HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-10-6, Page 2GAL.
ECK S , 1.1nrre
. atter of inereme Co
Tebbe, eoevessaimer, Caramisaioner.
Mimeo ee Coen.
Onleein k anson'stnook, Exeter.
Soli -
The Salvation Army poke bevels
repleced ia England by a bra,
tilettlielinurs aercie Inv ttevil g rset:tIkol
of " Where did you g
zehts,a, jinlrcualiehlier:en te
a'AttrenlitIOW mann es before
his death. He dropped' down deed while
walk lag.
A clergyman in Oxford hes invited the
men who frequent the river on Sundays to
come to church in their boating flanuela
Hitherto such costumes had been frowned
upon, and the boatmen had not gone to
eh Imola
Prof. Garner has left Liverpool for the
Gabovn valley, nest come of Africa, with a•
view to studying the speech of the great apes
of that region.
The railways of the United Kingdom of
Greed Britain have 16,860 locomotives, of
which ouly 1,841 are in Scotland and 705 in
irelend. The London and North Western
have the most, 2,648, followed by the Mid.
land with 2,140 -
At the sale of Mr. Brophy'a stied in Dahlia
a single brood mare with four of her sons
and daughters brought 30,550 gaineas. The
mare brought 2,600, her foal 750, her year -
line 400, her tsvo-year-old00, and her
three-year-old 2,200.
Sr George Macleod, professor a surgery
in Glasgow University, died atter two days'
illness at his residence, Woodside crescent,
A telegram from Cardiff On Tueade.y
states the the crew of the aealing ship
Knight Companion, which left Cardiff on
the 20th March last with a cargo of coal for
Ignimee, and whieh consisted of23 herds all
told, is believed to be lost.
, noiluner, Conveyancer, hta,
OFFICE : Over O'Neil's Bank.
ELLIoT Rt,Lio°1‘,
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries
Conveyarteers 86o, &O,
taeltfoney to Loan at Lowest Bates of
B. Y. Nimurr. .7. va.LIOT.
1)B.O. U
Successor to IL L.Billings.
Me mbar of the Rapti College of Dental
Fufgoons.) Teeth inserted with or without
e, in Gold or Rubber. Asafe Aniesthetio
gsien for the ps Mess extraction of teeth.
Fine Geld Fillings as Required.
°Mee over the Pest °Hee.
1t013011'S Block, Rain-st, Evier,
Extraots Teeth without
pain, away at remesent, ors
ffrst Friday t Craig, see000-
Will, fourth Tuesday; and
Ertisco on the last Thum -
seer, mouth.
r. i, Graduate victoria, Uulve ty:
°lice and rea1a01100, 00331411031 Laho
tory . Exeter.
IR. aYNOMAN, coroner for t.3$
Ca-clin(g1731i.igY. atcOfretiNietr.°41"1 al3P 'site
0. Calera Main S. Exeter, Ont.
Residence, house reeently occupied by i.
HoPit Wipe sq.
DR. T. p. Zileti.A.IjGfIL1N, MEM.
bet of the college of Phrsiciatee nnd
Surgeons. Ontario. Physielan, :tergeon anti
.Aeconehe an 0 ee ,1)A:311 WOOD ON r.
an, Surgeons, Ontario,
AUOZION. enttl.
.." --4 • tieneer for the County of Huron.
Magee moderate. Exeter P. O.
• consed Auctioneer Sares conducted
In allparte. liatiefactitm griarctuteod, Obargoe
moderate. Ilensall I 0, Out.
TTENRY EILI3ER Licensed Atla-
s...I- r,t °floor for the Counties of Enron
and Mi.:Wiesen , Sales conducted at mod.
orate rates. Clam), at Pest -calla°, °rod.
ton Ont.
1-•• auctioueerandLanaleelnator. orders
sent by mail .0 any a diress, Davi aid P. 0,
tvill receive prom pt attention. Terme wider
ate. I). EL PORTER, Auctioneer.
Tennent& Tennent
Graluatepaftlio Ontario Veterinary Col
ftwren C no near gen th of Town Hall.
4.14,..par0031t, $1.5.003 Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companies represented.
eeed...„.._deededeedeeed.........ddeseareieter . Exeter.
Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En-
Office,Tinstairs.Samtvell's Block. Exeter.Ont
CANADA. HeadOffice.London, Ont.
After 93 years of successful business, still
continues to offer the owners of farm property
and private residences, either on buildings or
contents ,the most favor:tit] e protection in ease
of loss or damage by fire orl ight n inn, at rates
u non such liberal terms. that no other respect,
abl °company can afford to wrrte. 33,479 nnli-
cies in force Ist.Tan , 1498. eseets A307 200.00
in cash in bank. Amount at risk, S44,913,032.
Government denest. • lehenfnres mai Pre-
mium Notes. CAPT. TILOS. E. ROBSON, Pre-
sident; D. C. MOL,oNALD, Manager. BAWD
dereces,Agent for Exeter and vi amity •
Established in 1888.
This Company hes been over Twenly-eigh
Years in successful opar 'don in *Western
Ontario, and continues to inure against loss or
denpgre by Fire. Bailciings, Merchandise
Manufactories and all other deseriptioas of
insurable property. Intending insurers have
the option of insuring on the Premium Note or
Cash System.
During the_past ten years this company kas
issued 57,090 Policies, covering Property to tile
ammint of 840,872 038; and paid in losses alone
$709,752 00.
Assets. 'R1.16,100.00 , consisting ef Cash
in Dank Government Deposi tend the tine sses-
sod Premium Notes on hand and in force
J.W.W.tamgx, M D., President; 0 AL TAYLOR
SccrOtarY 5. B. Hermes, Inspeetor . CILIA
BELL, Agent for Exeter and vicinity
Itetd2 for use in any quantity. For making Soap,
Berternue, Wszer, Disini.ecting. and a hundred abet
Uses. 1111 f.A,12418 39 POILUCt Sal Seda,
6eid by AU Grocers and Drugglats.
Every thing about the 330W Atheistic eteand
er, the Campania., is of British make except
the rudder. That is mole ofa single steel
plate. It is so wide that there is no British
tirm having the neeessary machinery for
rolling it, so the joh had to be sent .,to
Thirteen millions sterling ilaVe already
been spent, on the dlanchester (Ship canal, or
five millioe's more than the origami esti.
mate. Two millions more will twee to be
borrowed from the corporation of Mauchee-
ter, and doubt, is arising of its value when
completed. •
report of the Fax Supply As.anciatiou
for the improvement of the culture of ilex
in Ireland shows that in the years 18904
the results were as follows Acreage in
ISOD, 90,809; acreage in 1801, 74,072; de-
creases, 22,224, or 22.93 per cent, The rec.
ord for the laat 10 years allows a declining
scale for the last five, and the year now
under review is the smallest io. the 10, and
27.85 per cent. under the average. The
yield per acre in 180 was thelatgest for 26
years; and, as everything in connectioa
with flax culture is traditionally tickle, a
change in the yieln last year did not come
as 9, surprise, but a. drop of 19.51 per cent,
was a heavy one.
At the l3dtisb Church Cougress thia month
the Bishop of Manchester, as well as Bishop
Barry, will support the antinsivieection
cause on the moral, and Dr. J. II. Clarke
and Dr. Arnold on the medical side.
Early next month three steam whalers
will aail from Dundee for the ,Antaretio seas
with the object of ascertaining how Inc the
southern ocean is cap eble of becoming a new
hunting ground for whalee and emits. '
Bellied Workhouse authorities are in a
dilemma, having failed to discover any rel-
atives of au apparently destitute pauper
rained James Stewart, who died. suddenly
after admiseion. When his clothing was
sCarched nearly L2060 in Uniwd States
money and 20 shares in mining companies
were found atitched inside the lining of his
coat, although be declared himself penniless
when admitted.
The Liverpool couuty coroner was on Sat-
urday informed that on Friday afteraoon
man, at present unknown, was shot by a
boy in Ise.zakerly. The man was looking
over a fence into a field in which a number
of boys were playing, when, whether by ac-
cident or design, one of them fired a shot.,
which struck the man. He fell insensible,
and was taken to the Railway Hotel, where
he died about two hours afterwards. De-
ceased was about 35.
A mysterions discovery, tending strongly
to suspicion of murder, was made at Hawk -
thaw Lane, near Bolton, on Sundae. A
who had wandered to a brook, found
the body of a man with his throat terribly
gashed. He is a stranger to the locality,
and how he met with his injuries is un-
known. No weapon was found near him
which would lead to the suspicion of sui-
oide. It, is believed the deceased comes
from Failswortb.
The Royal College of Physicians haspass.
a resolution to the effeet that this
college regards the sale and purchase of
practices or the transfer of patients from
one physician to another for a pecuniary
consideration among fellows or members of
its body as contrary to the traditions and
practice of the college, interfering with the
freedom of patients, and derogatory to the
position of a physician."
A Government industrial school for boys
is to be started at Lucknow, with the view
of teaching native boys the elements of car-
pentry. They will be taught how to use
European tools. The incapacity of the
Hindoo in this respect is his chief draw-
back. The Iiindoo carpenter at work does
not push the plane from him, but draws it
towards him. He works his saw, too, in
the way opposite* to the European joiner,
and to accommodate him in this meanie the
teeth of the native saw are turned the op-
site way to ours. A European carpenter
forces the plane and saw from hum; a Hin-
doo carpenter does the contrary.
During the journey of the Princess o
Wales and the Princesses Victoria and
lelaud to Scotland last Friday night, an in-
cident matured at Peterborough where the
reyal c triages had to be shunted from the
Great detern to the Great Northern Rail-
way. Y Ithe the train was waiting at the
platf mrrnoe a little girl pressed forward, and
e holding her to the window of -
t0. e young Princesses a bottle of
The °bite was so earnest, and look -
e so disappointed when she thought the
train was goiug before her present could be
given that Princess Victoria at once rose and
accepted the little gift, to the greati delight
of the child, and amid the cheers of those
assembled on the platform.
A measure is being introduced in Egypt
which proves the value of British rule and
the importance of preserving i b. According
to The Times, 14 �tbe chief towns of the
Delta and Upper Egypt are to be endowed
with municipal councils, which will receive
the octroi and other town due e hitherto
paid into the treasury. This is a marvel-
lous step in advance and shows what strides
the previously leech oppressed and abused
Egyptian knell must be making in intelli-
cRlrenhcerying for t eirparents'o wives
ing their husbands, and husbands mourn -
lug their wives. Hamburg's vast commerce
with all natione is at a standstill Her
miles of wharfage are lined, and double
lined, with idle steamships and sail-
ing vessels, and only an occasional tug
or lighter diaturbs her waters. Her
faaniles law° fled from the great houses and
beautiful grounds of Hohenfelde and Uh len-
horst, on the one side of the A.ussen-Alster,
and from Harvestehude and Rotherbaum on
the other. Her hotels are vacant save for
an occasional benighted traveler, and her
schools, theatres, opera, houses, aud concert
halls are closed.
The first. intimation Lhad of the wanner
in which the plague is regard° en the con-
tinenb arose out of the mecums games that
every railroad guardon the rent. from Lon-
don after I reached Belgitun looked at nee
with curiosity when he read the word
Hamburg on my ticket., 1 was the only
passenger on the Bremen express who got
off at Hamburg on Saturday evening and
the others sbat their windows when they
saw the name of the station, as if they fear-
ed that the deadly atmosphere of the pollut-
ed suburbs would penetrate the smoke
and steam and inoculate them with the
deadly virus in the railway carriages. The
btati011 Was only half lighted and deserted
save for the station master and a single por-
ter, who carried my luggage a. smarter of a
mile belore he could find a conveyance to
take me to the hotel, conditions stinewhat
different from the usual beetle of °mid -
bums, cabs, hotel runners, and railway ser-
It is almoat impossible to realize without
having experienced it the depressing offeot
of the continual reminders of the preemie°
of disease and deeth. Turn from one street
where a fuueral is passing and 0, waggon
load of new coffinis on its way to tia
mortuary, and, oue meets perhaps two or
threemo e hearses with attendant mourners
and an ambulance containing a hospital at-
tendant and a dying woman wrapped in
blankets. All these patio funerals one
meets in the better parts of the city, and
they are outside the daily quota, of unfortu-
nates who are carted away at night to be
buried in a long treuch in Potter's Field.
From morning until night these dreary pro-
cessions aro wending their way to the ceme-
teries, and from morning until night the
hearses are hurriedly returning thence for
new employment, and groups of profession-
al mourners, curiously clad in knee breeches
buckled shoos, white ruffs, and barettas, are
hurrying from 'emplace to another, es their
se•rincea are required. The undertakers'
men are so worn out with long bonne of
work that it is no uncommon thing to see
two or three of them asleep in a hearse re-
turning from a burial. Those mourners who
eanuot afford the trappings end state of woe
far their dead and yet will not let them be
bursed by mild Hamburg charity have en-
gaged all sorts of vehieles for the convey-
ance of the black biers to a final resting
place for the remains of their beloved.
I have seen coffins jolt by on baggage
wagons and butchers' carts, with crying
women clinging to the driver's set and
little cbildren sitting stolidly bebind won-
dering what it was altabout
On tillatly 1 witnessed a peculiarly pa-
thetic sight -it carriage containing it very
young husband midwife robed in black, she
weeping bitterly on his shoulder, while the
tiniest of 6/vet:mount ed coffins, covered
with flowers, on the front seat told the
story of their grief. Two subsidiary trage-
dies growing out of the epidemic wore re-
ported yesterday. One was that of a car -
?enter who had lost his wife and three chil-
dren and who blew out his brains, and the
other that of the witiow of a well-to-do mer -
°bent who succumbed on Sunday. She
drowned herself in the Aussen-Alster.
There are 110 thildreu who have been
committed to one asylum alone, all or-
phaned by the cholera.
neertenestinco SCENES.
The first visit was to the mortuary on
Borgfelder strasse, near the general 'hospit-
al. A vacant lot had been ternpodarily con-
verted into a ,3 orgue, and a large wooden
shed erected. As far as we could see in
Borgfelder strasse long...linos of mourning
carriages stret back on both sides of
the street, relieved at long interv Is by tall
hearses, with their nodding plumes and
sombre trappings. A throng of children
were gathered at the entrance to the mortu-
ary, but they were as hushed and silent as
their elders. Gloom was upon the locality.
This was the spot where the bodies of the
better class of cholera victims were buried,
those whose friends could afford carriages
and profeesionat mourners. So many fun-
erals were in progress, however, that some
mourners were compelled to wait hours for
the opportunity to bring their dead to the
A glance along this double line of mourn-
ing carriages gave some idea of the imparti-
ality with which the plague selects its vic-
tims from old and young. In one carriage
four tearful children sat, evidently on their
way to the burial of a father or mother, or
perhaps both. In another a young widow
sat alone. In others fathers and mothers
were waiting for the hearses to bring out
the bodies of their children. At least ten
hearses were in the mortuary yard, and a
score of men were haudling the coffins, while
groups of the professional mourners in
their sombre uniforms gathered about
that particular corpse that they were
paid to mourn, and directed its transporta-
tion to the hearse. In a shed were perhaps
'twenty bodies of men, and women, all wound
about in white disinfecting cloth and emit-
gthe powerful odor of carbolic acid. Each
corpse had a paper pinned to its wrappings,
bearing' a number which corresponded to
ahe names ',that were registered by the
morthery clerk. Men were lifting these
bodies into the coffins, others were screwing
down the coffin lids, and still others were
carrying the coffins to the hearses, under
the direction of a chief of staff, with the
same regularity and industry that one wit-
nesses in a well regulated work -shop.
In the corner of the shed nearest the door
were six little coffins ranged in a row, some
with wreaths of flowers 141013 them. Eaoh
was decorated with a label which contained
the name and age of the victim, and name
and address of its parents. The greetest
age that hall been reached by the forrner
occupants of these small bodies was four
years, and on the tiniest coffin of all there
was it mark drawn across the printed form
in the place where the p,ge should have been
A CITY OF Teutons.
But the most ghastly sight that I haye
erosible, Tiiugs in Meehanios- es
< e n9w s eg°erellillit' nics t
ouirt :ix011
telefesecotp? of d Peiet .1
t bens.
It is s, well k
heat expands iron. an th
it will not return to it /data" 3i4°'
$ sugerenreeen twee
bsuegeaagetntelmteleeepe4denties than beet sup r hes
one cotton -seed meal by a
1:einnicaiedioe'illrit2s:tekkii,nag sly4e.x. wax
of s pae
eent m of the toil, extracted under press
nee, end is used for eandles and chewing
of '30nTariusei who in a
derclothes, with his stock gs on,
had is trees drawn up almost to ohm
and as this circumstance caused him i, olal
up more than his share of room on th'e door
of the shed, he hed been laid sideways, and
the bodies of two children were at his head
body of a woman was bent back
nearly double just as she had died in an
awful spun)'and others had their arms
stretched above their heads as they had
struggled before the vital spark lop, them.
Among these .00rpses staring with their
dead eyes open, worked a dozen men
etraightening the rigid limbs into eimpe,
and wrapping them about like mummies in
the disinfecting clothes in which they were
to be buried. Each body was then fast-
ened to enarrow board, reaching from bead
to feet, with heavy string, in order that it
might remain in proper shape, and then in
0, further shed they wore piled one above
the other on reeks until their coffine should
be made ready. The comparison is a brutal
one, but the reeks with their enshrouded
occupants reminded me of a packirg house
where slaughtered sheep were being pre-
pared for transportation.
As we passed into the hospital yard two
hearses drove in, and I eoticed a great, pile
of cellists behind the barreoke. "'es,"
said Dr. Yolasse, "there are a few being
btxried from here, but only twenty or thirty
a, day,"
It was a pitiful sight that met our eyes as
we entered the first barraak. Ole it double
row of beds on either side of the room lay
women in all stages of disease and death.
The occupant of the bed nearest the door
had drawn her feet up cao that they ahnosb
touched the mall of he back. Her face
was alMOSt black, and her eyes were turned
so that only the whites eould be Seen.
"Site is not suilbring," said Dr. Yolasee.
"She is past it. She is dying -all but
Next to the dying W011iall'S couch was
that of a rather pretty young girl with blaek
eyes and hair, who watelied her neighbor's
death struggles with apathy and took no
notice of the presenee of strangers. Furth,
er down the room, a Sister of Charity bent
over the bed of a, dying woman, and at the
furthest end two stout nurses were lifting a
corpse from a bed to a stretcher, and they
presently passed us earrying it out.
Each bed entained apatient, some o
them writhing and moaning, others tossing
restlessly, stnd still others seeming to rest
quietly. We looked in at the doors at the
other .barracks where the scene was much
the saine-dead and dying men and women
and busy nurses and doctors.
"Just come down to the end of tho gar-
den," said Dr. Yolasse cheerfully, "and 1
will show yon the dissecting room. You
see we make a, post-mortem examination of
each bodes to see if it is real cholera that
they die of."
We passed a number of coffins on the way
to the end of the garden, geme with num-
bered lids screwed down, others with the
lids half off revealing naked bodies. With-
in, four or fivehearses were waiting 'ender
the sheelow of the trees, and a number of
men and -women were attempting to identi-
fy friends and relatives in the -corpses that
were being continually. brought from the
Tee dissecting roans remains an unpleas-
ant 100111017 in my mind. Two or three
physicians were at work there. Dr. Yolas-
se told= that ou e of his staff ef physiciene,
nurses, end attendants who were continual-
ly at work among the cholera patients only
two bad caught the disease, and only one of
those bad died, while none of the non-chol-
erne patients who were obliged to remain
in the hospital after the cholera patients
were brought there had been attacked by
the malady.
He that would have fine guests let him
have a film wife.-eBen Johnson.
No man can either live piously or die
righteous without a wife.-[leichter.
Lovely woman that caused our cares ean
eveurcaee beguile. -{Beresford.
Women need not look et those dear to
them to know their moods, ---[Howells.
A woman's strength is most potent when
obed 10 gentleness.-[Leenartine.
Raptured men quits each dozing sage, 0
woman ! for thy lovelier page. -[Moore.
Eternal joy and everlasting love there's
in you, woman, lovely wotnan.-[Otway.
Yes, woman's love is free from guile and
pure as bright Aurora's ray. -{Morris.
Kindness in women, not their beauteoua
looks, shall win my love.-[Shaleespeare.
Reverence every wordeans opinion wheth-
er it be to you right or wrong. -Ellice.
Decision,however suicidal has more °harm
for a woman than the most unequivocal
Fabian success. --(Hardy.
The World's Longest Railroad.
Nicholas Rosanoff, captain of the Russian
army and navy, and an attache of the Rus-
sian Royal Engineers, is on his way to
Viadivostook, Siberia' where he will take
charge of the work ofbuilding the longest
railway in the world. This has just been
begun by the Russian Government.
It will be built from Vladivostock, on the
Siberian coast,to Moscow, Russia, a distance
of 11,e00 versts, or about 8000 English miles.
Captain Rosanoff says this immense line,
almost three times the distence across the
United States, :will be completed in five
years, and commerce will be almost revolu-
tionised thereby.
"The Russian Government has ample
funds to build the road," says Captain
Itosamoff "and there will be no delays in the
work of constructnen. Tw i hundred miles
of the line has already been built. Enormous
docks and barracks for the army and naval
stations which will be located at the eastern
terminus of the road will also be buile."
Captain Rosattoff has received numerous
letters froni his fellow officers in which they
expressed their gratitude to the British
people in responding so readily to the re-
quests for food for the famine -stricken
peasants of Russia. Good crops were assur-
ed this year.
Brown -Tones---" My dear Mrs. Youngold
pray don't think me rude'but are those
flowers natural or artificial?" Mrs. Young-
old--" Artificial." Brown -Jones -a" Really,
they are most deceptive. And how ad-
mirably they suit y oue hair and cornplexioe.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorfw
An old physician retired. from practice', liar
mg bad placed in his hands by an Eant India
m ssionary the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for
Consumption. Bronchitis, Catarrh.Asthma and
all throat and lung' affections, also a positive
and radical cure for nervous debility and all
nervous complaints, after having tested its
wondeend curative powers in thousands of
casea leas tele it his duty to make it known to
his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire to relieve human stareriaw, 1 will
send free at charm, to all who desire it. the
recipe in Germati, French or English with ful
directions for preparing and, using. Emit by
mail by addressing with Stamp, naming this
p terers.ter.NOYI3s. 820 Power's 33look
The Green. eyed Monster.
Jess -They wentto the mountains on
their wedding trip, and Ethel was wretched,
Bess -What was the trouble?
Jess -George fell in love with the scenery.
'Men Beby vms sick, WO gave her Castorta.,
When shelves a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When sho became Hiss, silo clung to Castorla
When she hare Children, shogave them Castoria.
A Light Diet.
Bobby Bright - What does the ehureh
mow) live on, dad ?
Bright -The minister's crumbs of Qom -
gative Medi
eine. They are ft
STECOTOR, as they
Supplyin a condensed
farm the substances
actuelly needed to en-
rich the Blood, curing
all diseases coming
rent Poen and WAT.
rtY ISLOoD, or from
the Boon, and also
invigorate and Boum
us the 14,001) and
Seems, when broken
down by overwork,
mental worry,disease,
semisoft and utiliser°.
Cons, They have a
1'E,01710 ACTION on
tee Seextrat,SYSTE3101
both men emd women,
restoring LOST VIO0E
and correetieg all
ifoutonnaurrirai and
EVERY MAR Who finds his mental fac-
ulties dull or foiling, or
his physical powers flagging, should take these
Mut. They will restore his lost energies, both
nhysieal and.mental.
EyERy womAti should take them.
Ilil They (sure all sup-
pressions and irregularities, 'whit& Inevitably
=tail sickness when negleoted.
YOUNG MEN 1.1.,°0y wi
sui to of youthful bad habits, and strengthen the
YOUNG WOMEN rev: virlthwelt'i.
make them regular.
For nale•by all druggists, ervill be sent upon
mcelpt of price (50c. per box), by addressing
11117:0 VILLIA.3180 MED. CO.
rockville ()At.
Scientific American
Agency fort
For information end free Handbook write to
MUNN es CO, 1361 BiloADWAY, NEW Tons.
Oldest bureau for securing patents in, America.
Every patent taken out by us is brought before
the publieby A notice given free of charge in the
'tWittifig Aleutian
Largest circulation of any scientific paper intim
world. Splendidly illustrated. bro intelligent
man should be Nvithout it. Weekl S3.00 a
Y821'; 51.50 six months. .0ddress MUNN & 00.,
rureessines, 961 Broadway, Now York.
-he most Interesting Contest ever offeree
P by The Canadian Agriculturist.
Ono Thousand Dollars in Cash, a Pair of Hendren,'
helland Pardee, Carriage and Harness, and over tv
Lionsand other valuable pSzerr for the Agrieulturist
righ teat readers,' Who mll have them? According
"ke usual custom for some years past the publishers e
Rs AORIc via -tansy now offer their Sixth Ball -yen:
iterary Competition. This grand competition will r
mad, be the moat gigantic and auccesatul one ever pt,
• nted to the people of the United Statea and Canada.
One Thousand I/oilers in cash vvill be paid to the p.
on sending in the largeat Eat of English worde or:
tiduttelterizdt.f.rom letters in the words "The Canadian Ara
Five Hubdred Dollars in cash will be given to 11
(tend largest Het.
A Handsome Pair of Shetland Ponies, Carriage an,
farness, 5)11 50 gir n for the third lergrat list.
Over one thousand additional pilaw; awarded iu mole
f merit: One Grand Piano • ..$300 Organ; SON MA!,
iinnor Sets; Ladies' Gold Vita es'; Silk Dram; Pattern,
'ortlere Curtains, Silver Tea Serylues; Tennyson'sPoem.
amid in ototInDlekens' in 12 volums, bound in cloth, et,
As there are more than 1000 prizes, any ono who tali,
oe trouble to prepare an ordinary good hat will not is
I receive a valuable prize. Thin ia the biggest thing i
le competition hue that we have ever placed before tl.,
ublie, and alt who do trot take part will miss an oppo;
mity of a life time.
A letter cannot be Used oftner than 1
poems in the words " The Canadian Agriculturist
'or instanpe the word '' egg" could not be used, as the
but one ‘g" in the three words 2. Words having mor
nrin ono meaning but spelled the Brune can be used In
moo. 3. Names of places and persons barred. 4. Brrot
111 not invalidate a lisb—the wrong wends will eirenl,
et be counted,
Bach list IIIARt contain one dollar to pay for six month':
Ascription to Tina Aontoomonagy If two or mot.
ie, the lareeat list which bears the earliest postmark we
.101 the first priz ,e and the others will receive prizes it
rder of merit, HnItecl States money and stamps take,
The object in offering these magnificent priseage
_)nauttrbvoeoclrfuythe ec 0.0 u rpnl 1:0trpt ootti xr1 tittle. Imo:al °gine ngn te sion t nn to:vinh est:, :pion cewyt err,
5111 receive free, by mail, postpaid, one to Tiro Manion,
TITATAT't3ElegaUt Souvenir Spoona of Canada.
Prizea awarded to persona residing le theDnited Stair
gill be shipped from our New York °files fico of dui!,
4-11aloney listens should be regiskred.
Cult FOItZcAn CIAMI'ICTIT/014-We 1,070 given awo
.25,000 in prizes during the last two years, and hat
„housands dt letters from prizo.winners every elate
Ito unto". and every part of Canada and Newfoundlane
aord Klleoursie, ADO. to the Governor General r.
lanada. Mites: recommend ray friends to entr
our competitions, M. Brander:, Vancouver, C
reeeived 31000 in gold" and we hold MS reemptfersame
k few of the prize winners: Mbe,J. 0ohl.eon, Terrinto
syi1860; 1, . Brratnud000.n ,Npenreloons1F35a1;126.633not.a,TiSs1,50001.; Diaoa
5300; Jas Bitptte, West Pintail, Minn., 55e0;
Art real; B.8 toabt r ter:13, rladlgreSpto,r, Con, AnfidlOt4000;11Fasit•ueddaIoli
Address all communiostior to Tine aanzomineesen
Peterborough, outene,
et Ten it'
,on it in the et,
tome a 1 t anyIa
time, and 2i' other
eoznedy is so effective
as thie weerld-
renowned prdnaree
tion. No house -01d,
with youtg cbildtene
should be without
Scores ief lives to
saved every year his
its timely use,
. •
Amanda B. Telmer, Northamptot1.
lass., writes : "Common gratitade im-
pels me to acknowledge the great benee
fits I have derived for my children from
the use ef Aye's most excellent Cherry 1
Pectoral. 1 bad 1st two dear children
fro ra croup and consumption, and had
greatest fear of losing me, only re -
rambling daughter and son, as theY were
delecate, Happily, I nnd that by giving '
there er's Cherry Pectoral, on the first.
sympeems of throat or lung trouble, thee:
..re zeileved fromiangee, and are low
se:nacos:robust, healthy clnidren," ,
tire slte winter of7880 1 took a bad
cold which, in spite of every known ,
' remedy, grow worse, SO that the family
physiolan considered rue ineureble, new
posing me to be in conanneptiou. As a
/set resort 1 tried .A.yerte Oberry Peet°.
ral, and, in a short time, the cure was
complete. Since then I have never been
without this =dieing. tam fifty years
of age, weigh over 180 pounds, and. at.
tribute my good. health to the use ot
Ayer's CherryPectoral."--G.W.Youker.
Sal ea, N. X.
nest winter 1 contracted a severe
Cold, whiffle by repeated exposure, be
mune quite obstinate. 1 was =els
troubled with hoarseness and. bronellial
irritation. After trying variafis Meet.
clues, without, relief, Tat last purchased
a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. On
taking this naedicine, my cough misset!
almost 1wined's:001y, and I bave beete
well ever since."-Itev. Thos. B. Russell,
Secretary; Holston Conference and P,
of the areenvitee Distried N.
Jonesboro, Tenn.
Vet4S airy I, octoral
zgsrAutD sr
d, C. Ayer Co., Loefl Mae
Cold by ell Druggists. lane el; sir bogie „S
OF AwyExTit'T
'ME KEY Ito kgb;..1.11,
Unlocks all the rtif c1 aventree of th
Bowels, Kidneys anti Liver, darryin
off gradually without weal ming the sp.
tem, all the Impurities a: 1 foul humcn
of the seoretioas; at the some time Cor
r.ecting Acidity of the Stomach,
curing Biliousness,. Dyspepsi
Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn,
Uonstipation, Dryness of the Skin,
Dropsy, Dirtiness of Vision, Atm
dice, Salt Rheum, %rysipelas, Ser
fula, Fluttering of the Heart, Ne
vousness, and General Debility ;a
116.3 and many other similar Complain
1 to the lumpy influence of BURDOC
2?07 Brae by all Dealers.
IT"Trini ef C9,. Prorktors, Toronto.
Is nblisned every Thursday meeting, at
manostreet,neariy opposite Fitton's Jewel°
Store,Exeter,On t.,by John White Sons,P
RATES Or saivramisista
Pirstingertion,ver line _le as
subsequeatinsertion ,per lino 30
Ilo insure insertion, advertisements sh
oe sentin notlater than Wednesday InOrIn
otthe largest and best e quipped in the Count
o' wuroneell work entrustea co us will E4 13 Lye
Ddesions Regarding NewS-
lAnyperson who tairesee pap erregularlyfrom
the post -office, whether directed in his name°
anotimr s, or whether he has NU bscrlbed or not
is responsible tor payment.
2 If a person orders his paper diecontinned
he must mall arrears or the publisher ma,
°Minim to send it until the payment is made,
nd then collect the whole amount, whether
epaper is takentrona the Office or not
3 In suits for subscriptions, the suit may b
nstituted in the place where the paper is pub
ished, although the subscriber may resid
hundreds of miles away.
4 The courts have decider' that refusing Is
take newspaper orperiodicals from the posts
office, or remo and losing them unoalle
or is prima, tar idencohltintentional frau
The direct route between the West and el
pointe ou the Lower St. Lawrence and Bahl.
des Chaleur,Provinee of Quebec also for
New Brunewick ,Nova Seotia,Pr ince _award
Gap ell retonIelem do , an dNewroundlem d Mid
St. Pierre.
Express trainsleave Montrealand Halifax
daily (sem:lays oxoepted) and run through
withoutobange between thea points= 23
home and 55 minutes.
The tbrough express train cars of the /22,"
toreolonial Railway are brilliantly 10Ilited
by electricity anclheo,ted by steam from Om
locomotive, thus greatly increasing the omit
fort and safety of travellers,
New and elegant buffeteleening and day
cars are run on throu gis. express train s.
Canadian -European Mali and t,
Passenger Route.
Passengers Or Or ea t tai n'o'r the eolith
neat byleaving bIontt 05.100 ieri day naorning
will join outward rarnisteemer at nalifax
on Saturday..
Tito attention ofsshippers is directed totht
superior facilit lee offered by thig routeles
the transport efflou r and genera,. meridian.'
Oise intended for then asteirn, Provinces anff
Newfoundland; also for Ailments A f grain
and pro duceinten ded for tne urepeannutt
het. '
Tickets may he obtained and i nfOrmatiop
about the ronte ; also freight and passeng0
rates on application to
N .17f EA IIIER ST 011,
WestertFreight Jaassonge hoot
931.3ossin House Block ;York aft aociiO4
D rovriblonn,
Chi of In perinten delft.
Bailway Office,Moncton, N,I3,
Jan "Mel