HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-8-4, Page 4Established in
1 Q77 neighbor, and when our tirst important
44-evi X1 commercial interests are liable to con-
tinual and, imjustitiable injury at the
hand of a nation upon which, our Gove
ernmeut feare to retaliate.
Transaots a generallianklegliusiness.
Receiees the Ateounts of Merchants and
°there en favorable terse,
Offers every accommodation oensisteet wide
eafe and oonservative banking peineiples,
Interest allowed, on deposits.
Drafts issued payable at any office ef the
Motu 'awl.
rITURSDAY, AUGUST 4th, 1892.
Moira is a younger mai at 72 than
plenty of the rest of us at half the age.
He come of a long-lived ancestry and
the possession of au appetite like a
hired man is an indication that the
race has not degenerated in him.
"Ned" Farrar has retina it convenient
to resign his position as chief editorial
writer on the Globe, Sir Oliver having
made it too hot for him iately. in con-
sequence of We move Mr. John Ewan,
editor of the World, goes over to the
Globe. Mr. Ewan's place will be filled
by Mr. W. Villkinson, late news editor
of the World,
* *
It is altogether probable that the
World's Fair at Chicago must be closed
on Sundays, or the managers will forfeit
the $5,000,000 whieb Comaresa is about
to appropreite aid the enterprise. The
vote in the $enate in favor elf Sunday
elosing was two to one, mid a majority
in the same same iS expected to be re-
corded in the House. The Chicago peo-
ple are very indignant at the action of
the Senate, hut will hardly venture to
forego the mammy.
• it
The ocean voyage must have served
as a mental tonie for Edward Blake, else
it is impossible to understand how he
has been able to discover, eine° landing
in lrOand, the good effects. of Home
Rule tr any ether kind of rule in Can-
ada. Before Edward, Blake lett the
&flares f the Domielon it was generally
believed he was under the impression
that Confederation was going post-haste
to destruction, However, if he now
takes a brighter view a the Canadian
eiturision, we can all rejoice because of
the ,e,table change without inquiring too
closely' as to the means by which it was
brought about,
* * *
The. proposal of the Sioux Fells
Council to make the dispensing of all
liquors a branch of the civic service is
neither new or altogether preposterous.
In one of the smaller European atates
the sale of liquor is already in the hands
of the state. One of the advantages of
this system is that it takes away all
temptation to push business thus reduc-
ing drunkenness, and the profits of the
traffic go to the state instead of the in-
dividual. The scheme adopted in Eu-
rope and proposed in Dakota is worthy
of Premier Greenway'a consideration.
The Privy Council will doubtless hold
that he cannot prevent the -sale of the
•ardent in the Prairie Province, but the
ele.use in the constitution that gives the
control and regulation of the traffic to
the Provinces would expressly warrant
the establishment of liquor dispensaries
to be controlled by public officers.
In the issue of TIM Times of the 21st
nit. we published Als an item of news
a statement that Mr. M. 0. Cameron
had withdrawn his action for criminal
libel against Gore and Miller of Goder-
The people of Manitoba a little over
wook ago declared emphatically in
fever a the riatioual school idea. The
highest court in the Empire decided -o-n
Saturday that the Provincial Legislature
is tully,competent to give legal force, to
the popular will. The advocates of
Separate Schools will now demand new
legialation, by the DorninionParlianient
re -in -meanie; upon Manitoba the shackles
that have Just been cast oft. Sir John
Thompson cannot commit political
suicide more quickly, or ensure more
certain destruction for the Conservative
party, than by aeceding to this demand.
It might be possible to ()heck Manitoba,
if that province stood alone. But be-
hind Manitoba it. this fight stands New
Brunswick, which has already ridded
itself of the evil of Separate sehools ;
British Columbia, that never had them,
and Ontario, which longs to see the
principle of one school and one people
applied here. This is too along a com-
bination to be broken. It would be
folly to try and break it. The situation
may as well be accepted now as later on.
Separate schoola in Manitoba are nn
Tbe Latest News.
Nova Scotia le still beiug devastated by
forest Ores.
QuarAntine against Victoria, 13, O. has
been raised.
Moncton's mining mayor is aupposed to
be ru the Western States.
Mae Jamee Werra, of Hamilton, has
attained the age of 106 years.
The Opposition in Manitoba are eau dent
of captunng ltocksvood on a recount.
Four catch belonging to Mr. Jame' 0. r,
of St. Thosue-, were killed by Itelinaue le.
cle17ttlY's hire the city of Hamilton has re-
duced its debt from $3,010,982 to 0/,871,-
A. measure will he introduced at a session
of the Northwest Legislature to give voting
by ballot.
A boy was killed at the Winnipeg exhi-
bition ground On Saturday while riding en
a separator.
Two bold but unsuccessful attempta at
housebreaking were made in Stratford daily
Sunday morning.
Kiley Brea., of River Herbert, IL S., lost
$160,000 by the burr:target their steam ease
mills on Saturday.
The temperance" people of Winnipeg helki
a thanksgiving meetinglast night over the
prohibitim plebiscite.
Charles B, Hanson, a London banker,
says that Canadian securities are 11117011r -
ably oonsiderch in England.
It is learned that Canada will not take
any action in the canal tolls dispute until
the 'United States is heard from.
Ewa% Pills act espeoielly upon tbe liver,
maims it from torpidity to its natural du.
ties, cure constipation and aesist digestion.
Itch, Mange and Scratches ot every kind
of human being or animals, cured in 30 min.
notes by Woolford's sanitary lotion. This
meter fate. sold by C. Lutz.
A 00tribination is being formed at Viotoria
B.C.,having for its object the control of the
seal market by Ateericans, who will clean
and dye the Sifts instead of eending them
to Great Britain.
While riding on a separator at the Win-
nipeg Industrial Fair on Saturday after-
noon a 7 year old boy fell off and WAS crush-
ed to death by the wheels, which passed
over him.
No litztoker who hag ever used the Myrtle
Navy tobacco for, say a month, relinquishes
it for any other btand. Its flavor is rich
and full, audit never burns the tongue or
parches the plata. Iti, in fact, thane
plus of smoking tobaeoo.
The overwhelming testimony given in
favor of prohibition in Manitoba at the re-
cent election was the cause of a monster
thanksgiving service held by the temperance
people in Winnipeg Sunday.
Reports from ranches in the Northwest
state that the bulk of the sulphas stook has
been sold for the British Columbia market,
and lese will go forward to the old country
this year than usual.
IT Is THE Bass.—Dear Sirs,—I have us-
ed your B. B. B. for the past five or six
years and findit the hest cure for sour
stomach and bitliousness. I have also used
Burdock Pills and can recommend them
The distention of the stomach which
many people feel after eating, may be due
to improper mastication ot the food; but, in
most cases, it indicates a weakness of the
digestive organs, the best remedy for which
is one of Ayer's Pills, to be be taken after
Toronto distillers are at Ottawa asking
the Government to destroy the smuggled
whiskey seized by them. The Minister of
Customs advises the distillers to buy the
At Prekering Tuesday Ben Wilson, aged
13, attempted to stop his brother's runa-
way team and was knocked down. The
wheels passed over him, He has died of
his injuries.
Palpitation of the heart, nervousness
tremblins, nervous headache, cold hands
and feet, pain in the back, and other forms
of weakness are elieved by Carter's Iron
Pills. made especially for the blood. nerves
and complection.
Herbett Harttey Dewart and James W.
Curry have been appointed county crown
attorneys for the county of York, vice G
W. I3adgerow, rieceesed. J.Rolland Brown
Pictou, has been appointed :ton simile
position in Prince Edward county.
To get relief from indigestion, billions
mess, constipation or torpid liver whiten
distarbing the etomach or purging tkie-bow
els, take a few doses of Carter's Little Live
Pee. They will please you.
Up to date the C. P. It. Company hay
sold $952,000 worth of laud in the North
were since Jan. 1.
ich. It was at the time a current item
with newspapers, and was published on
our part as only a matter of news, not
with the intention of casting reflections
or injury upon any one. It has siuce
transpired that the report was wrong,
and instead of Cameron withdrawing his
action againsb Gore, the latter's Counsel
made the proposition, owing ta the ill-
ness of a witness, that the ease be drop-
ped, each payinghis own costs, to which
Cameron hesitatingly consented. The
action against Miller is still on. We
believe that at last the Attorney -Gener-
al has taken the matter in hand, to dis-
cover the seducer of the young girl
Ellen Loomis. who died in a Hospital at
London some time ago, and ibis sincere-
ly hoped thab the guilt will be placed on
the deserving person, and he punished
to the fullest extent. Mr. Cameron,
aceordine to British' law is innocent un-
til he is proven guilty. '
* *
The United States struck a severe
blow at Canada's agricultur al interests
through the McKinley Bill. That blow
was notereturned as it should have.been,
and, as e natural consequence, in effort
-a is noNv being put forth to cripple our lake
marine. • Accept this latest application
ef the rod with meekness, and inside of
another year some other scheme will be
devised. to harass or annoy. It is tithe
for a change —time to show the Anaeris
cans that we have power to injure them
-quite as much as they can hurt us, and
• that we are not afraid to use that power.
Canada can, as 1Virickenzie 'Bowel). says,
throw the United. States lake commerce
en its beam ends. It is folly to expect
our people to go on maintaining the
iliaclow of a national existence after the
Oubstance is gone ; preposterous to
suppose they will continue the farce of a
separate existence when the rights inci-
dent to such existence can only be enjoy-
ed to the extent allowed by a bullying
Patrick Lyons, Toronto, died from suns
The •Northsv-est Assembly has been called
to meet Aneust 2
p •
The nue. eleetric railway Wituipeg
hese °eerie.' Teeeday.
Ades:: heektia of Reclaim, ineee 55
drone , a. ei imam Orillie.
J. ehelool, a paur tieAt the London
Asylum, died. from suestroke.
A young men named Bert BarrAgee Was
drowned ea Belleville while bathing.
Farmer Fagan, of Colborne township, had
seven head of cattle killed by lightuing.
Arnold Reid of Dawn Township, was
struck by ieettning and, Mstantly killed.
Arrangemeuts. are beina male ewe
servative pienic Petrolea hailer 1.
John W. Kerns, one of tie. :avow
on the Graua Trunk, died in I et, aged
A stone thrown by the explosion of a
blast killed John Walton, aged 17, at Parry
Nova Scotia's mineral exhibit at the
World's Fair will occupy 2,Z00 feet of
Br-math:eel will likely purchase an elec-
tric light plant and do its own street
Nearly 20,000 people attended the Mani-
toba Industrial Exhibition at Wirmipeg on
John Andrews, a popular yoting men of
Port Asthur, was drowned while bathing in
Leou lake.
About 30,000 'pilgrims here so far this
season vbsited the shrine of St. Anne de
Beeupre, Qnebeo.
Sir Donald Smith entertalued the Cam
adieu Risley team to dinner at the Metropole
hotel in London.
' There was killing frost in Montane on
Wednesday and a cold wave was general
over British Columbia.
John Taylor, of the firm of Baker, Tay-
lor & Hasket, Montreal, was drowned in
the River St. Lawrence.
Mr. Laurier positively -denies the story
that he intends to retire from the leader -
hip of the Liberal party.
The county of Oxford will spend nearly
$14,000 for furnishing for the splendid new
wed house in Woodstock.
During the Fat week there 'were 21 fail-
ures in Canada, as compared with 18 for the
corresponding period last year.
The Depertment of Marine intends buila-
lug a now lighthouse in the Chill of St, LW -
ranee, off the mist of Labrador.
D. 3. Burnet, brother of Wm. Burnet, of
Cobourg, was killed by a nitro-glycerine
explosion near Helena, Montana.
The Winnipeg Industrial Exhibition.
closed Friday. The experiment of a Bum-
mer fair has proved a great success.
The London bar are trying to establish a
10,11' school in London, and have it sitting of
the High Court weekly in that city.
John Boedecker, aged. fifteen, of Niagara
Falls, was &menet' while bathing in, the
river below the new suspension bridge.
Mr. John Taylor, of the firm of Baker
Taylor & Easkett, Montreal, was drowned
while bathing at Gananeque yesterday.
A large ember of ears for the Montreal
Street Railway Cemetery have been order-
ed from Coboarg, St. Catharines, and Bell-
Tillie Wagner living with her parents in
Wooastock, attemptesl to commit suicide
on Tuesday night by taking a dose of
Paris green.
J'4.. Crysler, the TeetervilIe school teach-
er charged with conspiracy to defraud by
means of bogies advertisements, was com-
mitted for trial.
• A. young man named Joseph Silver.
theme was bathing at the C.P.R. cloaks at
Owen Sound, when he got beyond his depth
and was drowned.
Hon. Chas Langelier appeared at Quebec.
Police Court yesterday charged with mal-
feasance in office with a member of the late
Mercier Government
French Anarchists, convicted of stealing
dynamite bombs which were used on May
Day, were sentenced to terms injailrangiug
from five to twenty years.
At a meeting of the St. John's Relief
Conunittee, of Montreal, it was decided.to
spare $15,000 in the purchasing of food and
$10,000 on working clothes.
LadyEvelyn Montrose, daughter of the
Marquis of Landsdowne was married on
Saturday to Victor C. davendish, heir to
the dukedom of Devonsliiro.
The Oakville schooner Kate capsized in
the Bay of quinte on Thursday, and Mrs.
Papa, the cook, and a sailor named Solo-
-mon, of Toronto, were drowned.
Capt. A. Mepaw, late of the Paisley Ad-
vocate, was bangeetted by the citizens of
Paisley prior to his leaving for Vernon, B.
O., where he is going into journalism.
Mr. A. E. Morrow, B.A., classical mas-
ter of the Clinton Collegiate Institute, has
been appointed to a sunilar position in
Winnipeg Collegiate at a salary of $1,200
On Saturday the Judicial Committee of
the Privy Council gave a decision in favor
of the Greenway Government, declaring the
right of Manitoba to establish national
The hot* of James Salmon, the sailor
drowned in the fOreastle of the schooner
Kate, on the Bay of Quinte, has been re-
covered by a diver sent from Kingston to
secure it.
Hoe. Eclward Blake wifl make his first
speech in London, :Eng.,' on Thursday next,
on the invitation of the Eighty. Club. He
will also address the Home Rule Union on
Monday week.
Mr. J. A Mercier, brother of the ex -
Premier of Quebec, has made an abandon-
ment of his estate. The total liabilities
amount to $20,000, and there are no assets
beyond the household gouda': .
The Council of the 13oard of Trade of
Montehal has sent a 'memorial to the Do.
minima Minister of Agriculture urging
prompt measures to render thoroughly effi-
cient the cmarantine station at Grosse Isle.
A deputation of inanuf act ureis ancif
Wrote and Kaniese are assure d of lua
memse wheat °rope.
There were 21 deaths from tee heat in
Chicago on Thursday.
It is .reported that yellow
broken out in Senegal,
Groat niunbers of cattle are dyine from
Texas fever hi Oklahoma,
The Orkney and Shetland IsIttode have
electr 1 a supporter of Mr. Gladstou
The coal agents in New York decided ta
make no advance in prices for August.
The thermometer registered as high as
112 ia the sun in Chicago oa Wednesday.
Twenty thousand men engaged in the
building trades are on strike m New York.
Several .cases of sporadic cholera are re.
ported. to lave appeared iu Wartime, Ruse
siaoe V". day 32 deaths end 62 prostra•
dons free einstrolee were reported to the
In Polmont, Scotland, James Frazer, a
bank clerk, hacked a man and two women
to death with a sword.
The SS. City of Paris again holds the re.
cord, havieg crossed the Atlantic in 5 clays,
15 hours and 58nainutes.
An official bulletin shows there were
2,055 cases of cholera and 1,172 deaths in
Russia on July 22 and 23.
t iVictor Freiman, a German, five month,
in America, committed suicide at Niagara
Falls, N. Y., a fosv days ago.
An unsuccessful attempt has been made
to blow up the Carnegie mills in Pittsburg
by turning on the natural gas.
There is a penie among the Dakota, farm-
ers lest they be unable to harvest their
wheat crop for want of laborers.
Teem fever, which kills affected cattle
within 30 hours, has appeared in Harrison,
New Jersey, and 11 cows have (Ilea.
All the soldiers levee been withdrew:a
from Homestedel, lhee except. 1,000, a bat.
tery and a small squadron of cavalry.
It is rumorea in London that Mr. An-
drew Carnegie, of the Homestead Iron
works, has applied for police proteetion.
Dr. Angeres, in the preseuee of the staff
and students of Munich University, has sue.
easefully extirpated the spleen of it patient.
The Althorp library, owned by Lord
Spence, the best private collection of books
intlir world, has been sold to au 1?mglie
man, le
President Harrison has approved the Aet
to enforce reciprocal commercial rela•
tone betweeu the 'United States and
Thereweresunstrokes and proem,
thus ill NOW York city Thin -setae-, whilt
14 deaths took place in Philadelphia from
the heat.
A journeyman baker named, 3. Mallick
was arrested inNe‘v York asanaccompliceof
Bergman, who attempted to assassinate
Mr, Frick.
There are 12,000 men eneetgeil in laying
the eastern section of thee.Trans-Sibetetui
Itailwey aud the work will be completed
next autumn.
Charles Page, a Philailelphin, hanker, was
shot aria hillea by a customer named
Robert Keimetly. Kennedy afterwards
killed himself.
The Paris Chamber of C0111111Oreo has voted
20,000 francs to send a delegate to the Chi -
cage Fair and has appointed M. Lourdelet
its representative.
The New York Central Railway has pur-
chased the Adirondack & 51. Lawrence roil,
thua practically securing a through line of
its own to Montreal.
Gladstonetemajority has been reduced. to
40, a recount in Greenock, Scotland, having
resulted in the election of it diesident
Liberal instead of a Gladstonian.
Austria'sprincipal contribution to the
'World's Fair at Chicagowill be a represen-
tation of an ideal Austrian city, which will
contain models notable buildings of all
Mr. Balfour, the Government leader in
the British House of Commons, hoe gone to
the Isle of 'Wight to consult with the Queen
with reference to the speech from the
A United States revenue cutter on Mon-
dihr seized the schooner Sybil, of Vancouver,
after she bad landed thirteen smeggled.
Chinamest Idley islind, near Port Town-
send, Weide.
Commenting en the rivalrybetween Paris
and Berlin in regard to a Universal Exposi-
tion in 1900, an Italian journal proposes
that Rome shall also hold a Universal Ex-
position in that year.
It is reported from Homestead that the
Advisory Committee of the strikers has
decided, west:the nee of dynamite to wreck
machinery to prevent the successful employ-
ment of non-union labor.
Carnegie takes daily drives in his four-in-
hand between hit lodge in Scotland end the
nearest telegraph station. Ile was greatly
shocked when he heard of the attempted
assassination of Mr. Frick.
Private lams, who was strung up by the
thumbs by Col. Streator for shouting 'in
favor of the assailant of Mr. Frick, has
taken action against Gen. Snowden, CoL
ad Col. Hawkins. for fhl Mule
The French Exposition of 1900 will oc-
cupy a space of from one hundred to one
hundred and twenty hectares, and -will cost
met less than 59,000,0001. The space .oc-
cupied by .the Exposition of 1889 was eighty
' The steamer Trinacria, which arrived at
New York yesterday from Mediterranean
ports, brought as passengers 30 howling
Dervish Egyptians, all dressed in their na-
tive costieme. They are intended for the -
World's Fair at Chicago.
• Thos. Kelly of Cleveland, who carne to
Toronto with the Knights of St. John two
Weeks ago and was recognized as a man who
escaped fifteen years ago while en route to
Kingston Penitentiary, has been granted
his releepe by the Governor-General. '
Henry. James Gardiner, of London, Eng.,
rho ruined a number of young girls, whorn
he got into his °hitches:by the false pretence
of fitting them for the stage, was allowed to
plead guilty to a charge of indecent assault,
and was sentenced to sie monthelimprison-
ment at hard labor. ,
Premier Dibbs, of New Smite Wales,.
Who Will leave Queenstown on the steamer
. •
Umbria on Sundayeintends visiting Canada.
The object of his °enaction visit is to, -sound
proininent ',capitalists -in ,the Doreinien in.
regard -to the laying of new cables between
England and Canada end a line between
Vancouver and Australia, encl also the es-
tablishment of a new steanaship line between
Vancouver' and Australian ports.
The Soule Falls, S. D., City Council will
on Monday next report in fever of inaugu-
'rating the municipal saloon scheme, under
which there Will be six, saloons one in each
tvard, under the control of a sti.00n superin-
tendent. One of the objects the Council
has in view is to discourage the use of ar-
dentliquore by increasing the price of whis-
:key to twenty-five cente a glass, while beer
eau be.had for five cents. • .
fever hes
ers from 'Brant county waited upon Sir
Oliver Mowat yesterday in Toronto and in -
Sir John Thompson and Mr. Mackenzie
timatecl to him the advisabilsty of uniting bis'proposed Central prison binder twine in-
dustry with a manufacturing establishment
for twine and farm implements which they
were anxious to establish, to some extent
Bowel]. 'were in Ieingston on Thursday and
had len laterviewe with forwarders and
vessel owners on the question of canal thlls.
no e retaliate; but will. refer the matter to
Oil the co-operative plan. h
It appears the Caeaelian Government will
• the British Government, charging that the
United States are violating it treaty, and
Ask for Ifinardh Li linient and take 1 o ask to have the matter submitted to Dahl-
, then tratioe
A CLOSE CALL. --After suffering for ears
from cholera infantum, so that I was not
expected to live, and, at the time, would
even have been glad had death , called me,
so greet was my suffering, a friend recom-
mended Dr. Fee lerh Extract of Wild Straw.
berry, wbieh acted Wee magic on my ays.
tem. But for this medicate I would not be
adee now. -
John W. Bradshaw, 893 St. Paul SI.,
Montreal, P. Q.
Arthur Sottisen), aged 32, a machinist,of
Torento,dropped dead of heart failure after
returning from his day's work.
The owner of this space is offering Great Bargains in Men's Fine
PRINTS, SATEENS, and all Summer
GENTLEMEN:.Call and sea the range
of Tweeds, Pantings, Worsted Coatings
and other lines for Gentlemen's wear.
leEr Our NECKWEARis fully up to the needs. Linen Collars, Cellu-
loid Collars, leubberine Collars and Cuffs --full range.
, P. OLE.
FARM PRODUCE :—Eggs 10o. per doz., Fisrt Class Butter 15-
The Manitoba crop out -look is reported 1 (iodorloh.
to be yery fair.
The Ward revenue receipts for July at
the port of Halifax were e25,006 80, a de.
creme of 58,542 70,
3. E, Doyle of the Arm of Doyle & Fes-
ing, Toronto, and wholesale cork manufac
turers of Montreal, died at Campbellford
Bev. Prof, MeLeren of Carp has been
unanimausly elected to the position of
moderator for the enaning six mouths at
the quarterly session of the Presbytery of
Weit.ta33weau, gough,
According to the Toronto World Mr. J. elly libeling M C Cameron, ana will be
started awl. that, Dan. McGilliouddy will
brought to Gederich ; Gordon irn-
case is being examined at the instance of
portant witnees in the alleged seduction
World was arrested this week for (nimbi -
this matter will be thoroughly sifted and
the guilty patty zigidly puniohed.
the Attoiney.General. It is hoped that
evidence of _Kies Got don, as now being
ie said thet an Annexationist paper will he
taken will be weetedfor weth anxiety,—It
be one of the editorial staff ; he has been
BRIEra—W. Mahan of the Toronto
editor and. cartoonist of offering, the Signet for sate. --T. M. White •
Grip, bne severed his convection with that of Vsludoor was in town this week, but he
journal, and Mahanwel Hunter is to draw did not epees Roma as eseey eimeeeeese.
for Grip.'
hits as he supposed lived here. One =-
3 F. Mecclonnell of Dawesviewtbrother not credit quite everything that Dan's fer-
of George Macdonnelle AL P., while trying tile imagivation brings forth.—The col -
to board a train at Union Station'Toronto lection next Sunday m St, George's will
slipped and had his left hand cutofr by abe to aid the rebuilding of the Cathedral,
'moving train,
and other church buildings destroyed in
Mr. Farrar, having resigned his position the St, John's hre.—The reotor of St
as chief editorial welter on the Globe, Mr. George% has at the regeest of the congre-
Jolla Ewen, editor of the World, goea over gsitetpitneumbgagreed to remain in Goderich till
to the Globe. Mr. Ewan's place will be
filled by Mr. W. Wilkinson, late news
editor of the \hula.
B. S. Dawson, bookkeeper for Fred 3.
Steward of the Consolidated Landand In-
vestment Company, Toronto, has left for
parts unknown, Discrepaneles have been
found in his books,which are not expected
to exceed $1,000.
"On, bad only takeu this ruedicine
earlier in life, what years of tuffering it
would have need me V, was the touching
exelliznatIon of ono who had been cured of
rheumatism by the use of A.yer's Sersapar.
ilia, Scarce of such eases are un record.
Nehroises. Pritainnees thaserisunp.
The magnetic influence of gold attracts
the people or every elime to onr shores.
hien of all madame and speaking all the
languages ot civilization, are to be found
congregatedour auriferous pinata- Difs
tering in all other thinge tbeir customs,
Bnuers—Mr. Pretty, wife and family of
Denver, Col., are the guests of Adam Geis
er.—The Crediton bridge is now under
conatruction aud the road will be blacked
for about two weeks. kt. Eilber hereunder '
arrangements with Geo. Moatz for right
of way through Ms property, and the
public will find it a vocal road.—Win Cue.
ninghara who has been working fot hie
father for ROM time hes gone to Pt Huron
—1rs, Bice Ims sold his hotel premises to
August Hill, the former lessee, for a hand-
some coma and Mr. Hill took possession.
Mr. Bice has been a good host, and all
those who hove visited his hotel during
las Ault stay have been web pleased with
the good accommodation he has ?given the
public. No doubt August wile do the
usual business as lIO is a first -delis men.—
Word WAS received at Crerliton 'last Tues-
day night Hutt the debentures in reference
balite, and religion—yet there Id one point to the Grated Bend cut were sold, and that
upon whit% their opinione mode. Eng- the purchaser was ready to pay over the
lishmen and American*, French, SwiteGer- money at once. So that it Is now an es.
mans, Swedes. Italians, and Chinese admit, tablished tact that the cut will be made.
The contractors ate now hard at work and
will make a large excavatioil before winter
sets in,—Henry Either and As are going
to Metakoka next week on a pleasure trip.
Mr. Either is a representative of the For-
ester Lodge here to the Grand Lodge at
-Barrie, and after attending the Grand
Lodge, will take a trip evithehis wife over
the distrait.
without a dissenting voice, that the great
remeeies introduced to the world forty year
ago by Holloway are better adapted to the
cure of diseases in this climate than any
other prey station in existence. This ap.
pears. in fact, to be the experience of man -
hind in all patio of the world,and hence the
universal popularity of these medicines.
We consider, however, that the boundless
confidence placed in their Motley by the
representatives of so many narioiss at tbe
mines, is a striking phenomenon in medical
history. Many of these people in their
youth, and even at maturity, were acme -
tensed to the use of drugs and nostrums
peculiar to their several countries. These
remedies were connected in their minds
with associations of home, and indorsed, as
it were, by their national prejudices. Yet
they bave been thrown aside and utterly
repudiated, while Holloway's Pills and
Ointment hays been adopted by th commen
impulse throughout the entire goldregions.
There is only one way of accounting for
this movement, it is the result of convic-
tion—conviction grounded on personal ob-
servation and expeilence
The Ointmen't is used with such wonder-
ful success as a dressing for wounde, ulcers,
and sore legs, and for all the external dis-
eases and casualties to which the adven-
turous gold hunter is peculiarly liable, that
scarcely a digger's tent cap be found within
the vast area of the gold fields unprovided
with a se els of this healing, soothing, cool-
ing preparation. The hard fare of the dig -
per, and sometimes his habits, tsnd to viti- •
ate the blood and develop running sores
and purulent ulcers of the body and limbs.
Bad legs, especially, are very common at
the diggings, and seriously interfere with
the laborers of the diggers. The worst
cases of this class are cured by the Oint-
ment with extraordinary rapidity. The
best method of beating sore legs, and sores
and ulcers, generally, is by rubbing the
Oininient into the inflamed parts around
orifice, fiat opening the pores and soften-
ing the flesh with warm fomentations. The
part effected is then dressed with lint or
linen saturated with the Otntment. Suck
is the external treatment, but it is alao pro-
per to give the patient a dose of the Pills
during the progress of the euro, RS they'
serve to purify the blood and discharge
marble matter from the system, while the
Ointment is doiug its walk on the surface.
—The Scienti ti a. Witness.
, —e—
I Was suddenly prostrated while at work by
a severe attack of cholera. reorbus. We sent
at .oncefor a doctor, but he oeemedunable
to help. An evaeuation about every forty
minutes wee fast wearing me out, when we
sent for a bottle of Wild Strawberry, which
saved my life. ,
Mrs. J. N. 'Val. Natter, Monnt Brydges,Ont.
STICK To Tim RIGHT. --Bight actions spring
fi our right principles, In oases of diarrhoea
and dysentery, cramps, collo, cummer com.
Plaint, cholera morbus, etc., the right rem-
edy is 'Fowler's Extract ot Wild Strawberry,
—an unfailing cure—made on the principle
that nature's remedies are best. Never
travel without it.
LINES FROM 1,Yoes.—Derr Sirs,—For
several eare my sister suffered from liver
complaint. as doctors gave her no help e e
tried 13. B. B.. whiob cured her completely.
can MitiescIhrelmalerdnaG.,iailitsorall.i,l4nEns• Ont.
At Wiarton a sailboat was capsized and
six out of a party of nine were drowned.
The victims are: George Steven.s and wife,
of Chesley ; Mr. Stevens' two sisters, of
Guelph ; Mrs. L. Currie and daughter, of
Streator ae,
During the five days of unusually hot
weather'bog:ening Smithey morning and
closing Thursday night, there were 90
deaths in Chicago from sunstroke. The
number of prostrations was not short of
Mr. Geo. W. Turner
Simply Awful
Worst Case of Scrofula the
,Doctors. Ever Saw
Completely Cured by HOOD'S
"When I was 4 or 5 years. old 1 ha,d a scrof-
ulous sore on the middle finger of my left hand,
which got so bad that the doctors cut the
finger oif, and later tool off more than half my
hand. Then the sore broke out on my arm,
came out on my neek and foe on both-sideS, '
• nearly destroying the sight of one eye, also
on my right arm. Doctors said it was the
Worst Case of Scrofula
they ever saw. It was simply awful: Five
years ago I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Gradually I found that the sores were begin-
ning to heal. I kept on till I had taken ten
...bottles, ten dollar*: Just think of what a
return I got for that investment: A thou-
sand per cent ? Yes, many thousand. For
the past 4 years I have had no sores. I
Work all the Time.
Iiefore, I could do no work. I know. not
what to say strong enough to express my grat.
itude to Hood's Sarsaparilla for my perfect
cure." Greoncsa W. TURNER, Farmer, Gal.
way, Saratoga county, N. Y.
detHe sinD a' an d Pt olinieL•tab e doetonanaoctli. wTe:y1Ftehne.