HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-10-20, Page 1AND HURON & 11MIDDLESEX GAZITITTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY. VOL. A.Y. NO 9, t EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER, 20, 1892 JOHN WHITE & SONS Publisher and Proprietors . 1892 ig Baiikrupt Store, .'«..ler, Great Bargain House of Western Ontario Always Leading, Never Following. ✓ ,: ; 1 .;,441 Elf sl ri`:lm'4ya 4jLi .€ ,.LBO rif'1 si }¢ . a9 E.:'2.. C: 69' &0' H ,Oa CG..,+➢' 8 ISD` 35°1T ,wirinCt?35e"•r".ilri3l lt: . Cl.' L to WEE o. the Sesons T">,01.T`]. GRT, .5` r:`y e:3.' Ca:e .r$ .J.'l «3 4 i0's✓ ( tkif 9ll j, t.• .., , Il< f ,.y ml `u I te•. <,, ;"t, .,,, ss,, ,11.1;71./1g' to our i1Stfl13Ii»'r S for .. . ;. l °'r•a. ro '. ::. '? n e e•.. r'. 1 c 3 -r•I n:n •Our ass t e :la t• l F4, '.aCe ri,2a, ba :a::. "4.17 1.F1. : '`tAji'.... i J.«.:1kY been. a Tai, :•,-r en.ir klelslii.1 3s luring the past four years, have been Ili startling f?y, a"l gC.. s"€ffi{'l.i' n l :ruff, with ot.t limit. W e ;),,re never {...,c1.y .`_&' •!1,_.f1. tl :.d 5 . V_M ..i." 'I 'j 4 ). Olaroiagli :`i+orkinan and planning in the interest _•''!-' s+: R'n, ft , ti f - ' t:"➢ J"E iZ ?gat tAix :.:1.: ' 1heti rn aaaltt.'d hi t}ie building up " 1.%.120_11:11.10.;11. li, :# :,,tp by steady industry and -.4 rr 9pa, on+.. , t1ce;C tlgu-et vig.aCC..l ,siC l °a'3 her'.2.:?1' t•int.. r11 ":!(? ", (•"'+ -' ' T ;•,A 1.., ._, ,9,i 1 -J •ass, and yet r o are not t, o,*, : .'lb's a :a ' b.... a > lle'F; sa atiMal s;.:1, Our, motto in ' S611 Onward." it t 1 u "7.6*.'77777* 4t i 4 V GOING, /rC' n rS o-11, 'Li ,1 W L Z j11 O 3 of w5. .iS.}otiperi y. CA.r" S1,nt", lugs :l. .3 Kl wj Arti4ti' !i> '1111(;:111. -Mia , ft 11:-', ., ad :111 t .!. . i l a ss tom ,Q•1 f t.t110 .a..t&, +i:, tit`b ilo;4 i«l:llr;;.. ..IaI,+F:'. .i. I£ you have not . clone T?; "; • 't` e: n;sn a i±I of Pall •Clty'i. tdss C> v ' !v !3 linen :or vicelcs opening up our illi.. uY a n ' 11 n ,rs4 , - i q rw1• , 4 - Oa d , d beauty. r.1°0 , 1,-7 1 „ rnenj gr, aar5 i,, ° 'F... it.t,.;a4:a,.r no, ..t,, van.: .he i'i+4.La.y o beauty. w • '; °l illi t 'Lt;lf'i ":: 'sit y-=;1 f•al t help beim.; w'irluck lith r •i - r'ii. ,pin li'Ta71° lll l l i €l i)ily L'W t tlt ill ? 3y. Wi O invite the in., elS GOODS, spection fluid non t the criticism of every capable and TY6.,l`' r4 GOODS. 3D`". VPIl-i-!r':;4et}buyer, as wo tilde ; atisiy the refilled taste of -n,74-411 ° 41,, Pia it't''n . 74Q). 3'f' tt6'p] lisle •.c* c+r',:9 e.i. a,,1 a,1;.hC rg l;r. 4.fir, Wo crn pions n.t •,~>l hi quality, we ono nag y. u in tertius We have a line of Black Paw de Soh, 1 ileo baott value we ever handled, 'l t: fl G' ho to invite the lt,tteentioll of buys to our immense assortment e 7.7cv yr€ v: d'w wore Co vvelll rc i`vv ! 1.4 ..°- til olt.n1 , u tock t,x " . _._w-: •. 'efi'll's a;?r 'nr3 and UntilertreaY' l , .: haply who -will follow. Gents' best 4. -ply Wool ool So.; 1.5e; and. .i:,)rat=tiers, 07i cents I es )$ .n'pared for a inainmoth trade '` "1 .> Wornells' and Glutei. beyond dc:sciipvion. 'We lead, let diose Liken Collars $1 per dozen. Gents' heavy p11•re Wool Shirts worth 85 cents, Take a walk throngh our store and see for yourself. In. this department We can do well for you. Piles o£ -RF 1A - Yens' suits, piles of Boys' suits, piles of Mem' aveY gatsr--— d piles of Boys' overcoats. Suits to Order at correct prices 0I1oT11INt , for the buyers A snap ill black worsted suits made to your own measure, fat and '4 orlimahIShip girtra:.iteed, $18 buys the ]est black slut in our ifs Y 1 9 shop, "`I':i? no house i'1 towel 4'•l,u Nett+'•:`d you better. vt guarantee Livery suit we 'make tO Vrdern - y e , /1 s,,, r7 ."" l in j : R `. q«j:^.' cr. 1!„ t, .17, ..s. ,aJVs.'N' ii,.r r'tS.A iL i.yl w3t. Y .. p St!).",t n,()I1:1•..1l, : L 5 -.7t,.... 1•:;ve 1V:'. dc 1))imany exclusive linesig lt a ni ". apt .' ertr(_.-. ?•. ..:curium. .ne -', .4:kto ' lined boot; .r!:WOD1c11 and Gir1:3-_jut the thi i for fall and winter. r° , 7 full .`'s'-ol't`iient. of a l.a .% closest prloos. Feer Coats, 1.4 t~: • rill . 50 Fur 'Caps, rip: qtr r:+,.,, Fur ( ' Fur r lt:l off , Goat Robes— all going 'at close cut prices. ,t r LAST. 1315'1' NOT LEAST ; Our two new departments -Millinery and Mantles Wo claim bo have one of the best and most complete stocks in Western Ontario. This branch of our business is under the able management of MISS ARMSTRONG, (late of Faris) Who is acknowledged to be one of Ontario's leading Milliner's. We can safely assure satisfaction to any of our patrons who entrust theirmillinery work to Miss Armstrong,. Our assortment of Ready-made Mantles is away above the average, every 'garment being made for this season's trade. In Mantle Cloths and 8ealettes we have some choice goods. Again we say, Come , we want to do business with you. Je .L..L• S.et....-nWA TI ..B I 0 - Bargains Are being offered in ev ery department of our store. Careful buyers always find it pays them to see what we offer. There are still a few pairs of those famous 50e. Kid Gloves loft. If you have not secured a pair they are rare value. Our Ladies'Natural Wool Vests are the favorites (duality considered.) To -day we have opened out a new lino of Corsets. They are good fitters and each pair is guaranteed to give sat- isfaction or money refunded. Do Yot Need Underwear ? Only 50c, buys a heavy All -wool Un- dershirt. We can supply you with any- thing in DRY -GOODS at right prices. One Low Cash Price our Motto. ' Sole agents for Butterwick's Celebrat- ed Glove Fitting Patterns. 9. 3. MOTAVISH & CO. ....Pm. V.. 606..0 Herman. Boots Rod shoesat Bankrupt Prides for the next 30 days at A, Weselob's. leaving purch- ased the entire stook of hoots and Shoes of Wiltiaw Downs S: Son at a reduced rate on the dollar, we are prepared to sell you Boots and Shoes cheaper than ever. I would therefor invite you to call and examine my stook be- fore purchasing elsewhere. :the following are fow quotations :--baby shoes for 15, 20. and 23o a pauand upward; ohildrou's shoes. for 30 40 and 5 re a pair and upward; girl's and boy's shoes for 50, 75, and 51: boy's long boots for 75.$1. and $125;,men's long boots for $150. $t 75,and"81 a parr and upwards; all kinds of slippers for 23.5x1 and 75e a pair and upward. It will surprise you how eboap you eau buy by Dail ing and examining the goods for yourself: Wo are sure to please and fat you and aro here to stay and repairrour boots and epees far you. Thanking you all for past patronage, and i in- vite yon all to stall and be convinced that we moan what we advertise. Butter and eggs takod same as °ash. No trouble to show goods, Sign of the Big Boot. A.WEBET.4011, Prop. Reneall Oatmeal Mills aro running again after having refitted them from top to bottom with tho Latest improved machinery, and are now manufacturing high grades of meal. Oat- meal exchanged for oats. Meal wholesale and retail. A large quantity of feed en hand. Good white clean oats wanted; present price 28e__pper bushel. Our oepaoity 500 bushel daily. D. -Urquhart, Ilensall Oatmeal Mills, Following are the market quotations : Wheat ..,. 60 to 63 Barley 38 to 40 Oats 20 to 27 Peas...,.......... 55 to 56 Hay 5.00 to 6.00 Batter 15 to 13 Eggs 9 to 12 i-inge 5 75 to 5.75 Clover deed 7 00 to 7:50 Bni;a rs.-C. Boseenberry has a pear tree in full bloom ; a sight which is seldom, if ever, seen this side of the Sunny South at, this season of the year. -Mrs. Pm. Reid who has been sick for the past two weeks, is recovering slowly. -Geo. C. Petty has returned from his tour to the great North- West and reports having had a pleasant trip.—John Mlanning, whose sale was on Monday, 131h, has bought a butcher busi- ness in Ridgetown, where he intends to -carry on the slaughtering trade. Success to John. -Mr. Whitesides, who for many years has been an employee of Mr. Geo. McEwen, but whose home has formerly been in Seaforth, has moved to town.— W. Colwell's cottage will soon be com- pleted. It would be well for Hensall if there were more than ono William in this respect. --Geo. Brown, of the firm of Brown dr Clark, sold his 1st prize baggy to Wm. Hudson Hibbert. Esq. " Our Brown " is always " in it." -Rev. J. S. Henderson, R. Buchanan and WillElder, attended the C. E. D. convention held at London last Wednesday morning. -Lawyer Smith, of Seaforth, intends opening out practice here,—Mies Maggie Buchanan and Miss Brown attended the convention at London.—Rev. H, Irvine; of Kippen ctrnuit, gave a very able discourse on the Educational Fund of the Methodist church at the Sunday evening service and reports that the collection for that fund was double that of last year.- Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Carmel church delivered a grand sermon to his congregation on Sun- day night on "How to Keep the Young People in the Church " The Rev, gen- tleman explained in many ways how this might be accomplished, laying special stress on the Y. P. S. C. E.—John Pope, Esq., Tailor, was not in town on Sunday but as to his whereabouts is a . secret. Look out, Johnnie, "They're after you." —Quite a number of our citizens attended the Bayfield fair last week, and by all appearances must have had a pleasant time, as some of them didn't get home till the following morning.—B. Brown, of Crediton, was is town on Monday on the " Murphy " spec -The Misses Chap- man and Morrison spent Sabbath with friends in Bayfield,—The congregation of St. Paul's church held Harvest Home Service on Tuesday evening. There was a large attendance.—G. 1). Arnold, Erne- cliffo Cottage, who. has been suffering from a sore hand, reports it doing nicely. Joe Norris, of Guelph, formerly assistant agent hero, is visiting his sisters, Mrs. Wren and Mrs. Arnold. Joe looks well.—Mrs. R, Robb, of Chieeehurst, leaves to -day for London,. where she has been accepted as nurse in the London Hospital. -Election of officers of C. 0. F. was held on Thursday night when the following ware elected : —P. C. R.; Bro. A. Weseloh ; C. R., Bro. E. Rennie ; tr. C. R., Bro. W. A. Thomson, M. D.; Fin. Sec., E. Rhoodding; Rec. Sec , Bro, W. Col- ; Treas., Bro. Richard' Beek ; Chap., Bro, Geo. McEwen ; Sr. W., Bro, Wm: Blackwell; Jr W., Bro. Peter Triggerson Sr. 13., Bro. j. Troyer; Jr. 13., Bro. Fred Smallacomb ; Court Physician, Bro,: De. Thomson • McGillivray. lnreas.—Mr. Wm. Lewis of the 4th con. has been ill tor the last Ave or six weeks. The doctor thinks that hie trouble is whooping cough, and that he will soon recover.—Many of the people, children and parents of section No. 4, are afflicted with whooping cough, and have been for the past two months and more.--Tbe wheat in this vicinity is looking ezceptionelly well, and if the winter is favorable there will no doubt be a hematite' harvest next year,—Mr, James Msrr has leased his farm to Mr, Lew Mount for a terra of years. Mr. Marr intende to retire from farming, --Mr, Jar. Doyle has rented his farm to Mr. Buckley, of West McGillivray. Mr. Doyle's ill health incapacitates him from farm work.—One of those pleaean' events which occasionally cause a ripple in loose society tranepired on Thursday, 29th ult., when Mr. W. Nicholas, was united in marriage to Miss W. Lintott, and Mr. .1 Linton was united in marriage to Mies E Nicholas. All the parties are of Me- Gsilllvray. Zurich. Bxlkre,—Mr, Godbolt's body was taken to Berlin for boreal,—Mears. Sol. Hardy and Ed, Hardy went to Berlin to attend the funeral of Mr. Godbolt —Mrs, David Geiger, of the 14th eon., died tart Mon- day of Dropsy.—Some of our boys paid a visit to Parkhill Iasi Sunday. By the way they talk they enjoyed their trip. --The race donna is about finished. 1) is going to be a quarter mile track. Now got your nage ready. The A. 0. F.•'n- tend holding a oonoert on the lOttf of November. They have secured Mr. Ma - Load, from Seaforth, and some other good talent.—Mr, Ed Boaaeabsrry hes sold his span of drivers to a man in Parkhill for a good figure. -Mr. (Ibas. Grebe was visiting at Crediton on Sunday last.—Joe. 6u611, of Dashwood, paid our town a visit on Monday.—Mr. Ben Mackenzie was visiting at Mr. Ed. 13oseenberry'e this week, —Mr. Fred Hese scoured six red tickets at Bayfield fair for hie buggies. Dashwood. Oatxa tier—Mr. John Livergood, corn; monly known as "Old John," died on Oct. 9, at the age of 77. Hie remains were in- terred in the Goshen Lino cemotery on Tuesday, Oct, 11. Fine—At 2 o'clock on Friday morning, Mr. P. Bleie'a cooper shop, with its con- tents, was totally destroyed by fire. .Aa the night was calm, the fire did not apt eel as it might have as there are a number of frame buildioge in tho immediate vicinity. Loss, between 5300 and $400, Eniers—Mies A. Jacobs of Morriston was the guest of Mr. P. Beaver last j veek. —The Young People's Alliance here in- tend to celebrate its anniversary on Oat. 271h. Rev. G. F. Haist, of Zurich, and several others are expected to give ad dresses. The meeting will be open to all, There will be English and Getman, -On Sunday last, Rev. S. Krupp conducted Miesionary services in the Evangelical church. -Mr, Greb, Health Inspector for Hay, visited our school premises on Mon day and reported everything in pretty good order.-Mr.John Fenwick has return- ed from Manitoba,—Mr. L. Simons is visiting friends in Elmira at present. -Mr. H. 1)ickert, agent for the Dominion Life Assuarnce Co., was m this vicinity last week.—The teaehere and pupils of our school celebrated Columbus Day on Oct l 2. The programme was wound up by giving cheers for Columbus Day, etc. --Mr. T. Tanton of London called on some of hie friends in this vicinity last weak. Ehmville. Bmars.—Miss Jennie Holman of Lon- don and Mies Carrie Drew of Exeter, were visiting their nnole, Mr. G. W. Holman, daring the past week.—The revival meet- ioge are still in progress and a few have re- alized the power of salvation.—Mr. G. W. Holman is improving from eczema in the face.—Mr. Thos. Veal has had his house re -shingled, which adds to its appearance end will no doubt add to leis comfort.— Mr. Thos. Tanton, who has been visiting his uncle, Mr. James Halls, returned to his home in Byrou on Saturday.—Mr. Samuel Routly had a horse badly injured at the concert the other night by jumping a picket fence.—The apple barvest i' in full swing and many barrels are being shipped. —Mr. Joshua Johns has improved his house by building a verandah in front and having it painted. Coxonnr,—The Columbian concert held in the school house on the 12th Inst. was a Becoees. Everybody seemed pleased who was there, and those who were not there will neves see another one like it. Dr. Rollins made a capital speeoh on " Then and Now," and in eloquent terms emu trasted the state of civilisation of font hundred years ago with that of the present age, and predicted that civilisation of four hundred years hence would lengh at the ignorance of to -day. Mr. G. W. Holman gave a cursory history of Columbus and pointed out that the ingratitude shown that great man in bis lite and the respect shown his bones was perpetuated down to the present. Mr. J. A Dempsey Amused and delighted everybody with his eomie songs— " Mra. Fogarty's Obristmas cake " and " 1 like it," being a great favorite. Mire Minnie Russell received great praise for the manner in which she had trained the children in singing. Miss Jennie Holman sang two excellent song. which were highly appreci- ated, and showed her a vocalist of mush ability. The children acquitted themselves well in their recitations and singing, and were deservedly praised. Messrs. Hotham and Porden gave two excellent readinge. Mr. C. Coate gave an excellent mouth organ selection. Mr. W. Pridham, M; P., who occupied the chair, discharged his duties very acceptably and received a hearty vote of thanks, as did also Dr. Rollins and the others who rendered aesistanoe. Mr. Bishop was not present, but sent a letter of regret which Wig read. Lsit, bot not Mbtard's Liniment cares tfargdtt in Coin Lead ate Your Ede A MOMENT. Just call in to J. P. Rosa' store and look about care- fully for a few minutes and see the extra values we offer in fall and winter goods. We are opening them every day. Don't be afraid to ask for our prices, and don't charge us with stealing our goods when we quote prices! Next week we will partic- ularize artic-ularize more fully. J. P. ROSS. Bargain Depot. GOODS :WILL BE SLAUGH- TERED AT THE WO ODRA;11 STORM The proprietor, James Neely being fully determined to retire from business willsell his premises, and full stook of Dry Goods; Groceries, Hardware, Crock ery, Glassware, &c., at or belew cost for Cash. When leaving he will place his books in the bands et a lawyer to bal- ance up. JAS. NEELY. Sept 14th, '02. le tet, we uaust not forget the lnnch torn - idled by Mrs. Heiman. On the whole the concert was a eueoese and reflected credit on those having the errangementa in band. Biddulph Council. The council met pursuant to adjourn- ment. The reeve and all tbo members present. A communication from the reeve of Mc- Gillivray disclaiming damages re. Grant's hors° was read and filed. By.law No 3 of 1S67 was amended by placing all of lot 251 con 7, in road division No 4. Joseph. McOarthy's dog was atruck from the , oll, being killed. The following accounts were ordered to be paid : A. Conway, 1 day shovelling gravel div 4, $1; M McLaughlin, unending gate div 4, SOc; S. Kennedy, rep culverts stripping pit and tending gate, $6 90; P. Carey, statute labor money refunded, $7; W Dancey, do, 54; J. Lewis, equalising 2 union sections, $1•; S Mortals, ditch and culvert div 2, 53; B. Jones, gravel account in full, $12 52; Jas Atkinson, do, $1 44; Jno Ryder, do, $3 90; John Carrigan, do, 531 75; R. Jackson, do, 543 37; F. Abbott plank div 2, 50c; C. Kent. fencing gravel pit, 52; R Seeli, plank W 13. div 2, 57 84; Thos Neil, work under arbitrators award W B, $21 50; W C. Heteston, gravel ac- count, $5 20; A. McKinnon, rep at town hall 25c; C. 0 Hodgins, 1 day re Dickens sideroad div 3, $2; John Langford, culvert C. S R. div 5, $1 25; Jas Leslie, cutting thistles, $1; Jas Parks, spikes, 255c; John Fulton, culvert div 5, 55; J. Beamieh, tie drain, Granton, 53; .Ed Dinsmore, rep bridge div 5, 53 25; am White, rep cul S. B, 51; Robt Gilallan, ditch St Marys road $3; grant Biddulph Agricultural Society, $10; Dr H. Lang, Medical Health Officer. 511; Jon Atkinson, cul S. B, $2; Benj. Hodgins, work and overseeing W 13 div 1, 52 50; treae London tp re work on 8 B, 513 63; F GAbbott, tile drain div 3, 54 25; F. A Dobbs, tile and cul div 3, 52- W. Toohey, tile and drain div 4, 53; Jas Car- rigan, road to gravel pit div 4, $5; L Har- rigan, mindinggate, 52 40; Sas Harrigan, statute labor refunded, 513 50; Jaynes Carrigan, balcontract grading Breen's 3 R, $13; M. Breen, do and tile drain, 414 95; P. Breen, overseeing gravelling div 4, 51 50; 0 Plaskett, lumber account, $16 20; H. F. Sharp, books clerk', office, $5 35; W. Thompson, new bridge, con 6 and 7, $35. The council adjourned to meet again, on Monday, Nov. 7, at 10 a, m. W. D Srilnsx, Clerk RHEUMATISIi CORED IN A DIY.— Smith America Rhoumatie Cure for Rhen- matiem and Neuralgia ridioally cures int to 3days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediat- ely disappears- Tho first dose greatly benefits. 75 oente. Warranted by C. Lute, Druggist. ang. 14. On Saturday last Arthur, sun of Mr. Jame' Johns of Varna, mist with a very painful accident. It semis that he and Mr. G. Ward wore drawing chicory, and when going into the field turned the wagon too short, and in trying to Savo' himself he jumped to the gronud and broke his let above the knee. 03X1Ln axN ENJOY the pisa.ant flavor, gentle action and soothing effects of Syrup of Fig', when in need of a ]axetive; and if the father or mother be costive or bilious,the meat gratifying results follow it*seso that it is the best ;fancily remedy known, and every faintly should have a bottle. Mrs. John Reid, widow of the late John Reid, Esq., passed away at the residence of her eon, Mr. John Reid, Bayfield Road, Stanley, on Saturday, Oetobar let, The deaeasnd wee out) of she pionaea residents of Staulsy, "haying settled on ,ill. • Bayfield Road over 50 years ago.