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The Exeter Times, 1892-7-28, Page 5
own rove Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant 'and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly, on the Kidneys; Lhher and Bo els; cleanses the sys• tem effelktl all , dispels colds, head- aches andlfevt�rs and cures habitual Constipation, Syrup of Fig is the only remedy of its kind. ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared, only from the most t healthy and agreeable substances, its. roany�excellent qualities commend it to all and have matte it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes •`o try it. Manufactured only by the 1ALIFORNI FIG SYRUP CO49 SAN FBd�TOIE'SCO, PAL. t 4J X517114/4E,ICE',�i W TOBICF i or Sale at O Lutes .Drug Store •�--------^---� ems, NEWSOF THE WORLD, The eruption of Etna is increasing in vio- lence: The Queen has left Windsor for Osborne. House, Isla al Wight. • The Clvlian Congress has adjourned, ow- ing to the influenza epidemic. California fruit is now being shipped to London, England, by the carload. Cholera is so bad at Baku that all who possibly can are leaving the place. Thomas ()dolt, founder of Cook's oscur- sions, died in London of paralysis, The American consul at Copenhagen has been arrested on a charge of fraud. The yacht Iverna, won the Queen's Cup at the Kingston regatta on Wednesday. tat vote of Ireland stands , 315,3219 The to for Home Rule and 78,070 against it, Cholera and typhus fever are reported to be rapidly spreading in Eastern Europe. The City of Parislias voted 200,000 francs for the Par r,ian exhibit at the World's Fair. Earl Orkney was married in London to the notorious concert hall singer Connie Gilchrist. The Prince of Wales has denoted 35 guineas to the fund for. the St. John's, Mid - fire sufferers. Manchester has subscribed ono tliousandl pounds for the relief of the sufferers erers by the St. John, IV'ti,l., fire. (bili has agreed to pay 75,000 in gold as an indemnity for the assault upon the crew of the U.S. Balti,nore. Mr, Gladstone is negotiating for a solid. Irish support on a "no confidence" resolu- tion on the assembling of Parliament. Tlie London 'Times declares that the Salisbrny Government will resign immedi- atoly after a vote of no confidence is passed. The stat (Anent of Oen Snowdeu that the troops ti ill be kept at Homestead until the trouble is over has caused a profound sensa- tion. Private advices from Moscow state cholera has broken out et Nijiut and Novgorod, and official reports to the contrary are untrue. Zzotorfloller hl�lls, Wheat .. 75e to 80c per bushel OUR'°SELL1N 0:PRIC ES,' Flour, Strong Bakers' f._„•' $2.50 per 100 do Best Family 2.25 do Low Gradec,;;,• 1.75 " Bran .. .. 70c " Shorts , . 80c a' Chop .. , . $1.00 to $1.20 Mr. Thos. iialkwill, of Mitchell, lost his stallion " YOUNG Bitrran" the other day from inflamation, He was not insured. Mr. Geo. Carr of M. Marys has iu his large lit leaf weeing birch which is tabout 3',5 or fel 40 feat high and 20 feet across. •*'*Don't be discouraged about that eczema till you have given Ayers Sarsaparilla a persistent trial. Six bottles of this meal - eine cured the complaint for George 5 Thomas, of Ada, Ohio, when all other rom- ediea failed to afford any relief. A good trip was =dopy Mr. F. Arm- strong, of Ailsa Craig, on Saturday last, He wheeled from h tt town to Loudon a dis- tance of 4S miles, in seven hours, , leaving Aunt Craig at 8,30 a. tn, and arriving Hero at 3.30 p, se. The action of Carter's Little Liver rills is pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver, and regulate the bow- els, but jIo not purge, They are sure to please, Try them. Edward Liulof, of St,Petera C. B., says : —"That his horse was badly torn; by a pitchfork. One bottle of MINARDS LINI- MENT eared him," Livery. table men all over the Dominion tell our agents that they would not be with. out MINARD'S LINIMENT for twice the coat. Cholera is increasing in Russia-, and pri- vate letters state the disease is raging along the whole length of the Trans -Caspian railway, The '.tlautie hotel, Long Branch, NJ, was totally destroyed by fire, the 300 guests escaping in their night clothed:. No loss of lifo is reported. Cir Chas. E. Smith, British Minister to Mormon, who event on a 'mission to Fez, lend for whose safety moolr anxiety was felt, has arrived at Tangier, The United States House of Representa- tives has passed the bill to enforce recipro- cal commercial relations between the United States and. Canada. Persia is demanding compensation from Russia because through lack of sanitary precautions several deaths from cholera have occmrcd in Baku. Reliable information has been received in Boise City, Ia., stating that tho insurree• tionists have sworn to kill thirty-nine mine owners of Cceur d'Alene. A crisis and a possible strike are threat- ened in the Lancashire cotton trade owing to the intended action of the master cotton spinners to reduce wages. The American ship George Skalfield ar- rived at Vancouver en Thursday front Yoko- hama. with a caro of 2,500 tons of tete, consigned to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. Chop stone running every day. TUE EXETER MILLING Coy. THE LADIES DELIGHTED The pleasant effect and the perfect safety with which ladies may nee the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Pigs, under all oonditions make it their favorite remedy. It is pleas- ing to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels. ' MARKET REPORTS. ERETER RedWheat Spring Wheat , , ••• Barley Oats AlTiOorn mothy oeeaa er S000 ••- itggs Butter -- Flourpeibb 1 ... Potato a n,p er bust el Applss,per nag DriedApplespr b a, Geese perlb. Tnrkeyperlb -.. Ducks per lb Chickensperpr SOO liogs,dreasedper100 seat -. W Il'" dies ©a -. Sheepskins each VIII, Calfskins Woolporlb ,,, ., 0ya'rpertou ••' Oaionsus rbnat ••• 50 to 3 50 Woodporoord .,. eTrStdnys S Fall Wheat .. ,,... , 4 80 81 Spring Wheat...-. ... .............., ... 0 0 0 91 .. ... ,, . .... Clover Seed 28 40 ()Barleyata 100 7 2, Timothy ........................... 1 50 1 60 Pose 0 51539 5 0 50 rilggs.......................:.... .............. i3 0 14 potatr 50 0 5a Potatoes per bac . •....•••••.. •,•.• AtlplOSpox bnsb......... ...... 108 0 1 0 Woolporlb 4 00 6 00 Tray person vg 00 Bran per ton '•.li0 00 ao 00 Shorts f; 00 7 50 Hogs dressed r per . 5 50 to 5 75 Hogs dragged uar 1.00. .,..,... 76 to 78 768 38to o 486 28 to 29 7 00 to 7 50 1 50 to 1 61 .v 55 to 56 .., 0 40 to 50 w. 9 to 10 12 to is 0oto515 w 50 to 0 55. • 1 00 to 1 00 ▪ 0 Oto 050 ... 006to006 „ 09 to 00 006 to 007 ,.. 025to030 ... 550to&75 ▪ 100 to 52,5 • 400to45a 500to525 ▪ 060to 70 • 050t005'' ▪ 016to017 • 00 to 500 TO LEND ON MORTGAGES at loweat rn tes of interest, over 960,000 pri- vatefunde, Applyto FLLroT Je Ex.rAor, Solicitors, ete, Exeter. FOR SERVICE. A Thoro' bred Durham Bull "Young Chester- field," and a Thoro'bred Berkshire Boar, on let 13,00n,1, Stephen: Twos : $1 eaoh, with privilege of returning if necessary. WES. SNELL, Proprietor; English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of ono bottle. War- eanted the known. most Sold by 0. Lutz.-29-lyh Oure On Monday evening. in the 49th year of her ape, Mrs, Benj. Pile, of MoGilliyray, passed away to the great majority. The deceased bad been in poor health for the past two years and her death was not un - looked for. She was loved devotedly by her family and esteemed highly by her neighbors. Parkhill cheese box factory was consider- ably damaged by fire on Wednesday. Minard's Liniment is the hair restorer. u us F1OWQr IJ does he feel ?—lie feels crajiky, and is const,anti,y experi- 5m.enting, dieting himself, adopting s tinge notions, and changing the cooking, the dishes, the hours, and mariner of his eating—August 'Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ?—}le feels at times a gnawing, voracious, insati- able appetite,Wholly unaccountable, unnatural and: unhealthy.—August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ?-He feels no desire to go to the table and a grurixbling, fault-finding, over -nice- ty about what is set before hili When he• is there—August 'Flower the Remedy: Tho Dublin Independent (Parnellite) says the men elected supporters of Parnell's principles will fulfil their pledges fatal be simply independent, owing allegiance to no English party. The Liverpool Board of Trade inquiry into the loss of the steamer City of Chicago has resultecl`in a verdict of carelessness on the captain's part and a suspension of his certificate for nine months. The Parsee community of India has sent £28,000 to Mr. Naoroji, M.P. for one of the London districts, as a defender of Indian interests in Parliament, and to this amount is ruling Indian Prince adds £10,000. The United States Senate on Friday ap- proved of the bill passed the previous day by the House of Representatives, providing for retaliation against Canada in the matter of canal tolls. The measure comes into force on August 1. The London Times says that on paper the Parnellite vote looks insignificant, but its im- portance is far greater than it appears on the surface. No scruples will deter them from voting with the Unionists if expediency and revenge prompt such a course. The Grand Forks, N. D., Chamber of Commerce selected September 1 and 2 as the date of the International Reciprocity Convention, to which about a thousand delegates will be invited, including repre- sentatives from. Ontario and Manitoba. Earl Spencer, presiding at a meeting of the Northampton Agricultural Society on Wednesday, raised a storm of protests by remarking that agriculture in Great Britain was now in ti more flourishing condition than it had been for a number of years. At a meeting of the Lancashire Maste Cotton Spinners' Federation on Friday i was resolved to send a circular to.the men hers advising that wages be reduced ten p cent„ and that until the reduction be en forced the mills work only three days week. Every day shows the immense di$1culbie vhich await Mr. Gladstone in the leacle 1892, —'{ SPRIN(a }— 1892. Do you want a PIANO, ORGAN, BICYCLE,, SEWING MACHINE1, BOYS',,& GIRLS' TRICY- CLES, EXPRESS WAGONS? Our $80,00 detg 80 00 etg LONDON. Wheat, 81 to 83 per bus. Oats, 31c to 93t per bus. Peas, 54o to 57c per bus. Bar- k v,tTniting. 433 to 48c leer bus. Barley Feed, :19c to 410 por bus Corn, 6710 to 710 per. bushel. 5 3TRIOTLY HIGH 4RACE. ALL MADE OF THE BEST STEL AND WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR ldAN0rAOrUREQ 6Y TBE [UD1G F [he Geoid Bicycle Co.. Ltd RRANTFORD, ONT. Send for Catalogue If you do, tho place to get, the most, re,lablu' good ,at a modern price is at PERKINS ,& MAIt'1IN'S.dealers in Musical instruments, Sewing Machine supplies eto„ eto.. All kinds of faro] inplements sold an a mar- gin over coat. Agents for the celebrated Chat- ham Wagon, PLRKINt3 Fig I;E RT1N, Fouson's 131oek, OO' (OTT'O ' ROOT COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Surress}'Ntlll,ars. eel monthly tad tr,ouixt,eds of LAMES. Is the only perfect ly safeand reliable cnerlieine discovered. Beware of un- principled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place "f tx•'o. sslt for COOK'S Cosrox ROOT Compo yso Sake ito substitute; er rnelose 91 and 4 three -cont Canada, postage stamps in letter. and we will send, sealed, by return until Full sealed particulars in plain envelope. to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pond Lily Cornpany N Stich, h Fisherd incExeter by DItR I UTZ, Central Droh, Dru¢Storo and by all druggists svarywhare• TORONTO. 'Toronto. July 27-Wheat°,Spring-No. 2,80c to81e per bus; rod' winter. No 2, Ole to 83c her bus. Manitoba No2bard,99 to 100 No.3, Al to 93 : PEAS 60c to 62e por bus. OATS 33t to 35c por bus. FLOUR, extra $3 40 to 18,61 Per but; straight roller. $3.F5 to st3,S0 ; strongbakora.a4,90 to 95.00. BARLEY, l'o 1, feeding, 52o to 54e. Judicial Sale. ESSAY VS. ESSAY. S T 0 M. Cobbledick & Folland slaving lately purchased the Stook and Good -will of Mr J, N. Howard, and added largely to the Stock, they haye now the best equipped and largest Hardware and Tinware Establishment in the County. They sell whole- sale and Retail, and carry BUILDERS' MATERIALS, Ext;. BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES, ETC., CARRIAGE MAKER'S GOODS, BICYCLES, STOVES, TINWARE, BIC ' , and everything in SMALL HARDWARE LARGEST STOOKOF NAILS in the COUNTY GET THEIR P.RIOES BEFORE YOU BUY. Auction Sale of Valuable Farm Lands, in the Townshij of Hay, near the Village of Hensall., in the County of Huron. Pursuant to an Order of Sale, dated the 16th day of July, A.D. 1592. and made by the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, in a s. Essay. theren willter of be offeredforSale, n ofby Pun - 110 AUCTION, by JOHN GILL.5so.,,Auotloneer at HODG-SNS' FtOTTz, In the VILLAGE of HENSALL —ON— r it d er a s r Saturday. the 6th day of August, 1892 At one o'clock in the afternoon. the following valuable farm property, viz : The north half of LOT NUMBER FOURTEEN in the FOURTH CONCESSION. of the Town- ship of Hay, in the County of Huron. This is a ivabuablo' property. well -situated, under cultivation. within four miles of the Vil lage of Hensall, and in the midst of the best farming country in Ontario, and the soil is un surpassed for farming purposes. The title to this property is perfect and free from incumbrances.",.;.,4.�-- ship of the motley crowd of followers. A difficult task for a young man, an almost im- possible one for Mr. Gladstone, who, aq- cording to the Times, is feeling the pressure of age, The London Post thinks -that if a vote -of non-conficlence is carried at the opening of the new Parliament by Mr. Gladstone's dis- jointed hordes of_ faction. the Government should not resign, but should simply advise the Sovereign to prorogue Parliament until the normal periost of assemblage ar- How ;does he feel ?—He feels' after a spell of this abnormal appe- tite an utter abhorrence, loathing, and detestation of food ; as• if 'a mouthful would kill him -August Remedy. Flower the, How does he feel?—He has it House cleaning time its upon us. Use Alabastine for your: walls and ceilings. They have the engine thing only, in all improved form. You can mix it you self with cold water, 'l Iva; have all the tints Call and see their fine store, fine stork and fine prices. BRUSHES, COMBS, 7� �TT S P O .1.'^cT Cl .i S SOAPS, PERFUMERY TRUE SEA SALT GO TC BR.OWNINGr' S. JUST ARRIVED —AT— Furniture & Undertaking Establishment A very large line of Bring along your old have it made new. GARDEN SEDS, FIELD BEEDS, ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE LAWN MOWERS, ALARA TINE (IN ALL SHADES), 1i ALL CHURNS, ALL KIND S OF TINWARE CHEAP ltOR CASH --AT— •VIV 0%340 Cr. A. ECYNDMAN NEW Prices to suit GOODS everybody. The largest stock of Furniture and New Picture Mouldings xar;.,ws•,• TERMS OF SALE ;Ten percentumof the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale and the balance with- out interest to to paid into Court in 30 days, or the purchaser may have three years to pay one half of the purchase money, securing the same by amortga.ge on the property,Opayahle in3 equal yearly !payments, with interest at six per cent. Tho Boal Representative reserves to himself t] Power to adjourn the sale if in his 1agmen1 an adequate price is not bid.flfll_ In a 1 other respects the conditions of sale .will be the'standing conditions of the High Court of Justice, For furtherpartioulars apply to Philip Holt Esquire, Goderich , Messrs. Garrow S Proud - foot, Goderich ; or to the Vendor's Solicitor. Dated this 16th -day of July, A. D., 1892. R. H. COLLINS, ISAAC F. TOMS. Exeter. Ont. Real Representative Vendor's Solicitor. .._ County Huron. 5j21 -St 011. Friday afternoon a Russian' zJew from New York named Berkman, whoappears to have, been hired for the purpose, attempted to murder Mr. H. 0. Friek,.manuager of the Carnegie works,, whom the workmen Maine for their existing labor troubles. He shut him twice in the head and stabbed in the the hips and back. The Saturday Review in an article on the Irish situation takes occasion to eulogise Mr. Blake as a scholar, a lawyer, and a statesman of' repute. In praising Mr. Blake, However; the review seems to be animated less by friendliness to that gentleinan than a desire to speak well of hien at the expense ;if bis fellow -members. The London Times says the present plan of Mr. Gladstone appears to be to use the Irish vote in, rigging up the electorial ma- chinery to secure him a majority in the next general elections, and then laugh at the Irish vote: The Times thinks the National - regular bowels and peculiar stools -1 iota are hardly so simple as to cut their own August Flower the Remedy. O TM enable Mr. Gladstone to execute CENTRAL in town. Also PARLOR SUITES AND CURTAIN POLES -in all colors. Remember you can have your Curtain Poles cut any length desired, as we buy them in long lengths. arber Shop, Call and l ns'ect our Stock FAN SON'S BLOCK. .. A. Hastings„ Prop S. GIDLEY. Oddfellows Block. Fashioca6l� Styles Shaving and Haircutting inthecatest style of the art. Booty attention paid to cutting diR r•'. and (; rril `r ell' s t 01* ALESMEN WANTED. We want both 'travellinand local r o l Salesmen Nur- series. represent the old established series. SALARY PAXD'FROM THE STAR,L to Salesmen, experrtenged in our�line : liberal terms to begind •r3`and tallutmarrent situation assured. We hav ACRES1ibdcr .oulti a - tion and are the nI rmfurnishinkSTRI LY` FIRST-CLASS CANADIAN' STOCK. OUTFIT FREE. HARDYARRIE- TIES for North Ontario and MMi'toba. tree ratty. WE GUARANTEE 'OUR 5cK Apply for terms at once. We want you NOW. STONE WELLINGTON." Toronto, Ont: t CAUTION EACLL PLUG OF Myrtle Navv IS MARKED T. &. B. SN 353ROSTZE1 11,ETTFIRS. NONE - OTHER - GENUINE HI 0 a DOTIPE & CO. Wishes to inform the citizens o Exeter and surrounding that he is now engaged selling Teas,Cofees,BakingPowder In quantities to suit 1'urctlasers. Orders left at the house or Dr Spndman's Ofiloo will receive prompt attentiou, diem° G. A. HYNDMAN ISI ST O1V ." Are selling goods so cheap of late that some people got the idea that all they had to do was to help themselves. This is presumption on their part, as we do not make a practice of giving goods away. At 3 O'Olook In the morning, in future, we will be prepared to give such customers a little more than a few old watches and brass chains, as we have added to our large stock a beautiful line of POWDER and LEAD. will buy 20 to 27 potuicls of best Sugars at LOUPE & CO' S, Kirkton. T Hi BEST : YETI THE CHEAPEST YE -,T THE BIGGEST YET �. HURRAH! ASS WE have on hands Fine Lino of BOUND BOOKS Suitable for Sunday School Libraries, or Presentations. ME LATEST GAME : " Parlor Quoits." ALso ;FLIPS, PARCHEESI, HALMS, Authors, Etc., Etc. S. W. BROWNING - BOOK Sr. DRUG STORE Failor Shop ,COO *OO WOB.TIX Boots & Shoes TO BE SACRIFICED AT ANSON'S, During the Next Month. Shop undergoing Repairs to make room for Spring Stock. It will be to your ad- vantage to call, We would inform the people of Exeter and slirrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treb1 o's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on the shortest possible notice and in, the Latest Styles Rest Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen 9 1 leave .our orders early „for with the 'beet staff of Tailors ; the best stock of Fire Trimmings; and the beat Cutting in Town, you are sure of satisfac- tion 'Sure -AND 4.— Fit Guarantees DISEASES OF MEQ Of all ages. resulting from Errors or Indisore tions of Y nth, may be permanently cured and the vigt of perfeot manhood fully restored, as NERVOUS DEBILITY, STERILITY with. SF,NM.NAL LOSSES J; PREMATURE DECAr Long Standing oases of GLEET, STRICTURE SYPHILIS. VARICOCELE and all PRIVATE and0IIRONIO Diseases treated with perfect success. Our field is in CHRONIC OASES in which others have foiled; if you aro incurable we Will frankly toll you so. Write forpartionlars and treatise, Free, to ST Louis Toren Manion': t, 16 and 1 4 King Stro.t. Wes s;i v.4D by Buy- ing at our • PLANING MILL And LUNCBF11, We keep constantly on hand a 1lsrgo stock of all kinds of building materials. Dressed nr qn- dressocl ping anti hepilock lumber,also n ohoiee s oe, of N?o. l pino.lath. (iuistook of doors, sash, blinds, mouldings, Jto. is,+cp�m�ploto and thorougly kiln dried , 1 Syo offer for sale l,.A. d�00;i.K aind X1T Py and i;Nll All• SII11 GT,ES manufactured by best makersino Qntitrto.1 Tanks ]md cisterns, all shapes and siaea rr to order at lowest nriov.. We have sometl new in this luso for watering cattle in 0481 or barnyard: kir. a' Cssll and Boo our colabritted Ba g Cabin evert* woman using them roeommends U...., highly._ Turning,bsnd,serollaawin,,'rr, and all kitldt �,t •ne work prompt -1Y fly attbnded to. W i m11 will be t B our inareSt to examine' 8O( machine-work will o y o. stook before purahsainig gleetbhar ti , 0 Il Sf "i e 1M 11ry 1� . 8 :; TAY1.,,GRq- a � ■ ROSS