The Exeter Times, 1892-9-15, Page 1AND
VOL. XX. NO 4.
Millinory °puling.
.priday and Saturday,
11 ajad 24 Sept.
2ity, And Following Days.
All the.newest cleeigas in fall and
winter Millinery can be seen by vieiting
our show room.
Every lacly in Exeter and vicinity
should avail themselves of this opportun
ity of impeding ono of the most com-
plete stocks in the county. No trouble
to show goods.
Ask for the December Fashion Sheet.
We are sole agents for Butterielee
brated Glove -fitting Patterns.
' Delineator 15o. Metropolitan rash -
ion Book 2fic.
Remember with every .925 purehene
wo give you a niee hard wood Folding
Itamrk-A is feared Mre. Jas. Morrison
will have to have ono of het eyes removed
to snve the sight of the other. She is a
great eufferer, though both brave and peti-
ent.-lerews has opine that Mre. Wm. Bell,
St. Thome, Deis, formerly Attie Dobson,
has lost one of her ohildren by death, her
seemed oliiM WO not expeeled to live al test
iseements; we extend hoot felt entanntbn to
Mrs, Ball in her sorrew.-Mitg: B. Rabb le
recovering nieely iron hsn• recent :severe ill.
nete-r. Kin on prat stwey, by kill-
ing, the eicieste stud belky while mere width
he lute owned for a eoeple of Feria; It Id a
liintitteee to the oottntey and to the animal
to lull such bestete.
ion ,-1t 1Itonot,r,win wilt -take up
his residenee, in St Marye et en early date.
--Mre -Meinnety is dined ing the Industrial
et. Toronto. 11.1r t1r..ham of Donegal, Ire-
land, Mr. MeCunty'a guest, acesompaules
hese-Pell wheal. seeding le about coin -
/doted au Ole vieinity, and copeiderable
of the grain lo already above the ground.
The aereage imam it hoes then het year. -
W M Leigh has been re enenged t teaoh
the Kinktou evhool at the at salarea-Mies
meal w,te. 44 heti c on eeute d to
tette the mbleoeeb la, Suedey Lcei ser -
le etse reelsytersee eletit en on Sent 2a
maTAvysH aa Co. norlt wri r visit to Yew' York
city ass a. Uhriatien it'adeevor delenete. ;
Fall. Fairs,
Great North Western. Goder-
fah „ . ..... . ... ..Sept 27-28-20
Isiduetried, Toronto Sept 5.1,7
Western, London Sept 15-24
North Perth, Stratford . , Sept 20.$0
South Huron, Seaforth Oct 4-5
Balt Maxon, Brussels-. . . Oct 6 7
Stephen and Ueoorno, Exeter. .. Sept 20-'27
Clinton Sept 21-23
Dom. Age. Soey, Hermit, . -Sept 15-10
Northern, Mice ,Craig.... Sept 20-27
Mitchell • Sept 27-28
Hibbert township. ..... , .Oct 4.5
Lucan Sept 14-11
Biddulph, Grauton Oct 4.5
South Perth, St Marys ,Sept 27-9.8
Bayfield.... Get 13-14
131\andiard Out 0.7
Secretaries will please forwerd :lithe of
their fairs for publieation in Ole liet.
Fallowing aro the market qaotations
Wheat 68 to 70
Barley 18 to 40
Oats 26 to 27
Pees ...... • .. 55 to 56
Hay 4,00 to 5.00
Butter 14 to 15
ERfia 9 to 10
Hoge.............5.75 to 5.75
Glover seed 7 00 to 750
This is just whet you need, a geed pair of
beets and shoes for the fall anti winter weer.
And you ean got them by eallinn on A-1Yeseloh.
As cheep as any other place in the county.
Special bargains will be given during the two
days of our fell fair on September la and 10.
We will give to everyone Out buys a pair oi
long boots for $2•50 cash and upwards 1 iron
boot busk. worth '0 conte, free of °hero Beer ,
in mind that this is good only the two days of
the fair. Call in and toe our stock, whether e
you buy or not. No trouble to show goods. A. e
WESEL011,Prop. Sign of the big boot.
not Ilmisent CLOTIIING Hous. -If you want
a strlish and good -fitting suit go to John Pope, 1.
Heneall. Having vieited some of the beet .
woollen houses sind :smelt the nieest and
largest stook ever shown in Renee.% therefore 1
am prepared to suit the people of Rowell and „
surrounding country in quantity as well as
In quality, aryl° and fit. In visiting Henselt
fitir on the 15th and lath of September, do no 8
Lail to see my exhibit and also call at my store g
and examine my stock. In gents' furnishings
we lead. Always in stock the latest styles
linneee -Mies l'e;e1Se Merisereen is. learn
leg eeent '11. 4:1 Lite- le.c.eley.-
M tee Mary Siseekhgt nee -nein i..t
troit where her PltilPr Serail is -Mr Alex,
reser,. Irda !tell were Vialtifig at
W J \Unmet" lea* Setnuley. -Missete Alice
and Carrie Wileeti neve t Ideelidey party
to a number of children last Saturday. All
seesued to eujoy theneseivel.-.Mies Nellie
Turner wan vielting Mi ee Lizzie Hohn last
week,-Meestra .1 Binger and L Bulloset, ac
teimp oiled by their velvess, are attending
Toronto fair tido week.
• .:41.11.0.-**..
B11117S Robb nf the 21 eorteeeeion
Ins a ensile of corn that measures laft. Sin.
-Geo Walterissieter-indtew from Port
Huron, la on a vieit here. -Mr Joseph and
Libbie Odell are viliting friends in Goder-
WI and Colborne.--Joeupli White, hie num
emus friends will ho pleats:el to hewn, is
around agaim-Fleteher Terrier died on
Monday of last week. He WM 35 years of
eae, end wae married. In politics a Re.
fernier, ie linteit Methetlist.
The Zurich Fair.
The tv dined of the :lay enah
Agrieultural letedety nee hold in the beau-
tiful and pronreseive ,Ittle village of 'Air -
nth, on ;Nlontley anti Ittesiley of thin 'sewn,
Tut. eley being e eineperretivilv fine they
I:sou:rat out a large exhibit for 'tee indoer
delete twelate, nut: tit', breeeb. {Ai tile ten.
Ilaaa tUrnt ; bet Tn whey being wet the
outdoor exhi'ite as the crowd were
nee,gro, and what w,uii heve been a very
tweeter el fair Waal thins dampened. The
'theme lied made greet, pregereeiens and
xpeete I a lerge c: avL Relowing ie the
HURSES-Dnetmerr.- Brood mere, 1
; teal sae:7 ; twe yaar -dd
y, 'Afel.lageet• ; eneet, Wm Sia.
AMIT0171tTrILIT...-P,SO.,t1 mare, 11 et. W
; ; Iwo year old
oho Decker, Nelin "fe'lre.gor, 5 Rennie ;
ue year old, Relit McArthur; :span, Thos
Judges -Wm Lelril and Gott. Matlock,
Greenner, Pintrest.--Brocel mare, J H
Schnell, H Baer, Geo Klansiue; foal Geo
Kt:Logue, J. 11 Scheel!, John Geiger; two
year old, A Ingram; oue. year old, (no let)
13 Baur 26; span Geo Theil.
Certaieen.-Brood mare, T Lang, Hy
Dumart, 11 Roese ; real, T Lang; two yr
cld, Chris J3ilber ; 1 yeer old, I Surstrue,
13 Pfile; span, J Mernee, 11 Worm.
ROADBTER,-13rood. mare Robt Charters,
J Kalbfleisch ; foal, J. Kalbilelsch, Robt.
Charters ; two year old, D Faust, A In-
gram ; span Dumart ; single driver,
W Acheson, Chris Either, 3 Merner.
Judges -John Dunn, Stanley ; Charles
Wolf, Crediton.
CATTLISI-Duentem.-Milch cow, Fred
Booker 1st and 2d, 5 Rennie ; two yr old,
J Roeder, John Voelleor ; yearling, Fred
lloeker, 8 Rennie, J Mellick • heifer calf,
3. Roeder, I? Booker, J Mellick ; bull calf
J Raeder.
Glum -Mich cow, Henry Pfaff. J.
Roeder, 2d and 3r6 ; heifer calf, 3 Roeder
enGeiger, J Roeder ; yearling heifer, H
BatirrH Pfaff, J Roeder ; three year old
steer, H Pfaff 1st and 96,3 Roeder; two yr
old eleer, H Pfaff let ceed 26, I Surtaxes ;
fat cow or heifer, 5 Rennie, 3 Roeder 2nd
and 3rd.
jut:Igoe-Es McLean, Kippen ; 11 Ches-
ney, Egniondville ; John Sheppard, Chisel
SHEEP.-Loet Won - Aged ram, Geo.
Penhele ; shearling ram, Geo Penhale, H
Baur; ram lamb, Geo Penhale let and 2d;
ewes having raised lambs in 1862 Geo. Peu
hele ; shearling ewes, Geo Penhale ; ewe
lambs, E Gies, 'Geo Pentode.
• FIGS-LAnes Bmtnee-Aged boar Fred
Rummel, $ Rennie: spring boar, H Baur;
spring sow, .19 Gies, 11 Baur. ,
POULTI4Y.-Ilamborgs, H Baur; wy an-,
dottes, Jos Hudson, Cr Nicholson ; eliver
polatds, H Baur; Llackepe.nish, F Booker
leghorns'El Magel, Buchanan; chinas
clucks, EOriedh rouen ducleit, G Kimmins,
H Wurm ;geese
H Warm, .0 Klausius ;
pigeons, G Nichelson, El Warm; rabbits,
11 Dueled, R Steinbach; guinereelowl,
Nicholsou, 0 Kleusitue t
Imeratmezere.-Luenber War(013., if;-:goese;
carriage, II Roase ; ',Reed cart, W.11 Wen -
eel, Int eod nale • •
e judges . ,Olivev Johnston, _Clinton ; I.
found only in a first-claas house, Hats a spec-
ialty and price aa low as any in the trade
Space will not allow fall quotation 'of prices.
neyerthe1ess.1 will give a few: an all -wool
suitmade to order for $10, overcoats from V
upwards, pants all -wool tweed for $5 P. 1 ry
us and be convinced that our motto is fair
treatment.small profit, and quick returns. J.
Fors. Stand-aleEwen's Block, opposite Com-
mercial Hotel
BRIEFS, -Everybody is expected to
come to the fair on Friday. It is going
to be a succees.-Business has been good
in town the past week. -Miss A Reason
he returned after a month's. visit. -Mr
Sohn Popo was at Platteville over Sun-
day, visiting his mother who is very ill.
We are pleased to learn that she is get-
ting better. -Thos Berry had big success
at the Zurich fair with his horses. Tom
handles nothing but the best and is sure
to win °yore; time. -Wm Elder is attend
ing the Toronto Exhibition. -Robt 13.
ems ot Rodgerville left last. week with
car load of horses for Den ; he will
'villain there for a short time. -Rev. H.
Irwin, wife and family aro. attending the
Toronto Exhibition. --Fred Smallacomb
was on the sick list this week: -Mr. Jae
Troyer has returned .from Marlette,
Mich. Where he sp en t tho summer. Ile
elaid fairly well, and he likes the country;
lent says it does not come up to Canada
yen. he is new engaged as fireman with
MrhGeo McEveen at the salt well. -The
'Temperance people had a spread on
Tuendea alight in their hall; it was given
by the ladies of the Society. -Mr and
Mrs ffArnotd, attended the funeral of a,
relative in Craigs on lYf onday.-Mr. D.
Weioneiller has uow fullnppssession of the
• store purchased pf the Metiers Downs.-
InA TERM; AT THE wo °Clime sTengE
: The proprietor, James Neely being
folly determined to retire from business
'vvill sell his premises, and full stock of
Dry Goods, Groceriee, Hardware, Crock
ores., Glassware, Jec., at or below COO fel.
Cash. When leaving he will place his
booke in the handi of a lawyer to bar.
AIM up. -
HoneaCuarentAa Peonvers.-Col. spottier
T. Roeder, A Kaereher, A. Geiger ; fall ap-
ples, A. Raercher ; winter apples. A, Kiser -
ober, Fred. Hese ; king tomkine, John
Booker, 0. Wagner ; northern 'pies. 1)
Sarum, 3. H. Swami' ; baldwins, J. Rood
or, Jos Wild ; rhode lelend greenings, Jos.
Wild, J Haberer ; spitzenburgs, Jos Wild,
Joe. Foster ; snow apples, A. Geiger ; col.
raseete, & Geigee; Canada red, Mrs I Sw-
ami, Fred. flees; ribeien pippan, Joe Wild,
Hy Winne; golden runlets, 0. Wagner, P.
Beieherl; fall pare, 1 MoEwen, J. 0 Kalb-
flebseh ; winter pears, Afro L Smarm, Joe.
Wild; col. pears, P DOW:tort, J Koehler;
peaches, °brie Sehooh, Wm Ruby; grape.,
Chris Selma, 3 Haborer; con grapes, J
Haberer; puttee, jos Wild, G. Holtzman;
crab applee, red, Sol. Martin, 'Tao Jarrett.;
crab (melee, yellow, 1' Deiehert, jog Wild.
juemoi-D, Prawn), Beater ; Robt, Mo-
Ilyeen, Stanley.
Unant.-Olawrieu or Selma wheat, E Gies
Peter bender; democrat vrbeat, A Johneton
A Kaeroher ; Miehigan Amber, E
Voellter, W Voelker; spring wheat. any
varieln. 3.14 Wild; two rowed barley, E
Gies; black oats, Jos Eindoon, A.. johneton
oommou white oats, A Johnston, A. Kaerolr
er; white oats, any variety, A. Johnston, 3.
McAllister, A. Buchanan; small white peas
Jos. Feeler, Chris. Selman mummy peas,
A UoIl wan, Fed Be eher, A 10 et thel ;
olover eeed, D. nurartun timothy seed, A,
Johnston, 0 Wagner, E F Pfaff,
Jtmeles.-J Eidt, Deehwood; A MoNeyin
Arad G. lefeEwatt, Remelt
Vaarneeenn-Whito elephant potatoes,
A Geiger, 3. Roeder, AKaarcher; any other
variety, .A. Foster, A Kaeroher; white beans,
C Oswald, A Keerober; any other variety
beans, P Beichert. O. Oswald; yellow cern,
P Bender, John jerrett : sweet corn, Geo,
tieheilig, D Smarm; largo red onions,_Hy
Lipphardt; lergeyeltow onions. JOS Wild
A Geiger ; white field oarrote, P Bonder, W
Voelker ; rod field °emote, .A. Johnston; red
garden carrots, Chris Zimmerman, A John-
ston ; sweedish turnips, J Roden:3 Jarret;
yellow globe reangolds. A Geiger, P Ben-
der; long red mangolds, P Bander, A Geiger
any variety maugoids, A. Johnston; purnp-
kiwi, Geo Sehollin A. Geiger; squash, Chris
°maid, I I? Sehuttler; celery, IlKalbfleisoli
musk inelone, 3 Voolker ; Oxford cabbage,
W Ruby, W Voelker; dram head cabbage,
W Ruby, H lIalleleisoh; blood beets, Geo
&hag, Chris Zimmerman ; rooted bode,
W Baby, A. Geiger; tomatoee, P1 Kalbfleis-
ch, A Geiger; citron., J Voelker; spanish
Mee 1 Smarm, Jos 'Wild ; white
radishes. W. B Battler, A Johneton; cauli-
flower, W 13 Battler, A Johnston.
Speolals-Rhoubarb, W Voelker; °mum -
ben If Kalbflench ; parsley, A. Geiger.
F.LOWERS.-13oquet of ont flowers, Rey.
DOIrE6TrO and Homo Meatusemanes.-
Fulled cloth, A Johnston; home made flan-
nel, white, Geo Nett, .A. Joheston ; home-
made flannel, dieted, A Johnston; blank-
nte, Geo Schellig, 5 Bennie ; buggy harness
E j Eterdy ; carriage barmen Herman
Well ; horse elide, I Smith, J. Dlyrumpl;
men's shoes, hand made, Fred Kibler; men's
ohms pegged, Fred Kibler.
Speoiele.-Suit elothee, W H Hoffman ;
col. of shoes. D. Gotteebalk; ool hardware,
Hartleib & Kinziager.
JUDG1tS-Ilebt Drysdale, Chu Brown,
Crediton : WB Battler, Zurich.
LADIES' WOrl1t.-Or001.10I pint, GOO Nett,
H Magel; crewel work, Geo Nott; tufted
quilt, D. Stumm, G Holtzman ; knitted
Gee Nott ; log aabin quilt, A. John-
ston, Geo Non; patehed quilt, Geo Nett;
quilt sewed on ground work, H
D. Surart'
eg home made coverlet, Thomas
johnetou, Jim Geiger; home made 11110,
Herman Weil, D Bantus ; Mum made ng
woe*, Geo Noti, A Joitaaton , painting on
velvet, Sanel Reimer; berlin wool work, A.
Johnston, Geo Nett ; bailie wool pillow
enthion, Thos Johas too, A Johnston ; @roe
het work, Goo Nott, A. Tolanaton ; heir
wreath, Ben Phfile; wreath of anthem, Geo
Nott; breidirg ea wreath, Geo Nett; sofa
mushier.. Geo Nott, Meitner ; ekenille
work, Geo Nett, Geo Schellig; honiton Moe,
Geo Not*, k Johneteu; mottoes in herlin
woel, Thos johneton, R R Johnston; leath-
er work, Saraq Merner, J Melliok; leather
Wok oa frame, Strang Monter; comb work,
A Johnston; Gouge toilet, Elazig ?darner,
Geo Nott ; lamp mat, Hy Lipphardt, Geo
Nott; (woes work, Geo Schellig, Jno Geiger;
bead work, Geo Nott; shell work, Goo Nett
A Harman ; chemise, Mies Ronnie ; col.
buttons, Mies Street:spier, Wendel Smith;
tatting, Geo Nett; embroidery on silk, Geo
Nott, Geo Scheelig; embroidery on muslin,
Geo Nett, peo Sehellig ; wool 'Castings, A
Johnston, Geo Nett; ootton stookingt, Goo.
Nett, A. ,Tohneton•'knitted its, wool, P.
Bender, A Johnston; knitted socks. wool,
Chris Either, Geo Nett ; paper breast,
Herman Well; aralene work, Geo Nott;
pencil drawing, P Ezenbach; crayon work,
P Ezenbaele 1 and 2d ; crazy work, George
Sohellig, Geo Nott
Specials. -.Pillow shams, P1 Lipphardt ;
rope worketable) E 5 Faust; batten wreath
W hese ; table drape, Fred Hess ; knot-
ted pillow thanes, 1.1 Lipphardt; col carving
Chas Brown.
Jumes.-Mre R Pettereon and Mrs. W.
Westoott, Hansen
Deter Pnooteon.-Fifty lea oalted butter
Geo Nott, Chris ZiM1330rMS13. 3 Roeder; ten
lbs butter, Geo Sohellie, D Serums. Fred
Boeker; home made cheese, A Johnston ;
factory made elteese, Sol Martin; honey ha
(*rob, J 'laborer, Wendel Smith; home
Made bread, Fred Booker, A Geiger ; ex -
treated heney, J Haberer, Wendel Smith.
JIIDGE0.-Itobt Drysdale, Chas 13rown, W
13 Battler.
Special prixon-By Dr, Buchanan, for col
lection farmed fruit, tGeo Nott, By D. S
Pattelefen_r eolleation yegetablee, John Voel-
ker. 'Bylielp Latta, fort- pencil drawing, by
OW Or Xtttlah public echoel, G. ,Bnehanan
By D Steinbach, for 15 Its butter, A Geiger
By Herman Well, for Oil painting, P Eizen-
huh. By Fred Hue, fer specimen drawing
by pupil of Zurich publics achool, G Buohan
an. By Chas Greb, for 10 lbs home macle
cheese; A Johnston. By Chu Sheer:nen, for
gentleman's read, The Johnston. By H.
r, A jothigaoahnAinb
Buchanan By
klinardhs Liniment ie used- by Phyakiaar.
lorOne Various Sourcen Through
out the DiStriet.
Luoknown rate of texation ia 23 milt on
the dollen
John Stemmas, of Grey township, drop.
ped dead last week.
Mrs, Thomas Adam., for one 50 you* a
reeident of Seatorth, is dead, aged 72 years
For or itgainel a home of refuge for Hur-
on is a ballot which will appear at the next
munieipal elution.
The Burns' firm, 9111 oon, of Tucker-
enuth, sold at Auction the other day for 136-
500. It comprises 150 amen •
Mr, T. Lang, of the ard con., Tucker -
smith, hal leaved the plurusteel farm, on
the mill woad, at the annual rental of 0400.
Ssaforth oivio oirolee are agitated beaux°
of a proposal to dismiss their watetworks
engineer, who has held the position for 15
Miss Aggio Riddell of Hallett, has in her
posseseion a fuchsia pleat wleloh has 520
buds and blonoine at prevent; this is a Yore'
large number for ma plant,
Mr. D. A, Burgess, who tonight in the
Collegiate Clinton about two years since is
lying Id the point of death at his home
with hemorthege of the lunge.
Not one in twenty are free from some
Mile ailment (mused by inaction of the liver
Use Cuter's Little LiverPills. The result
will be a,Pleement surpriee. They give posi-
tive relief.
Mr. L. Taylor, youngest sou of Mr. W
TaylonOlintonwas reareiedThunday tobiles
Jersit LOTa. ef Steele; Ont. Ur. Taylor
ie in emanate for himself at Treherne, Meal
Han no equal as a prompt and positive
our. for Stok heedaolie, billiougnean con-
stipation, pain in the We, and all liver
trouble.- Carter's Little Giver Pills. Try
The other day were taken pictures of the
representatives of four generations, being
Mr. Whiteman, his daughter Mrs, T. Pott-
er'sr-, grandedauehter, Mrs. J. Holdsworth
and put grand -daughter, Um E. Holds.
worth all of llolmerrille.
Mr. John Diehl, of Stanley, has purehas-
ed the farm known as the Cyrus Turner
farm Tuolteremith, for the sum of 04,200;
John has Beeared a good ferm at a melon
able prime and will undoubtedly make farm-
ing a mucous in this township.
The Seaforth Collegiate Institate Board
has engaged Mr. Munns, of the Kincardine
High School, as science muter of the Sea.
forth Institute, to take the Ours of Mr.
Pope, who recently resigned. The salary
is pock per year.
The Burns faint, 9th con., Tuokersmith,
at present occupied by S. Hunter, has beou
sold to Donald McLaughlin, Efibbert, near
Cromarty, a6,550. Thi a is one of the beet
farina in Taokoretnith. A few years ago it
would have been considered very cheap
at $8,000.
Wm. B. McLean who for several years
has been engaged in the agricultural imple-
mem business in Rennin has gone to Syra-
cuse, New York, au a special agent for a
large firm to trayel in the Worth and West-
ern; States, at it salary of $1.600 it year and
At Cleveland, on Monday, Walter King,
a former reeident of Blyth„ met with a very
serious aceident, by an iron shaft falling on
his beak, rendering bine uttoonseions.
Everything has been done to alleviate his
sufferings but the worat fs expected. Mr.
King livifor a number of yeere in Bay-
An eacitiag bioyole rate between !dr
Yellowlus ant Messrs Kitt, Bannon. Wil-
ma and Downs of Clieton took plat* on
Wednesday evening. The run was to Kip'
pea and back, a Alabama of 20 miles-
Yellowleas being pitted against the other
Sony. Yellowless was the victor, doing the
distance in 1 hour, 14 minutes and forty
Some benzine becoming ignited in the
cellar of the rinegar and paint manufactur-
ing establishment of William Wilson, 113
Ban strut, Toronto, set fire to the building
Monday, and before he could map° James
Briokenden, brother of Megan E. Brioken-
den of Hallett, and T. Briekenden Clinton,
the foreraan, aged 5S, was suffocated to
death by tke smoke.
Another pioneer of Huron mugged away on
the 261h of August, at his late reeidence,
lot 8, eon. 9, Colborne, in the pereon of
Adam Annan& Some sixty years ago, he,
with his brother John came from Banff -
thin Sootlancl, and took up land in Gelber.
ne, then in the heart of the wildernees, to
make • home for their parents. Deeearted
went to the front with the late Capt.Hynd.
man's ennerulf. na was a Progressive
farmer, and was the first to introduoe Dur-
ham etook into the township.
Messrs. Tackett ezBilliaga are often ask-
ed to eell their " Myrtle Navy' tobr000 t.
retail dealers' They never in any
se, and for the best of reasons. Tbe whole-
sale Made of the country have a diatribe*.
ing maohinery which handles the Myrtle
Navy without any addition to its permaned
expenses. If the menufsesturers were to
nude/take that work, u they would by sell.
ing io the retail trade, it would require an
independent machinery, the whole cost of
which would have to be borne by the pro-
eeeds of the totted() salee, and of course it
would fall upon the .consurner, Selling to
the wholessle trade alone is, therefore, fer
the concamer's benefit, midis a convenien-
t* in the retail trade, became revery trayell.
er who oalle--in the grocery fine -can take
ordere for "Myrtle Navy".
A foot ball club has been organieed in
St. Marys.
Menu. Graliera tte Son of StMarys haere
this year ;shipped 250 hones to Scotland.
At a meeting held on Saturday evening
last in St Paul's church Kirkton, it wag de-
oided to °Nem their annual hayed home
Publisher read Froprintor.s
thenkegiving on Sunday, Sept 25th and
Monday 26 inet„ there.
Edith Chubb of Staffe was married in
Detroit tut week to Ga.). W. novrAt4
that city.
Mists Mary Elizabeth Ilettion of Uttar-
ya ear married in Tozottto last week to
Edwin V. Tillson of Tilsonlateg.
Beano' Creamery Hirklea, is turning
out lug° quentities of live& elan butter.
Last week they made it alfipment of 12,000
pounds to Livexpool, Eng., for 94 ciente.
Mums Jennes Powell, eheesemaker at the
Blanehard funny ; Bobett Smith end Geo.
Moffatt, Bicidnipb, and John Perrin St. -
Marys, all left on Tuesney lest for a trip
to Manitoba.
W. D. Mitt:then, eeinve.31, hes *Octet*
growing an his farm with leeves averaging
13229 inehee, and the Use matte to know
why Canada oannot grow Mr own toineeo
The directors are making ail arra nge.
meats to have the Blensherd fair this year
which will be held on tilde own grenade,
on Thursday and Fridley, On. 6th end 7th,
fally exceed all preview mord,.
A woman who fa week, neevoue audeleep-
lees, and who has cold heady end feet, cen.
not feel and ad like a well peemon. Cut-
ely' Iron Pille equallee the citoulation, re-
move nervousness, and neve streneth and
The death occurred nuro.i.57 mornine in
hie 42 year, at flebringelfin of Mr. Arthur
J. Pigeon who has been for many yeare the
landlord of the Sebriagefile hotel. Mr. Pig-
eon had been ill for some time with kidney
On Tuesday afternoon. 'Me. tjlmar. Thom,
sr. of Michell, went to Metsitoba, Thirty
eight years ago Mr. Thera retired front hie
farm in Fullerton and settled on two park
lots in the Village of Mitchell. He made
money, and readily loet it by financial
A Pone ron Yono-efii of whet
Hood's Sarsaparilla hal clouts for °thorn is
it not reasonable to suppose that it will be
of benefit to you? For Serefula, Salt Rhe-
um, and all other diensee of the blood, for
dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sink Heedeetio,Loss
of Appetite, That tired feeling, Catarrh,
Malaria, Rheuneetista, lionats Sarsaparilla
is an utioquelled rem Ir.
On Saturday raorniug, i t. ard, Mr. J.
Rome, sr. of Zion puled nescefully to hia
rest at the ago of 70 years. Ile was bora.
in Cornwall, England, in the near 1822,an1
aume io Canada and settled in the iowaship
of Fallartoa lu 1857. In 1870 he removed
to concession 1, Hibbett, where he *peat
tho remaining years of lag life.
A very largo uumber of nen:lidera wit-
neeecel the laying of tho earner-stono ef the
now Roman °rubella Chttroh in St Marys
Sunday afternoon. The teeremony Was per-
formed by Bishop O'Connot, related by
Rev. Father AloRrady, of St Michael's Gel -
lege, Toronto; Dr Kilroy, Stratford; I'.
Connolly, Biddulph, mumi In Brennan, Ph.,
St. Marv: A most imprecates and elogueut
sermon was preached by Ran Father Mo.
Brady, after which tho b;slelp delivered a
very interesting addresse. Ho thanked thoae
present tor those present for thrix attend-
ance and liberality andsoneluded by asking
tbat God'a choicest bleceiee might rest on
all the community, incl. -lain all denomitun
tione. living in the town. A very liberal
collection was taken up et the clue of the
The notorious forger, P. C. Friliug, made
hie escape from jail Strelfet1 eon* time be-
tween eight and half pest ten retook
Wednesday night. At the former hour he
wets looked in his eell by the jailer and on
the turnkey making his rounds at 10 80
the bird had flown. It still he remembered
that Feting passed a forgel oheek for el,_
000 on J. W. Scott, banker, of Listowel,
in September, 1890, was arrested by Detec-
tive Murray near St. Patti, reale time after-
wards, and subeequontly extradited to Lis.
towel, where at a preliminctry examimation
in May last he pleaded guilty and was com-
mitted to Stratford jail to await trial.
Faling was confined in at cell on the second
floor, from which in Beene way he made hist
O5080 to the attics and the root, sliding to
the ground by the water pipe- He is still
at largo.
The Parkhill town commit hag struck the
rate of assessment at 21i mills.
The Parkhill conned hag purobeesed the
Ronald steam fire engine from Amherst -
The new oily Directory of Loudon con-
tains 15,635 names, an increase of 1,236
ever last year.
AU the newly printed rollers' Rots of
Parkhill were destroyed by the late fire.
The asseeament roll was eh* buret, but a
copy was proeured in London.
Up to date ttventy.seyeu dogs have been
killed at the London dog, pound, and their
bodies buried outaide the city limits. Sixty
five doge have been recleetned.
The berm of Geo. Shipley on the town
bine between London and Lobo, were de-
etroyed by fire on Thunder night- All of
this and a portion onset yeer's crepe were
Benjamin Cook, of Ayers, write.: to Grown
Attorney Hutchineon, stating then Mr. E.
Yorke, of cattledehorning lame, lost a fino
steer last week from the effects of dehorning
and that prevent tif the dehorned mettle ere
in a bad way.
You cannot be to partieular about the
medicine you use. When you need a blood-
purifyer, be sure you get Averts Sarsaparilla
and no other. A will mingle with, purifp,
and vitalise every drop of blood in your
body. It makes the weak 'thong,
A sensation hae been mauled on the 12th
conclusion of London townehip by the dio-
ooyery of a, copper -headed end bellied snake
on the kern of Mr. Geo. Patrick. Mr. I'.
was digging a diteh near his residence it
day or Iwo ago when the enteka turned up.
It rim about a foot leng,no thicker thee an
ordivary lead peneil, with it copper eolored
belly, and a bend of copper eroond lie head.
Loni Mc Tar -!y.
JUst call in to 3. P. Ross'
store and look about care-
fully for a few minutes and
see the extra vtdues we offer
in fall and winter goods. We
are opening them every day,
Don't be afraid to ask for our
prices, and don't charge us
with stealing o,u,r goods when
we quote prices.
Next week we will partic-
ularize more fully.
. Bargain Dopot.
The ef the, Elegaezer eleite't*,
can, Met;iiIivaree„ p; .s hold' se...
nual feerreeefr rrse rrilay eww i.
Sept. title . lee eenefeet. eliene , ent.,
ing of feee, ee eget! • eat 0‘,1.
Will bi i °'!".',";. eft r
toile:slue; teeinr pmver im este etsterat
eons:delete 1't ..i Ler,
Rodreesed, Stn:11. of ":'retepton, lnteeggerepe.
with rum/lc-a eel by ltv, Mr. Ileteive ann,
lady, inha •e nevi. i;l iteann it.. 7. -ne •
chair, a:set instruments.] by the 11rieeloy
Strime Pelee
Tign tlee murlies of (pee thinge are
eitiereS, it only reguirea proof like the fel-
owing to 00/1V:We and eett0 gay deuee
Conitantiee, Minh., H. S. IS., .Fale. 16,
1887 :-"Wae troubled 3m .years With Nettle
in the beak from etrein; In bed for W:16kS
a Jane; got no relief from other reenedien
About 8 peen ago 1 leeught St. ,Taeoh!si 01
atul neaNs about 11 app"ictaPoree; heve
well and strong ever sinee. Have done alt
kind of work tied eau lift, ea neueh as evart,
No retitle.. ef pain in years.' D. 13. Ib;u.
1131:1 iron., the wife
of Alr el 11 1101g:die, of a son; also the
wife of. At...neon, of a sole -Mr. 1S
Atkirseen, Mr, Those Armitage stud Geo,
Fox, stetted for Alemiteler on the Oth mcI
on Llin be aeeit excursion. -Me. Evens of
India:et ge pro.- = Seell :the Isoua-
try and pareeeteing I. Efendere
of lieen it owe Lin 7.t diepesed of his
Shropaire 1; e'n et 5' 1reeele -
.'et, se in, g rnur r.;11.
again some °the: day. es whet the flex
maniattee tm sees nen. heard humming as
they ga deeen the streest.-A number of
citizens attene3a 1 the Zerleli fair Tueeday,
accompenied ley our fiouriehing band, but
the wet weather spoilt all the fun. --Sever-
al citizen, ere attending, the feir at Toren -
to, ameng thee.). toe Undertaker ; wed
strange to zey u perseg. has died during
Ins al ea -0e. -The farmers at all busy
thrashieg. Ti.e crege Ileac timed out
large, an.''. the laesners would be the imp.
piest men on the face of the earth if better
price, prevailed. -Thos. Yearley has pur-
chased a new orgen, and we understand he
will soon start taking music lessone. 11 it
strange that when an English soldier be-
°eines old he turns to his old love, =laic.
-Last Wednesday, the 11th, Miss: Fink-
beiner, daughter of Matthew- ll'inkboiner,
was married at her father's reaidenee to
Mr. Esli Heywood, ton of John 'Heywood
of the township of 17shorne. A large
number of friends and relatives were pre.
sent and a pleasant titue was spent. The
presents were many and of a useful char-
acter. -Our boys, or rather men, have re-
turned from their fiehing excursion. Ws
have not heard any of their tail -twisters
yet, and they have limited the number of
the catch to 200, consisting of pike, bane
and eat fish. They claim that they were
amusing themselves otherwise at leisure
shooting the various game. They say BBL
makes an excellent cook as long an agate
and gesoline lasts. Sam and Israel claimn
they have learnt a secret how to ce.tch cat
fish, and aro prepared to back themselves
against the earth for catching that noble
one of the finny tribe. Harry says that if
his oarsman had had patent oars so that
he could have faced the bow of the boee
he could have broken all former records.
Walter and john were guests and say that
if the party had fished Instead of cooking
and eating so much corn, there would have
been a better showing. Nevertheleis they
have returned all 0. K., and no doubt feel
considerably. better.
English. Spavin laniment remvoes al
hard, soft or calloused Lutx,ps and Blemi,
ishes from hordes, Blood Spavin,Ouree
Splint., Ring Mine, Sweeney; Stifle
Sprains, Sore mad Swollen Throat, 0oughe
etc. Save S50 by rise of one bottle. ' War
anted the most wonderful Blemish Gum
yen known. Sold bye.), Late.29 ly •
SYRUP 011 FIGS. -Produced hone the
laxative end nutritious juice of the Califor-
nia figs, coiebbeed with the medical virtue*
of Plants known to be the .most benefit:dal .
o Maven system, eats- gently on kidneys:,
iver aud boe-elss, eileetually cleaneing the,
ystem, dispeI,lIng eolde and headaches:,
d oaring habitual constipation.'
The we of calomel foe deraugeMeata oL.
the liver has ruined many a fine cenetittn
than Those who, for tronblei, have
tried Ayer's Phis teetity to thee efilestey iin.
thoroughly remedying the withont
injury to the system, • '