HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-8-4, Page 1AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE.
VOL; X1±.:$,,O, 48
PERMIT CS to call your attention to the $25 card which we haye issued for the
use of yourself and family at our store. We invite you to bring it with you wheuever
you contemplate making future yeah purchases and carefully examine our stook and
prices. We will punch the amount purchased and when the entire ticket is used and
when $25 worth as bought and paidfor, we will teke plovere in pretiouting pee with
one of our beautiful hard wood b"OLDING TABLES.
Thie opportunity to secure one of these beautiful tables WO feel you will appreoiate.
Please bear in mind that we make no extra charges for goods on account of this Prem-
um offer, Trusting yov will call and see us, and that we shall have the pleasure of
presenting you with one of the tables, we are
Very respectfully yoers,
Exeter. July 28th, 1892.
Vollewing are the market quotations :
Wheat ... 75 to 75
flarley 38 to 40
23 to 30
Peas . ...... — 55 to 56
Hay 4.00 to 5,00
Butter .14 to 15
Rime ........ — 9 to 10
Bogs 5.75 to 5.75
Clover seed ‚.,..,,...7.0O to 7.50
The Strathroy Knitting Factory and
Roman Catholic church were destroyed
by fire Tuesday night. Loss $120,000
Many employes wore injurned.
'Marrieds de Mores Nebo recently killed
Captain Mayer in a 'duel, and the four
seconds WhO assisted, have been com-
mitted on,a charge of manslaughter.
The td.k.-yeer-old son of Wm.Reanuen
Severn Fridge, eves drowned in the
• River Seveim. Tuesday and the boy's six -
ten /eat-01cl sister lost her Hie trying
to rescue hint.
LIAISES --13en Dia nlop, wh o has been living
in Kensrot foridedunte of years, returned
home htst week,—Frank Barr ofdiontiseal
is visiting his parents and friends here.—
John Barr, 10th eon., on going to the field
Bentley morning was surprised to find one
of hie horses killed by lightuing.—The re-
mains of the late Duncan Stewart were
buried in Cromarty burying ground. on Sat-
urday last.—Mr. Stewart was one of Rib -
beet's early settlers. He moved on his
farm on eon. 12 a number of yearn ago,
living there until about a year ago, wizen
he moved to Lumley. Old age was -the
chief eanseaf his death.
Benzes.— Barry Redd of East Bouniary
halt bough: the Canada Co. lot about two
miles south of Woodham, paying therefor
the sum of $4,000. Mr Redcl has alto
bought a new Stratford Decker, and is now
fully equipped fox a gond season's threshing,
—Samuel Skinner, who has been a very
feeble man for a number of years. hes re-
ceived & paralytic stroke eo that die is
unable to move in bed. To add more to
the trouble of this family, his POE John
had the misfortune of losing his thumb and
three fingers of lais right haed one day last
week at Mr. Pepler'e tile yard. It scorns
the work of the day we over and. Ma Pe -
ler was sharpening the knives of the
machine when the boy placed his hand on
it, unknown to Pegler, with the above
BRXEFS nuderetood the Maecabees
of this plade purpoee taking in the etcursion
to Detroit, which is to take place shortly.
—Mr. J. Murray is adding an addition to
hit el reedy eenneediona store. S. fE a hus-
tler.— Mr and Mrs Eames heve gone on an
extended trip to the North -we- t—Granton.
is an unusualle quiet spot ou Sundays.
The only spot that seems to attract 'special
attention is the stable with the red frott,--
Two or more wed'dinge shortly. We will
make known the contracting parties later
on.—A great quantity of the harvest is off,
and thrething has coremencea.—ms, mod
Nare shipped a ear load of homes Tuesday
for Manitoba. Mr, liaise° purposes re-
maining for a coneiderable length of time in June
the Northwest. We swish him a bora voyage June
-and a safe return.--SMr. Sansburra of Win- Jule, 1
chelsea and his beet, :girl spent Sunday in Aud
our town.—Mr. Abner sLangford'a house ^
ACCIDENT —The other dav during a soy.
ere thunder [dorm, a team of horses belong-
ing to WM. Oliver, while drawing a binder
in the field took fright at a load clap of
thunder, and ran away. They became un-
manageable and Mr. Oliver was compelled
to jenap from his seat and give the animals
their liberty. The horses passed several
gaps and reaching the road, ran at high
, the binder (minded with a
wagon loaded with shiglee belonging to Juo
Harburn which was tweet, ItIr. H. being but
elightly injured. Oliver's horsea were bad-
ly injured while the binder was it complete
twrie•tes". The lightning had struck a large
Branes.—Mr. F. 1) Hutchinson, who
formerly taught school here, but latterly,
lias been working in Stratford, lies re-
turned to town and taken a position in Mr.
John Sadler'e general atore.-11. Hoskin
and family spent Sunday with their friends
in Exeter. ----lir, Sadler's now store is rapid
ly nearing completion, and will be ready for
occupaney soon.
, •
Stephen Council.
Orediton, Aug. 1, 1892.
All members present. Minutes of Rot
meeting mad and signed,
Several communioations read relative to
C+. B. C. matter.
Mr McHugh, contractor, was present and
erged the council to say when the work
should go on.
Clerk to correspond at once with Mr.
Bruce forwarding the deaired assignment
and if a favorable reply (by telegraph) be
received the reeve aud Mr Sherritt :ere re-
quested to notify coutractor to begat work.
Resolved that by law No 5o1 1892 he road
a filet time.
Resolved that Mr. Sherritt see to repair-
ing the 0, 11, west of 3. B. Hoagies, and
that the money received for the gale of
Robinson Oronyn road be in coarse of timo
expended on seine portion of 0. R.
After passing the following orders the
council adjourned to meet again filet Mon-
day in September: Star, advertisine,42 85
J Woods, gravel, 43 35; W. Ford, wave!
contemn, 488 50; Charity, $11; J. Hawker,
limber, 5878; J. Smith, gravel °entreat,
$52 80; 3. Wine, corn, 46 25; G. Mantle,
B. B. 424 70; C. Hoffman, B B. $19 25; W
Aederoon, gravel, 577 75: M. Wine, rep
Eesery bridge, 41; G. Brown, wore 0.11, 51;
G Fuller. nom, 5812; J. Brenner, cedar,56o
T. framport, work 3rd S 11, 50e; J. Baxter,
bridge 3rd 8 11, 511; A. McPhee, filling old
culvert; 5450; J Madder), 8 ditches actress
road, 420; N McLellan,rep culvert 145h con
46 25; H. Willert, bridge 12th con 416 75 ;
G. Keys, C. 0. equivalent.$6; P.Houlitham
2 ditches across road, 44; Wm Thompson,
gravel. 57 75.
0. Feeney, Clerk.
Eden. „
The follo)viug ie the re'dord of the games
played by the Eden foot ball team since its
organisation and it is a oreditable 01103 in
snesow os' 1890.
Date Oppon'ts- Opponts liden, Place
June .19 Exeter 5 2 Eden
June 23 Zion . 0 6 Zion
July 1 Chiselhurst 0 1 Elinevir
May 21 Grand Bend 0 2 Grand B
Juno MoGillivriter 1 2 Eden
Jena Chiselhurst -2 • 0 Obisel'et
June Obiselhuret 2 2 Eden
June aleGillivary 0 2
Woodham 0 2
Winchelsea 0
Lieury 0
McGillivray 0
Lunn 0
• will soon pat on a fine appearance AR he is
having the interior and outside painted in
first.class style.
Keep Minard's Liniment m the hoose
5 Eden
2 Centralia
2 Craigs
1 (Jraigs
Sept Liman- 2. 0 Lucite
Sept Lucian 0
In the latter naatch Eden won silyer cup
owing to Liman refusing to play.
REASON OP 1892. .
SPRING 1892 May 24 Exeter 0 5 Exeter
" Chiselhuret 0 1 Exeter
Brucetiold 0 0 Exeter
June 20 • Exeter 0 4 . Exeter
COMBS, I July 1 Brucefield 1 1 Exeter
‘' McGillivray 2 3 G. ntralia
0 TO
Total goals Lost 19. 41 Won.
Games played 21; games won 15; lost 3;
drawn 8.
Names of players :—Goal, J C Shea
down ; backs, Will Coeteo, di. D. Boyle ;
hall,baidts, Frank Coates, nes. Boyle, J.
A. Dempsey (ecu); forwards, Chas. Coates,
Will I3onden, Will Figegith, Nelion Baker,
Ralph Ilitudfurd,
High School Entrance Examin-
The Education Department having duly
approved the admission of all the candidates
that were °Aber passed er recommended by
the local examiners for the Inspectorate of
West Huron, we give below the list of sue-
cessful pupils, with their marks., schools,
and the center ithey wrote at. There were
in all 241 candidatee, viz : 110 at Goderith
44 at Dungannon, 65 at Exeter and 22 et
john Atkine, 454 Goderich M. Selmol
Theo Bridgetto, 383 it
Carfral Dunlop 469
Willie Hayden 457
Kenneth Horton 409
Douglas Johnston 482
Thomas Merrily 450
Alex, McIver 502
Waller Naftel 554
'Willie Park 494
Frank Roberteoo 538
Oliver Illayxias 473
Fred Shepherd 470
Albert Stitt 436
Reggie Sharman 421
Frank Turner 407
Bruce Watson 483
Hayden 1,Valliams 450
May Craig 413
Helen Donglaa 396
Gertie Graham 431
Ida Graham 404
Hattie Efarruton 412
Mabel Hutson 393
Addis) Stivon 451
Alice Brown 402
Frank Evans 404 •.
Willie Our iu 389 Goderich 8 School
Charles Shaul= 427 44
John P Tighe 383 41
Dora Campion 441
Walter Hawkius 387 S 5 No 1 Ailefield
Jennie Mummy 435 ‘. 2 "
Alex 0 McKenzie 423 " 3
George MoGregor 449 3
Minnie Oarrith 427 " 3
Wm O'Loughlin 418 " 10
Lilly Green 474 " 11
Mary Maw 440 " 11
Tana McLean 382 " 12
Bella McLennan 396 " 12
Minnie Johnston 450 " 12
Rowed= Cerant 405 " 15
ltfurd'k Matheson 381 " 15
Maggie West 537 " 15
JAMBS Bissett 391 -1 1 C Thorn
Mary Zoellner 446 " 5
Grace lanfield 384
Isaactletherington 411 " S
Fred.Durat 418
Amelia Walper 883
Frank Munro 460
Ada M Haack° 453 " 2
Annie Lamprey 474 " 2
Maggie Moir 431 " 2
Christopher Sturdy 419
Fred Burke 480
Fred 'decisive 480
Edith Cos 472
Cora liewett 407
Henry Tisdale 471 " 7
William Milan 427 S. S. No 2 tiehorne
Fred Borland 439 " 2 1,
Obas, Monteith 431 " 2 "
Frank Conghlm 407 Stephen Sep Sohool
Phoebe Doyle 414
Kate McDonough 421. "
Ernest Hill 418 S 5 No 1 Stephen
Louis 13arrie a98 " 3 'Milburn°
John Parkinson 472 d 7
Waley Parkinson 388 " 7 "
Lizzie Parkinson 416
Zeta Andrew 443
Lottio Handfeed 383
James Rush 456
Bella Mollard 483
Beatrice Robinson 482
Lilly Fenwielt 553
Tillie Wertz 395
44 •
F oxii Various Sources Through
out the District.
Me Richard Doweling, of Clinton who
bra been ailing for some time died Thurs-
day; ha was 72 years of ago,
Thomarried and single mete of Seaforth
played a gamo of crickets last week, the
single men defaming their opponent& by five
Mr, J. A. Moody, of St, Thomas, has
purthased the Wiughana Woollen, Mille from
Itfe, Armstrong atad took posseesion, on
Monday leat.
Mr, Thomas Shillinglaw ba $ been re-en-
med. as teacher in School Section No, 9,
Tuelrersmith, for next year, at his present
ealary, viz.4500.
Mr. Wm, Dig, who has taught the son-
ior department of the Londeehero 601101
during the past yeeiderdeuceeesfully has been
agein engaged as prmoipat fax another
The many friends of Mr. D. MoNaught'
formerly of Seaford), will be pleased to
learn that he was elected member for the
local legislature representing the Saskatcla
wan district,
On Hawley afternoon of lest week, a cow
belonging to Mr James Love of Halls Green
had the miefortane to fall into a well.
The animal was removed, and is none the
worse for the aceident.
Daring a thunder storm the other morns
g a tilled on the promisee of Ohm He*,
I 'It, eon. 8, Morris, was struck by lightning
and ignited. Nine sheep which bad taken
shelter in the bedding wore killed, The
shod was burned.
Mr, Peter Grant, a Kippen ha$ a home
pave of age, Mr. Grant bee had hint
A,oer 20 yeftra end he was ettuaidered an old
when he got him. To leek at him
fone wouid not take him to be serer 2 years
1 old.
44 5
rs - 7
.• 5
44 5
44 5
44 5
lt 5
It 6
Hallett es
44 r "
r• 7 4t
a 4 r.
" SStephen
41 8 41
44 8 16
41 4 41
44 4 4
Duncan McEwen 418 " 10 Hay
Edith Bonthrou 462 " 10 "
George Snider 382 " 8 "
Edith Taylor 369 " 5 "
Ernest Gregory - 387 Exeter Public Seal
Russel Hicks 421
a. Alex Martin 489
Arthur Ramsay 461
Frank Sweet 455
Thomas Smith 430
Hobert Treble 382
Janet Brown 427
Jessie Creech 403
Garde Hersey 421
Mabel Kernp 393
There were 27 passed iu Dungannon
44 who wrote.
Clara Ca.pling 445 S 5 No 9 Stanley
Mabel Capling 425 r•
Emma Thompson 402
John Esler 67
Robt Mensou 464
Emma Dunn 383 4
Clara Klopp 436 7 Hay
Milton Buchanan 447 7 •
James Logan 408 7 Stanley
Old Miran will be repragented in the
Manitoba Logieleture by the Premier, Ur.
Greepway, and by Mame, MoNaught and
Bettie. Mr. Lewrenee, who wallet member
of the hot Legislettne, was not a oendidate
-this lino.,
On Monday last X. Be:ashler at Ooderien
• brought from Mrs. jack, Huron Hoed, 14
eed of steers which averaged 1257 lbs.
iftbt.. They realized neazdy $58 whom
Intel of over 5800. Thin is the kind of
farming that pays.
:farm Toms, H. E. Huestpu, at Exeter
and W. Cote, of-Oliertant held their final
sitting at Olinton on Monday, as arbitr
tore n the Stanley and Hay school dispate,
and will make their report to the county
council, by which they were appointed.
Mrs. Thomas Powell one' of the oldest and
most esteemed resideuts of Turnberry, died
Thursday of hetet alewife,. The old lady
had just prepared dinner, when she was
seen to throw lap her halide aud fall back.
Oa beteg lifted up it was foand that life waa
The other morning Mr. jamee Graves
had the misfortune to rrau a piece of glass
into his left baud. Not thinking of any-
thing serious he continued working, but
blood poisoning nit in, evidently caused by
some paint getting in tbe wound.
Mr. John Cookson, of Stephen, knit a val-
uable mare on Wednesdey night. Durhag
the day he had been outting wheat for Mr.
Thomas Bassett, of Exeter, and noticing
something wrong in the evening called the
veterinary surgeons of Exeter, bet they
pronounced the cam hopelesis. The cause
was overeating new hay.
Alexander Bossenberty of Zurich who
was arrested some time ago for being too in.
timate with Mrs Clara Wilson of the SAME
place, pleaded guilty in Port Huron to the
charge, and was sentenced to two years at
bard labor in the State Prison at Jackson,
Mich. When sentence was pronounced be
wept like a child.
complaint of many poor mertals, who know
not where to find relief. Hooda• Sarsapar-
illa possessesjust those elements of etrength
which you so earnestly crave, it will build
you up, Rive you an aapetite, strengthen
your stomach and nerves. Try it.
The ether (ley ono of our local bicyclists
was coming up street at a pretty good pace
or when a horse and rig Game out of an open
stable, and before the bicyclist could pull
up he had struck the horse equarely on the
side; fortunately no harm was done, but for
a moment things looked ticklieh.—Clinton
New Era.
Imre. —Mrs. Stein, a former resident of
here, but now of Idinoie, is visiting old
acquaintances here. She is the guest of Mrs.
Wm. Fraser.
Mrs. Geo. Seeders, of this place, was sud-
denly stricken with an apopleptio stroke on
Thursday afternoon. For a time Mapes for
her recovery were doubtful, but at present
she is rapidly recovering.—The most of the
fall wheat is cut and a large amount ef it
safely stored away and before this time next
week the hum of the thrasbing machine
will be heard.
Gentlemen,—For years I have been trou-
bled with scrofulous sorea upon my face. I
have spent hundreds of dollars trying to
effect a cure without any result I am Kap-
py to say. ode bottle of MINARD'S LINI-
MENT eotirely cured me and I can heartily
recommend it to all as the best medicine iza
the world.
Tionald McInnes,
Bayfield, Ont.
On Sunday leek, John, the third son of
Mr. James Darling, of the Huron road,
MoKillop, was attending to a bull when the
animal became enraged and attacked him,
goring and injering him severely. The lad
was rescued by his brother and father,or be
would have been killed. His recovery is
still doubtfel. He is about 19 years of
Mr Hugh Bell of Seaforth departed Alain
life on Monday of last week. Mr Bell has
been in failing health for several years. He
first suffered from an abscess, which in
conjunction with an affection of the lungs,
proved too much for a once rugged consti-
tution. Mr Bell wee 69 years of age. He
was one of the pioneer resideuta of this
county, having come from Ireland about 50
years neo,end settled ors a farm in the town-
ship of Hulled*
On Thursday morning, one of Drysdale'e
resr ected pioneers, ha the persou of Mrs.
Angela Denomy, passed peacefully away.
Up to the time of her death deceased had
been a strong end healthy woman, except
for a few ills common te old age. Thurs.
day morning she got rep feeling as well as
mom!, baked her bread, and was in the act
of washing herbande, when, without utter-
ing a sonnet, she fell back dead, to the sur-
prise and horror of the household. Deeerna
ea was'a native of Quebec, end came into
Ontario when (mile young
Minard's Linireett, wired Diphtheria.
;roux WHITE au SOW
14, tilettsteer and Proprleter
One of those happy events' that always
cause a ripling of excitement among the
gentler see, and in whieh one of Tucker -
smith's fairest and best dauglatere played'
an active part, took plaite at the Madge,
Irish Bluff, on Wednesday, July 15th, when
She Rev. Mr. 0. Itaroball tied the nuptial
knot between Mr. Huh Grant, eldest son
of Donald Grant, Esq..of High Bluff, 8,nd
Miss Maggie. fourth daughter of Neil Brown,
Esq., of the Kippen road, Tuckeramith.
They are both of highly resPeoled
Bev, W, H, Grant, B. A, amt. of Bev. it.
Grant, lit A., of Stratford, was ordained for
the special work of a. missionary to the
During the storni on Sunday morning
Mr-,Tolin Lewin:tau of East Niesouri had 4
cows and 1 steer electrocuted- The corner
post of hie barn was den split into splinters.
By the upsetting of a lauternin the stable
belonging to Mrs, T. B. Gueet of St Marye
the building was destroyed by fire on Tiles,
day eveniug. The pony and all riga were
Capt. W. Cayen Moecrip of St. Marys,
has attended a course of instruetioa at the
Military School, London, and has passed
all necessary examinations awl secured a
Aist elass certificate.
The house of Mr. Geo. Gale of liibbert
1,AR badly wreeked by lightning the 'other
day. Every member of the family Was
prostrated, Mrs aele being kuooked out of
bed by the Shook.
Friday interning het, while boring A well
on the farm of Mr iieury Jackson. neer
Mr.lohn Weaver was struck on
the head, with A heavy piece of tirriber.whi011
fell from the scaffolding. Ile was knocked
ineenaible, The matt is in a precarious
There passed away on Monday., at the
ripe age of 85 pester, Muth*, beioved wife
of Mr. Abraham Deviation, of Fullerton.
She had been ill fax ZOMO thee with rammer
in the stomach, but ehe bore her Mattering
with Chrietien resigaretistat, and died feeling
pods etly estieded AA it 4,ptppy resurreetioa.
The late lfr Kittereen left no direetione
in his last will and totament regarding the
gift of 01000 to the Own of Ilitehell, This
being the ease, the terms Qf tbe mortgage,
'Odell only stiettle.tte that beeereat thereou,
at the redo of 3 per centothal .pstd during
lifetime to Ur. Robert %fin e. ;rid, will
be disappointing to bothithe Vurt Club and
FieeOultieral Sodety, both tI Which ex,
orpettrititobif "Whey would he, a•fowed special
Privilegett in eouneetion evith Ithe, Feld
Mrs. T. M Daly, widow of the late T.M.
Dale. M. P., died et her resat:Ines eit. Strat-
ford the other day. She was tee -daughter
of the late Peter Ferguson, the pioneer ar-
chitect and builder, of Stratford. For some
time past she has been a sufferer from gout
and spent a considerable portion of her time
at the hospital since it was opened. About
three weeks age oho took up her residence
on Waterloo street. She was in her 69th
year, and survived her hnsbaud seven years
—he having died in 1885.
The Luoan High School Board have se-
cured a modern language roaster for the
present year lir. Geo, L. Macdonald, B. A.,
of Woodstock -
Six houses on Florence street, in the
northwest section of Toronto, collapsed Sa-
turday evening, but the inmates miraculous
lyescaped serious injury.
Mn. A. E. Morrow, B. A., alassioal mas
tor of the Clinton Collegiate Institute, has
been appointed to a similar position in Win.
nipeg Collegiate at a salary of 41,2004
Mr. John Fox, banker of Liman, covered
the distance tetween there and London oue
day recently with his pneumatio in one hour
and twenty minutes without any extra ex-
Mr. Frank Donnelly, operator. who less
than a year ago worked at Lucau station,
met death recently in a sudden and horrible
manner while breaking in California. The
engine on which he was riding rau Into a
herd of cattle derailing it, Frank reoeived
juju:les which he aurvivect but a few hours,
Mr, Chris, Hodgins, of Luean, had a nar-
row escape from being killed recently, Mr.
Hoagies was engaged in cutting wheat in a
field near the bush when a thunder bolt
truck near by, earning the norses and cans
ing them to run away, throwing Mr. Hodg-
ins ou the table of the machine and injur-
ing him.
Gilleland, teacher of Zion
school, Usborne, has resigned his position
to accept a situatiou in the Trader's Bank,
Strathroy. Mr. Albert McPherson of
Strathroy secceeds him in The achool.
Sueisenows—On Wednesday last,a young
man by the name of Raider of Lin-
wood, eorth of Stratford, who was as-
sisting Mr. Raider in the harvest field,
near this place, was so overcome by the heat
that he died the same evening. His re.
mains were conveyed to his home on There
day for interment.
Bitters—The harvest is well on the way,
end reports are favorable to a large yield.
Fall wheat is turning ont better than ex-
pected. --Raspberries have been an abun-
dant yield here, and were eold as low as de
per pound.—The weather during the past
few days has been more congenial, and one
teelo more like engaging with a will in his
daily avocation.—
TIIEFT.—On Thursday evening, in broad
day light, the etore of Messrs Kellermann
was entered and the cash box, containing
4127 and $1 70010 notes 'deice. The box
Was on the desk at the back door, and it is
supposed that while the clerks were at the
front of the store the thief stepped in at the
back aud carried away the box. Next day
the box and notes were found in the ditch
near Keecher's blaokernith shopeith five
dollars in silver,the bills lei vine I), en :akt 0.
'Mir re its no elite t th4I 1
For preserving, I know, and we ay -nape --
Wee with the ladies. But, if yon will
buy our pure granulated sugar and safe
self sealers, both of which we keep in
large quantities and at lowest prices,
your 'labors will be rewarded by luscious
fruit ii eyery jar you open during the
We congratulate the farmers on the
abundance of the bay crop and the ex-
cellent weather for saving it. You must
surely require a large number of
We have sold large numbers of these
already, and have abundance yet and
Bargain Depot.
1igren7s—Mrs. Stephenson, of Oanton,
Ohio. ia the guest of her sister, Mis, T, W.
Scott, at present—Our corporation has
laid down A good supply of gravel ou our
prineiptel streets during the past week.—
The heavy winds of lest sprier tore oil a
large portioh of the tin work of the spire
of -the -English Church ; the tinsmith's
were et work lest week replacing it with
new material.—Rev, Mr. Campbell of the
Methodist Chureh has been granted a
menthe vacetion,hie pulpit will be occupied
by other ministersin_heilec:bsence.
Ihurrs.—A.uotber of the old residents
has ptssed away last wf,,k. It 1. *19 tune
Mr. Higgins, who has lived with his son,
Benjamin for many years. no was a native
of Ireland aud wan over 90 years of ago
when he died.—Alro. Snowdon, who has
still a live interest in the fate of tho sailors
who were wrecked lastwinter, received word
lately of a seriona aceident which befel one
of the number. -ks Jahn Ditson, the man ,
who nursed the bov \Vixenwas loading'
lumber at seine Port iirWricarreinatreriesee-
ped about thirty feet from a falling pile of
lumber in order to save his life, but unfor-
tunately broke both legs and somewhat se-
verely epralued his back in the attempt.
Ile is now on erutches and doiug well,
IlittErs —Mr. Sam J Latta luta been re-
engeged as principal of the Z. P. S. for
l893.—Our trnstees must look out for two
now teechers for 1893 as Miss Bauch in-
tends continuing her studies and Mr.
Hagan is engaged on the 11th.—Misses
Hardy e,nd Verity of Exeter are the guests
of Mies Edith Steinbach.—English service
in the town hall next Sunday.—The Hay
council met iu town hall on August lat.
The rates will be the same as last year,
Viz: County rate 1 910 ; Township rate,
2 mulls; and Township school; greet, 9110
mills.—Mr Ed. Reeding, accompanied by
some friends, is the guest of Mr. R. H.
Steinbach.—Mr. C. Fritz, our noted
athlete will attend the sports at Berlin this
week.—Mr. Hicks, contractor of the Hay
Swamp Drains had a small misfortune last
week, but since repairing, his machine is
making satisfactory progress —Mr.Merner.
has improved the appearance of his store
by repainting.—Mrs. Doan has been rus-
ticating at the lake.—Air.Joheston is very
busy pulling flex, every available hand has
been employed, and yet Mr. J. could take
a few more. The flax is a good. crop this
Bninsa—Me romp prospects hereabout
are of the most encouraging nature. The
wheat, though not Bo well filled se last year
no doubt on account of the audden change
from wet to extreme dronth in Tune and
July yet thei e will be a great yield. The
oats Are very heavy Fina from 40 to 60 bus.
per acre may be expected. —Mr. James H.
Powell of Latili011 it spending a few days at
home, 11:481Ating his father in completing,
contracts.—Mr Thomas Sinai°, our veteran
well -digger, truck good Intik last week in
digging is well for Mr M. Elford, jr., having
seeured eiehteen feet of water in little over
half an honre The well ;is about 24 feet
deep.—School commences again the 15th
haat. Let everybody send along their child.
ren the test day—don't wait till school is
Iwo or three weeks medal, way. It everyone
did that there would be no school.—The
weigh scales here been moved from the old
stand and put hi a more convenient place
preparatory to petting a cover rola them, --
Much surprise WAR felt here on hearing of
the sudden death from sunstroke of William
Ballantyne, sou of mar old resident Mr.
James Ballantyne, which took place on Mr
McCulloch's farnt on the Mitchell road,
Blani hard. on the 26th ult. Deeeaserlevito-
was of a very reserved diepoeition,was about '
45 years old, aud by carefel living had ac-
cumulated coil siderable personal property.
The laments have the eempathy of tha
people of the neigbborhood.
To Dispel Cold. s,
Headaeb .1 and Fever's, to cleanse the eyetent
.kientlany, yet geolly,r.bt noOetiVe or hil-
Roue, cr when 1, e blood is impure or slug;
gieh, to, permanently cure habitual consti-
patiou, to a Felten the 'kidneys and liver to
a healthy ectivity, ithoet ioritating re:
tVig r g itt ASO 8STA 1) of FL:a,
mertlei cue e 0.1 leta,