HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-8-25, Page 8INSURANCE
P NY, of Toronto; verso tor the leRceNex
ISS ENSURA NOE. 00etrael3, ot Loudon;
saes ersegeoid. the CONFEDERATE LIFE
Az -S00141101,1 of Toronto.
'We would like very much tO direct
the Attention of readers to a new Ser.
les of Tales by English Authors, for
-which we rire.eerking4m. effort to secure
a wide circulation tie this section of
country. They are aseries of reprints
of more expensive books, and though
sold at the astonishingly low price of 5
cents, Are varitable gerns. of worth, as
interestingas a novel with Morals drawn
with force and clearness. They are is-
sued, for the million, and in. England
have found .their way to the homes Of
the millions. One firm. „engaged in their
production have published and Sold 13
millions, and other firms are engaged. in
the sante work. The issues of single
tales have been enormous, ranging from
fifty ti oueand to one million.
Call and see thou on .t-%1.turday after-
noon or evi,sning next,
Bookseller and S.tationer.
T H 13:
gi SWORE,. IF;
Dress Goods Silks, Sateels
is Frint. Ch,illies and Skirting.
o Embroideries—all at closest
• 'cut prices durino-the great al
• teration sale now on, Our Big
Stock must be reduced before tz'
o the workmen take possession',:j.'
-I am 1 in enlarging the store.
'Do you lvaiit a nice white em-
• broidered If you do,?7,4
• we -want to see you we have:5,
▪ some grand values or you at
reduced prices,
K.) Now's your time to buy 'X
4,71 Grocrries,as we are doing big
'things in choice, fresh Oro §
▪ ,ceries. Many lines below!
actual wholesale cost. How' ci
EialE111*0617=0111%====1.1120111, ameasiseemojesiemematerawissisesemswe
School openeon Mendo.y ',next in towns
and villages.
••• , Veq! tiV. 4410.1 aa CCe ir.,
.1 ublesv the old timers. OurC,4,4
, isystem of doing bustness isifii
A our own. Others may follow;
41'us but they never get ahead, P
I do they.
Z1U ent.OV gi1110.
THURADAY, AUGUST 18..:1, 1892.
"gou win wib
You Lad on your fur cap, overmat, 4.11.1d
inittens. when You approach flreenland the
evening of the i.estival of Nations:, on the
:30th inst, Conte everybody to the land of
ice, snow, and glaciers Lte cream, milk-
ehake, anti other !men delLsteles in abun-
dance.. 4surtio.
Mr. Dank' liyer, son of Mr. Alex.Dyer,
an esteemed citizen of Exeter, has sold the
Payneavi.le (Mien.) News.—The Clinton
tvs.RPoorol announces the probable ds -
solution of the partnership existing between
Messrs. Whitely a: Todd.—Dame rumor
conuects the name of W. H. Kerr, of the
Brussels Post. with the prohable purchase
-of the Goderith ninn-
"ber of the St. Marts Leader came to hand
last week. It is a well -printed, rewsy
sheet.but will find it difficult to eke an ex-
istence in the stone town, where there are
salready two papers.
Mr. A ubry shipped a car load of driyiug
horses to Montreal. Monday.
E. J, Spookrnan has purchased a
driver, which oan make many of the fast
ones take duet,
Fall gooda are beginning to show up at
the dry goods stores. Look out for their
advertisements in the near future.
M. H. &Weller on Saturday last eold
the Commereiel Hotel, Clinton, to Mr. W:
Ilawkshaw, Sea,forth, for a good awn,
At the bicycle races in Sarnia last week
Ray Ecarett of that town, formerly of
Exeter, won the comity championship ot
Mr. John Heywood on Friday thrashed
0 acres of Red Clawson wheat from which
he got 201 bushels—box measure. This
is cenaidered a large yield.
Them has not been a single appeal put
in against the Usborne Voterraists. This
speaks volumes for the efficient officers of
that township, the clerk and treasurer.
A fire occurred in Ridirtown the other
day by which sir. Bowden, druggist, for-
merly of Exeter, sustained considerable
loss by smoke and water. The fire origin-
ated in Long's store.
Lots 49 and 50, Victoria el reet, Exeter,
are advertised for sale in the Treasurer's
list of those in arrears for taxes. The
aale takes place in Goderieh on 15 Nevem-
ber,1$02, in the afternoon.
While a young son of W. Ford of the
lake road, was playing about the yard, the
other day, he was struck by one of the
wagon wheals, and being knocked down
was euu over- As the wagon was empty
he was not seriously injuted.
The Poatmester-Geueral has authorised
the posting up in a conapicuoue place in
every postoilice in Clatarto of a cent coil-
tainiug an abetraest of the ()aerie game and
fishery laws for 1892, as issued by the On-
tario tish and game commission.
An entertainment under the auspices of
the Epworth League ef the Main-st Meth.
ehurch WAS held on Tuesday evening. The
attendance was quite large, the program
whieh was of a musical nature, a good one,
arid altogether the affair was A euccets,
Proceede $13.
1 'The Cenadieu headquarters at the Fest
vat t Nations will neturally present more
substantial rittractiors than those offered
elsewhere. Visitors have no need to fortify
themselves by a preliminary lunch at home
for they pay he assured a good meal under
the auspices of the Canadian Flag,
A p....uliar printeea error was one which
appeereol in one of the Winnipeg dailies
the other day in which it was stated that
Wm. eleGregor was injured eternally
It ie hoped that internally was meant.
The sense is often altered cousiderably by
kbe changing of a syllable.
Wedding Bells.
The -Brandon Sun of the 18th refers to a
former resident of Exeter, as follows I—On
August 10th, Miss Jennie Colgnhoun,
daughter of Mr. Alex. Colguhoun, Doug-
las. was united in matrimony to altHenry
Bell of this city, one of the well-known
fitm of Bell Bos., contractors, also one of
the first settlers in Brandon. :The bride,
who looked very:beautiful indeed, wore a
light blue cashmere dress, etrimmed with
white pansies,riblion and lace. The bride's
sister, Miss Millie' acted as bridesmaid,
and was dressedin a cream cashmere
trimmed with lace. The groom was
'helped through the ordeal by his brother,
Mr. Arthur Bell. The mystical knot was
tied by the Rev, Mr. Milliken, Methodist
nsinistor, at Douglas, The bride (who haa
been organist in the Methodist church for
the past two or three years, was the recip-
ient of many valuable presents, of which
the.followbeg are a part: silvee cake dish,
parlor centre table, beautiful hanging
lamp, breakfast egg cruet, parlor lamp,
,bedroorn suite, chenille arch curtainsbed-
room furniture, silver butter dish, diver
pickle dish, family bible,ehalf dozen silver
knives and forks, silver berry dish, set
dinner dishes, China tea set, toilet selaeset
esleas ware, 8 day clock, gold ibreast pin,
rate The happy couple have taken up
-their residence on Louise Avenue Bree-
The marriage of Mr. 0. Geo. Bayley, of
33ayley's, Dundas street, London, to Miss
Martins Phillips, daughter of 1VIr, P.
Phillipe; 498 Grey street, on Wednesday,
was a pleasant event. The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. Canon:Richardson,
rector of the Memorial church, in the pre-
sence of a large number of relatives and
friends of the young couple: Miss Ida
lEa,crett of Sarnia, and Miss Edith Phillipe
meter of the bride, were bridesmaids
Mrs. George Ingram, .St. Thomas, brother
of Mr. Ingram, M.P., was best man. After
the ceremouy and wedding bro./debt Mr.
and Mrs. Bayley left on a honeymoon trip
eaet on the midnight express. Many
beautiful gifts testify to •the esteem in
which both are held. • Mr. Geo, Bayley
le an old Exeter boy, well rernerabered by
a, large circle of acguaintanoes here.
A Festival efNations,underthe auspices
ot the Epworth Leagats of the J anee-et
Methodiat chlirch, will he held on the
beautiful groends of Dr. Rollips, on Tues-
day weeping, August 30th. A good pro.
grem of vocal and instrumental music
Provided, Admisaion, adults itic.; emu,
ma, We. Ice cream, etc, extra.
At a meeting held by the Exeter Gun
Club, Messrs Creech ahd Gill were appoint-
ed to look after all breakers of the game
laws and enforce them atrietly. It will be
well if all shooters remember black squir-
rel- ere genie now area cannot be shot till
l'arh September.
On Moriarty, while drawing grain kite a
hems, Thomas Sanders of Stephen sustain-
ed severe injury to one ot his arms. The
wagon began running backwards, when
gr. S. in. attempting to catch the spokes,
passed his hand through, thus having it
caught by the bolster.
Ou tie 3 o'cloc k there will be a
game of lacroase played on the grounds
here between the Exeter and Mitehell
teams. The game will be a keenly con-
teeted one, Mitchell having competed for
the western championship. Last week
Mitthell defeated Goderieh 3 goals to 0.
While berry picking lest week, A large
black bear was seen near 131ack creek by a
couple of W01110II. On Monday all the
volts in town, hied to the spot turned
with rifles,each accompanied by a dog, but
strange to say hie bearship is yet to be
aeptured. So determined were some of
the nimtods to get the bear, that they
employed volunteer rifles for the woi k.
11 ha says sdvertising don t pay ? Some
time ago, Mr Paul Madge of Usboo ne,
while in the township of Logan putting
up a windmill, had three horses stray
away. After a diligent seaech he decided
to advertise for them, whereupon the horses
returned, knowing that it was use'ess to
hide away longer, since he had adopted
this never -failing means of finding them.
Positively my last week. Business
being so good I have concluded to remain
one week longer to do repair work on
sewing machines and wringers. Those
having sewing tnachines and wringers out
of order, have them repaired, as this is an
opportunity not to be /lost. Parts to all
machines kept constantly in stock. H. S.
EARL, Mansion House, Exeter.
Exchanges are warning their readers to
look out for a gang of men travelling
about the country making contracts for
painting roofs. If they offer to pain;
yours for five dollars, or any price, don't
fail to ask them how much the paint will
cost before you close the contract. It is
in the price of the paint where the fraud
The latest swindle is carried on by
means of a doublefountain pen, one end of
which is filled with good substantial ink,
the other with ink that fades away in a
day or two. The sharper writes the
agreement, contract, or whatever he may
have chosen with ink that will not last.
In a few days he has a slip of paper with
nothing but a signature, over which he
can write a. note and easily turn it into
One of the first and oldest residents of
Mitchell, Mrs. Mary Kinsman, better
known,tor many years as Granny Kinsman
died at the residence of her daughter,Ddrs.
Yeo, St. David street, on Friday last.
GrannyKinsman has been for many years
a conspicuous figure in the prayer meeting
and congregational !services of Main street
Methodist church. The deceased was
buried on Sunday afternoon, and was fol.
lowed to her rest by many of the oldest
residents nf the place. She was in her
ninetieth year and her life had been one
of usefulness, She was mother of Mr H.
Kinsman, L. a S., 'Exeter.
The Parkhill Gazette accuses The Tibigs
of distorting facts in reference to the re-
cent lacrosee match here between the
Parkhill and Exeter tennis. In the report
we dealt at fairly as possible with the
Parkhill team. The fact is, that instead
of the result being 3-1 in favor ,of Exeter,
it should have been reported 3.0: The
goal allowed Parkhill team was under dis-
pute, some 25 men standing near the flags
declared that the ball did notpass between;
but, however, the referee granted the
goal, which made the game 3-] in favor of
Exeter, The first two goals' were taken
by Exeter in 25 minutes, after which the
Parkhill team played nothing but a defenoe
Mrs. M. Campbell, jr., o Lucknow,
and Mrs. L. E. Edwards, of lnnerkip,
were the guests of 'Mr. D, R. Hill on
Sunday last.—Miss A. Gregory has re-
turned from visiting frienda in Guelph.
—Miss Maguire of Toionto is the guest,
of Mrs. Ed. Maguire.—?fr. George E.
Jackson of Seaforth was in town on Fri-
day calling on many old Mends _Me.
and Mrs, Chas. Senior, and daughter,
Miss Ella, spent the forepart ot •this
week the guests of Mr. Joseph Senior.
Mr. and Mrs Senior were attending the
funeral of Mra.Woblo of Kirkton. —Thos
D. McIntyre, a former resident of 'Exe-
ter, died in Lendon on Thursday last of
fever. His mother and other friends
front Exeter attended the funeral on
Saterclay. —Messrs Theo. Coleman,Seas
forth, and A. Rykert, Toronto, were
the guests of their fellow college stedent
M. I. Carling last week.—Mr. T, D.
Stanley, St Marya,was in town on Mon-
day on his w ti the Berta he celled
on many frienda in town,—Mrs. H.
Verity spent the forepart of the week
visiting friends in Clinton and Mitchell.
—Revs. Russell and AloDonagh ex-
changed pulpits on Sunday morning
last, —Miss Maud flicks presided at the
organ in the Main -at Methodist church
Sunday last. —Mesers, Dr. Browning
and Robert Leathern have each arrived
safely in. the old conntry, the former an
Saturday, the latter ou Tuesday.—Mr,
T. M. White and family returned to
Windsor Tuesday :attire prolonged visit
in Exeter.—Dr. Thomas Henderson Of
Detroit, M; a. Henderion, and Mr. D.
Steinbach, and wife of Zurich were the
guests of friends in town on Tuesday.—
Mr„ Will Gould of Oshawa is visiting his
parents in. town at preseut.—Miss Lou
Clarke is visiting friends in Clinton at
present, —Mrs, Ed worthy left on Time-
cley for Dakote to visit her daughter
there„—Messrs Hugh Brown of Exettx
and John Fenwick oF Dash wood left
Tuesday for Manitoba.—We are pleased
to announce that Mr. Alex. Dow is re.
covering from hisrecent severe illness.—
Mr. John Darling and family have re-
turned from a pleasant visit with friends
in Durham and other places.— Mrs.
Elliott and daughter nf London are
visiting friends in and around Exeter.—
Mrs. McNally And Mrs. (Dr.) Charlton
of Toronto are the guests ef Mrs. D.
Spicer.—)Its. Wallin of IT:amine and
Mr. Paga'ey uf Exeter were married
yesterdAy. TILE TIMES joins the many
friends in est*ending eongrattiletenne. —
Reeve Bawden is expected home this
week from the old country.—Mr. and
Mrs. Clarke, an aged couple of Andrew -
et have been seriously ill during the
week but are an a fair road to recovery.
—1/.1. and Mrs. Case and family of Tor-
onto spent the past week the guests of
li.tr. Wm. Case.
Are clearing a number of lines of Boots & Shoes
at Big Bargains or order to make room for Fall
Call and in.speot the Goods.
maalasmsetvamma.garematal.,074. vast..
I need mousy, and to get it, I will
offer for the next two weeks the follow-
ing reductions :
A strong panel heel in Maple, former price
81 9 reduced to 81.60.
Panetbed.nioolyoarved and moulded, 4 f t.
Sin. high, former.priee $2.75, reduced to $2,
Bed room setts in Mamie regular price 811,
reduced to lle --only a few lett.
Bed .1 room setts, Maple reg. Price $13 red. te$12
Sideboards.Tables, Cupboarda, Chairs Spring
Mattresses 'eto, 16 per cent oftogular price,
Good Hair cloth Parlor Suites Solid Waluut
from 525 onwards,
Plush parlor suites fieul 528 upwards.
Everything reduced in proiertion for
We is a sweeping offer and will Pilly
hold rod for the new two weeks.
TWO Doors North Town Hall.
The Celestial Empire—will be repro-
seuted. Allee Melican essence, who likee
goodee eupee coffee, cromee longer) and
drinke with joheee. neonate° fivee
centee. Comee early ana have° °bunko°
ate° Dr.'s Lawnce once Tuesday nightee
Augua tee, 30t1iee.
Crum Jam.
Mr.L. Hardy has completed the Crediton
bridge, and 111 18 again being used.
The root crepe are sufferiug in consequ-
ence of the oontiuned dry weather.
Flour has been selling et 81.90 per cwt.
in Exeter during the past week.
The council did not meet on Wednesday
of last week, but instead met lest evening.
While carrying a stick of timber on
Monday, it fell on Edward Gill's foot,
injuring ie severely.
Everybody you want to see and every-
thing you want to eat wIll be at the
Festival of Nations on Dr. Rollins' Lawn,
on the evening of Aug. 301111.
Are the bananas, and -melons, which will
be sold at the African booth, during the
evening of August 30511 at the Festival of
Nations on the Dr 's Lawn.
Rev john Rose, Presbyterian, of Whe co.
comah, 0 B, has been called to the charge
of Asheeld, Maitland.
St, Mary's Town Council has appointed
0, S. Runapey to the vaoaticy in the Colle-
giate Institute Board canoed by the death
of IL Box.
The Watford High School Board has de-
cided to inapose a fee ot lid per month on all
pupils attending the school. This will ap-
ply to town as well as outside pnpilr, and
will go into force at the beginning of next
Otto Bernbaeh and Mrs Pressing, both of
Milverton, have been united in the bonds
of matrimony. Rev. Mr BInnk tied tee
kmt. They are quite an aged couple, the
one being seventy four and the other seven-
ty five.
While William Allen was harnessing a
horse on the farm of his brother, George
Allen, lot 8, con 10, Hallett, the other day,
the atrimal kicked him on the head, almost
instantly killing him; He was found about
half an hour afterwards by some one going
to the etable to see what was delaying
Hon. G. W. Ross, Minister of Education
will leave tbe first week of September on a
six months' leave of absence. His health is
ouch that rest is imperative, and the hon
gentleman hao taken the wise course of a
prolonged holiday. His many friends hope
and trust that he will keturn greatly imprnv-
ed. It is understood that lion. J. M. Gib-
son, Provincial Secretary will be (toting
minister during his absence. "
Wentz, of Geneva, N. Y, was cured of the
severest form of dyspepsia? He gays every-
thing he ate seemed like pouring melted
lead into his stomach. Hood's Sarsaparilla
effected a perfect cure. Full rpsirtionlars
will be Sent if you write to 0. I, Hood de Co'
Lowell, Mass.
The highest praise has been won b
Hood's Pills fax their very easy yet efficien
Successful Ottudzdates.
•••••.••—••••••• •••••. • ••
For Yourself
For Your Wife
For Your Children
Ten reenlie nf the reeent Ftigh School
planers t. bee. enon'
allow: item been lea.le oat by the exainin.
ere. Candidates mast applytor their ruerks
and certifioates to the Principals of the
High Schools at which they were examined,
or In other eases to the Publio Bohol In.
specters. The following is the successful
ceeealases in adjoining dietriets ;—
Merin= No 41, 81`,MAMS.
Printery—M. Anderson, A. Bruce F.
Brown, 3. 13rown, H. Charles, A. Dobie, L.
Deupe, B. L Hobbs, Birdie Hobbe, W.
Matinee, H. Harding, 3, Henry, M. Meld.
ing, 7, King, Id. Lee, M. Patterson, F,
Pollook, It. Romney, T. Russell, B. Sister,
W. Stapleton, A. Sansborn, E. Mate,
Junior Leaving—J. Atcheron, S. 13rown,
L. Donald, kr. Dundee, Cs'ord, A. Goad,
D. Hodgson, M. Irvine,E. Ixvine,'N. Lang,
L MoLaren, 16. McCracken,
M. 11.1aAltutter, J. Park, W. Bigney, W,
Spence, M. Stems, J. Tier, A. Vieing M.
White, F. Walden.
Matriculation—W. Cluti poll, 7. Murray,
(bottom in 11. Claes History and Geography
Senior Leaving—A, 13ranion.
DISTRICT am. 15 nutmeat..
Primery—W. Lombe, M. Lamb, E. Mark
E. Tureen
Junior Leaving—L, Eilhourne, E. 'Mc-
Primary—E. Campbell 3 Drummond, J.
Fraser, D. Tod, L. Thompson, 111. Willie,
Junior Leaving—M. Coleman, J. Cole-
man J. Callison, N. Grey, A. Langford, E.
Senior Leaying—Mies f. Sprout and Miss
L. Shaw.
Junior Matriculation—A. Hedging, F.
Hodgins, E. MoOcosh, T, McDonald.
Primary—M. Martin, W. MeLean, A.
Marshall, R. Richardeon, B. Ross, B. Scott
L. Stevens.
Junior Leaving—F. Butobardt, C. Jen.
kiwi, A. MeEwan, A. Moore, A. Rath, R.
Sreillie, E. Stephenson.
Matrionlation—M. Irwine passed in Latin
F. Soon passed in Latin.
DISTRICT NO. 138 Immerge
Primary A, Francis, F. Hackney, G.
Junior Leaving --L. Baker, O. Batter111,
M. Kelley.
Matrionlation—F. Costae, (honors 11,
class, mathematics; -also passed in Latin
grammar, German).
Senior Leaving--Thornas Kelly and W
DISTRICT NO 32 siseroarn.
Primary— M. Bell, A. Brett, M. Davis,
A. Grieve, E. Hill, M. Milne, I. Mardi°, N.
Morrison, C.MoDonald, M. McTavish, I,
Richardson, F. Rollins, W. Turnbull, H.
Junior Leaving—J. Casey, W. Connor,
L. Campbell, J. Campbell, C. Engel, W,
Gemmel], 0. Groff, M. Morrieon, W. Stew-
art, 0. Willie,
Matraculatiott-- I, Bethune, H. Brooke,
0. Clarkaoo, A. Cousins; (honors 1. class
bty, zoology, 11. class chemistry, also pas-
sed in Latin and French), A, Elliman, A..
McGregor, J. Molianley, el Teliay, passed
in Latin, E. McKay pa Latin and
German, 0, She, treed he I . °lase clas-
Hia4nion Leaving—F. Gee -loan, J. Mao -
Kenzie, A. -McGregor.
=serum NO. 1 17,uonsinum.
Primary—L. Andrews, M. Fee, P. Foley,
D. Graham, B. Hamilton, A. Hawkins, A.
Jecliell, J. Kinaban, 13 Keefe, M. McIntyre
13. Rea.n, J. Fobertsoa, H. Russell, NI. Sal-
keld M. Shepherd, N. Smith, L. Strang L.
Dudgeon, E. Stewart, 3. Tigert, M. Wil.
Junior Leeving—S, Bell, E. Brown, J.
Clarietilaye, G. Dentin, 3. Frodenborg, M:
M Le Touzel W. Mitchell, J.
Moran, II. Mcliweri, A. Onilette, A, Styles,
y Thomson, P Tom, NI Virhyard.
t Matriculation —John McDonald passed in
Latin, French authors.
Tht.re is no place in town that offers better
tunities for .
In Staple Wares of any special line of Goods, than
can. le found at
Etmises—Thoursorr—On the 3r6 inst., 511 11110
ta i•dist parsonage by Guilt ev. John Hol-
mes. Mr. Reuben J. Mime of MeGillivraY.
to Mies Harriet Thomesem of West Wil-
Blit.t.—Cor.qtnioux—At the residenoo of the
bride's father, Douglas, MO,Ditoba. on Allele,
by the Rev. Robe WS/liken, Mr. Harry Bell,
contractor of Breeden, to Mita Jennie, eldest
daughter of Mr. Alex. Colcmhoun, of Douglas
formerly of'Exeter, Ont.
GArto—Mimmit—On Aug, 17.nt the residuum
of the bride's father, by Rev. 3,3, A. Proud -
foot, D. D , assisted by Bev. A, MoKibben,
brother-in-law of the bride, Rev. N'ihn. Gauld
13, A of London missionary to Formosa,
to Grettaaoungesi daughter of It. Mollie,
Ent 'postmaster, Kippen,
MCINTYRE—In London, on Aug, 18, Thomas
Davialleintyre, aged25 years.
Lvxcu—At Mount Carmel, on Wednesday 17th
ins t.. Jermlah Lynch, aged 'itS years.
Ifeeeen—In Fullerton. on the 16th inst., Jane
Harper, aged 77 years.
Wxne—ln Usborne, on the 19ta inst., Susan,
wife of Wm. Webb and aunt of Mr. Joseph
Senior of Exeter.
Itysx--InBiddulph, on Sunday, the lith of
Aug.. Sarah, beloved wife of W.II. Ryan. J.
P„ aged 69 years g months.
Kusslts.st—In Mitchell on the 12th insb., Mary
Kinsman, aged 139 years 8 months and 8 days
mother of Dr. Kinsman of Exeter.
SIVERERLAND.—In Blanshard, on Friday , Aug.
12, 1892, Wm. Sutherland, aged 65 years, 5
months and 26 daysColorrsn,—In Usborne. ou the 241111 inst ,
Franklin, J. son of rhos. and Ann Cornish,
aged 1 year 2 months.
Min ard's Linhnent cures Diphtheria.
Salary and expenses paid. Brown Bros. Co,,
Nurserymen, Toronto. Ont.
50 acres in township of Hav, eon, 9, lot 6,
woulthbagill °arse.halScineaud
lwferlitinnef bw8alltaer."Idoo°atillioenr
three miles from Dashwood., six miles from
Exeter. For terms apply to
aOtiTtilinle premises. If by letter to Sarept a P. 0.
* Graduate of Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, and of the Dentiel Department of
Toronto University, (with honors.)
Speoisist in bridge -work, and gold and por-
celain crowns.
Pnrei'Iitroua Oxide Gas and local 41/CCA thet.
Jos for painless extractions. Always at home.
Cilice s Fanson's Bleak, F•xeter,
Notion is hereby given that They° transmit-
ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in
sections 5 and 6 of the VotersiListsAot, the
copies required by said. sections to be so trans
nutted or delivered of the list made pursuant
to said Act. of all persons appearips by the last
revised Assessment Roll of said Municipality
to be entitled to vote in the said municipality
at eleetions for members of the Legislative As-
sembly, and at Municipal Elections, and that
eaid list was first posted up at my:office at Zur-
ich on the leth day of August, 1592, and remains
there for inspeetion. Electors are called upon
to examine the mad list, and if any omissions
orany other errors are perceived therein. to
take immediate proceedings to have the said
errors corrected according to law.
Clerk of Ilay
Dated this 101111 day of Augest. 1892.
On the security of Cultivated Farms. inter-
est six per cent.. payable„annually. Anv por-
tion of the principal may be repaid at any
time the borrower wishea. All expenses paid
by the County, No person except the County
Auditors allowed ta ;me mortgages or to know
to whom -money is loaned. Apply to
Goderioh, Aug. 8th, 1892. Co. Ireasurers
a -11-4t
We beg leave to infortn you that the partner-
ship ot Coad, Hannie & Young has been diesel-
ved by Mutual Consent, Mr. R, D. Young re tir-
ing from the Said Partnership. The business
wilt be carried on by the reinnining partners.
viz :—Coad 84 Ronnie. Thanking our numer-
ous easterners for the liberal patroeage in the
past. COAL), RANG'S & YOUNG.
We will be prepared to offer gooir induce-
ments. We will also sell all summer goods at
oost for cap, viz : --Dress goods, parasols, straw
bats, men suits at a great reduction.
A.11 accounts due on 1st. Oct., 1891, roust be
settled by the 1st. of September.
_iv SALE. .
Containing 100 aeres, of wilt eh 90 acres ere
under cultivation, the bilance of geed maple
anel south beech timbers.—A large brick dwell-
ing, two bank barns with good stabling, also
a 14 foot geared windmill, Which drives grain
°rusher. cutting box, turning Lathe, grind
stone, and eireular saw, eto. Iron mime with
tank and tank fixtares"suitable to have water
in stabling. Good hog stable and hen Corp.
implement and driving shscl,large Sheen stable
and two spring wells which never fail to give
water in the driest season. 1.he eroand is a
1 elay loam all under -drained with tile, end well
feneed--naust be sold. For further particulars,
applyto W. D, Morlock, Prop •
Crediton Out
, .
To sell our unexcelled Ninsery Stock:
Steady employment and control of terri-
tory. Have done business in Canada :35
years. Liberal bay to the right man.
Send for terms.
R. N.ROWi3
Still takes lead in the
Furrnture tsusiness
s' We arc too busy to call on people in
need of Furniture; but please drop in
our Warerooms and see our Stock and
we will try to suit you in this line. '
OrdsreWorkNet1y1Jone. on Short Notice
Remember we have also a handsome
line of
Undertakiing Goods
llwaye on hand, and all calls in thfe
ine will be promptly attended to, and
satisfaction guaranteed every time.
Store—Next to Molsons Bank, Eike