HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-9-29, Page 55 4 awn =moles toth the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys. tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its manyexcellent qualities comraend it to all and have made it the most popular rei,a( dy known. Syrup of Flgs is for sale in 75e bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable draggist who may no4 have it on hand will procure it romptly for any one who wishes ,o try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. EAU FRANCISCO, OAT,. kcauxsearam, 317‘. 114W E'OECE, Ivor Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store A branch of a Stratford arab tree is a ear iosity in that it is al present bearing a butrah a blossom and some fully matured unit. Frederick William Wilson of St Marys ban been appointed a notery publio of Ontario. Mr, T H Bennett, eon of T Hannet of St, Marys, who for some time peat has beau asaistant to the 0 P B general storekeeper M Winnipeg, lias been promoted to the re eversible ;motion of 0 P11 eneral store• keeper at Medieine Hat, N. W. T. A terribly sudden death occurred in Ful. larton on Sunday night of last week. At 10 o'cIook 11r� David Balfour retired for the night, but ehortly afterwards awoke,. coin- Ilplaining a a pain about her heart, and in a few minutes WAS a comma Slit. was highly respeoted and her 1111;11)1ml has the sympa- thy a the entire community. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownavalley, Ind saya have been in a distressed condi Con for three yeara from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and /Indigestion until my health Ivas gone. )bad been doctoring constantly with no re- lief. I bought ono bottle of South Ameri. it Nervine., Ivhioh done me mare good than any $50 worth of doctoring 1 ever did in my life. I would. adviee every wealtl, person to non this valuable and lovely rem- edy. A trial bottle will convince you. Warranted by 0. Lutz, Druggiat. Rug. 14 Pitt#ElliaTIAD TaAim —Preferential trad( properly consists in giving the preference to Burdock Blood Bitters when Reeking for a euro for constipation, dyspepsia, headachf biliousness jaundice scrofula, peisoacnm. humora, bad blood, rhimmatitan or kidnen complaints. It is the true cure, and hal cured ones wbioh had resisted all ()then treatment. Ur To DATE.—Friate,statistica,information things useful to now, the biggest and best budget of knowledge, reliable and up to dare will be found in a now publication "Facts and Figures," just issued by Mem% T. Milburn & Co. of Toronto. Ont. Out readers can obtain it by addreseing the above firm and enclosing a three cen. stamp. Totem mu, Panvon—Dear Sire,—I have been afflicted with Chronio Rheuma- tism for several years, and have used num- erous patent medicines without success But by ming six bottles of Burdock Blood 'littera I was entirely cured.. SARAH MARSHALL, FOREWARNED IS Foasanaran.—Many of the worst attacks of cholera morbus,oramps dyeentery, colic, etc., come suddenly in the night and speedy and prompt means must be used against them. Dr Ferrier's Extract of Wild Strawberry is the remedy. Keep it on hand for emergencies. It never fails to mire or relieve. "German 9 9 Syrup ForThroat and Lungs "1 have been ill for Hemorrhage "about five years, "have had the best Five Years. "medical advice, "and I took the first "dose in some doubt. This result - "ed in a few hours easy sleep. There ' was no further hem orrhage till next "day, when I had a slight attack " which stopped almost immediate- ly. By the third day all trace of "blood had disappeared and I had "recovered much strength. The "fourth day I sat up in bed and ate "my dinner, the first solid food for "'two months. Since that time I have gradually gotten better and " am now able to move about the "house. My death was daily ex- " pected and my recovery has been " a great surprise to my friends and "the doctor. There .can 'be to doubt "about the effect of German Syrup, as I had an attack just previous to its use. The only relief was after "the first dose." J. R. LOITGEBRAD, Adelaide. Australia: " DOMINION NEWS. November 10 will be Thanksgiving Day in ri 3 a. Buck, the Moncton murderer, is to be hanged on December 1. A Dominion convention of letter-carriera will be held in Ottawa next week. The grand jury of the Essex Aasizes have found a true bill against Anderaon Veney for murder. The first electric car iu /vforitreal WAS tried on the belt line, and the test proved very enceessful. Hamilton City Council passed the third reading of the by-law granting $275,000 to the T., H. & B. Railway. The Town of 13uctouche Westmoreland County, N.B., was destroyed by fire. Sev- eral hundred people are homeless. .Andrew Grafton, convicted of bigamy, was sentenced to eighteen months imprison- ment at the Essex Assizes on Saturday, The Allan liner Peruvian ran aground on a mud bank at Varennes, below .Montreal. She was boom.' from Montreal for Glasgow. The bonus by-laws for the Cobourg, Northumberland and Pacific railroad were carried in Brighton and Seymour townships, The libel suit of M. 0. Cameron against W. F. McLean, M.P. for East Yorlc,petered out at Goderich, never getting past the grand juay. Earneat. J, Caldwell, a .wottrig Canadian compositor, cut his throat in the composing room where he worked in Now York. Ho will recover. Thomas Seldom of Ingersoll, has thus far purchased 12,000 barrels of apples this sen - son for export, the prices ranging from $1.50 to $2 per barrel, The City Council of Brantford has ex- empted from taxation for ten years the Farmers' Binder Twine and Agricultural Implement Factory, A IVarkworth deepatch aunouncee that the bonus by-laws for the Cobourg, North- umberland & Pacific Railroad were carried in Brighton and Seymour Townships. A meeting of aldermen, members of the Board of Trade and citizens of Winnipeg the other night passed a resolution adopt- ing the single tax theory of Henry George, Robert Oalen, for murdering Policeman Steadman at Moncton, N.13., was sentenced to be hanged on December 1. His accom- plice, "Jim," WAS given .1,13 years in peniten. Vary. The London Times, referring to the aeizure of a Canadian vessel in Wiring Sea. by Russian man.of-war, declarea that Ruesba. should be made apologize and indem- nify the vessel ownera. Mrs. 'William Carr, aged 50, was shot and killed by her husband near Canterbury station, N. B. Carr saya he was searching for a strange dog in the cellar when the gun was discharged accidentally. Tim Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company a steamer Corinthian, which runs between Toronto and Montreal, was burned to tho water's edge while on her way down the St, Lawrence. There was no panic on board, 'and there was no loss of life. At the Atisizea held in Goderich Mitchell, of the Star, was found guilty of criminally libelling Mr. M. C. Cameron. Mr. Osier, for the private prosecution, ask- ed that a light, penalty be inflicted, and Mr. Mitchell, who undertook to apologize, was fined $.5 and costa. THE WIDE WORLD. The firat locomotive from Jaillt arrived at Jerusalem some time ago. The grand jury in the Homestead riot trial has returned true bills in 100 cases. No less than 33,052 peraons paid a quar- ter each to get into the World's Fair grounds at Chicago last 'weak. Martin Bourke is said to be dying in Joliet penitentiary, and new developments are expected in regard te the Cronin mur- der. The livery men of Chicago have formed a trust and will charge 822 a day for cu- ria/les during the World's Fair dedication parade. A woman who murdered her husband at Tavasteeuns, Finland, will have her right hand cut off, be beheaded and her body burned. The Word's Fair directors have received 1.500 applications from newspapers for visit- ing representatives of the press who desire seats in the manufacturers' building on dedication day. Mr. Labouchere, in Truth, attacked the proposal that Irish members shall sit in the English Parliament, which is generally ad- mitted to be one of the features of Mr. Gladstone's Homo Rule bill. Liverpool men of business are greatly alarmed at the prospective transfer of the Inman landing place to Southampton and by rumors that the Cunard -and White Star lines will also withdraw from Liverpool. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Rev. Dr. Talmage has arrived home from Europe. Mrs. Harrison has arrived at Washington having stood the journey well. Sir Richard Owen, the celebrated professor of anatomy, is dying in London. Mr. John Dillon was thrown from a car in Dublin, and received very painful in- juries. John Higgins 'aas been appointed sergeant -major of tho 13th Battalion, Hamilton. Rev. j. IV. Black has been appointed by London Presbytery to the charge of Port Stanley Church. Mr. Herbert Macbeth, of London, has been appointed secretary and sub -treasurer of the Law Society. Mr. VanHorne, president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, will leave England on Saturday for Montreal. The will of John G. 'Whittier has been filed for probate. He leaves an estate valued at over fifty thousand dollars. Rev. J. S. Dobbin, who got into trouble at Caledon, Ont., a year or so ago, has been pronounced insane by Michigan physicians, Prof. George Croom Robertson, formerly assistant professor of Greek in Aberdeen University, is dead in London, aged 50 years. Mr. Walton, Liberal, was elected to the British House of Commons in South Leeds, defeating Mr. Neville, Couservative, by 958 votes. The London Telegraph reports that Alfred Rothschild will be one of the English delegates to the international monetary conference: Sir Whittaker Ellis, ex -Lord Mayor of London, and Lady Ellis left New York for a hurried run through Canada. They still visit Niagara Falls, Toronto and. Montreal. Rev. Dr. johnston of Jimmies. has 01614, to W. Js _Gage, Toronto, from Nyeeia, Africa, that 'he :has arrived safely at .the east coast having completed his journey across the continent, SYRUP OF FIGS.—Produced from the laxative and nutritious juice of the Califor- nia figs, combined with the medical virtues of plants known to be the moat beneficial o human system, aoto gently on kidney s, iver and bowel, effeetually cleansing the ystem, dispelling colds and headach es, nd curing habitual constipation. Mitchell has a riding club with some 30 members, and their amuscraent is to take .a trip into the country, MoIntyre'a hotel, Illansbard, has been leased for L term of years to Mr DeLa Train er, of Stratford, who has taken posseasion. 3aa Molts, one of the staunoliest and tru- est a men mussed away at his residence in Log an last week, In the 06th year of his age. He died of cancer of the stomach. .4.12.901....LIC•424.44",•$. OGS WANTED! ON AND AFTER 1ST OCTOBER. SNELL BROS & CO'Y Will pay the Highest Cash teei for Hogs DRUISSED OR ALIVE. AT THE Exeter Packing House Hoge to Weigh from 100 to 200 lbs The Molsons Bank (CHARTERED B Y PA IlLIAMEN T, 1865) Paid up Capital .,. .„ i5;a3,000,01 0 Restrund 1,100,00C Hea , Montreal . P. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS,Eseo GrIONRALMASt1.6 4, 1, Money advanced to 004.4ra:eon en their own note with one or more endorser at 7 per out. Per annum, Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day frond.° . t 08 p.m SATURDAYS ,10 It.In,to 1 p.nu. Current ratea of interest allowed on &Posits N. DYER:HURDON, Sub -Manager. armors' illiontioni PRICE LIST: FLOUR Zurich S. R. .9, 1.90 Zurich S. R. 2,25 4 4 4 4 Pastry 2.00 Myers' Royal Spice (per cwt.) 0.00 SHORTS (Per ton) 14.00 BRAN cc 12.00 011.0P 4 4 $1.4 to M All orders (-of ton lots or over filled on shortest notice, Orders in the village deliv(4ed prom- ptly and satisfaction guaranteed. B. S. RICHARDSON,. Opposite Town Hall. Manager: ,•••••••Maltio BOAR FOR SERVICE. Berkshire Boar (largo breed) for service on lot 15, eon 7, Ushsrno. Bred from 3st prize stook, Torms111, WM SNELL. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN, On the security of Cultivated Farms. Intere§t six per ont.. payable annually. Anv por- tion of the principal may be repaid at any time the borrower wishes. All expenses paid by the County, No person except the Cotinty Auditors allowed to see mortgages or to know to whom money is loaned. Apply to WM.HOLMES, Goderieh, Aug. 8th, ism. Co.Treasurer. a-11-41 SALESMEN WANTED. 'We want both travelling and local Salesmen to Tema sant the old established Fonthill Nur. series. SALARY PAID FROM THE START to Salesmen experienced in our line; liberal terms to beginners and a permanent situation assured. We have 710 ACRES under cultiva- tion and Irene only firm furnishing STRICT- LY FIRST-CLASS CANADIAN GROWN STOCK. OUTFIT FREE. HARDY VARIE- TIES for North Ontario and Manitoba. a spec- ialty. WE GUARANTEE OUR STOCK Apply for terms at once. We want you NOW STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. judicial Sale. WHITE VS. STANLAKE 4 uclion Sale of Valuable Farm Lands in the Township of Stephen, near the Village of Exeter, iii tlze County of Huron. pursuant to au Order of Salo, dated the 10th day of September, A, D.1802, and madelby the Jiidge of the county Court tof . Cho County of Huron, in a certain matter of Partition of White vs. Struilake there will be offered for sale by Public Acution by JOHN GILL, Esq.. Auctioneer, at the CCDIVIZVEMRCI.A.I. 0203:11.,, In the VILLAGE :of EXETER ON — Saturday, the 1st day of October, 1892 At one o'clock in the afternoon the following valuable farm properiy, .ass The -south half lof LOT NUMBER SIXTEEN in the FOURTH CONCESSION of the Town ship of Stephen, in the County of Huron. This is a valuable property, well situated under cultivation, within four miles of the vil lege of Exeter, and in the midst of the best farming country in Ontario, and the soil is un- surpassed for farming p_nrposekt The property is free from incumbrances. 7,173 TERMSOF SALE : pTuroonbialer amenoitinemy oteo ttoe paid on the day of sale and the bala,nee with- out, interest to be paid into Court in 30 days,or the purchaser may have three years to pay one half of the paretic) se money secarin g the same by a mortgage on the property payable in throe email yearly Payments with interest at six per cent. The Real Representative reserves to himself Power to adjourn the sale if in his iudgment an adequate price is not bid, In all other respects the !conditions of sale will be the standing coPditions of the High Court c f Juotices For further particulars apply telPhilip Holt Esquire, Goderieh. or to the Vendor's Solici- tor. Dated this ulth day of September, A. D.1802, 1811. COLLINS. ISAAC P. TOMS. Exeter, Ont. Real Representative, Vendor's Solicitor. • County Huron Application painless and easy, relief immedi- ate. This preparation fills a great and long -felt wantamong those who suffer from Piles. It is azeruedy of the highest merit—effeotive and zeliable—and has more than met the anticipa- tions of those physicians who have used it in their praotioe. Pilekone 1t4a Sure cure when other remedies fail to relieve. Testira- onials furnished. Pries SI, Per sale by drug- gists or by mail on receipt of prioe, W. T. STRoNGI. Manufacturing Chemist, 148 Dundas St., London, Ont. OK'S COTTON ROOT COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully ne- ed monthly by thoumnas of LADIES. Is the only perfcet- ly safe andretiable medicine discovered, Beware of un-, principled druggists who offer inferior medicines in tine° af Ans Ask for COOK'S CorkRoot ,oneotism,take 740 saintituto ; or inclose $land 4 three -cent Canada Postage stamps in letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mail. Fall sealed particulars in plain envelope. m ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pond Loy Company No, 3 Fisher Block, 131 Woodward ave.,Detroit Stich. Sold. in Exete . UTZ, Cenral Druz Store and all druggists everywhere, -Y.CD-C.1" ? Do YOU want a PIANO, ORGAN, BICYCLE, SEWING MACHINE, BOYS' & GIRLS' TRICY- CLES, EXPRESS WAGONS? STRICTLY HIGH GI7I.4.DE ALL MADE OF /HE SEM STEF.L. AND WP,1;F:A8T FOR ONE YEAR N'Aril10,faltfaD 41't rho gazkl Bieves le Co. Ltd, 0177r. Seud for Catalogue If you do, the place to get the most relialile goods at a modern price is at PERKINS & MARTIN'S, dealer% in Musical Instruments, Sewing Aladdin supplies. eta. All kinds of farm implements sold on a mar gin over post. Agents fer the celebrated Chat ham Wagon. PERRIN* & MARTIN, F'anson's Block, JUST ARRIVED —AT— GIDIARY'S Furniture & Undertaking Establishment A very NEW Prices to suit large line of GOODS everybody. Bring along your old Furniture and have it made new. The largest stook of New Picture Mouldings in town. Also PARLOR SUITES AND] CURTAIN POLES—in all colors. Remember you can 'have your Curtain Poles cut any length desired, as we buy them in long lengths. Call and Instect our Stock S. GIDLEY. Oddfellows Block. razhinaIkStylos 0 0 TH1.1 BEST YET THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET I Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen I leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Taidore ; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, an& the beat Cutting in Town, yoa are BUM of matinfao. A. T. 81`7143.1-1. f 111110111111f S 'I' 0 IZML. Cobblediek & Follana itaving lately purchased the Stook and Good -will 'of Mr. J, N. Howard, and added largely to the Stock, they haye now the best equipped and largest Hardware aia41 Tinware Establishment in the County. They sell whole-! sale and Retail, and carry BUILDERS' MATERIALS, ETU, BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES, ETC.) CARRIAGE MAKER'S GOODS, ETC., STOVES, TINWARE, BICYCLES, and everything in SMALL HARDWAR1 LARGEST STOCK OF NAILS In the COUNTY, GET THEIR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY. House cleaning time is upon us. Use Alabasline for your walls and ceilings. They have the genuine thing only, in an improved form. You can ou • 1 sr 1. . • 0 I , y have all the tints Call and see their fine store, fine stook and fine prices. COBBLEDIOn & ZIOLLAND GARDEN SEEDS, FIELD SEEDS, ALL KINDS OF FENCE3WIRE LAWN MOWERS, ALABASTINE (IN ALL SHADES), "DAISY" OHI.TRNS, ALL KINDS OF TINWARE CHEAP FOR CASH —AT— JOSS TV rtOset, .....;••••=1.1~10.4=1=11 CAUTION EACH PLUG OF Myrtle Navy ! IS MARICF,D 331=2,01•1-Z311 1.,ZITTOEIRS. NONE - OTHER - GENUINE s liffiMitE Left in the shade by our Prices. Summer Goods going at ANY PRICE Now is the time for Bargains! Big Drives in PRINTS AND DRESS GOODS. Lots of New Fall Goods, cheaper than ever. Come and see the way that we lead in CHOICE GOODS and LOW PRICES, DOUPE (Ss CO'S, Kirkton. Three Points NOTE WELL, Experience, We expenience that at - have had the tention to business, close prices and proper fits, are the main factors in our businoss. Promptittic4e. with this ever redeeinin g feat- ure imprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors especially, namely putting off until next week what should have been done this. Satisfacti 017 This is a nice looking word,but to carry out its rneanina*is difficult to some. We gloryin word and the way i it is exemplified n our shop. We guar- antee satisfaction every time in all res - 1)e -db. , . If you want a suit, 5 coat, vest or pair of pants, give us a call and be convinced hat what We have said is trUe. NS. ittioney SAVED atboYi!tlY.. PLANING MILL And LUMBER YARD We keep constantly on hand a large stock of ell kinds of building materials. Dressed nr un- dressed pine and hemlock lumber, also a choice stook of No.1 pine lath. (ler stook of doors, sash, blinds. mouldings. ,ito. is complete and thorougly kiln dried We offer for sale1.300,000XX and XXX PINE and CEDAR SHINGLES manufactured by the best makersin Ontario. Tanks and cisterns, all shapes and sizes,mado to order at lowest prices. We have somethlug newin this brie for watering cattle in tho stable% or barnyard. Call and see our celebrated Baking Cabin - Every woman using them reemnmends therm Turning, band, scrollsawing, and all kinds of machine -work promptly attended to. It will be to your interest to examine ono stook before purchasing elsewhere. ROSS & TAYLOR, Main Street WE have on hand a Fine Line of BOUND BOOKS Suitable for Sunday School Libraries, oz Presentations. TFIE LATEST GANE Parlor Quoits' ALSO FLIPS, PARCHEESI, HAM, Authors, Etc., Etc. J. W. BROWNING BOOK & DRUG STORE A Combination -- High Quality &LowPrice IThis is the condition of affairs wit. i us as reg trds Footwear of every det.:gip- I tion, Prices within the reach of all, arta now is the time to buy BOOTS & SHOES, SLIPPERS, RUBBERS, 37 In ordered boots and shoes we g.ie every satisfaction, For first, class s Jck and first class workmanship we leali. Repairing neatly and quickly done, at right prices. .A call will convince yout that the best place to buy is at CEO . MANS OITZ CENTRAL arber Shop, FAN SON'S BLOCK. A Hastingsu. Prop Sharing and "fairer:tang in the isteet. style of the art. f• Eery attontiou paid to cutbing Laales'. dna ChiNren'stlair