HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-8-25, Page 1AND HURON Sz VOL, XX. NO 1 EXETER, ONTARIO, TEEMS' "IIEW TO THE LINE, LET Special ipremium Offer TO Our Customers. snelses---seene tS PERMIT US to call your attention to the 62 use of yourself and family at our store. We in you contemplate making future cash purchases prices. We will.punch the amouut purchased a when $25 worth Is b011gbt and paid for, we win one of our beautiful hard wood FOLDING TAB Tine opportunity to sectere one of these beautif Please hear in mind that we make no extra chart, um offer. Trusting yov will call and see us, and presenting you with one of the tables, we are aid which we have issued for the teyou to being it with you whenever nd :away examine our stook and i when the entire ticket is send and ke pleitedre in presentingietyou with • tables we feel you will appreelate, s for goods ou accou hat we shall- e is Prom- leasure Very Exeter, July 28th, 1892. Fall Fair, Great North Western, Coders Sept 27-28-29 Industrial, Toronto Sept 5 17 Western, London Sept 15-24 North Perth, Stratford.. Sept 20.30 South Huron, Seeforth„..- ..... Oct 4 - East Huron, Brusseis Oet 6 7 Stephen and Usborne, Exeter...Sept 26-27 Clinton. „ .. . ..... Hibbert township Oct 4-5 Lemma. . ... ..... Sept 14-15 Biddulple Grantee 0et 4.5 South Perth, St Marys, 27.28 Secretaries will please forward dates of their fairs for publication in this list. Hertsall. Following are the market quotations: Wheat 76 to 75 Barley • 88 to 40 Oatees „ ... . ..... 28 to 30 Peen' 55 to 66 Hay ..... ... 4,00 to 5.00 Butter 14 to 15 to 10 liege 6.70 It0 Clover , .7.00 to 7:60 Look here! MSc worth or beets and sheet to be sacrificed at A. W oh's during the next three menthe. We will sell ail our summer • goods at <lost for cash. We guarantee satin- factiondu coory Mimes we aro hero to stay, and our IVA° ie increasing every yeanand the reason is ihnt we buy nothing but first-class goods. aril sow all rips free of charge on goods bought from us, and keep everything gentealle found in il6rot class bete and shoo store Wo take butter and eggs for goo at steno as °ash We keep A nice assortment of trunks and yals ises. eleinking oll eur old customers for past pat renege. and would invite as many new ant* as zney see fit to give us H. ca11. Mtn early and oxen:one ouestook before purobasing etswhere, and be convulsed that we mem what wo ads verde°. No trouble to show goods,eigu of the big boon-A.WESISLOH, Prop. Messrs. Cook 13roe of the Dowell Flouring Mills desire to return thanks to their maps. Patrons for past favors, and would state that they aro better prepared than ever to eater to the wants of all, A call solicited. Buntrs.-Mrs. Fred Moyers has been on the sick list, but we are glad to hear she is recovering. -Messrs P. Sippel and Owen Geiger sank a well at the flax mill last week. ---Flax pulling is finished aud ea expect to see the mill in operation this week. -Mr Peart brought in a large load of flax on Saturday; it tipped the scales at 9700 lbs. Who can beat that ?-Qui te a number of the members of R T of T attend ed divine servioe with the Exeter lodge on Sunday last in the Cavan Presbyterian church, and had the pleasure of listening to an instructive sermon by the Rev Mr. Martin. -Mr J 0 Klausen went to Luck. nowMonday.-John Sheppard shipped another oar lotd of latnbs to the eastern market's on Saturday. --Thos. Berry is again in the possession of the trotting horse "Sleepy Joe," arrangements having been made whereby Mr. Berry settled the matter with Mr Aubry, staying th pro teedings against the latter for non.falfil ment of cohoract --"aeorge the hatter' was in town onitionday brushing up old 'Chris ties',-Mesens Ed Holder and Fred Mo. Denali visited friends in Exeter on Sunday -Airs (Dr.) Griffin of Detroit is visiting at herparents, Mr and Mrs Buchanan. -Dr Stewart and wife of Ansa Oran: are :visit ing at G. D Arnold's.-Mrs. 1, •:look and .son Charles left for Detroit on Tdesday inotning on a visit to Mrs Cenk's brother and other Mee ds. --Fran k Caro1, Cooper was home suending Sunday with his Lim ily at Nielson, Simete county. --G. 0 Petty was away on a trip to London ' and &mina. - R. Coati 15 00 tne triets list.--Jno• Chapman returned to London on Monday, where he has a sinettion in a, her aware store as book -keeper, -Mrs (Rev) 'Tender - son's sister returned borne after a two weeks' visit here. -Misses Rosa and Mar- tha Smallacombe have returned from their visit with -friends in Berlin, -Miss Morri- son left last week for Ottatvs„ where she will attend the . Normal soheol.-Business is beginning to pick up, and the prospect is for a big fall trade. --Miss A ,Slauart is very ill at present and not expected to re- cover ;the doctors have given her up.- Daniel 'McKenzie, of London, with Tom. Murdock, Will Hodgins, G F Arnold and Henry Donnely attended the Mitchell racet on Friday last -Will Thomsen was out harvesting a few days of last week.. - J C lilausen was hi 1.011d0/1 one day , last week -Ross MePhersonbas returned irom Londesboro' accompanied by his brother- in-law Mr O'Brien, who is visiting heron -- Jelin Chapman of Loudon is spending . his eurnrcer holidays with friends in total, - 1Mr R McIntyte was in London . Sat- Minard's Liniment cures Garget in Clowt *'‘ 'espectfully j, urde attendieg hi died that city ve Mead nes Simon were llt.Mweek vial Falls, essrs Ro sister A ar,y visit during he pant took it the oxen urday. Alin Es is visiti ,g at ,,I. ton wain reset of J. C gtn' - ie l it .londay mrxi' bag for itt ero he ,has A situation. - The piefie uraday, to Taylet's grove was a p in one 40 they say, -Mrs Chris Burford 4 ay on a two weeks' visit with frieude in Paris, Ont. -Messrs Ballantyne & Shillinglaw Shipped several ear loads of cattle lint week and one on Nforiday,-Mr Will Linsgart was on the sick list ; we are pleased to see him around again.--Mra ,Jno Kolosge of Daithwoort was vieiting at her daughter's; kfra Thos Cook.-Mrir David Gottseirtllt.of Zurich was visiting at Mr. Chas, Bosstrtbeny's last week. -el ohn Popo was in Exeter last Wednesday moiling; did you see him Y -Mr Sauteed Rennie and wife left Thmedan on a trip to Cleveland, Ohio, and Isteristrinietnarleneseetess emantee., niatt wen -xer °ALMA irA'0, 110301:14....-ReV tir 0.aig of Clinton occupied the pulpit in St. Paul's church on Sunday rimming ; he preechen a very acceptable sermon. Rev Mr Softley officiated for Mr. Orsig.- Meseta Jamieson and Chesney, of Seaforth were the guests of lalr James Chesney on Friday. -Mr O. Either aud wife were the guests of Mr Chas Bossenberry Sunday. - Mt s Ben Thigpen was takensuddenly ill In church Sunday 3 she 16 imp; eying. - Miss Afitedairroid and grandmother ot. Sea. forth are visiting at Ferdinand Brituoll's -Mrs Seeds of Strathroy was the guest of Miss Annie tWeleli Sunday. -Mr Stetion, shoemaker of Zarich spent Monday in town -Alias Annie Gill and Miss Vera and Tom Palmer, jr were in Alitebell Monde) and Tuesday attending Miss Gill's Greed- mothein funeral - re fun eely of faN anti T Menlo ends at Niagara 'fil Carlisle le at Ha e Clintbn, Bamrs.-Ben Gibbins leap. s nest week for Detroit, where he bikes a responsible position in an organ factorto-Conduotor Wahusley, of the G. W. In Diviaion of the G. T. R. is holidayingat Montreal and Blue Mountains, Vermont. Conductor Solnyob is relieving lible-We learn from tbe Kincard- ine Review that Efeadmaster Perry's salary is increased to 61,300. Mr. Perry bad been offered 81,800 to go to Manitoba; but will remain atKincardlue.-II Shinier thinks of operetiog a pork curing house at Olin. toe Such furindnery!should pay well here and we trust that his plans may be carried to a successful inne.-The prices offered arc 50 cents for fall apples and 61 per bbl. for winter fruit. This section is warming with beyers. Batiste -The town is still crowded with visitors' from other ponits in Canada and Uncle Sam's Doennion.-Goderiela Colleg. iate Institute showa well in the published statementof the July teachers' examinatien. --Attiring the euccesrful wtiters for 2nd &tits eel-till:eau' is Percy Tom, formerly of Exeter. -- One of our all residents, Mrs. M. Fergliton, by an accidental fall last Sunday mernine. reriently fractured a thigh bone. - Fishing off this pori is still light.- Quite n amber of God oriole' es took advantage of onr Omit: Holiday on Thursday and joined the Tempters of 'Ten:mermen excursion to Toronto. --Station Agent Straiten and wife, of Thorndsle, are on a ten days' visit to relatives; in town. -The dry weather last week is not good for the root orops in this neighborhood. -It is said that dining next montlethere'will be a faohionable wedding In Goderich- - The unnierons camping parties on the river and lake front are breaking up. --Angling is but little followed now in this town, the fiwdy ones not being on the bite. -Editor Mitchell, of the Star, has as guests the 'Misses Mitchell`of Ottawa. -Mr. R. H. Collins, barrister, of Exeter, was in, Goderich on Saturday. --The deliver- ies in port last week were a cargo of lumber one of coal, and miscellaneous freight. -On Wednesday of last week, while a party- tame intoning off Galt's Point, two boys, sons of Rev. Mr, Howell, aged 14 and 5 were accidentally 'drowned. The eldest James, his brother Roy, and M. Calbeme, aged 8, were rowing in a fiat. bottomed boat some 100 yards from so -o, when Roy fell into the water, • James at once nusiped in to roiane his brother, and soon had him op - perorate, safe,baten jumping from the boat, he bad given it au impetus lakewards, so that when he roseson the tem it was some distance way, mad beyond his pa. reach. Tames mied for help and etre bravely, and, still holdinn MB Mott! sank, He rose again twice, but not being near, the twain dimappeared presence of the large number of Ivo amongst whom were the mother an shears) cemprieing she picnic party, ing the evenhig the bodiee were rea and on Thursday taken to Bellevill interment Unuetial eympatliy is expre for Be', Afr Howell and tinnily iu t great affliction.-& itheatrinel troupe first of the season, appeared in, the G last evening Ruseelciala- Buiars.-11r. Deniel Welker and Mrs W. Orntoliville left on Tuesday last Manitoba. The former goes to ' see calintrY, and the latter -to join her huebtt whods Slling a good position in Oxbew Alr. J4111011 Harmer, sr., received a tern kiok from a horse Iast week, brealriug leg between the knee end thigh in two p teen Dr. Artnatrong and his brother sett limb, and the patient la doing al weir could be expected, but the oase ie one th receives the sympathyef the entireconnim ity. , "WINSEI:.) NEW. JOHN W1KnTE * SOX rubilsher sit Proprieto gn Vonfolotte SpOlegT sitreietih, r0:1A,Fh RARVEr; r.00stelko.rd Isacioise °lab defeated, tho" erase in four etraleht g411141 Wedtteaday erFullarion Hotel has again changed 030. 410,0141 '13untra,-We have in our midat a itrother and two sisters whose united age emoentre to 270 yeare, all hale re d heerty.-Afr Wardell, a respeetib bf ontillivrent art of Mien lug a revel as ditteliarg a stomach, causing ltis death in a few Minty will regret to bear of the sudden ra. His remeina Weill sent Immo to deetli of Mr...Ephraim Roadhouse, who lived eGillivray for berial.---Afr Bernard Stan-- , in Fellarton for many years, but v,tho has k bey 1884 present soffering from a severe at- -tely been tieing et Essex C ut t tiliktr Bedford Farrow of iMitelaell sohl g raan, a native ng in the nortn- was in the act o hen one of tire climbs Aft :T. Ceniiith being the purchaser fnnea.diartner of Mitchell was kicked by here the other diyond had the hone of biei legs **ken. , • §$ k. Iiseiroyrothieloaroo::et:a4m.l. are share - ,0 'Western distrietsertes, having Bebinsmi, of Blarishard, we will retire Imm.,u _farming and athience in ltraktott, , Esq, Eirliteny worthy post- ocieldhotionmezeifriwooMwteoluikool! land 1. lYfelirty of Toronto heti aceepts to the painerate of the Baptist atford to take effect October 1. Ballinnyne returned to ar-141 rat19.14 on Monday after' AA it 441144, reit Dentin of seven IsTelnintoott, Fullerton, hal sold pLdjd toup, span of ..draught horses -".MiitIaun, Seafortia, for the BMA le the ball patunug throps- 4 14. une engaged At the paintiug of Aft allen new henget on Friday lest., Mr GIs bey fell from a ledder sortie 21 feet and cousiderAbly injured. S111. Too kersrtuth Barars...-Mr. John White has recently nttrehinieil the property, known AS the David ElooalVarm, for the sum of $5,700,, Ile takes full possession in the spriug as the farm 14 DOA` leased to Mr. II, Fairbairn. --- On Saturday last, while.cirawiug oats, Mils - ter 1, Omit had Yeiy narrow mope from teing,hurt. Ittappened while des - °ending a steep gradeoits his load was net too well belanood, the load upset, and the horses booming unmanageable ran away, but were secured" witlanut kinaga, The driver, however, had A narrow' escape from being thrown on a stake widish 'is „. S tafth 13ainre.-The manual fall show announe. ed tine year for October 4th and 501, lute been changed to the llth 121h of Ootober, on account of the first mentioned dates clashing with other placer. -Mr. George Thompson, our popular sehool teaoher, re- sumed work last week in 'kir,. 3,-aliss Mar. la Robbins, organist in the Meth odistlehurch was abseut an Sunday last, having taken in the excursion to Grimsby. --Her piece was ably filled by Miss Ida Ilotham--Mr, Wm. Tapp and Mrs, Sarah MoDougell of the Metropolitan Exeter, were visiting friends hero ota Suuday. -Rev- Mr. Neely, our ne w initiator, is inIntaing new life and yigor in- to the meetings of the Epworth Logue. ...r46 4 ID • Stanley. Ilanirs.-The council met at Varna :lug. 22nd, at one o'clock p m. Members all present. Minutes of previous aneeting read and passed. The following accounts were mimed to be paid Mrs James Wanless, sr. 670, keeping D. McKay; Janne Morroor, $5 05, goods for D. McKay; William Dun- can 610 coffin for D. McKay; Thos John- ston, 1 50, digging grave for 1). MoKay; William Purdy, $3 80, filling old well; Alex. Mustard, t351 66, timber for township. Thomas Wiley was appointed collector for the present year. The clerk was autlioriz- ed to draft by -hews to raise a rate of 2 mills 011 the dollar for county purpotes, 1 3/10 mills for local purposes and 7/10 mIlls lot general school fund. And also a bylaw to to levy*and raise the amounts required by the several school section corporations. The by laws wore read and passed. The gunmen then adjourned to meet again on October 10th Asia at one o'clock p. in. G. J. Seetwerin, Clerk. Orecliton. ---- Baxgrs.--,T. Either has returned from Michigan, where he has been visiting.__ 0. Kiblor has gone to Manitoba. -Mrs. Heist, Fahen, Faistz and Morlock, have gone to Michigan to visit leen& and relatives. -Mr. Giser has returned with his son-in-law from the Eastern States, where he has been visiting. -The Cred- it= bridge is about completed, and L. Hardy is making a first-class job. The new bridge is one of the best structures that has ever been built on the Sauble river. It is now open for traffic. -1Prank Sims and wife had a narrow •escape the other evening. While going boine from the village the horse in some way be- came frightened, and bolted into the ditch. Fortunately no person was in- jured. -A large number of persons went to Grand Bend pienicing last Monday. One of our best citizens had a narrow escape from what might have proved a fatal accident. It appears G, Holtzman went in swimming alone, and took cramps, but had presence of mind enough to work hirnself on the beach, and get some boy to go and get assis t- ame. When they came they found him unconscious and took him to Mrs, Young's boarding house, where they put him to bed, and with considerebie stimulants and rubbing he came to. In the meantime there was considerable excitement, but fortunately Mr. Holtz - roan is himself again. • livery businese on Friday last to Mr Um T.rkworthy, Mad the latter has returned to sewn with las lawny from Stretford. The disease among O. J. Whiten Loge at Avonbank is dying out and he expecte to 'ewe 60 or 70 out of 285. Zia total lot111 b s oVer 82,000 after the Government 'lobate:bits beeo paid. , Thwinalse cue el ite thoueLt life was worth living. Taise one of Carter's Little Iiirct Fills after eating; it tvill talker° dye- nePlils, ad digestion, give tone and vigor to th syetem, be proprietor of the Royal Rotel I, wits recently fined 020 lovA;illirtifelittirWilre et and etts and the heriender was finer! 65 and amts. Moro oases of dirk headache, billionsuess, constipation, cetn be oured in Jess time, with loss nsedicine,"And for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pille, than by any other mean% Inspector Coppinenatie A raid last week on the hoteikeepers of South Ilasthope. One of them, Edward Bauer, Tavistock, was convicted of selling on Sunday, and fined 640 and oats. There is more to On Monday mornius last Mrs Heury 'Victor of Bornholm met with a severe ao- °bleat. The kitehen floor is elevated from the ground some six feet, and itis said that the lady fell from the door, breaking a leg in two places. 9 ia g some miscreauts tne windowe a T. Ts ti breaking three tom .Mr Wra e by Mr Jelin About 670 per the English VF011. heed,. marke The numerates I8S of Bev Father Keeley will regret to learn of his severe illness. He ie'at present in Iriebtown and may not be Able to assume there of St Janine ohuroli for A few weeks, . The Sons of Sootlaud tbromilutet Harrel and Bruce intend holding A greed gathering at Lucknow on the 14th Septenther,at whIb prizes will be competed or and games a( all kinds performed. Last week the Publics Slime! 13 )31ra ens gaged Miss Mehlwen of Homan tor one of the departmente of tire *wheal, and were reach surpritted alterwanis to learn that ehe b11(11 A prior ougagement with tbe Tees - water board, who thfasecttQ releaae her. The beard her win in a quardary, riot knowing what to do, bet as Miss 'AfeEwou has a Meter. rate ie ilk, qualified Entwine, it is expected that a Way otit of the difficulty win be reached.--Clintim New Bra- Afre Peter Ga reet Kipper), died there Tuesday evening last. For soma years Airs Grant leo net been etrong. and A severe Attack of grip last winter SO 411Attera her nerroinieyetenatte to make her recievert ira possible. Her death baa been a happy res lease from e We of eufferiug. The deceeted was a consistent memberrof the *etliedist Chemin :Messrs. Manning & Set,ste banir% of Clinton, helm received an unimse letter from a lawyer in Texas. The writer wanted to know how long residence in Guthrie was required before divorce: proceedingconid be taken bare; it he eatild Ittro wituos here as cheaply u in Chicago, if it was ne- ceesary to motif/ the defetideut, aml other equally trifling matters. A. Willa was fond On the shore of Lake Huron bi bfr Teeeph Brenner, proprietor and managered the Grand Bend hotel, 'ix nines south of ithet plain, on the 6thlof August, whiab had been seat adrift en the 250 of jtily, 20 miles north of Getierish, by members of the U S. 1)...-Tarn4; uZ Agrioulture, weather bureau, A Sloth wee ettolosed in the bottle, atking the' Ander to Vetere it, and vrbere found, their ehjeet in to find the drill of thn eartynt tiering e -bottle IMO lost , tsttlueAnkate4eatel t ssere at - "Merlin Navy,:' that one ban to effect% in diminishing it; °reuniter the plug has been kept for yeare it gives out its full flavor un- der the combustion in tbe pipe, mellowed in tone by its age and making the most ex- quisite smoke whit& tobacco oan be inatie to give. Age so hardens the structere of the ping and gives to the tobacco, when cut that almost granular appearance in whieli all connoisseurs delight, ttIDDLUSIM T1104. X8110)1 Of R1,1411 'Pill SOH A open of two year old tolls for the not emu of $350, Mr. W. Ramsay of Theruilee, has amp. fed a position as teacher in the Public Sebool at Elorboro, Ont, Mr, Willisni Somerville htft Lucian wed- nesday for Clark, Dak., where be expects to remain for several months. Master Emerson Hedging of Lunn, took the diploma for that district at the entrance examination held on jnly iish. As Mile F. H. Neil, Lewin, was bolding O colt be ths head it reared and struck her on the face with its fore foot, fracturing her oheek bone. On Sunday evening as one of Mr. R, Webb's children was passing Mr. J. S. Gilfillan'e house Mooresville, the dog at- tacked it taking a piece mit of its arm. All eases of weak or lame back, backache, rheumatism, will find relief by wearing one of Carter's Smnrt Weed and Balladonaa Baokache Plasters. Price 25 cents try them. Samuel Wesley Wilson of SI Marys and Miss Jennie Laing of DOW1118 township, were married by Rev M. P, Tailing at St James' Church mama Monday afternoon. The groom is a mason by trade, The couple left on a trip to western points, A. very pleasing eyent oocurred here Thureclay. the 00448100 being the marriage of Miss Margaret Middlerniss. daughter of the late Robert Middlemies, of Chatham,to Dr. W. P. Cavan, second son of Rev. Prin. °mai Cavan, D. D., of Knox College. The ceremony took gam at the residetuse of the bride's uncle and was conducted by the father of the bridegroom. The following is the result of the races held at Mitchell, Out., Fritlay:-.2.50 class --Jno. Shannon, C. E. B. Duman, St. Tho- mas, 1 1 1;Wedge block, T. H. Rowe, Lis- towel, 3 2 2; Roy Golddust, A. E. L. Beason Stratford, 2 3 dies Walter G. J. E. Swarts, Wingharn, distanced; Miss Gerfield, te, B. Bowe, Wingham, dietancedi Jennie Eyeret, W. Derg & Oo ,Gori -ie, distanced: time 2.39,1 2.41, Free-for-all-Beyly J. E. johnaton, Petrolea. 1 1 1; Rosy B., T. Hetherington, Cedar Springa, 3 2 2; Jno. Duncan, Pedal. combo & Bishop, Hamburg, 2 3 4: Prince Fred, D. Hyndman, Grand Valley, 4 4 3 lime, 2 35, 2 35, 2 36. 2 30 class -Thorn - wood, Ford & Murpby, Mitchell, 1 3 1 1, .guhilds, Wm, Dunseth, St. Marys,2 222 2 Lady Hunter, itf, McEachern, Glenooe,3 1 3 dis; Gnsteer, Gas Goebel, Mitohell, distan- ced, Time, 2.45, 2.46, 2.50, 2.47. Twc-eear. old colt stake raoe-Luln, G. W. J. Fray, Listowel,.1 1; Major McAdams, J, M. Fora. Mitchell, 2 2; Suringbank, James Laurie, Listowel, 33. Time 1.44,1.45. Running race Lily B„ W. R. Davis, 'tfitohell, dead beet, 1 1; Little Joker, 0, Ft.' Pollakowsky, St. Man s, deed hest, 2 2. Time, 58, 59, 1.01. HIIRON, /Myth 1E1 to hare electric, light, and Kelly & Son will furnish the power, The Clinton fair will be held on October 6th and 7th -not September 23-24. John Hannah, the creamery man, of Seaforth, has shipped a carload of butter to the old isouutry. The other day Thomas McQuade, Mo - Enloe, and team fell through a gangway 14 ,feet, but were trot -Erin. Peeple who give Flood's Sertaparille a fair trial realize its great merit and are glad to say a good word for it. Rawl you tried it. The Bitindon Board of Education hat Th made au offer ot 91800 a year to Mr S. W. Perry "al Kinoarcline,formorly of Clinton Col „ ‘4001 1 11001- Mr Perry has the offtr under con- lestate, to take charge. of the Brandon te/ sideretion. ,Booxtlir.1 Atinard's Liniment out tts Distemper, 'bot b During a thunder storm on Friday, 19th inst., the barns and Btables of Henry O'Neil of the 2nd concession of McGillivray, were struck by lightning and burned, together with a Urge amount:of grain. The oharge against John Kennedy of Biddulph, of thteateniug to assault a man naraed O'Meara, was Mondey withdrawn by the oomplainant,Kennedy being bound over to keep the peace. The residence of Mr. Andrew Clarke, sec- tion foreman on the London Huron and. Ernes liailwaY At Clendeboye, was destroyed by are the other morning. The family barely escaped with their lives. There was no insurance on the household goode. The members of the Roman Catholic Church at Strathroy have determined to lose no time in replacing their recently burned churoli edifice. Rev. Father Mc- Keon on Monday called a meeting as which O building oommittee was appointed. Some people are constantly troubled with boils -no sooner does one heal than another makes its appearance. A thorough course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the best of blood - purifiers, effectually puts an end to this an- noyanee. We reconimend a trig,' Mr James H. McRoberts, of Liman, gave tahnee2r5tythenanWthevdenrseVy clayofehveloniningin arriallnergoeseV enty-five invited guests partook of .VIr and Mrs McRoberts' hospitality, and the pres- ents on the occasion were both costly and numerous. Parkhill is agitating for better fire protec- tion, and to that end are negotiatingfor the p-archate of a steam engine from the town cf Ausherstburg. They are also debatieg as to the best mode of procuring a -RIM eient supply of water. e children's friond.--Gentlemen, Last tier our children were very had with veer complaint, and the only remedy did them any good was Dr. Fowler's atof Wild Strawberry. We used 12 es daring the warm wen th or and would a without it at fi 1108 the omit. A 11(1)T TINIE For preserving, Xknow, and we sympa- thise with the ladies. But, if you will buy our pure granulated eugar and safe self eealers, both a whichwe keep in large quantities and at lowest prices, your labors will be r ewarded by luscione fruit in eyery jar you open during the year, We congratulate the farmers on the abundance of the hay crop and the ex^ cellent weather for saving it. You must surely require a large number of .acyrkuls, SCYTHE STONES, PITCHFORKS, FORK HANDLES, RAKES, MACHINE OIL, ETC.,ETC. We haveaold large numbers of these already, and have abundance yet and. away DOWN IN PRICE. P ROSS Bargain. Depot.; aromarty. Buters.-Mr, Riebard Spear, of EtextealF spent Sunday with Miss Lily Perk at bee borne.-tiareeet hts been Anisbeil.-R. S. Richard/son, of ItineterspentSunday bens,- Haryeat being aleseat over tLe farinereare Wray preptuiug the NI wheat aroma -Tile apple crop in this vieituty is not going to be very extensive this year. Mrs. Wm. H. Benin, of Eiginfield, one of the pioneent of Biddulpli, 'vas eene veyea 1.1, her last resting place on Wednene erten owl, in at. jamas' Chnrch of Eneland cemetery at Innen. Both tieredf and the partner of her joys and sorrows were prontis trent residents of the township for aver 50 years. Tbe remains were followed by 106 einieeyanctee, Which sheered the toopeot tertatued for the famikyin tbe Following is the result of the recent en- trains examination held at • Luesin Hinh. Schoole-eErtierson Hedgins 50$, lietttiss *tiNau Won Gro 'those -refire 4, Edith MoN'an Bridhwgit Colljpa 457, enlo Alowbray 450, Euge tBittrielt 464, Sarah Boll 454, Amami% Robinsons4150, Ella Mc- Grath 448, Marietta Hudson 446, Win Me - Grant 443, Mary Riddell 438, Herbert Bow- ers 485, Amide ROPEI 431, Nettie Elation 432 Geo, Bentsen 482, Elle Ileaderson, 480, Minnie Handers= 430, Enema Ryan 427, Horton Miller 424, Annie Cochrane 419, Ella Holland 419, Wesley Parkinson 415, Ida Bisbee 416, Joseph Ryder 414, Alaegie Goforth 414, Berton Gilbank 410, Lottie Thompion 410, Terhi Taylor 400. William Abbott 397, Wilhelmina Mitehell 391, Jessie AlePheraon 392, Gorge Lucas 390, Arthur Setae 390, Lama Rusaell 386, Matha Mo. Laugbiin 386, Harold Caves 383, Charles Cathcart 382, Gem Lee 382. The four cardinal palette -The four car- dinal points of health ie the stomach, liver, bowel, aud blood, Wrong action in any of theta produces (Neese. Burdock Blood Bitters acts upon the four cardinal poiuta of health at one and the same Hose, to re- gulate, strengthen and purify, thus preserv- ing health and removing disease. Baby was eicka-Dear baby - was very sick with diarrhoea, and every- thing we tried failed. But on trying Dr.. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry we found it gaveprompt relief and very soma oared him completely. Mrs, John Clarke, Bloomfield, Ont. Itob, Mange and Scratches of every kind of human being or animals, cured in 30 minutes notes by Wolford', sanitary lotion. This never faile. Sold by C. Lutz. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly YOU SEM: The political kaleidoscope of Central and South America is continually changing, and. probably few even of the best "posted" readers could name offhand the acted presi- dents of the various -Latin- American re- publics. The crirrent (September) number of Frank Leelle'a Popular Monthly gives a concise aectount of them all, numerous por- traits of blaetratione, in a timely article entitled "A bird's-eye 'View of Latin-Ameri. can Polities," by Jetta Borun. A vivatiious and highly interesting paper, In this ORMS number, is "With the Paris Art•Student," by Corwin K. Lineen, capitally illurerated by the author. Dr. W. Seward Webb's famous Shelburn Farina, on Lake Cham- plain, is described as An American Gentle- man Estate," by George J. Manson. Other uotable contributions are, "An Island of Amazons" (Capri), by Margaret B. Wright; "Beneath the Surface of the Sea," by Capt.' H. D. Smith, U. S..1.; "The Supernatural in History," by Lucy H. Hooper; "A Day with Vietor flugo," by J. W. Fesdiok; nA. Cruise in the Etie Besin," by Don 0, Seitz; aud "Port Limon," by Cecil Charles. There are also exoellout short stories and sketches by Charlea H. Crandall, Etta W, Pierce. Frances Isabel Currie, Nora Marble, John Mientfullen, and others. C C. RICHARDS 8r. Co. Gentlernen,-For years I have bee.' trou- bled avith scrofulous times upon my fain. bare spent hundtvds of dollars trying to effect a cure w1111001 503 resultlans hap. py to say este bottle of MINA RD'S LINI- MENT Guth ely cured She end I can heartily recommend it to all as the beet medicine in. the world; Bnefield, Cot, -Ronald McInnes, Mitt/Iran Liniment is used by Physioiattes se_