HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-9-22, Page 6LEGAL,
Br liFIF,N: aerates'', GRAVES.
The eclitor hadalighted his cigar just as
level light glimmering through his by
means immaculate " sanctum ' windows
that. the glorious orb of day,
obscured in fog aud metropolitan
,,Viddlesticka!" was the brief yet signifi-
cant reply.
Karl rubbed his nose with the end of
his pen-stiek, evidently a. little disappoint-
ed. .
"YOU thmk they won't do said he.
" Of course they won't said Miss Di,
"Dishwater and adjectives -trash and
sentiment -what are the girls thinking of
Stook Notes.
Squashes are not grown so much as they
should be for feeding. Hubbard squash is
estimated to have a feeding value of at least
eight dollars per ton, and with good culture
manY tons cam be grown to 'the acre.
Feed all grain in straw, pine -needles, or gra-
vel, making the hens work for their food.
Give all the fresh air you can during the
warm hours. See that they have water at
least twice a day. Shove) away the snow
in front of the house and let hens out.of.
doors. As the farmer is learning that wire
ter dairying pays best, so the keeper of
poultry must turn his energies toward the
Th e a
A ND most powerful alterative
1-1 AYees Sarsaparilla-
Old are alike benefited by its
. ar the eruptive
..., eases
. te .
YOUng aald
use, Fax
peculiar to
Lu.,tOKSON, B Nrrier; a tBell-
• liter of 'Septet:ea Cburt, alotavY
aege... 1 leeera eaer. e3meatomenee. ae,
;One V Gi. elan. the
°tee, lei aausereslalook. Eaeter, no
. INs
. .d• 001-0•,, • somewhat
larestu, Solicitor, Convoyaincer, Etc,
Pie7STER, - ONT.
F it/E . over cyNeixs Bank.
D P ' •
Was about to disappear behind, not
exactly the western hills, brit wha.t came to
the satne thing in a city, the western roofs
end chimney tops.
nowadays? If she had sent me a few good
table recipes now, or a way of cleaning mar-
lie, or taking out mildew ; but an impov-
love story, with the hero on stilts,
Wheat bran ig one of the hest, articles of
food that can be given to young and grolv-
ing stock. One ' pound Contains as much
bone material as four pounds of corn.
production of eggs during the cold months
of the year. Begin vow t feed f `h
a laor ., e eggs
you expect to get noxt November and Decent-
---7,-e I. -&-'children nothing
-'----57 ----'. else is so OffectiVe
,at t a -:_,---- .
, -' • -1 7.----- as this ruedicitte,
- ''''',"' - while its stgreea-
i ' Ai, - • '-ksr,,
Karl Rubens, the editor of the Weekly
Shiner, was a tall, bright looking inee of
thirty years one of those individuals whose
very face and features iudteete that they
are born to conquer destiny. He had been
very successful through life, but it was be
cause belied demanded success with a cour.
ageo us persistency that would not be denied.
Brown -haired, with careless, wavy locks,
drooping low upon his forehead, and dark-
brown eyes, verging upon black, beet as not
handsome, yet in his light, editorial coat,
somewhat worn at the elbows and shiny at
the seams, and tbe velvet cap, tasseled and
braided with gold, he looked every inch the
chivalrousand frankahearted American. Or,
we /Meet phrase it, " gentleman," aid wo
not secretly believe that the former title is
ear the nobler and more comprehensive of
the two.
As we said before, Mr- Rubella was just
drawing the firs fragrant inhalation of his
Imported Havana (Karl was particular in
the ehoice of his cigars), when the door
opened softly, and a beautiful young lady
rustled in ; a young lady whom he had met
a score of times in the gas -lighted drawing,
rooms of "society " whose beauty he had
, • lh lrighteousfear
worsamped affix off and W ern le uncoil-
sciously associated in his mina with dia.
mends, pearly silks and Mite draperies,
looped up with hot -house flowers.
He started up, coloring, and thrusting his
weed behind a pile of " eneyelopedias."
" Miss Ainslie I"
"Ani I interrupting you Mr. Eubens ?"
b I, d '
s e as -e , softly.
"Interrupting me? Not in the least in
the world; in fact, I feel very much honor-
ed by -by -please take a chair."
And Ka.r1 tipped a heap of yet unseissor-
ed newspapers oti the nearest chair and
drew it eagerly forward. Blanthe Ainslie
sat down, her pale -blue eilk dress subsiding
round her the 1 OWS round a sapp Ire
d h like b'll d h'
as tile heroine mere milk -and -water.
rs,h‘aw !" ,
Poor child 1 ' said Karl, compassion -An
ately-but he never once thought of an
appeal from hie sister's decision " And
she was so sure of suceess !"
"They always are !" said Miss Di.
Karl Rubens was a little provoked at his
strong-inieded sister, but he remembered,
as a palliating circumstance, that lelise
Diana had never seen Blanche Ainslie.
The editor did, ncei sleep very soundly that
night. Ile could not help thinking of the
beautiful girl so suddenly reduced from lux-
ury awl wealth to utter poverty, and when
at last he fell asleep, it was to dream of
blue eyes, and chestnut heir braided with
shifting lights of gold.
Karl had always admired the broker'
pretty niece from a respectful distance. Now
it seemed as if she *ere fairer and more at.
tractive than ever. In fact our editor, al-
though he was not fully aware of it himoelf,
was hovering dangerously near the magic
ground of love.
He called at Mrs. Ainslie's the next even-
Mg with the condemned manuseripte in his
Pocket, and I do believe had he not stood in
f h' t • d d • t
ar o is s roug.mut e istor
Diana, he would have told Miss Ainslie that
bet productions were •" accepted," and se-
eretly burned them M the sanctum fire. As
it was, itwas too late for any sueli sly system
of double dealing.
Blanche was at home, sitting among tee
splendor that was to be hers so brief a time
ROW, and her bright, upward look, as he
entered, went to his very heart.
"I feel like crookbaok Richards," he
thought, "soing to murder the innocent lit-
tie princes in the Tower."
Arid when he told her, aa gently as he
could, that the stories and poetry would
net Pass muster, she burst into tears.
Mr. Rubens could not endure those
Carrots end 1)04. are gaite as economical
.. _ . ,
as ensilage for winter feeding, when they
can be grown at the rate of five hundred
bushels or over per acre. , They contain no
more water than ensilage and ace more
completely digestible. , .
If you conteinplate buying some turn
steers for winter feeding, by all means take
. .
time to find young animals. Those that
are two or two and a half years old are
quite as antique as we should are to work
Corn is poor stuff to feed the colt. .1.
produces fat instead of bone and muscle, and
so makes him tender instead of tough.
Sheep get restless when kept long on one
paeture. Ohauge them every few days and
you will find that it will beneet both the
stook and the grass,
Soiling may be precticed by growing
special crops and feeding them off, iustead
of cutting. Sheep lend themselves well to
this system, in connection with small fields
of repo, peas, oats, white mustard, turnips,
clover, etc., sown and fed in succession.
Where land is of eigh value, this is a
practical solution of the problem of profit-
able stook keepine. Land that is worth too
=oh to be given up to peruke ent et e
, n pa ur
DIV De Sewn te snub Crops and fed oft' two
or three times in a season, and thus earn a
good interest,
Few things are more variable than the
quality and feeding value of our different
grasses and fodders, depending upon the
period at which harvested. Farmers sheltie
study this matter, and •save every crop jest
when at its best.chief
in buying feeders, purchase if possible
such aa are eighteen. to twenty.four months
old. Then you will get the greatest gain at
the least cost, and it will be mostprofitable
buy early -say in Semember-and et
I? , •• . g.
them started. on grass before winter sets in
compels exclusive grain feeding.
old physician retired teem practice, hav
mg had placed in his bends by an East India
nessionary the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for
Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh Asthma and
Action- l ' 'la
ra a posieveene.gete-
all throat and lung affeso
and radical cure for nervous debility and all
nweornvor complaints, after hexing tested its
d rful curative powers in thousands
eases. has fele it his duty to make it known to
his suffering fellows. Actuated bythis motive
and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will
send free of , charge, to all who (leen° it the
recipe in German r ' • '
h E I' h ' it f 1
, relic or ne is wit a
directions for preparing and using. Sent by
mail by addressing with stamp, naming this
PnPer- W. 'ea NOYES . ' Sae Powers B look
itchester, N, -sr,
Ella. Wheeler Wilcox was born in Johns-
town Center, Wis., Omit the year 1845.
The lazy man a. 1 o ling an gene
in •s at n tl ' d
all hi ts it. .
'Mien Baby was sick, TWO Rave her Castorra.
_ •inultiply
When she was it C ti, she cried for Castorla.
When she became efies, she clung to Castorke
1,mieu shetadoeltiren,shegavethem Ca -stele%
Care of Spectacles.
Keep an old eat linen pocket banner-
to clean your spectacles wit h. If nee
essary, they may be chiseled with a, little am-
t your
amnia water. Do net put them uncle •
• • '
pillow at night, and be careful to keep the
frames straight, otherwise the leeses will
not be true and your sight will suffer accord-
Ingle'', .
r'e<'-',--sa,a, 'ea hie flail= Make*
e ier ..taaa. •a„.
a a,- . it easy to admin.
ee ister.
"My h..t.e 13 y
. a e 't 1 o
bad large
aa. Ions ulcers on his
- et ...,,y• - neck and throat
ea.--- from , which he
-at e 7._ suffered terribly.
-- Two pbysicians
attended him, but be gre Ve cotatinuelly
n • r re al ever od
worse ;a dot their caie, e a yb Y
ex eated he would die, I hadaheard of
the remarkable cures effecteqby Ayeett
Sarsaparilla, and decided to limy° my
boy try it. Shortly after licabegan he
take this medicine, the ulcers corn-
reenced healing, and, after using several
bottles, BO NVIIS entirely cured. He le
now as healthy and strong OA any bey
of his age," - -William P. Doughertyi
Hampton, Va. . 1
"In May last, my youngest Child;
fourteen months old, began to have sores
gather on its head and body. We ap-
plied various simple remedies without
avail. The sores inereased in number
and clischarged copaansay. A physician
was called, but thle %Wes continued td
until in a few months thell
nearly covered the child's head andbedaa
last we began the use of Ayerei Stne
saparilla. In a few days a marked
change for the better was manifest. The
sores assumed it more healthy condition,
the discharges weie gradually dimin-
ished, and finally ceased altogether,
The child is livelier, its skin is freshera
and its appetite better than we have eta
served for monthsee.-Eranle eil, Griflixe
Long Point, Texas. I
"The formula of Ayer's Sarseparilla
prese.nts, for chronic discusses of almost
- y kind the best remedy_lmown tO
ever . ,
the medical world." -D. M. Wilaani
M. D., Wiggs, .Aakansa2a
I ti
Ayer s Sarsaparilla,
• - •
kr.riStiffS, Solicitors, Noto•es Pablo,
Conveyancer $ &o, &c.
I'll,foney to Loan at Lowest Rates of
n. v. ELTa0T. J. Ver IJOT.
I ,.s Successor to FL L.Billings.
are rober of the Royal College of Deetal
Ste geons.) Teeth innertee with or without
Pinae.in Cold or Relater. A Age A e aesthete.)
eoitto Air the palletise extraction of twath,
Fine Cola Mine as Required.
°me° over the Post OMee.
3-..2.. • s.
1711115013's Block. llialu-st, E%oter,
Extracts Teeth without
pain, Away at li Mee Ar,r, on
Fraley : Craig, Becalm
.".*: time, fourth Teascley: AnaAt
'ee Zenner' ou tee last Thurs.
day or eace month:
W. BROWNING M. D. , Xl. ()
.. P. S , Graduate victoria Unive. tr,
ollce and reeideace, oora.niozi Late. a,
tory . E xe ter „ .
'FIR. HYNDMAN, ooroner for tact
1.-- County of Buxom Office oppaeite
Caviar g Bros, atore.Exeter, .
R. 3 .1. ROLLINS M 0 2 S •
• . • •
. ea, Main St. Exeter, Ont.and
- 0 OM
Residence, homie recently oeoupicid by r,
McPhillips ,ree.
Blancbe Ainslie was very handsome, with
azure eyes, and bright, ellestnut-brown
1 - '1 1 h 1 • 1 1 elAnd
lair, u xi a er comp mon, a t ioue i rather
pale, was clear as ivory, and her features
were as delicate as if she had been a Greek
bright sparkling drops.. All ot your stock that you desire to cull
" 131anche !" he faltered, "don't cry. out and dispos,e of should be forced forward
Dear Blanche, it is not worth it !" as rapidly as possihle now, and whipped . . ARE NOT a Pur.
into shape while the grass lasts. Old ani- ' • gative medi.
before they parted that evening,
male, unthrifty and unprofitable stock of ..;-.• eo eine. They axe a
Blanche Aieshe had half promised to con. .
shier the possibility of accepting the editor's every sort should be got red of before put- ILLIAm-6 Dr"D 1311114)"'
TONIC and Race:e-
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Ws%
Price $1,1 nix bottles,$5, 'Werth% aboitle.1
-1.-/ ber of the college of Physicians and
Surgeons. Ontario. Ph”ioian, Sure • d
eon an
Aceoucheur. OM ee ,BASIIWOOL ONT.
l:AT A. THOMSON, M. D., C.
V • M., Member of College of Physicians
ani Surgeons, Ontalio.
girl iu theilays of old Praxiteles.
While Karl encouseioesly noted these
thines in his mind. he eves marveling in-
dl 1 1 ltd 11'
war y what ue ty chance.procurec. nun
this visie Did she mean to invite him to
one of the soirees of her uncle, the rich old
broker, or was some surprise party 031 the
love, since the editor could not accept her ting up for winter.
contributions. One of the things to buy now is it good
's very young, pure bred bull. Prices are ruling so
" The idea of oupporting yourself 1 . , .
ridiculous," said Karl. "It's a great deal that these are within the reach of every one,
ettet to let me support you.'• and some breeders will shade values in order
b • •
And so Blanche Ainslie became an eat- to reduce stock at thia season.
tor's wife, and the happiest of little mat- ----•
rons, and to this, day Karl keeps the little Fattening Stook.
.: eele• .' STROOT011, AS they
- .4 . supply in a condensed
, a., form the substances
• actually needed to =-
IN s raie tseeBitslo:id, curing
ereniu g
.. frem Peon a,nd Wee-
• • i RIG Bump, or from
ILL the BLOOD, and also
'TEE '
: '
A. i
NI. "." .1 =VIES
, ........
L -
• tioneer for the County of Buren,
ehargee moderato. Exeter P. 0.
tapi$, too exclusive for the ordinary
'medium of cards or scented paper? Far
Mr. Rubens rather enlist:If upon the
invigorate and Boum
packet that was ' respectfully declined. ' As the weather grows cooler, the stock of IIP tho BLOOD and
Smerar, when broken
all kinds that are to be fattened for mar- - F OR down by
- al lilt KL1 1114 klitfalellal IL ,
entree he was beginning to gain within the
enehanted portals of New York society.
AlMOSt at the same moment Menthe look-
ed up.
" Yon are wondeiing what brings nie
hero," she said, lialiasmiline.
" Whatever it was, I can but thank the
opportunity," Karl answered, with prompt
gailantry, although he could feel the tell-
tale blood rising to his cheek.
" And I may as well tell you the whole
truth at once," said Blanche, her "ice
faltering slightly, and two red spots glow-
ing out upon her temples. " My Uncle
George failed last week, and we are going
to be very poor."
"Fs.iled I" echoed Karl, " Surely it can.
not be possible -at least that is, I had not
heard of it !"
" But in is true nevertheless," Miss
Ainslie said ; "and a.'ll the viiorld will know
of it but too soon. And, Mr. Rubens," she
added, in a lower and more hesitating voice,
"I must do something for my own support
-either teach, sew, play companion to au
ket should begin to have extra feed. But mental worry,disene,
The Nest Great Problems of Moue. While one eye keeps a lookout for the mar- excesses and indiscro-
i ket prices of meat and grain, the other ALE . tions. They have a
grea s o a our problems toe ay SPECIFIO ACTION on
The te t f 11
is the making of the utilization of the forces should watch the thermometer, and at least
of nature more general, more efficient, and twice a day both eyes should examine the EopLE, talVELVIX0711.Alatl;roEmmefrif
more freitful. Could the engineer find a animals and the feed trough or manger. reStOring LOST VIGOR
. and correcting all
way of producing steam power at a fraction Animals will not bear heavy feeding very IIIIIEGULARITLES and
its present cost • ' could I t la f heat well when the thermometer ranges above suermissions.
, he ra s orm
seventy or seventy-five degrees where they 'Who finds hie mental Sae -
energy directly mid without waste into EVERY MAN
dynamic ; could he find a method of tamale- eat and sleep, while when it falls below _ _a _ _natal; dull or failing, or
hi physical, powera nagging, should take these
fifty degrees they will usually eat and di- pLta.a. - 1
lion of light without that enormous loss ame will restore his lost energies, both
now inevitable in the form of accompanying gest all that is given them, but it requires physical an -mental.
heat ; could he directly produce electricity, much of it to keep up the animal heat, and should tahe them.
gy, rem le they do not fatten readily unless the supply EVERY WOMAN They cure all sup-
without other and lost ener f tl pressions and irregularities, which inevitably
combustion of fuel -could he do these is above what is needed for that purpose. entail sickness when negleated.
lf they can be kept where the tempera -
things to -day the growth of all that is do- should take these Pmts.
sirable to mankind and the advancement of tura will be between the two points of fifty YOUNG MEN They will cure the re-
all the interests and powers of the race and seventy-five degrees, and most of the Butte of youthful bad habits, and atrengthen the
would be inconceivably accelereted. time between flity-five degrees atnight and system.
YOUNG WomEN .3hotad take therm
Ever * t • , 1 • f seventy degrees in the warmest part of the
y anima e creature is a mac line o
enormously Weber ellicieucy as a dynamic day, they can usually, if properly fed and =eke them regular. These Perms will
engine than his most elaborate construction cared for in other ways, make more gain For sale by all druggists, or win be sent upon
as illustrated in the 20,000 horse -power en- from the same amount of food than in anY receipt of price (50c. per box), by addressing
ems of the " Teutonic " or the "City of other season, but if they are partially TILE D.B,,wizrzeitrs, MED. CO.
f'aris" or in the most powerful locomotive. fattened they -will stand a lower tempera- Brookvitto, Ont.
tura better than leaner animals. We make
' tikti.b.GKIELO'061..
ee • ,
Unlocks nil the rdr god trrenttee of
Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, es, '
off gradually without weal ming the sy
tem, all the impurities ea -I, foul h
of the seeretions• at the same time C
reeting Acidity of the Stom
CUring Biliousness, Dyspeps
:Headaches, Dizziness, Ileartim
Constipation, Dryness oif the S
Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Ja
diee Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Se
fula, Fluttering of the Heart, N
vousness, and General Debility •
Llieim and many other similar Complai
' ....:2 to the happy influence of BURDO
---- ...-.
'141. BOSSEN BERRY, General Li-
.K.,1 • eensed Auctioneer Sales condjteted
Is aliparts. Satisfaction guarantoea. Charg
moderate. Ile usall I.' 0, Out. et'
tioneer for the Counties of 'Enron
and latealesex a Sales oondnoted at mod.
erate.ratea Gale . at p
CU , ost-otilce, Grad-
ton 0 t *
n .
D• AmetioneerandLandValuabr orders
sent by mail lo my a d areas, Baytie'ld 1..0.
willreceiye prompt natentiou. Terms modem
ate. D. II. PORTER, Ancticemor,
Tennent & Ten nent
Graduates of tho On tario Veterinary 0 oi
OpPICE : one acme south of Town Hall.
invalid lady, or earn my living in some way
not unbefitting a get tleman's daughter; and
I have concluded to try and write for the
Every gymnottts living in the mud ot a
• b no exception; but include cattle, sheep and
teepee s ream puts to s lame man's est . Scientific American
1 t1
effort in the production of electricity; and swine, although probably the hog feels cold
weather less than the cattle and even less Agency for
For Bolo by all Dealers, .
" "TTIIITTIN & CO.,Proxictors,Toro
"Indeed !" said Karl, not knowing what
else to say.
"Will you give me a chance in the columns
of the Shiner?" she asked, with a very
evident effort. "I believe I could write as
good stories as some of those that you pub-
lish and pay for."
NIr. Rubens was sorely puzzled what to
say. How could he tell this pretty creature
sitting there before him, in the halo of her
youth and beauty and high social position,
that she could no more hope to succeed as a
sketch writer than a man could expect to
build a house or construct a steam -en •
without an hour of practice or experience ?
Had. she been a shabby, spectacled I 1 lady,produces
° (
or a middle-aged female, with cotton
gloves, and high cheek bones, it would have
been easyeneughe As it was, her blew eyes,
into his Seemed to
the minute insect that flashes across his 0
lawn on a summer evening, or the worm than the sheep. His skin and layer of fat
that is just inside it protects him from cold
that lights his path in the garden, exhibits '
a. system of illumination incomparably sun- even more than the woolen jacket protects '
erior to his most p-rfect electric lights. He -re the sheep, because the latter is not wind- E
is neture's challen t , er t proof, while the hog skin is. Yet this does
one-fourth of all the heat of his fuel as etil- not lessen the value of our advice to begin - CAVEATS.
ized in his steam boiler, and often ninety to fatten the hog early. TRADEMARKS,
per cent. as used in his open fire -places ; Another thing not known by all farmers, DESIGN PATENTS
nature in the animal system, utilizes sub- although it should be, is that cattle and COPYRIGHTS, etc.
ndbook write to
stantially all. He produces light by candle, sheep will fatten faster when they are Feritrnminakatien. :mai ree laat_
CU , nel isnoAnowAY, NEW Yong.
West bnreau tor securing patents in
oil lamp, or electricity, but submits to a having a grass feed, not too rank, in the '
l• bt act.
I he public toy anotice given /re° I ce e in the
Joss o rent on - i o mote an nine- pasture, upon the same amount of grain, lavera petent taker! out by vs iso_rouogrg
1 f f e fiftl t • th
tenths of all his stock a available energy as than they would upon dry hay, or rather • • • .
they can eat, digest and assimilate a larger Anion ii te
heat ; she in the glow-worm and fire -fly, New IA I NIV AMCVIgint
lovelierlightwithoutamount of grain when having a little green
fodder than they can moon dry fodder. •
measurable by Otlr most delicate Motu- - .. - • Largest circulation (tinny scientific paper in tbe .
elli ent
The succulent grasses act as stimulants for worm. Splendidly illustrated. No int g
i bout It. Weekly S3.00 a
ments. He throws aside as loss nine -tenths mim.shouid be w t
the stomach and bowels, and enable them Address ettfene & co..
of his potential energy when attenipting to year. S1.50 six months.
to do more thorough work-.[Ameetean VOISLISITERS, 36IBroadway, New York.
develop mechanical power; she is vastly - ..
' I
Ispublisned every Thursday morang, ea
ifain-street,nearly opposite Fitton's Jewelol
atore,Exeter,Ontaby.John White da Sonsill
Firstinsertion, per line 10 cen
bah subsegiumtinsertion ,per lino,3 080
To insure insertion, advertisement:s stint
e sent in noclaterthan Wednesday morie
° 1
o geTarBgePseand. bNest equipped in the Conn
oi Huron,All wore entree tett to es wilire'sel
oar pronaptatteution: . .
- 1
Deesions Regarding, New
pa,pers. .
iAnypersonwho takes a paperregularly fr;
directed in his name
-011-.Per cent, $25.0ao Private Funds Best
Loaning companies represented. -
Barrister. Forster.
Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil E c-
Office r i
, nsta rs.Samwell's Block. •Exeter.ont
CANADA. HeadOffice. London, Ont.
After .33 years of successful business, still
continees to offer th e owners of farm. property
and private residences, either on buildings or
contents.the most favorable protection in case
of loss Greamageby fire orlightnine, at rates
upon such liberal terms. that no otbet respect-,
ablecompa,ny can afford to wri te. 23,179 mill-
cies in force lstJan ,1 802. A 556 15 e237.200.00
in cati,th in bank. Amount at risk, $44,91e032.
Government denost. Debentures atd Pre-
minm Nntes. CAPT. Tilos. E. Ronscrx, Pre-
eident; D. O. etereentee, Manager. Deem
Seem es, tee en t tor Exeter end vi cini ty .
shilling wistfully
' ' Para'
lyze Lie very nerves of his tongue.
" I have got a little story here," went on
Blanche, producing a neatly folded packet.
more economical. But in all cases her
methods are radically (Efferent from his, ----
though they are as yet obscure, Nature Winter Eggs. 13 HALF -YEARLY COMPHITE
- •
1 bl f f ' -
converts avaeft e ems o energy into pre "In time of peace prepare for war ;" due. '
the post -office, whether
another's, or whether helms subscribed or 1
is responsible for payment.
2 If a person orders his paper digcontintl
ho raust pay all arrears or the publisher lp
" h' 1 I . k 1 h d
w le i nave wor et very ar upon, ana
-if you would kindly look at it, and give
me your unprejudiced opinion-"
" Certainly," said Karl, recovering his
f • d b '
sel -possession, an owing •as he took the
" There are some verses too," said
Blanche, reddening, " and a, Attie essa.y or
two, written as spicily as possible. Shall I
cisely those other forms which are needed ing spring, summer and autumn, get ready
for her purposes, in exactly the right quan- to produce winter eggs. Winter eggs add "he most Interesting Contest ever °arca
tity, and never wastes, as does invariably largely to the profit side of the year's ac- D by The Canadian Agriculturist. '
the engineer, a large part of the initial count. One Thousand Dollars in Cash, a Pair of flandsor't
stock by the production of energies that she This year's chicks v, 111 lay seventy per sweetie PfillieS, Carriage and ilainesa, nnd over tv .
does not want and cannot utilize. She goes cent of the eggs sold during the high prices housand other valuable pr.zes for the Agriculturist.
lightest readers! Who will have them ? Ace rdin t.
°' h g
directly to her goal, Why sheuld not man? of cold weather. Unless your hens are very ha usual custom for some years past I he publis ers 0
'11E A014 ICV121131tI$T now offer their Sixth Half-year)
Be has but to imitsde her processes. -[For- fine, and you want them for breeders, sell Merary Competition. This grand competition win. i.
um. them just before molting, and give Tour oubt, be the most gigantic: an51 turnessful one ever VI(
i II ted to the people of the Dnitcd.f-tates and Canada
ontinue to send it until the payment is mat
nd then collect the whole amount, wheth
epaper is takenfrom the office or not.
3 In suits for subscriptions, the suit may
nstitutcd in the place where the paper isp'
ighed, altheueli the subscriber may res
hundreds of miles away.. .
4 The courts have decided that refusing
t k owsplpers orperiodicals from the pi
tiLe . .
oilicc or removing and. leaVing them lineal
rr to rrima facie evidence of intentional frj
Established In 1863.
This Oempane bas been over Twenty.eigh
yearn in successful neer 'Lion in Western
ontaxio, and continues to insure ttgainSt IOSS Or
damage by Fire. BuilctingS, Merchandise
Manufactories and all other descriptions of
insurable prneerty. Intending insurers have
the 0111100 01 insuring on the Premiere Note or
Cash 'SyStcni.
During the past. ten years this compeny has
issued 57,00ti Policies, covering property to the
amount of $10,872 0387 and paid in losses alone
S74,752 00.
Assors.. S1.16,100.00 , consisting of CaS.b.
in Benk 0 overnnient ID 000
the unasses-
Fed Premium Notes on hand and in force
J. Wl. WALDEN, M.D.. President; 0 M. TAYLOR
Peerotary i J. B. Hu° tiss, Inspector . OklAS
BLL genor ,At fExeter and vicinity
- •
come to -morrow to get your opinion?"
" By no means," said Mr. Ruben; polite-
ly. " I will not trouble you to come dcwn
to this unfashionable loca]ity. If you will
allow me to call and see you- - .
" I shall be so much obliged !" said. Miss
Ainslie, eagerly, and Karl knew that she
t 't
mean 1'
Blanche Ainslie went away, leaving ad
intangiblelittle scent °fatter of roses behind
her -and the sun dipped down behind the
d h a
chimney tops, an t e sanctum oecame
dark and gloomy all at once.
"How pretty she isl" Karl Rubens
thought ; "bat shaw I the idea of her
- • ' P f •
writing for the papers . Poor child, how
little idea she has of the life that lies before
her. However, I -will take the papers to Di,
and see what she says about 'ern."Feehclist
Miss Diana Rubens Was a strong-minded
lady, of a certain age, who read Car-
time to care of the chicks.
_Remarkable Escape From Death. If you have Wyandotte or Plymouth
Rock chicks of April or May hatch, Leg,
An evening or two ago, near the Auteuil horn or Minorca chicks of May or June
Viaduct, several French boatmen discover- hatch, you are started toward the desired
ed a little •fellow about three years old float- goal. Take the cockerels away at once and
Mg down the stream. He was unconscious, let the pullets have plenty of room both by
but was prevented from sinking by a large day and nialit. If the chicks are still too
the stein s of which were tied round. -
apron, g !lei • vies s
crowded sell the hens and give t i I e
his neck. He was -Wren at once to the srnall to the chicks. Open the windows wide,
building at the Pone du Jour, specially se covet with wire netting, give plenty of pure
the restoration of persons found to air • 1 F d h t 1 t t
a art for nig its. ee a warm mas , a eas en
the Seine, and very soon the efforts made ti er ent ground meat and bone, every
• p c .
revive him were crowned with success. The morning before 7 o'clock, cracke' cl corn at
little fellow had hardly opened his eyes about 1 1, barley -at 2 p im, and all the
i he said that lie was very much afraid ' . .
it len wheat they can eat just before dark. Fresh i
for his mother, who had been in the water water must always be within reach. Provide
too. His remarks led to a further search, boards about six in cues wide,for them to
which resulted on the following morning in roost on.
the discovery, near the Quai d' Auteuil, of a. Be en the watch for lice. Spraying the
corpse of a Woman about 25 years of age, houses with kercsene emulsion will keep
One Thpusand Dollars in cash will be paid to the ) o
on sending in the largest list of English words 0. 1
taacataVa°1" letters in the words "The Canadian A 11
'MVO atuntirea Dollars in cash will he given to tl.c
-cound largest list
A Handsome Pair of Shetland Ponies Carriage ani
Elan -ices, 1111 117 given for the third le rgc e't Est .
honner 'gets; Ladies' CAW:itches.; Sitk b'ress Patterns ,
ice9• Tennyson'sPoeinF
'orliere Curtalns, Silver Tea Stirv . ,
' . mold in cloth; Dieke is' in12 volums, bound in cloth; etc
As there =more than 1000 prizes, any ono who Mkt,
he trouble IOIrepare an ordinary. good list will not Sai
o receive a valuable prize, This is the biggest thing it
he competition 'me that we have ever placed beforo lla
:raffle, and all who do not take part will miss au oppot
unity of a life time.
horms--1. A le tier cannot be used °Mier than 11
IIII.Wars in the words " The Canadian AgrietaLltriEt.
4,1, instance the word '' egg" could not be uze.d, as the) t
4 Ina one '' g" in,the three words. 2. Wordshaving mon
han•olle meaning but spelled rhea Franc cnn he used lav
n!ce. ... Names of ploces and pemons barred. .4. Error
nil not invalidate a list -the wrong words will war 1
aot be°tinted,
aa , musAcontain one dollar to pny for six montlis
woe:einem to WITE ACMICULT I 'it 1ST. II two or nuns
'ie, the larnest list which bears the earliest postmark wit
receive in
-- ,
I be direct route between the aqt ttud aj
poi lite on the Lower St. Laavrenti a ud Rai
dos Chalenr,Provinee Of Quebec; also fe
New Brunswick ,No-va Scotia,Prince &liver
CanoBretonisiands , an d Newfouncllan den
• . , .
st.Pitire, . m . 1 dm 1.1a
Express trains leave entice an a 1
daily ffiunemys excepted) and run throng
'without change between these points in it
howl' and 65 rairrateS. , .
The tbrough espress train cars of 1110 11
tercolonial Railway ere briiiittetly lighte
b -p elegtricity and heated by, Steam from tli
, n
locomotivethus greatly increasing the eafort and safety or travellera, , •
Nev and elegant bullotsleeping' and ds,
cars -are run on through expresstraens. .
i&°"'• v
• ' ea4
• _ '
100 oft&
_ '
lyle, translated Hebrew, kept house for
her brother , and did nearly as much of the
"heavy work" of the Weekly Shiner as did
the editor himself.
" Fiddlesticks !" said Mies Diana, as her
brother over his evening cup of tea, tossed
the manuscripts toward her, end related
his story. "Little Blanche Ainslie could no
more write for the paper than my canary
. bird ! But every woman thinks sle's a born
authoress, and nothing but personal experi-
ence will grin d the idea out of them I'
Then Miss Diana read the neatly writteu
573CB one by one
' " Scented with. rose," said, ehe, scornful-
1Y• Stu all nonsense 1 e
" Well?" said Karl, at last, looking uf
f ia -al s miss ay i •
rem is own NIT, ng a Jana aa
the packet. down, With . eloed " Hem !"
whia signified the completion of her task.
some of whose clothing was composed of
the same material as several articles worn
by the child. It is supposed that she had
thrown herself into the river with her little
boy, whose life was preserved under these
extraordinary conditions.'
, Perfuming Clothes.
. ' .
A delightful mixture for perfuming eloth-
ked awa and which is sa.id
es that are pac y,
to keep out moshs also, is made as follbws :
Pour d to a powder one ounce of cloves
' '
°arum ay seed; nutmeg, mace, cinnamon
and Torieum beans respectively, end as
much erns root as.will equal Cie weight of
' - d' t t I th
the oregouig mere ien s put .oge ete.
Little begs of muslin should be filled With
Ws ' 'attire', and, ' placed anion the et
1 nil* . .g . irt r"
them free from vermin. A coat of white-
wash containing carbolic acid will answer
the same purpose and be sweeter. Clean
the houses often. Lice will multiply rapid-
ly in the droppings if not remo‘•ed. A grass
run or better yet a clover field will -help
wonderfully M getting the pullets into lay-
ing condition. . .
13y October you will be ready to move the
pullets into their winter quarters. In a
week or two you should be getting eggs
from thirty per cent of the flock. 'If you
• • '
are not doing as vvell as this, think •over
your feeds • see if you are giving a well
, ,, • .
balanced ration ;, look tit night to see if they
are. crow( e . e e over in , e mornmg
man, and ra* meat, eno. bone twice a week
ill be of hel ' • Feed lightly of dein corn-
w . P" e - •
meal and Middlings. Jseep, the 'male birds
by. thetnselveS1 pia will ,get ' more ' eggs.
• eke the lirst prize, and the others will prizcs
order of merit. I:In
st par. Red Stattm mouey and stamps taken
tr. goinffthemgnifievnt priesis
:n'triti• nuebejeocui ieifteerrmeeef: aze',r*,
i 1 into new homes, .)
part of the American continent. '
wBvery .effinpetitor enclosing 30 mita in stamps extra,
in reeerve free, by mail, postpaid, one to Tint AORIolit-
noose's Elegant souvenir SpOODE Of CitIlatItt.
PriZef4 ilWarded to persons residing in the Bnited.S1 ates
will be shipped fron1 our New York ollide free. of duty
An money lettere should be rogistersd. • .
..pre ponm.ER. CompisTITICtri-ele havLgiveeen.avg
.25,ocio in prizes during tn9 las. wo ye a, d I
1 , !I -
.housands of letters from prize -winners in every a a.s in
the union and every parttnftgatredaGno/g.Lemusznitli
ennedytiwersBieeeeD U
to rahall recommend my friends to rnt et
'4` a ' • .' - •i
role competitions, tie et 3 randet,, YftLIC01140T, B. o.,
'reeeived$1000.in sold" and wo hold I is recomt for sortie.
.i.tew et the prize winners: M1FS J, , lemma.,
-am J. J. 'Brandon, VenelOn Falls, RobinsonOnt, ,$1.500; David
,larrison, Syracuae, N. Y., $535; LI. Reavis, St. Louis
ao., seee Jas. BRIM(); Weat DnInth, Minn., MO; MIR
, St Preek'yn $3.000.• Fred IL
. lcorsliet Robertson oak ., , , , , ,
Rills, =State St, Bridgeport, Conn.. aud thousands or
Adereas all eommtinientions to %'Itts AGIRIOtiLtISP•
. ..3
Ct anadian-European Mail and
Passenger 'Route. . -
Paeseegerefor Great i3 ritain or the cont
mint by loavin g kionti eal on to'ridaymernii
. . • • . er at Haifa
ill Bvi 0 Out -wars' mail steam
NV. . .
op Saturday: _ . . . .. . . , ..
Tbe attention ofasinnpers is aireeteci tott
Stip erior ittoint ies offered by 'Ulla kOl.ltett
the transport <antra r and general. morale
01 06 intended for theEasteirn Provincesat
Newfoundland ; also for slapinents of' grai
oa e inteudedfor tee Europeaumi
, navy ,ac
Ilitit ' • • • , , , '
E d awn nformatit
Tickets may be °bairn()
frei ht and ezseng
• about the rotzte ; also,. g ‘ , 0,
. mon.application to IN .WE A TUERSTUN, ' ' ,
We t rnVreight LaPatisenge Agent.
8 e . _ , .
. SSIto csi n Sous etilook ;Rea hit t TOGO]
1) ror 1183 GER,
. Nail:Wa y Onlee,Mcinctor, ,
_Beady -for use in u.--; quantity. l'Or malting Soap,
nortnning V:ater, Dish:I:Meting, and a hundred Othes
equals 20 pounda Sal Soda. .
. ,..1.4. b,.. Ali e&roders rand, Druggists.
Ann elee- ieee•Zztexamentex, •x• <meg
ren Ury tor c er s Uastoriai