HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-10-13, Page 3LEGAL.
S ON , B arrister, Soli -
U. DIOE 81111mo:to Court, XotarY
li—;a1 'cam' or armor, nemtesioner, tho
ton,,y Lo„ -on's'aioalc, Exeter,
P Ins ja
•- 0
h , Jticitori Couvoyatcor, Etc.
narrister, xiriu, - ONT.
Over O'Neits Bank.
-4 Wars, Solicitors, Notaries ?dila,'
Couveyarac'ers ccze, &c.
....W1lioney to Loan at Lowest Bates of
11,•ler,t,vom. 1,mi. ranT..
+ ^ ^
•A Succe•sor to Ir. relallines.
Me miler of tho Royal College of Dental
fl'°eons.) Tooth i nq ortea with or without
a, in Gold or Rubber. A note An cestbetie
gate ir for the oat lapis extraction of tooth,
Fine Cold Fillings as Required.
Office over the Post Office.
1...t.. B.
Panson's Meek, MaittAt. Exeter,
Extracts Tooth without
paw , Away at linN sant, on
firn t Frilay ; Craig, s000nd
and fourth Tuesday; ana
Ztvinclf on the last Thura.
der et each month;
-r NY. BII.OWNING M. D., 11.
o P. 8, Graduate Victorte. Calve' tYI
°Met+az4 eaidenee, Coin .nitin Lab.
tory ;Exeter .
HYNDMAN, actroner for t
County of Huron. 011ie°, opri smite
*trams Bros, a tor st, Exetele
T1R. J.&. ROLLINS,M.O. F. 8,
Ls' 0 (Mee, Main •St, Butter, Oat,
Residence, Ilona° r eeently °coupled by P.
McPhillips .g sq.
DR, T. P. MobA,13GlIftlIsT, /t11111‘1-
;:surtzcit'an;. ottutt/:ri 1.c°111tyesi oafs 11,./*.Altnoso :114
Acconehear. deice ,DASII WOOD ON.
SUratilln, Ontailo.
Omer.; HODGENS' 13L001a. HENSALL.
mwamoammonsammoommatmamm ammo*
All OTItat.lEhllaS.
la• tioneer for the Connty a Huron.
moderato, Exeter P. 0.
• ceased Auctioneer Sales conducted
in aline:la, Satisfaction guaranteed, Ohargea
anoderate. Hansen P 0, Out,
"LIE NRY MILBER Licensed Auc-
tioneer tor the Counties ot Hume
and Aildillesex Selea oontinetcd at mod.
orate retes. Ogle°, at Post-oilloo, Orea.
to Out.
D e Mintionoorand.Land Valuator, orders
Sent hy until io my address, 13eall sal P. O.
willrecoive prompt attention. Terms moder
Atte. D. E. PORTER, auctioneer.
Tennent& Tenneni
k.....NEIER ONT.
Orrianaterof tho Oatario Veterinary era
OritTCH t One dOnr go nth o Crown Hall,
kastasesolostss ent
percent, E:15.000 Private Panda. Beat
Loaning 0 omps.ra les represented.
'Barrister . Exeter.
• .Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En-
0-S1\7'3E101a, =MC.,
°Mee, IThstairs.Samwell's Block. Exoter.Ont
maammearelsmormonsweersaff awesorilexaim
CANADA . Head Ofilee, London, Out.
After years of successful business, still
continues to offer the owners or farm prouerty
andprivate residences, either on buildings or
oontents.the most favorable protection in ease
of loss ortlarnageby fire orlichtning, at rates
upon such liberal terms. that no other respect,
abl °company ean air° rd to write. 38.179 non-
eles in force I stJan 0892. Assets „A°67.200.(10
in cash in bank. Amount at risk, $44,913,032.
Government depost. t)ehe nt res az. d Pre-
mium Notes,. CAPT. THOS. E. RoosoN, Pre -
Si den t ; D. u• Morsoxe , Manager. DAVID
JAcains,Agent for Exeter and vicinity.
Physician Describes the Symptoms and
the Remedies Used.
" During the year 1806," said the Doctor,
"I attended sixteen patients alarming with
.A.eiatic cholera, Fotzeteen of these were
located in New Yorle and two in Cincin-
nati, 0, In, the paso ten yaws I have sue -
easefully treatec1 four cases right in New
York city. I claim that there is no inviol-
able rale for the treatment of a Cliciera
patient. So much depends upon the physi-
cal state of the subject that a akilful physi-
eters will vary the treatment to a greater
or less degree, according to his judgment.
• "11 stricken with the malady, see a
phyaieian at once. Do not attempt to allay
your suffering by home doctoring. Do not
allow yourself to beeome panic-stricken,
»or, on, the other hand, should yon laagh at
precautions deemed necessary in an emerg-
ency of this kind. 'Familiarity breeds
coutempt' of death and disease as well as
other evils, aod as we have become -more or
less familiar with reports from the pest
ships down the bay, there is perhaps as
math danger of the spread of the disease,
should it gain a foothold, as from the leek
of eeriousness with which many regard it.
If you are attacked with symptoms of the
disease while on the street, go to the near-
est hospital, or ask to be token there.
" Among the methods by means of which
I have succeeefully treated twenty patients
is the following : Give one drop of carbolic
acid and two or three of bismuth in mucil-
age at intervals of twenty minutes until the
vomiting is °sleeked. Then endeavor to
cheek the dierrhceal cliatharge by meaue of
astringents. Sometimes a preparation of
opi tun or lead is very effeetive. An appliea-
tion of hot water bottles will prevene
ity. If the d larrhcea continues and becomes
excessive administer one-sixth of a grain of
morphine and 1-120 of a grain of atrophia
in fifteen minims of distilled water; means
while feed the patient with cracked ice
continuallyto allay the fever. Sometimes
a rectal injection of laudanum and weak
stareli is most effeetiee in gradually stop-
ping diarrheeal discharge.
".After having treated sixteen, patients
successfully in this manner I was myself
taken down with the malady. My symp-
toms commoneed -With a rice water dm -
charge, continaing for hours, Then follow-
ed severe cramps, eacompanied by proftise
vomiting. The ermines in iny lege and con-
tractions of 0011114801es of the body wore
somethingterrible similar, I imagine, to
the effeet.produred an a man being shoeked
by elecarteity. Through all this I aeoer
lot consciouenese but a feeling of complete
indifference overcame me. I did not care
whether I lived or died. This feeling of
utter apathy always accompanies an attach'
of genuine cholera, The first symptoms of
the disease developed at 3 o'clock, and the
diarrham, Mantled for six hours, during
which time the discharge amounted to a
bueltetftd. The vomiting lasted for only
one hour.
"There was given to me a half teaepoon-
ful of laucianum every forty minutes, also a
alstaboshed in 1863.
This Company bas been over Twenty-eigh
years in successful °per dim] in Western
Ontario, and continues to insure against loss or
damage by Piro, Buildings, Merchandise
Manufactories and n11 other descriptioos of
insurable property., Intending insurers have
the option of insuring on the PremiumNote or
Cash Systein. *
During the east ten yearsthis company has
issued 67,080 Policies, covering prperty to the
amount of $40,872 038; and paid in losses atone
Assets, is1.70,100.00, eonsistipg of Cash
in Bank Government Deposit and tho finesses -
sed Premium Notes on hand and in force
3:Mr• WALDEN, M.D.. President; 0 M. TA:miff
•saeoretary ; B. 1-fuoitus, Inspector . UllAS
BELL, Agont for Exeter and -mini ty
To .rut Dowa Fruits.
Clam Joarsy.-Pick the grapes from the
stems, put into a stewpan, cover and boil
slowly fov one hour, Strain throegh jelly'
bag and, squeeze mit the juice, For every
pint of j LILCO 011QW one pound of sugar. When
the juice has boiled ten minutes add the
sugar, stir until it dissolves and boil geatly
until it jellies. Cover the gl'asses with paper
dipped in the white of au egg.
GRASS JAM -Boil the grapes a few alio-
utes, then rub them tbrough a colander to
remove the seeds. Allow half a tabit of
sugar to one of the grape pulp, boil until
salt stirring all the time to prevent stick-
GRAPE PRESERvES,-Make a syrup of a
pound of sugar and pint of water, for
every pint of fruit. Have it very thick.
Piale ripe, perfect grapes frorn the atenla,
putiiiidnatubee. syrup mei bell slowly until clear
GRAPE SYREP. -Mash ripe grapes of
strong flavor and stand in a warm piece for
three or four days ; then put iato a jelly -
bag and let arip slowly, To every pint allow
two pounds of sugar; mix and set over the
fire. Stir until the sugar is all dissolved,
let it come to a boil, then bottle and cork.
This syrup is a beautiful coloring for ices,
jellies and other sweettneats. 13oil the corks
and put in the bottles while hot, then they
will be tight.
Gaara MARMALADE. -Cook an equal
amount of grapes and apples, and rub through
a coarse sieve. Add a little water, and
cook helf an hour. Allow halt a pound of
sugar toe every pound of pulp ; boil slowly,
stirring all the time to prevent sticking,
until 'quite thick.
syrup of sugar and water; select perfect
grapes, drop iu the syrup and just let come
to a boil, pour into cane, cover W'ell with
syrup and seal.
GRAPE Ceesur. Pick six ponnds of
grapes from the stems • bail in A little water,
strata, add three pomicia of auger, one pint
of vinegar, one tablespoonful each of salt
bottle, end einoamon. Boa thick and
Salem> Gneatzs.-Ten pounds of gra.pes,
eight pounds of sugar, four tablespoonfuls of
cloves, four of cinnamon., one quart of good
vinegar (never use add mew). Boil slowly
until the fruit is tender. Remove Irene the
Are. Those may be rubbed through a sieve or
21°Gt.ustra Pot. -Line a pie plate with rich
paste, fill with either green or ripe grapes
sweeten and sprinkle well with flour. Cover
with a top °rust and bake.
n nutry omit. Imperial Government as
to Transportation errroops.
That the Canadian Nellie railway is fast
becoming tho popular route to the Orieut
seems to be thoroughly recognized by the
Imperial authorities. 'The railway in ques-
tion has bad of late several big advertising
rectal injection of laudanum and weak eards in that direction, the bringing of Ha
starch, which finally arrested the discharge; Royal Highness tho Duke of Connaught
cracked ice was given me constantly. Doses across the continent, and the very anecessful
of laudanum were administered freely both tatusportation of sailors and marines from
by mouth and injection. In ell I received , Halifax to Vaucouver and vice versa being
half an outlet) of laudanum, My prostration ; the most prominent. To -day the general
was complete. The crisis, however, was passenger ageht, of our trans -continental
passed, and the second day I become con- highway Was asked by ceble if the company
"1 was curious to see if zny illness bad ap-
preciably altered my personal appearance.
A mirror was titanic(' me. A most startling
eight met my gaze. I did not know myselL
I thought there must be some mistake. The
skin WIAS drawn back over the bones of my
face in a frightful manner. My hands were
mere claws. I looked more liko a mummy
than a human being. My eyes were sunk-
en deep in their sockets, suggesting a
ghastly skeleton-like appearance, My whole
skin was of a bluish tinge, caused by con-
gestion. And. all this change wrought in
two days' struggle with cholera microbes
It seemed incredible. Notwithstanding the
Shook experienced at the sight of my altered
appearance I contiunecl to improve, and
finally regained my former physique and feat them the least, and it ts but false °con -
good health. The laudanum treatment to omy at the most. Nearly every kind house -
which I was subjected is the old method of keeper who had much experience with hired
combating the disease. Although successful
in mine, In many cases it might prove an
letter failure, for as I said before, upon the
constitution and natural resistance of the
patient everything depends.
"Since the invasion of cholera in 1831-2,
each visitation has grown less severe. This
is ample proof that we are steadily progress-
ing toward the day when this disease will
no longer sweep away thousands, despite all
medical aid. The sanitary conditians be-
come more satisfactory every year, and the
medical treatment correspondingly effective.
Under our laresent conditions it would be
well nigh impossible for cholera to become
a scourge."
110S-frf or itro in ani ouantity. For nicking Sone,
sof woter. niothreounc, and. a hundred other
WOS.i Pm na/s pow:Ida Sal °Soda.
• SOU/ 14- t.k-ooers and Zruccute.
1ir..Cat';E:E.i.E.13EVn30, .aic.a-ezozoincan
could transport OLIO mon from nceen to
ocean, and as the immediate reply was ia
the affirmative it is quite possible that, an-
other evidence of the 0.1?.R.'s utility to
the empite in times of peace as well as war
will be Immediately forthcoming. Up to
the time of writing the British Government
bas not informed the railway officials
whether the men to be out across are sea
diers or sailors, but this of course walmake
no difference as to the rate of speed across
the continent.
Cardinal Manning was careless irt his
dress and sometimes even shabby in his ap-
pearance. It is said thee once when be
took a druokard's bottle a way on the street
the wreteli ejaculated, " Take it, poor fel-
low, take it ; you need it more than 1 do 1"
Ttie Dake of Portlaud is under promise
to his wife to devote all the money that he
wins from tha race -course to charity, and
has given aioo,00a to that purpose same his
Sir Henry Bessemer suggests the substitu-
tion of aluminum tokens for bank notes of
small denominations. He says that with
the recent progress in the soieuce of metals
lurgy these tolrerts could be made in a
fashion that would set all the arts of forgers
at defiance.
The Queea Regent of Spain has this year
grouted a commutation of the death sen-
tence on nine criminals out of seventeen who
were waiting the extreme penalty of the
law in Spanish prisons.
laiog Mallets)°, of Samoa., is not paid his
salary (5a25 a week) with regularity eeough
to keep him in easy financial conditioo,
he has been having his wives to do washing
for the well-to-do %tante residents of Apia.
John Berger ia a molt farmer of Lebanon
county, Pa. who twenty years ago was
nearly killea by aanstroke and lay ill for
months. Then .his hea.lth became as good
as beforabut his conceptione of tenmeratute
underwent a remarkable change. He has
ever since worn a thin linen duster in Winter
and slept with the windows open, while in
Summer he has had to wear a heavy over-
coat and lialte his eleepingeroom heated by
a stove,
The sultsai of jolter% a Malay prince,
will bo at the world's fair, His highness
is the first E ast Indict& prince to give a peel-
tive promise that he will visit Chicago in
1803. He has done so through Gated
Wildman, and he promises farther to make
all exhibit of a alality villagc, which will be
interesting. He will bring else a gorgeous.
ly attired geard of soldiers. The Behan is
credited wit being one of the richetie as
well as one of the most enlightened prinees
of the East. Through his iufittence a pri-
vate subscription bas been raised to defray
the expenses of the Malay exhibit.
Accord ing to the historian Hume the
prince of Orange, afterward king of Eugland,
is reepoesible for the proverbial expression
about dying in the last ditell. When Role
land was so beleaguered by her enemies
that the salvation of the country from an-
nihiletion seemed impoesible, the Doke of
Buckingbain remonstrated with William on
his course and asked him to ohmage it, allegs
ing that the eountry was on the verge Olean.
"There is one omens " the prince answered
"by which I eau be sure not to see my
couutry's ruin. I will die in the last climb."
Thoughtful Charities.
With many persons economy is akin to
selfishness and closely allied to petty 1 -nam-
eless. They thiuk to save where it will af-
Lions and Buffaloes. .
A well-known traveller in Africa says
that an one of his long journeys he came
across the dislocated skeleton of a buffalo
almost intermingled with the broken bones
of a lion, tho skull of which was lying near
at hand, but devoid of the nasal bones. The
ground evidently was the scene of a desper-
ate combat in which both animals had sue -
It is a common practice among lions, this
gentleman says, to hunt in company. A
friend of mine in South Africa had a pecul-
iar example of this. His friend V— had
wounded a bull buffalo, which had retreat-
ed within the forest. The two hunters
carefully followed the blood -track, but after
a short advance were startled by a succes-
sion of load roars, which betokened lions
nclose at hand.
There could be Retiedoubt that the
wounded. buffalo had been attacked. There-
fore, with proper precaution, they approach-
ed the spot natal an exciting scene present-
ed itself suddenly on the oeher side of a
large fallen tree, which happily concealed.
the approach cf the two hunters.
Three lions were engaged in a, lifeeturl-
death combat with the gallant old bull, who.
made a desperate defence, first, knocking
over one of his enemiee, then goring another
to the ground, and exhibiting a strength
which appeared sufficient to defeat the com-
Suddenly the buffalo fell dead. This was
the result of the original wound, as the rifle
bullet had passed through the lungs. .
The hons were not aware of this, and be.
gate to quarrel among themselves about their
imagined victory. One huge beast reared
to half its height and placed its fore•paws
upon the body of the prostrate buffalo,
while at the head and the hindquarters an
angry lien clutched the dead body in Its
epreading paws, and growled at the roues-
sor of the centre. This. formed a grand
picture within only a few rade' distance,
but two rifle -shots stretched two lions roll -
Ina upon the ground, and the third bound-
ed in to the thick covert and disappeared.
help, and has won their confidence, knowe
bow bitterly girls complain of former tuts -
tresses who gave those in their employ
scarcely enough to eat. Thin is the kind of
woman who offers ber half -worn garments
to girls in lieu of their hard-earned wages.
Then, again, there are many good -mean-
ing women who never think of giving away
a garment so long as it eau be made over,
notwithstanding they mey be well able to
buy new.
One woman confused, when the subject
was brought before her ia this light, that
she believed she really enjoyed & remodeled
dress more than she did a knew one, and
she knew she nearly alway spentithe money
saved by her economy in some foolish,
thoughtless way.
And there are other women who will sell
the cast-off olothing of the family for a trif-
ling sum or e new tin pan or a pretty erne -
molt. I have seen good weolen dresses,
wraps, men's clothing, babys' flannels, laid
away to be eaten by moths •' they were not,
needed, and the thought of doing good with
them uever entered the owner's mind, or if
it did she did not seem to know how to go
about it.
Now, nearly all of us have among our
circle of acquaintauces some industrious,
proud -spirited little mother with a houseful
of little ones and a limited purse, one who
finds it almost impossible with all her
thrifty management to keep her children
looking as well as their associates. She
would be thankfulito have some of those
things ; they may prove to be a blessing in
disguise, if given her by kind words, tem-
pered with tact. If you know of no cme to
whom such a gif t will be acceptable or you
fear giving offence there are other ways of
disposing of old clothes, whoro they can do
great good. The argament is brought up
that so many of the improvident poor ac-
cept them without gratitude and wear them
out withont taking a stitch in them to pro-
long their days of usefulness. This is true,
in a meaeure ; but there are many institutions
which care for the eh ildreu of hard-working
mothers, and wilt gratefully accept castoff
'clothing, make them over for those under.
thole charge aud pue them to tae best pos.
sible use. I have been informed that cloth-
ing for beys, is espeOially deeired--men'a
cleating, to be made over. Many Of our
charitable organizations have made arrange-
ments with the express company, so I have
• been informed, by which packager( may be
sent to them Without charge to the consign-
or. Would it not be well to remember
this, good housemother, when you begin
the general overhauling of closet and attic
during the cool, pleasant days 'of. autumn?
Popular • Fallacies.
That it is a crime to laugh at an old joke.
That etuehorship is the sweetest sort of
That every fool knows how to,, swear
That police court judges write for the
comic papers.
That marriage broltels charge the legal
rate of interest.
That, the study of aesthetics is a sure road
to happiness. '
That the reorient newspaper is a liberal
That men, hide themeelves in garrets to
read realistic novels,
That modern, pugilism resembles the com-
bato: of ancient, C4reece and Rome.
Tho.t it is better to be the atithor of a
naton's songs than a lawyer in good prae-
The Dead Surgeon
Of the Labon aleclical Company is now it
Toronto, Canada, aud may be consulter'
either in person or by letter on all chronic)
diseeses peculiar to maaa Mu n, young,
or middle-aged, who find. themselves nerv•
pus, weak and exhausted, who are broken
down from excess or overwork, resulting in
many of the following symptoms; Mental
depression, prematute old age, loos a vital-
ity, lose of memory, bad &Peons, dimness of
sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions
lack of energy, pain in the kiadeys, heed -
ache, pimples on the face or body, itching
or peculiar tumuli= about the scrotum,
waating of the organs, dizziness, speoka
before the eyes, twitching of the unlade*,
aye lisle and elsewhere,bashfulnees, deposite
in the urine, loss of willpower, tenderness of
the scalp and spine, weak andflabby muscles,
desire to sleep, failure to he rested v
constipation, dullnessof hearing, loss o'f voice,
desire for solitude, excitability of temper,
guakeneyes surrouuded. with weal:nor macre%
any looking akin, eta, are all symptoms of
iriervotts debility that lead to insanity and
:death unless cured, The spring or vital
dorce having 10St itS tension every function
*Imes in eonser.nce. Those who through
lilluse collimate(' n iporance may be per-
manent* cured. end your address for
,book on all disown peculiar to mem
Peeks sent free settled. Heardisease, the
isymptomu of which aro faintspells, purple
kips, nuiediness, palpitation, skip heats,
,laot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull
ain in the heart with beam strong, rapid
and irregular, the emend heart heat
s,siter than the first, pain about the lomat
bone, ete., eau positively becured. No um*,
64:t pay, Send, for hook, Address, M. Y.
tilaBON, 24 tfacdonoll Ave.Toronto, Ozt.
flow to Attain Long Life.
The primal qualiacation, for reaolti -g old
age is an inherite 1 tendency to longevity.
This 1E1 a different thing from goaa health,
and does not even fully correspond to what
is known as is sound. rionstitution.
Anothor essential to longevity consists in
regular and temperate habits of living. In
studying the habits of persons who have
reached advanced ago, it is found that in
the large majorityo. cases great moderation
in eating and drinking has been the rule
throughout life. Gluttony is an missy to
both health and longevtty, while as to alco-
holism WO have the testimony of the presi-
dent of one of our oldest life Maumee cone,
viatica that " amoug imams selected with
care for physical smuttiness and sobriety,
the death -rate is more profoundly affeeted
by the use of intoxicating drinks than from
any other amuse apart from heredity." An-
other rule, which Is found. to be almost uni-
versal among very aged people, is that they
have all their lives been in the habit of go-
ing to bed and getting up early. They have
also avoideil dissipation and fast living in
every form.
A third requisite for reaching: old ago is
healthful employment. Idleness is a greater
foe to length ot days than overwork. That
occupation is to bo preferred which gives
exercise to both body and mind, under the
influence of pure air and. healthful surround -
logo, without being extremely severe or in.
volving too many hours of work.
The final necessity for him who would
grow old gracefully is a cheerful diapositiou
and the habit of looking on the bright side.
Passion strains the heart to its utmost ;
melaneholy freezes the blood; and. worry
wears out the best years of a man's life. No
one who habitutaly indulges these or kin-
dred emotions has half a chance of reacbing
• advanced life. It was the advice of a man
of ninety not to worry. "Don't worry about
what you can't help," he seid, "for it will
do no good. Don't, worry about what you
can help, but go to -work and help it,"
Sound advice this for all. who aspire to be-
come no nagenarians.-gx.
The native countries of the tallest and
the shotest people of Europe, the Nome -
lane and the Leese adjoin each other.
• The French bicycling costume consists of Eblib°r—There aro nob encngh feat in
a tunic and knickerbockers, made exactly thia sir. Poet -Feet, sir! feet 1 I don't
like those worn by men, except that the I sell ft by the foot. It's a poem -not oorcl
tunic is a little longer. ""\ of rood.
Operators in the Wheat Market.
That the current prices of wheat are af-
fented by the operations of " bulls " and of
"bears," of those dealers that is, who wish
to toss up prices, or those who wish to
trample them down, is not open to question.
That those men issue frsudulent reports as
to the stocks on hand, as to various bar -
vests, as to prices elsewhere, as to future
prospects, is notorious. That speculators
sell what they do not own, and bay what
they never intend to own; that they prac-
tice every conceivable triok to get an advan-
tage over others, is well known. That, at
times, they make a fortune by a stroke of
luck, and lose heavily also„ now and again,
by overreaching themselves in trying to
cheat others, is well understood. Bat that
such rascals, for such these operators are,
really control theprices of wheat for any
lengthy term is mpossible. The higher
they hold.priees against the natural tendency
downwards, owing to ample supplies, the
greater the drop is wh ea the strain is broken.
Men might dam the riaagera River so as to
step the Falls, but the dam wo aid burst some
time, a.nd their natural level would be reach-
ed swiftly. Speculators may lift or epress
prices for very brief periods, but they can-
not affect the general average of a e ear.
The world's wheet field is now too large ;
the sources of supplies too wide spread ; the
markets are too extensive; the facilities for
moving stocks too great, the information at-
tainable as to supply, consumption, and efis.
mand, is too generally available, for any
permanent effect on prices to be produced
by any gang et speculators. It is said that,
when rognea fall oat, honest meu get their
own," so the continual fight between
" hulls" and " bears" keeps the prices of
wheat from being controlled by either one
set or the other. Sudden changes may al-
ways be suspected; unless some extraordin-
ary calamity has suddenly fallen upon the
harvests of this continent, or Europe, or
India. .A little watchfulness will enable
wheat holders to, avoid either selling too
eoon, or too late.
A Company has beeix fornied at Chris-
Mania, Norway, to reproduce an exact model
of the old Viking boat that was discovered
some years ago in an ice -floe.
Chi!drn1 Cry for Pitcher's Castoft
Where They Have Been Seen.
Jinks (who thinks he is funny) -Did you
ever see A sleeping cam?
Winks -Yes ; I've seen plenty of them.
JInkti---Do you really mean that you Lime
seen a ear sleeping?
Winks- Yes; 1 aee them every day.
Jiuks-Where do you see them?
Winks -Ont on the road -bed.
An old physician retired front practice, hex
mg had placed in his hands by an Dant India
111 ssionary the formula, of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for
Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh,Astlinut and
all threat and lung atrections, atso a positive
and radical cure for nervous debility and all
nervone complaints, after having tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
casesbus felt it his duty to Make it known GO
his suffering .follows. Actuatect by title motive
and a desire to relieve human, suffering. I will
send free of charge. to all who desire it. the
recipe in German, French or English with fat
directions for preparing, and nsing. Sent by
mail by addressing with stamp, naming this
paper, W. MATS, &1J Vowor's Block
Itehester, N Y,
Most spiders have eight eyes, oblong it
somespecies have only six.
When Baby was sick, we nave her Castor's.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Alias, sho clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, shegavothem Castoria.
Iro Mashona, when twin babies are born,
both are drowned. This is one of those savage
customs which discourage the native census -
taker and make him a strong advocate of
conversion to Christian privilege.
Dia a certain and speedy onre for
Vold in the Head andCaterrhin Milts
instant Relief, Permanent
Cure, Failure Impossible,
Harty soealled diseases arc simply
symptoms of Catarrh, atioh as bead.
ache, partial &arum, losing MEM of
smell, foul breath, haselting end apit.
tic, =MON pmerat tonna of de.
bill y„. am. 1.1 you are tromned with
any of rheas or lindred synaltorns,
ur lav• Catarrh, and silontd lose no
time In procuring a bottle of Nasal.
BALM, Be warned in time, 11*i:1oote1
cold in hood result. In Catarrh, fol-
lowed by eoesumpti at and death.
r 'Talk is sold by en druggist°,
or b. tent, past pant, on receipt or
price 00 mutts and :RAO) by addressing
Brookville, Ont.
9 \WIT:
CURS o•nr.'"
1-101.. ER
HAS been saved, by the prompt use of
Ayer's Pills, Travelers by land or
sea are liable to oonstipation or other
derangements of the stomacat avid bowels
a/IA(313,1f neglected, lead to serious and
often fatal consequences, The Most SUPS
Means of correcting these evils is the use,
of Ayer's Cathartics Pills. The pail -
dent sailing -master would as soon got)
sea without his chronometer •as without
to supply of these Pills. Though prompt
and, energetic in operation, Ayers Pills
leave no ill efaects ; they are purely
vegetable and sugar-coated ; the safest
medicine for old awl young, at home Or
"For eigtt years T was afflicted witk
constipation, which at last became so
bad that the dootors could do BO mere
for me. Then 1 bea.l.an to take Ayer's
Pills, and soon the bowels recovered
their natural. and regular action, so that
ZZ.0%Ir I am in
lealtb."-Mrs. C. E. Clark, Tewksbury,
"I regard Ayer's Pilla as one of the
most reliable general remedies of qdr
times. They have been in use in my
family for affections requiring a purga-
tive, and, have given unvarying satisfee-
tion. We have found. them an excellent
remedy for colds and light fevers." --
W. 1. Woodson, Fort Worth, Texas,
"For several years 1 have relied more.
upon.A.yer's Pills than upon anything
else in the inedicine cheat, to reg,u1a.te
my bowels and them of the ship's crow.
These Pills are not aevere in their ac-
tion, but do tbeir work thoroughly. I
have used them with good effect for
the cure 02 rheumatism, kidney trou-
bles, and, dyspepsia." -Dept. 2viuoi1er,
fRea,mship Felicia, Now Xoric City.
"I have found Ayer's Cathartic Pills
to be a better family medicine for come
mon use than any other pills within my
knowledge. They are 001 only very
.effective, but safe and pleasant to take
-qualities which nanst snake them
vabled by the public."- Juice, Haul.
Perfumer, Philadelphia, Pa.
Ayer9S Pills,
ritEr.A.B.ZD ST
On'J, 0. Ayer tic GO., LOWell, Mass.
601t1 by all Dealers In McMillan.
".'"'"' al TINES
Scientific American
Agency fug,
Por information and free Handbook mite to
Oldest bureau tor securing patents in Anierles,
tpvery patent taken out by us Is brought before
Inc nubile by a notice given tree or 021103110 10 the
Luugest circulation of any scientifie paper in the
world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent
man stionul be without it. Weekly, 811.00 a
year; 11.60 six months. Address 'MUNN & 00,
runifsnuris,281DrOadway, Now Yak.
Is publisn d every Thursday motnug,
stain -street omarly opposite Pittores jos, along
Sun e ,Exoter, tris t. , yJohn Worse 4.'; Sono,Pra.
BATHS Or Aiwa:crania
Pirstinser Non, pot liuo .
......... . ..coutl,
subseopeo tinsortinn ,por ..... —.Scouts,
To insure 111%ot:elan, mivertisements
tie sentin xiottator Man Wednesday morning
0:the ls.rgost and hos t o nippol in the (3 ottaty
o lauronaeli store o u trustee co us NYt1lr3,14
• swamp t ett tion:
Dees ions Ite,..,cr ar ding NewS-
I Anypersonwho talroSn prtperregulitrlyfroin
the post -office, whether directed intim name or
another's, or whether he has subscribe1 or not
is responsible for payment,
2 it D. person orders his paper discontinued
he must pity all arrears or the publisloer may
onthme tosend ituntil the payment la made,
nd then collect the whole amount, whether
e paper is taken from the office or net.
3 In suits for subscriptions, the suit rimy be
nstituted in the place where the paper is pub
iehed, although the subscriber may reside
hundreds of miles away.
The courts have decided that refusing to
take newspapers orporiodicals from the post -
°dice, or removing and leaving them uncalled
or is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud
hAI:i--YLAaLY CMt i I
'he most Interesting Contest ever orar.ed
by The Canadian Agriculturist. t'
One Thousand Dollars in Cash. a Pair of .11-,mtlecura,
liviland Ponies, Carriage and Eamess, 211C. .Acr two
• nausand other 'valuable pr zee for the Agricuistariat s
rightest readere I Who will have them 8 „According to
he usual custom for $0Dle years past tJe mkt:sham of
111.1 A.1111.1011LTVIUST now rdfer their Sixth Balf-yearly
7.,iterary Competition. This grr.nd compatible:a will, no
loubt, he the most gigantic soil blACCC3d111 one ever pre-
mthd to the people of the United ?tate° and Canada..
One Thouaand Dollen in cosh will be paid to tho per -
on sending in the largest list of English. Word out.-
struoted from letters in the words "The Canadian Agri-
Five Hundred Dollars in cash will be given to Ste
scso4 largest Mt.
A. Mandsorae Pair of Shetland Ponies, Carriage and
Ramis% will be given for the third largest list.
Over one thousand additional pines awarded in order
lf merit; t)ne Grand Plano; vies Organ; $000 Plexxo;
Dinner Sete; T.adiss' ante Watehes% Silk Dress Patterns;
Pettier° Curtains, Silver Tea SfsrViCC1; Tennyoon'sPoomv,
upend in chatInDfoketne in 12 volutes, bound in cloth, do.
As there ato more than 1000 prizes, any ono wle° tales
die trouble to prepare an ordinary good list will not fail
o receive a raluable prize. This is the higgeet thing in
he oompetition line that we have ever placed before the
oublia, and all who do not take pout willITILSS an Opybr-
amity ole life time.
Rotros--L, A letter cannot be lised oftner then it
%rimers in the welds " The Canadian Adieu/Wrist"
For instance tho word "egg" could not be used, as there
14 bllb ono "g" in the three words. 2, ordshaving mere
han ono meaning but 'spelled Ile same can be need lett
.mee. 3. Names of places and persons barred, & Brrore
*ill not invalidate a list -the Wrong words will ,imply
lot he counted.
Each list tau4 contain ono dolls to pay for sixmonth's
mbaceiption to Tan AllatruIII.TultrsT. /f two Or snore
.ie, the largest list. which bears the earliest postmark will
mho the first priz ,e and the others Will reoeive prism In
viler of merit, united States money anal stouts taken
et ehe object in offering these magnbacent prises is to
ntroduco out popular mogardne into new homes, inevery
Part of the American continent
Every competitor enclosing 30 teats in stamps extra,
wit) receive free, by mail, nolstpaid, ono to TEZ AcnICInt
ex. -love mense Setrretnr 6P0OPs of Cana04.
Prieee avvor&st to persona regding 10 the/Hasa State°
00 shipped frosn our Sew yorlo face free of ditty.
4.11 money leeterli eltould be registvod,
Orin For.feas, OexisintrIeli*Feis hare gine
15,000 ha pri,ces during the lest t*o year, and hate
;Mosel:Ids et letters Trom ainke 113
ta union and every p00109 Canada and ITOwfountlkind.
:Ara Kdanutale, .S.D.C. fila Goventor Oenstal ot
'amulet, aVewIlIm: "L„alsallrecontulend Wanda to enter
mw 'rel.iis gold" and vvoliolkhrs receipt for VeMe, rlaeCaboes, 11,1.4r.sadoe. Yanoonver, a, O.,
fow of it Prue winners: llitss 8, Eabilason. Toronto,
rIN.0.i Brandon, remelen Ozn., $1.101; David
3-edr na Robertson, Oak Sr, Brooklyn. P;ied n.
Earraia Syracuse, .N. Y., $05; EL BeT11i(S. St Louis
Jas. Rant*, West Duluth, 40:11; tam
ffilo 389 State St., Bridgeport, Coma, and th-olgnade ct
5Tcri'rcas 11 coraraunkations to Tar, X.ozionir,".tanks,,,
rotorboroush, oatarlik