HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-10-6, Page 1s.."* tnesSe... in • ee.:',',:"Seseseseln' . - eses"...iesee.e.e."••• •-• neen- r T)I orns FAIL WHERE TREY MAY. , R"SD-A1'." MORNING, OCTOBEll 6, 1892 OnenitSV4.110. ai :lanes -ipalukrgay and tilken.a Sojeurn eto the roodS, to spend tha eon- , 401M cotter74***114* 'it Bite/A last Sunday, oint years. Fie will bie visiting- parents and 00, • •anci `, 114/6 8aci- _ 401 the "newest designs irr fair art& wittier oen be seen nry visiting a eetsie elm .... -'e,..Cifeltnn . idt gtlidetent' n ' Menne , ne ' it „ — srotitee Weeen`g tenets seabeleher end. emotes-nit-0ra COnsfinENEMD NEM -S. Aigf the pioneers of Stanley town, "nat linseed nwy,in the persea of, jipxo'm vavionsisottreesphroty... George Laing, who died m Lynnw. leounty Mtesouri on, the %le tro , oxen the- liestniset. netii^s of ego' was bprk intneneet, land, and ortme to, tart* oopopis UOYt Ttlete ere 'fourteen cheese factories in age, 0413,114g oupthe fsti•tn where T ' RtMIGN.• re toil family whin atent operation in Huron. • stellate Ae one aura he watr onllikOtor, ,thr en venerate tpa- enwneen.. A, man named Smith of ell:tone% tell otn the intsruthip, as also ReQ'tetAry Abe: AO • ----- have renewed. ad o' b 1 'Se e 4tr .:gqww.12. .erasinr'ned'I lo erne *114 tiforth, la other dam Owlet 11 la tf P Ro 1,..04p.. %Op. ,estrly wheat and witeliedly No,Wonnestenennyeehentelsen bkan -0 °St ° 8$ grOthandahrle of rain that Alr, Jae* ).rAfrthggil4f3 who frteimassa. 'Von that M thieantekies cte,,,r:'1414 abeyat care-, utop 'Kama:nation set Hallett towninttp tor 'ever 4? y enterpon. tre ,,enteenns when neekont *,, set le a e cement y coN are e ti • 00 IL is then 3ntantit values we °Her „„,i,11040 with inflammation of e'4:11-1° 2.6;in!4tiarai,italink1,314 117 Fr; -ow.t,Ring fenee neaten ""0•41... fe nat the no at dein wejj,--4r chestier /3117 th•lad aa*L'e a Ma ral Sn Jaelses an, Eit3 mad it (to aver g ter aocle We Dixolx, Illag rare eneeng. x aneenee ,„ A.' • A : '7 ' Ale? azti ' "Qmieee Pattereora ieltirorti esi ery" s•-• ,0# 9HA3 enein, nod look's well, after 0 the Ntron doom flsot,ory. his hasso, and saw him neit VIVO* At: :are opealtt. no, oirery day. s ,eatenntrip neneve ha wee prectieing Mtn John Dale, of Tuolsersmith last week neva. nu tee ntee sprite aaellnniatennean sold attune year old geirliog, which tarieen leaning nennee naly,neeete nor eentekne „nej)11. kt aeir o s.,ek or our usborne 00131:mu, Orient' • • .. erefeintetry percent% witli hie brother, n r Ow room. , ton. ,. M. • , - ...., , eholt men. nneseseives of this oppiirtnn ley o inspeeting One. a he most °Ont.' plot° aneeks ne the (Monty. No trouble • 2 ., to :show gondeseseene , ''' Ask for Wee 'nn, ' e.Fashion.Sheet. We are aelent ''` 4 - uttevieknn n'ele- menet la% in Exeter arid viontley braes]. Gimes- Petterns. t • Delineaton c. Itletropolitan Fash- ion Book 250, inernernber with every $25 purchase we give you a nice hard wood Voiding Table, J. MoTAVISII & CO , ing.—Dr. Ireton held a sale the other day 61i. Motif:Ant ohureh anniece- eery will be held this meintne—Great pre - e paretioue are being mane fox the lair this weeknend the local honsetrein are making goat:rime sf the track.—Ma Graham, who nag bels ing Mr. isnoCuidn, left last week f burg, where he will emend a abort #1 „. returning to lrelaud.— KirktennepOp time is rapidly increasing. The latest new -coiner to record...will be Mr Jahn Gourley of Ushorne, eine perposee sollinghis :stook and retiring from tam. of effecta which he does not regeure in St. Mary!.—he Travelling Dairy is expected here shortly. Farmers their wives and deughters will prnfit by attending. •** North Perth, Srratforel,.. ..nept 29-80 boutle Huron, Seaforth.. ....... Oet 4.5 Beat Huron, Brussels. ...... Oet 61. Iiibbert township ....s.e . Oct 4-5 Bidduipb, Gninton „ .001 4.5 Baytield ... . ......Got 13-14 Blenshard , . — .Obt 6-7 Secretarlea will please forward datee of thele fake for publication in this lien Ilertsa,11. Boots sod tames at Bankrupt Priem for the next 30 dam at A. Weteteliee Baring, trureh- steed the entire atone of Bente and bhoes of Wilimm Dawes et tiou at a reduced rate on the 'dollar. We ere preeared to sell you 1toote and Shoes °beeper then ever. would tiltrotor invite you to call and examine my stook be - nom purchasing elsewhere. The following aro a few quotetionss—haby shoes for 15. 20. mill 'en*, pair ensiniewriecis ehildeen's Eshowe ler so 40 enan nemir And UDWATR; and bee n shoes nor Sif. 75. and $I: boy's lone hoote tor 75.11, lora $125; mann long btots e so. St 75.atidati a pair and upwerds; all n ens .on It will &surprise you how obese you woe bnym slippers: far 25.6e extel7ea a pair and ralr renting ane examiritnte the _goods for yearsei W3 are sure to please arid nt you exel net bore to stay end repserYour boots and ahem ranyou. Thanking you all l'orpast petronage, andel. you all to eall and bo convineed. time we, mean what we advertise. Better and mom tinted same Ite meta No trouble to sltovr goods, eige of tile tele Boot. As W.28E11011. Prop. n'ollowing are the market quotations: Wheat ... "65 to 66 Bernie ; „s . $8 to 40 0. . 26 to 27 Oats Peas ...... — ... 55 to 56 Hay “— , , 4,00 to en() Butter........... .. .. 14 to 15 Ego .... 9 to 10 Hogs 6.76 to 5.75 Clover seed 7.00 to ,7,50 Ciodeneh. . BertarsennIr John Ban ten of Exeter wee 'in tbe coMy town 'the past' mune—Mr EL Donley of Haman was in naderich last week.---Goderieh had a enema dee. Saturday, the first for many yeas—The nollegiate Inatitute and Literary Society's open meet.. Mg on Friday evening was a No I on'ertaine =mt.—The monthly meeting of the anbool 'board was held on Monday evening.—The • °learner Jones was ile this port laet week fen surelien—The dredge No. 9 is now in the harbor.—Yeeterday in St. George's -, er ohuroh, Dr. Reginald Shannoa end Miss. , Aggie Roes were united in wen' eok's bonds, The bride wag given away by , en father, Hon, A. M. Rose. Aftet the cenenony, the wedeing breakfast was partaken of by a large number nf guests, and on its conclu- sion tbe newly znarriad departed on no exteneed honeymoon trip. -- The Great North Western show last wet k was a preat /Meese financially and otherwise. The grounds wore crowdenfrom -the openins to the closing. Tee nouns of acrobats being ilk, a great netractio -the ins enile visitors. The exhibits th hout vete stook. °create, roots, flowers, fanoy work, rind home manufnotures, being bravily 'Clown, and of a oelleni quante. The t ,wn band gave a choice selection of , mein and oa school children's day tnet the nen ones at ethe Fobool and played then to the ermines to the tees of The Maple Leaf Forever. ' •610 . OrealtOn, 131tilern-Oar populer auctioneers Mr. In Eilbstr lute been hueslin' the past few weeks end. has attentied a sale a day, and did. A great deal of talking. When the sewn is completed be 'will have conduct - en some ,25 sates.—an W. Clarke has re- purchased his hotel from Mr Cunoirighani, —a Mr. Wenzel took several prizes at the Craig's tair Met weeke---Merobants report Intelnessegood, and they are in high spirits Olins wno hag been oat west • has sieleettea Cavalier, N. D,, ae te favors eine Moaners for a harness' &Ace, and will move thither Alertly. He eeill hold a sale of hits effects on Mooney, 10th haste iti Orediton. The Canton me e on Monday and passed a large number .ot account, Read the nreneeseinge elsewhere and pro. fit thereby, -.-Don't forget the harvest home 'teatime' in the Methodiett ehuroh this (Thursday) eieninme A 'goon :hue is in Store for all. --Mr. Glanville has opened a ia John Mitchelln old stand.—Aug- n Hill hen improved the interior of- his stebte enn, made newer(' etenfortenle. etatra, • -- Bump's —A Meeting was held last, Friday evening fontheperpoee oernargenisiog the Toot ball club, aed appoineing °facers for the season en The folloWing • °Means were appointed : P Niehols; Seen T. 1. Elemiltom Trees.,Wm Jeffrey; Oaptain P. D. Hutchison; Managing committee, Mesons, J. .Pardon, W. Staler, C. T. tnhorateme and James Hill. The club is .ready to reoeive and aorapt oballeo- ges from amateur clubs.--.niss Ida Hallam whci has boon laid up with malaria fever, is recovering, an will soon be able to be around again.—Mr. P. Batson was brought home frotieSeaforth eouele of weeks ago, :Aliening from typhoid fever. --ens, A. X. Ferguson Manion% to retnrn to Toronto to reeurue etudiee in Trinity Means! Col- legmend Iffro.Pergeson has gone to Inirkton to keep house for her brothers, Dr. Thomp. son. , . `Usborne. Dram �r Mn. REMIT HORNEZ.---The subject of this biief sketch was a native of „England, having been born in Norfolk county on the 2615 of Jelly, 1834. When only two years of age tie parents. emigra.ted to America first in the United States, but'lal er removed to Canada select- ing Darlington, Ontario aS their home. Here deceased's boyhood days Were spent, but as soon aa he Furled oat in life for bimself, Unliosne was bis ohosen field. Early in life he merried Miss 'Reddy, who with three sons and nye daughters still surviye him to, monria the loss of a kind husband and an indulgent father In 1879 Mr. Homey was elected to the Oonnoil of Onleirne, and continued to represent the northweet ward for eight years, being elected each year by acclamation, the last two 3 elms be was deputy reeve. During hie term of office as counsellor and deputy reeve aud in fen through his whole life both mime e andepublio, he merited and retained the fullest confidence of the people in his sterling qualities of fidelity, integrity and -.P. 4 • 4-4 judgment, ana in the home circle and Farquhar, umghborhood, a Senianwholemouled father, husband, and friend, will be mine& by the Pennons on INIM$TRY.—TUOSday (We' death of Hr. Horney, of Whom all had the being the night of meeting for the Pat. profoundsst respect. A quist, us dful life rons of Industry,. a Rage number of spent in devotion to his family and his members were present. Early in. the township was Ms contribution to the general good, and such a life cannot Jail to leave proceedings it was reported to the Pres- ident that a crowd of people that did not belong to the association. was at the door seeking admission, it having leaked I. out that Mr. Jolm Cann was to deliver an address on his trip to the old country, s whereupon the association adjourned, . that all might hear Mr. Cann. T. Cam- eron was at once voted. into the chair, and for two hours Mr. Cann, in his • . ' pleasant way, interested a large and in- telligent audience, while he pictured the scenes along the route, the places of intereststerhich he visited, and the great • men whom he had seen and heard while in England. At the close of the address, which was of the beet of the kind ever given in Farquhar, Mr. P. Madge, the wind -mill king, favored' the audience with a song, in his usual good style. Neighborine associations would (lb well to secure Mbr. Cann for an evening. • it impress upon society, :and his memory will live after him. In politics, Mr, Homey was a Reformer, but while he held firmly to his principles,he had the greatest repeat for the rightsand opinions of otbers, and never obtruded tis views upon those who did not eeerthem. As he lived,eo he died, a sincere Obristian, bearing the terrible suneringe of a paintnl Sdisease with Chris- tian patience and fortitude, and on the 281h of September, 1892, it ie reworded that Henry Horney quietly fell asleep. The funeral, which took place on the 30rh, was one of the largest ever seen :in tbe Town- ship of Usborne,and was an eloquent tribute to the memory of a useful citizen who was esteemed highly, and will be missed mucli. The widow and family have the Sympathyof the community in their bereavement. The merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla is not accidental but el the result of careful study and experiment by educaied pharmacists. ------- Minard's Liniment cares Uarget in Cows g • • The couuoil Met on the lot twit; All the IDISP312STO preeent, The munitee of previous meeting were read end approved. Tbe collector egtified_the aconeil that hie bondsmen wenn' beenflin emetics as -lost Halle—Eydd—tlet the soomities offered by the oollector aoceatea, and into neve hereby iustrueted to gee tlie how) propeyny executed...hire tharoll is delivered to the Sbier—Inalle—tbat John, Dew be paid k441074 bbyeldnogotw_oo-Ostarirrdmectva.bie of a eheep Halla—Eytid—ethet the collector be arida orised to collect a per centime of per Gent on ell taxes not paid on or before the 14t5 aay of December, 1892, and that a hynew be draften in ecoordanos therewitb.—Car- ried. By.lawe nurabered 4, 6 min 7 for 184, were then read a third tune. Eyde—Canieron—that by-laws number- ed 5, 8, aucl 7, for 1892, levying the sewed rates, imposing nper mintage charge of 6 per cent on ell taxee not paid 00 or before the 14th day of December, as now read * third time be passed,--Oarried. Ortlera were lemma as follows; Sohn Dew sheep killed by doge, a value $4 67. Do utiderdrales 424 G•Arinstroneeecnotting bill, $6; G. Powell, extrtnwork on-Merres bridge $7 36; R Hardman, screed, $10; J. Hellen. tyne, smiting tlatstlee, $3; S. Brown, rein culvert and bridge, $25 50; T Veal, oulvert, en 50; tin Satnwell, keep of J. Hewitt. and wife, $13; D. Ray, nails $1 821 W. Brae, rep liringer on sideroad,$1; J TuckenonIvert load of (peeve!, and rep rorse, 84; Dincalvert editeb, rep rostiside, $6e D Coward, battling travel, ele; J Re Dinactoe, do, $15; in Me- lee, grevelling inn half, $15; Swallow, e ridge, $19 50; 11. letzten, rep advert, netting thiatles, gra,e Olin, $5 60, Cemeron—nhier—the council adjourned etotaubteare,t again on Saturday, the 6th of Neve at 11 onions, a. m. Geo. W. Menne, Clerk. • sensinen Ebrainile. Bnnate—The concert la the acbonl 00 Columbia Day, the 1215 inst. promisee to be a preset success Masers. W. Priam, in. P., A. Dentop, P., And Dr. Rollins have promisee to be present and tette par t. Tile childsen ere being trained for the omission by Mies Annelle Russell, two excel lent dialogues will be rendered by emnpeteut performere. Proceeds to provide gavot decorations. L hearty weloome to all. Come and show your ,interest in the day that gave you A merit:Ia.—The special meet- ings have commenced and give promise of success. Two excellent sermons were preached by Revs- Rnssell and Sawyer on Sunday to large congregetions.—Mr. C. Coate e took two first prizea for his Jersey cow and calf tit theEzeter Pain Mr. John Delbridge also took two first prizes for his ciattle.—Rev. Mr RaesetIn sine wife were visiting at Thorndale tine nest week.—Mr. and Mrs. MoTaggart of Chiselhurat wen gnome of their daughter, Mos Eyre, on San day. --Mr. Thomas Veal,we understand,has purchased the Bennett property for 8260.— Mr. Halls, councillor, was a pall bearer for the late Mr Homey, an old colleague at the council board.—Mise V. Bind is visiting her sister in St. Marys. John R. Hind epent Sunday under the parental roof. The following is a copy of the address pre- sented to Nils. I. H. Andrew by her nunday School class, previous no bar departure for her new home in Exeter. The address was accompanied by a beautiful set of glassware: To Miss. 1. 11. AiIDREW. Dear Teacsben—We, the members of you Sabbath Scheenne, have met here to -day for the purpose of bidding you good-bye, and at tho same time to wish you prosperity and hap- piness in your new sphere of lite. iDurine the short time you have been our teacher. we axe sure you have tried at all times to do your duty and the advioe you have given us from thee to time will, we hope, have the desired result, mimely. the building up bus true and noble characters. It will always be a pleasure to us to reolieet the many lessons of love you have, as a teaoher, tried to impress upon our minds, and we venture to .hope that you wilt forgot and forgive our short comings. As pupils, we ask route aeceet this set of Glassware, which we hope, you will not regard for its intrinsic) worth.but a small token of the love and reseed we cherish for you. In conclusion, we all join in wishing you muoh happiness in your new home, and hope that you evil' often meet with us in our beloved .Sunday School. Should we never more weet aa teaohere and pupils here. may we all meet in that better land where nentiegs are unknown. Finally We bid you an affostionate good bye. Signad be your S. S, class Who) Andrew, Nettie "Russell. Ida Upshall, Elden Spieer,Edith Turnbull. Mary Clements, Eliza Clements, Annie Whitby, Beatrice Den bridge, 'Lizzie Johns, Zeta Andrew, Annie ReorcAorns.—Baokache is causedir by no kidneys. Dodd's Eidney Pills will remove it By their peening action on the kidneys they impart activity and benefit tbe system by purifying the blood. You cannot have pus blood with disordered kidneys; health's existence depends! upon, their natnrEd condi. tions; they are the governors of the system continual disorder results in kidney cons= ption, whiola is Bright's disease. fi Martin Ready', house, barn and etables, f ntratford road, were burned this week, With i contents, iuclading aoow. Loss, heavy. s e tini scales at 1,700 pettude, . ' „ e, X. Amin:tan . D. loiaes ti, ''.. dO,rit charge US , - / Won Hawnshew, of neaforthe hen reeted It wouldapteter that tlett en ' that_ the' Simpeon'e hotel, in Parkhill, npr a term 0 oonevegatioo of St. Patin/non ` 2, glint/ern ndsinn and has taken POssosoinn" Lan invited Mr. Hunt of Southampton, to Mn. In Dallas fesreerIn ol Benbefield, boome their petits/ Walt 10.00traoi; Mr. a. won prizeit in the'athletio sports at Witani. not being a filer an ' ne a hay rex er in peg last week,* the amount of $60.. „ siberge would'ar baeligiblak-' It la, ander. A, little daughter of John Goveotook of stood that a majority cf.'tne ebtigmastion Meffillop had the toisforturie Met week to ere in laver of Rev. Jf Crapg, .,010464 eitsea of lipak her leg while climb:Mg oar. wagon Nen CarMioneen, Of nnenfmen, * keener Mr . /linty c genet, of winghann who eector of the+ ebonite at Onetton, teen ei trip to Japan for the benefit -of his L TATHIO Streeoei—Tbe variable Weetber health, has returned, feeling meeli batter. of October is an hnost otirtaiti farennunex of °old In the, lessen, and catarrh, but in Jr,D.3). Wilson of Seafort.b. shipuitia large quaixoties of prmea .bay to the oin Neeel Beim the sufferer nem a remedy that pornitry and neentexag A .(00d thing OUt of it. Mr. G, Turnbull of McEntee laSt, WeIdI sold a dratiglot terve for over $f,00; the price of horsefiesn seam:eta be looking up, Jemes Mitchell of Seaforth, Made at his factory last week *Drat 600 bevrels, and be wennd like to know who cen beat Ws re - (torn. nobtx wiis trf `Brinson!: has Ouceunotren sirn a Thompeon, North Denote on nun. t lee front loons better than ever. day. Marten son of 11/r. john Jefferson, Hitt. sept141h, t92 epeethly relic -ma and pOrostinantly mires *be worst OMR. A bottlenf N4a1a1m ebould be kept in,overy household. Sold, by sit dealers or 'sent, rootage paidt on 'reeeipt of • 50° far small, or .$1 for Isrgenize bottle, by unionising G. T. leulford ets Co Brookville, e '3 Ont. panem Flonr is /rolling for 81,05 in SL Maui, to injuries reoeme a naming gambling Cartier it Co's mill has beau repaired ottta withsteaftg oar goods wtten we quote' prices. Next week we *will pe,rtio- ularize more fully. J. Pr ROSS Bargain De945t. (1001)S WILL BE SLAUGR- N-4 %%am, AT TIM WO orm451, ST01411 The proprietor, James Neely being fully determined to retire from business willsell his premises, and full stock ef Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crock ery, Glassware, sien, at or beiew cost for Cash. When leavuig he will place his books in the hands ot a lawyer to W- oe up. JAS. NEELy. sme,, none neurone( of nosionen seenmein bevt, fell tram AU apple tree the other fell from an apple tree, and sustatned a bad end brae one of hie terms above the elbost. fracture ot the crit, the bones ptotruding The tsarri of John Rainy,. Oartingford WAS through the Ilene struck by lightning the other del and horn ed with all the season's eTKI., 10801041Mr. Wm, Handereon, it Sonforth painter, rn fell twentmlive feet off a bailsiime to MoEils 8700 loptownehip inta other day, and roosived, a A supposed burglar le oporathag in S1. eerione slanting up. Marys residernee. In font instanaes he inn see ntion en enamor,bas rented, bas been frig/newel ewer before tenting his farm on the Lith cote to Mr D. Orawmin nnlunblen: ford, and will raCIVO to Tuonersnelth to take Mr. Chao Cottle of SL Marys had his left °barge of his !ethane farm, hand badly cat on Thursday morning last. Lieut -Colonel Allan, late commander of Tits little finger wits taken of ann a pierce the Queen's Own Enloe, Toronto*. brother 1136 of Mr. Max MoD. Allan of Godeneh, died 'rho Seratforn medical health giRoer has last week of 0,20paralysi'his 40111 year tented tbe water in 50 wells, and, in two Mionael Nevins fell oft a load. of Apples o1y was tilt° nrater Pure* -5•11wIIsshin4a at Seeforeh last week, and was rendered OIL Da tOtou* as trete; huleure Water dOnleg the conecieete la conenmeuce, besides, reeeiving nennts of tneeese. Daring o beavy thunder atorna Met week D. Bonin Illanaliard, hen nix tattles by lightning, end his son It Louis, one colt klued. Mr. John Brinellad also a two mares to Witinmeg. Severe' of them had year ola eteer killed by leebtning. fiye oroseen and weighed. from 1,600 to The other day John Melvin, 1015 line, 3,700 lbs. East Zorra, was leading his stallion out to George, the youngest Ion of' gen ne. water when the animal nicked lehn he the a Jvhnelon, Wiogbana, witile in attendaoceat nvnin- Relived only short tinao, congas - tion of the bowels haying set in. a cut =mei' the eye thin required five stitches. Mr, Jae, Archibald of Seaforth, last wean elaipped a tar load of draught breeding soboal a, few daps ago, had his right elican•- larger boys. ted through tho rough play of Tim many remaritable cures of cetarrla effected by the um of Aye' Sarsaparilla is eonalusiye proof that this loathsome and dangerous disease is one of the blood, only needing Enna a searching and powerful al- terative to thoroughly eradicate U. There is no article in the line of medicine that gives so large a return, for Igoe money as a good porous attengthening plaster-n=1e as Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters. Mra, John Swett of Exeter, Iasi week sold her. 60.acre farm on the north board- ing, Stephen, to Mr, Wm. Dearing, for the sum of 32,800; and on Tuesday disposed of her farm stook, eto., by auction. Many were eurprised last week to learn of the death of William H. Scott. of Stanley, neat Clinton. He was the eldest son of Mr Francis Scott of Seaforth, and had been lettering for some time with an affection of the lungs. Thevewere 103 suns entered in Mitonell Division Court during the year 1891, and 12 judgment summonses issued. The total amount of suitors' money paid, into court same year was 31868.47, amount paid out of court, 81713,17. It you once try Cavter's Little for sick headaohe, billiousnesi or constipa- tion you will never be without them. They are purelynegetable, small and easy to take. Don't forget this. A Stretford woman talkof suing her husband because, he Inflates to support his Dr. Edward Fee, of Reno, Nevada, son of mother-in-law, in accordance with a pro - Mr. Edward Fee, of Zuriolo who has been been visiting In this neighborhood for Rome time, left on Thursday for Nei Yerk, wlth the intention of spending the whinge among the beet hospitals in the east. mina that lie made before being married, If men are to be compelled to live up to all their ante nuptial promises it will go hard with some of them. Robert Davis has rented Mr. John Gour- During the present year, Messrs. Graham ley's farm in I:reborn° for a term of years, BronnonSt. Marys, have forwarded to the and Mr. Gourley, who has been in poor health will move to Minton with his family to Bye. He will sell his farm stook, eto. by auction sometime this month. Queen Viotoria bas a remarkably fine hersd of hair, for a lady of her age; but her son, the Prince of Walenis quite bald. Had he used Ayer's Hair Vigor earlier in lite,his The experinieut which Messrs. Tuoketter head might, to-clay,bave been as well eover- Billings entered upon when they commence nd as that of his royal mother. It's not too ed to make their "Myrtle Navy" tobacoo was this; to give the public a tobacco of the I 't:ee'ry.etVir. m. Rowe, has sold hivery finest Virginia ?leaf at tbe smallest s farm of 100 possible margin beyond its actual coat, in acme in the 91con. Stepheo, to his broth. the bop° that it would be so extensively er serene!, of Exeter, for the sum of $4,800. bought aa to remunerate them. By the Mr. Rowe will hold an anion sale on the and of three years the demand for it haa 1215, and immediately thereafter will move grown so much as to give assurance that to &nine county, Mioh., where he has pun the aimless of the experiment was within oleased 150 tunes of land. reach. The demand for it to -day is more The following are the amounts of tho than ten times greater than it was then and Government manta reoeived by the several it is still inoreasing. Success has been branch agrioultural ttooieties in the South reached. Riding of Huron this year:—Stephen it Un- Under the atispices of the South Perth borne, 8140 ; Tuokersmith; $128.21 ; Stan- Farmers' Institute, thenravelling dairy gent ley, $83.19 ; Hay, 669f56. The amounts .out by the order of the* ,olot,t5,-, of Agrioul. are based upon the membership. turn will hold meetings. IS tn6 following What might have been a fatal aooidenttnicest s ---Separate School %,(1, Gore of ownie Friday, Oet 14 happened a day or two ago on the farm of Mar a, Satrrday, Oot 15,, at 2 pem •, Avon tO2 rkt Andrew Sloan, near Blyib. Herbert Pringle was painting one of the ventilators onAnesday, ot. 18, at p. m ; Kion, Wedbeeda Oot. 19, at 2 -0 m ; SMffs, on when from 80030 081380 he slipped and slid Y. 2 • r t Thursday Oot. 20 at p, m; a at on, down the whole distance of the roof, 60 ft. . ' 1r' 7' Oot. 21st, at 2 P. m. ertitobell, and then fell to the ground, a distances of "sea , rat Cot 24, at 2 p. m • 'Bor 30 feet. Mr. Pringle escaped with a sprain - Tuesday', Oot. 25, at 2 p, m 'The depute - ed ankleand a bad shaking np. tion consisting of F. B Linfield, B. S. A., The Brussels Post says :—“This week we and Wm. Hume, will exhibit dairy utensile, had a large ripe strawberry, second env, make batter, tett milk, and deliver leotares grown in the garden of John ,Tones, south on the selection and feeding of dairy cattle. of Brussels. If neck Frost don't make a the oare of milk and cream, ti e making, eree attack Mr. Jones will have a basket printing and marketing of butter, the test. n1 of these dainties, some of them measur- ing of tnitn by the Babcock Teeter, etc. ng three and a.balf Moires in &freemen- Farmers, then wives and daughters are nee. This leads the word for twoond Especially invited to attend these meetings rowth." No admission fee. , SeoteVand English markets, 185 Canadian and 96 &Merlon horses, making a total of 281. The have all arrived home from the old country, with the intention of quitting the exporting until the markets improve, the very large number into the business leaving out the profits away. • n Wm. Inathation, of Elena, bita a neigh- e bor, Henry tineNiobol, before the polite meg - istrate, Listewei, on it ehante of nigh. way robbery. McNichol olairned to beve an old aocoant nas him over an old tilistt. (wry sult about laud, min met Matheson in the road with his team. A tglabble °n - ailed, and IsloNiohol not the teem and put there in his fielde and rattail to glee up the team until his claim was paid, With the assistance of a oonstable the teem was retioyered, but it was only atter oonsiderabla difficulty eon chasiag *boat :the coautry that defeadarit WAS arrested. Tia Magna. trate found that while a nage of enured; might be nude out, no robbery Imo beano proven. Had he ocentealen the nevem' with raitheilintthaentioo.boof keeping theta the case bkshed once showen that the prisoner said com- plainant want have the horsee by eettling with him. - If you are tired taking 11 edjarge oldefash. lotted griping pills, try Oartat's Little Liver Pins and take some comfort. A man oan't stanneyerything. One pill a dose. Tim them. 0 treninsterne Whooping online prevalent at Moores. vine. Geo. Cathcart, Luctui, has grown a, cab- bage weighing 41n pounds. Apples are emcee and potatoes are rot- ting In the Luoan district. Mr. Simpson has teem poseteesion of the Mooresville store, and Mr. Cnilfillan will shortly take np his abode in Luoan. The Royal hotel livery stable in Parkhill caught fire the other night, but was extin. gniehed before any orioles damage resulted, Daring a thunder storm the other day a valuable horse belonging to Mr. Somph Cobblediok was killed by lightning on the farm at Mooresville. Hr. Wedd, of Thorold, son-in-law of Col. Goodman, of Parkhill, has been appointen manager of the Perkhill and Ailsa Craig branches of the Bank of Commerce. Two oitizens of Parkhill were fined bn P. NI. on Monday, one dollar and costs each for haying horses running at large. This punishment should be a warning to cams says a correspondent. Itob, Mange and soratohes of °eery kind, on human beings or animals cured in 3 minutes notes by IV:Atom's sanitary lotioa This never fails. Sold by C, Lutz; English Spavin Liniment reinvoes al hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blanes' ishes tram hones, Blood. Spavin,Cares Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles Sliming, Sore and Swollen Throtin Coughs etc. Sava 850 by rise of one bottle. -War anted the most wonderfel Blemieh Oare er known. Sold by O. Lutz.29 ly• A F.esnex FRIEND have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry he my family for years and can highly recom. mend it for summer oomplaine diarrhoea, cramps, Mo. Mas Geo Was; .Hatitsville, Ont. CHANCIR is WELOcarE—Gentlenaen,--lor twenty years I suffered from rheumatism, dyspepsia, poor appetite, eto, atid received no benefit from the many medioines I tried but after toning five bottles of :13. B. B. I oan eat heartily of any food and am strong and smart. It is a grand medicine and has made a wonderfunehange in my health. Mee W. Ii; Harley, Ont. Tim 13- le, A. Ace—The great British North America uot nowadays' is to bay a bottle of B. B. B. and cure yearsell of dye. peens, constipation, :headache. ;liver corn - plaint or bad blood, and it le an mot that always attains the desired reault. BETTER THAN GOLD—Gontleraen,—I have used Fewleset Extraot of Wild Strawberry for bowel complaitit and can say there is no other remedy as good. ritS JAS DENNISON, Lake Dora, Ont, Mmard's Linimenteures Diphtherse nene nnenaneseeneneen, 4 . •••