HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-11-3, Page 8•—• •=egereeneggeeteergeserreveeeade INSURANCE 1-43 B,NE ST .atILIO I', A GEN U.1 FOR a al WIN WESTERN A.EISUBANCE OOM- r ANY, of Torouto; aleo for tare PliallaIn a`titE :NSUnattiCF. coltratott, or tontdou; 11S313naNCE COM - la 1.NY ofEneland. mas Quatter The rapidly cooling weather is a reminder .tikat winter is etnniug, aod with it the swift approach of the holiday season. We are now within the Xmas quarter and few flakes of now (mos- ionally fluttering through the air bring with .thein many tfieesing hopes. Sev- esel 1.oeieztaril hoes aud girls within a few miles around feel like giving an oceasional shout of what may possibly wine to till the pocket and enrich the roruas before the year closes. We have tl,ought of them and proviled many months ago. Just now some of the goods are commeneing to make their appearance in cases of different sizes. We will have lots of them this season, Our stock ise generally pretty full, but "bide a -wee" and you may look through the door and see counters, shelves and stands literally groaning (as the tea - mem iogs say) with their large display. Dull times will not daunt us, the goods will be here and so we hope the cus- tomers. T. alaXa Cy . Stationer and Fancy Goods Dealer. STILL AHEAD STILL LEADING, STILL GROWING. The Big Bankrupt Store, the Greatest Bargain House in Western Ontario,. some people 'say that our methods tend to over trading, that eolleeting such large etudes of goods, and selling with eueha reckless disregard of ordinary profits, is had for business in general. This is Wt so. A few year., ago you thought our store large enough, but heels t it rads - still gi un ing. Another nett department to be ;laded shortly; and we 'believe there ie seope for growthbeyond the hope,. of the highe.st ambition. .N. conthinatien ot pints favorable to buyerand has made tome a great and leading stick of all thate newest in Mantle ereatione, frivorable to buyers be valise of tht-ir exeellenee tnmateri,als and goodness in workmanship ; and to the seller,—ourselves—bemuse of a buy ing opportunity which enabled us tO place the best of the season's manufac- ture on sale in the Mantle department tt nearly a -half less than the lines were eanufactured tosell for. We get your wade at a profit, and you get good ilantles at the cost of inferior ones. Stotts the qualities of all Mantle Stocks Alen you are buying—our's are supers lot% A great hit has been made in the Mil- linery stock of this Store. The new show room is full, elmelt full of all that's new in hats end,bonnets, For richness 4tUd. DeMieSS itt1%.1filinerY, you ntnst :see our atock. want.Lyotir trade and .we are going to 'owe it, it beauty, style and value are what you want. euin Vnnto. T-7.7P-S1AY, NOVEMBER tall 1802, LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Searorin Dye Works. All orders for the above works can be left at E 1.1 Fish's barber shop. Satisfaz- tion guaranteed, Notice. 3. 11. Grieve, having disposed. of his stock and accepted a situation in Cobourg, requests an early settlement of all ac- counts. All outstanding accounts must be paid to J. Senior on or before Nov. 15th. J. H. Garave. There has Leen conaiderable complaint lately as to the bad condition of the forms in the Principal's room of the pub- lic achool, and the Board have underecon sideration the question of re -placing the eats with new ones. Will anron have a house of refuge? The result of the polls a: the municipal .election in January will decide the ques- tion. Goderich is just now a.gitatine the matter and putting in one word for the county and two for the town. The pictitre frame swindlers are opera- ting in Berlin, says the News. Up north the latest swindle is for one of a' couple of al.eged commercial travellers to suddenly find himself strapped while out in the country, and offers his "gold" watch for about 10%, of its value (?) Keep your dog loose for both. Geo Roberts, known to many in Exeter 4mod for many years the western represen- tative of Milburn & Co., Toronto, commit- ted suicide at Orillia en Friday last by taking laudanum. Roberts was a slave to poker playing through which about a year ago he lost his situation with Milburn cit Co , and to which his death is owing. When he suicided he was travelling for a cigar firm in London. The late Rev. James Gray, who died suddenly in Toronto on Saturday, was horn in Ireland in 1820, and came to Can- ada in 1816. Entering the ministry of the Methodist church he lobored in Wood. stock, Prescott, Goderieh, Perth, Sarnia, Milton, Dandas, Port Dover, Smith's Fade, Clinton, S. Thomas and Port Stan- ley. For the past six years he had occu- pied, the position of treasurer:of the super- annaation fund. Mr. James H.Grieye this week dispoeed ,of his alock of tweeds to Mr. J. W. Brod- erick at 75c on the dollar. Mr, Grieve leaves Friday for Cobourg, where he has accepted a eituation as cutter, with Mr. Clarke, brother of Mr. J. P. Clarke of this place. Mr. G. dicl a splendid business here, and the situation must be a good one that he would accept in preference to his trade here. While we wish him memo in his new field, we must congratulate Mr. 'Clarke upon his procuring so capable a tradesman. Mr. and Mrs. Grieve will be missed in many circles. strevitte For bargains in Wraps mill on Richard Pieltard &Sou , The banks diseount Amerlean silver lti:aa The deer -shooting season opened on Tuesday. A lot of new Dress Goods just Opened at Richard Pickard Sr Son's ; great velum A total eelgese of the moon will tette placer ou November 4th It will be visible here, Ti. S. Lang will purehase any quantity of fowl thie fall. Watch for particulars later. Signs, which observant people say point to a tete fall and mild winter are num- erous. (It supplied with first-e'ass Unwell) at the cost price of inferior goods,at MoDoriell Bros. The choir of the Main-st• Meth, church hes been augmented by several new singers Several car loads of bogs were shipped from Exeter station on Saturday and Monday. Advices are to the effect that there will be au advance ia the price of auger at an early date. The 'Verity Plow Works Co. will not get things into running operation in Brant- ford for some weeks. Notwidistanding that the 'season is ad- vaneing, large quantities of apples are daily being shipped., Bardware, Tinware, Stoves, and eVes3/- thing in stock seltingast cost price at Mc- Donell Bros.', Bissetns old stand. Mr. L H. Dickson of Exeter has Iola his black mare "Nellie R," to Mr. Gib bons of London for a handsome sum. Colonel .Ayliner has transferred ithe arm and command of No. 6 Company of Volunteers to Mr. L. H. Dickeon, The many friends of Coreluotor John Baillim who for many years ran on the L. H. d; B. line, will be sorry to learre of his death. There will be it shooting match on Thaultsgiving Day, 14 conneetion with the Metropolitan hotel. See bills for partici'. lars. Fowl were marketed quite freely last owe. Tut keys, 9c.; gee, e'8c! chicken, 6c or 30e per pair; ducks, 30 to 85 cents Per pair. We startle other. dealers with the prices at which we are !wiling the Bankrupt stook of Bireseit Bros. A cell will convince you. Mel )(men, Bros. The Canadian Jubilee Singers played in the Opera House to a fair attendance on Meal ty evg. They are pod eingera and wera appreciated. The season is now at hand when the huntet pulls his gun through the fence by tie 'nuzzle and lets daylight through him - or the other fellow. It has been finally decided that liquor shall be sold at the World's Fair, hut it will be under the harmless names of light beverages and stimulants. A.ntipyrine, antifebrine, antikamnia, phenacetine and sulfonal are placed in the liat of poisons scheduled in the Phar. macy Act by an order in Council. The Fermare'Binder Twine and Agricul- tural Implement Aleurifactiming Company of Brantford, Gat (Ltd.), with a capital of $100,000, was gazetted on Saturday. Have you any stray stock on your prem. ises, or have you lost any ? If so, adyer- tise the same iu the Timis, and you will procure an owoer or reeover your lost. The Toronto city ole k during the past week registered thi birth, 2S marriages and 80 deaths. Of the latter. 14 were from diphtheria and 3 from typhoid fever. Mr. Elgin Myers, Q. 0, of Toronto, and Dau 'McGillicuddy of Goderich are holdiug public ineetiega iu Middlesex Co. for the dismission of Canada's future as they call it. Mr. Daniel Dyer has purchased Mr. Sam'l Sweet's interest in The Advocate, and took .possession on Monday. Mr. Sweet, it is said, wi I follow his trade as a mason. The Directors of the Stephen & Usborne Agricultural Society met on Saturday, and after ratoting all claims upon them, they have a nice balance left to help liquidate their debt. The rapidity with which we are sending out stoves is it eurprise -6 al. Call and get one cheap. Thregreeweek's longer of slaughtering prices. McDonell Bros., Bas- sett's old stand. Monday evening was All HallowE'en, but owing to the wet weather few, if any, prants were committed. The ancient cus- tom of destroying property seems to be a thing of the past. With pugilistic science and John L. Sullivan pursuasiveness, a lewd cattle drover resented an inault from a couple of Biddulphers last Saturday, and in a single round laid them out. The Ontario Government has issued an order closing all public offices on Thursday Nov. 10, which has been set apart by the Governor-General in Council as a day for public Thanksgiving. A heavy wind and rain storm passed through this way on Friday night, The ram crate in torrents and the wind blew a hurricane. No serious damage, however, is reported hereabout. Anyone inclined to grumble about the rainfall should bear in mind that it was yery much needed by the farmers. In many places iu the west water lied been scarce for some time past. Saturday and Monday last were busy dayg in town, and at one time 150 rigs were counted tied in front of the various huainese places, The Exeter merchants lead the county in cheapness and variety. Mr. T. W. Acheson has on exhibition at the "Central" a curiosity in the shape of ageg with two heads. The pig is perfect, even to the throat, and had it not been trampedupou by the mother, there was nothing to have prevented its living. Quite a boom deems to be setting in at Brantford. The Goold Bicycle Co. are calling for tenders for their new buildings, and the Maesey•Harris Co. intend making extensive additions to their premises, hav- ing purchased $5,000 worth of land for the pu rpose. Brandon (Man.) must be an attractive town. During the -past week the writer, in conversation with several persons who have been there, was 'somewhat enthusias- tically informed that it is the most city. like town in Canada, and is destined to be come an important centre. We are Pleas- ed to hear this. The synod report for last year showa St. Thomas' Church, SeaSorth, to have nude the largest contribution in churoh work, both at home and abroad, of any Church of England in the county; Per:tousle. Mr. Hugh SpAckmat, was in Toronto this week, Aceompanied by his wife, who will speed a season in a hospital there, in the hope of getting rend for rheumatism, with which she haa hem), affected for some years past, —Mr. George Anderson is mov- ing into Mr. H, Hooper'a house on Andrew street.—Mr. Reg Elliot, who epeut the past two weeks, iu town, hoer returned to Toronto.—Mr. C. Kibler of Crediton was in town on Monday bidding good-bye,prior to hie leaving for Cavalier, N. 1). Mr. Kibler is well thought of in Exeter and the good withes of his acquaintancee go with him, trusting that iu the new field he may be accorded a patronage that will amplify his superior evorkinanship.—lele Richard Pickard is improviug nicely after his attack of sickness.- Mr. J. Delbridge of Winchelsca, the worthy President of the Stephen & Usborne Agricultural So- ciety, has returned home from Manitoba ; he reports having enjoyed the trip and epeaks highly of Itleuitoba and the North- west, but does not state that he will sell nut here and emigrate to the prairie land. --Owing to increasing practice, Dr Hynd- man has purchased another horse—a good driver.—Mr. Will McDonagh, who has been sojourning in the U.S. for some time, is at present visiting his father, Rev. W. McDonagh of the Mitin-st :Meth church. —Mr. John Wood is still confined to the house owing to the serious results of the accident sustained last week by felting from a building, as previously noted.— Mr. W. G. Hooper of Alma, Mich., formerly of Centralia, has been in town the past few days, purchasing sheep which he will ex- port to Michigan for breeding purpoees.— Mr. E. Grigg and wife are the guests of Mr. Grigg's father here, for it few days prior to their leaving for India to under - s d e 'Missionary Ivo 1r, We join their UM y friends here iu wiehing them & pleasant oyage and much fruit for their labors — Mr. James Westlake of Grand Forks, Dal:. itt renewing his subscription to Tin Inlea does so ih a handsome way and pay s up to 1895. It may be that his intertion was to make up for some of the d, linqueute.— Mr. James Strang, of Usborue, will move iuto town shortly. —Mr. Gus. Handford, of Mitchell, was in towu over Sunday.—Last week we reeeived word front A. T. Hind. a former typo in TILE TIMES office aud well known in Sharon. Be is working in She office at the Owatonna Journal, Minn., and is pleased with the town. Wheat there only brings (32e per bush,: oats 25c; butter 25e; egga 18a; but, notwithstand- ing, Tom says things are boorning.—J. E. Tom, Ptiblie School Inspector for West Huron, is in town on edictal business.— Ale. Ruse will move iato Mr. J. Ryan's house.—Mr. A Dearing moved his wife onto the farm in Stephen township..on Thursday hist —Mr. T. Dearing will visit his daughters in Mencelonia, leaving Exeter on Friday.—Mr. Saari Sande -a of Stephen has not yet been joined in wedlock, as reported, but on Wednesday next will accept Miss Joiephine Perkins as bis better halt —Dr atrowlatig did not sail front England on the 22rd ult.. hut is expected to have left on the 20th, and will he io Exeter sometime next week it ie supposed.—Miss Spevrin of 55 Mary s, ie the guest of Mrs IV Tiipp,—Miss Al ease has returned to town.—Mr and Mrs E Gregg lett Exeter last evening for India. Beat 25c tea in town at R Piekard Son's. It is thought by the Assignee that the Bisaett estate will pay 50e on the dollar, Overcoats tor men, youths and children at Riehard Plekarti 4.t Son's, at bargains. Mr, Frank Sruale has sold hie house and lot en Station -street to Mr. R. Terry. Anniversary services will be held in the Main -at chureh on Sunday, Nev. 13th. See posters for particulars, Mr. James Creech who recently open- ed n tailor shop in town ;has closed it, aud eignifies his inteetion of quitting that occupation. A branch of another new society. "The Protestaart Protective .aceriety" has bud- ded in Exeter, having been organized by Wesley Webb, of London. A very large flock of duck passed over this plum on tVednesday, and in a few minutes every nimrod in town had gun in hand, expecting them to light near by- FREEThe Thies will be sentirom • now until the fire,: of January 1891, for $1. Subscribe at once and get the balance of 1892 free. Richard Pickard dr Son are showing a brie lot of underclothing which they pur- chased at a bargain for cash. They are going fast. Means Wood Bros, have improved the appearance of Main street, in the neigh- borhood of their block, by moving the ad joining obt frame building back. The te w block adds materially to that part of Main street, Chief Constable Gill of Exeter, says that the murderers of Detective Phair of London are none others than those who committed the recent acts of burglary in this place, and who started a quarrel at Willert's hotel, Dashwood, about the same time. On Friday evening of this week a so- cial and leeture will be given in Caven Church. A first clew tea, will be served end au interesting lecture, on 'Through Palestine on Horseback," delivered by Rev. Bo Hamilton of Motherwell. Every- body invited. 41. charivari in town on Wednesday night last was abruptly stopped and the crowd diepersed on the arrival of the night• watchman on the scene. Their labors were fruitless, save that two of the party got their heads out open with brick bats hurled by some thoughtless person from the house. The charivari party were on the street, and the person who threw the missile, while he might have killed any passer-by, was violating the law ; and should be punished severely for doing such a senseless trick. Mr. Peter W. Bawden, of Ridgetown, formerly of Exeter, was on Wednesday of last week united in marriarge to Miss Maude Porte, of Liman, third daughter of Mr Wm. Porte, postmaster at that place, by the Rev, R H Shaw, of the Church of England. The ceremony was strictly private, only the immediate re- latives of the contracting parties being present. Miss Ida K. Porte, youngest sister of the bride, waited !upon her as brideemaid, and Mr H Smith, student at law, Toronto'waited upon the groom as beat man. The ceremony took place at noon and the happy couple took the G. T. R. express west for Detroit and Chi- cago on their wedding tour: The large number of wedding presents and the orowd assembled at the station to bid the happy pair farewell testified to the respect in which. the bride is held by her village associatea.—Com. „ alb11111111VOITUIRE RICHARD PICKARD & SO Are offering immense bargains in all Ladies' Misses and Children's Mantles, These goods were imported direct and bought for spot cash. Now is the time to secure a cheap Coat. If you want a Ready-made Garment of any del:- cription, call and see our prices. RICHARD PICKARD & SO -1 The Guy Brothers, The Guy Bros. Minstrels petformed itt the Town Hall last night and it larger crowd or a better entertainment has not been seen in the Hall for years. The curtain was billed to rise at 8 p. m., but long before this the box office waa besieged. The crowd began to gather and continued until the hall was crowded to such an ex- tent that sta.ndlog room was not available and the managemeut were obliged to close the doors. Standing room was at it totem- ium botore 8 o'olock Ilanclreda were turned away and to satisfy the orowd the company had to be persuaded to postpone an engagement and remain iu Cowell Sound another night They eepeat their program to -night again and 15 15 a program that can well stand repetition. Every number on it was excellent. The songs were all splendid. The jokes were original and extremely funny. The stick drill and dancing was excellent. Vauneraon and McDonald iu their Horizontal Bar perfor- mance were good and theii " Chmese Leaudry" brought down the house. The negro impersouation of Mr. W. H. Guy was excellezt,his dielect itt perfeet and Ilia action, taken all round, most ludicrous. E. A. Pratt's violin seleetions and imita- tions. were well received. Ur. H. AfeVey's Club Swinging was a fine feature of the program. Eddie McDonald, the contor- oonist, is superb. 8)1110 of hie feats are simply wonderful. "Save the Pieces" the conchnliny number in which the Ttiek cottage is introduced is it perfect whirl- wind -of fun. The Orcheatra is IMO of the beet ever lima here. Everythiug is refined, the coarse johis in which some organizations delight being conspicuously absent. —Owen Sound Times. At Exeter, Saturday Not -.5. Platt of Hall at Grieve's. See "ad in another column, There will be is grand Christmas tree entertainment at Shipkit oil the 205h of December. Everybody come and have a Wood time. Call at the Exeter Packing House for heada, feet, shanks, tenderloin. spare ribs. sausage, bologna, fresh pork loin, head thecae, etc. Parties wanting fresh lard ean leave crooks or mils to be filled, all at lowest cash prices. SNELL Bnos. ik 0/. 25 Additions Since our lust rearm we have added, unsolicited, twenty-fiye new sub- seribers to The Times' net. We give all the news, crisp and condensed, and the public appreciate our efforts to give a first. class local paper The balance of the year free to new subscribers, The Salvation Army will be shortly having t)aeir anienal week of thanksgiving, prayer and self-denial. The dates are from Nov. 6 to 12, inclusive. Special meetings will be held every night in the local barracks. One special feature of the self-denial week is an appeal which is made to every individual member and fol- lower of -the Salvation Array to deny them- eelves of sonie article of food or clothing, or in some way, so that without Jewelling their regular contributions they may be able to help the self-denial fund. An ap" peal hi also made from house to house. A. party of young men and old from the Becond concesston of Stephen visited a house on the first concession last Wednes- day evening for the purpose of engaging in a. charivari. All went well until they reached the house and made a demand up- on the young groom for a sum of money, whereupon the crowd enjoying the festi- vities inside, turned out and gave the charivari party such it well-deserved beat- ing that their retreat was amusing to be. hold. Big Joe lay childlike in the gutter, pleading for mercy, while "Willie' with his accustomed celerity measured the line by four -yard -strides at the instance of the "blacksnake." Tlae others received HiMi- ha' treatment, and all returned home bad- ly scared, and with the impression that to cherivari it young counle was it danger- ous thing to try. THE Tzsanscomas. published on behalf of 'Hoods Sarsaparilla are as reliable and as worthy your confidence, as if they came from your best and most trusted neighbor. They state only the simple facts ill regard to what Hood's Sarsapanlla has done, al- ways within troth and reason. Constipation, and all troubles with the digestive organs and the liver are cured by Hood's Pine. Unequalled as a dinner pill. INDIGEBTION Cuninn.--Gentlemen,—I was thoroughly oured ,of iodiae t inn by using only three bottles of 11 Il t., and truth- fully recommend it to .erferiug from She same malady. Mrs. Da ',Jaen, Winni- peg, Man. RACKED Virrrn RHEUMATISM.— Dear Sirs, —For ten years I have suffered with rheu- matism in spring and fall, I have been con. fined to bed for months at it time, but since using B. B. B. I have not suffered horn it at all. 1. also suffered with the dyspepsia, which has not troubled me since using the B. B. B., and I also think it a splendid medicine. Mrs. Amelia Brenn, Elayesland, Ont. NOTICE. Note Lost, drawn by Weels Bros. Drawn itt favor of B. Davi, for sixty-eight dollars, and the public is hereby cautioned against negotiating or purchasing said note, as it has been paid. 15. D1.1,10. 11111111111I11101111111111111111111113111111:11l111111111111113 Why fll o *4•••••••1•••••••••••••••••••.•••11.1.11•14 Happy 4,1 00,111.1.0, TworopprioRlopi' 3E3C.A..T.TSIE I do all my trading with Carling Bros. THE SQUARE E MERCHANTS ; OF EXETER. They don't ask a price, then come down one third. CARLING BROS4 WE WANT Your trade, and will give you. special inducements to get it. We want you to come and see what we can do for you in the Clothing line. We have just re- ceived the ba/ance of our FALL and WINTER GOODS And we are showing the largest and best assorted stock of Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, French and English Worsteds, Suitinga end Pantings, and all the ht. est things in Overcoatin.gs, —the finest range ever shown in Exeter. and our prices are away down, and our fits end workmanship are second to none. We keep the BEST Rubber COATS to be found, and sell them cheap, too. LADIES, see our Sealettes before you buy elsewhere. Remember the place,: J. H. GRIEVE, The Tailor Exeter, la &RIOT REPORTS. Exeter. Nov.2, 1832. Fall whettt pei-butth$ 63 $ 65 Spring wheat per bush 60 62 Barley per bush 35 40 Oats per bush. • • . 2 28 Peas per busk—. ........... ;+56 58 Flour per bbl . . ..... 4 00 440 Apples per bag... . 70 85 Potatoes per bag 1 00 1 00 Hay per ton 6 00 6 01) Woodper cord hard 4 00 4 03 1'4 ood per cord soft 200 206 Butter per lb..... ..... Eggs per dozen 4 Pork oar hundred 5 50 18 15 6 00 BOAR FOR SERVICE. Berkshise Boar (large breed) for Berviee on lot15,00n 7, Usberne. Bred from let prize stook. Terms IL Wid SNELL. 1AUTION. N.) I hereby forbid any person or persons giving credit to any person or persons in my name, ag will not be responsible for any debt contract ed without my written order. jOI11 GOURLEY. Usborno. Oct. lst, 1892.— St FARM FOR SALE. Seventy four acres, being lotl6 2nd eon. of Usborne, e of a mile from Exeter. The soil is first-elass, and in a good state of cultivation, well drained. and well fenced with black ash rails, There is a new brick house.with kitchen and wood shed, and good 'frame +barn, driving shed, cattle sheds, and stables,on the premises. Two never -failing wells of water. 18 aores of fall wheat in, and plowing done. Terms to suit purchaser, and possession given at any time. THOMAS CORNISH. Bteter, Oetr 5,1892-15 ARGAINS IN HARNES, TRUNKS, VALISES, WHIPS, RUGS, BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, AT ETC. John Treble's, Min -8t NOTE A FEW PRICES: Half Fox Felt Boot, Grain, Felt Boot, Loose Socks, Grain, Men's Rubbers, Women's Rubbers, Misses' Rubbers, $2.00 2.25 0.50 0,30 0.25 Skilled. Workmen are employed to manufacture the goods, and the best of material is used. Prompt attention given to all kinds of repairing. My Stock is well assorted and every customer is guaranteed satis- faction. The Prices mean a sale every time. Call and be convinceds JOHN TREBLE, — Exeter. /tF(JPFItIIJI Left in the shade by .our Prices. Summer Goods going at ANY PRICE Now is the time for Bargains Big Drives in PRIN TS AND DRESS GOODS. Lots of New Fall:Goods, cheaper than ever. Come and see the way that we lead in GONE GOODS and LOW 'PRICES. DOUPE & CO'S, Kirkton. TT F, KINSMAN, L.D.S, D.D.S • Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. and of the Dental Department o Toronto University, (with honors.) Speeia ist in bridge -work, and gold and por- celain crowns. Pure Nitrous Oxide Gas and local antesthet• los for painless extraetione. Always at home. Oface Panson's Block. Exeter, OARDERS WANTED, Pour Boarders. No others kept. Usual rates. Apply at 117 Nelson street, one block from Verity Co's new plow works, or to Baker, Box 74. Brantford.