HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-8-4, Page 5' ' 1)EATIIROLL ON A i(I.U1", Tipla 01kM MP.1*,:r0TE'S toth the method and results when 6yup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys. tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only reedy of its kind ever pro- 'duceCpleasing to the taste and ac- cept -011A to the stomach, prompt in its action d truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the m,ast healthy and agreeab le substances'its ra any excellent qualities coin mend it to all and have made it the most popultkr remedy known. Syrup of Big -s is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists, Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand. will procure it promptly for any one who wishes 'o try it. lganufacturecl only by the lAildNIA FIG SYRUP COIN $AN' MalA.NOTS00, OAL. CSVILLE, xr, NEW 'ZORN, N. Ivor Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store 'WE have co hana a Fine Line of BJUND BOOKS -- Suitable for St lay School Libraries, or ePresentations. C.„tm " Pee ,lor Quoits." ere tek1.90 PARCHEESI, HA LOA, .A.uth.ors, Eta., Etc. J. W. 1313,07.VNING BOOK St: DIttiSTORE blanshard• 13axmP3---Ilies A. Switzer, who has been engaged as teaehar of the Base Line, tins reeigned.—B, Ford of Toronto is visiting his parents at Woodham.—G. Shier of Durham spent a few days with big parent!. and friends atoned Woodham, Monthly Prizes for Boys and The "Sunlight" Soap Co., of Teronto, offer the following pri zes every month till further notiete, to boys and girls under 16, residin g in the Province of Ontario, who send the greategi number of"Sunlight" wrappers: 1st 510; 2nd 0; 3rd $3 4th 81 ; 5 th to 14th a handsome book ; and a pretty picture to those who sem not less than 10 wrappers. Send wrappere tr. "Sunlight" Soap Otiloo. 43 Sect ttstreet. Toronto not later than 2eth of each month, and marked enmpetitiont Also give full name address, age and number ofewrappers. MIMICS will be published Toronto Mail on Brat Saturday in each month., , SALESMEN WANTED. We want both travelling and local Salesmen to repr. sent the old established Fon thill Nur 'tortes SALARY PAID FROM THE STARI to Salesmen experienced in our line; liboral terms to beginners and a permanent situation assured. We have 70 ACRES under cultiva- tion and are the only firm furnishing STRICT- LY FIRST-CLASS CANADIAN GROWN STOCK. OUTFIT FREE. HARDY VARIE TIES for North Ontario and Manitoba. ftspite ialty. WE GUARANTEE OUR STOCK Apply for terms at once. We want you NOW STONE lc WELLINGTON, Toronto, )nt. Senoxeeta Evette Dix.--Gentlemen,—T have been n1 for a long time with lame back and weak kidneys, and at times could not get up without help- I tried B. 13. B. and with two bottles am altuost well. I find my back is stronger every day. Your truly. Mrs. L. Thompeon, Oakville, Ont. English Spavin Liniment remvo es al hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blom ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, (Rube Splint, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles Sprains, So -o and Swollen Throat, Coughs to. Save 550 by use of one bottle. War anted tele most wonderful Blemish Cure ver known. Sold by O. Lutz -29 ly "Germ Syru • 3. C. Davis,. Rector of St. James' • Episcopal Church, Eufaula, Ala.: "My son has been badly afflicted • with a fearful and threatening cough for several months, and after trying several prescriptions from physicians • which failed to relieve him, he has • been perfectly restored by the use ol . • two bottles of Bo - An Episcopal schee's German Syr- up. I can recom- Rector. mend it without hesitation.' ' .Chronic severe, deep-seated coughs like this are as severe tests as a remedy Can be subjected to. It is for these long- • standing cases that Boschee's Ger- man Syrup is made a specialty. Many others afflicted. as this lad • was, will do well to make a note al this. • — j. F. Arnold, Montevideo, Minn., . writes: 1 always use German Syrup for a Cold on the Lungs. I have never found an equal to it—far less • a superior. ® • 4. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr,Woodbury.NJ. TWO TlifilEILE ACCIDENTS IN ON- TARIO LAST w. eeeeee. Ape' 7 Tee • t terrific storm teat evee . Winr:^1,1 .the his- tory of fie inhebitants i,ecurrcei Vcdnesday evening, taking . on the appeerenue of a genuine westerrt•eyclone. Abotit (i o'clock o heavY roll of clouds were seen .to be gathering in the northwest horisou and it was generally conceiyed that we were about to experience a rainstorm, but nothing more serious thau the several ether storms of summer NM51 expected. At elenet 0,1.5, how- ever, it broke over the town in all ia fury, and for upwards of an hoer the rain fell in torrents and the Wind blew with suck vio- lence as: to beggar all description,' Not a soul was visible anywhere, all having taken shelter wherever the storm overtook them, andnothing was known of its destructivenese until it began to clear away: Great fears were entertained for those on tbe water, and anxious eyes turned toward the bay bete, before/e storm, a lais proved to be was seen nolti:Iallemile .from shore, There ailboat e peryfivneilei the boat, six of whonn one man an women, were drowned. The remaining three were rescued r with difficulty: Those 1, and wile Were; m - w..0 Were d Mad rre. Stevens siators, foi.n jstYp' Mr: lidearblin rrie ani daughtertih, a1110, m averts' two ,i,.; elm Lmkie and John Awence, an LI dian from Cape Croker, Mr. Stevens had just finished the contract I A new church on too haus sitraerre, an i, the party left Cape Croker chirMg the af• - J cl. ' o rescued oieslvoleear? j91h.ntil s6 OW11, ava e ' The Molsong Bank • (dHARTElteille X3 Y PA ar., /AMEN T, eses, : F.;:te:":1 • • • • r• t Paid tip Capita)• ge.00000 i iteetioued 1,100,00e • -• t • • lieadOMee,aiontres F. WOLFEllS'I'AN T f eet A S 'Ben. ' ' • reeeenoeleseee. Money advanced to good. enure n their own note with one or more endorser at 7 per Peet, per annum. • Exeter Branch, Open every lawful clay ,f retitle to3 p.m SATURDAYS ,10 a ,re. to l n m . Current rates of interest allowed on deposits N. DYER HURDON, Sub -Manager :zelor Boller Mal:. .111ARRET REPOIVES. 'Wheat .. '75c to 80o per bushel °VIZ SELIsING Flour, Strong I3akers' do Best Family do Low Grade Bran . Shorts , Oh( p 5.1..06* PRICES. $2.50 per 100 2.25 " 70c " 80c " to $1.20 " Chop stone running every day, TUE EXETER MILLING Coy. ternoon in the largo. sail-boar,with a faii U imal Sale, . wind. They were Etano..g up the 'bay wing and wing with a light breeze, and in an- other fifteen minutes would have been safe- ESSAY V$IN.U1SSAY. ly landed on the shore. tsSeeing the violent appearance of the storm they put down, their sail, and turnin,gothe boat to the waves prepared to weather the gale. At the first gest of the storm the large boat was picked tip and turned completely over. The men who were saved were found clinging to the boom, which was the only pert .1: the craft out of water. John Savage hung On to two of the women until a .great wave 'ore themfrom bun. Mr. J. V, Jerilyn, ...Minn agent at Cape Crok , came to Wiarton in a hurry, havine left about the same time as the boat, jid knowing who were in the boat, burr, d into town and bad a tug despatched o the rescue as quickly as possible. 1I they were preceded by Mr. Join • Dance, his son, and a young mart Nort ,. who, seemg the perishing ones, bravely rushed to thew rescue in a small boat and suceeeded in getting the three men to shore.-'" The tug's craw looked for the bodies of the drowned ones until dark last night, but none were found. Mr. Stevens of Chelsey, brother of the .unfortunate man who was drowned, ar. rived on the mid.night expren .with his wife. .They were not aware & o serioue- ness of the accident until they arrived. They inmost broke down over the strain of the sad:intelligent:G. The two men john Savage and John Lemkie, were. Voth Chesley, and were employed with Mr. Stevens .at Cape evoker. Savage is a looking 0100, Man, and made a heroic attempt to save some of the women. Lemkie by wine means swallowed a great deal of water and was pretty sick last Two Were Drowned, BELrevair.s, Aug. 1—The schooner Kate was capsized by a squzdi at 5.30 Wednesday morning in the reach opposite Thompson's Point Two of the crew were drowned— Union, who was in the forecastle asleep, and the cook, Mrs. Pappa, who was in in the cabin, The schooner Bate, about 200 tons capacity, was on her way to Charlotte, light, to load coal, having left Belleville Thursday night. She carried a crew of five. The captain and arm man were on deck when the squall struck her. The light sails were lowered, but the main and forecastles were full of wind and could not be handled by the crew. The captain told the cook to call the mate to assist them, and almost immediately the squall struck the vessel in NI force, turning her upside down. The masts struck the bottom and both were broken off. The mate got out of the cabin, but the cook could not get out. She could. be heard calling for some min- utes. The steamer Hero was passing and rescued the survivors, who were clinging to the bottom, and brought them to Picton. Sahnon, the seaman, lived in Belleville. Mrs. Paptia, the cook, lived in Kingston, and leaves an invalid husband, with several small children. Capt. Dewitty was in com- mand and Ed. Barrett was the mate. De - witty bought the Kate from Capt. Paul Clarke this spring, after being thoroughly overhauled and refitted. James Salmon, generally known as "The Fish Hunter," was 22 years of age. His father is dead and his mother lives in Toronto or Hamil- ton. DISSENTIENTS IN A DILEMMA. 'Joe Chamberlain's Reply to Mr. -Glad- stone's Challenge. Lcomor, Aug. 1.—G. W. Smalley cables to the N.Y. Tribune: There is not the slightest doubt but that Home Rule will be the first measure introduced by Mr. Gladstone, but bills dealing with the im- provement in the Franchise Act, with the establishment of parish councils and pos- sibly with the payment of members, will be brought in at the earliest opportunity in the now session and will be proceeded with in the intervals of time necessarily left by the peoggess of the Home Ride Bill through successive stages; . It is already perceived that the putting forth of such a programme will be a matter of solhe embarrassment tteMr. Chamberlain and his friends. They still declare that they are Liberals, even Radicals, as loyal asthey ;were in 1885. Their only point , of difference with the bulk of the Liberal party is in respect to Home Rule. But the measures do not directly touch Home Rule,' and are themselves essentially Liberal. How can professed Liberals, even eheugh anti - Home ,Rulers„ ,stinul against.'Mem Mr: Gladstone's quick eye early discovered this dilemma, mid hematle the 'opportunity at roadaide station. • Speaking itt Birmingham last night Mr. Chamberlain promptly and boldly took up the challenge. In. Vain, he tells his old chief, is the net spread in the sight of any bird. Mr. Gladstone admits the impossi- bility of the Dissentient Liberals voting for Home Rule, but on these other questions he expects that they will vote in accord- ance with their professions and convictions. Mr. Chamberlain sees clearly enough whither", this +ends. As Mr. Chamberlain tersely and picturesquely put e it "Mr. Gladstone will give us his ax to grind in 'order that' may afterwards cut off out heads with 'it." Net for Joe, is in effect his reply •to• thili MirltatkOn. • ft, Auction Sale of Valuable Farm Landr, in the Township of Hay, near the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron. Pursuant to an Order of Sale, datedene day of July, A, D. ism. and made by the Judge of the County Court of the Comity of Iluron, in a certain :matter of Partition of Essay vs Esear. there will he offered for Sale, by len, rao AMNON', by JOHN GILL, Ese,. Auctieeeer at r:CC33DG-XINTS' MCOTX.T.,, In the VILLAGE of FIENSALL Saturday, the 6th day of Augut, 1892 At ono o'clock in tho afternoon, the following valuable farm property. via; 'I he north half of LOT NUAIDER FOURTEEN in the FOURT1I CONCESSION. of the Town. ehip of Ilay. in the County of Huron, This is a vabuable property. well -situated. under (inlayed= within four miles of the Vil lege of lioneall, and in tho midst of the best farming country in Ontarteeand the soil is un surpassed for fanning purposes. The title to this property is perfeot and free from Dieu mbrances. TERMS OP SALE ' Ten per cent= of the . purchase money to be paid on the day of sale and the balaneo with- out intorott to he paid into Courtin 30 clayseor the purchaser may have three yonrs to paa, one half of the purlieus° money, securing ,he same by amortgego on the property, niteahlo in 3 equal yearly payments, with interest at six per cont. The Real Representative reserves to himself Power to adjourn the sale if in his judgment an adequate price is not bid. In a 1 other respects the conditions of sale will be the standing oonditioes of the High Court oferustiee, For further oartieulars apply to Philip Holt Esquire, Goderieh , Messrs. Darrow Se Proud - foot, Goderich ; or to the Vendor's Solicitor. Dated this 16th line of jelly, A. D.. 161e, RelL COLLINS, ISAAC F. TOMS. Exeter, Ont. Real Representative Vendor's Soliaitor. County Huron. 'i21 -3t NEW ERA CANADA'S GREAT INDUSTRIAL 1 FAIR 111 0 R 0 AT T' .0 SEPT.• s -to 17, 1E393. Enlarged Grounds, New half-mlie•tracit New Grand Stand, and many other Improvements. Greater and 'Better than Ever Entries close August 13th. New and varied attractions of a Superior Charac- ter Instructive and Amusing,. the Lat- est Inventions and Grandest Exhibits in all Departments.e;777: flee - TRE PEOPLE'S GREAT ANNUAL OUTING Cheap Excursions on all Railways. For Prize Lists, Programs and all Infor- mation, address ; leeeeZeel J. J. WITHROW, • H. J. HILL, President. Manager. e7Vereie • • 4 4Application painlees and easy, relief 11111005!. ole. eis preparatio P ells a great end long -felt wantamong those who seffer from Piles. It is a remedy of the highest merit-effeetive and reliable -and bee more than met the, antioipe- tions of tbose physicians who haee used it in their practice. leceleone is a Sure cure,. when otherremedies fail to relieve, Testim- onials feral:led, Price $1. For (Ade by drug- gists or by 10011 on receipt of price, W. T. STRONG, Manufaeturing Chemist, 184 Dundas St., London, Grit, teeleele. ' f;• 0*1 COE'S COTTON ROOT 0.941POUND- A recent dieeovery byan old ePili732.nsoienitlintli bSyueetehausgfsau713,81 '408f. L 21410. Is the only perfect- ' v s afe and reliable medieiee discovered. Beware of un- principled druggists who Inc fgei nm r eldrioeNR i n es 0 in VotZentrs k fr orKs epeake 71,0 SUbStillte8" or io onclose $1 en d 4 three -cent Canada postagerstamps in letter. and we 40111 60141, sealed, by aunt mail. Full sealed partieulere in Plain iyelope. to *idles only, 21stamps, Address Fonet Lily Campany le 0,8 Fisher tiloeke• 31 Woodward ave.,Dotroit Miele. Sold in Eeeter by.DR. LUTZ. Cepral Drug Store and alldruggtste everywhere. DO 7r0 -CT? De you war - PIANO, ORGAN, menu, SEWING MAGHLNE, BOYS' 4, GIRLS' TRICY- OLLS, EXPRESS WAGONS? oup $80,00 Oafeg p STRICTLY HIGH GRADE. ALL MADE CR THE BEST STEEL ANO WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR MANLIKAOTURID CY [he Goold Bicycle Co. Ltd, BRANTfORD, ONT. Send for Catalogue If you do, the place to get the most reliable goods at a modern price is at PERKTNS MARTIN'S, dealerg MDFieftt Inetruments, Sewing Machine supplies, etc. All kinds of farm implements sold on e mar Cin Over cost. .A gents for the celebrated Chat ham Wagon. PERKINS & MARTIN, • Penson's Block. JUST ARRIVED —AT— GI LIZY'S Furniture & Undertaking Establishment A very NEW Prices to suit large line of GOODS everybody. Bring along your old Furniture and have it made flaw. The largest stock of New Picture Mouldings in town. Also PARLOR SUITES AlYD CURTAIN POLES—in all colors. Remember you can have your Curtain Poles cut any length desired, as we buy them in long lengths. Oa and toted our Stock S. GIDLEY. Oddfellows Block. rashionglo Sty1e:1 MUST BE LOANED AT • ...33„.,,,mankmonvoalaaamnxers..= 'PER CEN -1°. on First ard t; Second Mortgages, Chci Mortgages pald off: •t'40 . Oen m m isSfoN. Agent.i. • Wanted. Call OP send Ve, stamp for CIRCULAR. "4144 4 A.. HYNDIVIAN • Wishes to inform the cit'ams of Exeter and surrounding that he is now engaged selling Teas, Coffees. Baking Powder • In quantities to suit Purchasers. Orders left at the house or Dr R)richnsn'e Office will receive y0114)4 ettentioke dl6m6 ITYNDMAN I , 1 . 1 T mil BEST -Y13T! Tarr, CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YETI Bat Ordered Clothing pi educed in Exeter' • Gmntletnen 1 h ave your orders early, for • wieb the boot staff of Tailors ; the best steels of Fine. Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town. yo 3 are cure el ati,tnc- Lee. • STORIEL C! bb1edjck & having lately purchased. the Stook and Good -Null • of M. J, N. Howard, and added largely to the Stock, they have the best equipped and largest Hardware and Tinware Establishment in the County. They sell whole- sale and Retail, and carry BUILDERS' MATERIALS, ETU. BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES, ETC., CARRIAGE MAKER'S GOODS, ETO., • STOVES, TIN WARE, BICYCLES, and everythingin SlVIALL HARDWARI LARGEST STOCK OF NAILS in the COUNTY GET THEIR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY. House cleaning time is upon us. Use Alabas`he for your walls ami ceilings. They have the genuine thing only, ia an improved form - You can mix it you self with cold water. They have all the tints Call and see their fine store, fine stock and fine prices. COBELEDICIFC aid FOLLAINTD GARDEN SEEDS, FIELD SEED, ALLKINDS OF FENCE -WIRE LAWN MOWERS, ALABASTINT1 (IN ALL SHADES), "DAISY" CHURNS, ALL KINDS OF TINWARE EIE A_P FOR CASH $$T $$ ZOOS* •StVED by Buy' 11 PLANING MILL And LUMBER YARD We keep eonstently on hend a laree.stoek a sIl kinds of building materials. Dressed er un - BAC II PLUG OF stocker No, 1 pine lath. dressed pine and hemlock lumber,also a ohoice Myrtle Navy! &o. ie complete and thorough, kiln dried A 0111'800k Of .4.1oora, sash, blinds. InatacituRs, WO offer for sale Le.00,000 XX and XXX FIVE' and rBDAR SHINGLES manufaotored br OMIS MARKED , best makersin Ontario. i Tenks and cisterns, all ahapes and siresenade T. & -., ir now 4111 a or barnyard. ta order nt lowest prices. we have something in teie lino for watering el tl e intim stable, hiCahally1 .and son our celebrated Bzg akiCabin. Every woman using them reeommenda teem , Turning,band,serollsawing, and all kinds el maohine work promptly attended to. NONE - OTHER - GENUINE 8.01tIVill_be to your interest to examine meet t ok beton purehestue elsewhere. X1V 3BROIsTZ311 1,MOTIMRS. ROSS & TAYLOR, Main Street. DOTJPE & CO. IMIRIETOV. Are selling goods so cheap of late that some people got the idea that all they had to do was to help themselves. This is presumption on their part, as we do not make a practice of giving goods away. At 3 O'Cloolm In the morning, in future, we will be prepared to give snch customers a, little more than a few old watches and brass chains, as we have added to our large stock a beautiful line of . POWDER and. LEAD. $1,00 will buy 20 to 27 pounds of best Sugars at DOUPE & CO'S, Kirkton. 1 This is the condition of affair% witlz . us as regtrds Footwear of every descrip- Three Points !,/ now is the time to buy ton, Prices within the reach of all, anol DISEASES ma OF Of all ages esulting from Errors or Indisero- tons of Yoath, may be permanently cured and tie vigor of perfect manhood fully restored, as. NERrOUS DEBILITY, STERILITY with SEX INAL LOSSES Jc PREMATURE DEOAY Long Standing eases GLEET, STRICTURE, SYPHILIS, VARICOCELE and ail PRIVATE' andCHRONIC Diseases treated with perfect success. Our field is in CHRONIC CASES in which others have failed; if you aro incurable we will frankly tell you so. Write forpartieular.g and treatise. Free, to Si' LOUTS lkinnicAt. Co., 162 and PA King Street. West.Torento, Ont. s3:6m A Combination HighQuality&Low Price ••••irs,•101 BOOTS & SHOES, SLIPPERS, RUBBERS, ETC:. In ordered boots and shoes we givee every satisfaction, For first. clasa stock and first class workmanship we lead, Repairing neatly and quickly done, at. right prices. A call will conviuce you that the best place tc buy is at NOTE WELL. Experience, exWp een eaiicee htanda t tention to business, close prices and proper fits, are the main factors in our business. P/10MatitudeWith .this ever • redeeming feat- ure imprinted deeply on oin• motto, we have won the patronage of the many whom despise those too -often -resorted to tactics of tailors' especially, ?fitniey putting off until next week what should have been done thia. 8atI8f t on This is a nice ac .lookindword,but to carry out its meaning is difficult to some. We glory in word and the way it is exemplified in our shop. We guar- antee satisfaction every time in all res- pects. if you want a suit, e. coat, vest or pair of pants, give us a call and bemonvieced that what we have said is true. 7.1ZA`4.\41-207krai CENTRAL. 'Barber Shop.% I: SON't-2, B"LOCK. A. Hastings„ Prop Shaving sIld Rai/ (tutting in theiittein style of the art. ' Every attention paid to outtisig W. JOHNS. Laims' twiChilgren'sHair `YJli 'Tee eeeteneeete.....e,, • '