The Exeter Times, 1892-10-13, Page 8sotitrimes=nseeram=teenennernseedoeraese
kNY, of Toronto; also for the PLIcEINIK
.a4.1and, AL1 IANC19 INSURANCE COM -
a, ANY &England,
0• 11111.9101.00111
Exeter Fair
Notice is hereby given. to
Ticket Holders and Visitors
that a free exhibit of Fancy
Goods will be given at the
Mart, where a collection of
Goods will be shown, expect
ed to meet the wants of at
least 4,000 callers,
SECT', & TitEAS,
The Mart, '2.0th Sep„ 1892.
For a complete,
new, and natty
stock of millin-
ery, mantles, and
dress goods,there
is no housein the
west that can do
as well for you
as the Big Bank-
xupt Store.
Black Dress Goods, a
immense assortment, of all
the new makes. Colored
and Tweed Dress Goods, im-
possible to describe the beau
ty in an 'ad.' Coine and
see the lovely display of new
and fashionable goods—you
tre welcome, whether you
tare to buy or not.
Zlu Tatra num
Sonforth Dye Works.
All orders far the above works can be
left at E H Fish's barber shop. Satisfao-
tion guaranteed,
"Two Strong Boys Wanted,
(inc to learn blacksmithine ; the other
to drive team. Apply to
s1541n D. Thurso.
The Best of the Shaa9n, Don't Meg It.
The concert to be viven in Drew's Opera
House, under the auspices of the Main -at.
Epworth League, by the celebrated elocu-
tionist, Miss Sara Lard Bailey, of Boston,
assisted by the best local musical talent,
mromiees to excel arything ever before
given in Exeter. Remember the de.te,
October 24th. Admission 25c., reserved
ens. 35 cts. Plan of hall at irowning's
Drag Store. Read what the press says
ateet ale; Bailey:
"On Saturday evening last, a number of
our citizens availed themselves of the op-
portunity of bearing the celebrated elocu-
tionist, Miss Sara Lord Bailey, and their
highest anticipations 'were fully satisfied.
Miss Bailey is certainly one of the finest
elor,utionists of the age, and those who did
not hear her missed a treat. Her render-
ing of 'Life for Life' and the 'Experiences
of a Genius' were especially effectiye."-
Seaforth Sim.
"I. 0. 0. F. Concert -'Best ever held in
town, is what the Odd Fellows claim of
their concert on New Years night."
"Sara Lord Bailey,the Boston elocution -
est, seemed to catch the sympathy of the
audience the moment she stepped on the
stage. She is certainly one of the contin-
ent's leading elocutionists,and the audience
on Friday seemed to fully appreciate the
litermy treat the Order provided."
The selections named and many others,
as highly spoken of as these,will be render-
ed. in Exeter.
BOX WANTED. -9. smart lad wanted to
learn the printing; must have a fair edu•
.cation. Apply at this office.
You can get 20 lbs of raisins, old fruit,
or 81 st Clarke's, and 26 lbs of good sugar
for the dollar, or 88 lbs of sugar for $1.
There has been considerable shipping
'done at this station during the week,lambs
and apiales forming the major par
At a meeting of the creditors of Bissett
Teros. held last week, it was decided to sell
the stock, and the assignee has now in con
sidera.tion several offers,
Have you any stray stock on your prem-
ises, or have you lost any? If so, adver-
tise the same in the TIMES, and. you will
procure an owner or recover your lost.
Ladies care for your choice flowers by
getting the cheapest flower pots from J,
Pt Clarke. 25 dozen to hand this week.
Ittovember Delineator on our counter.
The foundry closed down on Saturday
and the heeds ere now busily engaged re-
moviutg the machinery from the building.
Mr. Verity expects the works to he in full
operation again in three weeks, in Brant-
Zdinard's Liniment is used by Physicians.
Bre-title .
We are:now enjoying Indian Summer.
It yon want a tragraast tea at 25o per lb.
eall at Clarkets and. buy it.
Quail shooting will be legal ficim the. 15
October till 15 November, aud no longer,
For grey &time's, flennelettes, 'canton
flannels, white unbleached or colored call
at Clarke's.
Owing to a press of 'show news' a large
amount of local and other inatter is crowd-
ed out of TUE TIIKES this week,
Gentlemen's underclothing has sold well
at Clarke's. Why? because the value is
right and the pricea reasonable.
The general store at Shipka, owned by
Itleesrs ',Merrier & Wing was burglarized
on Friday night last, and some 85o and a
large load of goods stolen.
The largest range of ladies' blk hosiery
we have evet shown is now in stock. Our
fame for black cashmere hosiery is before
the ladies. See them at J P Clarke's
Tale advantagp of thetpreseet unprece-
dented low priee of wool and replenish
your stock of litionitets, flannels, tweeds,
yarns and all otherwoollen goods, from
the Exeter Woollen Mills.
While plotting apples the other day, Mr
Chas Cann, ar. of Osborne, fell from :the
step ladder and injured himself internally.
leflammation has since set in, and the old
gentleman is hi a precarioua condition.
A meeting of the local Board of Trade
was held on Tuesday evening when mat.
tere pertaining to the busineas intereste of
the town were discussed. The attendance
was not so large as it might have been.
On Thursday last, while W U Mills,
atep-son of Mr. Thos. Cornish, of Osborne
was driving through the field, the wagon
went into a hole, throwing him out on his
shoulder and breaking his left arm.
The Rev. H J Hamilton, M. A. of Wy-
cliffe College, Toronto, who has been ac-
cepted nal a Missionary to Japan is expect-
ed to address the congregation of 'rrivitt
Memorial Churoh on Wednesday next, .19
inst. Everybody invited to attend,
Call at the Exeter Packing House for
heads, feet, uhankire tenderloin. spare ribs.
sausage, bolognit, fresh • pork loin, head
cheese, etc. Parties wanting fresh lard
can leave erocks or pails to be filled, all at
lowest cash prices.
o124f &NMI. Blies. a Co.
There is a wonderful almanac coming
out in Canada, nearly 400 pages, with col-
ored maps, known as the Star Almanac,
and to be published by tne publishers of
the Montreal Daily and Weekly Star. It
is to be ready shortly. So much has it
beeu inlinired that the publiehers have re-
ceived security for the publication of fifty
thoneand copies.
Mr, W. Andrews, furniture manufactur.
er, last week made an assignmeht in trust,
to air. John Gill, and following the wake
of his predecessor, has accepted a situation
iu Buffalo. N. Y., and has already gone
thither. The liabilities are not very heavy.
A meeting of the creditors will be held to-
day (Thursday) to arrange for the dieposid
of the estate.
Mr. John Atkinson, who has recently
been working in Clinton. on Monday per -
chased of Mr. Floyd, the furniture factory
and premises recently vacated by W And-
rews, paying thereto: te good sum. Mr. A
will shortly take possession and. continue
in the same line as Mr. Andrews. We
welcome lam to Exeter, and whit him a
full measure of success in his undertaking,
Coun Carling looks iinposing in the new
hat which he got at the S. S. anniversary
tea the other evening, and we are wonder-
ing how the person looks who, no doubt,
in mistake took his. Mr. C. has the con-
solation of knowing that he has the best of
the bargain ; but, as in business matters,
not being desirous of taking advantage of
anyone, he will gladly return the hat to its
rightful owner upon receiving his own.
We understand the Limit Governor has
been pleased to appoint Dr. Browning ot
tide plea?. neergeete Coroner for the
County of Huron. No doubt Ole news
will be a surprise to the doctor who has
never sought government or other favors,
and who is now in England taking advan-
tage of the opportunities Afforded by the
hospitals there to acquaint himself with
the latest advances made in the field of
medicine and surgery.
The anniversary of the. James-st Sunday
School was held ou Sunday and tionday
of this week. Special anti appropriate
sermons were preached on. Sunday by Rev
Mr Holmes of Parkhill and Rev. Mr. Hen-
derson of Hensall, each of which discourses
were beaming with well taken points and
so vividly impressed the audience that a
placid expression coula be seen on every
countenance. The Sunday services were a
success in every particular. On Monday a
tea was given, concluding with a platform
meetiog. Short addresses were given by
Mr. Holmes and the local clergy, and alto
gether a pleasant and profitable time was
spent. Proceeds $100.
There seems to be a wrong impression
existing among the farmers towards the
lake shore, hitherto traders in Exeter, in
that the market having been removerl,they
are compelled to haul their grain down
town and back again; and. as a consequence
now deal in Parkhill. This is a wrong im
pression, The buyers are still on the old
market, paying the very highest prices for
all cereals, and we assure our farmer
friends that while they will not be incon-
venienced in the matter of market, they
will be used fairly, courteously and, in re -
tura for cash or produce will be given
store bargains that will surprise them,
As one farmer eaid on Tuesday :-'It is a
fact, I always get big bargains in Exeter.'
The big sale of the Bankrupt stock of
Furs at Broelerick's Store,Exeter, has been
a great succees. Good and cheap goods
will tell. A. fe'er of those Seal andePersian
Lamb Capes aud Jackets left -half price
takes them, and one Persian Lamb Mantle
left, it goes at half price. See those very
choice Seal and Persian Lamb Capet,„ and
Storm Calais, all at a 'bargain, togeiher
with a lot of Boots and Shoes hats and
Caps, and Gent's Furnishingsnaso a choice
lot of Teas, which will be offered very
cheap in 3, 5, and 10 lb. lots. Remember
the place, opposite the town hall.
Exeter, 13th October, 1892.
Tire 13. N, A. AOT -The great British
North America, act nowadays is to buy a
bottle of B. B. B. and cure yourself of dys-
pepsia, constipation, headache, liver coni
plaint or bad blood, and it is an act that
always attains the desired result.
English Spavin Liniment remvoes al
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemsl
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin,Ourles
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs
eto. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War
anted the most wonderful Blemish Cure
ex known, 8eld 1)y O. Lutz.29.17
Miss Aggie Willis, of Strathroy, was in
town over Sunday,the guest of her brot-
her Mr. John Willis of ExeterNorth.-
Mr and Mrs W. Southcotb attended
the Blyth fair last weeL-Mr John P.
Ross aeted in the capacity of a judge at
Staffa fair on Wednesday.-MrD. French
has gone on a business trip to Shelborae
this week-Rev.Mr Russell preached in
Parkhill,oa Sunday last, -
Mr. Thos. Oke, and Miss E.R.Shute,
of Exeter, were joined in wedlock by
Rev. Mr. Gene, at Amherstberg. Con -
gr atulations.
Miss Eva, daughter of Mr. Wm. Patch
of Chicago, formerly of Exeter, was mar-
ried in ehicagn this week, to Mr. Fred.
R, Holmes. Miss Patch's many friends
in Exeter, join "The Times" in wishing
the young couple much happiness and
Section seventy-three of Licence Act
says: -"If any person licenced under
this act permits any drunken person to
consume any intoxicating liquor ia his
premises he shall be liable to a penalty
not exceedingf.:50" which is not gener-
ally known.
Now that the fairs are over we want
to hear regularly from all our correspon-
dents. There are always items of inter-
est that can be sent from each place.
If there is no correspondent in your lo-
cality recommend one to us or act your-
Mr John Willis of Exeter North had
one of his arms amputated on Saturday
last. Last Spring a gathering appeared
on his arrn, which developed iuto a can.
cer. It is feared tbe worst has not yet
come, as blood poisoning may set in.
Painting and drawing lessons given
by Miss Browning.-Trms moderate.
Full particulars at r. Browning's Drug
Ohas Lcmgeway, sr., has purchased the
Dougherty farm, east of Longeway'e, in
Bornholin, for $5,000.1
Rev Mr Hutton of Eirliton, with his dau-
ghter, was thrown out of a baggy in Bien.
sihtleard. the ether day, bnt ,both escaped in -
Matilda Dougherty sued JAR Rutherford
for breach of promise, and last week the
ease was veutilated at Strattord, a verdict
of $20 damages for the plalutiff being le -
turned. Matilda says all she wanted was
to show that there waa an engagomeut.
There have been many incendiary fires
in Listowel of late, and zuspicion strongly
pointed to one A MeKenzie,He was arrested
by conetable Woods, tried, and liberated.
Ile then timed around aud had Woods ate
reetsd for !else arrest, and ;et 525 damages
POPONED BY 8eit',Frat IR the sad atOry
of ninny lives rande miserable through to
fault of their own. Seroin'a ia more espec-
ially than any otber a herrdietry di sF ase
an 1 for Ode simple reaaoti , Ariang from
impure and insufficient blood, tue disease
locates itself in the lymphatics, which are
composed of wbito tissues; there is a period
of foetal life when the whole body oonsiste
of white tissues, and therefore the unborn
child is eepeoially eusceptilde to this dread-
ful disease. But there is a remedy for moo
fula, whither hereditary or neeteired. It is
Hood's Sarsaparilla, which by its powerful
effect on the blood, expels all trace of the
dittentee and gives to the vital fluid the quid.
its, and color of health. If you decide to
take Hood's Sarsaparilla do uot accept any
A Weteox-During a. storm last Monday
night, a steam yacht bound for ritoderiell
wag wrecked somewhere south of Grand
Bend. A south-westerly stoon kept driv-
ing it north as far as Johnston's Mills,
when its northerly course WWI checked by
a north-west wird erlSeh t 4! .
back to within half a mils of Taylerts
Grove, where, within 20 rods nf the shore,
it appears to be etationary. Here it was
viewed by a nice little crowd on Sunday.
Among the number of spectators was Nit
Babb, who has charge af all wrecks, or
timber that comes ashore on this side of
the lake. Owing to the roughness of the
lake, nothing could be done with small
boats. The yacht is turned bottout up-
wards and seems to be about 50 feet wide,
and one end is badly battered up. It is
reported that 14 lives 12 men and 2
women -are lost. Some of these may still
be in the cabin. The owners of the ship
are likely to be down soon to investigate.
We can likely throw more light upon the
subject next week.
HORSE TRAINIC.-Bronco Bill has
struck town with a genuine Bronco pony
One day last week, wishing to give our
town an exhibition of horse -back riding
he took the pony out, putting on a
double-acting saddle, but the cowboy
evidently forgot to fasten himself into it,
(Why did you not sew yourself in Prof?)
and the consequence was a dusty coat, a
sore head, and a runaway bronco head-
ing for the North-west, it having been
brought from a range there, by its pre-
sent owner some time ago. Not to be
outdone, however, Bill hired Hank of
the Zurich bicycle club, who gave chase
at his usual gate of 2.051, but as thepony
doubled on him every leap the trainer is
now figuring how b ng ib will take Ilank
to overtake the animal. Give us ano-
ther exhibition, professor.
• 41.
BRIEF& -N. Shier has put anew roof
on his house. -The Y. P. S. 0. E. will
commence their meetings on Wednesday
evening. -The fair at Kirkton on Friday
last was a grand success. All the classes
of stock were well represented and of
an excellent quality. The hall was well
filled with ladies' work, fruit, etc. There
was plenty of fine grain. There was
not as large a display of roots as on
former years, but the quality was equal-
ly as good. The following is the report
of Kirkton school for September. based
on attendance, recitation conduct and
punctuality: Sr. 4fh-i. Kirk, J.
Doupe, M. Davis, Jr, Jr. 4th -S.
Doupe, E. Robinson, N. Switzer. Sr.
3rd -B. Hazlewood, E. Cornish, . H.
Barr. Jr. 3rd -N. Wiseman, P. Doupe,
0. Doupe. 3rd -V. Jameson, R. Shier,
S. Hazlewood. The following in the
first class were present every day : E.
Brethour, F. Mills, S. Bryan, E. Davis.
The average attendance for the month
was 62.
MIK MB, Alle
are showing the largest stock, the nicest goods, and
the best values.
Be sure and see our goods, We :can fit any
woman, missey, or child in the country.
Come and see for yourselves.
The Granton Fair.
(Continued from 1st page.)
Gilbert Garrett,,Ton Shier. Knitted gloves,
woollen, Minnie Creighton Jon Shier.
Piss AaTs-Hand painting on velvet, D.
Creighton. Miss Jamieson. Rand painting
on Win, Mrs Hanham, D. II McRoberts,
Oil painting, laudseape, 8 Cozen, Win Rid-
ley. Peuoil drawing, Jas ERUIPS. Kenaiug
ton painting, Mre aanbaneD H MoRoberts
Horne spun wool, Jon Shier.
Gsam-Barlay-W E. Lawion, John
Rowell Fall wheat, white,Isaao Westman
A McDonald. Fall wheat, rad, Jon Shier,
A Guisniug, Spring wheat, A MoDonald,
A Gunning. White oats, Jon Shier, John
Rowell, Black oats, Robt Radcliffe, M.
Bretlaour, Peas, mummy, Jon Shier, Jas,
Weidman; marrowfat, alBretheien Beans
Jou Shier, M Brethour.
MANCFACTOARS-Pair men's boots, Win
Lawton, Set single harness, M- R. Callan -
dor, Set store iurniture, John Bode*.
Imreumenes-Single buggy, D. MeLarty
a Son, Geo Dinsmore. Single cutter,1 and
2, D, aleLarty it Son, Wooden puinajes
Swallow, J H Bridgenaan, recomniended Jae
SPEEDING ON TRACK -Open trot -Joseph
Bradford's "Muushaw," Jno Paisley's "Joe
Borer." 2 year old trot -Ed Hindman W.
Mossip, Jno llrldgeman- Green trot -Jas
Wallis, Robt sBarnes, Dan Rieke Lady
riders-Miee Deily, Miss Garrott. Bicycle
race -Geo Cook, Herb Cook, Joe Brook.
Specials- Pont child's arose, bend made.
Sean McKenzie. Bost bicycle rider, Geo
Cook. Best latiV driver, Maggie Dinemore-
Running race, Win. Butler, A Gunning.
ft. speoial matket day has been set apart
in St. Marys,
Roller flour is gelling for 51.55 net awt,
in many places in tLis comity.
Walter Thompson of Mitohell has pur-
abased the Loudon oatmeal mille.
The North Perth election protest will be
tried at Stratford on the 15th inst.
rails barns belonging to W Gueet near St
Marys were destroyed by fire on Tuesday.
John Roger sr, of Motherwell, while at
St fair last week, fell aud broke
itis i
Jas A Gray of the Eline factoiy, captur-
ed $105 iu cash prizes for cheese at the
ettah •
Mr. Sinkins of St Marys lost a 5100 calf
last week. It was exhibited at the fair, and
poselbly oyer -driven.
Tbe Rev P Campbell on Sunday last ten-
dered his resignation as pastor of tbe Bap -
tie' chnrah, St Maryn
James Hall, an elderly man of Mitehell,
while in Middlemiss' tinehop, fell over dead
as a result of heart failure.
Mrs Mahon of Kinkora had her collar
bone ineken the other day, by being thrown
from a rig, caused by the horses taking
The Argus is calling tbe medical men of
Ht Marys to acoonnt for not properly re-
porting oases of contagions diterises to the
Board of Health.
The total indebtedness of the town of
Mitchell is $55,215, with assets in the sum
of $12,952. The town purposes paesing a
by-law consolidating the debt.
Prior to his leaving for London, Mr.
Porter, late of the teaching staff of the
Mitchell high school, was presented with a
splendid shyer net by the Epworth League
of the Methodist churoh 1
T Race of the Mitchell Recorder started
the coal stove the other night, and next
m orning the family found theinselyes ter-
ribly sick, the remit of esoaping gas.
Watch your coal stoves.
Jas Hamilton aged 27, whose home was
formerly in Fuliarton, was drowned at Cle-
veland last week. He had gone there on an
excursion from Detroit, and it is thought
fell, unnoticed, from the boat.
South America Rheumatio Cure for Rheu-
matism and Neuralgia ridically cures inl to
3 days. Its action upon the system is
remarkable and myeterious. It removes
at once the cause and the disease immediat-
ely disappears- The first dose greatly
benefits. 75 °ante. Warranted by
C. Latz, Druggist. ang. 14.
TITERS'S MACTO IN IT -What neust be the
satisfaction and gratification, at so email a
cost, of one who writes:like this? Mr W.
Mason, editor of the Retford and Gainsbor-
ough News, Retford, Eng., says; "I have
suffered from a sprained knee foe twelve
months, without being able to obtain relief
from the pain, when I robbed the knee
thoroughly for twenty ininutes wills St.
Jectobs Oil. That night I travelled 200 miles
by railway. the next clay 1 walked 25 miles,
and the pain had entirely disappeared. I
have never had the slightest return of it
BETTER TITAN GOLD -Gentlemen, -I have
nsed Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawbetry
for bowel complaint and oan say there is no
other remedy as good. •
Mus JAS DENNISON, Lake Dora, Ont.
JLJL • Graduate of Royal College of Dental
Surgeons. and of the Dental Department of
Toronto Unwersity, (with honors.)
Specia, ist in bridge-vrork, and gold and por
ordain crowns.
Pure Nitrous Oxide Gas and local aneasthet-
les for painless extractions. Always at home.
Office: Fanson's Block. Exeter.
Buyers, Wake Up 1
We would specially invite you to inspect our
Which are now being opened up. A revelation in fine
goods and fair prices. We are going to do business with
you because we have exactly what you want, and our
prices are simply irresistible. Our fall and 'winter attrac–
tions will cause a turn -out. Such new styles as we show
ia all departments lea-ve nothing to be asked for. In qual
ity and variety our fresh new lines are strictly Arst-class in
every detail, We have the disposition, the agility and
the elegant goods to please every buyer. Our Dress Goods
and dress trimmings the neatest. In, Gents' Ties we lead.
In Hats the newest and best. In suitings no better. Full
range in Croekery, Groceries, Boots and. Sh.oes, Etc. Our
complete assortment insures perfect satisfaction in the
selection of goods to satisfy individual tastes. You will
End ()lir large stock made up entirely of goods that are
trustworthy, serviceable, and the best of Weil.; class. Every
thing goes at the lowest possible price. Come itt1,1snd see
how fair we will treat you, how well we will please you,
and how much we will save you.
Your trade, and will give you special
inducements to get it. We want you
to come and see what we can do for you
in the Clothing line. We have just re-
ceived the balance of our
And we are showing the largest and best
assorted stock of Scotch and Canadian
Tweeds, French and English Worsteds,
Suitings and Pantings, and all the lat-
est things in
-the finest range ever shown in Exeter.
and our prices are away down, and our
fits and workmanship are second to
none. We keep the
to be found, and sell them cheap, too.
LADIES, see our Sealettes before you
buy elsewhere.
Remember the place :
The Tailor, Exeter,
Exeter, Oot. 12, 1892.
Fall wheat per bush. $ 63 $ 61
Spring veheat per bus.h ..... GO GO
35 40
2 26
66 57
400 440
75 85
100 00
600 60r)
400 403
200 206
Barley per bush
Oats per bush. -•...
Peas per bush
Flour per bbl
Apples per bag.........
Potatoes per bag. ..... .......
Hay per ton
Wood per cord hard
ood Der cord soft
Butter per lb.
Eggs per dozen
Pork per hundred
• 1.4 •
5 50
6 00
FeesoN-In Exeter, on the 9th inst., wife of
Samuel Fanson, a son.
Oici-Snumn-In A mherstburg, on the llth inst
by Rev. W. H, Gene, Mr. Thos; Oke :to Miss
E, It. Shute, both of Exeter,
HOLMES-PATOR-In Chicago, on the 121h inst.
at St. Paul's Episcopal church, Mr. Fred It.
Holmes to Miss Eva, daughter of Mr. Wm.
Patch of Chicago, formerly of Exeter:
Yr/maw-Nam-In Mitchell, on the 301h ult,
by Rev J. Williams, dein Jasper Walkom to
Louisa, daughter of 11Y1r. ThomaS'Neil, all of
RIBrnv-WRLr-0n the 281h ult., by Rev. 13.
L, Hutton. DA the residence of the bride's
father, David Whaley, Esc., John Ribey of
Fullerton. to Miss EmmalIsabella Whaley,Of
MAinessa-Swinna-On 291h ult., bY Rev.B. L.
Hutton: at the residenee of the bride's father
0,0, Switzer, Esq., Chas G. Manness of Lon
don, to Miss Effie Switzer, Kirkton.
BLAITN-IANSoN,-At the R, C.ohuroh, Biddulph
by Rev. 3, Coneelly, Mr, Miohael Blake to
Taint Mary lane Ianson, all of Biddulph.
Sinrii-Cilowa-In 'Morrie, on insaby
Roy. A. L. Russel, Mr. 0. Smith of 11dorton,
to Miss Edith Chown,
TAINTOTT-NICITOLAS-At the residence of the
bride's Parents, on the 29th ult.,51r.J.Lintott,
to Miss E. Nicholas, all of McGillivray.
NieriotAs-Liaroyr-At the residsnee of Mr.
Nicholas, on kho 29th alt.. Mr, W Nicholas
to Miss W. Lintott, all of McGillivray.
rosyznr-Mowagay-At the resklenco of .tho
bride's parei.te, on 4th inst ,by itov. iJamPlion.
assistei by Rev. Ferguson.?. r.Foster,to Miss
(+girl° Mowbray, all of Biddulph.
Lucan, on tho 3rd inst., Lizzie
O'Shea, aged 32 years.
IC.Esmg-In Stophon,on the 8th inst.,Nehemiah
Kestlo, aged sl years, 11 mos.
STANLEY -1n Kinburn. on the 7111 inst.. Mary,
relict :of the late George Stanley. aged 81
BurnAtua-At Pueblo, Colorado. on October 9.
Archibald, son of .51r. Donald Buchanan of
Clinton. aged 28 years.
BONE -In East Wawanosh, on the 3rd inst.,
John Bono, aged 61 years.
Berkshire Boar (large breed) for service on
lot 15, con 7, Usbsrne. Bred from 1s1 prize
stook. Terms i. WM SNELL.
I hereby forbid any person or persons giving
credit to any person or persons in my name,
as will not be responsible for any debt oontraot
ed without MY written order.
Usborno, Oct. lst. 1592.- 3t,
Came onto the premises of the unOetsignecl,
on lot 9, south boundary Stephen, in August, a
yearling heifer. The owner ;will phiase prove
property, pay expenses: and take her away.
Sept, 271h,-31 Crediten•
Notice is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore subsisting between the undersigned
as grain buyers in Jim Village of _Exciter has
been this day dissolved by mutual consent. All
outstanding accounts of the firm will he settled
by Mr, Lovett.
Exeter, Sep t. 21, 192.
Seventy four acres, being lot16 2nd CM of
Ilaborno, 2 of n mile from Exeter. The soil is
first-class, and inc good state of cultivation,
well drained, and well .fenced with black ash
rails, There is a new briek house.with kitchen
and wood shod, ancl good ;frame lbarn, driving
shod, cattle sheds, and stables,on the premises.
Two never -failing wells ef water. 18 acres of
fall wheat in, and plowing done. Terms to suit
purchaser, and possession given at any Inc.
Exeter, Oot: 5,1892-15
Containing 100 sores, of whioh 90 sores are
under cultivation, the balance of good maple
and some beech timbers. -A large brick dwell-
ing. two bank barns with good stabling, also
8,14 foot geared windmill, which drives grain
crusher. cutting box, turning Lathe, grind
stone, and oiroular saw, eto. Iron pump with
tank and tank fixtures suitable to have water
in stabling, Good hog stable and hen coop,
implement and driving shed, large shoats stable
and two spring wells which never fail to give
water in the driest season. Large orohard eon.-
taining all kinds of the best grafted fruits.
The ground is a ;clay loam all under -drained
with tile,and well ifenood-must be sold. For
further pertioularis,aPply_to
Oroclituu, Out,