HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-10-20, Page 5reertnenneerseteencereeerevaree emeareeeseaseriarere a toth the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and -Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation: Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its aotioia and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most :healthy and agreeable substances, its Many exec,llont qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remr-:ly known. Syrup of rigs is for sale in 175e bottles by U leading druggists. Any roliablu druggist who BM 'not have it on hand will prom. \ it Tomptly for any ono who wi$. es try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA HG SYRUP CO. SAN 5'RA.NOI500, OAL. TITSVILLE, KZ la.Ew 'KOBE, For Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store Stray Shots. An Onen Sound doctor ima been 6ne1 $410 for but Rportthg s Me of diphtheria The I:tie and Hump Railway have struck gee on their Roulette extensiou close to the piers en the Lake Erie elem.. Catarrh in the head is a constitutional disease and requires a constitutional remade like Hood's Sarsaparilla, to effect a cure. Hon, Jos. Royal, Lieuteuaut-Goverror of the Northwest Territories, ia a candi- date for the Manitoba Senatorship, va- cated by the death of Hon. Mr. Guard, RoLert Miller, ir , hat: lieu chosen can didate by the C'eneenatites to oppose , Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Agricul- ture, at the next Ontario t Iretione. If on had taken two of Carters Little Liver Pills before retiring you would not have had that coated tongue or bad taste in the mouth this morning Keep a vial with you for occasional use. In a hose reel competition at Belleville on Saturday No, 3 Company of the G. T. B. brigade broke the record under eertaiu condition... Thins, pounds; boat pre- * Niguel record, 1 minute and 1 second. When the hair shows ettens of falling be. gin at once to uee .Ayer's Hair Vigor. This preparation etrengthens the scalp, pro. motes the growth of new hair, eestoree the natural calor to pray and faded hair, ana renders it soft, pliant and glossy. liugh Moore, aged 86 years. one of the, oldest residents of Dundee, died on Fri- day, He went to the town in 3845 and had lived there ever since. A. 'Montreal despatch says apple ex. porters are losing heavily in the old coun- try t o their fall fruit. Many ehipments do not bring the freight and some merch- ants have cabled bele to stop thipping. Elijah Russell, egad 14, belonging to Port Huron, ;nth two companions was beating bis way west, and attempted to board a Grand Trunk Train at Acton. some way Russell was thrown under- neath the oars and fatally hurt. He died Friday morning. Itch, Mange and scratches of every kind on human beluga or animals cured in minutes notes by Wol ford's sanitary le.tion This never fails. Sold by C. Lntz. 1.••••••11•••••..••••• Monthl3r Prizes for Boys and Girls The "Sunlight" Soap Co.. of Toronto, offer the followiug prizes every month till further notice. to boys and girls under 16, residing in the Province of Ontario, who send the greatest number of "Sunlight" wrappers: 1st $10 ; find, 56; 3rd 53: 41h 81 ; 5 tb to 14th a handsome book; and a pretty picture to those who send not less than 12 wrappers. Semd wrappers to "Sunlight" Soap Office. 43 Soottstreet, Toronto not later than fifith of each month, and marked competition; also give full name. address, age and number of wrappers. Winners' names will be published in Toronto Mail on first Saturday n each month 0 71 Tir a 9 9 Martinsville, N.J., Methodist Par - nage. "My acquaintance with our remedy, Boschec's German yrup, was made about fourteen ears ago, When I contracted a Cold which resulted in a Hoarseness and a Cough which disabled me from filling my pulpit for a number of Sabbaths. After trying a Physician, without obtaining relief—I cannot ay now what remedy he prescribed —I saw the advertisement of your remedy and obtained a bottle. I received such quick and permanent help from it that whenever we have had Throat or Bronchial trouble since in our family, toschee's Ger- tua.n Syrup has been our favorite remedy and always with favorable results. I have never hesitated to report my experience of its use to others when I have found them troubled in like manner." Ruv. W. H. HA.GGARTY0 of the Newark, New A safe jersey, M.R. Confer- ence„April 25, '90. Remedy. 0 1G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr,Woodbury,14. ' . . pramm=osesittersaceasaitratiestatztanauscaranuur DOMINION NEWS IN BRIEF, isseiewanneereiwesieweroe=. 1721001012.0e...100001110.301100C Twelve wheat trains per day leave Winni- peg for the easL Three million pounds of fish were caught in lake.Winnipeg the past season. The corner stone of a new schoolhouse in Clark/di-erg, Ont., was laid Wednesday, It has cost di cents a day for each pawn- er in Belleville jail during the pest year. American hay buyers are purchasing in the Kingston neighborhood at $10 per ton. Up to date 106,011 barrels of apples him been shipped from Montreal this sea- son. The citizens of Hamilton are discussinga project to convert the old Central schoolin- to a Collegiate Institute. The Erie & Hurou Railway have struck gas on their Rondeau extension close to the piers on tho Lake Erie shore. Albert A. Dodge, cashier of the Inter - colonial freight sheds, St. John, N.R, is charged with embezzling $5,000. It is thought that Detective Phair, shot in London on Thursday by a ruffian, cannot possibly recover from his injuriee. During the past week there were 26 failures in Canada, as eotnpared with 32 for the corresponding week last year. The petition against the election of Mr. James -Grieve, M.P. for North Perth, was dismissed at Stratford on Saturday. During the lumber season in the Ottawa distriot, width is drawing to a close, the output of lumber amountedto 423,000,000 feet. Arthur Yorke wairin the Toronto Assize Court convicted of the manslaughter of his infant son, and sentenced to three years at Kingston. A monastery of Benedictines will shortly be established in the diocese of Sherbrooke, Que. The monks will be brought over from France. Richard Dwyer, farmer, living near Petterbore, attempted to coinmit Bumble by throwing himself in the river, Ile was rescued with difficulty. James Slaven, who was found guilty of murdering Special Constable John R. Davy at Cornwell, was sentenced by Judge Armour to be hauged on the 16th of Decem- ber. The G. T. R. directorate has decided to abolish the southern division of the road under Superintendent Stiff, and that offi- cial and his entire staff will be released from duty. The last spike in the Adirondack and St. Lawrence railroad was driven Wednesday morning by Dr. W. Seward Webb, presi- dent of the road. The hrst through tram to :Montreal will go over the line on October 15. The London Board of Trade returns show that exports to Canada from England in- creased one per cent. for the nine months ended with September, and that the lin. ports from Canada for the same period in. creased sixteen per cent. Before 10,000 spectators, not a few of whom had paid $10 for a seat, tho Sham- rock Lacrosse Club won the championship of tho world on Saturday. The match was the best exhibition of the national game that has ever been seen in Montreal. The 400th anniversary of the discovery a America and the anniversary of the bat - tie of Queenston Heights were celebrated simultaneously on Thursday in tho public schools of 'Toronto, and by a review of the drill corps of the schools in Queen's Park during the afternoon. The celebration was a marked success. While I tective Phair, one of the oldest officers in tixo London, Ont., force, was try- ing to arrest a man in one of the principal business thoroughfares, a companion of the man, with whom Phair was struggling, drew a revolver, placed it against the detective's aide, and fired, inflicting a wound which, it is feared, will prove fatal. The two men, John Burke, of Guelph, and Thomas Wilson, of Toronto, were subs°. quently arrested. The Ontario Government sold ton Thurs. day in Toronto 637 square miles of timber limits in the Nipissing, Algotna, and nun - der Bay districts, principally pine, which realized the sum of $2,308,475. Thelargest limit was bought by Mr. G. W. Pack, of Alpena, Mich., who purchased 3i1i square miles, at the rate of $10,600 a mile, or a total of $373,650, believed to be the largest price ever paid for a timber limit on the continent of America. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Harrison grows weaker day by day. Sir William Dawson is now nearing con- valescence. Sir William Dawson, of McGill Universi- ty, continues to improve. . Sir Alexander Lacoste was sworn in as a Privy Councillor by the Governor- General. Robert 'Miller, jun., was nominated for the next Provincial election by the Con- servatives of South Ontario on Satur- day. Mrs. Susan Neil, 70 years old, who lives on a ranch in Maverick County, Texas, kill- ed a full-grown panther with an ax Tues- day. It is rumored that. Mr. Kenneth Chis- holm, M. P. P. for Peel, is about to resign his seat to accept the registrarship of the county. The Prince of Wales is being severely criticized by the Radical press on account of his not being present e.t Lord Tennyson's funeral. Mrs. James Goldie, Guelph, has been elected president ef the Western. Associa- tion of Congregational Churches, in session at Paris. The Bev. Thomas Spurgeon, son of the celebrated English pulpit orator, left London for o. prolonged visited to 'New Zealand. Mr. McNeill, M. P. for North Bruce, spoke before the Sheffield Chamber of Com- merce on Tuesday in favor of Anglo -Cana- dian preferential trade. Miss Alice Turner, seconddaughter of the lete Senator Tauter, was married at Hamilton, on Saturday afternoon, to Mr. Walter Brown' of New York. It is statedin London that Mr. Glad- stone did not attend Lord •Tennysou's funeral because of his soreness at the Poet Laureate's denunciation of his Irish • policy. Mr. Edgar Dewdney, Minister of the In- terior, has been appointed Lieut. -Governor of British Columbia; and Mr. F. M. Daly, M.P. for Selkirk, succeeds to Mr. Dewdney's present position. • Clifford Calverley, of Toronto, successful- ly crossed Niagara river near the falls. He performed the perilous journey in 6 min- utes 8 seconds, lowering the record from 12 minutes 30 Seconds. President E. Benjamin Andrews of Brown University, Providence, has been appointed a United States delegate to the Inter- national Monetary Conference in place of President F. A. Walker, who declined. • • A Prize Portrait Rebus; 4:1124' KA0, Application manic OS and easy, relief immedi- ate. 'ells preparatiou fills a great and long -felt erantamong those who suffer from Piles. It is aremedy of the highest merit—effective and reliable --and has more than met the antioipp, tions of those physicians who have used it in their practice. Pininone is a Sure Cure when other remedies fail to relieve. Testim- onials furnished. Price Sl. For sale by drug- gists or by mail on reoolgt of Price. W. T. STRONO. Manufacturing Chemist, 149 Timid= St., London, Ont. This young lady has two brothers and a sister; each one of whose picture is combined in the above portrait. The publishers of the LADIES' PICTORIAL WEEKLY Will elle a Fine Ladies' Gold Watch to the person who first can make out the faces of the two brothers and sister ; to the second a Mantel Clock ; to the third a Coin SilverWatch; to the fourth a beautiful pair of Pearl Opera Glasses; to the fifth a Silk Dress Pattern; and a valuable prize will also be given to every person who is able to answer this Picture Rebus correctly, until one hundred prizes have been awarded, if there should be that number answering correctly.. Each contestant is to cut out the picture rebus, and make a cross with a lead peucil on the two brothers' and sister's faces, and send same to as with five two -cent postage stamps, for two copies of the Lames' PIC- TORIAL WICEICLX, our popular illustrated journal. Answer to -day and enclose ten cents and you may win one of the leading prizes. Address, "F" LADIES' Praroinar..Weetve, 192 Xing St. West, Torento, Canada. Women with pale. ce lorlese feces, who ;feel wealc and aiii,2.)nritgea, will receive bah mental and treble vigor by using Carter's Iron Pills, whieh aro made for the blood, rt. refs end cowl lazier:. Salo Register, Friday, Ocr. 21—Farm mock, imple- i mews, ete., the property of John Tree- 'ethick, jr., lot 18, con. It, Stephen. 1Sale at one Wel4....k. floury Eilber, 'Atte, i Saturday. Oct. t.i1— Real estate, lot 18, eon. 4, ..*'replien, at the Commercial hotel, Exeter, at 1 o'clock. John Gill, Auc. R. IL Collins, Solicitor. Setureety, Oet. 22, 1892.-- Aesignee's enle of f urn i tin et, by „Toloi Gill, assignee, at W. Androw's furniture warerooms. Exeter. Salo at Quo L 11, Dickson, Sol ieitor. Tuesday, Nov. lst. —Feria stock, int- plements'etc., the property of John Gourley, lot 11, con. V, Uaborne. Sale 'at ono o'clock. H. Brown, Auctioneer. Friday, O. 21.—Farm stock, the, 'property of 0, and Q. Godbult, lot 10 ,con. 10, Ushorne. Sale at one o'clock. H. Brown, Auctioneer, C. C. Rierrenns & Co. Gouty,— My daughter was suffering ter- nbly with neuralgia. I purchtteed a bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT and rubbed her face the:welly. Tee pain 1,ft her and she slept well till morning. Next night another attaelt, another application, result- ed ;ea previously, with no return einem, Grateful feelings determined me to express myself publicly. 1 wauld not be without IfINABIrS LININIF,NT in the bone° at any cost. Parkdale, Ont, J. H. BAILET, 4.0.46---- Englieh Spann Liniment reinvoes al hard, soft or calk' tined Lumps and Blom/ ishes from horses, Blood Spetvin,Cur es. Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs ete. Save 830 by nog of one bottle. War anted the inrst wenaerful Blemish Cure te: known. sold by 0. Lutz.29 ly ..o,....romassnmstpearnomou••••••••••••••.......... TN' keZ,1- AA. WANTED ! ON AND AFTER 1ST OCTOBER. SNELL BROS d CO'Y Will pay the Highest Cash price for Hogs DRESSED OR ALIVE. AT TSB ' Exeter Packing House Hogs to Weigh from 100 to 200 lbs The Molsons Bank (CHARTERED B Y PA ALIAMEN T, 1865) Paid up Oapital 5E,000,0(.0 P eat IND d 1.1.00,00C lifeedOftee, Montreal. P. WOLFERSTAN Tnol1Ai4a4o•, Gim&RAT.mAx.e& & &Ion ey advanced to good, armers on their ONTO note with one or more endorsor at 7 per cent. per annum. Exeter Branch, Open every law fu I de.y • f non 3.0 a. m.t o 3 p.m SATURDAYS,10 a , . to 1 p .111. Current rates of interest allowed on deposits N. DYER:, HURDON, Sub -Manager. ilarmiors' inT PRICE LIST: FLOUR Zurich S. B. $ 2.10 , et Family Choice 1.80 Pastry 1.90 Myers' Royal Spice (per cwt.) 6.00 SHORTS (Per cw0 0.75 BRAN 0.60 All orders of ton lots or over filled on shortest notice. • Orders in the village delivered prom- ptly and satisfaction guaranteed. R. S. RICHARDSON, Opposite Town HalL Manager. OO' S COTTON ROOT COMPOUND, A recent discorerybr an old physician. Successfully us- ed monthly by thoutatals of LADIES. IS the only perfect- ly safeand reliable medicine discovered. Beware of un- principled druggists who offer inferior medicines in often oe V. Ask for COOK'S COTTON Root CourouND:tuke no substitute; or inclose eland 4 three-eent Canada onstage stamps in letter. and we will scud. sealed, by return mail. Full sealed particulars in plain envelope. to ladies only, 2 stamps. A ddress Porot Lily OomPallY No, Is Fisher Blook,131 Woodward ave.,Detroit taloa, Sold in Exote . LUTZ. Coral Drug Store and all druggisto everewhere. DO "Y*0-C.T Do you want a PIANO, ORGAN, BICYCLE, SEWING MACHINE, BOYS' & GIRLS' TRICY- CLES, EXPRESS WAGONS? '.e Our $80,00 4diet DIMOTLY HIGH GRADS. ALL ?mug 0i mo arm STEEL AND WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR MANUMOTUREP OT Be Geoid Bicycle Co. Ltd, SRANTFORD, ONT. Semi for* Catelogue If you do. the place to get, the most reliable goods at a modern price is at PERKINS MARTIN'S, dealerin Musical Inetruments, Sawicz Machine supplies. etc. All kinds of foam implements sold on 4L tear gin overcoat. Agents for the celebrated Chat ham Wagon, PER&INS 8s MARTIN, Fanson's Block. JUST ARRIVED —AT— GI *LEY'S Furniture & Undertaking Establishment A. very liEW Prices to suit large line of GOODS everybody. Bring along your old Furniture and have it made new. The largest stock of New Picture Mouldings in town. Also PARLOR SUITES asp' CURTAIN POLES—in all colors. Remember you can have your Curtain Poles out any length desired, as we buy them in long lengths. ' Call and Instect our Stock S. GIDLEY. Oddfellows Block. rathimit Stylos 1 0 it 0 THli BEST YET • THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YETI Best Ordered Clothing pioduced in Exeter Gentlemen I leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, awl the beet Cutting in Town yea are sure el Wising- A- 4". SVILLI.J. 116 11111111111 sr,„. PBL Cobbledick & FolipeZ' Having lately purchased the Stock awl Good -will :of J, N. Howard, and added largely to tho Stock, they haye no the best equipped and largest Hardware aarl Tinware Establishment in the County. They sell whole- sale and Retail, and carry BUILDERS' MATERIALS, ETU. BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES, Era, CARRIAGE MAKER'S GOODS, Exc., STOVES, TINWARE, BICYCLES, and everythingin SMALL HARDWA LARGEST STOOK OF NAILS in the OWN GET THEIR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY. House cleaning time is upon us. Use Alabasline for your walls ceilings. They have the genuine thing only, in an improved t You can oat 1/ • 0 y have all the Call and see their fine store, fine stock and fine prices. COBI3LZDICIC teef. IPOZZIA cAuTipL nv nioney sAinEgnatbi And LUMBER Y EACH. PLUCr OP Myrtle Navy IS MARKED XZT XMOZTZlit We keep constontly on harld a Iargeato ell kinds of building materials. Pressed dressed pine and hemlock lumber. also it stock of No.1 pine lath. nur atock of doors. Bash, moul dm. is complete and thorough' kiln dried. We offer for Betel XX and XXX and CEPAR.SIIINelbES manufactuxed best makerstn Ontario. Tanks and cisterns, all shapes and ei or barnrard. newin this lute forwatering cattle in the t order at lowest prices..We have sore cep and see our eetelwated Baiting a Every woman usieg them recteemen Turning.band.servilsawing, ard a,i ki machine work promrpr attended to. NONE - OTHER - GENUINE tototkwhiaciftere tpourwar itungtooriessetwhtoorec.sarai ROSS 8s TAYLOR, Main S I 11 (Tioillr, WE ha.ve on hand a Fiee Lino of BOUND BOOKS J J Suiteble for Sunday School Lihrar Preaentations. Left in the shade by our Prices. Summer Goods going at ANY PRICE Nov is the time for Bargains 1 Big Drives in PRINTS AND DRESS GOODS. Lots of New Fall Goods, cheaper than ever. Come and see the way that we lead in TIIR LATEST GAVE: " :Parlor Quoits' ALSO: FLIPS, PARCHEESI, IM Authors, Etc., Ete, T. W. I3ROWNL. BOOK & DRUG STORE A Combination CHOICE GOODS and LOW PRICES. High Quality84,LowP DOUPE & CO'S, Kirkton. 1This is the condition of lug as regtrds Footwear.c f eve 'fl/ume Points I now is the time to buy Jtion, Prices within tit reacl 1 i BOOTS & SHOES, NOTE WELL. Experience, We have had the expenienee that at- tention to business, close prices and proper fits, are the main factors in our business. Promptitude With this ever • redeeming feat- ure imprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors especially, namely putting off until next week what should have been done this. Satisfaction.' This is a nice oo word,but to carry out its meaning is difficult to somh. We gloryin word and the way i it is exemplified n our shop. We guar- antee eatisfaction every time in all res- pects. If you want a suit, a coat, vest or pair of pants, give us a call and be convinced that what we have said is true. W. IRNr SLIPPERS, RUBBERS, In ordered boots and shoes we every satisfaction, For first class and first class workmanship we lea Repairing neatly and quickly do right prices. .A call wil! ..areekiet that the best place tc buy is at co. :1\SAITF.2" 0 A. HA.STING'S, BARB FANSON'S BLOCK, BXETB As yen pass by on the Main street Just for it moment stop: And have your heir and waiskers trial At Ilasting's Barber shop. We are the lightning barbers, We do our work with care. We always keen our razors And shears in good repair. We have the very Attest atyles of ohs We keep our towels clean. We shampoo in the best of syle And use the easy hair machine Some barbers work so slowly, Bub this Is cur text: Wye oduor nototmkeisepaiyysonuyawajitiienzt.,,, As for the Is.dies and obadren, We do their work tip-tUt: Wo shingle tbeir hair and trIte their At Llasting's Barber shop. .... • • READ THIS: at.LESME 'MIDST ALL BLOW A WANTEDTo sell our unexcelled Nursery Stock: . . .Ly.j . RN Steady employment and control of terri- tory. Have done business.in Canada 35 years. Liberal pay to the .ight man. Send for terms. CHASE BROS & CO Colborne,. Ont. Still takes ad in the SALESMEN WANTED. We want both trsvelling and Niel Salesmen to reprt sent the old established Fonthill Nur.' series SALARY PAID .FROM TIM START to Salesmen experienced in our line liberal terms to beginners and a permanent situation assured. We have 7t0 A.ORES under ortitiva- thin and aro the only firm furnishing STRI0T- LY FIRST-CLASS OAN A D I AN GROWN s LOOK. OUITIT FREE. HARDY VARIE- TIES tor North Ontario and Manitoba. a spee- laity. WE GUARANTEE OUR STOOK Apply for term s at once. We want you NOW STONE dr. WELLINGTON; • Toronto. 1 int. Mr. Batons was chosen sebuol trustee in St. Mary's in place of the late Andrew Knox. had three of a maJ jority over RBT. N. RO Mr Armetrong. iurniture‘ ...ustrt We are too busy to call on pEo need of Furniture ; but please . rl .our Warerooms and see our Stec we will try to suit you in this line. OrdEre orkNeatlyDone onShort Remember we have also a Lan line of •. Undertaking Goa llways on hand, and all calls 101 ine will be promptly attended . satisfaction guaranteed eVervyt* Store—Next to Molsons Bat( k,