HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-11-10, Page 4fr
77777 77'
Established in 1877
23. 13.
Transaots a generalbankingbusineoo.
Receives the rAcoounts of Merehanto ane
others on favorable terms.
Offers everaoeommodation oonsiotent with
safe and conservative banking Prineiples.
Interest allowed on deposits.
Drafts issued payable at any (Moe of tho
Merchants Bank.
Zht Exttior Moto.
The Cattle Trade.
The British Government has decided
to place all imports of Canadian cattle
upon the same basis as those a cattle
from the United States, that is to
giallo:hale them, ad compel them to be
slaughtered on landing at a Britiah port.
The Canadian anthorities spared no
effort to prevent a decision which would
so seriously affect the breeders and
hipper of of cattle. The Premier and
the Finance Minister of Canaea were in
England and personally interviewed the
British authorities, and on this aide of
the water Mr. Carling seems to have
done everything la his power to con-
vince them that pleuro -pneumonia does
not exist among Canadian cattle. The
blow will no doubt affect the trade for a
e, but really it is a blessing in dis-
'guise, and in the ed tvill be beneficial.
By shipping the kind of cattle we are
>sending there now, we are robbing our
Canadian farms. If these cattle were
left on our farms and fed until ready
for export we would have better stock
upon our farms and a In twit better qintli.
ty to offer for sale upon the English
market. The best cattle received in
Great Britain go from the United States,
and that is because the Anaerican cattle
are scheduled, and have to be !slaugh-
tered upon landing. Years ago their
cattle were of a very poor quality, but
when they were scheduled they knew
that if they were going to keep up with
the race they must improve them.
They imported well.bred stock, with the
result that they are enabled to SOCC8B4-
fully compete in the British market
against Canada, which, until now, had
free access to the interior. They have
the profit of feeding their cattle at
/tat sa, and the, fartilisea thay accara la.
creases the productiveness of their
farms. At Montreal you will see thous-
ands of heads of store cattle and thous-
ands of tons Of hay and straw, and
bushels of grain,going across the ocean
together. That feed should be used in
this country, and, if it was, our ftkrmers
wou'd be a poi deal more prosperous,
besides having more fertile farms. The
stockers on the ocean now, numbering
from 4,000 to 6,000, and valued at from
$25 to $30 a head, would not be worth
the freight that is paid on them when
slaughtered. The order will not go into
effect until Nov. 21st.
Gladstone has been a scant three
months in power in Great Britain and
yet his Government has already schedul-
ed Canadian cattle and intimated. its
intention of withdrawing the regular
troops .from the Imperial garrison of
Halifax. At the rate of progress a very
few years will witness the destruction of
an empire the upbuilding of which has
been the work of centuries.
** *
During the past few months Canadian
banks have been enjoying prosperity
unkno vn for years. 13ot only has
money been actively employed in mer-
cantile pursuits at home, but there has
been an unprecedented demand from
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and
other western states where an excessive
rate prevails. At the close of Septem-
ber Canadian banks had loaned on pub-
lic discounts in Canada $188,157,135
and call loans in the United States of
$22,800,000, of which sum the Bank of
Montreal had $13,184,262. The total
of all loans in Canada were $19,828,270.
" Fanners will be the heavieat losers in
the Ps -evince of Oetario through the
scheduling of Canadian cattle in England.
Many farms are heavily stocked with
cattle, and as owners have made little
proviainn for their keep during the win-
ter th.; matt be deli reito ef ell
embargoes on the trade."
The Globe is mistaken in its conclu-
sions in the above item. Not for years
have the farmers had more straw and
feed, than they have this year . and
prices of gram being low, it will pay
them well to feed it to their cattle.
Mr. Rooke, during the last session of
the Ontario government, endeavored. to
have a bill passed making it necessary
for each municipality to have seven
hundred and fifty ratepayers on the
voters' list, instead of five hundred as
the law now stands, in order that a
second reeve may be elected. It is
every day becoming better known that
the caunty councils are altogether too
oumbarsorne by reason of their numbers,
and that- a far less number of represen-
tatives would do the work equally as
well, and thereby save a considerable
sum of money which could be expended
in a more satisfactory manner. With
such a law in vogue better men would
'be elected to fill the offices. Our at-
tention was called to this matter by
having received a copy of the bill, dated
Yebruary 1'7, 1892, and entitled "Au
Act to amend the Municipal act." No
doubt the promoter of this bill will
ke another effort when the legisla.
loots again to push the matter -
an we hope his e orts w be
d h fr ill
ith success.
' Minard's Liniment auras Diphtheria.
Having disposed of our hatcher business
to Ford Bros., all accounta owing to
Snell Bros, et Co. must be settled on or
before let December, 1892.
Sum. Baas. dr Co.
nest Luxe whom.
The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. have
issued a handsome map showing the
routes for a trip around the woxid, in
which the various distancea between the
principal ports of the world, the isles of
the sea, latitude and longitude, and
other valuable intermitter' is conveniently
and cOncisely given, and all on a scale that
gives at a glance the whole extent of land
and water that makes up the northern
halt a this planet of ours. A commenda-
ble step is the placing of one of these
maps in every public, separate and high
school, an advantage both teacherand
pupils cannot but appreciate. Mictieture
copies of the map can be had on applica-
tion to the Company's agents. No one but
the C. P. R. has eyer thought of this bit of
enterprise which is not only an advertise.
mutt for themselves but a decided public
November is the month when we set
apart a day for public thanksgiving. This
is very timely and very right. The bay,
grain, potatoea and other vegetables, and
the fruit have all been gathered in and
helloed for the winter. The farmer has
worked hard in sowing time ,• he has cub
tivated the growing crop with care ; the
sweat has rolled from his brow and body
in the hay field and harvest field; and
with justice he looks upon the outcemes of
his labor with pride and satisfaction, But
the thoughtful farmer does not forget that
He who controls the secret forces of life
and death, and growth and. decay, bee
crowned with this abundant fruitage the in-
dustry and perseverance that would other-
wise have been exercised in vain. The
past year has been one of stringeaey in
financial circles, but to -day the wide Do-
minion has hop* and courage in het heart
and face because of e bountiful harvest.
Froin the Pacific slopes, over the vast
prairies of the Northwest, along the great
'ekes and down the rnighty St. Lawrence,
ainotsgthe vales and hills of Acadia, there
is joy n the homes of the people and. de-
fiance is cast in the face of Old Winter,
for we were never better prepared to with-
stand his rigors. From the eleven provin-
ces let the psalm et thanksgiving ascend;
from every city, town, village and farm.
house, let loving voices send up the tribute
of praise "1 tvill sing unto the Lord,
because te hath dealt bountiful with
me t"
Thoo. Dart of London spent the forepart
of this week visiting friends in town.- Mrs
S. IL Gidley is, we are glad to say, recov-
ering from her recent illness.—Blyth
Standard.—Mr. A. J. McTavish of Exeter
was in town last Sunday and sang a solo in
Methediet chuneh.—St. Marys lerader.
—Mr. Jas. Egon of Exeter was in St.
Marys last Suuday.—Mrs. (Rev.)Buchanan
of Georgetown is the guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Perkins. —Mr, T. B.
Carling attended a meeting of the Huron
Salt Aettociation at Clintou on Friday.—
Messrs Hoskin, Davie, Ryan, Smola,
Halloran,and fainilies left for Brantford on
Thursday Robert Sanders has
returned. from his trip to Manitoba and
the Northweek.--Mr. R. Williams moved
his family to Seaforth thie week.—Mrs.
Currelley , who has been visiting friends in
town, returned to Toronto Monday —The
Huron Presbytery met in the Caren Pres.
byterian church on Tuesday of this week,
and the attendance was fairly good.—Mr.
Richard Pickari is improving nicely.
Mrs. Ed. Dyer left on Monday to join her
husband in Brantford She was accom-
panied by Miss Edith Dyer, who will visit
in that city for a time.—Mr. Thos. Hand-
ford, of Centralia, has returned from
Manitoba, whithee he went some time
ago for a car load of horses.—Mr. ;fames
B. Grieve left on Friday last for Cobourg.
Mrs Grieve will remain in town for a
time.—Mrs. Touhey, of Montana, formerly
of Hensel', is the guest of Mrs. W. H.
Moncur.—Hon. John Carling, Minister
of Agriculture, was in town on Monday
the guest of his brother, Isaac Carling,
Energetic Citizen.
Not many men of the age of Mr. A.
"%Yelper, of Exeter, and who have suffered
the reverses that have attended hia career,
possess the energy, pluck and natural
business tact that he does. Mr. Walper
came to Canada upwards of 50 years ago,
settling in the neighborhood ofZurich with
the pioneers, in which locality he lived
until coming to Exeter some years ago.
He never attended any school, and until
he married,wa.s absolutely without educa-
tion, and could neither read, nor write his
autograph. To -day he can do both, ia an
adept at composition and a good speller.
He is also naturally gifted as a speculator,
and while, owing to his generosity and
charitableness, he has lost large sums, he
steads to -day well up in the favored list.
Besides being the possessor of 400 acres of
the very best land, 100 acres in Huron
end 200 in. Middlesex, he is owner of a
$50,000 hotel at Berlin, one of the most
thriving towns in Ontario. This hotel is
being managed by his sons, Currie and
Louis two chips of the old block. The
building was erected this summer to re-
place the old Commercial, destroyed by
fire some months ago, and has been proper-
ly named the " Walper House." It was
in the Old Commercial that Mr. Wolper,
at the age of 15 years afterea fifteen -
weeks' voyage from Fati:erland,:drank his
first glass of beer. The Walper House is
one of the finest hostleries in Ontario,
covering 134x165 feet of ground on a street
where land sells for nearly $200 a foot; and
has two million bfick in its structure,
The building is four etoreys high, and be.
aidethe hotel, which affords accommoda-
tiou for 100 guests, centeina 13 stores and
e. Intik, end the rental received, apart
front the hotel, amounts to $5,000 per
,.-ear. The block is faced with pressed
'brick of red color, is heated throurrhout
by steam, and lighted by gas and elec.
tricity ; has a steam elevator, together
with all the modern improvements suited
to a model building. The hotel, besides
several parlors contains 100 bed rooms,
has a handsome and elegantly fitted billiard
room and bowling alley, and altogether
will compare with the finest iu Ontario.
The opening will take place on January
let, and it will be a grand affeir. Mr.
Wolper amd his sons are just now coming
in for a big share of public commendation
from the Berlinites foe their pluck in un-
derto.kmg so great a project.
From Various Sourdes Through
out the District.
Blyth is agitating for eleotrio light.
Beaforth's two oeoperages turned out
over 40,000 apple }Artois this season.
Mr. Hugh MoMullan, of the 101111 con.
Ttiokersmith, died laot week. as was
wealthy and leaves a large family.
The Brussels Sohool Board had one
hundred applications for the position as
tesoher which tho Board filled laot week
A. few days since Miss Emerson, of Clin-
ton, had the misfortune to fall down an
open oellarway and broke one of her ribs.
Ib e not what its proprietors say but
what Hood's Sarsaparilla does that tells
the story of its merit. Hood's Sarsaparilla
Alex. MoKay, who has been principal in
Dungannon school for nearly two pada,
has been re-engaged is 1893, getting an
ihorease in salary.
Mr. Wm. Cameron, 'of MoKillop, has
rented his hundred sore farm to his brother-
in-law, Samuel McPherson, at an annual
rental of two huudred dollars.
Why don't you try Carter's Little Liver
Pills? They are a positive mire for sick
headache, and all the ills produced by dis-
ordered liver. Only one pill a does.
Geo. Snaith, of West Wavranosla, has
rented or leaaed his epleudid faros, to
Messro, Iloltoy and ()floe, who formerly res
sided in the vicinity of Whitby, for the
term of seven years.
No one 'knows batter than those who
have used Camber's Little Liver Pills whet
relief they have giveu when taken for dye -
meta, dizziness, Pain in. the side, cora-
stipetion, and disordered otoriastoli,
Mr. Chao. Bader, who lives near St,
Thomas, has sold his farm, north half of
lot 2, 7th line, Alerts, to Mr. D. Kelly of
the same line. The farm contains 100
acres. The price paid was $4,200,
Jas. MoQuaig, who resides in Ashfield,
in the yioinity of Dungannon, a respectable
pioneer of that townolaip, is, vre arepleased
to be able to state, gradually reoovering
from ew anemic of pneumonia and affection
of the letngtf.
Bev. F, G. Newton, iacumbent of Bays
field, has, ae the request of the congrega-
tion of St. John's church, Stratums, been
appointed as reotor of that parish. Mr.
Netvton will enter upon his duties about
the first of December.
".& chemical suaomet and medical tri.
umph," so speaks an eminent physician in
reference to Ayer's Cherry Peatorial ; and
the eulogy was none too strong. No other
medicine is so safe and effiestoions in all
disemee of the throat and lunge.
Mrs. Markin, of Bayfield, has a set of
china that are quite a ouriosity, and for
their age are in pita a state of preserva„
ton. They were brought out from Soot -
land in the year 1810, and are made in a
pattern emblematic of the nation's mourtis
Lg. They are only men on epeeist ore
oesione, PIO ars ye att eneellent set.
Mr. Geo, Stevens, of Itarlook, returned
from Manitoba on Feiday lion He went
nut on ono of the harvest exoursions, and
spent nearly two. months in thb praltio
province. He says that Immure will get
their grain saved in good condition thin
year, and timt threshing operations aro
now nearly oompleted.
A very sad accident occurred to a son,
aged five years, of Mr. Donald Pitterson,
living in Auburn. It appears he was vralk-
mg along a beam in the barn, which was
covered with /draw, and whioh alid off, caus-
ing him to fall a alliance of 26 feet on the
barn floor, breaking botb arms above the
wrist and bruising hindelf in general.
There is one man in Clinton al any rate
that knows how to make poultry pay, and
that is Mr. J. H. Worsell, for Lance the
Huron Central Fair he has sold over $45
tvorth of chiokens, ecano of there as high as
$4 a pair. From 23 hens he has oupplied
hie own house with eggs and sold in addi-
tion over $10 worth of eggs and poultry
thia year. Who sus that thoro-bred poul-
try doeo not pay.
The friends of Mr. Wm. Nicholson, of
Bayfield, will be pleased to learn, that for
military eervioes during the late rebellion,
he bas received notice from the Goyern-
ment at Washington, that he is entitled to
a pension of 412 per month from February
1891. This, with the usual bounty, which
he is also to receive, will be a comfortable
assurance for the remainder of his life.
J. A. Campbell, St. Siete, Que., writea :—
" My wife was unwell four years from
irregular periods, brought about by a severe
cold. Tried many remedies without relief.
Two boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills re-
sult in a permanent mire." Beware of imi-
tations. By mail, post paid, at 50o, a boa
or six boxes for e2.50. Dr. Williams' Med
Co., Brookville, Ont,
The Bev. Mr. 3, Taylor, of St. Miry;
preaohed very acceptably at the re -opening
of St. Thomas' church, Seaforth, 00 Sun-
day last. The eongregation can now well
boast of having one of the prettieet littIa
places of worship in the Diooeoe. The
walls have been painteO a rich terramotta
with naarooe sienellings, mere and
to matoh. The chancel is in two colors
with a broad Silver moulding in between,
which with the stained Oak (wiling and the
beautiful west window lately put in have a
very pretty effeoe: The Sanctuary ham been
farther onriohed by two beautiful altar
vases, the gift df Mr. M. Morris, Manager
of the Bank of Cemmerce.
There is not and there cannot be, any
smoking tobacco ouperior to the "Myrtle
Navy" brand. A wrapper of brighter rip.
pearanoe and higher price it is possible to
get, but all wrappers are very poor
smoking tobacco and but a oingle leaf is
wrapped round a plug. The stook used in
the body of tne " Myrtle Navy" plug is
the very beat which money San purchase.
The powers of the Virginia Emil can prodaos
nothing bettor, and no other nail in the
world can produce anything better, and uo
other eoll in tho world oan produce as line
tobacco as that of Virgipia.
FOR Yoram on OLD,—Ohildran and
adults are equally benefitted by the use of
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, the new
and suocessful cough remedy. It Mops
coughs in one night and may be relied
on as an effectual remedy for °'
olds 'mahout,
bronolailas and eimilter troubles. Pries 25
and 50o. at druggists.
Ladies appreoiate Anti•Dandraff from the
fact that it not only thoroughly removal
dandruff with three applications, but stops
failing of tee hair, restores fading hair to
its original (mien and makes it soft and
pliable withoat leaving any indication of a
&toeing being timid. Clear as (trysts', clean
to use, it is a valuable toilet preparation.
John M. Aclain, grocer, of Si. Marys, was
last week fined for sailing liquor without a
Miss Minnie Contemn of Mitohell bag
been re-engaged by the trustees of S. S.No.
3, Downie, at an inoreased salary,
T. El. Fold of Mitehell sold a team of
oarriage horses last week to a gentleman
from Texas for $450. It pays to raise good
It is rumored that the friends of Mr.
Dougherty of Mitehell intend putting him
in the fiela for the Mayoralty of 1893. Mr
Hord' s name is also mentioned as a probable
There are many forms of nervous de-
bility in men that yield to the use Carter'o
Iron Pills, Those who are troubled with
nervous weakness, uight tweets, etc., should
try them.
Mr. Win. Porteous, Fullerton, has pur.
ohased the briok nettage of ;she late David
Campbell, Mitchell, for the sum of $1,750,
This is certainly a very high figure, says
the Adopted°.
IVIrs. Martin, wife of Mr. R. Martin of
Listowel, had the misfortune to slip on the
walk in their yard on Tuesday morning of
last week, breaking her arm at the wrist.
Two of the bones were fractured..
Mr. Henry Lawrence of Bornholm lute
purehased the Drager property from the
executors of deceased, for the sant of $2,-
450 mesh, It is his intention to make it
either a stook or dairy fawn.
The final dividend in the eatate of ;Ida B.
H. Pomeroy, Fullerton, bas been made.
The estate pays only 36/e ou the dollar.
The liabilities were $3,490.85, and the
asoets $1,274.16,
Bev, Geo. Crystal, who for some years
has lived a rotted life in Stratferd, was
appointed lad week Division Court Clerk
at Boston, Sinaecia Co., and loft for that
village Monday.
Rev, M. P Campbell, late pastor of the
St. Marys Baptist olturole has accepted a
call to ESSOE Canter. The St. Mary o peo.
ple were loath to part with their respeoted
Pastor, but him health demanded a ohange,
Mr. Frank Wood has been engaged to
teach in 8, 8, No, 7, Tuckersmith, at a
salary of $435, for the ensuing year. Mr,
Geo. liaokney has resigned, and takes his
brother's school near home.
Mr. Bobssou, principal of the Mitehell
High Sehool, has resigned, and G. E. New.
taxa, B. A., of Qaeon's College, appointed
in his stead at a salary of 2800. Mr. Robe-
son resigned on account of the salary being
too smell.
Mr. jorieph White, Blanchard, sold two
of his heavy draught horoes, last week,
Montrave Carvineet to McLellan tBros,, of
the 8th lino, Blanshard, and Heather Belle,
a four-year-old mare to Jae, Hazletvood, of
the 4th line, Blanahltrd.
It is said that a combination hail been
formed in Hibbert to carry the next muni-
cipal elections by a coup de main; the ohief
actors being John Jefferson far reeve, John
Barns for dep. reeve, James Barbour, Johh
A. Norte end William Canspbell for cionn.
"Nothing succeeds like suooase," and
nothing will more quiokly insure Burmese
than true merit. For fifty years Ayer'e
Seroaparilla has mainte'med its popularity
as the superior blood.puriaer. It stands
upon its own merits and never fails to give
Lettere of administretion nave been
taken out ha connection with the estate of
the Iste Jas, Trow, M. P. The velue of
the estate is given at less than 2200,000,
made up of $150,000 personal property, and
$46,000 of real eotato. The Ontario Gov-
ernment's share of the whole will be $7,350.
On Monday evening. when Mr. John Mc-
Kenzie of West Zorra was moving his
thrashing outfit from Hiram Honak's to
Mr. Pitt's, a bridge over which they had to
crots collapsed, allowing everything to fall
fifteen feet into the water, One of the
horses was drowned, and the machine
wreaked; the two men on the thrasher es-
Winer .t. FRIEND CAN Do. —" I was con-
fined to my bed by a oevere attaok of
Lumbago. A. lady friend sent me a part of
a bottle of St. 3aoob 011, whioh I applied.
The effect was simply magical. In a day
or two I was able to go about my household
duties. I have used it with splendid suc-
cess for neuralgia toothaohe. I would not
be without it." Mrs. T. Bingland, Kincaid
Si , Brookville, Ont,
Postmaster Porte, of Lucian, seem to
have one enemy in that plum ; that is if
the fire in the stable attaohed to the home
wee the work of an incendiary a few nights
ago. The blaze was discovered in time.
Chas. Carrie, of Parkhill, once more
dares John tdoPhei son, the shot putter, to
" knook a chip of hia shoulder, ' and he
does it in a very sarcastic style in the
Winnipeg press.
Some time ago a man named Dainty
boarded a G. T. R. train at Goderich,
bound for Hamilton. When the concluc-
tor made his rounda, the passenger could
not find his ticket, and refused at first
to pay. At the next statiou the train
was stopped and Mr. Dancy was escorted
out. He ;lien offered to pay his fare,
but it was too late, and he was left be
hind. Then he took actIon to recover
dantages, and got judgment for $1,000.
From Assize Court it reached the Court
of Appeal, where Tuesday morning judg-
ment was given either reduoing the
damages or directing a new trial.
GRLTIFYING TO Arne—The high pooition
attained and the universal aceeptance and
approval of the pleasant liquid fruit remedy
Syrup of Figs as the most excellent laxa-
tive known, illustrate the value of the
qualities on whuth its Gnomes is based and
are abundantly gratifying to the California
Fig Syrup Company.
QUINSY Cundon--Gentlemen,--I used to
be trobled with refestey. beeirer an attack
every winter. 'Wont five years ago 1 tried
Hagyarde Yellew thl, applying It inside the
throat with a teen:Ler. Is quieltly oared me
and I haye not risme 'been troubled, I al-
ways keep it in the home. Mrs. J. NI,
Lewis, Galley Ave., Teronto, Out.
Gross GOOD APpETXTE.—Gontlemen,—I
think your valuable medicine cannot be
equalled, bemuse of the benefit 1 derived
from it. After suffering front headaehe
slut loss of appetite for nearly three years
1 tried B. B. B. with great success. 11
gave me relief at once, and 1 now enjoy
good health. Mrs. Matthew Sproul, Dung-
annon, Ont.
Itch, Mange and seratehes oi every kind
on human beings or animals cured in 8
minutes notote by liVolford's Sanitary lotion
This never fails. Bold by C. Lutz.
Ajohn Treble's, Main-st
Clifford Blaolcattalt
A Boston Boy's Eyesight
Saved—Perhaps His Life
By Hood's Sarsaparilla—Blood Poi-
soned. by Canker.
Read the following from a grateful mother:
"MY little boy had Scarlet Fever when 4 years
old, and it left lem very weak and. with blood
poisoned with canker. ills eyes became
so Inflamed that his sufferings were intense, and
for seven weeks be
Could Not Open HisEyes.,
I took him twice duelng that time to the Eye
and Far Infirmary on Charles street, but their
relocates failed to do him the faintest shadow
of good. I commenced giving bim 'Hood's
Sarsaparilla and it soon cured Idin. I have
never doubted that it bayed hts sight, even
if not his very life. You may use this tes-
timonial in any way you choose. I ant always
ready to sound the praise of
Hood's Sarsaparilla
because of the wonderful good it did any son."
Aaiun Is. BLACKMAN, 2888 Washington
Boston, Mass, Get HOOD'S.
HOOD'S PILLS aro hand made, and are per.
feet in composition, proportion and appearance.
A Prize Portrait
This young lady has two brothers and a
sister ; each one of whose picture is combined
in the above portrait. The publishers of the
LAntas' PicronnenWeanLY will give a Fine
Ladies' Gold Watch to the person who first
can make out the faces of the two brothers
and sister; to the second a Mantel Clock;
to the third a Coin Silver Watch ; to the fourth
a beautiful 'pair of Pearl Opera Glatses; to
the fifth a Silk Dress Pattern; and a valuable
prize will also be given to every person who
is able to answer this Picture Rebus correctly,
until one hundred prizes have been awarded,
if there should be that nuraber answering
correctly. Each contestant is to cut out the
picture rebus, and make a cross with a lead
pencil on the two brothers' and sister's faces,
and send mine to us with five twoment postage
stamps, for two copies of the LADIES' PIC-
TORIAL WEEKLY, our popular illustrated
journal. Answer to -day and enclose ten cents
and you may win one of the leading prizes.
192 King St. West, Toronto, Canada.
Amnia PAINs Rzatovere—Gentlemen,
cannot but prize B. B. B. for it has re-
vived me wonderfully. I was completely
run down, had aching pains in my ghoul -
dere, a tired feeling in my limbo, low
epirits, in fact I WM in misery. Being
recommended to try B. B. B. I did so, and
with the nee of only one bottle I am to -day
strong and healthy. I prize it highly.
Mrs. B. Tucker, Toronto, Ont.
A (IMPLICATED ()AM—Dana Sirs, I was
troubled with biliousness, headache and
lost appetite. I could not rest at nights,
and was very weak, but after using three
bottles of B. B. B. my appetite is good and
I am better than for years peat. I would
not now be without B. B. B., and am alma
giving it to nay children. Mrs. Walter
Burns, Maitland, N. S.
A DANGERoriS Conn—Dear Sirs,—My
little girl last winter had a very bad cold
which almost resnited in congeotion of the
lungs. After doctoring with her for three
months without success I tried Hagyard's
Peotorial Balsam, and two bottles of it
cured her. She in now etreme ad neatly,
Hrs. Seam! Mnlholland, Hamiltoa, Ont.
Half Fox Felt Boot, Grain, $2.00
Felt Boot, Loose Socks, Grain, 2.25
Men's Rubbers, 0.50
Women's Rubbers, 0.30
Misses' Rubbers, 0.25
Skilled Workmen are employed to
manufacture the goods, and the best of
material is used.
Prompt attention given to all kinds of
repairing. My Stock is well assorted
and every customer is guaranteed satis-
Action. The Prices mean a sale every
Aim. Call and be convinceda,
JOHN TREBLE, — Exeter.
The Molsons Bank
(01IARTElt11DB rAttr,,TiatEli T, lam
Paid up Capital se,000,0e0
RestFund ,e 1,100,000
F. W OLFFRSTAN T1101S1 Aa Agog.,
greeter, ',Meer -AGA*
lUoner advanced to good,armora on their own
note with one or more endorser at 7 per oent.
per SWIRL!).
Exeter Branen,
Open every lavrful day , Cram 10 a. m. t o 8 p.m
SATURDAYS ,10 a on • to 1 p.ua,
Current rates of interest allowed on deposits
Sub -Manager.
As you pass by on the Main street
Jost for a moment stoP.
AnAtit ihiarytitumix BMaiirrbaera
nshwolipi.akers trimmed
Wo are the lightning barbers,
We do our work with eare.
We nadi wa ha re as rke eienu goouora rraezpoar tr. -
We have the very finest otyles of:chairs.
We keep our towels clean -
We shampoo in the best of oyle
And me the easy hair machine.
Some barbers work se elowly,
But this is our text:
We do not keep 7055 waiting,
Your turn is always "next."
We Ohmic their flair andtrim their bangs
At Jiastina's 'Barber shoo.
WE have on hand a Eine Line of
Suitable for Sunday School Libraries, or
Parlor Quoits'
Authors, Etc., Etc.
BOOK S4 D1,I7Tr noun
7:744.tir •
Application painless and easy, relief im
ate. This preparation 51Is a great and lon
wan tamong those who suffer from Piles.
&remedy of the highest merit—effective
reliable—and bas more than met the anti
tions of those physicians who have used
their practice. Pilekone is a Sure
when other remedies fail to relieve. Te
onials furnished. Price $1. For sale be
gists or by mail on reoeipt of price.'
W. T. Sumo. Manufacturing Months
Dundas St., London, Ont,
A recent discoveraba a
physician. Successful
ad monthly by thoulan
LADIES. IS the only po
1 y safe and reliable me
discovered. Beware o
prinoipled druggists
offer inferior medici
plane ef titan ask for Comes Cortex
costpouringrace no substitute; or inelooe
4 three -cent Canada postage stamps in
and we win send, sealed, by return mail
sealed particulars in plain envelope. to
only, 2 stamen Address Pond Lily co
wo, 3 Mintier Moak, 151. Woodward ave.,
Mich. Sold in 01,11. LUTZ,
Drug Store and all druid:lots everywhe
Market Square, Exeter.
We supply in season, every kind of Implement used on a farm,
eluding Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Drills, Cultivators, Etc., and all t
Implements of the Massey -Harris Co's manufacture.
On the removal of the Verity Foundry to Brantford we purchased
a large quantity of plowD.-epairs at a low figure, which will be sold at
a reduced price
Also Special Agent for the
We havellthem in large quantities and can supply them at Factor
Poultry T. Poultry! Poultry.
Upon the opening of the season, about 2ot.h Nov. we will be prepar-•
pared to purchase any .quantity of all 1Khi
nls ot Poultiy, at hghest'
prices, ,
Watch kr instructions es to killing and dressing.
F: S. Lal\TG.