The Exeter Times, 1892-11-3, Page 1AND HURON
VOL. XX. NO 12.
Are being offered in every department
of aur store. Careful buyers always
find l ys them to see what we offer.
There are still a few pairs of those
famous 500. Kid Gloves left. If you
have not secured a pair they are rare
value, Our Ladies'Natural Wool Vests
are the favorites (quality considered.)
To -day we have opened out a new
line of Corsets. They are good fitters
skies each pair is guaranteed to give sat-
isfaction or money refunded.
Do You Need Underwear
Only 50c. buys a heavy All -wool Un-
dershirt. Wo can supply you with any-
thing in DRY -GOODS at right prices.
One Low Cash Price our Motto.
Sole agents for Butterwick's Celebrat-
ed Glove Fitting Patterns.
A. J. MoTA.VISE & 00.
ilonsanl Oatmeal Mille are running again
after having ratted them from top to bottom
r with and aro
now mlanufacturing high gimproved rades of meal. Oat-
meal exchanged for oats, Meal wholesale and
�, retail. A largo quantity ot,„ feed on hand.
Good white clean oats wanted;` present price
a 28e per bushel.. Our capacity 00 bushel daily.
D. Urquhart, Basalt Oatmeal $ Mills
e, up uucases of Rubbers and Overshoes topened
12 cases
of Felt Boots and 403 -mire of glen's, bays, and
line of Truoke and'Valfac,, also remind
atga discoun during the next 30 daof ys, incordor,
a to make roomier more new goods coming in.
Call and secure bargains. Butter and eggs
taken same as cash. A.1VESBi o11, Prop.,
Sign of Big Boot, Jlensli and Cromarty.
Following are the market quotations
Wheat .,... , 63 to 0S
Barley 38 to 40
Oats .. , 26 to 28
Peas ... 55 to 56
Hay 5,00 to 6.00
Butter e .. . ,17 to 13
Eggs .. 0 to 12
Hogs seed . 5.75 to 5.75
Clove7.00 to 7,50
Balevs.-Nlre Cowan of Kintail is visit-
ing at her 'parents, Mr and Mrs. .Alex.
Buehanan's.-rlie flax mill is now in full.
operation scutching the flax. A few more
tine days end thi; will have finished talt-
ng'up the 11aOiir coopers are the most
industrious people in town, as they work
from 5 a, m. to 11 p. m. Trueman says
he. is the victor, and can down the coutty
at the barrel making Tan Welsh is lear
ning the coopering business, as is also
Garnet Smallacombo.-The new lawyer is
low nicely settled. -Henry Pfaff of Kip -
pen was in town on business on Tuesday.
-221bs of granulated and 27 lbs sugar in
ensall.-Mrs W Colwill and Mite d
mith attended the funeral of Rey Mr.
loKinley's brother, Stanley township last
reek -The R. T. of T. are going to have
free entertainment and open meeting on
l7th. Everybody welcome, -The grist
s had new flues put into the boiler,
ew brick foundation Lias been plec-
d Int e engine room. -Quite a number
ttend::d the quarterly meeting held at
hich came
uron a few w
len lying button
ohnston's Mills,
ore ; an effort is n
the cabin, where it
the unfortunate passengers are. -Mx•
of Bilis Green
ay. -D Carate-
'r on Saturday
apples bought
uses was in
-11r. John
f God -
1 Hen
last Sunday. -The ill-fated barge
counter with a storm on lake
eke ago, and which has
i up in the lake near
ae been washed nearer
being made to get
is thought some 11
eorgt Hudson and wi
Dyed to Hensen last 9 r
n, of Clinton, was in tow
inning several car loads o
Wm. Moore. -J. C. KI
eter, on business, Saturday,
pe made a business trip to
Wednesday. -Mr. John Cants
?ch is visiting friends in and tiro
Bniers.- The storm that passed over
this soft'
Saturday did a great deal
of damage to the fences and buildings,
The roof of Mr. Glanville's earn was com-
pletely blown off, and part of the roof of
Mr. Joseph Lawgonei cook house was blown
to the ground. We understand that a
number of raffles have been going on
around Ehiva lately ; when about twenty
geese have been stolen from the neighbors
such gambling practices ought to be
stopped. -.Mr. E. Wilhelm, has Bold his
driver. -141r. John Schrader, Sr., lost a
fine horse last week, -Nr, Valentine Rate,
while working his planing machine had
his hand badly out. --Quite a number of
our sports want duok shooting on Tues.
day last and report having w good time.
-Miss Alma Glanville is home for a few
weeks visiting her parents, -The -e will be
a Christmas tree enttrtainneent at Shipka
on the 29th of December.
Bazars.=:Monday evening wag Hallow
B'on, and a number of the young people
of this place took advantage of the op-
portunity of playing a number of petty
tricks, as the experience of our worthy
tailor and photographer will verify. -.A
very heavy rain and wind storm passed
through this neighborhood Friday and
Saturday of last week, and the result was
carpenters and fence builders were very
busy, -A social party assembled at the
resideneo of dr. Fred Hese, Jr,.. of this
place, and presented film with a handsome
chair, -The young people of Zurich took
a trip to Dashwood last week. -Mx. Halts,
of Zurioh, is moving back to bis old home
on the townlino.
Smoot Reponx-Tile following is a
correct result of the recent promotion ex.
amination held in the public eohool on
Thursday and Friday, October 20th and
21st. Jr Pt II to Sr Pt 1I -To pass, 225,
Ed V Zimmormnnn, 293 ; ,Fad Benedict,
225 ; Malvin* Koehler, 312 ; John Boltz-
mann 242 ; Charles Hardy, 218 ; Throe
dell, 225; Norman 271 ; Ezra nKibler,2271 85 ; ;f Vo Pfaff,
M geie Arthur
ubol Well,
302. Sr o Pte II to ntz, 6 Jr
II -To pass 225. Oliver Geiger, 336;
Mary Hiedemann, 305; Wellingtou Beaver,
278; Elton Seiguor, 291; Annie Otto,
235. Jr II to Sr II -To pass, 280, Clara
WildeWilliame,18 ; Tillie 333; Orwi lesEbnes, 280; Ethel;Geo
Haas, 364 ; Susan Johnson, 284 ; Jobu
Brown, 342. Sr II to Jr HI -To pass,
81.55. Clara Deiohest, 315 ; Oliva Peine,
323 ; Dan Koehler, 349 ; Henry Brown,
377 ; Arthur Kibler, .389 ; Maggio Zim-
merman, 384. Jr III to Sr III -To page,
285, Helina Koehler ; Wesley Kibler,
345 ; Victoria Johnson, 290 ; Clara Buch-
anan, '38; Beatrice Steinbaok, 38.1;
Louisa Lippert, 287. Sr III to Jr IV -To
peas, 430. Rhin Strempfer, 459 ; Herb
Hardy, 433 ; Hilda Strempfer, 452 ; Eliza
Hoist, 510; Lenin Prang, 43S; Ellie
Weida, 47], Jr IV to Sr IV -To pass,
390 Ida Well, 448 ; Sam Faust, 390 ;
Ida Lippert, 455; Calvin Williams, 422.
Teachers -Sam J. Latta, E. J. lloren,
L. E. Hauch.
Crediton, -
13nrr1l�s.-A very severe storm raged in
this section last Saturday. There were
quite tt, few barns unroofed, among the
number being R. Glanville's, Got, :Ilor-
loek's and A Hooper's. Brown & Siebert's
and Geo. Glanville's signs were torn to
pieces -Mr Chris. Kibler and family left
for Cavalier. North Dakota, on Tuesday,
where 141r. IC intends opening a harness
business. The good wishes of all go with
them. -Mr. Chris. Gabour intends moving
to Alichigan this week. -Mr. Cunningham
has moved to Clandeboye, where he has
purchased Porte's hotel. Mr. W. Clarke
has moved into the hotel formerly occupied
by him and vacated by Mr. Cunningham,
where lie intends to eater to his many old
customers. -Air Ira Bice has moved to
the house vacated by Mr. Kibler. -Mr.
Trevetliiok has moved to town and can be
found early at the butcher shop ready to
supply their many customers with beef.
-They had quite a novice in prayer meet
ing the other evening. Sorry that such
things should happen among old neighbors
these parties did more thinking and less
king it would he infinitely bettor fax
eir welfare Messrs. H blither and V.
tz have gone to the Parry Sound dist
ct on a deer hunting expedition and to
leo1- after some mining interests up north.
We tt'ish there luck, hoping that they will
fetch ei',iome two apiece -all the law allows
-\fessie, Kibler and Holtzman of Zurich
were in tri}vn this week bidding adieu to
Mr. Cl. Kilter and family. -August Hill
was in Zurich .this week on business. -
W. 11 Wenzel lag painting his shop and
the improvement s' quite noticeable. He
also talks of puttiivg up a sign ; more
should follow his example. -Hallow E'en
passed off very quietly, and nothing more
than a few gates were 'missing Tuesday
morning. -Matthew Winer has been ap-
pointed constable for Crediton, It is to
he hoped be will look - well after the
boys. -We understand thitt John Klump
is going to take unto himself a wife; in
the person of Miss Fauner.-We wish
them a long, happy life. -Mr. Dearing of
the second will shortly' rob this neighbor-
hood of one of its fairest daughters. -The,
many friends'here of Miss Kate Hawkins
now. Mrs. Jeasey of Elmira), N. t T., join in
wishing herself and husband many, happy
Jaya. -Other Crediton' news on 5th page.
R. T. of T.-Kippen Council R. T.of
Temperance intend having the Anniver-
sary sermon preached next Sabbath.
afternoon, Nov. 6th, at 3 o'clock, in St.
Andrew's church. Rev. Mr. Simpson,
Brucefield, will conduct the service. A.
number of !sister Councils have been
invited, and should the weather prove
favorable, there will, no doubt, be a
large attendance, as Mr. ;Simpson is
known to be not only a powerful and
eloquent speaker, but an enthusiastic
Temperance worker.
Bnlars.-Dr. Thompson, of Hensell,.was
in Goderich last Wednesday. -The Vol.
legiate Instituto games were started on
Friday, bet the clerk of the weather caused
a suspension after twelve of them lied
been curtailed and the came unwelcome
visitor prevented the entertainment in the
evening. The games will take plane and the
entertainment. given towards the end of ibe
week, -The trot last week drew a large
orowd of Outsiders. -The storm last Satur-
day blew down many high trees, destroyed
a large number of windows, and committed
sundry other misdemeanors. -The lake was
in a great turmoil on Saturday, the waves
going clear over she north pier, The sight
was a magnificent one, -All the Goderich:
elope were atfely harbored during War -
day's gale -Our :fishing tugs last the whole
of last week an account of the storm. -The
tngs, Sea. King and Seabold, were out twioe,
but had to return to port without lifting,
nets. -A pretty high time this week for
the Bruce peniusula, on a deer and part-
ridge shooting expedition,
Bath's, -Dr, Irving left fax St. Marys
last week, and has opened an office there,
--The Metiers, Doups, mercantile, will
shortly distribute among their customers a
large handsome oalendar,--Oar merchants
report business booming, --Miss O. Kirk
has been engaged to teach the 9rd lino
school. -Miss Hutton remains at the 41h
;line aohool next year. -;)(r. Thompson,
brother of Dr. Thompson, Kirkton, will
teach the young idea in the atone school,
Ueborne,-Mr, George Raoknoy aneceeds
Will at Mount Pleasant. --A ohlld of John
Urquhart's, three years old, has playing
with some beans when it incidentally gat
one in its windpipe. Dr. Goves, of
Fergus, was sent fax and he, assisted by
Dra. Irving and Thompson, performed an
operation, but were enable to get the been
out. The little one is still living and a
little of its recovery is entertained by the
doctors. -A singing class has been formed
in the atone church. Professor Ruse will
wield the baton. --.Willie Ernest Robinson
was engaged in picking turnips at J,
Doupe'e, he fell out of the wagon and
both wheels went over him. A few days
rest hoe put him all right again, -Mise
Kirk, Mrs. oJ,I�aHazlewood ie -visiting at
her Miller,
Kiu••ardine, is the guest of Moser.. Dupe
& Co. -Owing to the wet evening tiro at.
teudanco at the Methodist anniversary was
not eo large as on former ocentaurs. The
proceeds amounted to $70
un It
I. -Mesdames J. Pepe and J. Tro ver tai
re visiting at Exeter on Tcesday.-11
McIntyre is talking of rebuilding hie Ra
tel. -The ata^ a last Friday did consid- •t) -a
able^damage Hereabout, -31r. T. J. Berry i
sold his fine foal from his imported
re, to Mr. James Hackney of the
aures road, Usborne, for t::J This
1 won five 1st prizes at in -.1 fairs and
at London, this year. I is : little over
My son George bag suffered with neu-
ralgia round the heart since 1882, but by
the application of MINARDS LINIMENT
in 1889 it has entirely disappeared and has
not,troubled him since. JAS. :WAUKEE
LinWOOd Ont
D ash -wood.
wind storm here on Saturday lase. The
smoke stack oa Mr. R. Cook's saw mill
wait blown over, and the roof of Mr. R.
Bettschen'a barn was removed.
Somme Reroar -The &Bowing are the
names of those in the fourth and fifth
classes who have received 50 per cent.
or ever on written work during the
The average attendance for the month
was 85. S. M. Hauch, Principal.
ANNIVERSARY OF Y. P. A. -The anni-
versary of the Y. P. A. on Tnesday even.
ing was well attended, the church being
almost filled. About 25 to 30 members
of the Zurich Y, P. A. were present. The
programme consieted of speaking and ring-
ing. The Rev, G. F. Heist, of Zurich,
gave au excellent German address on the
sithject, " The relationship between the
Y. P. A. and the Church Society." Then
followed English addresses by Miss J.
Bennie, Pres. of Zurich Y. P. A. The
S. Knapp. The members of the Allianoo
is eteadily increasing ; five new members
joining that evening.
Renew -Misr" J. McCallum is visiting
Mende here at present. --Rev. G. F. Heist,
of Zurich, occupied the pulpit of the
Evangelical church on Stinday forenOint.
Shettler is visiting friends at Colborne
this week -Tile Masers L. Ectestein and
Weber were busy lad week putting a new
fence round part of the Reboot ground
which has been enlarged.- Mr. Tidyman's
youngest whioh died on Saturday
last, was buried in the Goshen line ceme-
tery on Monday. -On Monday evening
there was a stereoecopio oonoert in Mr.
Willert's Hall. -It almost seems as it the
storm of Saturday left some after effeots,
as a certain chimney which reered its
head high and withstood the storm quite
bravely and apparently without any harm
has since disappeared.
AILTSIMONIAL.--011 Tuesday, Oct. 21th,
Mr. Jttoob Schroeder was married to Mies
Biesentahl. The ceremouy was performed
in the Lutheran church by the Rev. Mr.
Mere in the presence of a number ot
spectatore. We join in the penal eon,
" We recorarnend this truly wonderful
remedy -Si. Jacobs OIL -to everyone who
is suffering from pain. We are personally
acquainted with many marvellous cures
affected, by in ASO." While the above is
from Modern Truth, it is an ancient fact
that for the enre of pain St. Jac( les Oil hae ,
Publisher and Proprietors
From Various Sources Through.
out the District,
A second store is to be built at Kinburn,
by Air, P. G. Papenean.
'Mr. Smith Blipped from a oar in the
Clinton yard last week and broke his leg.
John J. McLaughlan, of Tuokeramith,
picked twelve barrels of marketable apple.
from one tree.
htr, Joe. Cope, of Clinton, cameo to the
(rent with a pear measuring 14ix14�; inehee,
and weighiug 1 lbs.
The junior foot ball club, of Huron,
have re.organized at Seaforth, with J.
141c$inley as captain.
The Seaforth Council, threatened with an
injunction fax damages, have at last decided
to cover an open ditch near the flax mill,
The barna of John Benewise, Reeve of
Malfillop township, were destroyed by Are
one day recently, aaane a *teem thresher,
E. DfoNamara, of Breesela, has sold the
old Taylor farm, one mile south of the
bridge, to Thomas McLachlin, of Grey. fax
Henry Allen, eldest sag of Mr. Allen, of
Londesboro, bad the misfortune to fad a
few day; ago and break bis leg above
the knee.
Mr. 3, Sutherland, of Kinbure, has per -
abetted a farm in the Northwest and will
move thither ibia fall. It aontalus 260
acres, and coat bim
A filmier 144 (Minton bad two choices,
to sell his apples by the barrel or lump
He accepted the le.tter and got about $120
less for the fruit then had be sold them by
tbo barrel,
Derangements of the liver, with consti-
pation, injuree the oomplexiont induce
pimplier, sallow akin. Reinone the MEE
by using Carter's Little Liver pills. One a
dose. Try there.
The trustees of School Seetion No. 14,
Hay, balm engaged tha servicea of Miss S.
seoond-olass certificate and comes highly
The 13russele gun (dub went over to Lis-
towel last week and won the match by 11
birds. Joseph Ballentyne, of the Brussels
olub, also wort a silver cup, shooting 11 out
of a possible 12 birds.
Lightnitm !truck the barn of Mr. T.
Mural; of Holinesville, last week and dam-
aged oansiderably, besides destroying
some, fencing. It is mete, thet we ex -
patience lightning in October.
Geo. Hudson, of Hills Green, has taken
himself a wife, in the person of Alias
'Annie Taylor ; the ceremony was performed
by Rev. H. Wednesday evening,
Mb ult., at the home of the bride's pars
enTtPhe conaciousnese of having a remedy at
hand for croup, peneurnonia, sore throat,
rind sudden colda le very consoliug to
e parent, With a bottle ot Ayerni Cherry
Pentode" in the house, one feels, in such
elite oan give.
Mr. William Hogarth, who has been
teaching in Schad Section No. 7 Tacker -
smith, for the past year, has been re.
engaged for 1893 at a considerable increase
in salary, and has been given petmlasion to
furnish a enbatitute foe -six months while
he attends the Normal School.
Mr. and Mrs. Appleton Eleoat, of the
west eud, and Dirs. jatnes Broadfoot, of
the Mill Road, Tuokersmith, start on Tues-
day next for Abilene, Kaneas, in the viand-
ty of which they will epend a month visit.
ing relatives and friends. We wish them
On Tuesday of last week at Henry
Cesar, of Ashfield, was engaged in picking
apples, he unfortunately slipped from the
branch of the tree on which he was piok-
ing and fell, which reaulfed in fracturing
seine bones in his arm near to the wrist,
also, he received other bruises on hie body.
.A Frenobrnan named John Gougon was
sent up for hitting John Kelly, of Blyth,
on the head with a bludgeon. The con-
sequences might easily have been fatal
if the stroke had been an inoh or so from
where it fell, and Judge Toms very proper-
ly gave Gougon three montbs in jail at
hard labor.
•A special committee of the Goderich
town council recommends : (1), that the
Council appoint a delegate to meet repre-
sentatives from the towns and villagee of
Huron, to consider tbe matter of the erec-
tion` of a borne of refuge, and the best
'nettled of bringieg it before the people of
the county at the next municipal elections.
Londesboro correspondent writes :-
Rev. Mr. Leech is confined to the house,
and is unable to take his pulpit work ; he
has been a little unfortunete since he came
ou the circuit. having considerable illness
in his family, but we hope to see him, and
his; soon enjoying their wonted health and
Mr, D, A. Forrester has ptirchaeed Mr.
MoAllister's farm, Huron road, Goderich
township, giving therefor the snm of $7 000
and his Louse and lot in Clinton. Mr.
Forrester owns the inijoining farm, and
will now have a block of 210 acres of first
clue land, which, beiug so contigious to
town will make tt desirehle property.
There waa a nice gathering at the Manse,
Battlefield, on the 17th nit., it being the
silver wedding of Rev. Alr. end Mrs. Sirup.
py time VMS spent, and many good withes
by Mrri. T. Simpson, and a neatly worded
addrese read by Mr. T. Simpeon. A hap -
were presented, on behalf of their friends,
son. Several pieces of choice silverware hail
" One touch of patine makes the whole tirade
world kin." Dicteases common to the race to sta
compel the iteseph for a coronion remedy, every
utation of which ie world-wide, having Ana Is
largely superseded every other blood medi..
el i
Dir. Alexander McGregor, of McXiilop,
returned home last week from a visit to
Finlay, Ohio, where he had been to see his
brother Archibald, ikfr. McGregor Paye
his brother and his family are very com-
fortable, doing well, In addition to carry-
ing on a large farm Mr. McGregor has a
dairy of some 40 oowe, the milk from which
he disposes of in Finlay.
On Friday evening last, es Mr. John
Hayes, sou of Mr. Thos. E. ,Hayes, of
McKillop, near Seaforth, was driving aver
the bridge crossing the river, In front of
Dir, Reyes' residence be met with what.
might have been a very serious accident,
Tie had a team andwagon on which
was ,+ heavy load • of grain which he
was taking to market. When about the
centre of the bridge the atruotnre gave way,
falling down, and the team, driver and
load were precipitated into the water. The
btidgo was, probably, ten feet high, and
the water at that point pretty deep. For-
tunately, however, help wan near and the
youug man wait extrioated from his periloaa
position not much the worse..
The Orangemen of Kirkton intend giving
a fowl supper on the 4th inst.
Mr. James Gourley, of Fullerton; has
decided to more his family to Windsor.
A branch of the 9fo0armiok agricultural
implement works, Chicago, is to be estab-
liebed at St, Marys,
Nellie, little daughter of Me, J. liar-
mor, Mitchell, fell out of au apple tree an
Friday, and broke bar arm.
The Coneervativea of the two ridings of
Perth will tender a banquet to the Hon, T.
M. Daley some time this month.
No flowery rhetoric can tell the merit of
Head's Sarsaparilla as well aa the aures
accomplished by this wonderful medicine,
Hon. Thos: Ballantyne has diepeeed of -
his 100 -acre farm an the Sth concession of
Elm0s0. to Dir, Peters, of Walkerton, for
Mr. A. E. Tesky, of St. Marys, has been
appointed organist el Trinity there),
Mitchell. He plays very wel. and is ale° a
gavel bass singer.
Miss Carrie Dent, Mitchell, has been
offered a school in Toronto. If she ac-
cepts she will not enter upan her duties
before the New Year,
Mr. A. W, Botham liaa resigned his
poeitian aa toaoher in No. 5 and has en-
gaged with the trustees of No. 3, aihbert,
at a handsome salary.
Win, Yarooe, formerly of Mitohell, was
tuarried at Vancouver B. C., a few days ago
to Mas Lizzie Douglase, who also lived
here a few years ago.
Thos=. aloCIay, of Dlitchell, will put up
a large grist mill in Woodstock nett sum-
mer, the town having granted him exemp.
tion from taxes and free water.
Emerson, the little sen of Robert
Knowels, the other day bad his thumb
taken off by an axe, aeoideutally at the
hands of hie brother, while splitting wuod.
Within the past six weeks Mr. Wm. Ryan,
Mitohell, has turned out of his shops
,000 apple barrele, and is still manufao-
ring tliom At the rate of nearly 350 per
The young man, John Keen, of St.
siva, wbo had his arm injured in a flax
ill there last weak, underwent the pain -
1 operation of having his arm amputated
Their gentle action and good effect on.
e system really make them a good little
1. They please thole who use them.
rter's Little Liver Pills may well be
mad "Perfeotin."
Mr. Barrett is adding a large addition to
knitting factory. The N. P. has so
reassd his business that be has not
n able for some time to keep up with
err. -Mitchell Adrbcate.
ltfr. Malcolm Mackenzie, of Alitaheil, got
^ked in the face last week with one of
. R. Honey's horses. The cheek bone is
ken, and it will be some time before he
hie to attend work again.
Dyspepsia in its worst form will yield to
use of Carter's Little Nerve Pills, aided
Carter's Little Liver Pills. They not
y relieve present distress, but strengthen
stomaoh and digestive apparatus.
is a
The Log barn, of Mr. Henry Either
Logan, lot 11, con. 15, was destroyed by fir
Sunday night, together with the summer'
straw and bay, and a lot of farm iniple
mats. The building was a log one.'
His Lordship, Bishop O'Connor, of Lon
don, held confirmation services at Dublin
last Sunday, and confirmed 150 young
people to the faith of the Catholic church
He also oonfirmed 30 in Mitchell the same
Alexander Walker, one of the earliest
pioneers of Mornington, died at an early
hour Sunday morning, after a few hours'
ilium. On Friday, while plowing in the
field, he bad a paralytic stroke from which
he did not rally,
Mrs. Khan, of St. Mary's, IA bile standing
upon a table, it broke, throwing her on her
back acrose the steps, with a part of tee
table on top of her. She was frightf ally
injured, her baok being hurt, beeideee
ceiving internal injuries.
. James Currie, of the Mitchell road, near
St. Marys, while milking cows, met with a
serious acoident, The aninials became
frightened, a stampede resulting, when
Mr, Currie was trampled under their feet ;
his collar bone was broken and four ribs
The public are often very unjust but
never coneciously so. What they see
dearly to be justice they always approve.
It often takes a long time to bring them t
ings as they really are, but in the
heir veedict is element right. It wei
in this idea whioh induced the man-
rers of the " Myrtle Navy " tobacco
mi by their superior brand under
discouragement at the outset. The
verdict* has been tendered at lead,
is emphatically in their favor.
see th
Minard'a Liniment is used by l'hysioiant
DOWN Prices of What
v o WN 1 WHEAT,
We recognise the loss you sustain on
account of the very low prices of grain,.
and to convince you of our sympathy,
we are willing to share our profits with,
you. Our store is full of fall land win
ter goods. We made up ourminds that
those goods will bo sold at prices that
will correspond with those of grain. Do
you. to save doctor's bills these
r times ? If so, call at ;the Market
Store and get one of our Fur Overcoats
that will defy any weather. Do you
want a preventative for grip ? If so,
try a pair of our grain boots for wet
weather ; they are al>,llost equal to dry
weather irself. Geta pair of aur felt
boots or overshoes for cold weather,
Ladies 1 See our nice range of Fur
Collars and. Muffs and Caps, in the
cheap and common as well as the rare
and expensive lines,
Excuse the color ; just out of red ink
Market Square Bargain Depot,
Mr, It. Iredgine, who for the past ten
years has been grocer and provieion deiler
Lucan, luta soil out his retail businese.
Hie succeesors will be 3. J. Hoagies &
The Liman Record nerratee a determined
attempt at el moment. in whits& Albert
Hoagiee, of leiddulpb, who is anxious to
get married, runs away with a titterer yen. -
old seln ol girl but her father put a damper
to further proeeedings by chasing them
and (metering his daughter.
Mr. Joeeph W. Elumphrey, of Byron,
died ou Friday, at the age of 51 years.
Deceased wart a reeident of Stratford seven
or tient years ago ; he was hi the employ
dlesex he has been engaged in farming -
Ho leaves wife And two sons, J, W. and
William, to maim his lose.
Eeomentitert,-Not many this week
so far but one. On. Monday evening
last, as Maude, infant daughter (15 yrs.
of age) of Mr. Freeman. Blackwell, was
returning home from school, her intend-
ed took her off for a drive, when they
conceived the idea that it would be nice
to go and get married. They drove to
Ansa Craig to have the ceremory per-
formed, vlien Mr. Blackwell' it'rrived
soon after and changed their views for
a time at least.
BRIBES -The many, friends of Mr.
Record will bear with regret of his
serious Illness. -The Jubilee Singers,
under the guiding care of Rev. Mr.
Williams.Prestor of the Methodist church
Lucan, held forth in their most melod-
ious Southern melodies at Nursery on
Saturday night last, the ceremonies of
the evening being enlivened by copious
showers. In consequence the crowd
was small,but the fun was great, so says
Com,, and he ought to know for he was
there (and you bet it's true.)
to °Minh, pernape consumption and death.
Why neglect, with such a safe, speedy
remedy as Nasal Balm at hand ? D. Der-
byshire, prenident of Mao Ontario Creamery
Aesociation says :-Nasal Balm heats the
world for ca'terrh and cold in the head. In
my own case it effected relief from the
first applioation. All dealers or by mail,
post paid, at 50o. small and 'el large size
bottle. Address G. T. Fulford & Co.,
B. ockville, On t.
South America Rheumatic Cure for Rheu-
matism and Neuralgia ridically cures inl. to
3 days. lie action upon the system is
remarkable and mysterious. It removes
at once the cause and the disease immediat-
ely disappears. The first dose greatly
benefits. 75 °elite. Warranted by
0. Latz, Druggist. aug. 14.
Minard's Liniment mires Garget in Cows
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