HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-7-28, Page 8INSURANCE
ANY, of Teroutoi a for the FEGUNIX
twsultaNg. 00AT.E.AN-y, f 1,040z4
.A.1..?8OCIA.T10 •'f Toronto.;
We would like very Much t direet
'the etteution of readers to a new Ser.
s � Tales :by English Authors, for
hiehwv arC ing nn edbrt, tit secure
a wide eirculath in in this section of
country. They are a series Of reprints
of more c:xl.mi-,3 e booli;'
s: and though
sold • at the aeteeiehingly low price Of
Mute, are veritable gems of worth, as
interestingae a levee} with motels drawn
with force and clearoess. They aro is-
. sned for the million, and in England
bane found their way to the hoines of
the millions. One firm engaged in their
produetion have published and soia 13
millions, and other firms are engaged in
the same work, The issues of single
tides havebeen enoruaeus, ranging from
416- thoumald to one minion.
Call and see theot tni. Saturday after-
enam or evening aext.
Bookseller and Stationer.
Dress Goods, Silks, Sateens,
Prints, Cnallies and Skirting,'171
Embroidei ies-all at closest1:-..1
cut prices during the great at
▪ teration sale now on. Our Big -1
▪ Stock must be reduced before;
• the workmen take possessionz;-;
and begin enlarging the store.'
Do you want a nice white OM
broidered dress? If you do,'
. we want t) see you • we have;
▪ sonie grand values for you
• reduced nrices.
• Now%.; your time to buy
• Groccries,as we are doing big
g thinn.s in choice,. fresh Gro
cerie7s. Many lines below
actual wholesale cost, How
re wa do it and live is what tro.'l
ubles the old timers, Our
system of doing business is4
gi our own. Others may follow. ;;;,.
us but they never get ahead, P
t do they.
THURSDAY, JULY 28tb, 1892,
Diving the -week the following shipments
were made 4 -Two ear loads of Ilea by the
Exeter !tinting Co. to New Biunswick; A.
ReVer 4irn Oft,. Ira la .1f ernq tr.
ti eat; Mrs. Gimlet a car loael •ot ashes to
Texas and ,one to \itissi&•
echusetts. Levett
Dannimy two nr loads of cats to niton,
Raglaud; R. Davis ear load of cattleato
The late John G. nolines' Will.
The u411 of the late John (I.. Ilin.nos of
Toronto was filed on Tuesday for the ex -
touter, Thos. Hobnes of Wing/aa.m The
property amounted to nearly $18 000, aud
is said to have been the result of the pro-
mising young barrister's three year :prac-
tice. The will was drawn in January,
1890, and leaves all the property to his
father, Thomas Holmes, of Wingharn,Ont.
"and after his death for my eiders, Mary
Lavinia and Margaret .Annetta, in equal
shares." The property is described as
follows 4 -Household goods, books and
law library, 5300; book debts, :promissory
notes and one-half interest in firm, 81,800;.
life insurance,51,000; certificate of deposit
59,500; cash in hand, 25ce cash in bank,
$4,350; real estate, $1,000; total, 517,975.
P. s.Leaving Examination.
The result, of the above examination as
accepted by the Education Department ni
as follows: Clinton -Lizzie Cunningham,
No. 8, Hullete; Annie B. Jeffery. No. 8,
Hullett; Minty A. McGregor,No. 2, Tuek-
eramith; Nellie Van Bridger, No. 8, Hui -
lett; John W• Whidden, hayfield. Wing -
ham -The following are all from. Wingham
Pablic School: Fred Ansley, Belle Cum -
stings, Lizzie Cummings, Adam Cornyu,
Norma, Dinsley,Ef a Deans, George Ranna
Winnie Jacktion,Robert kfcraltish,Hervey
Strethdee,Lucinde. WeeeomEtta Johnston.
Exeter -The following are all from Exeter
School William. Brooks, Minnie Cave,
VVilliam Clarke, Elsie McCallum, Katie
McFaul, E. J. Shapton. Lida Treeethiek.
2arich-Annie Consitt, No. 7, Stanley; J.
Gies, Zurich.
einstallation of Officers.
At the last regular meeting of the In-
dependent Order of Foresters the fol-
leining officera were elected :
C. D. H. C. R., Bro L. H. Dickson
E. C. R., Bro R. N. Rowe,
V. 0. R., " Rioted Coates,
Chaplain " Wm. Brown,
"Treasurer " Thos. Fitton
F. Seo'y " A. G. Dyer,
Rec. See " S. Westaway.
S. W. " Thos. Heaman, *
J. W. " Ed. Maguire,
t S. B. " R. G. Terry,
e) J. 13. " D. Mills,
/Delegate to High Court Bro. G. W.
W. a, Parsons, blacksmith, has a large
ot etook of Pea harvesters on hand, which he
selling away down in price. Call and
get on,.
.11mard's Liniment cures Distemper.
Brevitle .
The Commissioner is haven Main-st.
Farmers have had a busy week at the
fall wheat andlearley.
Farm hands am now getting 51.25 a day
and are acerce at that
Our eztizens are getting in their winter's
supply of coal et $O.00 per ton,
—moci Bros new block is being roofed
and will soon or ou a fair way to cornplee
The excavation has been completed for
Mrs. Jory's tine new xesidence on Andrew
The Medical men of lemon have arrang-
ed to picnic at hayfield sometime during
the first week in August.
Souleef eur young men p der walltiog
behbol the girls than to ask them to see
them home. Don't be afraid boys.
Messrs. Sweitzer of this place were
losers in the farure of Messrs Weir Bros.
St Marys to a. considerable extent.
The spectacles advertised last week as
being found, belonged to Mrs, (Rev.) Ma-
Doeagh, who saw the adv't and claimed
the spec's.
The Exeter eriket team 'vill play at
Sarnia on August 6th with the team of
that town.; and on the 5th at Forest with
the locel team.
At a met fug the lacrosse elub on Friday
last, Mr. W. Andrews was elected captain.
A meetime of the club is called for next
Friday evening,
The garden thieves have already cora-
meuceil their avocation, as a number of
eitizena complain of their potato patches
being visited by tbieves.
R. S. Lang informs 'Lem Tlergs that he
has already this year sold over two car
loads of binder twine. Messrs, Cebblectick
& Folland have also sold a great dee],
F, W, Wileon of Chatham, has heen ex-
pelled from the Petreee ef Inaustry. He
was the emitter of the Spruce Tree contract
by which so many farmers were deceived.
Chief G 11 on Tuesday left at this office
six gooseberrica of •the Prolifie variety
hieh weighed slightly over two ounces.
He would like to hear of any to beat this
The eompoeitor in eating the type last
week for J P. Clarkets change of adv't
inserted the word cash where the word
eost should have appeared. Read the ad,
and you will am the diffetence.
31r. John Loedman, of the Loudon road
mouth on Sasurrlay laet had hie hay, fall
wheat and berley eut and eafely in the
hare, fool is Mow awaiting the ripening of
the °eta and other spriog grains.
A eliek individual has been going through
Essex county agreeing with farmers to
heildle their butter at 26 canto a lb The
agreement tarns out to he a promissory
inee for $'260. Look out for him!
Air, Harry Sainwell is adding to his
fern*, having receutiv purchased a large
strip of laud lyingbehind the fair ground
from Mr, Yelbw, Mr. S. has remodeled
his barns and attendee improved his pro -
The excavating for Mr. Cobblediok's
residence has been completed, and the
masone will commence work at once. The
contractors are i -carpenter work, Dyer &
Howard; mason work, John Ryan% paint
bag. Jae. Down.
Mr. A. Bishop inform DIE Thins that
the wheaervest is well advanced, and
toot by close observation he ha found the
Velvet Chaff wheat rusted very badly,
while other varieties adjoining!, not at all
The extremest kind of uncomfortable
heat may be antioinated fora few (Iva.
Moral -Avoid imilanneatory drinks; keep
out of the sun. If you must be on the
street, carry an umbrella. If you do not
have un umbrella, borrow one.
Eva, a young daughter of Mra. Piper,
was taken to the Asylum at London. on
O. eieetitteu lee:toe neeeop,
worse, and her preset:toe among the family
dangerous. The doctor can Rite no direst
reason for her impaired reasoning, but says
insaintyt luia been coming on her for some
The lacrosse club is actively at work and
conaiderable practice is being indulged in
withthe natural remit that tbere are agooci
many sore heads and limbs about town.
Master John Snell last week sustained a
severe cut on the head from ono of the
sticks, while the bodily wounds of other
members are too numerous to mention.
The Council at its last ineetin g On Wed-
nesday, week, took no definite action in
the matter of electric light, only deciding
to write other towne where the 'Reliance'
system ill in use and ascertain as to its suc-
crass. The agent wished to make a con-
tract for five years at 17 cents pee light
per night. .A meeting of the Council will
beheld next Wednesday evening when the
uestion will be further discussed.
It was noted last week that Mr. John
McInnes' till had been tapped and 55 tak-
en. Two young lads, Piper and Phair,
were arrested by Chief Gitl on suspicion.
They had 52 left of a. 55 hote which they
claimed they found near the post office,
but there not being sufficient proof to es-
tablish a chargethe matter was dropped -
The lads are being closely Watched, and if
caught thieving will be committed to the
It is current street talk in Parkhill that
the two papers there -the Gazette and Re-
view -will amalgamate. From bitter ex.
perience the publishera have learned that
there is not even a living for two papers
in a place the size of Parkhill, and seek
the easy way out -by amalgamation. The
Gazette, it le mid, will buy the Review.
Mr. R. T, White the late proprietor, has
returned to the Gazette, and taken,a,n itn-
portant position on the staff.
It appears from a recent legal decision
that when an auctioneer is employed to sell
farm stook or other goods, he met make
a careful search in the proper offices tofind
ont if any man has a 'chattel mortgage or
other lien or claim against the sam'e,other-
wise he will be held liable to any one who
insy. have suoh a claim, and• whose rights
areinterfered with..., He Virtually-guaran-
teeii the title to all goods sold by him,
This is pretty hard on the leuctioneers.
On Friday night the atore of E.J.Spitek-
man & Coewas entered by burelers and the
eum of 832 taken from the till. .Entrance
wee effected through the outer cellar door
which was pried o�.it hingee, and to the
main department by way of the stair door,
Mr, Speakman ie in the habit of removing
all cash every night, but on the evening na
question he had occasion to go with a
traveller to buy goods; and when on his
way home, went to the store, but being
unable to find a lamp concluded that
everything was alright, and went home.
Next morning the oioney was found miss-
The Miesea Ida and Lille Johns, end
Della and Lily Crocker ere visiting friends
in Aware at present. -Dr. Bewerinan
of Menominee, II, is home this week, and
rumor hes it that he will rob Exeter of one
of its faireet daughtere..-1 nage Doyle of
Goderich was in town on Monday sittime
with Messrs R. II. Verity and L Hardy
on an arbitration over a part of the mill
dam whieli Mr. Emery was purchasing of
Reeve Bowden, thoth agreed the leave
the fixing of a price to arbitration and the
result was that Air. Blievelen recetved $125
for the property„ -Mr. Fred. Brown of
Wizigham was in town over Sunday. -Mr.
W. A, Manning, of Clinton is holidaying
in town under the parental roof -Miss
Elia Frayne, who has been visiting friends
in London, returned borne of Saturday. -
31r. Welningten Clarke of Louden apeet
Sunday with friends in towu ; on Monday
he joined a party to spend the week in
camp at the lake-Mts. john McDonagh
and two children, of KIncoodine, are visit
ing at Rev. 31r. bleDonaolds, tovvu.-Mr,
Geo. Hoskiu, of St, Thomas ; Frank Clic,
Toronto; together with it number of young
men of town are spending the week rusti-
eating at the Bend. -Res'. W. IL Graham
of Fullartou gave THE. TdrES a call on
Thursday lest. He ma been at Kippen
assisting Rev. Mr, McKibben through the
trying ordeal of a wedding ceremony, in
which Mr. Graham Wed as second best
rnen.-Mise AL V, White is spending the
wee visiting friends in Sarnia and other
points, -Mr. Annie Popleetone and family
of Detroit, are in town; they came Tee -
day with the remaine of a four year old
sou, which they interred in the Exeter
cemetery. Ur, Poplestone recently resided
at Woodham, where all will be sorry to
kern of the death of the child.-Alies Chap
men of Hensel' visited friends in town on
Monday --Miss Cook of Hensell ammo
exuded Ur, L. Gill and sisters to the lake
on Teestlay to spend the week campiot -
Mr. John Waniass, of Collingwood pu tic
school, at oue time a resident of Exeter,
spent the forepart of this week the gnest
of Mr. R. H. Collins. John's many old
associates inn' pleased to have a shake ef
his hand, -Mr, Hungerford was in town
this week on insurance business. -Mr;
Mareland of the Maims bank hat reline:l-
ed from Owen Sound and Meaford where
he spent his vacatioxr. While away be
played in several cricket matches and
surprised himeelf by making away -up
double fignres ; he hole justly proud.-
Mias Gusste Hafted, who has charge of
large millinery business in Watfotd, re-
turned home on Saturday to spend omen.
ion. -Rev. 31r. MeDonagh preached ano.
th. r of his special sermons on Sunday erg.
last on "Eternal Life" to a large congrega-
tion l • it was one of his ablese efforts Next
Sunday his dieeourse will be "Christianity
and the pleasures of the wor'd."-Mies
Mills has returued home from a prolonged
visit with friends in Detroit and other
places.- Mr, W. le. May and issmiI of
Parkhill are rusticating in the email
hereabout -Mr. II. R. Abbott, et Li mien
formerly of Exeter, has beet:elected Idled-
deut of the ()Mario Dental Society,- 311ss
Hicks of Exeter is the gueet of Mrs. Her
rington, this week.-BIyth Standard. -
Wits. R. U. Verity is visiting friends in
Brantford,-. Will Ilesse and Will Westi-
way walked to /Ismail on Sunday. -Miss
Bella Acheson is visiting friends in Sarnia
and other places...eel-flee Ida Evans of Hen -
salt Le the gnest of the Mimes Itereey.-Nfrs.
Geo,Andereon hat returned from a visit to
friends in St. Thomare-Mr. Chas. Tont
has pure:Lased a bankrupt stock of faney
goods in Goderich, and has gone there to
dispose of it. -Reeve Bawden left on Mori -
day via. Vancouver'for the old country,
whore he will visit friends for a couple of
montles.-Iiia Balkwell, daughter of Mr.
W. Balk well, London Road south, is vie.
Ring Mende in Detroit. -Mrs. S, Sanders
is spending a few weeks with friends in
Cobourg.-Mies Peetrie of St. Thomas is
the guest of Miss Carrie Knight -Miss
Crowlie of Loudon is spending vacation hi
Exeter with her many Merida. Alr. Wil-
ber Maereew,iii efi preoetteting Mr, (leo.
Weir at Riigetown Jlor.. o;lt anti
Master Artiste: Kemp are visiting at Nia.
earn, Falls. --Mrs. Kemp and daughters
Gertrude and Mabel have returned home
from a -visit in Sherbrooke, Que. and Tor-
onto. -
At the meeting of the Royal Arch
Companions, Grand Chapter of Masons,
in London last week, 0, A. Humber of
Goderich, was elected District Superin-
tendent for Huron ; and Joseph Beck,
of Seaforth, ex -Warden of the county of
Huron'was elected Deputy District
Grand Master for No. 5, and J. A. Mor-
ton of Wingliam for No. 5.
The Mechanics Institute has received its
yearly grant from the Government being
5218,70, the largest ever received by the
Institute. This speaks well for the pres-
ent directorate.
A touple ot apple dealers from Liverpool
were in town last week snaking arrange-
ments with Mr. R 8 Lang for tliepurchas-
ing of apples this season. These gentle-
men have travelled over the greater part
of Canada arid the Eastern Steles and re.
Fort an abundant yield on the whole, the
prospects in Huron county being especially
good. They say fanners should be careful
in picking and packine their fruit, not to
bruise theapples nor select wormy ones,
It is estimated that the ruling price will be
from 75 to 90 cents per bbl. for first clan
A good-looking, well-to-do young bache-
lor was being teasel by the young ladies
of a club for not getting married. He said
"I'll marry the girl of your dab whom, on
a secret vote, you elect to be my wife.'
There were nine members of the club.
Each girl went in a corner, and used great
caution in preparing her ballot, and die-
guiaed the handwriting. The mutt of the
vote was that there were nine votes east,
each girl receiving one. The young man
remains a bachelor, the club ietbroken up,
and the girls are all -mortal enemiesomited
in the one determination that they will
never speak to that nasty managain.
On Saturday last James, son of Mr: S.
Emery of Usborne,enet with a eerious ac-
cident. He drove to Exeter to do some
shopping, and had tied his horse in the
Central hotel shed. In the meantime ano-
ther party tied his horse in the mine shed,
but unhitched ,from the rig. Esserre-
turned. some time after/exude with his
panels and in the darkness proceeded to
place diem in his rig, when the unhitched
horse kioked him on the side, breaking
three ribs and knocking him to the ground
insensible, in which condition he •
found some time later by Mr. Acheson
who had occasion to go to the barn. 1)r.
Browning attended his injuries and he 18
now doing well, The accident is an un-
fortunate one, especially now when the
young mau is so badly needed in the har-
vent field.,
IWOursreWslealeerealearsevesomess., Oerseseesswamoi,see.semovelma
Are clearing a number of lines of Boots & Sh
at Big Bargains or order to make room for
Call and inspect the Goods.
And see our lines of
A splendid Bed -Room Suite in Maple
or Cherry for 59.00. Sideboards from
58,00 upwards.
Call While the Stock Lasts
Remember the standx--Two doors
North of Town, Ball, Exete,
The managers of the cemetery met on
Tuesday evening and recommended con-
siderable improvements to the caretaker'a
house and grounds.
Remember ihog Thursday next is
Exeter's civic holiday and that all places
of business will be closed. Farmees will
please note this.
Dr. Will Henderson, of Paynesville,
Minn., formerly of the ton aship of Ray,
has decided to join his brother, Dr. Thos.
Henderson, 10a. large practice in Detroit,
Mieheand has soli his drug store in Pay-
neeville to Ms brother Jamea and his prac-
tice to another gentleman.
Mr. J. 1'. Mitchell, late foreman of the
Petrolea Advertiser, has purehased the
Topics, of that town, and promisee to make
it a lite tournal. Tide hi the eneth time it
hae (aanged hands since its institution in
that town, and about the 20th atteinpt by
Mitchell to run a newspaper.
Wm. H. Verity, Robt II. Verity, Win
'T. Verity, all of Exeter; Hart Meesey of
Toronto, and E. W.H.Van Allan of Brante
ford, are asking to be incoiporated as the
Verity Plow Company, limited, with
Brantford as the chief place of busin ess,and
a capital stock of $150,000.
The remains of Mrs. McCann (relict of
the late Wilson McCann) of Dashtvood,
were luterred in the Exeter cemetery on
Tne 7, :ey 14%. dna o." lie Mt at
her daughter's, Mrs, Holt, Khiva, after a
somewhat protracted Mums, in her 81st
year. The esteem in which she was held
was testified by the large attendance at
the funeral.
A watering cartwas put on in Parkhill
the other day, and jilt:Wag from the re-
marks of the Gazette, it must have created
as much exeitement among the people is
the first train trough the West startled
the Indians. Singly this is not the first
watering cart Parkhill has seen; if so it is
certainly, assuming the genuine dignity of
a town, and will yet merit the new title.
Friday nieht Jest a garden party was
held on the lawn of the Thames Road
Manse, at which there was a good attend -
8.006. Base ball and foot ball matches
speeches by A. Bishop, Esq. M. P. P.,
Dr, Fletcher, Hamilton; and Rev, D. IM.
Ramsay, besides a bountiful and well-pre-
pared repast, furnished diversion for the
large gathering, all of whom enjoyed them
selves to the fullest measure.
Sunday was the hottest day of the sea-
son, and those who had occasion to be on
the street iully realised it. The thermorn-
eter at 12 o'clock registered 00 degrees in
theshade. In the afternoon a thunder
storm, raocompanied , by rain and hail,
cooled the atmosphere, and •made things
more congenial. The hail stones were
quite large, but did not fall numerously
enough to do any serious damage. The
rain was quite acceptable for the roots, the
ground having become dry and baked.
ELtiorr-At Fairfield, on july 25,wife of Wlet
Elliott, a son.
Gmtvni-In Stephen, on July {20, wife of Fat.,
Glavin, Jr., a daughter.
Wrtsoe-In Stephen, en July 13, wife of Henry
Wilson, a son.
BROWN—On 14th inst., the wife ofFreti Brown,
West MeGillivraY, it daughter.
Di:Meets-1n Stratford, on July 12, the wife of
W. S. Dingman, (editor of The :Herald, of a
Esomisetc-In McGillivray, on July 18, -wife of
Wm. Eagleson.a son.
RYAN-Dowilme-At Irish town .on thogeth butt
by Rev.Dean Murphy, 111 r, Win. Ryan, 'Mit-
chell. to Agnes. second deughter of Stephen
Downey, Esq., McEntee
Sar,motis-In illansharcl, on Jule 14, Charles
Simmons, aged 64 years.
Surnsimasp-Tii ES St NiSSOUTLOR July 10.A.nn
relict of the late Hugh [Sutherland. aged 81
PILN-In McGillivray. on thel8th inst., Oath-
arine Pile, wife of Mr.Benjamin Pile, aged 48
ddulph.. on 21st inst., infant
daughter of Mrs. Patrielt Curtin.
MCCARTRY-At Mt Cannel, on July 18, Xate,
wife of David McCarthy, aged 24 years.
EAGLESON-On July 12, in $ tea en.Mattha,wife
of Wilson Eagleson, aged 48 years.
BELL -At Seaforth, on July 25, Flu gh Beliagod
68 years
i I had on exhibition at one tirae a
covered. with Sheep skins, wide
' , astnlelzeing asal whyThe idid 'Ts
he said the.public like to be hunabagged.
Now Vfe do not propose to adopt this plan of h
bugging the people by exhibiting a Mountain
but simply to state
At all times. When a Merchant tells you he is
You OM count to a moral certainty on the statement
big false,: or when a Merchant sells you an article, at
You may depend that he will make it up on somet
else before he gets through -with you. There must be
profit or a merchant can't live. But Carling Bros'
and therefore we offer everything at the very smal
margin of profit consistent with honesty and fair deali
The best discount we can offer is 5 per cent.off for 0
Butter 18o; Eggs 1.0,1. in trade, i
We'solicit a call.
Exeter Mun.lo_ipal Council. •J -VOTERS' LI81',--1892.
The council web pursuant to adjourn- Musunreerresoirrieneynaorttliteunnacosnalor Ex
ment at the town hall, Exeter, 20th July, ;
1692. All present. Minutes read and
confirmed. Notice is hereby given that I have tram
ted or delivered to the minims mentionet
Messrs Hurdon and Rowe applied for a eopiee required by eaid sections to be so t
sections Sand 6 of the Voters' Lists .4.o t,
sewer on Main street. mitted or delivered of the List made ours
Spackmaa-Ross-that ;the road coin- to said Sot, of all meow; apnearial th'e
nal4himot. be Tri..t.w2Le reeised Ilr.rint 110110f Vaid intodaipu
to be omitted to vote in the said municin
posed drain, and that an &inch tile drain at elections for members of the Legislative
be put in by the council. -Carried. sembly and at Of unicipid Faeotioue end
Carling -Christie --orders for the fol -
hall on the lfith clay of July, 189'
said list WAS first posted up at mY
Dlo awvienyg,:8-1Zhdo os 137 g5), lea2h7or9; 0L, edwois;
Bloaters are willed ppon to °gamine the
there for inspection
John Moreshead, 511 55, do; Walter list, and if any omissions or other errors
Westcott, $13 12, do; D. Taylor, 512. do; parcaivedaythe etrheei ne,a2toft:orikiiinfldilgen rug:
I. Armstrong,531 50 do; Wm liern,811 50ings
do; John Barnes, 81, rep town clock; Al. Clerk of Ext.?
Bissett, 53, drawing tile; Wm Pennine Dated this 15th day of jab'. 1892-
nails; Thos Hartnett, .525, part pay
for draining; E. Treble, 815,rep hose cart,
Thos Oke, 860, street watering; Geo Ford,
514, for gravele-Carried.
Spacknian-Christie-Mrs. Cann to get
81 per week charity until birther orders. -
Carling -Spackman -the reeve and Mr.
Christie be committee to remove stone
crossing at the old market square,and that
a pine side walk be put down in its stead.
Permission of G. T. Rnto enter their
premises for outlet of drain on certain con-
ditions read and by-law passed.
Mr. Rellane, of the "Reliance Eleotrio
Light Co." addressed the council with a
view to Electric Lighting in the village.°
Carling -Ross -that the clerk be in-
structed to write to several corporations
having Electric Light as to coat and
other information respecting the same. -
The council adjourned until Wednesday
the 3rd August, at 8 p, m.
Noncee-Conservatives are urgently re-
quested to impact the Voters' List for '92
and ascertain if their names properly ap-
pear thereon. Should the name of any be
omitted or printed incorrectly in any par-
ticular, kindly report to L H Demesow'
Pres Y. 1+,1, L. 0. A,
Frame house and loton William-sta near the
market, wilt be sold etheap. Rouse, which is
a storey and a half, !'contains 8 rooms, besides
kitchen and wood shed. For further particu-
lars apply to
Applieation painlesa and ease, relief immedi-
ate. 'This preparation fills a great and long -felt
wantamong those who suffer from Files. It is
a remedy of the highest merit-effeetive ,and
reliable -and has more than met the anticipa-
tions of those physicians who have used it in
their".'praetiee. Pilekone Is to Sure Core
when other,reinedies fait to relieve. Testim-
onials furnished. Price $1. For sale by cites -
gists or by mail on receipt of price.
W. T. Sumoto, Manufacturing Chemist, 184
Dundas St., London, Ont.
CONNTY OF Illinoit.
Retie° is hereby given that They° transm
ted or delivered to the persons mentioned
notions 5 and 6 of the Voters' iLists Act, t
copies required bY said sections to be so tr..
mitted or delivered of the list made pursue,
to said Act. of allperSons appearing by the I
revised Assessment Roll of said Mumeipali
takeimmediete proceedings to have the a i
errors correetGondoacarEdiwillto,notmAx
said list was fiTSt Posted up at IRY:01E00 at BB
ville on the 20th day of July, 1892, an a roma'
ttolleerxelifmarillensthPeepaTidn'lisEtiaenlirfs atineymol till eide suit
or any other errors are perceived therein,
to be entitled tc, vote in the siazItaiwd r.mkunofiveisobaolri
at deadens for members of the Legislative •
sembly. and at Muniaipal Ejections, and th,
Dated this 20th day of J'uly, 1892.
Suitable for it retired gentleman, centaini
a of an acre of land, on which isa two sto
briok house, and good driving Shed and stab
Choice, youngtfruit-beitring trees of all kin
The property is situated on the corner of Di
and Andrew streets, east of the Presbyteria
church, the best location in town. Torn
easy, and possession given at any time. .APP
lats. PINCH.
J1s7-m1 On the premise
Still takes lead in the
Furniture Business
We are too busy to call on people in
need of Furniture; but please drop in
our Wareroorni and see our Stock and
we will try to suit you in till's line.
Ordered Work Neatly Done on Short Notice
Remember. we have also a handsome
line of
Unidertcb&ng Goods
llways on hand, and all calls inthis
inc will be promptly 'attended to, ancl
satisfaction guaranteedevery time,
Storee-Next to Moleons Bank, Exeter