The Exeter Times, 1892-10-13, Page 1AND HURON &
Vail. XX.. NO 8
!Glary QpninE.
Friday and Saturday,
23 and 24 Sept.
Following Days.
All thenewest designs in fall and
winter Millinery can be seen by visiting
our show room,
Every lady in Exeter and vicinity
should avail themselves of this opportun
ity of inspecting one of the most corri-
plete atocka in the county. No troeble
th show goods.
Aele for the December Fashion, Sheet.
We are sole, egente for Butterick's. Celebreted Glove-htting Patterns.
Delineator 15c, Metropolitan Fash-
ion Book 25c.
Remember with every 825 purchase
we give you a nice hard wood Folding
FeAl Fairs,
North Perth, Stratford... , . ,,, Sept 29-30
South Huron, Seaforth Oct 4-5
East Huron, Brassels Oct 6.7
Ribbed township — ... —. .. —Oat 4-5
Biadulpb, Graviton Oct 4-5
Bayfield Oct 13-14
Blenehard ... .... ,,,,,,,, ..Oct 6-7
Seeretariee will please forward. dates of
their faire for publieation in this list. .
.7011[1r WRITE Ss SONS
'Pb1181er an d.,Prop eters
don e.—dr Michael Barrie, -who has been
ailing for some time, .passed away on Fri-
day, at the axe of twenty-one. The fen-
eral took place on Sunday. The parents
have the heart -felt sympathy of this coin-
miraity.—Alre Thomas Flynn narrowly
escaped being burned out. The roof was
in a blaze when seen, but plenty of water
soon got the flames under control. Dam-
ages—a few burnt shingles,
Books aod shoes at Bankrupt Prices for the
next 30 days rit A. Weiseloh's. Itoving pureh-
need the entire atoek of Boots and Shoo of
William Downs a sou at a redusied rate on the
dollar, we aro prepared to sell you Boots and
Sbees A:beeper than ever. I would therefor
invite you to call and examine nlY stook be-
fore purchasing cieewhore. Tho following are
a few quotatioM :—baby shoos for 15. 20. and
25o a pair and upward; olaildron's shoes. for 30
40 and 50o a pair and upward; girl's and boy's
shoos for 50, 75. and St; hofs long boots for
75.$1, and .1;1 25e rnen's long boots for en 50.
el ;5,411,1;3a a parr and upwards; all kinds of
alionors for 23.50 and 75o a pair and upward.
It will surxiso sou how cheap you can buy by
aiinguu1 examining tho goods for yoursolt:
We are sure to please and fit you and are bore
to stay and repair our boots and shoes for you.
Thanking you all formast patronage, and I in-
vite eou all to call and be sionvineed that we
mean what we Mivertise. Butter and eggs
inked same 08 oash. No trouble to show goods,
Sign ef the Big Boot.
Following are the market quotations:
Wheat — , .......... 60 to 63
Barley 38 to 40
Cate 20 to 27
Peas 55 to 56
Hay ,`./0J J
Butter 15 to 18
Eggs 9 to 12
Hogs 5.75 to 5.75
Clover Heed 7 00 to 7.50
BauFs—Whst might have proved a
serious accident happened to Ches. Weber
last week while threshing. He wee at the
top of the mow, and fell en the driving
belt, which threw him quite a distance.
He was not seriouely hurt ---Mr.Rowcliffe,
while working in the mill the other day,
had his arm caught in a ellen which gave
him quite a twist. He got loose before
being injured.—Mr. Joseph Broderick of
Berne, Mich., was in town last week. He
look o bale and hearty, and epeaks well of
Circle Seen'a lemd,—David '`eilliateoter of
Elkton, Mich., is visiting at the pavental
farm—The A. 0. F. intend holding a
concert aeon. See bills. —Mr. Ed. 13oesen-
berry showed his team of roadsters at
Berlin and New Hamburg,where he carried
off the red. tickets, which they well
deserve, Ed. has Won 4 firsts and one
second this fall with his team, Mr. C.
Fritz of Datil-mood was in town ou Sun
cley.—Mr. Id Kibler, our popular shoe-
maker, has secured. a first -cities man from
Bright—Mr. Borns of Crediten mime our
town a flying vieit on Sunday.
Bnires—Dusiness is very good,especially
in the freight line. Apples, lumber and
grain are being shipped inlarge quantities.
—John Shepperd shipped a car load of
sheep and lambs.—Roads have dried up
again after the recent rains, and weather
is fine.—The funeral of the late George
Moyer passeil through our village Monday
for Redgerville cemetery, where the body
was interred, followed by a large number
of vehieles. Mr. M. was an old and much
respected citizen.— Rev J. Henderson and
wife returned hotne, haviug Meer abseut
two weelis.—leducational sermons will be
preached in the Methodist church next
Sunday evening.—Miss Bella Wilson is
visiting at tBlyth.—Mr. A. Weseloh has
opened a branch store at Cromarty, where
boors and shoes will be sold at bankrupt
prices, Will Thompson, managen—Mrs.W
Reidwho has been very sick for the past
week, is getting better.—Mrs John Pope,
who tvas visiting at her parents, elneenty.
bel of Dashwood, has returned home.—
Miss Loyina Cook spent Sunder/ at Zurich
and Miss 0...,4Chapman at Exeter.—Will
Thompson visited Hensall Monday evening
ancl returned to Cromerty following morn-
ing with fresh supplies of boots and ahoes.
et ill reports business as booming —The
building owned by Dr. Buchanan, -Weida,
and occupied by dies Sturgeon,millineres
being re -roofed this week. V.:. e le:not an
empty house to be had, Tide epealta well
for Hensall, —At the regala dusting of E
L. of C.E.of the Methodist church Monday
eveniue last, the fo lowing officers were
elected': Bey A. eldeinitty, Pies. le.
Roedding, 1st yice Pres. Miss Stargeon,
2nd vice Pres. Miss B. Ellis, Seey, C.
Manns, Treas. Miss P Moore, orgeuiet.
Miss Cook, assistant organist.—Mr. Robt.
Ross has returned from Boston, whither he
had been with a car load of horses.
11* -41-0,4
Bninrs—Robert J. K. Gore, who -way
before Alagistratea Horton,Josh. Williams,
and Mayor Butler several times on a charge
of perjury, was felly committed at the
final hearing on Saturday,—The :there
from the Point Farm to Drysdale is strewn
with the wreckage of the steam barge
"Nashua." Some ot the life buoys pioked
up seemed to have been used, but so far
no body has been found. The vessel
bottom upwards was about fifteen miles
south of Bayfield.—The past week was
the stormiest off Goderich that we have
had for a lour; period, the fishing -Lege
not being able to lift 4 net.—The schooner
Grey Hound, with a cargo of salt, left for
the Georgian Bey on Monday.—The .Artio,
coal laden, for Kincardine ran into this
port for sholtorou Saturday.—The schooner
Carter, with, supplies, milled for Thestialon
on Alouday.—The water works received
500 tons of coal the past week per the
Gophies—The schooner Ontario with flour
and bay left this week for the Georgian
Day, —Next Sunday Osman Young, B. D,
will preach farewell Emmons in St.
George's.—The members of the choir and.
the band of the North Street Meth. ahureh
will Aid the Bayfield congregation in an
entertainment on Friday evening. —It is
rumored that the entetteinment in the
Collegiate Institute to -morrow evening will
be a Columbus ono.—Dredge No. 9 is now
working within the harbor.—A. lerge quan-
tity of wheat has already heeu delivered. at
the big R. U. Collins, 13arrister,
of Exeter, was in the Co. town on Satur-
day.— ivir. B. V. Elliot of Exeter was in
Goderieh the past week.—The young peo-
ple of the Victoria at. Meth. church gave
an apple sealed on Tuesday evening. The
entertainment was good, and so were the
apple pies, apple dumplings, apple tarts,
apple sauce, etc., etc.—The bass having
moved into the lake, large perch have en-
tered the narbor, and our anglers are jub-
• (Too late lor laat week.)
Dientes—IVIr. Chas Holt lost a spring
colt very suddenly last Timeday.—One
eight recently some boys, on their way
home from school, were playing with a
revolver. They fired a few shots at a tar-
get and then sat down on the grass. In
pulling the revolver from one boy to an
other, it was discharged, and the ball
lodged in Johnny Lippert's thigh. It will
likely remain there a number ot years.—
Mr. Lyman Glanville, who had his leg
broken some time ago,is slowly improving.
--This section was pretty well repreaented
at the Patron picnic.
(This week's.)
Benems--On Wednesdaylast, while Mr.
Sample was buying cattle in this neighbor-
hood, he left his horse standing at a gate.
The home became sick, lay down, and
broke the shafts., Other damage was
• la •
The Kirkton Fair.
As neual the fair of tbe Blenehard Agl.
Society WA& a success this year. The weath-
er of Thureday nd Friday last was wet and
dioagreeable, but despite this the exhibits
it all clams were large and of superior
quality. On exhibition day the crowd was
very large and would have been much
greater had the weather been fevorable.
The epeeding on the tramk was a drawing
card and much interest was taken in the
different races. This new feature bas of
late year seemed almost necessary to re-
vive the waniog interat in agriceltural:faire
People have Mumma weary of year after
year paying admission fee to see the same
articles shown years ago • sonaething to at.
traot an exciting interest demanded and
uutil suniething better can be adopted the
apeeding contests will be oontinued ea part
of the program. In the owns of nearly all
tbe agricultural soeietiee, there neecle to be
a thorougn revision of the prize hats, and a
great deal of the antigneted stuff removed
to give place to that of more Modern make,
The object ofetbeae fairs is to :propagate
tbe industrial ages, and for this reaeon the
list, in the indoor department (Allegedly,
should be revised each year to meet the
adv epees in the various aide and handi-
work of the ladies, As it is, the same arti-
cles are shown year after year, and in this
way the interest taken in fairs is waning.
Following is the prize list of the Kirkton
fair ;—
Roy ; brood rear°, 3. Hooper & Son, Geo.
Spearin ; two year old, II. G. Radcliffe Jets
Boutley ; one year old, Stewart Campbell,
Jno. McCullough; foal, Geo. Spearin, Alex
Boy, 3 Hooper & Son.
Cermonese Drum:arr.—Span, Wm. Hau-
t= ; broad mare, Geo. Spearin, Jas. Hack-
ney, In G. Ilacloliffe; two year old, Hy Run
dle, John Toed.; one yr. old, R. G. Radcliff;
foal, Jas. Hackney, Geo Bundle, George
Acnircuraunere—Span, Jos. Rinn, Simon
Campbell, JAL Hackney; brood mare, Thos
Brock, Simon Cambell, Geo. Rundle; two
yr. old, Jas Balloniyne, David Dow, Alex.
Hackney; foal, Chas. Wileon, Simon
Campbell, 3, Duncan, jr.
GENERAL Ituarosem—Span, Stewart
Campbell, ha. lialleutyne, Jno. Foster ;
brood mare, Wm. Haneen, Neil McLennan;
Iwo year old, Bold. Creery, Eli Heywood,
Thos. Epplott ; one year old, Bobt. Oreery,
Noul MoLennan, Wm. Johneton ; foal, T,
Hazelwood, Nail McLennan, Win. Henson,
Judges.—Wm, Graham, St. Marys; Wm
Johnston, _Wandler&
ROLDSTER4 —Span, Wm. Hanna, Earl
Franois; brood mare, J, & D. Weed, D Darr
son; two year old, Henry James, Joseph
Bryans; one yr old, D. Dawson, All. Bugg;
foal, 3. Armstrong, Jno Dietary; single
horse, F. Davis, D. Creighton.
SSemen 'Ileum—Wm. Butler, Aaron
Ceennixon.—Span, 3 Wood ; singlo horse
Robt. Creery, F. Davis; brood mare, Simon
Campbell, Jno, lessery ; two yr. old, Jas.
Hackney, Geo, Spearin ; one year old, Jae.
Bentley, Jas. Bryans; foal, J. d: D. Wood ;
Alf. Bngg.
Judges for light heroes and speeding on
the track :—Wm. Dann, Granton; Den.ele •
Lefty, St Marys ; and 3. 8 Coppin, Mime -
13nters—Trvo weddings took place in
our midst last Tuesday. The contracting
parties are Mrsfasleoster of thisvillage tvlso
wus united to Miss Agnes Mobray of the
town line. The ceremony was performed
by the Rev, Mr. Campbell before a goodly
number of roletivea of the contracting
perties. The bride and groom left this
station on the eight o'clock train amidst a
shower of rice. We hope their journey
through life will be a preeperous one.
There was also married the same day Mr.
Michael Blake of Cedar Swamp to Miss
Hindson. They were united In the R. C.
church by Father leelly.—Fair day mune
off harmoniously. The display blesser was
immense. Mr. 3 emits, night operator,
taking the cake with his grand display of
vegetables placed iu a box with a mirror
and a lamp to reflect double -fold his fiue
display. .telr. Jones is to be congra,tuleted
on his wit —The ladies Of ±110 Epwertll
League gave a dinner and hot supper the
fair day. We uncle: stand the supper was
largely patronised,so many -visitors staying
to hoar the lecture and emoy the entertain
tnent. At the close, a free lunch was
given, and on the following Friday night,
to get rid. of the still remaining abundance
of eatables, a social was held, when a large
gathering again came together to do justice)
to the inner man. All seemed to enjoy
themselves to the, utmost. The ladies are
to be congratulated for the time and
trouble they went to in order to make it
agreeable for all. We understand the
proceeds amounted to $117, which they
purpose adding to the amount already
subscribed for the construction of a com-
modioue and grand church—The C. 0, F.
of this place went to Lucan Sunday last
and formed in a body of nearly one hun-
dred Forestere from surrounding courts,
and marched to the Methodist church
of that place eheaded by the St. Marys
band, and lietened to a very able sermon
delivered by the Presbyterian minister of
Forget.The C.O.F.are by all appearaneee
a respectable livine society. ---Miss Mc -
Gowen principal of our public schooljs on
the sie.
CHILDREN ENJOY thepleasant flavor,
gentle action and. seething effects of Syrup
et Figs, when in need of a laxative; and if
the father or mother be costive or bilions,the
most gratifying resnIts follow itsturzemo that
itele the beet sfamily remedy known, and
every family ehould have a bottle.
Liui client cures Garget tn Cow.
Stalwart pair iron harrows, Saudi Ford;
geed drill, A. Brethour; set hone oboes, S.
Ford, 1st and 2d; turnip °utter, A. Broth -
our; aoufiler. A Dreamer; plump, James
Swallow. Tbos Roadhouse was awardecl an
extra for road cart and woodwerk of bob
Judges. -13. Drown, 0. Bayley, St Alma
Gans.—Fall wheat, white, Jon Shier, W
Yule; fall wheat, red, Wm Gowan. R. Del -
bridge; spriniz wheat, white, Wm Gowan,
Vit. Hazelwood; opting wheat, red, John D,
Graham; 6 -rowed barley, Win Hazelwood,
Jon Shier; large oats, Jon Shier; conaraon
oats, wbite, Jno Sutherland, W. 111, Leigh;
common meta, black. el Brethour; large peas
D Brethour, Wm Yule; small peas, Wm
Yule; flax tied, D Brethour, Aliaa Stephena;
flat re 'draw, M Brethour'D. Brethour;
Euglieh large garden peas, Reuben Swann
Geo. Hezetwood; white garden beans, Jon,
Shier, MBrethour;Indiau corn, R.Copeland,
Jas. Marshall.
bron, Jas Marehall; white elephant, R.
Copeland, Jew Sutherland; early rose, Ad,
Shier Jas. Marshall; burbanKseetilings,do,
col of potatoes, JAC Marshall, Alex Boy;
eweedieh turnips, Alex Roy, W. M. Leigh ;
field carrots, Mao Sutherland, Jon Shier ;
garden carrots, D Hazelwood, Ernest Robin
eon; mange' wurtzel, red, W Itt Leigh, El
Done ,• naaugel wurtzel, globe, W Hazel-
wood, Alex Roy; onions, D Daweon, W 11
Palley ; blood beetle Joe Moore, T Darling;
cabbage, T. Roadhouse, Ernest Bobinson ;
tomatoes, D. Dawson, Jon Shier; emery,
W R Paisey, Wm Atkin:mu; enrols., round,
Rich Delbridge, D D441013 ; pumpkin, B.
Delbridge, Bernice Shier; water melon, It
Robinson; meek melon, 3Rezetwood; six
parsnips, W. fl Fahey, D Bretliour,
Judges—Wee Beattie, and Rob* Berry.
FRUIT.—Northern Spy apples, W Hansen
Tatman sweets, Wm Hanson; Bald wins, N
Shier; enovr apples, Alex Roy; Rhode Is-
land Greenings, Wee Hanson; King of Tom
king, David Dow; Alexander, Wm Hanson;
Tibetan pippen, N Shier; twentyeouncei pip-
pin, Wm Hansom golden russet*, W It Char
Spitzenburgs, Wro Hanson; aweet pear ap-
ples, D ,Brethour; Pomme Graeae, James
Watson, ool of Apples, Wm Hanson; crab
applee:, A Brethour, 0- Elezelwood; open air
grapes, Sam'l Ford, Erneat Robinson; plum
Jon Shier fall pears, Goodwin; win-
ter pears, Shier;
Robinson, Jon Shier.
CATTLE.—Duntrem.—Milch cow, Jno.
Hooper or Son, J Hazelwood, J. Hooper &
Son ; two year old heifer, Jno Sutherland ;
yearling heifer, Jae. Bentley, Geo. Gill; bull
calf, Geo Gill, Sam'l Switzer.
Jinasnyie —Cow, Claris Coates, Geo Hazel
wood ; calf, Wm Kirk, Chris Coate%
GRADEL—M11011 COW, Davie Rodger, J.
Hooper & San; two yr old heifer, J Hooper
& Son, 3. Delbridge; yearling heifer, Jae.
Moore, Jas. Routley; beifer calf, D. Roger,
Jas. Moore; steer calf, J. Hooper & Son lst
and 25; two er old steer, J. Hooper & Son
1st and 25 ; one year old steer, 3. Hooper
& Son, Jas Moore; fat cow, Alex Roy, .1
Hooper & San; let steer, 3. Hooper & Son
let and 25.
Judges.— J. W. itfeighan, Jas Wattle,
Brethour; ribbon work, Mrs Graham, Mrs
Hanham: shell work, J Hazelwood, D.
Hazelwood ; hat, Canadian straw, M.
Bretbour, D. Brethour; pillow shrines, Miss
Jamieson, Mrs Henbane best and largest
coileotion of ladies' work of one n, ersomeliss
Doupe; novelties that are entirely new and
omitted in above list, D. Dawson, Ella
Specials—Embroidery on cotton, Mrs.
Graham; embroidery on sitk, Mrs Graham;
rope work, Alex Roy ; picture drape, Alex
BeV; °bait scarf, Mires Epplett; Berlin wool
wreath, Wm Hardwood; chamois° painting
Alex Boy; placque, Alex Boy.
J udges--Alies Mariott, Mrs T. Hazelwood,
Mrs Thos. HalltiOn.
FLOWERS—Collection house plants, Wmt
Atkinson, G• L Money ; three or more
gereniume, Wna. Atkinson, G. L. Money;
three or more fuechiat, B. Robinson, G. L.
Money; three or more cacti, Wm Atkilmon,
G L Money; three or more rare "dente, G L
Money, Emelt Robinson.
mile heats, best two in three, W White's
(Exeter) 'Little Billy,'three straights Jas.
Beattie's (Kirkton) 'Euchre' 2nd, W Me-
Clocklin's (Farquhar) 'Maud,' 3rd.
HUNNLNG BACE.—W. R. Davis' (Mitch-
ell) 'Bay Fly' took first heat, but was ruled
out of the race owing to crooked work on
the part of her jockey, thus giving Chas.
Polliwaeki's 'Little Joker' lat anti Henry
James"Bells, el, 2nd. This race would
haste been an exciting one, bed the Davis
mare been allowed to go.
LADY' Detrvens,—In this the competition
was keen, but Miss Miller of Exeter was
awarded lst, and Miss Minnie Creighton,
of St Marys, end.
BICYCLE RACE. -1V Mack, G Cook, and
C Irving.
DAIRY Pnonvoz.—Keg butter, Mies M.
Crisahten, Mre. B. Robinson, sr.; crook but
tor, Jou Shier, John Urquhart; dairy made
cheese, Wm Yule; factory butter, John
Itfraczemeneous.—Maple sugar, D. Breth
our, Jon Shier; maple syrup, Minnie Craig
Mon, T. Hollingshend; home medo bread,
Ella Creighton, Alex Roy; home made shirt
ing, Miss Nett, M. BreLhaur pbaid, ali-
ened, woman's wear, Mies Nott; blankets,
woollen, Mrs 3. D. Graham, Mies Id, Jam-
ieson; union blankete, Mrs 3, D Graham,
Mies M. Jamieson; boney in eeetionv, Alex
Kirk, Geo. Bentley; _extracted honey, Geo
13enney, David Dow; following are foe can.
ned fruit : peathes, D. Hazelwood, Maggio
jendeson; plums, Jon Shier, Mrs Benham
pears, Mary McCallum, Wm Wiseman;
cherriee, Jae Meore,Jon Shier; gooseberries
M Brethour, Jas Moore; strawberries, Mrs
Hannem, Maggie Jamieson; raspberries,
D. Brethour, Alex, Boy; tomatoes, W Han-
son, W. B Carr; Jelly, W B Carr, Reuben
Shier; col of mcklea, G L Money, W, B.
Carr; photographs, J. Senior; pencil draw-
ing, 3 Senior, Lily Taylor; portrait on can
yeas, J Senior; crayon portrait, J. :Senior,
Rrnest Robinson; landscape, crayon, Arise
Stew)+, Ernest Robinson; plaid shirting,
factory, Adam Shier; factory blanket,
Shier; home made soap, Vie Hazelwood ;
stoves, Wm Moore; organ, Dom. organ Co
Medley, W Hazelwood; oil painting Mise
saimp.—LRIOESTErt,--R8133, Thos Our-
rilley, S. F Goodwin ; yearling ram, Thos.
Currilley ; ram lamb, S. F Goodwin, Thos.
Carrilley; breeding ewes, Thos. Currilley,
S. F. Goodwin; sheerling ewes, S. F. Good
win, Thos. Currilley ; ewe lambs, Thom
Ourrilley, 8, It, Goodwin.
Sunorsuree Dowiss,—Bana two ye old, T
Brook; yearling ram, S. Doupe, H. A.
S,witner & Son ; ram lamb, Id A Switzer <2
Son, 8 Doupe; breeding ewes, El Doupe, H
/Swifter & Son; shearling ewes, S Doupe,
H A Switzer & Son; ewe lambs, 8 Doupe,
H. A Switzer & Son.
Gnenn.—Ewes, H A Switzee & Sou, Wm
Kirk; &heading ewes, 8 F Goodwin, Rich
Delbridge ; fat sheep, fi A Switzer 1st & 25
SWINE.--YORIISHIRS.—Breeding sow, S.
Doupe; sow under one yr. 8 Doupe.
CHEOTER WIIITE,—Aged boar, Francis
Ana° reon • breeding sow, Wm Kirk, J.
Hazelwood; sow under one yr. F. Anderson
Bennennen,—Breeding sow, Jon Shier.
Sarroen.—For aged boar, breeding sow.
boar under one year, end sow nueer one
yr. 3. Leinhardt, being the epty
won all the prieee,
audges.—John M. Cameron, Alex Kirk,
and Jae Marshall.
Pouvruk.--Datk brainnitgr nerth Hazel-
wood, light bratinure, El. Hazelwood 1st and
25 ; black spanisb, S. Ford; houdans, Geo
Behtley; white bighorns, Geo Bentley; dark
leghoens, Geo. Bentley, Wm, Kirk; Wands
Geo Bentley; barnyard fowl, Geo Bentley;
turkeys, Rioh Delbridge, P. Anderson;
geese, D Davnion,11 A Switzer cle Son;dneks
H A Switzer & Sot; Sam'l Switzer; hom-
burgs, Geo. Bentley.
judge, --Thee. 3/feeler:kiln, Farquhar.
berennerre.—Single top buggy, D Mo -
Duty, Gollinte & Hughey; eingle open
buggy, Gollinsz & Elughey, Thos Roadhouse 0 Dawson; collection paper flowers, Wm
portland cutter, D DfoLarty, Gollinfe ,k Atkinson, Alex Roy; tea coseyelfre Graham
Hughey;piano box outter, D. MeLarty; Mrs H Barr; bead work, Minnie Creighton,
pleasure sleigh, D MoLarty; lumber wag lhlia Creiglitom drawn work, Mrs Benham,
• gom Thos. Roadhouse ; iron beetle plow, A0 Dawson; table ficarf, Mrs, Graham, D.
judges —11., 0, rainy and J. D. Moore,
St Marys,
Lenies' Wonz—Hand sewing, Mies M.
Jamieson, Mary McCallum; shirt, men's
fine, unwashed, hand -made, Miss Nott,
Miss Doupe; shirt, men's fine :unwashed,
machine made, Miss Doupe, Miss Nott;
shirt, men'e flannel, hand made, Miss Notie
Mies Donpe; darning, on stoolsing, Mrs T.
D. Graham, Mise Nett; counterpane, moots
eted, Minnie Creighton, Miss Nett; coun-
terpane, knitted, Minnie Craightes, James
Watson; quilt, patchwork, oalioo, Mrs,
Benham, Lizzie Horn; quilt, patchwork,
°loth, 0, BrethoureTon Shier; quilt, patch-
work, silk, Mrs Hanham, Mies McCallum;
quilt, white quilted, /Wise Doupe; quilt, log
cabin,Miee Note Afre 11,11obineon, en; crazy
patchwork, Mrs R Itobineen, sr, Wm Hazel
wood; Gloves, coarse, hand -made, T Hyde;
gloves, fine, hand -made, Minnie Creighton,
Miss Nott; knitted stockings, wool, hand.
made, Minnie Clreighton,Miss Nett; knitted
soaks, wool, hand -made, Miss Nett, Minnie
Creighton; stockings, fancy cotton, hand
made, Miss Jamieson, Miss Nott; button
holes Mrs J D. Gra-tiara, Mrs Bauhaus;
darned net, Itirs Benham, Minnie Creigh-
ton • Lambrequin, Min nie Creighton; ladies'
underelotlaipg, Mige Jamieson, Alex •Eloy;
point Lice, Mies Nett, Mei J-
honiton laee, Ella OreightonMrs. J. D.
Graham; woric on plush, Miss
Zett. r0i
Hanham; araseno work, Miss
, —
" reliant;
dostt, Alex Roy; embroideryin lace stitches
Mieci Nott; embroidered dippers, Mini Nett,
Mise MoChillum; crewel embroidery, Mrs
Benham, Jno Irying; venetian embroidery,
Miss Jamieson, Minnie Creighton; ohenille
work, Wm Hanson, Mrs Benham; cretonne
work, Minnie Creighton, Ella Creighton;
crotchet, in cotton, Miss McCallum, Minnie
Creighton ; crotchet in wool, Mill J. D.
Graham, Miss Nott; orotohet in eilk Mrs.
Graham; Kensington embroidery, Afro. J,
D. Graham, Alb Shier; jewel case and pin-
cushion combined, Ella Oreiglaton,S Doupe;
sofa pillow, Ella Creighton, Minnie Creigh-
ton; toilet aet of any kind, Miss Nett, Ella
Creighton; coyerlet, home made, Miss Nett,
Miss Jamieson; (Milder drese,Miss Stephens
Alb Shier; Berlin wool work, Ella Creigh-
ton, Mrs WIanbam; rag mat, M Brethour,
Lizzie Hein; Lome made carpet, MiS0 Nott
Lod It You Ell
Just call in to J. P. 'Ross'
store and look about care-
fully for a few minutes and
see the extra values we offer
in fall and winter goods. We
are opening them every day.
Don't be afraid to ask for our
prices, and don't charge us
-with stealing our goods when
we quote prices.
Next week we will partic-
ularize more fully.
Bargain Depot.
There were several narrow maims on the
grounds during the day, the most impoet.
aut being that of youiag Mr. Kirk, who was
thrown violently to tbe ground from his
saddle horse, caused by the animal bolting;
and strange to say be was but slightly in.
kir* .Ariother accident was that of a
mokey, riding W 11 Davie' horse, Mitchell,
in the running race. Davis' horee secured
the poll in the start, but lost the inside dur
tng the first round, and in an endeavor to
againetake the lead the jockey pulled his
horse onto the green nbut „again failing to
armotoplish hie desire, canned his horse to
jurop onto the heels ot the ono ahead, out-
ing its quarters, and throwing the Davis
mare and her adventurous jockey. For this
the mare and rider were ruled out of the
race. The boy Was not iujured although ho
got a bad fall.
One noticeable feature about theeKirkton
fair, and which is quite commeralable, was
that not a fakir of any kind was allowed on
the grounds. Were it that other societies
could say the same,
Granton Fair.
The Blddulph Fall Exhibition was held
at Granton, Oct. 5th, and was a success in
every wee,. Owing to the coldness of the
day, quite a number who would have other-
wise attended, did not turn oat, but, not-
withstanding this,the attendance was larger
this year than last. The competition this
year was keen,eapecially ao in horsesmattle,
and sbeep. Following is ties list of prize
Brood mare, Geo Duffield; 2 year old, R.
G. Radcliffe, James Bentley; foal, George
DRAIIGHTS—Span, Wm Cornish, David
Creighton; brood mare, It G Radcliffe; 3 yr
old, Geo Cook; 2 year old, Henry Towle, I
year old, R. G Radcliffe; foal, B. G. Rad-
The proprietor, James Neely being
fully deterinined to retire from business
will sell his premises, and full Stook of
Dry Goods, Groceries'Hardware, Crack
elm, Glassware, &,e.,, stt or helew cost for
Oman When leaving he will place his
books in the hands of A lawyer to bal-
ance up.
Sept 14th, '92.
gamete, Horace Gernasn, 3 11 Bridgeman;
minorcas blaok, J Et Bridgercau 1 and St
black legherns, 3 H. Bridgman; black
apanish, J H Bridgetuan,J •W Jones; btown
leghorns, 3 W Jones, Jos 'Grant; bantams,
3. H Bridgeman, Jae T Shipley; tarkeys
any variety, Jas Shipley; geese, Mule:rage
H. A Switzer; deeke, Jas Shipley, 3. Be
Bridgman; collection pigeons, Jno Brooke
3. H Bridgeuran.
Acmioramenem—Span, Simon Campbell,
Joseph Rime; brood mare, Simon Campbell
Thos Brook; 2 year old, Simon Campbell,
J W Tyerman; foal, Thos Brock, Simon
Gmennae Punrosz—Span, Wm newels;
brood mare,Simon Campbell,Neil McLellan
2 year old, Rote Cheery, Wm Mossim 1
year old, Bobt them, Neil McLellan; foal,
Neil McLellan,
BoAnsenne—Span, Wm Henry, Sam Mc-
Kenzie; single driver.A.. O'Neil,Wm Moesip;
brood mare, Sam leIcKenzie, John Lankin;
2 year old, Sam Langford, Wm Grant; 1
year old, Horace German, Geo Westman;
foal, Jno lligney, Jno La,nkin..
n —Span Win Langferd; brood
mare, Sao Rigney; 2 year old, D. MoLarty,
Jno Rowell; 1 year old, Alf McRoberts, Jos
Boutley; foal,Simon Campbell, Mark Lind-
CATTLE—Dunn.ers—Milch cow, John
Hooper & Sons, W H. Rath; 2 year old
heifer, Jno Forest 1 and 2; 1 year old, D.
Veal:mums—Early or late rose potatoes,
Ina Brooks,Jas T. Shipley; beauty of heh-
ron, A. McDonald, Wra Langford; white
elephantRobt Langiora.; burbank seedlings
Win Ridgeloy; potetees any kind, James
Westman, A. Gunning; cabbage, nos Satin
Geo Weidman; cabbage zed, Thee Bunn;
pumpkine, W Langford, Jno Bedy; citrons,
nutmeg, E Braniou; blood beete,Sam Lang.
ford, W Bernard; turnip beets, W Bernard,
A. Genningmtparsnips, M. Beethour, A.
Gunning; turnips, A. MoDeneld, Jen Shier;
long ree.ngels, Chas Dickinson, Wm Ridley;
rel onions, Chas Diettinaore James Eeraes;
torastoeseThos Bunn, Jon Shier; field oar -
rote, Noah Wass, Ohms Dickinson; garden
oarrots long, Arthur Gunning, ;James Ale.
:mermen tend, e... Min., L.teem.
ford, Gilbert Garrett; field eorn, Ohns Dick-
inson, jamas Eames; sweet ooro, John
Brooks, Jas Eames; encumbers, James
Eames; nutmeg tuelons,M Brethour; celery
S. Coxon.
FRUIT—Apples —Birawin,Iscao Weidman,
Jas Westman; northern spy, Jae Westraan,
Chas DICE/144011; rhode ialand,W E Lawton;
greenings, David lermyn; rotten& russets..
D 14 eleltoberts,M Brethour; golden rueretit
Miss Bein,Wm Ridley; snow,Davia Jerroyn.
D H MoRoberts; duchess of oidenburg,Robt
Stanley; alexander, Rob! Radcliffe, 0 W.
Cc:upland; 20 oz pippin, D. H McRoberts;
winter, any kind, Isaacs Weskman; fall, any
kind, E Branion• crab apples,Robt etanley,
Jno oster; wider pears,. Jon David
Jermyn; fall pears, Davin &imam plums,
red or blue, J Shier; black grapes, H.:Cam-
eron, Jno Brooks; red grapes, JOIAD Brooks;
white grapes, H. Cameron,
HORTICULTURAL—Collection house plants,
Samee Eames, Gilbert Garrett; geraniums,
;les Earnee• boquet of flowers, Mrs George
Braden, 0 H MoRoberts,
butter, Minnie Creiglaton, Was T Shipley;
roll butter, •ninnie Creighton, 3. Shier ;
honey extracted, Gilbert Carter, H A Swit.
zer; raaple sugar, M Brethour, Minnie
Creighton; home made bread, James T.
Shipley, Miss Jemiesou; peaches canned oe
preserved,Miss Jan:dear:tam &merge pears
canned or preserved, Robt Radcliffe D 14
MoRoberts; collection canned fruits:Jame,'
Eames; factory cheese, W J, Chmeseg,
Lents' Wong—Erobroidery in silk, Sara
McKenzie, David Creighton: embroider" 4"
cotton, David 0--
meignten, Mrs E Hanham,
Creiehton I and 2; heifer calf, Jno Forest, arraddee work,Sam McKenzienifrs Benham.
W H Reith; bull calf, W Reith, -e.,„egg ribbosene work, Minnie Creighton, Mrs
oroohet in cotton, Robt Radcliffe, David
Haniasna; crazy patchwork, Miss Bain;
t.. i.. Hooper & Sons j and 2e dreigition; crochet in wool,Derid Cr ighton
WOOI work, David Creighton, Mrs.
Ilanham; maoranae work, Mr e Benham, W
B Lawton; brsulime, David Creighton, Mrs
Hanham; sofa pillow, Minnie Creighton,
David Creighton; pillow ohams, Sem Mc-
Kenzie, Miss Jamieson, knitted miter, eilk,
Mies Jamieson; knitted mitts, woollen, M.
Creighton, Mies Jammeon; knitted socks,
I and 2. . woollen, Minnie Creighton; darned net,
SHEEP—Lone Woot--lianOn6 Abbott; Mrs Benham, Minnie Cieighton,lacie work,
ram lamb, Jno EOW011, Jno Abbott; pale David Creighton, 8 Mereenzie; quilt patch
breeding ewes, Jno Rowell, Jno Abbott; pen eork silk Mrs Benham; quilt patchtvork,
Jno Rowell.
2 year old heifer, John :Hooper & Sous 1
and 2; yearling heifer, Sam Lanford, Jno
Hooper & Sons; heifer oalf, Jno Hooper &
Sons 1 and 2; steer calf, John Reaper &
Sons 1 and 2; 2 year old steer, Jno Hooper
& Sons 1 and 2; 1 yr old steer, Jno Hooper
& Sons 1 and 2; fat cow, John Hooper &
Sons 1 and 2; fat steer, Jno Efooper & Sons
SHORT WOOL—Eam, Theo Brock; shear.
ling ram, Sam Doupe,eli• A Switzer; ram
lamb, H A Switzer, Sam Drawn pair breed
ing ewes, Sam Deeps, H A„ Switzer; pair
shooting lambs, Sam Doupe,H. A Switzer;
pair ewe lanabe, H A Switzer, Sam Dolma;
pair fat ewes, H A Switzer, 1 and 2; pen,
Sam Troupe.
SWINE--33nansantn—Boar, Jas Foster
1 and 2; sow, Jets Bryan, Mao Abbott; boar
of 1892, Jno Abbott; sow of 1892, Janice
Bryan, W Tyerman.
Potnanv—Pair light brahmas, H. Md.
eeman; plymouth rooks, J. H Biedgemau;
iss e.. .
Miss Bain, S Cloxon; quilt log oebin, s
' e 'fro Benham; quilt knitted, M,
Mira Bain, id eeeetesen, quilt, knotted,
Creighton, M ,: B. Hanham, ens
Jon Shier, tatting, me
Mrs Henbane,*
Baia; tidy, David Creighton. ei maietzie,
panel work, David Creighton, n - coxon,
etching on cotton, Mrs Hanham, b ,... 4
table drape, Mrs Hanham. Ladies' nnuere
clothing, hand made, Miss Jamieson, C.
W Conpland. Shirt, hand made, MSS E.
Benham, Miss Bain. Drawn work,
Benham. Flannel, home made, Mitn:a
Creighton, M. Brethour. Home made,
blankets, D Creighton, Mies Jamieson,
Rag carpet, Irl Dreamer. tag mat, hooked
(Continued on Sth page.)