HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-8-4, Page 8von:C.rawnnoniontris:
of Toronto; else toe the peacesNee
f,ffi RE INSURANCE CONIPAIIY. et trondon;
NY o tEugland. the CONFEDERATE tan
A eSOCIWPION of Terontee
10112E5 1!
We would like very much, to (Erect
the attention a readers to a ram Ser-
, les of Tales by English Authors., for
whieJa we are making au effort to secure
• a -wide circulation m this seetion of
country. They are a series of reprints
of more expensive books, anc1 though
sold at the astonishingly low price of 5
cents, are varitable gems of worth, as
interestingas a novel with morals drawn
with force and elearness. They are is-
- sued for the million, and in England
have found their way to the homes of
the millions. One firin engaged in their
productiou have published and sold 13
millions, and other firms are engaged. in
the same work. The'.issues of single
tales havelbeen enormous, ranging from
fifty thonsancl to one million,
Call and see them on Saturday after-
noon or evening next.
Bookseller and Stationer:
r-1 1 ,--T PI E•----,
14 .
741Dress Goods, Silks, Sateens. c-
:PriLts. Chsllies and Skirtino• r
'Embioidei ies —all at closest ;;ZI
.:cut prices during the great al .`•
44 •
4:1:Iteration sale uow on. Our J3ig cl
• Stock must be reduced beforeit
• It
, the workmen take possession
I f.73
and begin enlarging the stme.i •c.-:,
Do you 'want a nicewhite em 15
01 :broidered drass ? It you do,I 0.2
02• )---1
. iwe want to see you; we have! 52,
411, soirie grand values or you att''"
z reduced prices. 10
01 Now's your time to buy:4
?1Groceries,as we are doing bie.12
24 'things in choice, fresh Gra ';F:,,:•
a ! •
44 Acenes, Many lines below
F 'actual wholesale cost. How
tr, w• do ii and il.re is what tro
.4 ubles the old timers. Our 44
g system of doing business iste:
our own. Others may followt;4.
A US but they never get 2.head, P
'41 do they.
The Sons of England Soc'el will
picnic at the lake shortlY-1
Mr. A. J. McTavish -purchased R free
driving horse from Mr. McE.ay of Quebec',
Mr, John blawkshewthrashed his fall
Wheet on Monday, and off 17 acres had
over 400 bugle's.
Messrs, Hawkshew and Spicer have
purchased the County Right for the sale
of the pitiless clothes line.
While making a target the othei day
Warren Snell cat his knee act badly that
he was off duty for & while.
J. G Emery has leased Ross' store house
at the station and will commence the pur-
chase of all kinds of coarse grains,
The Council met last evening, and
among other things the el% ctrie light ques-
time was brought up and discussed.
Messrs. Wood Bros • beim- purchased
from Mr. 3. G Jones of Wincheleea a
hendeorne carriage horse for a good sum.
A couple of men were in town lad week
selling baeswood rocking chairs. They
drove their horses) all the way from King-
ston. •
The thistle crop in some of the town-
ships is altogether too luxuriant and the
application of a few scythes there would be
Muttv Zino.
Case o uustroke.
On Tuesday of last week, while Air.‘Vni
Ballentyne,who was well knowp:in Exeter
son of MA Ballantyne of the St Marys
Road. Grahame, was working in the har-
vest field on Mr. Wm. Mandlongh's farm,
:Mitchell Road, Blanshard. was overcome
by the excessive heat. Fe was found
prostrated in the fence corner, and being
moved to the house, soon thed. He was
47 years old and by sa,viner habits had ac-
cumulated considerable wealth. His re-
mains were interred. in the Kirkton neme-
terY onThursday last.
Concerning a House oinefuge.
The County Clerk has this week notified
'all the municipal clerks of the recommen-
dation of the County Council, concerning
• .a House of :Refuge, which was to the effect
that a test vote ,ebould be taken at the
-next municipal elections on the matter. It
.is hoped that every village,town and twine
-ship will act on the • suggestion. There
need be no expense about it, as one ballot
will answer every purpose, as there is
nothine to prevent that usually used for
Reeve and Councillors bearing also the
necessary words for the "eHouse of Refuge
Tote. Or a separate ballot would not cost
'much. This would practically settle the
Mr. Joseph Bewden, jr. caught a frog
Tnesclay the hind quarters of which tip-
ped the scales at a half -pound.
Chief Gill during the week presented our
staff with a basket of harvest apples, for
-which they ask him to accept their thanks.
Mr. August Hill of Credits% has parches
ed the Central hotel in that village from
Mr. Ira Bice, including the farniture, eth.
for the sum of a3,900.
There is a law which compels the des-
truction of black knot, and it is being rig-
orously enforced in Exeter. We see little
nse of this while in the township of Osbor-
ne the nuisance is allowed to flourish an-
elisturbed. We call upon the authorities
of Usborneto attend to this matter r
The following players will take part
in the game of lacrosse at 'Parkhill to -day
((Thursday) with the team of that town :
Goal, Ed Bissett ; pint, Jas. Bissett;
cove' point, Rich. Eacrett ; defence field,
Wilt Folland, Sepal Poplestone, T. Stewart
center, Ed. Carley; home field, Jas Grieve
A. Spicer, A. J. Maaviele ; outside home
Bert. Dickson; inside home W. Andrews •,
spare men, Jas. Taylor, R, Davis; field
•*captain, Chas. Snell.
A brilliant affair took place last evening
rat the residence of Mr. Chas Tom, it being
• the marriage of his youngest daughter,
Laura to D. Arnolcl Bowerine.n of Minom-
• Pelee, Wis., formerly of Exeter. The °ere -
enemy was performed by Rev. Mr Russell,
in the presence of friends of the contract -
Bug parties, the bride being assisted by her
eieter • Miss Ada, while Mr. John Manning
-meted as groomsman. The young coapie
leave to -day for their new home in Wiecon-
sin, 11. 8, and carry with them the good. -
wishes of a very large circle of friends.
Minard's Liniment cures Uarget in Closed
Mr. John Hawkshaw's residence
narrowly escaped destruction by Bre
the other day. The fire was noticed in
tirne and extinguished.
Durine the week the Verity Plow Co.
have made Ittrge shipments of plows to
Manitoba.—Several car loads of cattle
were shipped from here this week. --
A panorama under tent held forth on
the common here last week, and ,from the
small boy loped in a few ahekels. It left
on Monday north war d.
The report nf the finding of the //nude -
era of the High School Entrance examin-
ation will be found in another column fef
65 who wrote 32 paesed,
To -day (Thursday) is cleat holiday. A
number ot citizens go to Sarnia on the ex-
cursion, many accompany the lacrosse
boys to Parkhill,while Grand Bend affords
attraction for the rusticators.
The Main Street, to speak metaphori-
cally hes been promiscuously gi avelled,
and. to find it clear, smooth piece of road-
way would tax the moat indulgent. It
would be much better were the gravel put
on the roads it little later in the season.
The chartered banks have reduced the
tate of interest on depwits to three and a
half per neut. This is caused in consequ-
ence et the increasing casein thelendue of
enemy end the greater difficultylin obtain-
ing profitable) employment tor it.
Mr. E. 8, Hogarth and tiride are spend-
ing ',a few weeke with Mr. Ilogutth's
paYen.ts ,in plien township, -Mr. Joe,
La.wdea of Loudon is visitiug friends in
town—Mrs, T. B., °Arline and family
have returned from a somewhat protracted.
visit among friends in M.
White of Windsor was in town this' Week
on his way to Godericlie where he inter-
viewed the continental uuiemists thee.—
\1. O.. Fritz of Dashwood Was in town on
Saturday trying to arrange a loot race
with some' of the local .sprinters.—Messrs.
Joseph Davis and Al. Hastings 'returned
on Friday from an extended trip to Tor-
onto, Niagara, and other places. Both
look roneh improved for the outing.e-Mre.
W. J. Clarke of London Oiaited frieudslu
:Owe last week..-84r.We1ICIarke returned
to London on Mondayi--Seirerel of the
campers have returned from the Beed,orly'
to give place to others.—A. M, Peterson
of .Btaudon,D.Senewas in town the forepat t
of this week. Acconipanied by Mrs. Pet-
erson he left on Tuesday fur 'Tee -onto,
Niagara, Chicago, and other points.„—Mr.
R. Hicks and fanilly, are camping at the
Bend ; Mr. J. MeNaughton of Bensell is
taking charge of Ur. Hicks'business —
Ur. liebkirk, Post Offiee inspector, was in
town recently in connection with the i e -
quest that a post office be established at
Devon. Be examined the territory, and
has reported upon the same; but as yet
nothing definite is known as to the diepos.
Won of the pvernment, —Mrs 0, Senior
of Blenhenn spent the past week the geese
of her son, Joseph, of this place.—Me. J.
Wanitres, who has been visiting friends in
and around Exeter for the pest two weeks
left ou Saturday foe Chetharn.—Miss
Alcock is et present visiting at Mr. E. J.
Spackman's.—Mr, Weir,harrieter, ..formito
Was the guest of L. H. Dickson on -Monday
—Mr. George Case of Toronto was the)
'guest of his father Mr. Jos QUO this week,
—Rev. 1)..81. Ramey and family left on
Monday for their home in Mt, Forest after
a asomewhat protracted viait vencieg
friends in :hie ntrighborhood.—Mise Lou
Smyth of London is speeding a few days
with friends in town,—Rey. Mr, McDon-
agh will preach a sertnon on Sunday evg,
on "Religion kr business "—Miss Mamie
Porter of St. Thomas is the guest of the
Misses Verity.—Mrs. Whistler of Meuce-
Ionia, Mich, is the gnest of her father, Mr,
T. Dearing of this place.—Messts, Barry,
Samuel and John Penile% of Turento are
visiting friends in this ueighborhood.—Mr
Thos 8eltion (if logersoll is the guest of Mr
Geo. Samwell ut pt esent.—Miss Bertha
Treble left on Montley for Dakota, to spend
a time visiting friends.—des. (1) ) Rolilus
expected home from Manitnba this week.
Itee.L Bowerman and wife Imre decided
not to take their trip to Metultoba and
Dtkota, owing to the existence of snatll
pox in the neighborhood of the friends in
Oakota.—Mrs. (Revs) A. L. Russell hair
gone with Ezra and Jennie to spend a
month with her peorle. in Ilea :trenrid the
township «f 'revbil, --A1- y,
returned from his va.e,rep'et.tee.. iu it
—Tbe .tt, Win Bellent: i.e, ef U. -
berme it is said. Was worth $4,oeo, theee
thoueand of which go to his parents, and
nee thousand divided between his two
brothers.--Mis. Itratn Windsor of Brown
City is visiting her par cuts, Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Rowe, London road south.—Mrs R.
N. Rowe left Tuesday to spend a few
weeks with her parents and friends he
Clinton'—Mr H. 0. Brower, of Clinton,
was in town Tuesday in connection with
Bank affairs,—Miss Hawke of flawkesville
is the guest of the Misses trerity..—Mr.
John Hatnley of Ingersoll and Mr. Thos.
Trick are guests of Mr. George Samwell
at present —Miss L. Shannon of Walker.
ton is viaiting at A. G. Dyer's.—Lisa e
Miss Jaynes of Loudon is the gues
Miss Johns.
The weekly shooting =aches among
tneurbers of the Exeter Gun Club have
been resumed, ani CO1 Thursday evening
last the following competition rook pliers:
for gold medal—W. Johns, 7; G.Anderson
5. There was also a shoot at 25 birds
between Ed. Bissett and J. Bissete, each
of whom shot 21.
The mural financial report. of the
Jauses•st. Methodist church has been
published and shows the church to be
almost free of debt and in. good stand-
ing. Total receipts by trustee board,
$1546; disbursements,$1409; including
$1389, amount of debt.
A younkciaughter of Mr- T. B. Coaling,
while playing around the house on Mon-
day morning took liberally of some medi-
clue which it by some means got hold of,
and until the doctor gave them to under -
s -and that there was no ;danger ;of Perim a
resulta there was considerable excitement
in the household.
The Parkhill Review denies that there
is any rumor as to its merging into the
Gezette. We would rather accept the
Review's statemeut that there is no foun-
dation in the,rumor than that there was
no sueli rumor afloat. llowever there ap-
pears to be no ground for the report and
as far as 050 be deemed the Review will
pursue the even tenor of its way,and con-
tinue as of yore.
Farmers who use steam eneines for
threshing should enemies their insurtuace
policies and see if the neoessery permit or
license is Attached to or wtitlen thereon.
Nearly all insurance companies now grant
threshing privileges under certain restric-
tions and conditions and it would be well
to observe suah conditions beforehand so
that in the event of loss the companies
can find no ground for complaint or room
for litigation with claimants.
Just look to morrow (Friday) evening
a.nd you will get such a view of the planet
Mars as you will not have again in kafteen
years. On that night Mars will venture
up within thirty five million miles of the
earth, instead of preserving the usual re-
spectful distance of one hundred and forty
million miles. It is believed that this dis-
position on the part of Mars to be neigh-
borly will be appreciated by all lovers of
Look over your paper before you come
to town and. do your trading with men
who advertise. You will get better bar-
gains and cheaper goods. The business
man who can't afford to let you know
what he has for sale is not well posted and
wi 1 not or cannot sell to you as cheap as
one who does. If he thinks the farmer
never reads an advertisement, it is very
likely he never reads one himself, and the
man who does not read cannot keep posted
in the rise and fall of goods and always
behind the times.
Portland, Oregon, had a $250,000 fire
Tuesday. -
John Kean, a prominent Eramosa
farmer died Sunday.
Prof. McLaren has been eiected mod-
erator of the Ottawa Presbytery.
A Canadian association of fire insur•
once agents has been inaugurated at
An- effort will be made to ;establish an
induattial school for incorrigible child-
ren near Hamilton.
Henry Cotton of Tilsonburg died on
Sunday from injuries receivecl from two
infuriated balls three weeks ago.
• Geo F. Taylor made a mile in 214 1-5
at Frampton Park, Springfield on a safe
ty wheel Tuesday and broke the record.
Benj. Wilson' the 13 -year old son of
Thomas Wilson,Pickering, was run over
and killed on his father's farm Tuesday.
IA serious fire occurred at Windsor at
a Mr. Smith's residence on Sunday,
burniug the house, and injuring two
woman so badly that one has sinee died,
the other being in -a critical condition.
k re count of the St. Boniface elec-
tion took place Tuesday.'
St. Marys Examinations.
Fifty-fettr candidates passed at St.
Marys, 24 of whom were from St.Marys
public school. By reference to the list
it will be seenthat Maggiepennett of
Blanshard (F. Webster, teacher) has
secured the first scholarship with 546
marks; and that Sidney Bridgman,
of Cherry Grove (M. White, teacher)
took the second with 597 marks. The
average number of marks obtained was
440. Following is the list of successfnl
ones ;
Bennett Maggie...71 Blanshard.... 547
Bonis " ....505
Bonis Minnie.....8 " .389
Branch Frances.... St. Marys Sep. .400
Brown Ella.. ..... 1 rullarton....478
Brown Mand......3 E
Clifford Margaret. .9 Downie.... .444
Doupe Josie. ,11 Blanshard. _427
DunnLizzie 5&15Lon&ENis .. 382
Fairbairn Annie...St. Marys Pub. .395
Fairbairn Jennie... " .383
Freeman Maud.... ....424
Gilpin Lottie " ....450
Gordon Maggie" ... .428
Gourley Ethel. . `E Nissouri....442
Graham Mary 8 Downie . . 383
Haney Alice.. St Marys Sep.. 394
Harding Ethel.... St. Marys Pub.
Huston Laura " ....477
Irvine Bermce. " ... .450
Moyes Gertie " ....402
Shier' Lizzie 11 Blanshard .892
Simkins AsIche St. Marys Pub...465
Tier Minnie ........1 Fullerton.. 484
Bridgman Sidney.. Cherry Grove...527
Davidson A1ex.....7 Downie......442
Donald George....2 Blanchard, ..384
Farr Thos . St Marys Pub. .404
Freeman Crayton...2 B1anshard....453
Graham. George ....St .1tIterys Sep.. 394
Harding Charles ....St Marys Pub ..507
Hayes George ..... ....458
Highet John • 4;B1ansharel... . 383
Hill James. . 4 Harrington...521
Keen John.... , 8 Blanshard ... 424
Laing Victor Si Marys Pub 476
Laird e Wynclsor 384
Lancaster BortMi`` •..439
McIntosh " .480
McIntoshIEdward" • ....435
Mills David .......,.2 Blanshard.. 490
Moir Milton .• • St Marys Pub .. 436
Peart Walton... .... 504
Ready Chas.... .. 13 London .....471
itichardson Fred.. St Marys Pub..458
Robertson John-- 4 Blenshazd.... 512
Robinson Bert... . . St Marys Pub. .438
Robinson. I-Iarvoy. Blanehard. » .419
Ross Geo...—. St Marys Pub.. .500
Skinner David 2 Blanshard . 456
Smith George 1 Fullerton ....408
Stoddard Chas St Marys Pub .. 451
Vining Albert.. 7 W Nissouri... 385
Minard's Liniment is used by Physician.
Are clearing a number of lines ot Boots & Shoes
at Big Bargains or order to make room for Fall
Call and inspect the Goods.
I need money; and to get it, I will
'Ater for the next two weeks the foliew-
ing reductions ;
A strong panel bed in Maple, former price
el 95 reduced to $1,50.
Panel bed.nicely waved and moulded, 4 ft.
6in. high, formenprice 82.75, reduced to 82.
Bed room setts in Menlo regular price $11,
reduced to $8.50 -only a few loft.
Bed room setts, Maple reg. price $15 red. to$12
Sideboarde.Tables, Cupboards, Chai rs Spring
Mattresses '01,35 per cent off regular price,
Good Heir cloth Barter Suitee Solid Walnut
from $28 upwards.
Plush Parlor suites from $28upwarde,
Everything reduced in proportion for
This is a sweeping offer and will only
hold good for the new two weeks.
Two Doors North Town Ball.
Caue,de_s Great Fair,
SEPT. 15111 TO 17Tii, 1892, --The citizens
Ineonto have voted $150,000 to the Tor.
„Le, leaner: iel Fe i r for improvements tole°
metto on the grounds for thia yeer's
ehitth is. to be t elf from the 5th to the
17th Sr, t. Thin ; xt, Xt. Mirl.t e'ree
have bet u added to the reeeut armed- mut
a new race track and new grand eland ta
seat twelve thoueend people is being built
Alla many other improvements aro being
made. Consequently thie year's Fair pro-
mises to be greater and, better than ever.
A large cumber of fine epecial attractions
have be»0 arranged for and several new
features are promised. The exhibite in all
departments will be larger and better than
at any proviona Fair and will include many
that have been prepared for the World's
r air next year. Cheap excursions will as
usual be rnu on all railwaye and the uttered
arm of visitors will no doubt. be as home se
ever. All entries have to be infolit on or
before the 33th of Atient.t. butmost of the
Reece in all the Imildings for the exhibit of
natunfatiurea bars already been applied fur.
For melee of the prize bst ii1 progtatus
ciropa 1.oeteard to Mr, Hifi, the Alenager,at
Enntrs --The lacrosse match on Thurs-
day between Seaforth and Clinton tearna
resulted in a. victory for the former by 3
to 0.—A fize took place in Clintodpn Tues
day morning, by which Copp, blacksmith,
lost 300, no insurance ; Haywood, carriage
Imilder, $1000, $500 insurance. The fire
originated in Haywood's carriage shop,
owned by Harry Cantelon, which was al-
most totally destroyed, and on which ever;
an insurance of $1500.—There died in God
e ich on July 81st, James Patter, for many
years, and until failing health a few mon-
ths ago compelled hir . to retire, clerk of
(loderich township. He was born in Fer-
managh, Ireland, and came to this county
in the year 1334 • he was aged 75 years, 9
months.—Civic holiday .August 5th.—Mrs
A. H. Manning is suffering from pneumon-
ire—Rev. A. McMillan and wife, of Au-
burn, have returned from Scotland whith-
er they went last August, the gentleman
to pursue his theological studies, --.A. very
sad death was that of Al. Williams, 14. 1).
son of Dr. Williams, formerly of this town
at Wingham, on Sunday night, of inflam-
mation of the bowels, after a week's ill-
ness. The youug man was just of age and
had a bright career before him in the med-
ical professiou.—The estimated expendi-
ture for the current year is $13,138.84
The receipts are estimated at same'the
rate being 19 mills, a halt will more then
last year.—It is possible that our town
will be illustrated in the Toronto Mail.—
The $10,000 town debentures, to run 20
years, will likely be taken up by the Gen-
eralTrusts Co of Toronto at 4i per cent.
The Company made that offer, and the
by-law covering the same was sent them
for examination. At the last meeting of
the town council section 37 of by-law No.
3 tor 1880 was amended. and the words ad-
ded after "hand cart or handsleigh” the
words bicycle, tricycle or other vehicle.
So that there is now a law against any of
these being run on the Pidewalks of Clin-
eI would like to praise of
. Hood's Sarsaparilla over 11.,. , • .-e universe
writes Mrs. Louegeesker 1' e ion Deposit,
[From Modern Truth London, Eng.]
"We recommend this truly wonderful re-
niedy—St.jaceb's Oil—to every one who is
suffering from pain. We are personally
acquainted with many marvellous cures ef-
fected by its nae." While the above is
from Modern Truth, it is an ancient fact
that for the cure of pain $t Jacob's Oil has
no equal. '
11 there erer tees a specific tor any one
complaint, then Outot's Linle Liver Pills
are a specine for sick headache, and every
woman should know this. Only one pill a
dose. Try them.
Minard's Liniment cures Distemper.
1 1 clalavderoeidi. ewxihthiobitsihonecapt osnantsi,h
me aoictorisaee
styied .A,
11 and being asked why he did this, Oh,
he said the.public like to be hunabiagged
Now we do not propose to adopt this plan of hum-
bugging the people by exhibiting a Mountain Goat,
but simply to state
At all times. When a Merchant tells you he is
You can count to it moral certainty on the statement be-
ing false or when It Merchant sells you aax article at or
'You may (lepend that be will make it up on something
else before he gets through with you. There must be some
profit or a, merchant can't live, But Oaxling Bros'
i,611,110.011 MUST GO
and therefore we offer everything lit the very Kmallest
margin of profit consistent -with honesty and lair dealing.
The best discount we can offer is 5 per cent.off for Cash
Butter 18o lilggs IA in trade,
We solicit a call.
Frento house and lot on William -at:, near the
market, will be seld ;cheap- Ileum whieh ie ;
n. storey and a half, ()entwine 8 rooms, beeides
kitchen and wood shed. For further particu-
lars apply to
Stafne. on thelreth ult., afra, 0.
Butson of a son.
BoWNIntAii—Toz—In Exeter, on the 8rd inst.
at the residence of the bride's parents, by A.
L. Russell. M. A., Dr. Arnold Bowerman of
Menominee, Wise to Laura, youngest (latish -
tor of Mr. Chas. Tom,
Altrenocg—Noents.—InMensall, on the 3rd inst
at the residence of Mr. John T Wremby the
Rev. 3.8. Henderson, Mr. Alex. Murclook of
nhamesvillee formerly of Hensel', to Alin
Mettle, Noma of Hansen-
GRANT-Buoww.—At High Muff. Man,. on the
13th ult. Mr.11ugh Grant of High Bluff, to
Miss Maggie Brown, fourth daughter ot Neil
Brown, Esq. Kippon Road, Tokersmith.
Deviesten—In Fullerton op the 25th ult.
Martha, wife of Abraham Davidson, aged 85
years and 3 months.
Ilexueve—In Mitchell on the 21st Mit, James
Hendry, aged 71 years, 31 nuts. and 8 days.
BALLENTYNE:111B1111AShald an the 26th ult.,
William Ballentyrie of Usborne. aged 47 yrs.
HAITT:—In Clinton on tbe27th ult., Jean =Tart
adopted daughter of Mrs. M. MeTaggart, aged
13 years, 8 months.
Dousene—In Clinton, on the 27th ult, Richard
Dowilin, aged 'id years and 5 months.
The following ate the successful prize
winuers at the recent distribution at
Browning's Book Store:
Ed. Shapman, 'Book
May Thomas Ink stand
Rettie Essery,
Mienie Btatchford, Fishingriotde
Mary Baleman, Autograph Album.
Wilber Martin, 13ase ball
Jennie trandford, Hooka aed line
D Sanders, Cities of the World(book)
Edna McCallum Game
Herbert Heirrell, ,Month organ
Garfield Hodgert, Fan
Gertie Hicks, Pistol
Lorain Hooper,
Drawing filEtie
Eliza Higgins, •
William Wood, • Testiment
01NupToaondde na abuaellek
Lena McDonald, r
Wesley Howey, Blue beads
Lottie Hunter,
Fred Beaman, Photo Album
Miss Hill
Clara Pasmore, Testimpeon
Mrs G. Rosa, Large autograph halbbaunmk
Garfield Sod gert, Tea-pot stand
Eddie Picket d, Colored crayons
Blanche Jeckell,
Donald Monteith, Photo album
Ernest Hill, Blue book
Eddie Pickard,•
Pansy Prouty, Purse
Eliza Higgins, Paper and envelopes
Arthur Hedgen, Ink stand
Alf. McTagart Around the World (book)
Ethel Sweet, Sorop album
George Parkinson, Kite
GeorgeSanruel BJaugrsyh, a w ,
Pansy Prouty, • Artists colors
Bpai nsee hallsatche
Line McDonald, Writing desk
VOTERS' LIBT.—‘1,892.
COUNTY OP lionoN.11
Notice is boobs given that I bare transmit-
ted or delivered to the persons mcntiousti in
sections Sand 6 of the 'Vetere' Lists Art 5 the
eopiee required by said sections to be so trans -
naiad or delivered of the List made pursuant
to said a et, of all persons appearing be alb las:
revised Assessment Roll of said Munesipalitsr
to be (retitled to vote in the paid municipality
at oleetioes for members of the Legislative A s-
eembly and at Municipal Malone, and that
'said !let was first posted up at my:office, town
hell on the 15th day of JuIe.1892,and remains
th ere for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examine the said
list, and if any omissions or other errors are
perceived therein, to take immediate proceed-
ings to have the Same corrected according to
law. • ataiAlin EAORETT, -
Clerk of Exeter.
Dated this 15th day of July, 1892.
COUNTY oP Hunox.
Notice is hereby given that 1 have transmit-
ted or delivered to the persons mentioeed in
sections 5 and 6 of the Voters' aristsAot, the
copies required bv said sections to bo so trans
'flitted or delivered of the list made pursuant
to said Aet. of all persons appearing by the last
revised Assessment Roll of said Alumetpality
to be entitled tc vote in the said munimpality
at eleetions for members of the Legislative As-
sembly. and at Municipal Eleetins, and that
said list was first posted up at my:office at Elim
vitae on tbe 2.)th day of July, 1892, an &remains
there for inspection. Electors are caned upon
to examine the said list, and if any 01111:19101113
or any other errors aro perceived therein, to
take immediate proceedings to have the said
errors corrected according to law.
Cleek of Usborne
Dated this 20th dee of July.1802,
Suitable for a retired gentleman, containing
of an aere of land, on which is a two storey
brick house, and good driving shed and stable.
Choice, younmfrult-bearing trees of all kinds.
The property s situated on the orner of Bill
and Andrew streets, east of the Presbyterian
church, the best location in town Terms
easy, and poscssion given at any time. Apply
J1y7-ml. On the premises,
Still takes lead in the
Furniture .Business
We are too busy to call on people in
need of Furniture • but please drop' in
our Warerooms and see our Stock and
we will try to suit you in this line.
Ordered Work Neatly Done on Short Notice
Remeenber we have also a handsome
line of
Undertaking Goods
limeys on hand, and all calls in this
ine will be promptly attended to, and
satisfaction guaranteed every time.
Store—Next to MolsonS Bank, Exete