HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-9-8, Page 5.1$ 'Sea sv. Ls, oNIE0 mAkT.Fo'sre :Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys. tem effectually, dispels colds, head. aches and fevers and. cures habitual . . THE DOMINION IN BRIEF The hop crop in Hastinge county is turn- ing out well. Coal advanced to $7 a to last week in London, Ont. London's tax rate has been fixed at 20 mills on the dollar. Counterfeit 50 and 25 cent pieces are in circulation atoKingston. The Northwest Assembly has been pro. roped owing to the deadlock, Canadian stook breeders carried off many prizes at the Detroit exposition. The Parkhill Town Hall and market buildings were totally destroyed by fire. A. E. Edkins, Toronto, was elected pre- sident of the Canadian Engineers' Associa- tion. The Governer -General hopes to able to visit the coming Industrial Ex- hibition. Mr. Laurier's address before the Young Liberals of Montreal will be delivered on Gctober 5. W. J. Patterson, B. A„ of Clinton, has been appointed principal of Carleton ,Place high school. constipation. Syrup of Figs is the The Dominion Government has purchased only remedy of its kind ever pro. the Toronto disinfecting apparatus for use duced, pleasing to the taste and: ac. at Grosse Isle, ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the inost healthy and agreeable substances, its na any excellent qualities commen d it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading. druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not haVe it on, hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes -Lo try it. Manufactured only by the INFORM FIG UMW MI SAN FRANCISCO, OAL. s„.0 GSVILLE, BY. nEvirroux, N. 4 For Sale at 0, Lntz's Drug Store Lioderich. A band tournament 'will be one of the features of theNorth Western this year.— The City of Windsor was in port on Ion. day and Wednesday. The Monarch on Saturday and the United Empire yester- day..—The C. P. R. Telegraph Office was opens late the past three nights getting the results of the fights in Now Orleans.—The rector of St. George's, Rev. W, A. Young, leaves at the end of the month for his new parish, Simcoe. So far no appointment has been made to this rectory.—Mr.Stanley Hayes, barrister of Seaforth, was in town this week.—Inspector of public school; J. E. Tom,has already commenced his inspec- tion of the schools in his clivision.—The close season for speokled brook and river trout commences on Thursday, the 15th inst.—The stormy weather of the past 'week injured the fishing interests in this neighborhood very much.—A. few ducks have been shot near the Maitland, but the sport is not overly good.—Tho root oropa and pastures in this neighborhood had all the moisture they needed the past week.— Quito a number of our residents are already in the Queen Citytaking in the exhibition, —Mr George Watson of Manitoba is rus- ticating at tho maternal residence in this town, —415 tons of coal were delivered to the North American Chemical Co. last week.—The apple evaporating establish- ment is now in full running order.—.A boy named Videau had one of his bands nearly cut off at ono of our saw mills last week. .-Preparations aro being inade for the Great North Western Exhibition in this town.—Messrs. Garrow, Q. C., and Holt spent the past fortnight at Old Orchard Bosch.—The past week was so stormy as to considerably interfere with the working of dredge No. 9.—The large quantity of lumber already piled on the lumber dock reminds ono of the time when Messrs. Williams and Secord were doing a rushing business in this line.—The school board met on Monday evening and transacted considerable routine bueiness.—The town council sat on Friday evening and did good work. . — Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley, Ind says :—"I have been in a distressed condi tion for three years from Nervousness, Weaknesa of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gone. I had been doctoring constantly with no re- lief. I bought one bottle of South Ameri- can Nervine; which done me more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely rem- edy. A trial bottle will convince you. Warranted by 0. Lutz, Druggist. aug. 14 Itch, Mange and scratches of every hind on human beings or animals cured in 30 minutes notes by Wolford's sanitary lotion This never fails. Sold by C. Lutz. 9 9 • I had been troubled five months with Dyspepsia. The ',doctors told me it was chronic. I had a fullness after eating and a heavy load in the pit of my stomach. I suffered fre- quently from a Water Brash of clear matter. Sometimes a deathly Sick- ness at the Stomach would overtake me. Then again I would have the terrible pains of Wind Colic. At such times I would try to belch and conkl not. I was working then for Thomas McHenry, Druggist, Cor. Irwin and Western AVe., Allegheny City, Pa., in whose employ I had been for seven years. Pinally I used August Plower, and after using just one bottle for two weeks, was en- tirely relieved of all the trouble. I can now eat things I dared not touch before. I would like to refer you to r. 1VIc11enry, for whom I worked, ho knows all about my condition, nd from whom I bought the medi- Me. I live with my wife and family t 39 James St, Allegheny City,Pa. igued, JOHN b. Cox. ei G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New Jersey, t. A. M.. L. Tutohe, professor of agriculture in the Imperial College of Japan, is in Mont- real on a visit. Coffin McDonald, the burglar was sen- tenced at 13elleville Saturday to ten years in penitentiary. Nearly 31,000 immigrants have settled in the Canadian Northwest this year, against 10,000 last year. Wm. MeClernent,,M,A., of Ingersoll, has been appointed science master of London Collegiate Institute. Sir Edwin Arnold, accompanied by a Japanese lady named Mrs. Harowara, has just visited Winnipeg. Mr. T. G. Shaughnessy, vice-president of the C.P.R., has become a share holder in the Montreal Street Railway. The Peruvian, which arrived in Glasgow an Monday from Montreal, lost 33 out of her total shipment of 459 cattle. The 25th anniversary of Vicar -General Gauthier's elevation to the priesthood was celebrated at Brockville Wednesday. The by-law granting a bonus of .$275,000 to the Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Rail- way Company was carried in Hamilton. It is rumored in political circles in Mont- real that Sir john Abbott is contemplating an early retirement from the Premiership. Hanlon won the rowing match at Tren- ton from Chas. Stephenson. The race was two milewith a turn, and Hanlon won by a length. English Conservatives and Liberals unite in urging the Government to prohibit Muni- gration during the prevalence of cholera on the Continent. Mr. VanHorno, who is in London, will take some steps to establish a fast Atlantic service in connection with the Canadian Pacific Railway. The life of Hon. Alexander Mckenzie, written by Mr, Wm. Buckingham, Strat- ford, and Hon, G. W. Ross, will be out in a couple of weeks. Thomas D. Cheney, formerly of Kingston. Military College, who is under arrest at Watertown, N. Y., for forgery, attempted. to commit suicide Thursday, Alderman Thomas Gilroy, of Winnipeg, was married in Simeoe to Miss Beatriee Groff, daughter of the late Mr. Henry Groff, county treasurer of Norfolk. The C.P.R. Land Department sold '24,- 400 acres of land last month. During the past eight months the company has sold farms to the extent of til,033,090. 0. IC Fraser of Brockville was elected eund president of the C.ALB.A. Grand ncil at Hamilton. The Meeting next year will be held in 'St. John. KB. A. meeting of the Cabinet wo.s hold at Ottawa Saturday. The danger of cholera entering Canada and the retaliatory eanal tolls were the chief subjects discussed. The Methodist clergymen of Kingston trict have approved of Dr. Douglas' leme to raise 525,000 for the better uipment of the Wesleyan Theological liege. A. meeting, of the Western Ontario Dairy- n's Association was held at Guelph, and vas decided to hold the next annual con - tion at London in the second week in wary. An insane woman confined in the .Asylitin Idiots at Orillia, jumped from a third rey window in the building, and received iries from which she died twelve hours erwards. he Grand Council of the Canadian branch he Catholic Mutual Benevolent Associa- 1, in session at Hamilton, decided in favor eparation from the Supreme Council of United States. statement of the export of live stock n Montreal so far this season shows that re have been shipped 74,199, head, as pared with 04,991 for the corresponding od of last year. Nor Shrapnell, of Orillia, while walk- on the Midland Railway track near that vn, was struck by a freight train and own into a ditch. He miraculously es. ed with a few bruises. dis sel eq Co me it von Jai for sto iDit aft rf of t tim of s the A fro' the com peri ing to) thr Contracts have been let by el'. T. Hurst and S. 0. Fisher, of Saginaw, to Canadian parties to cat and put 50,000,000 feet °flogs into the Wahnapitae river, Georgian bay, on the tracts of timber recently purchased of the MeArthurs. The commission appointed by the Do- minion Government to enquire as to the advisability of djpposing of the Thousand Islands for the benefit of the Indians recom- mend the sale of some of them, and the itm provement of the Canadian channel to the St. Lawrence. Track -laying will be commenced in a few weeks on the Atlantic and North-Western railway, the new ronte of the Canadian Pacifio railway to the Georgian Bay. It h expected that passenger trains will be run- ning:over the road between Renfrew and Egensville by the new year. Miss Sophia Shepherd, of Albany; N. Y., fell from e vestibule sleeper on the M.C,R., near Iona, Ont., on Tuesday night while the train was running at a very rapid rate, and lay six hours before being discovered. The young woman was notinissed until thetratn reached Chicago. She is at the railroad hospital in St. Thomas and shows signs of returning censciousness. During a terrible gale: on Wednesday night the schooner Nett Woodward, While trying to 'make Southampton harbor, was struck by a heavy sea and turnedover on her beam end. The mate drifted ,away from the wreck on a hatch, and .was drown- ed, while the,rest Of the ere* clambered on the mainmast,. end were rescued in the maiming,. with the exception of 4 foiaor named Mahon, who had died during the ' night from expeanee. Dashwood. num.—The ferment are busy sowing their fall wheat—Ar and Mrs Litt of Se- bringville are the guests of Mr. George Rcerelser.—The Y. P. A. celebrated their picnic at Grand Bend on Saturday hot. The day was fine, the turnout good, and ali seetred to enjoy the time spent at the lake.--Seyeral members of the Zurich Y. l. A. were present,—On Sunday forenoon tho pulpit of the Evangelical church was °c- oupled by Bev. D Kreh of Sebringville, and In the evening by Rev. W. J. Yaeger of Hespeler--Rev. W. J. Yaeger spent about a week in this vicinity visiting relatives arid friends,—Mr. J. Roese, 1 armerly, of Dash- wood was on the 24th ult. married to Miss Balzer of Tavistock. We join, in wishing 'them a joyous married life. Orechton. -- lhucrs--Farmers are busy sowing fall wheat,--Thoe. Yearly has fall wheat three inches high.—Williain Banes has made one of the fineat jobs on hie road in the town- ship. Other pathroasters can take a pattern. —Mr.Edward Lamport and wife of Ilderton are visiting their sons here.—A number of our citizens intend going to Toronto Fair, —James Clark has removed to his new pre- mises.—A, party of shere went to Grand Bend, where they intend putting in the balance of the week trolling.—A son of Samuel Switzer had the misfortune to get his foot in the fanning mill at Shipka the flax mill and had it terribly ant. Is nevertheless making good progress. --Mich- ael Cronyn's barns had a narrow escape from fire a few days ago. It appears that souse straw wound around the oylinder and took fire- Lot of water and good pluok put out the fire whioh otherwise might have destroyed the buildings with all crop. Baytieict. BBIR78.—As we were closing:our budget last week we heard the incomplete report of the death of Mr. Thos. Burgess; seri of Mr. and Mrs Burgess, and that he had been drowned on the lakes, We then stated that It was Thos. Martendale, son of Alre, Burg. ess, but further inquiry revealed a aoinewhat different story, It arpears Mr. Burgess was running a boarding -bone down south, in partuerahip with one of those treacherous southeners, the Mexicans, and went on a business trip actress the country, accompan- ied by a friend of hia partner. This man tells the story that he took very skit on the banks of the Artificial river, in which his body was afterwin de found, that be request- ed hint to go for a doctor and that the re- quest wile granted. But when be got back to town the Mexican told him thatTorn wou- ld be all right without medical aid, so that be did not get any, nor did he return to the siok nun. After several weeks had elapsed suspieion was aroused that there bad been foul play, and after some Hardt the body was found in the river. The man's story is not believed, and the officials are investiga. ting the whole ease with the idea that the Mexican partner has had a guilty band in Burgese' death —Mr. John Eason, is visit- ing hie daughter in London.—If all reports be true WO will likely lose our much es- teemed pastor, Rev. Henderson.—A lodge of the order of the Independent Foresters has been organized hero. Their first meet- ing was held onFridny night. The lodge will likely prove a auccess,—The Fabool building is now ready for opening. We be- lieve the job is a:very satisfactory one as far as work is ooneeaued, but people have a right to inspect the WOrk as they will have the pleasure of paying for it. EVERY TES flitIONIAL. In behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla is strictly true and will boar the olosest investigation. No matter where it may be from, it is as re liable and worthy your confidence as if it came from your most respected neighbor. Have you ever tried this most excellent re- medy. Sallow and laden.bued complexions soon give place to the loveliest pinipand-white, when the nee of Ayer's Sarsaparilla is per- siated in, and cosmetics entirely abandoned Nothing can eounterfeit the rosy glow of perfect health. GOLD NOT SO PRECIOUS.—Sirs,—For several seasons we have relied upon Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry tor all summer oomplamts. A few doses always gives relief and it never fails Is euro. We think it is a very valuable medicine; as pre- cious as gold. Mr. F. C. Winger, Font Hill, Ont. ^ The Molsons Bank ( °BARTERED BY PA RLIAMEN T, 1550 Paid up Capital ... 52.000,0( 0 Bost pund ... 1.100.00C Head0Mce,Montreal, F. WOLFERSTAN THOMA ESC, GRINglaALMANADEI Money advanced to good.armers on their own note with one or more endorser at 7 per tient. per annum. Exeter Branch, Open, every lawful day ,from 10 a.m.to p.m SATURDAY'S .10 a .m . to 1 p.m Current rates of interest allowed on deposits N. DYER HITRDON, Sub -Manager. l'armore PRICE LISP: FLOUR Zurich S. R. $ 1.90 c< Zurich S. B. - 2,25 Pastry 2.00 Myers' Royal Spice (per cwt.) 164..0000 12.00 SHORTS BRAN (Per ton) < CHOP 11 $14 to $21 All orders of ton lots or over filled on shortest notice. Orders in the village delivered prom- ptly and satisfaction guaranteed. R. S. 7RI0HARDSON, Opposite Town Hall. Manager. ....11111narlea••••=e —ALES MEN WANTED. We want both tr4velling and local Salesmen to reprisent the old established Ponthill Nur- series SALARY PAID FROM THE START to Salesmen experienced in our line liberal terms to beginners and a permanent situation assured. We have 7(0 ACRES under cultiva- tion and are the only firm furnishing STRICT- LY FIRST-CLASS CANADIAN GROWN STOCK. OUTFIT FREE. HARDY VARIE- TIES tor North Ontario and Mani teba. a epee- ialty. WE GUARANTEE OUR STOCK Apply for terms at once. We want you NOW STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. RHEUMATISM RHEUMATIC remit NEURALHIA and kindred diseases are due to congestion of the blood vessels. tnatproducesfermen tation, resulting in acids, If the blood does not eiroulate in flammation in time must be the inevit- able result. The Cur ative Absorbent is one of the most pow- erful blood stimu- lants known. It stint ulatea the blood to action, restoring the circulation. a hat once established dis- ease must cease. Canadian Office, \ LONDON, ONT OOK'SCOTTON ROOT COMPOUND, A reoent discovery by an old physician. Successfully us- ed enolititty by thoucands of LADIES. Is the only perfect- ly safe an d reliable medicine diseovered. Beware of un- prineieled druggists who offer inferior medicines in Place er th. Ask fer COOK% COTTON' Root Compothemeake No substitute; or 1001015 510,111 4 three -cent Canada postage stamps in letter, and we will aced, sealed by return mail. Fun sealed partioulars in plain envelope. to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pond Lily Company No, a Fisher Block .131 Woodard ave.,Detroit Mich. Sold in Baas . LUTZ, Cenral Druz Storo and all druggists everywhere. :oo-Zo-o-? Do you want a PIANO, ORGAN, BICYCI4E, SEWING MACHINE, BOYS' & GIRLS' TRICY- CLIsS, EXPRESS WAGONS? STRICTLY Hum °Ram. ALL MADE OF ME assT sten. AND WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR MANUFACTURED 111. the Coold Bicycle Co. Ltd, BR4INTIORD, 0/IT. Send for Catalogue • If you do, the place to got the most reliable goods at a modern price is at PERKINS MARTIN'S, dealerin Mesita Instrutnents, Sowing Machine supplies, atg. All kinds of farm implements sold OD R mar sin over Cost. A gen ts for the celebrated Chat hara Wagon. PERKINS ez MARTIN, Panson's Block. JUST ARRIVED —AT— GEOLEY'S Furniture & Undertaking Establishment I very NEW Prices to suit large line of GOODS everybody. Bring along your old Furniture and have it made new. E tqrk PEJ Cobbledick & Follana having lately purchased the Stock and Good -will of Mr. •J, N. Howard, and added largely t the Stock, they have now the best equipped and largest Hardware al Tinware Establishment in the County'. They sell whole- sale and Retail, and carry BUILDERS' MATERIALS, Exu. BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES, ETC., CARRIACTE MAKER'S GOODS, M.o., STOVES, TINWARE, BICYCLES, and everything in SMALL HARDWAR1 LARGEST STOCK OF NAILS in the COUNTY, GET THEIR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY. House cleaningitime is upon us. Use Alabastine for your walls and ceilings. They have the genuine thing only, in an improved form. You can ousd water. They have all the tints Call and see their fine store, fine stock and fine prices. COBBLEDICIC rolizahaw GARDEN SEEDS FIELD SEEDS, ALL KINDS OF FENCE *IRE LAWN MOWERS, ALABASTINE (IN ALL SHADES), "DAISY" CHURNS, ALL KINDS OF TINWARE CHEAP FOR CASH — 33$$$Z32141 20110 $. CA LIMN INNUFmNmmimmum•m....... EACH PLUG 0.1.P 1Vivrtle Na,vv! IS MARKED T. ft B. IT 331=tsT,MXT3EIRS- The largest stock of Z0iTZM NONE - OTHER - GENUINE New Piaui° Mouldinge _ Also PARLOR SUITES in town. AND: CURTAIN POLES—in all colors. Remember you can have your Curtain Poles cut any length desired, as we buy them in long lengths. Oall and lnsbect our Stock S. GIDLEY. Oddfellows Block. THE' BEST YET! THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET! Best Ordered Clothing p °hoed in Exeter Gentlemen I leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, yea are sure of eatisfae. Von J. N money sAgDabtYcBu:/- PLANING MILL And LUMBER YARD We keep constantly on hand a large steek of all kinds of building materials. Dressed or um. dressed pine and hemlock lumber,also a elmioe stock of No. 1 pine lath. Our stock of doors, sash, blinds. mouldings, &lc. is complete and thorougly kiln dried We oiler for sale 1400,000 XX and XXX PINE and t'ED AR SUINGLES manufactured by tho best rnakersin Ontario. Tank a and oisterns, all shapes and sixesanade to order at lowest prices. We have something n a win this line for watering cattle in the stable or barnyard. Call and see our celebrated Baking Cabin. Every woman using them recommends tLem highly. Turning.band,serollsawing, and all kinds el machine work promptly attended to. It will be to your interest to examine one gook before puroliesing elsewhere. ROSS 8.3 TAYLOR, Main Street.., Left in the shade by our Prices. Summer Goods going "at ANY PRICE Now is the time for Bargains! Big Drives in PRINTS AND DRESS GOODS. WE have on hand a Fine Line of BOUND BOOKS Suitable for Sunday School Libraries -51 Presentations. THE LATEST GA.ILE " Pariox Quoit s' ALSO FLIPS, PARCHEESI, HALMA, Authors, Etc., Etc. J. W. BROWNING - BOOK. & DRUG STORE Lots of New Fall GoodsA , cheaper than ever. Come and see the way Co m bi natio n that we lead in CHOICE GOODS and LOW PRICES. Illigh'QualityaLowPrice --OF— DOUPE & CO'S. Kirk -ton. I This is the condition of affairs with us as regtrds Footwear of every descrip- • ) Von, Prices within the reach of all, and Three Points now now is the time to buy NOTE WELL. Experience, We have had the expenience that at- tention to business, close prices and proper fits, are the main factors in our business. Promptitude. will, this ever redeeming feat- ure imprinted deeply on our motto, we have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors especially, namely putting off until next week what should have been done this. Satisfaction This is a nice looking word,but to carry out its meaning is difficult to some. We glory in word and the way it is exemplified in our shop. We guar- antee satisfaction every time in all res- pects. 11 you want a suit, coat, vest or pair of pants, give us a call and be convinced that what we have said is true. BOOTS & SHOES, SLIPPERS, RUBBERS, ETC. In ordered boots and shoes we give every satisfaction, For first- class stoek and first class workmanship we lead. Repairing neatly and quickly done, at right prices. A call will convince you that the best place tc buy is at ac. ICANS ON'S CENTRAL arber Shop, FAN S0N'b BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop Shaving and Hail autoing in tlitsiatest style of slse art. Ever attentio aid t 0 ttin IV JOHNS Laaies' anaChillren'sHatr •