The Exeter Times, 1892-9-15, Page 8lasetteatesemaateihnieless
of Toronto; also Xor thePIKENIE
\Y °Mt:eland. the CONFEDERA'FE LIFE
We would like very ninch to direct
attention of readers to a new Ser -
ie, 1 Tales by English Authors, for
which we are making an effort to secure
wido circulation in this section of
country. They are a series of reprints
of more expensive books, and though
sold aA; the astonishingly low price of 5
ersnts, are varitable gems of worth, as
interestingas a novel -with morals drawn
with force and clearness. They are is-
sued for the million, and in England
have found their way to the homes of
the millions. One firm engaged in their
production have published and sold 13
millions, and other firms are engaged in
the same work. The issues of .single
tales have been' enormous, ranging from
fifty thousand to one million.
Call and. see them on Saturday after-
noon or evening next.
Bookseller and Stationer.
Big 1,1=11)1 .31oro
Watch for the
opening of our
• )w Millinery
ad Mantle room
. STETIN7.6.11T.
ghz Ontin Mum.
SeaForth. Dye Works..
A4 erders foe the above works can be
left at E Fish's bather shop. Sittisfam
leen d e rme Merl,
Title satouid he Remembered.
Tae laws of Ontario provide that a. per -
sen taltine, up any estray stock shall, give
sietime of slush takieg up by publishing a
ermice three theme in a weekly newspaper,
• if one is publialied within the 'cation
where the. estray svas teke.n up, and if the
preemee ;,s met celled for within three
week a ',Stet, the d:at lineation of the notice
the finder shell to a jestine of the peace
and tete sath ts the finding and advertis-
ing. f the prnperty is not, chained within
one year and should not exceed 650 in
value it then belongs to the party taking
the same up. If over ft50 it shall be ad-
vertieed by the jestiee and. sold, and the
exceeds o.f all expenses thall he :paid over
o the e.onnty treaeurer: Any person tak-
ing em an estray and neglecting to mums
the seine to he advertieed and appraised
shall let liable to a fine of $20. The estray
law appliee to any other pergolas.l property
as-elei, may be found in like manner. Tim
TnlEs is the best medium ht this section
for all such advertising.
Brevet!' .
Cider raille in this district are le full
There wore two public baptisms in the
Trivitt Memorial church Islet Sunday.
The Zurich fair on Monday and Tuesday
was a failure owing to the wet weather.
The foot ball Beeson will soon be here..
and the Rugby engeged in with the usual
Flannels of all kinde, new and to hand
this week ; see the flannel at 16c., it will
surprise yon, at Clarke'''.
&melt' tag rate is two mill* on the
dollernamerding to the London Free Press.
Brunie mut be a deeirablo spot to live
Oso uf the early settlers of Hay town-
ship, ie the person of eld James Loadman
'maim" the way of all flesh, on Thursday
morning bait, and his genial smile is aeen
no more. Born in Yorks) Ire, England,
in he year 1830, he at the age of 5 years,
sc .14c:1 by other members of the tam-
e to Cauada, first going to Toronto.
ex moved to Markhron, and after
usourn of 6 years, moved onto a farm in
io ma township of &arbor°, near Toron-
to,•where they rtlao remained 6 yeers. The
next move was to Whitchurch, where in
1852 the deceased married Ann Miller.
In (Metier 1868, with wife and family, he
carne to western Ontario, taking up the
farm in Hay township on which he died.
ByMerd work and close attention to the
("Melia of the farm he soon had the proper-
ty well -cleared, and hirmielf in a good fin-
ancial standing ; and at the clone of his
worldly earoer was blessed with a goodly
portion of this world's goods. There sur-
yiee him hie wife and a family of 8 child-
ren, 3 sons arid 5 daughters. The sons are
John, Arthur. and James all of Exeter ;
the daughters : Mrs Jas Ching, Mrs. H
Ceiling. and. Mr. Jas Morey, who are in
Manboba, ; Mrs. Fred W Collins and Mrs.
Ed Treble, Exeter. The deceased was
• highly respectecl by everybody, and al-
thengh a clever business man, held the
confideuce of all with whom he had deal-
ings; bieword was honored a3 a signed
doeument. Mr, Loarlinan had been ill for
• neatly two years, the greeter part of the
time being eonfined to the house, and he
• boOe his aufferlegs with patience and e full
resignation to the will of Christ ; hie ail-
ineut 'was that of paralysis. The fue-
oral teola place on Saturday, and the large
attendance testified to the esteem in which
tho deceased was held, as also to the brorsd
sympathy expressed by the community te
the bereaved fereily and frionde.
Workmen are engaged cleaning debris
from the recently burnt mill, preparatory
to the erection of the new building, which
will be commenced ha a few weeks.
The coal ring has been broken and coal
will now be sold for $4.25 per ton. Those
who contracted for $6.10 per ton will con -
eider themselves out a good sum.
During the past week the rainfall has
been immense, not a. day pmeesing without
a thunder shower. WobsillWe should have
had during the summer we are getting
unoecupied frame house owned. by
Frank 'Treihner, two and a half miles west
of this place. war; struck by lightning on
Sunday night last, and burned to the
Miss Hoene is this year showing the lat.
eat in Millinery, and. for range and quality
her display cannet be surpassed. The
opening of the show room will take place
on Sept 23rd and 24th, and continue until
the 27th, Every lady is invited to iespect
the display.
Messrs Snell Bros & Co disposed of their
butcher lousiness this week to the Messrs
Ford, of Stephen, well known iu Exeter,
and rill deeote all their time and merma
to the pork packing lewdness, svhiclr has
lately grown to large proportions, and
which prorniees to still vastly increase.
We vrieh them success all amend,
The Sullivan -Corbett fight at New Or -
"emus on Wednesday last resulted in Sul-
livan being knocked out in the 21st round.
While the affair was most brutal, there is
just ono redeeming feature in it, and that
is one of the coarsest and most brutal
bullies that ever lived was soundly
The Mitchell Recorder has this to say
of the lacrosse metch played there last
week - The match was a very friendly
one, and the Exeter players and their
friend. ho accompanied them to town
are a tine lot of fellows, but are mere
novices at lacrosse, only being organized
one aeasou, The Mitchell boys have im-
proved wonderfully since the opening of
the season and put up a fine game for the
chance they have had."
While returning from Lucan on Sunday
night last, Mr- T. W.Hatekshaw and wife
had it. very narrow escape from severe in -
jiver'. When a short distance from Centre
lia, owing to the intense darkness, the
horse got off the reed and. thebuggy upset.
The occupants were thrown into a deep
ditch, but escaped with only a few bruises.
Fortunately the horse did not make any
attempt to runawamor "things mighthavo
been much worse."
On Saturday last, about 4 o'clock in the
afternoon, the grist mill of Carter at Om
St Marys, collapsed, and allowed the ma-
chinery and some 5,000 bushels of wheat
to spill on the street. The wreck fell
across Queen st., and as luck happened no
person was passing at the time, and no one
was injured. A team had just been driven
away from the mill and avoided heieg
crushed. It took a large force until 12
o'clock to remove the blockade. •
Brantford Expositor: "Mr W.H.Verity,
states that in conscquence.of a quantity of
repair work having come in, it will be im-
possible to close down the Exeter shops
for eome little time, and it will probably
be two menthe hence ere the Brantford
shops ate running. Meantime, the neces-
sary alterations mid improvements are
being pushed forward The company hos
added to its business that of the Phoenix
Company of London, and all the manufac-
turing will be done here."
The Parkhill papers, the Gazette and
Rbit iew, according to a statement made in
TILE TIMES recently,(and which was said
at the time to be foundistionless) have
amalgamated. While the move is a eens•
ibis one and justifiable from existing cir-
cumstances, we _would ask the Gazette -
Review if such a project had not been
under consideration for some time, and if
TEE Mae mention of ite early consurri-
mation had not more foundation than the
Parkhill papers were willing to admit?
The authorities of the poorhouse at
Belfast, Ireland, are endeavoring to find
the relatives of James Stewart, who was
admitted as a pauper to the aoorhouse and
died suddenly soon after. On examination
of his clothing after death it was found
that he had nearly 810,000 in United States
money and certificates of twenty mining
shares stitched in the kilning of his coat.
The name of Stewart is not uncommon
among the Scotch -Irish in Ulster, and it
is believed that this Stewart belonged
there originally and had 'probably return-
ed after a long absence in the United
States. No one has identified him.
, Exeter's rate of taxation for this year
will be Iet mills on the dollar. Had there
not been so much useleas and reckless ex-
penditure in connection with the removal
of the market, the rate might easily have
been reduced to 11 mills, as no improve-
ments, other than a little gravelling on
Main street and m front of a few lone
residences can be shown to have been
done. It will require some long breaths
by the councilmen to explain their steward
ship at next nominat:on. They have per
formed many petty acts to be ashamed of.
There is practically nothing to show for
the 7 mills fps village purposes.
A correspondent sends in the following,
computation, which is of interest :-Flour,
now retails at $2.95 per hundred. The,
wholesale price to dealers is in and less.'
Bakers ecu purchase all the flour they
want at $1.80 per hundred. Each hundred
of flour turns out some sixty-sixtwmpound
loaves ot bread,which at five centper loaf
amounts to 83.30. It should. be a pretty
good paying business when a man can
work up the raw material at little expense
and double the rnopey invested; Say that
a baker has an output of only one thousand
loaves a day, He would consume about
1,500 pounds of flour, which, supposing
that no Oriental flour or other substitute
is used in connection, with the floureat
$1,80 per hundredi would cost him $27.
At 5 cent e a loaf on the output would
realise $50, a prodt of $23, net including
expenses. Allowing a liberal auto fat,
wages ond expenees, in the conducting of a'
1,000 loaf a day business the baker is mak
bog doer profit of $13 to $16 per dmy,
Twe ettrong Boys Wanted,
Ono to learn blackemithing ; the other
to drive team. Apply to
01$4in D. Daman
rrager Meeting in a Hotel.
The editor of the Walkerton Telescope
had oneasiou to spend an hour or two in
Durham recently, and while there wituess.
ed a rather unusual eight at one of the
hotels. Thia was neither more nor less
than a family prayer meeting at which the
laudlord, his wife, and all the servants
were present. it was conducted by the
Methodist mihister, who wag making one
ot his usual pastoral visits. The landlord's
wife it appears, was converted some
weeks ago, and this feet will explain the
circumstances of the prayer meeting. We
don't see why a hotelkeeper's family
should not be a good living family as well
as any oiher man's. Is is self evident tha
the large majority of them are quite aa
The Late James wrow.
When in Toronto Saturday Mr. James
Trow, Ex -M. P. for South Perth, dropped
dead while walking along Carltorast., on
his way to visit his son, Dr. Trow. The
cauae of death was appoplexy, which has
troubled him (lately. No more popular
representative aver at in Parliament than
James Trow, ex -M, P. fer South Perth,
and whoa() death hes shocked a wide circle
of his friends. Mr. Trow, it may safely
be said, has not an enemy either in publio
or in private life, aud that is saying a good
deal toe a man so long in politics. He was
a Welshman by birth. His early deys
were spent at Newton, Montgomeryshire,
and he was educated at Welslipool. When
but 17 years of age ihe came to Canada,
and six years later he Ives married to Mies
.Mary Moore of Blenheim, Oxford county.
He first followed the occupation of a rcon-
veyaecer. For nearly 30 years he was,
reeve of North Eaathope, chosen exult time
by acclimation, and he has the honer of
being elected warden of Perth. At Con-
federation he was elected a member of the
Ontario Legislature for South Perth and
held the seattill 1871. In 1872 ho was
chosen representative of the riding in the
House of Commons, and was the member
continually till the reeePt bye -election,
when he was defeated by "Mr. Wm, Pritl-
ham, the presmt member, For many
years he enjoyed the distinction of being
elected. as Liberal whip in the Commons,
and received many marks of the apprecia-
tion of his services by his associetes. He
also held a prominent position in vedette
financial institutions. His romans wore
buried at Stratford on Tuesday,the funeral
being one of the largest ever seen.
Mr. John Gould, lately with Mr. W.
Southcott, has procarecl a situation in
Stratford, and lefe for that town on Mon-
day. We wish him every suceess.-A
number left yeste: tley on the elleap excur-
sion to To. on to ex hi bi tion. M r. Lt. V.
Elliot is its Toronto on business e are
plea.sed to note the continued improve-
ment in Mr. Alex. Dow's health ; on Sat -
Imlay he was aisle to be up town and shake
hands with ineny friends. -Miss Fannie
Dawden returned home from the oldconn-
trip with her father, Reeve Bawden last
week, -Revs. 0 Fletcher and W dartie
will attend the Pun Presbyterian Council
next week in Toronto. -Mr. Fred Down of
Woodstock, wee in town this week visit-
ing his 'deter, who has been very low ; we
learn her condition has coneiderably im-
premed the pest few days. -Miss Sadie
flawkshew is visiting friends in Seaforth,
-Mr. NV lIewkshaw of Seaforth was in
town last week. -We are pleased to an-
nounce that Mr. I. Carling has successfully
passed his intermediate examination at
law, and. has returned home front Toronto.
-It is alao with pleaaure that we note the
succesa of W. E. Gundy of Leamington,
formerly with R, H. Collins, in his final
examination for eolioitor and barrister, at
the Law Society examination held in Tor-
onto last week, He passed very credit-
ably. Mr. Gundy will go into partnership
with MmEason of Leamington, with whem
he has been engaged for some time recent-
ly. -Mr. John McRoberts has returned to
town and is &man on the market buying
grain for W. H. Hutchins, M. P. -Mr. Vt'
J. Clark of Kingston, was in town this
week r igiting friends --Last week's viait.
ors to Toronto have returned, and another
grist of seine 30 left Tuesday to take in
the closing days. -Mr. Jonathan Shier of
Woodham, coencillor of Usborne, sva.s itt
town on Monday and gave Tim Inuits a
call. Mr. Shier was one of the drat sub-
scribers to this paper. -Mr. D. Wilcox is
visiting friends in South laiver.-Rey."Mr.
Feett is is Toronto undergoing a painful
operadon to his Apse, which he was unfor-
tunate enough to have broken some time
Read Jas Grieve's mist iu this issue and
profit thereby. Grieve sells cheap.
For choice and tea pots, in
lines suitable for presents, see those shown
by' Clarke this week.
Come to the Exeter fair prepared to stay
for the concert in the evening. It will be
first clasa, and afford edification for all.
As pears and peaches are needed in the
home, you will want jars to keep them
well preserved. Get them at Claike's.
Richard Pickard& Son are sole agents
ije Exeter for the celebrated Rigsby and
INeptonette water -proof garments. These
goods are the most reliable on the mar-
ket and contain no rubber.
YPSCE County notice. The Secref
taries of Y P 5, C E., Epworth League o
C E, or other pledged societies of similar
character will cepfer it favor by forward-
ing to the County Secretary, drawer "P"
Exeter, the names of their society, pester,
cor. see Arad P. 0. address, with date of
organization, at the earliest possible date.
County papers please copY.
Congult your own interesta and pur-
chase your fall suit from Richard Pick-
ard So Son. They have the largest as -1
sortment and the lowest prices. '
The workmen enesmed at the cut at the
Bend, are getting along nicely with their
work, and appareotly doing a good job.
On Friday last while at work ,they ex:
humed the bones of an Indian. A.number
of etone arrow betide, and home, and other
weapons were found with the bones, in-
tended for his uee in the happy hunting
Painting and drawing lessons given
by Miss Browning. Terms moderate.
Full particulars at Dr. Browning's Drug
: You will be wanting a new dress for
fall wear. Call ab Richard Pickard &
ISon's. 'They import their own goods
'direct from Mttnnfacturer in Europe
and carry the largest assortment in town.
L) sa=
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I need money, and to get it, I will
offer for the next two weeks the follow-
ing reductions :
!arapg mei hod in. Maple, former price
$r 115 re iuced to n.50.
Panel bed . nicely carved and moulded, 4 ft.
Cin. high, formeeprice ma.75, reituoed to Ms,
Bed room setts in Male regular pries: VI,
reduced. to $8.5e -only a few lei t.
lledroom setts, Maina res, price 811 red; to$12
4 14 17 " 16
ideboards.Tables, Cupboards, °heirs Spring For "Yourself
Mattresses MM. 16 per cent etf replier price,
Good Hair cloth Parlor Suites Solid Walnut
from 62s4upwards,
Plush parlor suites from $2i upwards.
Everything reduced in proportion for For Your Wife
This is a sweeping offer and will only
bold good for the new two weeks.. For Your Children
Two Doors North. Town Hall.
Exeter Municipal Council.
The Commit m,.t pnrsuant adjoutn.
men t ztt th r ts'sn 1)-11 i,"! -It Sept.
1602. Ail per sent. Mientst, of pruvious
meeting reed and eS4.ptiel.
T. lt. Carling- Christie, orders Inc the
folio ming earns:
L. Davie, $0.10; balances for la or Wm.
Horn. 83.00 do ; Joie eromeeme er;
Geo. Ford, 81.24 do. Thos. Oke. 90 fleets
do.; Jas. Willis, $1S.63 lumber; Bissett
Bros. $10.90 certified account; Jae Creech
82 charity to MrssClann ; do, $2, charity
to Mrs. Mr:Int:eel' ; do. $1 cherity to Min
Piper e dm, $7.25 dem:mime telleg Mies
Piper to Asylum ; Tilos liarteen ;role
balaece of contrect few dminime. reel t4eo.
Ford $84.70 hal of lieeoent for se excl. -
rate be levied les z slams: 7s, .,e : 1 mid
in the $ for Cm isle Iste; 7 tot; s
and 0 mills Inc ssis Carried.
Si pt. eltman - 1 i. od-Tite., the and
Messim Ciulin n. . ilsistie la. a ,s,mmit-
See to measure ed siemens 'tat, erepooed
drain on Mein st, mei vertleo fer ti selere
to be received at each Gino tie :leer may
deem proper. --
The Council ssijourned oral' esli of the
M. Estee:see, Clerk.
ainitnevy Opez,ing.
Mrs. D. Spicer wielem to arum:ince to
the Ladies of Extdeo and e'renity that elle
intends haying ler Midinery tdpeeing, be.
ginning on Friday, 211e1 to arath September
Having secured, the servioes of Miss Le
Faive, a first-elaes Milliner, the utrnoet
will he done to .pleaae customers. The
finest display of meweet "styles. The "meet
in. both America:tree-1rd Parisian novelties.
Remember the place, Mks. D; Snloart,
Don't fail to see the large variety of toil
et metts at Clarke's • alert the greatest bar-
gain in town in a glass nett for 25c.
you want a Stylish, perfect -fitting
Mantle or Wrap of any description for
fyourself or children; call and inspect R.
Pickard cfc Son's immense stock ; they
teen suit you
The suit of O'Neil & Co., bankers,Lucan
against Richard Jones of Dunwich to re-
cover the face of a note held by them, and
purporting to be signed by MrJones, was
tried arethe Dutton Division Court on
Thursday. The not* was purchased by
O'Neil & Co.from one Yourex,and claimed
to have been given by Mr Jones for seed
oasts. The signature was not the writing
of Mr. Jones but he claimed to have made
his mark. The evidence went to show
that there was now it note held by a Lon-
don bank for the same note, which is
properly signed, na3A1 that Mr. Jones neyor
made his mark on any note, the one in
question being clearly a forgeq. Verdict
for defendant.
For towelings and tablings and table
napkins, we think you can't get better
yalue than those ahown by Clarke.
o The most elegant aStiOrtmOnt of Dress
/Trimmings ever shown in Exeter may
now be seen at Richard Pi elzerd & Son's
Their stock is composed of ell the iatest
American and Europemi novelties and
was imported direct.
We regret exceedingly the publication of
an item in out •iesue of the llth elt, reflect
ingon the good name of Mr. J. T. Mitch.
ell of the Petrolea Topic. That gentle-
man's character so far as we know is be-
yond reproach, Our item was meant as a
humorous Skit end we regret that it was a
cause of 'offence. We therefore retract
anything in the item hurtful to Mr. Mitch
ell or his good name.
• A few days ago vslaile Mr. Alex, Ewing of
Clinton was riding with a friend behind it
mph I ted team, the heroes took fright at an
umbrella being put up, and ran away,
throwing Mr. Ewing out and breaking a
' couple of his rib.
There is no place itt town that offers better oppor-
tunities for
In the Staple Wares of any special line of Goods, than
can be found at
Your trade, and will give you special
inducements to get it. We want you
to come and seo what WO can do for you
in the Clutlung e hare Just
ceived the balance of our
- FALL i
And we are showing the largest and best
assorted. stock of Scotch and Canadian
Tweec1P, French and English Worsteds,
buitings and Footings, and all the lat-
est things in
-the finest range ever shown in Exeter,
and our prices are away down, and our
fits encl workmanship areZseconcl to
none. We keep the
to:be found, and sell thetn cheap, too.
LADIES, see our Sealettes before you
buy elsewhere.
Remember the place :
The Tailor, Exeter,
Exeter, Sept. 7, 1892.
Fall wheat per bush • $ 60
Spring wheat per bush......... 73
Barley per bush 35
Oats per bush,. ............. 2
Peas per bash. ............ ..!56
Flour per bbl 4 00
Apples per beg .. 75
Potatoes per bag 1 00
Hay ocr ton . . ........ -......... ... . 8 00
viW0000d ppeorr eoodrrdd hooafrrel. ..... 4 00
Butter per lb... 9 00
Eggs per dozen 9
Pork per hundred... - .... 5 .
: 50
$ 70
57 '
4 40 ,
1 00
6 00
4 03
6 00
Wo bog leave to inform you that the partner -
Ain or Coed, Rennie & Young has been diesel -
red by Mutual Consent, Mall, D. Young retir-
ing from the said Partnership. The business
will be carried on by the remaining partners,
vizs-Coad 8r Rennie. Thanking our numer-
ous customers for the liberal patronage in the
We will be prepared to offer good induce-
ments. We will also sell all summer goods at
()ostler earth, viz :-Dress goods, parasols, straw
hate, men's suits at it great reduction.
ell accounts due on 1st. Oet.. 1891, muSt be
settled by the lat. of September.
Came into the premises of the subscriber
about thalami of Mier Or iati first of June five
icarilosstsers, Ferlurtheenarbieulars apply
Beg ;188 $t Marrs,
• Graduate of Royal College of Dental
Surgeons. and of the Dental Department et
Toronto UnivereitY, twith honors.)
Specie iat in bridge -work, and gold and por-
celain orowns.
rure Nitrous Oxide Gas and local entosthet-
ies for painless extractions. sklivaye at home.
°Mee: Faneon's Block, Exeter,
Containing 100 acres, of wh;oh 90 metes are
under aultivetion. the balanee of good maple
and some beech timbers. -A Urge brick dwell -
lite, two bank barns with good Itabling, alio
a 14 foot geared windmill, which drives grain
erusher. cutting box, turnip Lathe, grind
atone. said circular raw, etc. iron wimp with
tank and tank extents suitable to have water
itt stabling, Good hog stable and hen coop,
implement and driving shed, tarca sheep stable
and two sprinz wells whichnever fail to give
water in the driest season. Large orobard con-
taining all kinds of the beat (crafted fruits.
The ground is ale's), loam all tinier -drained
with tilmand well .renoed-must be sold. For
further particulars, apple- to
Creiiton, Ont.
60 mires in township of 110.37, eon. 9, tot 6
with good orchard and frame house and other
out buildings. Good. well of water. looation
three miles from Daskweod, six milos from
Exeter. For terms &pray to
On thepromises. If by letter to Santee P. 0'
To sell our unexcelled Nursery Stock:
Steads- employment and control of terri-
trey. Have done busineepain Canada 35
years. Liberal pay to the right mem.
Send for terms.
sem takes lead in the
furniture ausiness
We are too busy to call on people in
need of Furniture ; but please drop in
003' Warerooms and see our Stock ancl
we will tty to suit you in this line.
Orderea Work Nea,tly Done on Short Notice
Remember we have also a handsome
line of
_Undertaking Goads
Ilways on hand, and all calls in this
inc will be promptly attended th, and
satisfaction guaranteed every time.
Store --Next to Molsons Bank, Exete
Ed. Brewet, of Morris WAS kicked by a
hares reoently and had the large betie of
his left leg broken.
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