Notice R 5nomf ember we have also a handsome 1iii U7iderta7ang Goods liways on hand, and all calls in this ine will be promptly attended to, and ;satisfaction guaranteed every time. Store -Net to 1VIolsons Bank, Exete ROBT. N. ROWE. A Combination High Qualit.* 81,,,LowPilke• This is the condition of affairs witbi. uses regIrds Footwear of every descrip- tion, Prices within the reach of all, and, now is the time to buy t BOOTS & SHOES, • SLIPPERS, RUBBERS, ETC. In ordered boots and shoes we give every sistiefaction, For first. class stock and first class workmanship we lead. Repairing neatly and Quickly done, at right prices. A call will convince you that the best place tc buy is at ,021CO. 24,A,ITSOZT'S