HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-11-3, Page 4Established in l877 S, BANKER, EXETER, - ONT. ---- Traneaets a general banking business. Reoeives the Accounts of Merehants and others on favorable terms. Offers every acoommodation consistent with safe and oonserva tie° banking principles. Interest allowe,1 on deposits. Drafts issued parable at any °Mee of tho Merchants Bank, Nos DISO0T,NTED, aud MONE:V TO LOAN ON NOTES and UOUTOAGES. Wain, •Iimalatig IN*111••=110•11191192•1•1•Iemill•*4111.4 rulitt Motu Eforro. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER ad, 1892 , NOTES AND OOMMENTS. It is generally understood that the Provincial elections; will be held in 1893. The Toronto News eays 1"It is in the interests of the country that a change should be made in the present condition of affairs. Nothing can be more demor- alising to a community than a struggle for ofdee between two parties which are not divided on clear cut questions of principle. * * The rain on Friday night and Satur- day was weicented with delight by the farmers of this district. For a couple of months not much rain has fallen. and the water was scarce in several localities; so much so that farmers had to drive their stock a distance to the nearest streams for a water supply. On heavy clay soil no plowing could be done en accouut of the dry, brick -like state of the laud. Then fall wheat Was making but little headway, and the growth was stunted. All around the rain has been very acceptable, and a great benerit has accrued to the fermera by this timely down -pouring. * * The Government of Nova Scotie is pressing for the return, from the Dom- inion Government, of ;subsidies grented by that Province to certain railways that have since been taken under the coutral4of the Federal authorities. if Nova r$,eetist'e Odra is allowed, similar claims will certainly,be pressed on behalf of all the other provinces. For instance in Ontario six millions have been given from the provincial treasury,and a much larger amount from the several munici- palities in the province, to aid in the building of railways, not ono of which is now under the legislative control of the Ontario Government. Better leave things as they are. *•. Canada exported $11,752,000 worth elf forest products to Groat Britain last veer, as against only $131,000 worth sent to France. Our exports to the latter country would doubtless haye been very much larger were it not that timber from Sweden and Norway is subject to the lowest rate of customs taxation when entering the French Re- public, while ours is met by the highest rate. Sir Charles Tupper is now en- sleavoring to have Canadian products placed on the same level as those from Norway and, Sweden. Should he sue- eeed be will lay the Dominion ueder almost as great an obligation ars he did a few years ago when he saved our ocean -cattle trade from destruction. • • • The mining interests of Ontario are till in their infancy, and do not as yet amount to very much. The Ontario Bureau of Mines, recently :established under the Ontario Government and which is presided over by Mr. Archibald Blue, has issued its first annual report. It is a comprehensive document and contains a good dell of valuable infor. mullion. From it we learn thab the total value of mineral production for the year 1891 was $4,705,673. Of this amount building stone figures at $1,000- 000, crude petroleum $1,209,558, com- mon brick $950,000, and nickel $270,- 000. Iron mining, the report states, was of a prospective character only, the total quantity raised being about 200 tons. * * * A great outcry has been made about the increase of the public debt during the fiscal year which ended on 30th June last, and which increase was more than accounted for by the abolition of the duty on sugar, which reduced taxation about $3,000,b00; but these same jour- nals are, no doubt, conveniently obliv- ious to the fact that since the first July this year the debt has been steadily re- duced, thanks to an increase in revenue and a decrease in expenditure. The position of the debt on the 30th Septem ber was as follows: Grose debt ,7,297,622,705 02 Asset tfet 58,999,221 22 Net 4238,625,483 80 Debt 30th June.... . 241,033,335 40 Decrease ......... ...... 2,411,851 60 A decrease of nearly two millions and a half dollars in the first three months of the current fiscal year is a pretty sure indication that the increase in the debt shown last year is not permanent, but that before the 30th June :next. the net debt will most likely return to the normal figure of about $236,000,000, near which it has stood for the last four ears. DOUBLE 00/IIIENDED.—Sirs,—I had a yt ry bad cold and was cured by two bottles of Hagyard's Pectoral Bal -am, I cannot do without it. Mrs. W. 0. H. Perry, Sea Gob, Ont. Des, Sire—I can highly rec- ommend Hagyards Factorial Belem as The best remedy for coughs and °oldie Mins F. eitsylaanson, Oakland, Ont. While the people of Exeter ere look- ing around for sonaeone to re .open the fourniry, woeld it riot be well, for a time at least, to apply our efforts to the establishment of a creamery or cheese - factory ia town? We are in the midst of a magnificent agricultural country. Al- a cheese meeting in Listowel last week, Hon. Thos, Ballantyne told them that Listowel was the largest- cheese market in °uteri°. There had been during the season 30,000 boxes of cheese shipped front there, leaving over $200,- 000in the community as a return. There is nothing to prevent Exeter gaining a reputation such as that of Listowel, and it only requires; a little energy to set the machinery in motion to accomplish it. * * * The potato market is in a bad way, says the Toronto Press, owing to the large quantities affected with dry rot that are coming in. Seed William Bar- rett, the Potato King, who has been handling "murphies" for a quarter of a century : "All the potatoes that come in have dry rot. There are two car- loads on the track that were sent as samples from away down east,740 miles, and they're all affected. 1 won't handle them. Too much rain is the cause, and the result is that the half of every car- load is rotten. It's the same all the way down east as far as Prince Edward Island. I will not pay a cent more than 50 cents for potatoes as they are, hut if could get fifty carloads of first-class, sound potatoes I would. pay GO cents. Potatoes are in big demand and 1 be- lieve that next spring they will be worth $1.50 to $2. Dealers with potatoes on band are foolish to sell them now at less than $1. This time last year 1 had ten carloads, and now I haven't half a car- load." • • A, number of operators,says the Trade Bulletin, have already bought pretty extensiyely in December wheat at 76c. to 77e. a bushel. Many are waiting for May wheat to decline to 80c., at which figure, if it ever gets so low, they intend to inveat to a considerabie extent both on margin and in straight out-and-out purchases. According to etatiatics fur- niabed by Beerbohm regarding the wheat crops of the different producing countries, the world's yield this year will be 154,000,000 quarters, against 137,000,000 quarters last year, 161.000,- 000 quarters in 1890, and 143,000,000 quarters in 1389. This estimate shows an increase of 17,000,000 quarters, or 136,000,000 bushels; but the year pre- vious showed a decrease of 24,000,000 quarters, or 102,000,000 bushels, while in 1890 there was an increase of 18,000,- 000 quarters, or 146,000,000 bushels The average crop of the world during the past four years has been 148,000,000 quarters, which has proved to be more than ample for tbe wants of mankind. Thia was amply demonstrated last year when the yield fell 192,000,000 bushels below that of the year previous, and which led so many to predict not only abnormally high prices but an actual famine. * * * The statements of imports and ex- ports for the month of September,which appeared in the last Canadian Gazette, shows that the trade of the country is atm steadily increeeing, and for the quarter is $e,521,031 in excess of what it was at this time laat year, or about 133: per cent. Both exports and entries for consumption show a large increase, in the former $5,777,063, and in the latter $2,742,968, while the duty collect- ed is $5,669„243.67, as compared with $5,185,723.91,an increase of $483,514.76 The following is a detailed statement of the exports during the three months ended Sept. 30, compared with same period last year: Exports. 1891. 1892. Mine ....... ....$ 2,403,486 $ 1,394,639 Fisheries 3,805,569 2,317 257 h'oreat 9,008,082 2,172,685 Animals 11,634,561 13,005,916 Agriculture 5,139,565 7,708 647 Maeufactures.. „ 1,831,823 2,432.570 Miscellaneous89,288 144,662 Coin and bullion104,388 117,698 $34,017,012 $39,794,075 The total value of goods entered for consumption for September was $10,- 218,059, of which dutiable goods were entered at $6,514,367; coin and bullion, $455.021; free, $3,248,671. For the quarter ended 30th September the com- parative statement for 1891 and 1892 is as follows : 1891. Dutiable... . $18,232.130 Coin and bullion495,796 Free 11,813,002 Total $39,538,928 1892. $18,886,934 2,001,566 12,393,396 833,281,896 Duty collected .$5,185,728.91 85,599,243.67 Pessimests, what say thou to this? Greenway. BRIEFS—Our town sports a sidewalk, "who'd a -thunk it."—Our citizens are highly pleased with the bridge built over Mr. Follicles creek by Mr. Geo.Johnson and Mr. A. Glendenning; and especially by the inwrovement of a railing on each side.—Quarterly meeting and Sacram- ental services in the Boetem Mothodist church next Sabbath at 10.30 a. m. A cordial invitation is extended for all to ateend.—Mr. William Hrlm took his departure to the far wet last Tuesday morning. Success to you Will 1—Mise Louisa Billing, who has been very sick, we are glad to say is improving slowly. —Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 219, will celebrate 4th Nov. by supper and enter- tainment in half over the store. Supper served from 5 to :8. Admission 25c., children 15 cents. Remember date— Nov. 4th, Friday evening.—Mr. C. H. Wilson sold a 9 -month's pig its our village merchant weighing over 350 pc ends. THE WEEKS NEWS. Condensed for Times' Readers, Everything m GENERAL, Jas. Snell, of Elullett, won over $300 at the fall fairs this year; Parkhill is talking of appointing a chief constable, Mr. Hodgins, of Clandeboye, is G. T. R, agent at Jeannett's Creek dur- ing Dlr. Lionize's absence. The northern apple packers, in the vicinity of Blyth, will give a splendid supper at Mason s hotel, Blyth, on Tuesday evening next. Mr. P. Carlon delivered at Seaforth last week, at one load, 31.34 Wallets of wheat, or nearly 19,000 pounds. It was a very large load. The Blanshard and Nissouri Cheese Co. sold 600 boxes of bepteniber cheese for 10 5-15 cents per lb), Of the pro- ceeds the patrons received $5,000. D. J. Coughlin, of Landon was married at Stratford last week to Miss Mary O'Grady or that city. They will make their home in Stratford this winter. Mr. Edward D. Dinsmore, who' dis- posed of his property rn Granton to Mr, Cornelius Westman, has purchased Mr. John Lindsay's 50 ACM farril 10 Iliddulph, giving therefor $2,800. The l'honapson-Morrison 'arm on concession 9, of SicKiliop. a few lots east of Winthrop, has been sold to John Morrison, a neighbor, or $4,000. It contains 100 acres, and is an excel- lent farm, and it is cheap at this price. Capt. Joseph Beck, the well known reeve of Colborne and ex -warden of this oounty, bus purehesed the intereat in the Stratford tannery belonging to the estate or his late brother, and also the Ear kpatrick tannery propeley, oombiuing the two in one. Mr. Freeman, Harding, Barrister, of Ridgetown, met with an accident at Rond Eau Friday morning that caused him to lose bis left hand. lo get ting out of his boat at the dock it appears he grasped his gun by the muzzle, and in some way caused the hammer to explode the charge, blowing his hand to atoms. I. A. Cryaler, the Teeterville school teacher it'll° was convioted of swindling school teachers by means of a bogus advertisement offering to engage a tutor for the children ot an English lady and then collecting $10 from the applicants was taken from Tomato jail to Simcoe by Detective Murray a day or two ago to receive his sentenee, and was on Tuesday given three months imprisonment at hard labor. John French, who %leaped from the Stratford jail last spring, where he was undergoing sentence for wile beat ing, returned to Mitchell on Tuesday night from Pt. Huron, where he has been since he escaped. He indulged hlauself in his wife beating propensi- ties again before he could te arrested, sibused his wife and best her into in. sensibility. He was arrested Wednes. day and lodged in jai/. The Travelling Dairy has been mak- ing a tour of Perth county the past month. At Mitchell samples of milk from T. S. Ford's Guernsey cow regis- tered alightly over 6 per cent. of pure fat, others imaging from 5.1e down- wards. There was one sample that gave over twelve per cent , but, of course, it lente net normal sample and was not considered, Strippinge Will sometimes go twelve and cream as high as you like. A crow that will not give four per met. fat; that is four pounds of butter to erery hundred pounds of milk, will not pay ea a butter am. One point touched upon it is well to remember; that feed -will in- crease the quantity of milk but not the quality. The quality is alone in the cow, and such as the quality is she can be fed to give little or much. Ali Best Cure For All disorders of the Throat and Lungs is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It has no equal as a cough -cure. Bronchitis "When I was a boy, I had a bronchial trouble of such a persistent and stub- born character, that the doctor pro- nounced it incurable with ordinary remedies, but recommended me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and one bottle cured me. For the last fifteen years, I have used this preparation. with good effect whenever I take a bad cold, and I know of numbers of people who keep it in the house all the time, not considering it safe to be without it."— J. C. Woodson, P.M., Forest Hill, W. Va. Cough "For more than twenty-five years, I was a sufferer front lung trouble, at- tended with coughing so severe at times as to cause hemorrhage, the paroxysms frequently lasting three or four hours. I was induced to try Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral, and after taking four bottles, was thoroughly cured.''— Franz Hoffman, Clay Centre, Kans. La Grippe "Last spring I was taken down with la grippe. At times I was completely prostrated, and so difficult was my breathing- that my breast seemed as if confined in aft iron cage. I procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking it than relief followed. I could not believe that the effect would be so. rapid and the cure so complete."—W. H. 'Williams, Cook City, S. Dak. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Price ; six bottles, $s. Prompt to act, sure to cure mulkingoovvs should bays, free noose to exit every. 'day and all the pure water they can drink. Mr. Daniel Morden, of London town- ship, who had been ruling for some time, died to -day from malarial pole - (ming. He was a well-known farmer; having been born almost on the place where lie lived, on the Proof Line At the London Police Court, on the evidence submated at the corner' inquest. John Burke and Janae Wilson, the men charged with tne assignation of Detective Phair, were committed to stand their trial at the next Assizes. MARRIED. RURTEL—KELLY—At the R. a. Ch welt, Clinton, on the 29th ult., by Rev. Father West, Mr. John Hurley, to Miss N. Kelly, daughter of Mr. Thos. Kele, Holmeoville. JESSET—Efavxms—In Exeter, on the 25th int& at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. Fred Belling Fait. Henry Walton Jersey, of Elmira, N. Y., to Catharine Hawkbas, of Exeter. Beeessaw—Bee.ess--On the 19th ult., by the Rev. A. Grant, B, A., at the manae, St. Marys, James Bradshaw, to Minnie Bearer, all of Weat Nissouri. Other marriages on page 5. Deux. is Dexannons.—When the kiduetra aro out of order delay is dangerous. Any di -ease ray follow and beoutne so well established that months of suffering will follow, A gentle tonic like Dodd's Ridney Pills is always acceptable to the kidneys and proteete them fruit disease. They are a Sidney food, Lep kir _ ON . THIS SPACE Read carefolly its contents, then come and PROVE ITS REALITY. For Grey Flannels, Fancy Flannels and .Flannelettes, and Ladies' and Children's Underclothing, you can be satisfied at a P. OLARIEZ'S. TOWN HALL, EXETER, NOV. 5th, 1892 23rd Season.; The Oldest -The Best -The Matchless 1GUY 'BROTHERS' MINSTRELS •••••••rMalmoorsomp First and Foremost of them all. Patronized by tbe elite of every city. einese ENTIRELYE NEW, :18110W. No old chestnuts, or copy from others, Among our:great surprises will be found the most wonderful and Artistes European Celebrities, who challenge the world..= f....S.S.'"; eliffietre3 Comosh,Vannersonland McDonald With their beautiful silier Tripte Bare. The only gentlemen who can turn :Single, Double and Triple Somersaelts from bar to bar. We likewise present to you thelTwo Funny Mongolians ONE LUNG AND TWO LUNG Metiers. Melville and Nusbaum., who are the most surprising and ridiculously Cora- ical Chinese in America. -- Beautiful Orchestra with lovely music 1 Charming Songs and Ballads! I Brilliant and Exhiliarating Chorus 1 ! THE SIX GUY BROS. In Bran New and Orieinal Specialties. --- Don't forget the grand and greatest show. Secute your seats early. Be on band to see the great street parade,: Reserved sante for sale at S. H.:Grime:3'e. Admission 25, 85 and 50 cents. SEND to TheGlobe TORONTO, FOR AGENTS' OUTFIT FOR 1893, INC/LIMING VALUABLE PRIZE LIST. Anybody. Can Get Upa, Club. We want Young People to work for us. Write early. It Will Pay You. 11 THE GLOBE. WEEKLY GLOBE, balance 1892 FREE. Mrs. it. 4. Williams Lynn, Mass. . For the Good of Others .E.ser. Or. 111//iants Heartily Z'n- dorses Hood's Sarsaparilla. We are pleased to present this from Rev. A. A. Williams, of the Sillsbee street Christian Church, Lynn, Mass.: ,see no reason why a clergyman, more than a layman, who knows whereof Ite speaks, should hesitate to approve an Article of Merit and worth, from Which he or his family have been signally benefited, and whose commenda- tion may serve to extend those benefits to others by increasing their confidence. My wife has for many year. been a sufferer from severe . Nervous Headache for which she found little help. Site hes wee many things that promised well but per- formed little, Last inn a friend gave her a bot- tle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. It seems surpris- Mg what simply one bottle could and did do for her. The attacks of headache decreased in number and were less violent in their inten- sity, while her general health has been ime proved, Iler appetite has also been better. Brom our experience. with Hood's Sarsaparilla 1 bave no hesitation in endorsingirsisazrts7 A.A.w • 14000S PILLS aro the best ramuy eatbarec, gentle and effeCtive. Try a box, PriNi 25o Incorporated 1887, with Cash Capital of $50,000 tiECTRIC 810 AND APPLIANCE 00. 49 KING ST. W., TORONTO, ONt O. C. FATTERtiON, Mgr. for Canada. Electricity, as applied by the Owen Electric Belt, Is now recognized as the greatest boon offered to suffering humanity. It is fast taking the place of drugs In all nervous and thenituttle troubles, anti will effect cures in seemingly hopeless cases where every other known means has failed. It is nature's remedy, and by its steady, soothing (current that is readily felt, POSITIVELY CURES RheumatIam, Sexual Weal:noes. Sciatica, Female Oonspiaints General Debilitee Impotency, LuntbagO, Kidney illsenees, Nervous Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Lame Back. Varicocele, 'Urinary Diseases. RHEUMATISM It is a well known fact that nualleal science bas utterly failed to afford relief In rhemnittio cases, We venture the assertion that although Electricity has only been in use as n remedial agent for a few years, it lias cured more eases et. Rheumatism than all other means coin - bitted. Sotne of our leading physicians, recog- nizing this fact, are availing themselves of this most potent of nature's forces. TO RESTORE MANHOOD Thousands of people suffer from a variety of nervous diseases, such as Seminal Weakness, Impotency, Lost Manhood, Weak Ismer, ete., thatthe old modes of treatment 1511 10 cure. There is n loss of nerve force or power that cannot be restored by medical treatment, and any doctor who would try to accomplish this by any kind of drugs is practising a dangerous form of cho.rlatanIsm. Properly treated THESE DISEASES CAN BE CURED Eledriolty, as applied by the Owen Electric Belt and Suspensory, will most assuredly do so. 11 18 the only known remedial agent that will supply what is lacking, namely, nerve force or power, hnpart tone and vigor to the organs and arouse to healthy action the whole nervous system. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS And the worthless, cheap, so-called Electric Belts advertised by some concerns and peddled through the country. They are electric in name only, worthless as a curative power, and dear at any price. We Challenge the World to show an Electric Belt whore the current is under con- trol of the patient as completely as this. Our Trade Mark is the portrait of Dr. Owen embossed in gold upon every Belt and appliance manufactured by us. Send for Catalogue—Mailed (Sealed) Free. THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT CO,, 49 King St. W., Toronto. Mention this miner. MEM. I Monthly Prizes Girls: The"Studight" Soap Coe o the following prizes every month ti, notice. to beys and girls tipsier 16, meld 11 the Province of Ontario, who send the grea e number of "Sunlight" wrappers: 1st $10 244 SO ; 3r4 $3 ; 4th $1; 5th to 14th a handsome book ; and a pretty picture to thine who seed pot less than 12 wrappers. Send wrappere to "Sunlight" Soap °face. 43 Soott street, Toronto not later than 29th of eaoh month, and marked competition; also give full name address, e,ge and number of wrappers. Winners' names sell be published in Tomato Mail on first Saturday u mesh month. Iteh, Mange and seratehes of every ki an human bellies or animals cured in. robautes notes by Wol ford's sanitary lotto This never fails. Sold by C. Lutz. TEE FEAR or Dneen.---Tue fear of fleet is excited by any severe attack of disease espeeially colds or coughs. This need. no be where Dr, Wood, Norway Pine syru Is kept on hand for family use. This un rivalled remedy cures coughs, wide, hoarse nese asthma, bresiebitia, and all throe and lung dinettes,. Price 25e. and 5 Sold by druggiste. BE QUIT TILE Dooroa ,—Gentlemen,— was troubled with dyspepsia for about to years and tried eereral remedies but fou them of little use. I noticed an advertia ment of Burdock Blood Bitters, so I qu the doctor, and started to use B. B, and soon found there was nothing to equ it, It took just three bottles to effeer eeriest euro in my ease, 5114 1 eta high recommend this exeelleat usedieine to a Bert Je Reid, Wingham, Out. Rebecoa Wilkinson, of Brownsyalley, I SSYS:—"I have been Inc dietreesed con tion for three wears from Nerrousue Wealsnese of the Stoniaoh, Dyapepsia Indigeotiou entil my health was scone. bad been doctoring constantly with no lief, I bought one bottle of South Am can Nervine; which done me more g than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever in my life. I would advise every wea person to nee tbis yaluable and lovely re edy. A trial bottle will convince you. Warranted by C. Lutz, Druggist. aug, Liaivaent cures Diphtheria. A. HASTING'S, BARBE FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. As you pass by on the Main street Just for a motuent atop. .Ad t ihjaavs 71'7. sr Barb11fiaun del twohpi. skers trireme We are the lightning barbers, i We do our work with eare. We always kette our razors And shears M good repair. We bay° the very Spot styles of *heirs.' 1"‘ We keep our towels clean. 1".1Ve iitampoo in the best of syIe And 14$0 the eau hair machine. Same barbers work so slowly, avnut this to our text: Wo do not Reap you waiting, Year turn is ahvars "next," As for the ladies and children. We da their work tip-top; We shingle their hair and trim their barite At Ilasting's Barber shop. WE have on hand a Fine Line of aff BOUND BOOKS Suitable for Sunday School Uhl -axle Presentations. TIIE LATEST GAME arlor Quoits' ALS° FLIPS, PARCHEESI, HAL* Authors, Etc., Eto. J. W. BROWNING BOOK A: DRUG STORE cc p Application painless and easy, relief im ate. This preparation Ells a groat and Ion wan t amen g those who suffer from Piles. aremedy of the highest merit—effective reliable—and has more than met the ant' tions of those physicians who have as their practice. Puekone is a Sur when other remedies fail to relieve, onials furnished. Price $1. For ssicon, gists or by mail on receipt of prLefe. W. T. STRoNG. lilanufacturin Chemist Dundas St.. London, Ont, 0OrSCOTT ROOT COMPOUN ea reoent discovery by an ephysioian. Successfull ed monthly by thousauf LADIES. Is the only De ly safeandreliable me discovered, Beware o principled druggists offer inferior medicin plane Ar tV;,-. Ask for Coox's •eoxerer orereouer;laire 50 substitute ; or inclose $ 4 three -cont Canada postage stamps in 1 and we will send. sealed, by return mail. sealed particulars in plain envelope. to I only, 2 stamps. Address Pond Lily Comp No. 3 Fisher Block, 131 Woodward ave.,De Mich. Sold in ffi • . LUTZ, C Drug Store and all drugelets everywher R. S. LANG' r WheinEILOOM IICEPIAENCEArT Market Square, Exeter. We suppler in seasiA, every kind of Implement used on a farm, eluding Binders, Movers, Rakes, Drills, Cultivators, Etc., and all th Implethents of theMassey-Harris Co's manufacture. • On the' rem°, al of the Verity Foundry to Brantford we purchaeed a large quentitei of plow repairs at a low figure, which will be 'sold at ,a. reduced pricee Also Special Agent for the VERITY PLOWS and Their REPAIRS. We have tilem in large quantitipesricaens.d can supPly them at Factory - Poultry." Poultry.! Poultry. Upon the opening of the season, about eoth Nov. we Will be prepar-- pared to purchase any quantity of all kinds ot Poultry, at highest' prices, Watch for instructions as to killing and dressing. B. S. LANG.-