HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-9-8, Page 1AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.1 VOL. XX. NO 3. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER, 1892 aoux WIEEITE SON Pnbeisher and ProprIeto sett PERMIT US to call year attention to the $25 card which we have isaued for the lute of youraelf and family at our store. We invite you to bring it with yen whenever yoircontemplete making future eash purchases and carefully examine our stock' and prices. We will punch the amount purchased and vshea the entire ticket ie mod and when $25 worth is bought and paid for. we will take pleasure in presenting you 'with. erre a our beautiful hard wood BOLDING TABI 4Es. This opportnnity to secure one of these beautiful tablee we feel you will appreciate. Please Wax in mind that we inake no extra oharges for goods on account of this Prem- um offer. Tt ueting yov will eell and see us, and tha.t we shall have the plettsure of presenting you with cnin a the tablee, we 'are Very reapeetfully yours, Exeter, July 28th, 1892. 11/10T.A.VIS)a & CO. Special Premium Offer TO Our Customers, Fairs, Great North Western, Gmler- MIL Sept 27-28-29 Induetrial, Toronto „„„ • Sept 5 17 Western, Loudon.... ..Sept 16-24 North Perth, Stratford.. - Sept 29-30 Smith Huron, Seaforth ...... Mot 4-5 East Huron, Brussels Oct 6 7 Stephen and Ueborue, Exeter.. Sept 26-27 Cliuton.. ....... ...... Sept 21-23 Dom. Aga So&y, Efensell.. „Sept 15,16 Northern, .Ailsa - -Sept 26-27 Mitchell. - .... Sept 27-28 Hibbert township Mt 4-5 Lucan „ .... Sept 14.15 Biddalph, Grauton Oct 4-5 South Perth, St Marys Sept 27-29 aleeretrodes will eleasie forward dates of qz.cir fairs for publication in this list. Rense.11. • Following are the market gaotetions ; Wheat . . 75 to 75 Harley 38 to 40 Oats 28 to 30 Nee .......... .• „ 55 to 56 . a Hay „ 4,00 to 5.00 Butter .... ....... . -14. to 15 ......... .... 0 to 10 Hogs ...... • . ..... 5.75 to 5.73 Clover seed 7 00 to 7.50 a This is just what you aced, a geed pair of boots and shoes for the f al i and -winter wear, and you.= cat there by calling. on A.Wesoloh, As cheep as any other place in tho county, Speeial bargains will be given euring the two days ef our fall fair on September ls and 25. We will give to everyone that buys a pair tit long boots for 92.50 eash and upwards 1 iron bootinelsovarth 0 ciente. free of charge Boar in mindthat this is good only the two days of the fair. Call in and too our stock, whether You bus, erne+. No trouble to show goods. A. WES.EL011, Prop. Sign of the big boot, THE HENS/ILIA, CLOTHING Boum-If you want a stylish and good -fitting suit go to John Pope, Heneall. Raving visited mine of the best woollen houses and bought the nicest and largest stock over shown 10 Hansa% therefore ant Preeared to suit the people of Hensel! and, surrounding country in quantity as well as in quality. style and fit. In visiting Bewail fair on the 15th and lith of September. do not fail to see my exhibit and also call at iny store and examine my stock. In gents' furnishings we lead. Always in stock the latest styles found only in a first-class house, Hats a spec- ialty and price as low as any in the trade Space will not allow fell quotation of prices, nevertheless:I will give a few: an Mt -wool suit made to order for 910. overcoats frnn upwards, pants all -wool timed for 9550. ry us and be convinced that oar motto is fair treatment, small profit, and quick returns. J. Pomo. Stand-MeEwen's Block,oppodite Com- mercial Hotel BILINFS-The briek work ot Mr. James Jerrett's house is About completed. -Mr Colwill, our enterprising wagon -maker is erecting another clwelting house to rent. It is to be hoped more will follow suit; as there is not au empty house in the place at present, and there are men here every week looking for 'houses to rent. - The Crediton foot ball club was here last Wed- nesday evening to play a match with the Heusail team, but owing to it being wet there was no game played. The Hensel' club treated thein to their supper, thus sending the boys home in good trim. Call again Crediton.-Itirslaines White made a trip to London ion Monday -Mr. Samuel White of Detroit was home on a \lett over Sunday. -Mr. Chas. Meyers n' .1 A. Wes- eloh were at Zerich on Satre day on business. -M r, John \\regal awl wife 01 -Detroit are visiting at Mr. liem•y Cook's. -Mr. A. tV esel oil, wife and f .4111ily were at Zurich on Sunday the guest of Mr. D Steinbach. -Miss llertha. Hodgins went to London on Monday to Httemi College, - Mr. Fred Smellacombe auk' C. Beek were at. Kincardine over Sundays -Mr. G. F. .Arnold and children returned home on Monday from their trip -Mr. Jos. Ellis, wife and daughter returned home from their trip to Detroic.-Mr. Win. Vaughn, cooper,macle a trip to London on Saturday and returned on Monday. -Mr. Rd. Coad made e, business trip to London last week, -Mr. John W. Byres was made happy, on Friday morning'by his wife presenting him with a bouncing baby boy. We are glad to hear that mother and son are doing well, -Mrs. James Troyer and Mrs. 'John Pope were at Kippen on Wednesday the gaests ofM,0 Janice Moore. -Miss Barbara Wilson has returned home after a months' vitit at Londesboro' and vicinity. --Mr. John McArthur, banker, is away to Lake Smith duck ehooting.-Onion bees are the order of the day. .Messrs, IL Cook, D, , Urquhart, G. LE Arnold, and Wren are the leaders as they each employ no less than half a dozen boys and gitls :cleaning onions. -Miss Aggie Hunter went "to Brantford on Taesday morning. -Mrs. A. Cook and Miss Coed, of Cltuton were the guests of Mrs. A. Weseloh last Friday. - Moe. William Westhott was home with his Tuckeremith• • Berers -Two of Geo,Nott's children are down with the scarlet fever. -Lewis Orioles elsildren are down with the fever. -Pletcher Turner is gradually sinking. There seems to be no chance for reeovery.--John Land - thorough has rented his hundred tore farm to John Rutledge atjan annual rental of $300.-Joha Dale, of Stanley, has bougbt Cyrus Turner's hundred sore farni for e4. 200, This price is eoneiderecl a bergaiu.- JoithialWhite wan taken soddenly ill on laet Tnarsday with etiolate morbus, but is now' considered out of danger. -Several weddings are on the tapia, but dame rumor is so often at fault that we shall not mention names just now.-Oer prayer leleeting youog men ahould not engage in the "teative hop" while returning from Turners, The gravel isnot cagy mixed and a pointer may We sole leather and altoemaker's bill. family over Sunday. -Daniel McKenzie and wife of London were the gueeta of Mr. W.Hadeins on Monday and Tuesday. -At the close of the prayer meeting on Wednesday evening', in the Methodist church, Rev. U. ,1 Fair, on beton of the congregation, presented Miss BOn Blatch- ford with a handsome gold watch and chain, la recognition of her Services as organist of the chnrch for the kat three years. -Wednesday a number of friends of Alr.Robert 'Hughes witeeesea the marriage ceremony of his son, WslIiam, to Miss Ida Evane,formerly a resident here,at his home in St. Louis. They intend meking that city their future plaee of abode, and we join with many friends here in extending congratulations. -Miss Emma. Murdock is visiting at Lot:dem-Miss Annie Welsh returned to Strathroy on Moncley. -Mr. John Blatchford, er., and Mrs George Brown aud son went to tTormato Exhibi- tion on Tuesday. -Mr. Henry Cook and wife ,left for the Toronto Exhibition on Wednesday morning. -Mr. Will Downs & Sou sold out their business to Mr David Weismillerof Kippen and to Mr. Weseloh, the former taking the groceries, croekery and wall paper and putting in dry goods along with it, and Mr. Weaeloh taking the boots and aboes.-Mr. Ezra and Jacob Taylor wore in town on NOMO special business on Tuesday, but taid not acoom. plish what they came down for. -Our Cricket Club went out for the first time cm Tueerlay evening to practice, -Mr. D. 'Urquhart left for Toronto on Wednesday to attend the Exhibition. e. k Greenuray. (Too late for last week) Cromarty. BR1EVS.-Mrs Robert Muir, hese after an elapse of quarter of a amatory, returned to visit friends and relatiyes in this neighbor- hood, Great changes have taken place in dear ola flibbert during that time, but it still poesessea many of the raerke and at- tractions of former days, together with all the improvements of the age. It is really the heat spot in the Donainima-Mr. T. jillerd and Geo. Wilson apent Sunday in Exeter. -Mr. James Campbell and John Norris both of Mitchell splint Sunday at the residence of Mr. James Caropbell.-Mr. end airs. Heron of Stella were in Exeter on Saturday last. -Mr, Hugh Gillespie, jr., of Hamilton, is visiting his Cromarty coma ins, -Miss Maggie Hamilton and filissMary Currie spent last week with friends in Moth- erwell.--idlea Tana McLaren has gone to Toronto, where she expeete to eetiore a sit- uation as milliner. -alias Marion MaLaren in visiting la Stretford. Beries-Mr, Robert English is building another forge in his blacksmith ahop.-Mrs Md, McPberson is emending Oda week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mollarde at Grand Bend. -Mr. lames I. Melaherson, who has been working for Mr. Wm. Baird during the past few weeks, Arlo obliged Ito give up:work on account of an °attains of pleurisy. Pleretorned home last Tacieday. -The Parkhill Brass Band and the Brins- ley String Band have been engaged to play at the 191h Annual Harrod Home Dinner of Boston !Methodist Church, Wednesday September 14th, it grand thno is expeetea. -Mr 3. Brown boneht A. J.. Fleury & Sans sulky plow of W. J. Wilson and is greatly pleased with it, and it "does good wary in hard ground when the common walking plow cannot be used. --e-soad-e Granton. BAIENA.--11r. and Mra. Eatnes have re. tnrned front their extended trip to the Northwest, also Mr. W. Baine and vdre have returned. Mr. B. don't look any the worse from his trim -Miss Pidd has again returned for Stratford, -Mr. All. Ironsidea purposes ere long to have the old mill in operation which no doubt will be pleasing to the farming community -as they will be able to get chopping done.-Mr.Wellington Germyn leaves this week for Georgetown. Well goes often to the hill ; there must be ewe attraction over or beyond. -We under stand the tLadies' Ail of the Methodist eharch purpose opening tip the town hall for accommodation to all those whiling a good substantial meal the day of Granton Fair. -Come to the fair, as Greaten is ented for having a geod fails -Mrs. John Levett. formerly of this place, returned home Saturday. -Also Mrs. Webb of Tor- onto, formerly of this place, returned home Saturday. ••• CONDENSED NEWS. Prom Various Sources Through out the District. annum, The Clinton Apple evaporator gives em- ployment to 26 hands. Mr. john Meafillan. M, P. for South Hur- on, and Mrs. McMillan are or a trip to Manitoha. A. T, Oooper, and 0- F, Emerson of Clio. ton rode on their bleycles to Toronto:recent- ly in one day. Mr. D. W. Delmage has rented bis farm near Kirkton, to Mr. Oglesby, of the town- liue, Fullarloo, Crossley and Hunter, will visit Wiarton, Goderich, Lindsay, Toronto and Saginaw ()IV, ;Cab., shortly, Mr. Thomas Muter, amber ol Helmet!. Title, bas resioed his position ea stetioher of the addle school, By the falling of it scaffold in •W. EL Lobb'a barn, his horaea whichwere stand- ing on the barn floor narrowly eseaped be- ing killed. Miss, Maggie Rutledge of Holmesville, was thrown from a buggy the other day, while driving along the road, and very sera Musty sujured. Reeve Woods of Baytield, had the mis- fortune to fall off it load of grain a few days ago and broke some of hia riba, bat he is all right again. -A. H. Jenkins, at one time editor and proprietor of the defunct Brussels Budget is manager of the Grand Rapids Sun, and is getting along well. • We are sorry to learn that Wm. McDon- nell, of Blyth, is dead, he fornaerly resided on the Oth con. of ENO Wawanosh, on the farm now occupied by his son John. Mr, James Beecroft of Blyth, died at the residence of Ur. Jas. Lloyd. The deceased was a young rnan about twenty, in the em- ploy of Mr. T. Armstrong (farmer.) Zurich. (Too late for last week.) Inanss.-Nelson, the little son of Mr. Mettles Wurna, met with s, very painful accident it few days ago. 'While playing horse with'another littlu fellow, he had the miefortnne to fall and fracture `his collar. bone, --Ur. F. Hen is busily engaged in malting up some buggiee for the fair.-afra. Fred Hess and Mrs. "aGertredo Hess have gone to Detroit to visit !friends and attend the fails -Ur, T. Henderson, yam was the guest of alr.and Mrs Steinbach, has return- ed to hi n home MIDetrolt. -English services were held in the Baptist church on Sunday. -One of the attraotions at the World's fair at Zurich will be the walking of a wire fag. toned frons the top of the flax -mill to the show hall by La man from MontreaL All should aome to witness this feat.-Majacob Hauch lias returned to his home near Chioago.-Mr. John Denied is the latest addition to the Z. 13. 0. He baa been designated "Doctor." -it bicycle race rouud the bleak by way of Blake has beeu suggest- ed by some of our 'avian:. Why not choose a roaa with whiah all are, equally ACquainted ? However the idea is it eapital 0110, Elnusnlle. ..- Thunra.-Itevs. W. H. 1) )wn, it former junior pastor of this place, and J. Snell aasistecl in the morning and evening ser- vices iespectively in the Methodist church here last Sabbath, -Messrs. John and Rd. Delbritlge of Winehelsea and Geo. Andrew of this place are off tor Manitoba on the last excursion of the seation, which left on the 6th inst, From these men of experience and good sound jodgment we expect to hear a splendid 'repoIt on their. return. They go to Douglas and that neighborhood, and will likely be away about a month. -Several of the citizens in road around here have received invitations to be present at the South Perth election protest trial beginuing to day (Thursday). Some think of taking in the fair at Toronto at the same time but it will likely be Stratford fair. -Mr. T. Halls ,of this place, who has beea employed %villa Stanley Bros. of Luna iOT some time, leaves in it few aays for Winnipeg; where he ea.:Delete to mama a situation. We join hi many friends in wishine Phil success in the west. 11.-0.111-1.-41 IJ sborne Council. The council met on the 3rd inst. All the members were spresent. The minutes of the previous raesting were !read and ap- proved. Ilalls - Cameron -that the following rates be levied on the rateable property of the municipality for the current year, viz : 1 93/100 of a mill to raise the sum of $3621. 27 for county rate and Legislative school equivalent; 1 1/5 mills to raise the sum of $2253 06 for townehip purPoses,ana 48/100015 mill to raise the sum of $901 58 as special school rate per sea 109, chap. 55, Statutes Ontario, 1891.-Oarried. Kydd-Shier-that the several amounts required by the trustees of the school sec- tione of the municipality be levied and entered on the oolleotornt roll and collected with the other rates. -Carried. Ca/nevem-Shier-that by-laws be drafted legalizing the levying of the aforesaid rates. sC ha ir er ri d. x ydd-that the clerk be instructed to prepare tile collector's roll and deliver the same to the collector on or before the 15th day of Ootober next. -Carried. Kydd-Halls-that John Treble be paid the enm of $5 33, being t eo thirds value of a sheep killed by doge„ -Carried. Shier-Kydd-that the assessor be paid the sum of $5 for extra services, taking school census of the township --Carried. Cameron--Shier-that T, Brimacombe receive $10 for keep !of A. Carmichael, en indigent.- Car ried. Halls-Kydd-that the Stephen & Us. borne Agricultural !Society be granted the sum of 825, in view of !the extra expendi- ture this year in enlarging the ground's and other improvements. -Carried. The following orders were granted, viz: W. J. Vance, tile under draM, 83; J.Selves, culvert and grading, 64; A. Doupe,grading, 82 50; J. Swallow. repairing bridges $7; 5 ' Brown do, $15; Abray & Edwards, limber, 367 03; 11, 3 Webb, repairing pieta, 50o; J Hewitt, breaking stobee, $6; F. Cole,spikes 50e. J. Treble, sheep ;killed by dogs two. thi;ds value, §5 33; W. Miners, taking school census, 85; R. Bell, gravel, $4 80; 11 Bell, jr., lumber, a97; M. Sanawell, keep of J. Hewitt and wife, $26; W. J, Cave, grav- elling oor half, $24 37; E. Carrol,gravelliug oer half, $15 46; R. Luker, tile !drain our half, 83c; T. Briraitoombe, ;keep of A. Car- michael, 810; T. Smale, grading culvert and rep bridges, t$27 50; J. Andrew, work on swamp road, $10 50; J'. Loadman, grass elling London road, 850.: Cameron-Kydd-thCoonnoil adjourned to meet Saturday, lst Octobea,r, at 11 o'clock a. m. Gam W. HOLMAN, ' Clerk. English Spavin Liniment remyoes a hard, eat or calloused Lumps and Bleml idles from horses, Blood Spavin,Cnrbe •Splintal, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles Slanting, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs eta. Save $50 by use of one bottle, War anted the Most wonderful Blemiah Oen ver known. Sold by C. Lutz. 29 ly all four: History and Geography, Misees Combes and Elwood and Mimi Spotton :- French -Misses Combas and Elwood and in German, Spotton and Misses Combes and Elwood. The fieaforth Expositor :-At the last sittings of the Division Court here Tharp - day, laid week, a ease came up which is of interest to a good many of this county. The Home Knowledge Association 01 Toronto, sued Mr. W. G. Duff, of this town, for the amount of A note given for raemberehip in this so (taloa Aeseciation, Mr. Duff restate *be payment of the note on the ground that, the A.saociation,ifit has an existence at all did not (nary out ite contract, but Mr. JaM Beat, solicitor for the defence, raised the. objection that the Home Kuowledge Asso. dation has no corporate existence, and hen- ce cannot legally transact business as a cor- porate body nor colleot the notes given to the Assoniation. The Court held the ajar:. lien valid, but agreed to permit the me to stand over ontil next Court to afford the plaintiffs time to prove their corporate ex- iatence fte 80 Astsociation if they can, but put the (tests of the ease thus far on tbe plaintiffe. The Association has done a large business in this and other counties, and a good many Wile have given their notes are considerably interested in thefinalout-oorati • of thia case, Time far the honors rest witb Mr. Best and his olient, Mr. Da. Jadge Doyle and his son Master Joseph left on Monday leak for Montreal, where the latter will enter the Jesuit College of that eity. Judge Doyle will return, by Sud- bury. Mr. William Ondmore, the well-known hay dealer of Tuekersnsitb, has pressed and shipped over three hundred tons of this Years oroln The bulk of it has gone to Toronto. Tr, be fres from sick headache, billions - nese constipation, eta., use Outer's Little Liver Pills. Straitly vegetable. They gent-. ly stimulate the liver and free the stonier:1h from bile. A little girl of Mr. James Greaves of Sea - forth, me; with a painful accident on Tues- day. While playing she got one of her fingers so badly smashed that it had to be amputated. Mrs. G. M. 'Young, 1 Sully Street Grove Street, Liverpool, Eng,, writes, the aontenta of one bottle of St. Jacobni Oil cured her of lumbago after she had given up alt hopea of ever being better. The fsrm belonging to the Ott estate, consisting of Lot 18 on the 13 concession of West Wawanosh, containing 200 acres, was pnrchased by Messrs. Edward and William 3. McQuillan for the cam of $9000. A Sabbath so/mod convention will be held in connection with the financial district meeting of the Goderith district, on Mon- day September 12th, in the Methodist Church, Holmesville, commencing at 2 p. m. Lint' lb !oar rip A MOMENT. atuennessx, Lonaoa township is the only place be. tween London and Wiarton where toll gates CSTI be found. Messrs. Ward Bros. of Biddulph, nave rented Wm. Nangle's lam of 140 acres, for a term of ten years. Bidduiplias voters list this year contains the names of 870 persons. 348 of whom are qualified to serve as jurors. The South Perth protest case against Mr, W, Pridham will be heard on the 8th haste in till COMA House in Stratford. Mr, Bolsi Donnelly hes add Ida property in Glencoe to W, Rerr and will reraove to his farm in Blddulph iu the spriog. William Whalen of Biddulph. threshed 130 bushels 01 oats off two acres and a half whieh weighed 37 pounds to the bushel. Mrs. James Laurie, Parkhill, diea on Wednesday, amid 23. She was an exem- plary and eatimeble young woman, and the husband has the eymns+hy of the commun- ity in him great loss. Mrs. Chas, Smith of Jima:, Ohio, writee: have used every remedy for sick head tithe I could beer of for the past fifteen years, but Carter's Little Liver Pills dialme more good than all the rest Miss Hattie May, eldest daughter of Mr, J. C. Palmer, Church Street Stratford, was married the other afternoon to Alfred Hor- ton, of the firm of Hortou Erot. batehers, Beatuacrait L'a assessment for the present year is $170,000, and the estimated amount for all purpoecs, viz., municipal or locel rate, county rate and for eduoational demands is 21 1 2 mills on the dollar. Tenderfor rebuilding the 11. C. church at Strathroy were opened tbe other day, when that of Mr. John MoPherson was ao- eepted. The building is to be completed in the first part of November. Mr. J. S. Gilfillan, of Mooresville, is go- ing to beeome a resident of Liman, end will next spring open a creamery iu the North Middlesex cheese factory. Mr. G. and wife will take a trip west in the meantime. My friend, look herel you know how week and nervous your wife is, and you know that Carter's Iron Pills will relieve her, now why not be fair about it and buy her a box. W. S. Stonehouse of Forest, who took several head of ,horses to Manitoba a few weeks ago, has deoided to 'locate there. He has leased 420 acres for fiTe years, and la Inlay taking off this year's orop. Mr. J. Roedding, of Tilsonburg, has accepted a situation in one of the shoe lac- toriea London. Mrs. R. and family will follow in a couple of weeks. Mr. 11, at one time carried on bueiness in Zurieb. It is with regret we have to notice the death of Mrs, ,Taroes Laurie, of Parkhill, at the age of 23 years. Until a few months ago, Mrs. Laurie was possessed with excell- ent health, but a bad cold developed into rapid consumption against which the best medical skill was of no avail. .sirs. Richard Armitage of London town- ship claims to have 'a turkey: that has for some time past laid three eggs a day sregu- larly-one in the morning,one at noon,and one in the evening, She also has two cows that gave birth to twin calves last spring, and three apple trees that have bloomed twice this season. One day last week Mr. B. Gibbons, of Hallett thrashed on the farm of Mr. Thos. Mollithael, in ten hours 1200 bushel of grain. This is a good day's threshing, and Mr. Gibbens would like to see it beaten. Last -week while Mr. John Aikenhead, eon of Ur. Jae, Aikenhead of Stanley, was hauling out manure he slipped and fell, in- juring his arm and head. We are glad to learn that he is about all right again. Their brothers were away threshing and noticing the approaoh of rain, three fair young ladies, the M isms Sterling of Porter's Hill, went to the stable, harnessed and hitched the horses, and hauled in three loads of oats. Mr. Hicks, of Seaforth, bas disposed of his farm in Grey to Mr. Thomas Deviation, of the Ilth concession of that township. Tim price paid was $4,000. Mr. Dayidson now owns 200 aeres of fine land within a short distance of Brunets. Mr, Bobert Creery, Sr., 10112 eencessioia of 'Cisborne, arrived home last week from a visit to his native country, Ireland, Mr. O. was a fellow paseenger across the Atlantic with Mr: Sohn McCurdy, Postmaster of Hill ton, and the Hon. Edward Blake M. P. Mr. Geo. Allen of this town, fireman on the L. H. & B., went to Detroitton Friday, and there is a strange rumor afloat to the effect that he purpo3es going further west to briug company back with hum. Perhaps there is no foundation for the report.- WInghani Advance. Oa Saturday, as Bev. S. Acheson, aecom panted by his wife and little daughter, was driving on the Lona= Road, about a mile south of Kmpen, bis horse shied at a bicyclist and turning sharply, upset the buggy and occupante into the ditch and Mrs. Acheson received a severe shook and was badly bruised about the face. • Here is an item from the Wingham Ad - Twice which may interest some of our local coopers :-"Oliarlie Kling, 13 years of age, M one day at the Wingham salt works, made 40 salt barrele, 30 the previoue day and 30 the day following, in all 100 in three days, This is remarkable work, and we doubt if there is another boy inCanada who can equal it. In him we feel confident that Wingham has a ohampion in this line." In the published results of the Tor- onto University examinations appear the names of the following onecestful candidat- es from thia eounty :--Mise, E. C, Elwood, atone of the handsome new Roman Catho. goderieh; B. H. Coats and Miss Jeanette lie Church in St. Marys will take place on Combe Clinton. and A Spotton GerrieSunday September llth, They took 11011078 03 follows :-In English, Mr. Thos. Fitzgerald of Zion died on Just call in to 5. P. Boss' store and look about care- fully for a few minutes and see the extra values we offer in fall and winter goods. We are opening them every day. Don't be afraid to ask for our prices'and don't charge us. with etealing our goods wizen We quote prices. Next week we will partic- ularize more fully. J. P. ROSS. BargaiD, Depot. Monday. He was it successful farmer, and highly esteemed, having lived near Zion the paat 30 years. Mr. Henry Metealf ot Mitchell died. on. Thursday morning in his 76 year„ He had been in Canada 47„ years. He was father of Mr. Frank Metcalf of Blyth. A young son of John Scott alt.Marys, was attacked by an infuriated cow the other day and. severely injuted. The lad was rescued by the timely assistance of a passer-by. Dr. Lying, of Kiriston, has sold his r. ran - tint° Dr. Thornson,who has been with him for some time and intends leaving for Ha. milion ta practice his profeeeion. The lest of the schedule games in the Canadieu Larose assooiation (senior) was played at Stratford Saturday, aud resulted in a victory for Stratford over Niagara Fella 5 to 1. R. Woolte, of SaMarys had a horse kill- ed on G, T.R. track last week, The ani. reel got through it defective forme onto the track. The Company will have to pay $100. Mr. J. Perrin of Satfarys, has puroliesed four ton of honey from Mr. H. Stennett, river road, and is shipping the sweet cargo to MaTlitoba and the North.weet. It is pat tip in clans holding about three quarte each. Mr. Alex. Cameron reached Mitchell Monday night on his ratans from old Soot- • land. He reports having a yery enjoyable trip acroea the Ocean, and a pleasant visit to the home, friends and scenes of his boy- hood. Suit has been commenced by Bobert Faulkner, of St. -Marys, against the Grand Camp of the Sons of Sootland, William Banks and Donald MeCrea, far a declare, tion by tile court that he is insured. in Coat order for 81,000. A very aad cam resulted in South Ward, Mitchell, the other day. A married lady, whose husbandis in Chicago, while alone- - in the house with her children, was terribly frightened by repeated taps on one of the windows, wbioh were made by mischievous boys from the ontside. Her mind became unhinged, and the result is uneertain. On Wednesday of last week, Charlotte, " daughter of Mr. Laidlaw of St.Marys, died very saddeuly. She arose in health, and are the evening dawned was a corpse, In- fiammatton was the cause of her death. Miss Laidlaw was about to leave for Wing - ham to take :large of a millinery business for the coaling season. Mrs. Wm Kerr of Mitchell died very sud- denly last Wednesday. She was in good health in the morning and went about her household duties. About four o'clock, while she was sitting busy with her needle a ohill mune over her, and she got up and walked to the back door to get some kind- ling to light a fire. While at the door she fen stricken with paralysis. A. very sad accident occurred at Carling- ford the other day, by which one of tnelold est ladies of Perth oounty lost he life. Mrs. Janet Davidson, aged 81 years, wife rif --„,, Mr, William Davidson who is one of the oldest teachers in Perkli, and now 81 years of age, accidently fell clown stairs into the cellar, and sustained a fracture of the skull, which resulted in her death twohours after- wards She was talking to her brother from 13ruce county, who was on it visit to her, at the time the:1.13°111Kit occurred, and did not notice that the stairway leading to the cel- lar was open. Mr. Andrew W. Knox of St. Marys died Wedneaday afternoon after a long and pain- ful illness as a result of the injuries reoeived from an accident thie spring in London, He has been a resident of St. Marys for oyer thirty yeare, and always took an active part in eivie affairs, haying been is member of the town council for some time and of Trustee Board for twenty years. kteleavea it widow and five- children -Mrs, Geo. E. Willie:sae and Agnes Knox, B. E„ of Toron to; A. A. Knox, B- A, of Chatham,11. 11. Knox, B. A., and W. J. Knox of Toronto University. • No man ever smoked Myrtle Navy tobac- co for a fortnight and then took to any other brand in prelerenee to it. It bee.re 110 ova testimony of its qualities, and it is testi. many whieh is always convincing: The smoker who uses it is never annoyed by get- ting it sometimes of good quality and some- times of bad, The arrangements of the manufacturers for keeping its quality erred are very elaborate and tiemplete, and are the results of many years of experience and close observation. Tae Parkhill town hall was destroyed by fire on Wednesday last, ineluding the fire engines, etc., A tramp who was in the lock up narrowly escaped, his being there having been forgotten. Tlae building was doubtless set on fire. It coat 85,000 and was insured for $2,500, besides which those who had market stalls in the building lost to a certain extent The oollector's and asseesor's rolls were also destroyed. CUB PUBLIC SCHOOLS. --Are the main -stay of the republic. In them are be- ing cultivated the minds which are to be our future law -makers and leaders in every walk in life. How essential it is that these minds should be united to strong, healthy bodies. So many children suffer from im- purities and poleons in the blood that it is a wonder that they ever grow up to men women. Many parents cannot find words strong enough to exprese their gratitude to Efood's Sarsaparilla for its good effect upon their children. Scrofula, Sault rheum,and other diseases of the blood are effectually and permanently eared by this excellent roodiebae, and the whole being is giveo stre- ngth to resist attacks of disease. PERTH. Bev. W. H. Grant left St. Marys on Sat. urday for China where he will engage in Missionary work. Inspector Coppin last week fined the keeper of a hotel in Downie for not havieg the neceesary provender for horses. The ceremony of laying the foundation SYK1JP OF FIGS. -Produced from flie .1rixative and nutritious juice of the Califor- nia figs, combined with the medical virtuee of plants known to be the most beneficial Itt burnat system, ads gently on kidneys, liver and bowels, effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds and headaches, and curing habitual chistipation.