HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-9-22, Page 8INSURANCE reNZ3T ELLIOT ,AGEN T FOR n: TUE WESTERN ASSURA,NCE COM. s : . of '.Dorouto; also for the FHCENIX sts12-1311ANOE1 COMPA1CZ, oz iJondOli; ALLIANCD, nrstrazion CO- t.cl" mEngland.the CONFEDERATE LIFE • "2 HATION of Toronto. 4.43.4rm.to 11•■•••••aa Exeter Fair Notice is heieby given td rcket Holders and Visitors that a free exhibit of Fancy 2ods will be given at the Mart, where a collection of tic,ods will be shown, expect ed to meet the -wants of at least 4,000 callers, Signed, J. CRICO, SEOrr. & MEAS. The Mart, 20th Sep„ 1892. -Complete r A.T THE Dankrtpt ,Storo Watch for the opening of our new Millinery and Mantle room J. A. SI:EWA:a' T. - • - Zolu &du Mum 1=1.'DY, SEPTEMBER 22nd, 1892. LOCAL HAPPENINGS.. seasorth Dye Works. •'. ,sders for the above works can be E II Fish's barber shop. Satisfaan :earanteed, • . *Boys Wanted, - to learn blaeksmithing ; the other s' 'elne team. Apply to n n'n D. Ben UND. a • wont4i ande children, to wear :She ks and "e'lteltinga inanufactured by ietee Woollen Mills. Prices, 15c. Apprfiti the Mill.-2in latillnery Opening. Mrs. D. Spicer wishes to announce to the Ladies of Exeter and vicinity that she ?intends haying her Millinery Opening, be. einniere on Friday, 23rd to .27th September _Keying secured the servicea of Mies Le firenelass .Millinar, the utmost int done to pleitee customers. The pls,y of newest styles. The latest tr here Amerieen and Parisian novelties. - reetneeener tee piece,Mo. Th &wen. 4.0 •le have been many exhibitors f ram tilos creuntry at the London and Toronto Fairs this year. We would esteem it a favor if any who have been awarded prizes will send us a list of the prizea they re- teived. As the city papers do not pub- lish complete fiats of the prizes awarded, it is difficult for us to obtain them unless they are specially furnished by the prize wineers themselves. Fho Ideal Operatic Comedy Co. will give sie of their entertainments in Drew's ..;pt.ra House on the evening of the Exeter •i'adr, Sept. 271h. This is one of the best rernettnies on the road, the majority of its atemLers being of the old Holman troupe, wnlele ru itself is a guarantee of a firstclass --lerteinment. People visiting the fair on T,,ssday next will do well to make a note ,4 this concert and play. 'lee demand for fruit of all kinds should senvince farmers that there is room for unlimited expansion in this direction ; On eerie can grow the fineet fruit in the world end she demand will increase every year, dt*cr know of one farmer who will receive ;s500 for hi apples alone this season ; don't hr s.fraid to raise either apples plums or pars, for even if the prioe should be low, thero is less work and more profit than in grain -rising: A mans meeting of temperance workers • will be held in the Lecture Room of Alain - at tlthodit church, Exeter, on evening of ,e,ceit. 2,7, at 8 o•cloak. This meeting will be held under the auspices of the Epworth neagrps of the Main-st Church and the Istsysi Templet% of Temperance: A very • Wilts hie time is expected. Revs, Wm. • 11cDonagh and A, L. Russell, B. A and °tapes, will address the audience. • Milan" eieging will be provided by the above •eioeieties. Come 'and spend a profitable hour ; admission free, This is the first •I -testing of the gown and more 'will follow, e s,re deterniked tonlak e them nro t able old interesting. ByOrderof Ward 11 Liniment agree Ciarget in eon orevitie Rare values in flennele and flannelette at the Big Benkrupt Store. Reed. J. P. Clarke'e new Advertioement. It is of interest to you. Coon hunting is the chief occupation of • any of the sports at nights now. Great bargains in ordered clothing at R. • ickard st Sons on Fair days, , Mr. Richard Davis bed a thrashing bee in town on Tueaday, in which many took part. Buy your footwear at the Big BankruAie Store, and save your dimes. You caned it ; try ! See the latest in shoes (the piccadilly)at A:tic:Mend Pickard & Son's. These are for ladies 13ig bargains on Fair days in all depart- ments at Richard Rickard & Son's. Be sure and call. Get you tickets for the concert on the evening of the fair, at Grieve's, the tailor. They are now on sale. On the 20th October there will be a par tial eclipse of the suuiwhich will be vie- ible throughout Canada. A big shipment of boys' clothing just to heard at R. Pickard tk Son's. This lot 'bought at great barrain. , There is a greet rush for Milliney ana Mantles at Richard Pickard & Son's. The low prices are attracting the crowds. Fell wheat is well above ground and look ing splendid; it will get an unusual growth this year as the season is much earlierthan usual. The Exeter Packing House ailvertises in this issue for bogs—dressed or alive. Read the adv't carefully, and market hogs no cordingly. The Royal Templars of Temperance had a fruit social among themselves in their ball on Monday eyening. A pleasant time WaS spent. The husbandman is now busy digging his crop of potatoen Generally the yield Id fair. but on hard land it is not so good as on light soil. 111 the ladies in town will be at R Pick- ard & Son's Millinery Opening on Setur- 4day, Monday eud Tuesdey, Sept 24 26 27. They are all invited. The Tileonburg couucil has passed a by- law to rides, $7,500 for a high school site and building. Bettor were Exeter to take step in shis direction. The recent heavy and coutinuoue rates eoaleed through the roof of the Oddiellow's block and damaged thebeautifully frescoed ceiling In the lodge room. ea, you watt a nev Mantle The Big lianIsrupt Store is the spot for values. Every Mantle new and of this year's infw per:Laic:it See tke assortment. Mr. Sutton sutlers considerable pain in cousequonce of the accident which befel him while working on Mr, Cobbledick's house. He fell quite a distance. Caterpdlars are destroying thousauds of trees in the country. Some woodlands and orchards are so pestered that they look as if covered with the snows of winter. Daily the trains are filled Niith passen- gers for the London fair. With the pre- sent fine weather this year's attendance at the fair ought to eolipse all fernier years. Mr Jews Westeett who has been in the flour aud feed business here for Eire° time, has eloaed his shop and givea up the busi- ness ; he intends to return to California. A hearty invitation is extended to the ladliee of Exeter and vicinity to visit tij new Millinery and Mantle show room the Big Bankrupt Store. Opening on EhTd day, the 23rd. njeersonalts. 7411 the visitors to the Toronto fair have 'returned home.—The miniaters of the two Methodist churches exchanged pulpits on Sunday morning last,—Miss Down who has been veryill oflate,and whoets recovery was non expected, is now regaining stren- gth.—Mr. .Aaron .Daencey, father of Mr. John Dauncey, of thia place, has arrived' from the Old Country. Mr, D. will make his. home in Canada in the futore.—Mr. John Mannipg left Exeteron Tuesday for British Columbia, where he goes to seek is fortune.—Mrs Baikie of 13amdton, has returned home after a week's visitwith Mrs (Dr)Lutz.-leliss Holland has returned,toher Situation as milliner in Petrolea.—Miea T. White of Sarnia. accompanied by little Miss Robertson, waa. under the parental roof over Sunday.—Dan'l Dyer, of Payne ile vle, Minn„ late proprietor ofthe News is in town at present, the guest of his fath- er, Mr. Alex. ,Dyer. Mra Dyer is visiting friends in London.—T. M. White is at pre sent in town ; he will move his family from Windsor to Toronto next month.—Mrs. J. A, Stewart has returned from an extended visit with friends in Toronto and other points.— Hiss C. Sweet has returned from Seaforth, where she has ,,been visiting friends:—Mr, T, Gregory who has been visiting friends in Clinton, has returned.— Mr Chas Southcott of Toronto, formerly of Exeter, in iv town on business.—Ss. Mary Leader :—Miss Jessie Vesper ofiExe ter, in visiting at the residence of Mr Wm. Box.—Mr John Fisher, barber, of Toronto formerly of Exeter, was in town on Mon- day renewing accinaintauces.—Rev. W. McDonagh will preach in the Thames:Road Presbyterian church, on Sunday afternoon next, in the absence of Mr. Fletcher at the Pau -Presbyterian Couecil in Toronto. -- Mr. George Samwell has returned from viaiting friends in Montreal.—Mr. Robert Davidson of :Lyons Head is at present visiting his sous, Mesars.William and John of this place.—Miss Braund, who has been visiting friends in town has returned to L oudon. The Game LAMS, We have received a copy of the amended Ontario Game Lewe, arid we trust that all interested will make themselves famidar with the provisions of the act. Under the atatute constables are made officers, charg- ed with seeing that its provisions are carried out, and as it has been said in the past that there are some constables in Huron who are not averse to taking a shot at It stray duck or deer that belongs to someone else, it will not be out of place for us to offer some kindly meant words of admonition. The penalty for a coustable wluo neglects to do his duty in a very :severe one. While the law as it is now .sen the statute book is not above criticism, it is in many respects admirable, and if it is rigidly enforced, mut, in no great time, result in large increase in the quantity of all kinds of game to he found in the Pron. ince. True sportsmen will gladly live up to the law, and if they do their whole duty they will as cheerfully assist to bring to justice any pot liantets and poaehers fount( Ilieregarding its provisions. Mr, R. 8 Lang is into the apple business quite extensively this year. He has pur- chased apple:11min some $1,500 limners this reason'and has already shipped large quan titles to Chicago, Ladies you are invited to call and in - ;Teat our etoek of Mantles and Millinery e eleatsis.y end Tuesdey, Seen 24, 26, 27, our opening days. Richard Pickard ds Son. Mr. G. W. Holman, teacher at Winchel sea intends celebrating the Four Hundred- th Anniyeraary of the discovery of Amer- ica by Chrietopher Columbus, by holding a concert on the evening of the 12th Oct. Ministers of the different churches, ofti- pens of the different societies, teachers of the differentsehoo's and all others having any information of interest to the public will always find THE TIMES columns open. Read Carling 43ros'. fall annouucement. Note also that those -who advertise are anxious for your trade, and will do their utmost to please ; hence the bargains you so often get. The Merchant who does not advertise can haye nothing opeciel to offer Richard Pickard & Son now have the largest, best lighted, and most fully equip - ,ped Millinery and Mantle show rooms in Exeter, and cerry by far the largeet stock of these goods in town. They want to see you on their opening days, Saturday, Mon day and Tuesday, Sept. 24, 26, 27. The following ladies from this dial riet made exhibits in the Ladies' department of the Western Fair in London thia week, and were successful in winning many prizes for the several articles shown : Mrs J. A. Douglas, Exeter ; Miss Creighton, Mrs Graham and Mrs Nanham, St Mary. I; is stated on good authority that Mr. J. W. Bengough, the founder of Canada', Grip, is about to become the editor of a similar publication in Chicago. It is un- derstood that the new paper will have big financial backing should Mr. Bengough de- cide to andertake the venture. On Wednesday forenoon, while Mrs Jno. P. Ross was going down cellar by the rear stept, she had the misfortune to miss her footing, and, falling down the steps to the cellar floor, one ofthe bones of her was wrist was broken. The injured limb left put in splints. A wedding is not complete unless the guests have been invited by neat, elegant invitations. These can be furnished at the Duns office. Do not forget to order here when you require anything in wedding •stationery. We keep the latest designs issued, and have the finest faces in type. Exeter promises to have considerable op position in grain -buying this season. The latest addition to the number is the firm of Dauncsy & Brown, the former of Levett & Dauneey, the latter recently with the Exeter Milling Co. Both gentlemen are well known to the farmers, and will make a valuable acquisition to the list of buy- ers. Besidem this firm there will be on the market ; Mr. McRoberts for Mr. Etut• chins ; Mr. Emery; and Mr. Levett, go that the farmers may red asseeed of get- ting the veryhigheet prices for their grain. Psinting and drawing' 100flotle given by Miss Browning. Terms moderate, Full particulars at Dr, BrownintedDrug Store. 1 1 • Everyone is sneezing now. Even the children coming from school are all at it. People are kept wondering how they caught cold, and frequently it in caused by electrical dust—electrical changea in the atmosphere. .Asthmetical people ate all sick. Grain nf all kinds is beginning to move notrithetanding that the prices are low, ad soon we expect things to resume their ively fall appearance. This fall the stores aro stocked with gonds equal to the range carried by any city etore and at prieee in many cases lower, and farmere will con- sult their interests by buying in Exeter. The Exceleior Life Insurance Company, of which E. T. Clarke, M. P. P., is presi, dent,hes Mimed as an advertising metnonto a neat office slate, which 11 handy in size and convenient for use L an office or enereing Thir ie r Citneclian In- stitution ith head-quattere in Termite and a strong directorate of Canadian capitalists It is the habit of certain people to say there is no opening for young men of ability in Canada, THE TIMES points with pride to the managing editor of the pessi- mistic Globe, who began his career as a newspaper man in this office. The Globe is one of the best newspapers in this coun- try, and under the care of Mr. Willison, it is much fairer to pplitical opponents than the Globe of old. Young men of energy and ability prosper in Canada. Exeter has been besieged with horse buyers the past week, and a large number of the best animals have bean pieked up; tut the beat all around load Witil that shipped on Friday by Mr. Landes el Penn: sylva,nia. The load contained gotna 19 horses, and the average price paid was 8155. Mr Landes is a good buyer and the farmers always welcome him onto their premises. Mr. Thos. Handford left Cen- tralia yesterday with a. mixed load of horses for Manitoba. Master in Chancery Malremson gave judgment 1,st Monday in the uits brought by the Home -Knowledge Association to recover on notes given for mendrership in the Association. He decided in favor of the plaintiffs and against the objection that they were not a coeporate body and hence could not sue as such. The same objection was taken the week before in a case at Seaforth before Judge Doyle in the Division Court, and there the Court held the objection valid, but agreed to permit the case to stand over until next sittings to afford the plaintiffs time to prove their corporate existence as an association, if they can, but put the costs of the case Clue far on the plaintiffs. This Associa- tion has done a large business in this and other counties, and a good many who have given their notes are considerably interested in the final outcome of the ease. We observed an item the other day in an exchange statims that the town of Hag- ersville had thrown off pll teem on impro- vements and propellect to collect the rev- enue from the land alone. An impetus has been given to the building trade already. Speculators have held lands without im- provements while the neighboring owners build and add to the value of ,tho vacant lots. (hider the newsystem this will not be encouraged. The vacant lot owner will have to turn his property to account or gen it to some one who will, or he will lose by the transaction. It does appear unfair to tax a man for improving his property and incidentally the general appearance of the town, while his less en- terprising neighbor is allowed to hold vacant lots and have them assessed very low while their value is increased by the enterprise and expenditure of the manwho builds on and improves his property and then ham to pay an increased ten to make upthedfieienoyof revenue Ib is tune a adtdical change ,yeaft made in, the iner4a •of, ' RAN • OPENING Richard Pickard &Son Will open their new Millinery and Mantle Show - Rooms, on Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday, 24, 26, 27. All the Novelties of the season will be shown both in Mantles and Millinery.,, —.Wee elltese-- , = You are cordially invited to inspect our Stock. RICHARD PICKARI/ & SON. •••••••••mma.m•••• OIM101.1•111=1.1.1•••••••16 fA69(FES IT. I need money, and to get it, I Will offer for the next two weeks the feliow- ing reductions : A strong panel bed in Maple, former price $1 95 reduced to $1,50. Panel bed, Mealy carved and moulded, 4 It. 61n. high, former price en9•75, redueed to 82, reittlecoerdootomsaseltisdionnilt51,aanfl:wreigauLar price $11, Bed room setts, Maple reg, pricer S1175 rodt to 15i2 Sideboards.Tables, Cupboards, Chairs Spring Mattresses 'cto, 35 per cent off rueigualarra:rico, Good Ilsir cloth Parlor Suites Solid Walnut from $2 CaPsliul:iii pa tillOrttsrurtes f 10131 Sdn m Everything reduced in proportion for This is a sweeping offer and will only hold good for the new two weeks. WALT. ANDREWS Two Doors North Town Hall. raising civic revenues and encouraging men to build on and improve town lots, inatead of teeming linklers of vacaut lots. l'Slies 'Hoene is tEs year showing tbe lat- est in Millinery, and for range and quality her display cannot be surpassed. The opening of the show room will take plane on Sept 23rd and 24th, and continue until the 27th. Every lady is invited to helped the hdeisivep1 arft.her for the past week has been fine, and if it continues ao for tho next, we may expect pleasant fair weather for Mon- day and Tuesday. The Fair this year promisas to be the best in the annals of the Society, and with an increased prize list and tho special attractions cannot do other wise than to satisfy all who attend. Our local cattle breeders have swept things at the Industrial this year, in the shorthorn classes. Messrs Smith Bros. took several firsts and seconds for yearlings and first for his stock cow; she will like- ly be chosen for the World's Fair. Mr. T Russell also won a number of firsts and seconds for young stock, as well as his aerti. Ile won 1st rut ruilch cow in the beef cattle class, the prize being $100. The Exeter representation in the stock line was creditable, indeed. The charge of criminal libel brought against the Goderich Star by Mr. M. C. Cameron, was heard at Goderich this week. Ihe Star was tonna gailty, and fined $5 and costs of both partiee. An apology is to be made by the Star in consideration of the fine being made light, so rumor says, The charge made againet Mr. Cameron is well known, and does not need to be re- peated here. In the case of the Toronto World, whose charges, while spread over a great deal of paper, were not as direct as those made by the Star, `no bill' was re turned by the grand jury. Last week we made mention of the coal combine having broken and of coal being reduced to $4.25 per ton. While there is a slight tangle in the coal trust, our infor- mant wes sadly astray regarding the price which, instead of as yet having reduced, remains the same. Messrs Cobbledick & Tolland, exteneive dealers in the product have shown us a letter under date 16 Sept from large jobbers in the east, which in- dicates no material reduction in price. Our informant of the 84.25 price must have got the hard and soft coal confused. A. Mr. Hartman of Stephen was on Mon- day fined $5 and costs f or cruelty to ani- mals. It appeara Mr Hartman has a team of horses with very sore shoulders, which he has been working lately, and which were unfit for work of any kind. The at- tention 'if the officer of the Humane Socie- ty was directed to the animals, which were then in harness, and it was only his duty to arraign Mr. Hartman before a migistrate to explain. After the examination the Magistrate, while the offence was of a ser- ious nature, not befote 'realized by Mr. Hartman, imposed the smallest possible fine. Mr. H. took the affair in good part, knowing that he had thoughtlessly violated one of the stringent laws of Humane So- ciety, and this action will be a warning to others who sreicareless about the welfare of their horses. The Agricultural Society has moved the building used as the main hall onto the agrioultural grounds se nee-. which will not only be a convenience .(J visitors but an improvement to the geouads. May the improvements still continue, as there are many needed ; and among those first in importance are sheds or stables for dock. A farmer exhibiting some dozen animals is greatly inconvenienced besides put to extra expenise in hiring help, on account of there being no safe and comfortable building in which to tie one animal while he shows the other. The present open pheds are inadequate. What id required is s large stable of stalls with an apartment for fodder, sufficient to accommodate 109 animals, and where they can be left with • safety. With the increased aoreage of the • grounds, there ie ample room for such a building. and while thus affording conven- ience to the exhibitor,‘, it would 'moire a 'Llailltient if) titled by Physicians D, • D , uyers, Wake Up 1 It is the fall of '92, and as our Fair takes place on ItION Y and TUESDAY We would specially invite you to inspect our FALL AND WINTER GOODS NSTlich are now being ,opened. up. A revelation In fine goods and fair prices. 'We are going to do business with you because we have exactly what you want, and our prices are siniply irresistible. Our fall and winter attrac— tions will cause a turn -out. Such new styles as we show ia all departments leave nothing to be asked for. In qual ity and variety our fresh new lines are strictly first-class in every detail, We ha-ve the disposition, the anility and the elegant goods to please every buyer. Our Dress Goods and dress trimmings 'the neatest. In Gents' Ties we lead. In Hats the newest and best. In suitings no better. Full range in Crockery, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Etc. Our complete assortment insures perfect satisfaction in the selection of goods to satisfy individual tastes. You will find our large stock made up entirely of goods th0 are trustworthy, serviceable, and the best of their class. *Every • thing goes at the lowest possible price_ Come in and see how fair we will treat you, how well we will please you, - and how much WO will save you. LING 41; ROS, monetary benefit to the Society, as for each stall a nominal fee could be tharged, which would be willingly paid by a stock exhibitor. The building would not re- quire to be nicely finished—a commonly built one would do, Let the directors con sider this improyement, and if too late to act this year, see that next year's fair will find the pi noosed building on the grounds. • ..........1,01•••••••• • MU. • WANT Your trade, and will give you special inducements to get it. We want you to come and see what we can do for you the Clothing line. We have just re- ceived the balance of our FALL and WINTER • GOODS And we are showing the largest and best assorted stock of Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, French and English Worsteds, Suitings And Pantings, and all the lat- estthings in Overcoatings —the finest range ever shown in Exeter, and our prices are away down, and our fits and workmanship are seeond to none. We keep the BEST _Rubber COATS toebe found, and sell them cheap, too. LADIES, see our Sealettes before you buy elsewhere. Remember the plaee J. H. GRIEVE, The Tailor, Exeter, eta Marin REPORTS. Exeter, Sept. 21, 1892, Fall whoat per buah 5 68 5 70 Spring wheat per bush ...... 758 4472 5 Darleyper bush.. Oats per hush.....• • ... 2 26 Peas per bush ' 66 57 none perbbl 4 00 4 40 Apples per bag........ Ze 85 Potatoes per bag 1 o 1 00 Hay per ton Et 1)0 6 00 Woodper mord hard 4 00 4 00 ood per cord soft .. . . 2 00 2 00 Butter per lb 16 18 Eggs per dozen.... . . ... . ..... .....,.. 9 10 Pork per hundred-. .... 5 50 6 00 -1-1ISSOLUTION OF PART- -1-"Noti-eNeEisillaVeIbPV. given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between the underaigned as grain buyers in ,the Village of Exeter has been this da Y dissolved bp mutual consent, t All outstanding accounts of theft= will be settled bY Mr. Lovett. jvs.nitiyiluT•isibEy. ExetenSept. 21,1892. TWO Atiii WANTED. ' "' ..99:b 0 can benclielraniere tools: :tonntrmen preferred.. J Apply to ,. ' _OHNSTON.. ...,.: , ',0e; 2221, . . .!, , . ,• Rodgetillle.' ...t.TOAN ' . • • • F, KINSMAN, L.D.S, D D.S • Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, and of the Dental Department of Toronto University, (with lion ors •) Spcoia is t in bridge -work, and gold and por- 1 Pure Nitrous Oxide Gas and local antesthet- i08 for painless extractions. Always at horn°. Office : Fancsn't BbOfIi, Itster, DESIRABLE FARM FOR SALE. 1 Containing 100 acres, of whioh 90 aeres Etre 1 a 14 foot geared windmill, whieh drives grain under cultivation, the balanee of good maple !tad some beech tinlbOrS.—A large brick dwell- ing, ti'TO bank barns wi'll good stabling; also crusher. cutting box, turning Lathe, gried 1 itone, and circular saw, eto. Iron p implement and driving shed, largo sheep stable Imp with tank and tank fixtures suitsble to have water in stabling, Good hog stable and ben coop. and two spring wells witieh never fei1 to sive water in the driest season. Large orchard con- taining all kinds of the best grafted fruits. The ground is a itelay loam all under -drained with tile,and well ifeneed—must be sold. For further particulars, apply to TT. D. MORLOCK, q Creditor), Ont, FARM FOR BALE. 60 aores in township of 1.1691 con, 9, lot 6 with good orchard, and frame house and other out bnildings. • Goo l well of water. location threo milss from Dashwood, six miles from Exeter. For terms apply to at24-1m FREDERICX S CH2EFER On thepromises. If by letter to Sarepta P. 0' ALES EN • WANTED. To sell our unexcelled Nursery Stock/ Steady employment and control of terri- tory. Have done business:in Canada 35 years. Liberal pay to the right mai. Send for terms. CHASE BROS & CO., Colborne,',,Ont. , READ THIS ; 'MIDST ALL BLOW AND BLUSTER R. N. -R 0 W E Still takes Lead in the Furniture ousiness ' We aa•e too busy to call on people in need of Furniture; but please drop in our Warerooms and see our Stock and we will try to suit you in this line. . Ordere?, Fork NeatlyDone an Short Notice Remember we have also a handsome line of Un,d ertaiiing Goods in se a;wtisiifiaboteiopiiromp guaranteedt lya ttend everyeattiom, Store—Next to Molsom 33ank, Exete llways on hand, and all calls in. this. . ROBT. N RC)WE . Ed. Brewer, of Morris wits Loked hhi°:11106;11'efeGgul?trioYkaelind. -bad , 1,411! b6" '°1 . ' •• '