HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-9-15, Page 5a ONii) Ul‘T.Iltne'S "t< Both the method and results when , Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys• tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro. al ,a, pleasing to the taste and ac. e- cOiZ le.to the stomach, prompt in L 0 s tion and truly beneficial n its effects, prepared only from the most healthyand agreeable substances, it many excellentqualities commen d it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not Lave it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishai. 40 try it. Manufactured only by the 1ALIFORNIA FIG SITUP CO . I 1 SAN PRADIOISOO, CAL. 4.0 tsviram, Z. NZW YUAN, Xs '4 For Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store BORN. Srrona.—In Exeter on the 8th inst.. the -wife °Mr. D. Spicer. a daughter, Chiselhurst, on the 9th inst, the wife of Afr. Thos, Wreo a on. Bisseee•—In Exeter, on the llth inst., the wife of A.. Dissett daughter. MARRIED. Fonenan—DAVIlagota—On Wednesday. the 7th instoby tier. Fred Dolling Batt. John II. Fortner of London to Mary Jane Davidson of Exeter. Tunst—Davis.—In Mitoholl, on the 7th inst.. at the residence of the bride. by the Roy. J. . S. Conine, Mr. John G. Thiel, t o Ali etallaud MaY. daughter of M. Sas Davis. DIED. Tow.—In Toronto on the 10th inst.. Jame* Trow, Ex -M. 1), of Stratford, aged 67 years BETANT.—At Etrick, on Sunday, Sept. llth Nary J. Dryant formerly of Luoen. aged 27 Yew. LoAnyAR.—In Hay township, on the Sth, inst JarAes Loadmo.n , aged 62 years and 24 dat. Itottintia—In Hibbert, on the ard inst., John Itogore. aged 70 years. • Tuokertraith, on the 5th lot., Turner, aged 24 yore. •`‘. Te( Sale Register. -- Onesday, Sept 28th.— Farm stock, knents, etc., the property of Chas. ''ot 17, con 0„township Stephen. one o'clock. H. Eilber, Aue. rides!, Sept. 30,—Farm stock, fin- Pplements, etc., the property of ,T B, Hodgins, lot 10, con 21, Stephen town- ship. Sale at one o'clock. H. Eilber, Auctioneer, Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownevalley, Ind says :—"I have been in a distressed condi tion for three years from Neryousnees, of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was one. I bad been doototing constantly with no re- lief. I bought one bottle of South Ameri- can Neivine; whit% done "me more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly vermin to use this valuable and lovely rem- edy. A tratil battle will convince you. Warranted by C. Lutz, Druggist. sus. 14 Itch, Manae-and scratehat of every kind on burams ',singe or animals cured in 30 minuto notes by Woliord'a sanitary lotion This never fails, Sold by C. Lutz! DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORM S• OF1ALL KINDS IN -CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET AS S*YRUPsAND ANNOT-tHARM THE, MOST -a. MEL. !CAT W"C F-1 I L D erma 99 yru Those who have not Throat used Bosehee's Ger- d Lunman Syrup for some ar — severe and chronic pecialty. trouble of the Throat and Lungs can hard - appreciate what a truly wonder - 1 medicine it is. The delicious engatious of healing. easing, clear- , strength -gathering and recover- • are unknown jOers. 'For Gee: Syrup we do not ask easy cases. gar and water may smooth a' oat or stop a tickling—for a while. is is as far as the ordinary cough edicine goes. Boschee's German rip ie a discovery, a great Throat d Lung Specialty. Where for years there have been sensitiveness, pain, coughing, spitting, hemorr- hage, voice failure, weakness, slip- ping down hill, where doctors and edicine and advice have been svial- °Wed and f011oyfed to the gulf of !despair, where thereis the sickening conviction that all is over and the nd is inevitable, there we place• te Spa rkg=t. Anineisre mewl : THE DOMINION IN BRIEF The Winnipeg electric railway started bnniness hot week. All the cheese in the stook of the King- , ston Board has been contracted for at 0,1 to 100. The estate of Count Mercier is offered for sale hy tender for the benefit of his credi. tors. • A fire at the Burlington glass works, Hamilton, did damage to the extent of $40,000. Erl. McKeown, Winnipeg's heavyweight pugilist, lost his saloon and all his wealth on Sullivatt. Over twenty thousand dollars' worth of lumber was consumed, by fire at Flint • & Holton's mill, Belleville. The C.P.R. has given notice of its iaten- ton to withdraw from the Trans -Continent- al Association on January 1, It is believed in Montreal political circles Hest Sir John Abbott will resign the Pre- miership before the end of the month. A Victoria, B.C., despatch says more hay and gmin will come down from the Frazer river valley this year than ever before. In the Speingfielcl district, near Winni. peso, the fritters have realized 35 bushels of wheat to the acre, all of the first quality. A letter received at Ottawa fromMan. cheater? England, says there is a steadily increasing demand there for CosiadiM but- ter. A rook slip took place at the Blizzard mine, Sudbury, on Wednesday, by which five men were killed and one was badly in. jured, Mr. Henry Bates, of Siganaw, Mioli,, ie buying a large number of horses M Perth county, Ont„ for the Miehigan lumber woods. Patrick Fitzgerald of Oakville was struck by an M. C. R. train near Welland yesterday morning and had both arms broken. Brantford has granted exemption from taxation for ten years to the Farmers' Binder Twine and Agricultural Implement Company. is proposed in Kingston to the Dominion Government to pass an A. setting apart September 5 for labor ce e iations. It is stated that the Grand Trunk Rail- way are contemplating the use of electrieit for moving their cars through their St Clair tunnel. 0. C. Hale, a prisoner who was in S. trat ford goal awaiting trial for forgery, es -r. IC11 Tuesday night A reward of $100 is oillA 0,1 for his recovery, John M. Cox, principal of Ccillinateo„ 1 Collegiate Institute, hes been apsioiuted mathematical master of Harbord Collegiate Institute, Toronto. The Government cases against Thomas McGreevy, N. K. Connolly, Arnoldi, Tal- bot and others will come up at the Assizes in Ottawa tine week. The wheat crop of Manitoba is estimat at from ten to twenty millions of bushel'. For quality the crop will surpass anything ever grown in the province. At a public meeting in Amherstburg resolutions were adopted in favor of bonnsingtwo new bra,nehes of railroad and an electric road to Windsor. The Hamilton Board of Health has decided to take steps to preventan outbreak of cholera there. The inspectors will see that the regulations are enforced. A.t a meeting of anti -home rulers in To- ronto a committee was appointed to arrange for a mass meeting to protest against the proposed reception of Hun. Edward Blake. The strike of the Hamilton street car employes has been amicably settled on terms satisfactory to the men, and reduc- ing the houre of work to ten and a half per day. The merchants of Winuipe,g are consider- ing the questiou of reeiprocal trade rela- tions with China and Japan. It is thought there should be a good market for Camtdian flour. The corner -stone of the nevr Roman Catholic Church at St. Mary's, Ont., was laid on Sunday with imposing ceremonies, by Bishop O'Connor, assisted by several of the clergy. Weaken wore sworn out against Super- intendent Gunn and Driver Yokotn, of the Toronto Street Railway, in connection with the killing of Miss Hannah Heron by a trolley ear. The Rev. C. G. Snepp, who left Hamil- n on July 25 for Rochester, is missing, is trunk lying unclaimed at Rochester. is friends fear that he has been the victim foul play. Chief Pandush, of the Mississauga band Indians, of Hiawatha, Ont., Was killed n Saturday by his horse becoming frighten - d and throwing him from his buggy. He ai 75 yore old. The Provincial Board of Health met in oronto, and passed several resolutions re - ting to precautionary measures to be ken to prevent the importation and spread cholera in Ontario. , Julian Brosseau, a well-known Customs facer in Montreal, who was stationed. at e Canadian Paoific station has suddenly parted from the city, leaving a shortage seventeen hundred dollars. Rev. 0 J. Snepp of Boston, formerly qf amilton, who disappeared mysteriously om Niagara Falbs on July 25, ha); been en found at the general hospital in Bal - lo registered as A. J. Fenton. Reports from all the pincipal points in anitoba and the Northwest state that Ily 95 per cent. of the grain crop has been t, that 20 per cent. is stacked, and that tie damage has been .done by frost. The trial of the election petition against e return of Mr. Williatn Priclham, M.P. r South Perth, and the cross -petition in e ease were set down for hearing at ratfoad, but no evidence being offered th petitions were dismissed. At midnight Architect Lennox with a dy of policemen took possession of the w civic buildings in Toronto, and ejected e watehman employed by Contractor eion, with whom he had been dieputing some months regarding the quality of e material used in conetruction. • At the Assize Court in Hamilton -on -Sat day the case of Thompson ye, Thompson s tried, the plaintiff suing the defendant , breach of promise of marriage, a,nei lining $5,000. She had lived with him ce1853, and in her seventy-first year he d cast. her off and married another wo- n. By mutual,consent she was granted. hundred dollars. The 'Conservative picnic at Petrolea at- cted several thousand people. Sir John onipson, Sir Adolphe Caron, and Messrs. stir, Haggert, and,Carling were present, d wereinven.ab enthusiastic reeeption. Iditilater of justi' ce , his speech, der dot! 'the actittsi of the Government in tiGa, - tell‘ a,vrmeacla ses, ancen4eFted 't"he4t • .C.ScccnpiesiglIC:=11004111MMICIZICC=M4WaK4MISII4! RHEUMATISM The Molsons Bank ORARTERED BY Pa fiLLSMENT, 1850 Paid np Capital ' se,oeo,oeo Beat Punt! ... .,. 1,100,000 RoadOirtee, Montreal , F. WOLFEIISTAN TIIOXIAS,Ese.a Gov gee LMANAC &Toney advanced, to good canners on their own note with one or snore endorser at 7 per cent. per annum. Exeter Branch., Open every lawful day , from 10 a. .to 3 p.m SATURDAYS ,10 a.re. to 10.20, Current rates of interest allowed on deposits N. DYER:HURDON, Sub -Manager. ramers' Aliontion! PUICE LIST: FLOUR Zurich S. R. $ 1.90 4C Zurich 5, B. .2,25 4 4 Pastry 2.00 Myers' Royal S.pice (per cwt.) 0.00 SHORTS (Per ton) 14.00 BRAN 12.00 CHOI' c $14 to $21 All orders of ton lots or over filled on shortest notice, OrderS in the village delivered prom. ptly and satisfaetion guaranteed. • - S. RICHARDSON, Opporac ToAn Hall. • Manager. BOA R FOR SERVICE. Bericnhi.re Boar (tato breed) for service on 101. 15, can 7, Ushsrne, Bred from lat Prize stock, Terms $1, WM SNELL. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. tho E',..nitrIty Cann-etc:1 Farms. Inter FI tx1,07' coay.te eu: ot- ehlmally. Ans. por• 11''',lqineir./1 may ropald at any alto the lom“wer winhes All exPeme4 0101.11,,). the Comity. No per 'on except the Qounte Auditors:slimed t3 see et...nes:nes or to know to whom money is loaned. Apply to WM .1-10LMES,. oderieli Aug. Sob, 192. Co. Treasurer, a -,(1-1t • . . ci A LESM EN WANTED. to of of la ta of th de of fr be fa fu Cu ljb th fo th St bo bo ne th Ne for th ur wa for cla sin ha ma six tra Th VD Th fen atm &tweet menses We wsast tr a•-ealo.; and lees! Seloomen to rept eent 111,1 ola taieb•hed Fonthill Nur- Ferits SALARY PAID Fito.11 11111 sTAiir to Salton:cm experieticed in our lino' liberal tomb: to Iteglimer and a permanent situation assured. We have 7 9 ACRE- under cal tiva- tiou and are the only firm furnishing STRICT- LY FIRST-CLASS OealsZADEAN GROWN sarOCK. OUTFIT FREE. HARDY VARIE- TIES ter North ()marl!) espl alaeitolia. aspeo. laity. • 1VE GUAR )NTEE OUR sroolt Apply for terms at once. We want you NOW STONE & WELLINGTON. Toronto, tint: judioial Sale. WHITE VS. STANLAKE. _ 411Cii0.11 Sale of Valuable Farm Lands in: the T ozemsltip of Stephen, near the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron. Pursuant toan Order of Sale, dated the 10th day of September, A, D. 1052, and madelby the Judge of the County Court !of the County of Huron, in a certain matter of Partition of White vs. Stanlake there will bo offered for sale by Public Aeution by JOHN GILL, EsQ., A uctioreer, at the C °VIZI ac1,10X-cEs.X., 3ECCDT311M, In the 'VILLAGE :or EXETER _cm__ Saturday, the 1st day of October, 1892 At one °clock in the afternoon the following Valuable form properle, Tit : 1 The south half of Lfal NUMBER SIXTEEN in the FOURTH CONCESSION of the Town ship of Stephen, in the Oounty of Huron. This is a valuable Profsertv. well situated. •tunder eultivation, 'within four miles of the vil lag° of Exeter, and in the raidsof the best farming country in Ontario, and the soil is un- surpassed for farming purposes. The property is free from ineumbrances. • TEM OF SALE . Ten per minim of the • purahase money to be Paid on the day of sale and the balance with- out interest to be paid into Court in 30 days,or tit e purchaser may have three years to pay one half of the pnrohase money securing the same by a mortgage on the property payable in three equal yearly payments with interest at six p er cent. • The Real Representative reserves to himself power to adjourn the sale if in his judgment an adequate price is not bid, Sinall othez respects the conditions of sale will be the standing Conditions of the High Court cf Justice,. -For further particulars apply to Philip Holt Esquire, Goderieh. or to the Vendor's Solici- tor. AD -Jed thia 10th day of September, A. D,1892. R, H. COLLINS, ISAAC F, TOMS, Exeter, Ont. Real Representative, Vendor's Solicitor County Huron. AUCTION SALE. In the matter of the estate of iLawrence Bennett, late of the Toweship of Us - borne, in the County of Huron, Yeo- man, deceased. And in the matter of Chapter 108 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, known as "The devolution ofiEstates Aet," there -will be sold by public auction on . Monday, the 19th day of September, 1892 Id the hour,of 3 o'olockin the afternoon at the premises in theViliage of Elimvil le, by Mr.H. Brown, auctioneer, (subject to such conditions as shall then be pronueed) the following pro- perty viz that pares] or tract of land and premieeesituatelying andbeing in thetownship ofUsberne,inthe County of Huron and Province of Ontario, containing by admeasurement sixty four (64) rods of land, be the same more o less which may be better known and described as follows : -rhea is to low cOrtnenting eight rods south of the north-east corner of lot number ten in the sixth concession of the town 'ship of Usborne. thence along the concession southerly foot' rbds, thence westerly parallel with the gravelledroadfour rods, thence south- erly parallel with the concession four rods, thence weaterly parallel to the gravelled road six rods, pence northerly, parall el to Lbe con- ceston eight rods, thence easterly parallel to the gravelled road ten .rod s to the place of beginnintc, said parcel of land being composed of part of lot number ten in the sixth conees- sion of the mad township of treborste. There is a 1 storey brick dwelling and a small stable thereon. The property will be gold 'subject to a reserved bidq fixed by the official guardian, TERMS OF SALE Ten 'per cent. cash on day of saleand the balance to be paid into the Canadien Bank of Oommeniete the joint credit of thelofficial Guardian and the Administra- iris, within 30Idays without interest. Ter fur- ther partioulare aPply to JOHN HGBKIN.14.44. C. th to _ =ea:. Toronto, isiLLIOT 44 X LLI0s, Gat. Venders'Botroders. D 'tea August 27th 1092. Bleier, Ont. RHEUM&TI�1.1.157 NEITRALGIA and kindred diseases ere due tecongestion of the blood vessels. teetered neat! fermen tation, resulting in tends: If the blood does not ciroulete in flammation in time must be the inevit- able result. The Cur . ativo Absorbent is one of the most pow- erful blood Mimi - lents known. It stint ulates the blood to action, restoring the circulation. That once established dis- ease must cease. Canadian Office, LONDON, ONT 001VSCOTTON ROOT COMPOUND. A recent discovery bY an old physiciOn,. Successfully no. etZ monthly by thaumnds of LdoxEs. Is thee/11y perfect- ly safe and reliable medicine discovered. Beware of u11 - principled draughts who aifor Inferior medicines in Place a .`!*:0 A tic for Coon% Coevon Root Come° diris.,..ta lie no substitute; or inclose $1and 4 throo-oart Canada posto.go stamps in letter. and we will send, sealed. by return mail. Full settled particulars in plain envelope, to ladies 2 staznos. -Address Pt:m(14.11y Coznpany No, a Fisher Blook,131 Woodward eve„Detroit mid). SoId in Exote . LUTZ, Cenral Drug Store and all druggists everywhere. Do you want n PIANO, ORGAN, BICYCLE, SEWING .MACHINE, BOYS' & GIRLS' TRICY- CLES, EXPRESS WAGONS? 0„, $80,00 afetg e STRICTLY NIGH GRADE. ALL woe or 'THE MST STEEL AND WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR MAHLIPAOTURID SY ihe Geoid Bicycle Go. Ltd, INIANTIORD, ONT. Send for Catalogue If you do, the place to get the most reliable goods- at a modern price is a FERE:INS & MARTIN'S, dealeri in Mnsioal Instruments, Solving blachine supplies. etc. All hinds of farm implemente sold on 'i mar go over cost. Agents for the celebrated Chat ham Wager). PERSINS & Fanson's JUST ARRIVED --AT— , CCEDLEY'S Furniture & Undertaking Establishment A very large line of GOODS everybody. • NEW Prices to suit Bring along your old Furniture and have it made new. The largest stock of New Picture Mouldings in town. Also PARLOR SUITES CURTAIN POLES—in all colors. Remember you can have your Curtain Poles out any length desired, as we buy them in long lengths. Call and lobed our Stock S GIDLEY. Oddfellows Meek. rashionali Styles ! TH1.1 BEST YET I THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YETI Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter; Gentlemen leave yourorders early,for 'with the best staff of Tailors; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the best (hitting in Town, yon are sure of Batista.. E 11111116 HIRES Cobbledick & Follanc. Having lately purchased the Stock and of M J, N. Howard, and added largely to the Stock, they haye now the best equipped and largest Hardware a'iattl Tinware Establishment in the County. They sell whole- sale and Retail, and carry BUILDERS' MATERIALS, ETU. BLACKSLIIITH'S SUPPLIES, ETC., CARRIAGE MAKER'S GOODS, ETC., STOVES, TINWARE, 13IOYCLES, and everythingin SAIALL HARDNVAR1 LARGEST STOOK OF NAILS in the COUNTY, GET THEIR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY. House cleaning time is upon us. Use Alabasline for your walls and ceilings. °They have the genuine thing oul zn improved form. You can oil .1 'srt y have all the tints Call and see their fine store, fine stock and fine prices. C01313LEEXCIC cg4 100Zgrak,a;r0 Osne GARDEN SEEDS, FIELD STIEDS, ALL KINDS OF FENCE V/IP LAWN MOWERS, ALABASTINE (IN ALL SHADES), DAISY" OHITRNS, ALL KINDS OF TINWARE CHEAP FOR OASH —AT— atS$V2146 r5. It CAUTION EACLI P.LU(..a.' Myrtle Navy' ! IS MARKED T. & Bet XIV Mirt,01•TZIC X.,33:ITT10mts. NONE - OTHER - GENUINE Left in the shade by our Prices. Summer Goods going at ANY PRICE Now is the time for Bargains! Big Drives in PRIN TS AND DRESS GOODS. Lots of New Fall Goods, cheaper than ever. Come and see the way that we lead in CHOICE GOODS and LOW PRICES, DOUPE & CO'S, Kirkton. Three Points . NOTE WELL. Experience, We have had the expenienea that at- tention • to business, close prices and proper fits, are the main factors in our business. PromptitudeWith this ever • redeSsining feat- ure imprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of Whore, especially, namely putting off until next week what should have been done thia. Satisfac ion. This is a nice looking word,but to carry out its meaning is difficult to some. We glory in word and the way it is exemplified in our shop. We guar- antee satisfaction every time in all res- pects. lf you want a 'Mils, s coat, vest or pair of pants, give us a call and be convinced hat what we have 'mid is true. JOHNS lirione SAVED layllay- ying at cur PLANING MILL And LUMBER YARD We keep constantly on hand a large stiolt of all kinds of building meterials. Dressed er un- dressed pine and hemlock lumber, also a eiceiee stook of No.1 pine lath. Our stook of doors, sash, blinds, moominns. dro. is complete and thorougly kiln dried Wo offer for sale 1,600.000XX and XXX FINE and CEDAR SHINGLES manufactured by the but makersin Ontario. Tanks and cisterns, all shapes and sizes,ma,de to order et lowest prams. We have something ne win this lino for watering cattle in the tablO or barnyard. Call and see our olebrated Baking Cabin. ErerY woman using them moommenue tame highly. Turning,band.scrollsawing. end all MIAs al machine work promppy attended to. It will be to your interest to examine ens stook before purchnsing elsewhere. IrOSS & TAYLOR. Main Street WE have on band a Fino Line of BOUND BOOKS Suitable for Sunday School Librealt Presentations. THE LATEST GAME : "Parlor Quoits' ..kr,so FLIPS, PARCHEESI, 11ALW, Authors, Etc., Etc. J. W. BROWNING - BOOK & DRUG STORE A Combination High Quality & Lowrrice This is the condition of affairs with us as regards Footwear of every descrip- tion, Prices within the reach of all, and now is the time to buy BOOTS & SHOES, SLIPPERS, RUBBERS, ETC. In ordered boots and shoes we give every satisfaction, For first class stock and first elass workmanship we lead. Repairing neatly and quickly done, at right prices. A call will convince you that the best place tc buy -is at CEO. MANSON' CENTRAL Barber Shop, FAN SON'S BLOCK, A. Hastings, Prop f3hiving and Hairoutting in iheiateat Ltrittes' style Boyf etrhyert. i"atirimibuilt rem io oThi,ting