HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-10-27, Page 8E N SUB AN C les ;1‘ tri2 tf4 ILY , AGEINT FOR .:11.!.•41 TaR WESTERN ASSURANCE 001ta L eV, et Torontse also tor tbe Plias/SIX n reeSteee nett coulee/Ile or eonclon; At,/ 1.1.Neri ts ten e NCB COM- '. et: odetent.ul, eseessessereettrese- seeeesesseeseeggeseess ‘mas Quai ter iapidly cooling weather is a leminder that Winter is coming, and witle it the swift approach a the holiday seeeeen. Wo are now within the Xmas quarter and a few flakes .of snow mom- ionally fluttering through the aix bring with them many pleasing hopes. Sev- eral thoueand boys and girls within a f ew miles around feel like giving an occasional shont of what may possibly *one to fill the pocket and enrich the rooms before the year closes. We have thought of them and provided many months ago. just now some of the goods are commencing to make their appearance in eases of different sizes. We will have lots of them this season, 'Ourstock is generally pretty full, but '"bide a -wee" and you may look through the door and see counters, shelves and *stomas literally groaning (as the tea - meetings say) with their large display. Dull times will not daunt us, tie goods willtbe here and so we hope the cus- . lowers. ere art.IC Cs Stationer and Fancy Goods Dealer. STILL AHEAD STILL LEADING, STILL GROWING. The Big Bankrupt Store, the Greatest Bargain House in Western Ontario, Some people fay that our methods tend to over trading., that colleeting such Lege stocks of goods, and seiling with such a reckless disregard of ordinary profits, is bad for business in general. This ie not so. A few years ago you thought our store large enough, but look et it -still growing. Another now eleneeetesent to be added shortly; and we believe there is scope for growthbeyond the het es of the highest ambition. • A combination of points favorable to buyer and stlIcr bas made ours a great and leading stock of ali thats newest in Moult ersattions, favorable to buyers be eause of their excellence in materials naul goodness in workmanship ; and to the seller, -ourselves -because of a buy ing opportunity which .enabled us to place the best of the season's manufac- ture on sale in the Mantle department tt nearly adialf less than the lines were nanufactured to sell for. We get your rade at a profit, and you get good tIantles at the cost of inferior ones. Tote the qualities of all Mantle stocks rhen you are buying-our's are super- ior. .A. great hit has been made in the Mil- linery stock of this Store. The new show room is full, chockfull of all that's Diew in hats and,bonnets. For richness 4=1 newness in Millinery, you must ...see our stock. We want Your trade and we aro going to have it, if beauty, style send valUe are what you want. Suttv Mato. 'THURSDAY, OCTOBER. 27th, 1392. .1.9gAt. 11APPENINGS. deerifortn Dye Works. All orders for the above works can be re'eft at E H Fish's barber shop. Satisfac- tion guaranteed, Two Strong Boys Wanted. One to learn blacksmithing ; the other to chive team. Apply to s154in D. Beam). Battling Good Teeng. The Star Almanac of Montreal, just scorning out, is really the best Almanac in the world; 400 pages and 6 colored maps. `Think of it. We believe the best way to lie sure of getting a copy is to order it through a newsdealer, now. To The Front. We notice by the announcement in Oc- tober of the FARMER'S ADVOCATE, of Lon- don,Ont.. and Winnipeg, Man., that it is to hpublished twice a month after Jan, lst, 1893, at the same rate (1.00) per annum as heretofore. We are always -pleased to have this journal reach our soffice, as it contains a yast amount of read- ing on all subjectt pertaining to agricul. lure. This journal is ever ready to take -up the cudgels in behalf of the /amen and should receive their hearty support. The Apple Trade. Apples have taken a decided drop in the British market on account of such gi eat .quantities of fall fruit reaching the English 'ports from Canada. The last cable reports aunounce the arrival of Canadian applee at British ports far in excess of the arrivals from all other countries, but the fruit ie -said to be of an inferior quality, Ontario :has too much fall fruit and not enough ;good winter varietiss. The farmers have been imposed on in the past, and they are now anaking a mistake with a full knowl- ,edge of the facts. Of the large deliveries elf tursery stock this fall, we notice a very email percentage of apple treee. Instead of spending five dollars in some novelties or small stuff, the same amount of money invested in apple trees, comprising three eir four good winter varieties, would in a dew years bring a profitable return. There kehould be more good winter apple trees planted, and the farmers cannot do it too seoon. There is going to be money in it. • The Brussels gun club won the po cup tat a shooting tournament at Attwood last 'week. We. John Wood fell off .a building at natter ear of the butcher shop on Wed.- meeday, and injured himself 06usider- ably- sMr. Ed. Sanders was on Tuesday ecn.arried to Miss Demuth of Grand 'Rapids, Mich. -On • Wed.needry, Mr.A. Dearing of Stephen was married to Mrs '73rOok Of Exeter. .lerevitte . Thursday, November s0th, will be Thud; egiving Pay. For 30 days the Bankrupt Stock of Bissett Bros, is being reducen. Cattle dealers her report quite a drop in the American lamb mareet. Rubbers in all sizes for Isaelies and Gen- tlemen, Misses and Childreu, at J. P. Clarke's. leardware selling at and below cost, for 30 ds.ys, at 3t1aDoltell's. Bissett's old stand. Messrs. F. alert E Farneomb. of Exeter, are prominent members of the London foot ball club. For a cheap stove call at McDonell's arel procure one at cost. Siesett thee' bankrupt stock. Chief Gill says he has a pretty good idea. who stole his apple trees last week, and is ou the look out for the thief. The editor returns thanks to Mr. Geo. Fisher, of Usborne, for his annual gift of it beg of excellent apples. The Canadian Jubilee Singers will ap- pear in she Opera House on Monday even- ing, Oct. 31st. Hear them. The glorious indian summer is a sonrce of irresistable temptation to the hunts- man, though the pesky birds are scarce. Jarnee Sutherland, J, P., who was rue over at London on Sunday night and had both /egg taken off died at the hospital kfouday. Remember the auetion sole on Seturclate at the Commercial Hotel, of a valuable farm in Stephen township. Sale at one o'clock. It is thought thet the family of the late Detective Phair, London, will secure from the Police Benefit fund in the neiehbor- hood of $1,300, The Secretary of the Blanshard Agrient, tural Society will be at Kirkton on the ist Saturday of November for the purpose of paying prize money. FThe TIMES will be sent from REE. now until the first of January 189i, for Si. Subscribe at once and get the balance of 1892 free. The Bankrupt Stock of Bissett Bros. embraees everything in the hardware and tinware lines Call and get some of the hargabas. McDonell Bros. Important fashion chants,e.-Hon. Ed- ward Blake has exchanged his broad brimmed soft black hat for a white head- gear of the same pettern. The eclipse of the sun on Thuradey last wee viewed by many, through smoked gls Seine say they saw quite distinotly the moon dancing before the sun. Mr. R. S. Lang has purchased of Wm. 13i -teeters reeve, the residence Mr. B. re- cently purchased of Mr. W. IL Verity, paving therefor the sum of $2,140. Mr Wm. Dearing, Jr., of Stephen, has his new brick house almost completed and expects ere long to have it filled with fur- niture and —er ; guess the rest. Have you any stray stock on your prein- !see, or have you lost any? If so, adver- tise the some in the TIMES, and you will procure an owner or recover your lost. The Fisheries Department has issued a warning that it is illegal to catch white fish or salmon trout in the Provinces of Ontario between the first and 30th of No. yernber. This week will almost complete the apple shipping business in this Ileetion. Mr, Lang will next engage in the poultry businees. For particulars of which see advertisement in another column Our Crockery Department, comprising many different deeigus, spoke well for itself during the past two weeks. if you want choice Toiletesnd Tea Setts, you can get them at T. P. Clarke's. Some weeks ago the villacem of Beaton defeated a by-law for better fire protection by a narrow majolity. On Wednesday morning at an early hour the place was almost swept ont of existence. The loss is estimated at $60,000. The directors of the Stephen and Us - borne breech Agricultural Society he'd a meeting an Saturday last, to arrange for the payment of priz • money. The list showed that the prize money to he paid amounts to something over $600. The furniture of the estate of W. An- drews was sold by auction on Saturday last by John Gill, auctioneer. Every article brought nearly its am eat value, while in some cases goods were bid up to more than real value. We have received a copy of the Com. missioners' Report of the Ontario Game and Fish Commission, It contains 483 pages and is filled with valuable informa- tion besides a number of plates of differ- ent kinds of fish, birds, etc. Last evening (Wednesday)Mr.P.Bawden of Ridgetown was married co Miss Maude Porte of Lucan. Mr. Bowden being a former resident of Exeter, and Miss Porte familiarly known here, we join their many friends in wishing the young couple a full measure of happiness and prosperity in their new alliance, R. S. Lang will have paid to thefarmers for apples, in the neighborhood $22,000 when the season is completed, besides $3,500 to packers, and $5,000 for barrels. There will bave been shipped from etations hereaboat 120 car loads to various points. This does not include bis business in the neighborhood of Parkhill and Shelbourne. Mr. J. H. Aiken, of Cape Town the chief city in Cape Colony; formerly of St, Mary's, sends us the special exhibition number of the Cape Times, an illustrated, well -printed journal. It contains much that is of interest to western readers. Few people know that Cape Town is a place with 96,270 inhabitants or that the colony now contains 1,527,224 of populas tion, and is progressing. The first animal convention of the Christian Endeavor Epworth League and other kindred societies will be held in Wingham Congregational church, Wednes- day Nov. 2, with sermons at 230 and 7.30 p. m. All churches, with or without so- cieties, are earnestly invited to send two delegates from their young people. Name to be sent at the earliest moment to Mr. T. Ritchie, Wingham. A public meeting was held in the town hall on Friday evening lag, when a dis- mission as to foundry and other matters was indulged in to a considerable extent. A committee was appointed to look after the matter and instructed to advertise in the Toronto papers the advantages Exeter offers for a foundry and other industries. ft is possible that if an enterprising man were to come here, he could easily procure the assistance of some of the monied men to aid him in the undertaking. • Don't forget that for variety of soaps J. P. Clarke offers for sale 15 different kinds - Personals. Dr. J. W. Browning sailed for. home on the 23rd, and is expected .here in a few days. -Mr. 'Allen McDonell. arrived in Feteter ou Tuesday from Menitobe -A farewell was given the lieatenent of the Salvation Army Sunday evening, end on MoetleY she left for Tilsonburee-Miss 'Westlake left on Tuesday for Oilby, Da- kota. --Messrs. Reg. Elliot and R. Farmer are at the lake shooting duck. We wish them a full bag. -Mr. A. J. McTavish was taken endelemy ill laat Saturday with an attack of inflanniustion, but, we are pleaeed to report, ie around again, Ediecl • Drew and sou, Herbert, errived in Exeter on Tuesday front Los Angeles, Cal., and are the guests of Mr. Bald Mrs, Frank Knight-- Mrs Richert?. Pickard, merchant, has been confined to his room the past week. -Re v. Jr. Rice of Walkerville, preached in the Methodist church here ou Sunday last. -Rev. Mr. McDonagh preached missionary sermons in Parkhill on Sonclay.-Mr. P. Ilawden, of Ridgetown, was in town on Monday end Tnesday. Be left yesterday morning to go through the trying ordeal of a marriage cerernoty at Lucan, he being one ot the principals in the affair -Mrs. Webster, after ependine a pleasant time among friends in town the past week, returned to St. Marys on Monday. -Mr. 1'. H. Follick and :visa Colley, of St. Marys, were in town on Monday and took part in the Epworth League 000 - cert. -Mr. Wilsoe prireheead Mr. Mor - lock's farm in Stephen, not a Mr. Sanders, and moved onto the sistne.-P. McPhillips, formerly of Exeter, has been retained as counsel by the prisoners, Burk & Wilson, 'who are charged with the murder of De- tective Phair, of London. -Mr. Aaron Dauneey is spending a few days with his eon in McGillivray. -Miss Hogarth, of Exeter, has returned home from her trip to Manitoba, where she spent a very pleasant time visiting her brother and other friends. -Mr. Garnet Hyndinan is home from IDuedtia. roi_e-Mr. Ernest Gregg is going to When your are wanting firet class new Currants and Raisins, you can buy them at J. P, Clarke's Messrs. Smith Bros., of the Springhurat ettrin have aold several head of young thoro'bred Shorthorn 3 thie fall. Big bargains are being offered. Cali early and take Tour choice of anything in the store, McDonell Bros. For Leather and Zino Trunks, for Valises, and Satchels. call and see those ahown by J. P. Clarke There wil/ be a grand Christmas tree entertainment at Shipka on the 20th of December- Everybody come and have a stood time. The shipment of Flower Pots men- tioned in our last announcement °nine duly to hand. Very many of them have acme out, and many 711018 are left. Come and get supplied from J P. Chiles. The popular Cosgrove fimUy a ith new program, %rid epper 10 the Opera House on November 4th, under the ens- pices of the firemen. This family is too well known in Exeter to require any speeial commendation, The Mechanics' Institute has jnst re- ceived two consignments of new books on fiction, agriculture, and misee'laneous subjects. Those intending to become members during the new year will do well to subscribe at once. $1 per annum, or 25c per quarter. Call at the Exeter Packing House for heads, feet, shanks, tenderloin, spare ribs. sausage, bologna., fresh pork loin, head cheese, etc. Parties wanting fresh lard can leave crooks or nails to be filed, all at • lowest cash prices, o12-tf SNELL BROS. & CO. This is a goad rule tor preparing an advertisement:, Write it out, no matter at what length, putting in everything worth saying; next, examine it critically, with the purpose of ascertaining how many words can be stricken out without injuring the sense. Nothing peed be said for ornament. Write plain and honest facto; claim nothing but what is strictly trim, and be sure to claim all that is true. Consult taste rather thau space in the use of display. A fairly good house greeted Sara Lord Bailey on her appearance in the Opera House on Monday evening, under the auspices of the Main St. Methodist Ep worth League. She fully sustained her reputation as an elocutionist of renown, arid in "Judgment Day," ".Experience of. a Geniva," "Chariot Race" and "How he Ladies Fish," she was especially good She seemed to fully delight the audience. Miss Colley, and T. 11. Pollock, of St. Marys and Mr. T. A. Brown, of Exeter, assisted with the musical part of the program and gave a splendid entertain- ment in themselves. Altogether the affair was a success, and creditable to the Epworth League. 4•111•11.1. DaShwood. &mon Barone -The following is the result of the recent promotion exemination in the Dashwood public school: To Sr. IH, total mark 625 -Dan Eckstein, 410; Melinda Willert, 323. To Jr. III, 630 - Sam Beaver, 423; Emma Wagner, 340; H. Kraft, 338; Susan Rader, 337; Henry Rhode,333, To Sr II,475-Conrad Miller 376; Milford Faust, 350; Lizzie Bender, 319; Matilda Ehlers, 305; Ricks, Fisher, 258; To Jr II No. 2, 475; Sarah Ball, 391; Susan Restemayer, 371; Sam Witzel, 347; Jane Bettschen 316; Matilda Ruby, 314; Wesley Miller, 286; Emma Wolper, 266. To Jr. II, 200 -Clara Witzel, 153; Selina Nadiger; 134; Clarence Kellerman, 129; Listra Eckstein, 126; August Miler, 116; Clara Mil1er,115; Edward Beaver, 104; lda. Weber, 104; Ed Willert, 100; Mena Klein- stiver. To Sr Pt II-Theresia Walper, Tilly Cook, Flossie Snell, Rudolph Elea, Lilly Elitrtleib, Duncan Snider, Arthur Wolper, Solomon Schroeder, Emma Sch- roeder. To Jr Pt II -Alfred Zimmer, Minnie Rinkert, Effie Willert, Arthur Weber. To Sr Pt I -Ida Rohde, Solomon Miller, Louis Walper, Lena Walper,Emma Rothaermel, Lizzie 13ettschen,Louiste. Eidt. SAM. M. Hencir}T hers ELLA E. HALLS eac Betters-Snow fell here on Mondar--• Don't forget the anniversary of the Y. P. A. on Thursday of this week.- A number from here were in Crediton on Sunday, hearing Rev. R. Dubs of Chicago. -Messrs J. Greb and Sam M. Hallett are attending the "2. P. A. Convention in Berlin this week. -Mr. J. E. Tom, Inspector of Public Schools, paid our school his official visit on Thursday last -The trustees have engaged Mr. Hobbs, formerly of Crediton, for the year 1892 at a salary of 3400. Miss B. Rails has been re-engagedfor the junior Division. . olo ress goods - We are now showing the largest and most elegan range of Dress Goods ever shown in Exeter at prices which make our competitors shiver. Of co-urse we import them direct, and pay spot cash for them. This naeaus a saving to you of about 25 per cent, Our stook of Trimmings is simply lovely and em- braces all the novelties of the 'season. Come and inspect., RICHARD PICKARD & SON. CatoclenlOh. BRIEFS -Mr. R. Ft. Collins, Barrister, of 111111111111111l11111111111111111111131111111111(1111111111lIeli Exeter, was in the county town on Tues- day. -There was a false alarm of fire on Monday morning. -Miss Cooke who has beett a leacliug instructor in vocal and instrumental trued° for many years, was tendered a complimentary benefit concert on Friday, and on Monday Miss Cooke invited her many friends to a musicale. Both entertainments were largely attend- ed.-Oue of our fishicg tugs has already taken up winter quarters, and the remain- ing fishing vessels will follow it on Alfons dev.-Our Collegiate Institute games will take place on Satut day on the Agricaltural grounde, followed in the evening by an entertainmeet in the Grand Opera Route. -It is expected that the north pier will be extended tome 400 feet the coming a 3r ? year. Although the extension will be ex - Pensive it will be a saving in the end, as it (11111111111111111111411315131113:1311111f1111;1111311111 will save the dredging that is now needed Why Am 18o annually. ---A party of Bayfield citizens, who had beea north on a fishing excursion put into this port on Monday on:the z'ay home -Thousands of pounds of perch have been caught the pat two weeks by our local anglers. Tbe fish were af large size and in splendid eondition.-Monday is the last day on svhich white fish ca,n be caught until December. -Mr. J T. Naftel, ono of our ssealthieet citizens, is seriously ill from an attack of cencer.-The Young People of Knox church will give an entertainment on Friday of next weeks -The season has been a big one for apples. During the past two weeks our roads have been crowded with teams loaded with apples, O Moncley of this week nearly two thous- and barrels were teamed to town. --Ron. A. M. and Mrs.Ross have left for Toronto. -Ex-Mayor E. Meyers, Q. C., of Wing - ham was in town last week. ---Rev. Canon Young, who resigned St. George's rector- ship, left for his new station, Simcoe, on Friday. -Rev, Mark Turnbull of Kincar- dine, the new reotor, preached morning and evening on Sunday. The Canadian Jubilee Singers will hold forth in the town hall on Monday, 31st inst. They are worth hearing. BORN. TAYLOR -In Ushorne, on the 25th inst., the wife of Robert Taylor of a Son, Essenv-In Centralia, on the 19th inst., wife of Geo, Essery of a daughter. lionerses,-In Biddulph, ou the 181h Met., the wife Mr. T. 0, "lodging of a SOIL MABRIE 0 . MCGave-sr-Benne-At the residence of the bride's father, on the llth inst., by Rev. W. Otterwell, Mr. John MeGaven, to Miss Eetella, daughter of Mr. John Berry, aa of McKillop. STOBIE---MCMATH-At the residence of the bride's father, on the 19th inst., by Rev. Mr, Alexander Stobie, of Seaforth, to Miss Alice, youngest daughter of Mr. William Mdiath, of Dungannon. 1VIansueee-Bretitn-At the residence of the bride's father, on the I2th Oct, by the Rev. D. Rogers, Wm: Marshall, of Ripley, to Emma 3. Blake, of Ashfield. GOTTSHALL-HELYAR-On the 18th inst, at the residence of the bride's:father, by the Rev. J. Walker, Shilton, B. A., Mr. J. Banman Gottshall, of Boyertown, Penn., U. S., to Belle, eldest daughter of Mr. Chas, Halyer, Sr., of Clinton. Tanqueen-ROBERTSON-At the Manse:, Exeter, on the 26th inst., by Rev. W. M. Martin, B. D., Mr. Robert Trequair, to Alary, daughter of Mr. Peter Rob- ertson, all of Tuckersmith. CARBERT-HAYES-At the R. C. church, Kinkora, on the 17th inst., by Rev. Father O'Neill, tfr. John Cathert, of Hullett, to Mies Mary Kees, of Kin - kora. &wpm -Pones -In Lucan, on the 26th inst., Mr. P. Bawden of Ridgetown, for- merly of Exeter, to Miss Maud Porte, of Lucan. Moon-Ssarxer.-At the residence of the bride's parents, on the 191h inst., by the Rev. A D. Dewdney, Mr. Alfred Moon*of Woodstock, to iviiss Susan, eldesitdanghter of Mr. Chao. Smith, Mitchell. HAYES-SRARE.-At Trinity church, Blyth, on Wednesday, October 19th, by the Rev. J. F. Parke, Listowel. assisted• by the Rev. T. E. RIley, Tilrth, Robert Stanley Hayes, barri.twr ;.•1:.forth, to Annie M.., youngest den sloes of Wm. Shane, Esq., of Blyth. DIED. BARKER -In Seaforth. on the 141h lure., Catharine Agnes McMurray, wife of Mr. Charles Barker, aged 31 years. Senose-111 Seaforth, on the 1541a inst., Alexander Sproat, youngest son of the late Wm. Sproat, aged 23 years and 7 months. ' 41:0•1100101.10610111BeRNIMMINOMMX1110/1100!1 1VOTICE, A Note Lost, drawn by Wools Bros. Drawn in favor of It. Davie, for Sixty -cleat dollars, and the public is hereby cautioned against negotiating or purchasing said note, as it has been paid. •R. DAVI% iStede sett. sest'ie eel es:sans' ten. leer- , •.11 se te 4-'12 ( - _ •-• :EIC T.7" S M 1 do all nay trading 'with Carling Bros. T -FIE SQUARE MERCHANTS OF EXETER. ees Lz.,—ssfeit-0 1-. They don't ask a price, then come down one third. WE WANT CARLING BROS. AR6AIN Your trade, and will give you special inducements to get it. We want you to come and see what we can do for you in the Clothing line, We have just re- ceived the balnasce of our FALL and WINTER GOODS And we are showing the largest and best assorted stock of Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, French and English Worsteds, Suitings and Pantings, and all the lat- est things in Overcoatings -the finest range ever shown in Exeter. and our prices are away down, and our fits and workmanship are second to none. We keep the BEST Rubber COATS to be found, and sell them cheap, too. LADIES, see our Sealettes before you buy elsewhere. Remember the place : J. H. GRIEVE, The Tailor Exeter, 4I•• NARK/3T REPORTS. Exeter, Oot. 12, 1892. Fall wheat porbush. $ 63 $ 65 SPring wheat ner busla 60 62 Barley nor bush.. 35 do Oats per bush•• •••...... ......... 2 q% Peas per bosh 58 Flour per bbl 400 4 40 Apples per bag 75 85 Potatoes per bag 1 00 3 00 Gay per ton • • 6 00 6 00 Wood per cord 4 00 4 00 VC, ood per cord soft 209 206 Butter per lb - . 16 18 Eggs per dozen-. ..... . ........ .... 4 15 Pork per hundred 5 50 5 00 Orromninww.c., BOAR FOR SERVICE. Berkshire Boar (large breed) for serviceon lot 15, oon 7, Usborne, Bred from 350 prize stook. Terms 31, WM SNELL. '1AUTION. .) I hereby forbid any person or persons giving ofedit to any person Or persone in my name, as will not be responsible for any debt contract od without ray written order. JOIDT GOURLEY. Usborne, Oet. lst. 1892.-31 FARM FOR SALE. Seventy four acres, being lot 16 2nd con. of Usborne, of a mile from Exeter. The soil is first-class, and in a good state of cultivation, well drained, and w -ell ,fenced with black ash rails, There is anew brick house.with kitchen and wood shed, and good ;frame karn, driving shed, cattle sheds, and stables,on the premises. Two never -failing wells of water. 18 acres of fall wheat 111, 809 plowing done. Terms to suit purchaser, and possession given at any nine. THOMAS Exeter, Oct: 5, 1892-15 C"NISH* 1 IN \ PIARNESR, TRUNKS, VALISES, WHIPS, RUGS, BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, ETC. John Treble'8, Main-st NOTE A FEW PRICES: Half Fox Felt Boot, Grain, Felt Boot, Loose Socks, Grain, Men's Rubbers, Women's Rubbers, Misses' Rubbers, t2.00 2.95 0.50 0.30 0.25 Skilled Workmen are employed to manufacture the goods, and the best of material is used. Prompt attention given to all kinds of repairing. My Stock is well assorted and every customer is guaranteed satis- faction. The Prices mean a sale every time. Call and be convinceds JOHN TREBLE, - Exeter. 11,01101111 Left in the shade by our'Prices. Summer Goods going at ANY PRICE Now is the time for Bargains! Big Drives in PRINTS AND DRESS GOODS. Lots of New Fall;Goods, cheaper than ever. Come and see the way that we lead in CHOICE NODS and LOW PRICES, DOT1PB 86 CO'S Kirkton. ••••••••••••••••=awwwwwww••••••=••••••••••••=1.•••••1•Mi•It 11 F, KINSMAN, L.D.S, D.D.S., -1-1- • Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. and of the Dental Departraent of Toronto Univereity,(with honors.) Specie ist in bridge -work, and gold and per. oelain crowns. Pure Nitrous Oxide Gas and local ameethets ice for painless extractions. Always at home. Office: Faxison's Block. Exeter. OARDERS WANTED, Four Boarder/. No others kept. Usual rates. Apply at 117 Nelson street, one block from Verity co,o new plow works, or to Baker, Box 74, Brantford: