HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-7-28, Page 1"HEW TO THE LINE, LET
Tti-E CH
VOL, XIX, NO, 48,
Publishe r and. Propel° t o
PERMIT US to cell your atteation to the $25 coed, which we haye issued for the
use a yourself and family at our store. We iavite you to brieg it with you whenever
you oontemplete making future cash purchases and carefully examine our etock and
prices. We will i.e
the amount purchased end 'when the entire tioket is used at
when $25 worth is bought and pstrl for, we will take pleasure in presenting you with
one a our beautiful hard wood FOLDING TA.1314E8
This opportunity to secure one of these beautiful tables eve feel you will appreciate.
Please hear in 'Pared that we make no extra charges for goods on account of thia Prem-
ium offer. Trusting yov will call and see us, and that we shell have the pleasure of
presentiug you with one of the tables, we are
Very respectfully yours,
Exeter, jely 28th, 1892.
EensIL ,Bayfield,
Following are the market quotations: ("r e rate for last week.)
Wheat 75 to 75 Bentra-Urs. Thomson and child of
Barley ..... ,..... - .,, 38 to 40
Oats 28 to 30
Pena ....... r ..... 55 to 50
Hay ..... . ... ..... 4,00 to 5.00
Butter. - ., - ..... .....14 to 15
PIM .... .... 9 to 10
Hogs . - . 5.75 to 5.75
Clover seed 7.00 to 7;50
13nzers-Sunday the heat was the rood
oppressive that has been felt for years. -
The sousation of the week was the raising
r, of the new flax mill. Tee building is situr
ated near 4he salt well, and being close to
the village, large numbers were present.
The firat men to be up on the building were
Mune Harry Arnold and Donald Borns,
who were chosen as captains. In a sheet
thug the aides began their workSand h soon
beanto evident that the oaptain on the
west aide had limb the most jueloioue
choosina,yet h cennot be denied the eastern
man was a good second. Everything went
along spiendidly ami quietly (no doubt
owing to the tact that two clergymen were
at work) for a tints, then a commanding
voice was heard call out "men" and Mr
join: Conners it good meal:ant; gave tho
orderer/hat there was to be a 'standing race
at the word of command. Work began in
earnest and the race was soon in full swing.
A. few nainuteit decided the contest and the
westeroites under Mr. Arnold were the
motors in the groat etreggle. Mr. MoBoven
deserves great credit for the establishing of
anotherindustry in our midst.
Pepseeets - WEE Sadie Marxism, sales-
lady in 111eFapPa store, Seaforth, was vieit-
ing frier:dr in tolvie-Me and Mrs. Hemil-
ton of Loudon were ilea guests of harry
Arnold for a few days. -Mrs Fergnson and
daughter,and the Miss Hotham and Fer-
guson were in the village visiting Mgr J. T.
Wren. --It be reported that one of our lead-
ing houses is likely to chimp hande.-
Rohl. Felton is building sidewalks. -The,
Seaforth Brewery is evidently doing a good
trade as they make b1 -weekly trips. -Wm.
Colwill has laiti a first olatis sidewalk be-
tween the post offioe and the drug store. -
3. Chimney, V Seis doing a good business,
he lately performed an operation on a horse
belonging to Mr. Daters, by which he bored
a hole throngh one of the facial bones in
order to allow the matter, which had no
other way of exit, to"run through. It WEE
successful, and the work was done in an ex-
ceedingly skilful manner, -Berrie, are
being marketed here in great quantities. -
Quite a stretch of new sidewalk is being
laid in our village, which verylmuch adds
to the appearance of the place and the
comfort of pedestrians. -The Rev. E. A.
Fear and Mrs. Fear, of the Nile, andform-
erly of this place, were in the village laet
week visiting friends. -Miss Kate Hodgins
is visiting relatives and friends in Detroit.
-The Misses Mawen, daughters of Mr.
johniMcEwen, and who are both teachers,
are tome at present spending their yam
tion. -The Rev. Geo. Logie, son of the '
late Rev. Sohn Logie, was in the village'
last week spending a few days with hist
sister, Mrs Wm. Elder. -Mr. David Buch-
anan, son of Wm. Buchanan, J. P. of the
township of Hay, who is a gradrafte of the
Agricultural College at Guelph, has secur-
ed a very good psition on the editorial
staff of the OanadianLive Stook and Farm
Journal, published in Toronto, and enters
upon hie duties next week. -Rev D. M.
Ramsay spent a part of last week the guest
of Rev. Mr Henderson. -Mrs. 3. 0. Stone-
man has returned from a visit with, her
parents DI Lambeth. -Duncan Stewart, sr
.fotinerly of Tuckeramith died at his son's
residence, here, on Friday lest, and his re-
mains wereinterred in the Cromarty ceme
tery on Saturday. He wait 85 years of
age, was highly respeeled by all,. and the
funeral was largely atteeded.-A three
mentheold son of -Mrs. Matthew Nelson
of Brantford died here last week, and Was
buried i$in the Zion. cemetery, Usberne.
Mrs. Alison was visiting Wends in this lo-
eality iwhensthe child died. -Mr. R. J.
Young, and Mr. and, Mrs. Wm, Moir have
returned from their trip to Manitoba., and
speak highly- of the prairie proviece.--
Our old and respected tpwnsinan, Mr. A
• Murdook will return to town next week
and on Wednesday take unto himself a
life partner, in the person of Miss IVIsttie
Norrie, an estimable young lady of town,
-The farmers are busy and business dull
--Thee. Berry on Saturday shipped a
carload of horses to Boston -The usual
weekly ,shipxnente of flour, stook, etc,
have been made from this stations -The
onion groweta have finished picktng and
. i
ra, eport , large (Mop, They expeot to
miles well
Chicago are visiting her mother, MrieColli-
day.-Urs Railway and family of Boob:tater
N Y. are visiting hey tuother,Mrs. Herd,also
elm P. McPherson and family of Alpena,
Mich., are visiting her motherrin-law,Urs.
Herd.--james Huston of Virden, Mane is
home on a Short vaoation. He reports
crop prospects as being good. -Frank Jeffry
returned home lasteweelt, having been in.
hired while loading posts on a 'vessel at
Sarnia. We hope he Wil), soon be able to
resume hie position. -May Kuox is spend-
ing her holidays with friends on London
road. --Mr. and Mrs jamas Anderson and
family, aud Mr John Anderson and wife of
London :returned home last week after a
delightful two ;weeks' stay here. -Robert
Erwin was clown from the Duck 'elands tor
the 12th.-Mra Howell and faintly of Ham-
ilton are visiting her mother, Mrieflutledge.
1. Pierson and Mies Susie Burgess are visit-
ing theit friends here, -Ben Higgins and
family of Detroit arrived here last week.
Mrs. H. and oltild will remain for some
time, Mr. H. had to return to :Wend to
bashful -On Sunday morning last. Mr.
Kerrin, lately trona England, deliverea an
excellent dietrouree in Trinity chart:her-Miss
May Robinson of Bradford is visiting her
sister, Mrs F. G. Newton, -A large number
et people from Seaforth mune here Sunday
by carriage and bicycle and greatly enjoyed
themselves at the lake. -On Sunday morn-
ing next Sacrament will be obeerved at St.
Andrew's aburoh, when Bey. Audrew Hen-
dereon of Attwood will conduot the serviee.
-Miss Sharp of Teeawater is her visiting
friends and relatives. -Miss Dottie Martin,
eneempaniedbv her Intended., has returned
from ber violation lit Peronso.-The satnmer
vieitors are now flocking here, and on all
sides are heard expressione of delight with
our beautiful balmy air. -The airivels at
the River Hotelare : Mr. T. G. Devey and
wife, Misses Florence and Cbrlie Davey,
Misa Grace Chapman Miss Kate Chapman,
Mr. Frank Glass and wife, Miss Millie
Elliott and Fred Elliott, Mr.and Mrs.Ham-
ilton, all of London. At the Commerolal
are ; Mrs. Geo Hanley, Misses Mamie and
Kate Racily, Lilly Keenan, Josephine Gam -
pan, Mollie Rooney Catharine Flynn,
Detroit ; Kate Russell, Chicago; Mrs.
Thomson and Colter, Seaforth. --J. Swells
of Wingham tiyak'in the town Monday, and
John Morgan in a horse deal. -We are
sorry to hear that G. H. Husten is indis-
posed and hope he will soon reoover.
(This week's.)
BRIEISS. -Rev. Fair, of Hensall, spent a
day at the grove. -The genial and all smil-
ing countenance of Mr. Sperling of Clinton
has become yery familiar at the grove. -
One day lest week a young child, while
playing in the grove, had the misfortune
to fall over the hill and badly gash it fore-
head so that a tew stitche,. were necessary,
which were carefully attended to by Dr.
Sheppard. --Mr. Bob. Irwinewhotbas been
in town the past week, returned to his
position up the lakes.-Last:Wedneaday
a mammoth picnic visited Hayfield. The
company of A. 0. F. of Zurich cut a very
leading part, as also did the people of
Brucetield, who were celebrating their
civic holiday. Seaforth and Clinton were
also well represented. -Mr. Shaw, a popu-
Aar sport of Seaforth, has been putting in a
bumrustling time for the past week doing
the town in elegant shape. -The bathing
house which was erected two summers
ago on the site of the old yessel is now lit-
erally the shadow of one. As there are a
large number of boarders here now the re-
pairing of this structure would greatly"
• facilitate their pleasure and benefit all
SEVEN YEA.118 Surrnerso.-Gentlernett.-
have suffered very muoh from inflamatory
rheumatism, which through wrong treat-
ment left nety running soree on my hands
•and feet. With theee 1 suliered for keven
years tvhieh time I had neither shoes or
• atookings on. I comment:ad using B. B. B.
externally and internally, using the pills
also, and I oan say now that the sores are
entirely cured, and have been for some
time. I believe the bitters were the means
of saving my life'
A CHILD SAYED.-My little boy was taken
very bad with diarrhoea, he was very delt.
oate and got so slow we had no hope of his
life, bat a lady friend recommended Dr.
Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry, and
although he could only bear a few drops
at a thee he got well, It saved ray child,
Mrs. Wm, Stewart, Carapbellville,Ont,
Minard's Liniment cures Diphtheria,
BAIEFEI.-Vra. Henry O'Brien has recces.
Erred somewhat, but is still very weak. -
Fletcher Turner is not better, and the doe -
tors give slight hopes of rat:moo-Mr. and
Mrs, Steep were visiting at Sidney johns
last week.
41. -0 -41* -4
Barrs. -A numerouely signed petitiou
is in oiroulationeed wilt be presentea short-,
ly to our worthy town daddies milting them
to resoled by-law only allowing three hotel
themes, and to give us the fourth, as they
feel satisfied that there is population enou
for it. -Mrs. N. H. Young and fistailg 41 it
here on Teeeday for a visit to Grimsby, -
1t is rumored that in alllikelittool our band
will play in the park in future every Friday
evening during the Bummer montbs.-Otze
loceteattle buyer, E, Watson, left -this ate.
Von op Saturday with five Oar Italia of film
cattle for Montreal, --On Satur4ay night
about half past ten throe of our oitizens
were sitting on the depot platform having a
quiet (that together when their attentions
were drawn to a noise similar to a human
ory:in the direotion of the *loath end:atone-
phore. They at once started for the spot
thinking there wiz foul play going en but
they failed to dna out any thing that °Auer
ed the noise, so the rayetrry has to be solv-
is yet.
Bezers.-One by one the pioneera of
Huron are passing to their reward. On
Monday Mr. Hugh Bell, for the last few
years residing in Sesforth, eucourabed- The
immediate cam was an atemese. Be was
aged ee years and Imes a widow and six
of a grown up family to mourn his demisee,
-The lacrosse 'Petah leat Thurielay °your
lug between the old dauntless teem of years
ago and the present dauntless club was well
contested and particularly interesting. -The
game lasted over an hour and reeulted in
3 to 1 la fever of the 'told boys." -John
Clook. son of Mrs Saralz Cotton of this town
a sailor on the sthooner Emmet' L. tioyne,
was oomph:el; the mast on Wednesday after-
noon last as tho vessel was being towed
paat Antheratburg to the lake and when op.
posite Bois Blano island he fell frora the
rigging to the °abbe A doctor was at once
aent for and. rowed to the, bash but in apite
of all thst could be dope for the young man
he died about an hour afterwards, -W. 0.
Searle has parallelled the Brown property
on Orange Street. We understand it was
bought at a bargain. -Mr. X. L. Doherty
left this week for Independence, Iowa, with
the trotters Young Syditey and Seo Edsall.
-Ms, Geo. Swells, one of our oldest and
must esteemed residents has purobtered it
livery business in Wingham and has assum-
ed possession.
(Too late for last week.)
BRIM -The Evaugelioal church held their
ennaal Kindertag on Sunday last, Quite a
number of epeakers addressed the nteetine
in the afternoon -among the number we r
Masers. Edighoffer and Miller of the 14th
concession. Mr. Letts aadreasoa the oh:W-
ren irwEeelire in the eyeeire. Te • elleir
as a whole was a grand enema -Quite A
number front, the neighboring villages visited
in town on Sunday last. -Mr. 0. Fritz
raid our village a flying visit on Tuesday.
There appears to be some sort of magne-
tism about Zurieh.-The A. 0. F. will hold
their annual picnic on Wednesday.-Mr.H.
Dumart and some visiting friende eked:lea
in Hayfield on Monday. -Master John Gies
the only pupil from our public ethool who
wrote on the Public Sehool Leaving Exam-
ination this year has ancoeeded in passing.
We congratulate John on his 01100059 as
this is quite an honor to receive a publie
school 'leaving diploma. -Mr. W, Either,
tailor of Dashwood, was visiting in town on
Tuesday. -Council will hold their next
meeting on Monday, August lat. Trnstees
of the several wheel sections should send
in the amounte to be levied on or before
that date. -Mr. DeSteinbach and family are
camping on the banks of the Sanble this
week. -Mies Evans left:lairt week tor Ben-
nie She has been in charge of the Mil-
linery Department of Appel & Zeller.
Berme -The usual salute now is, "Aw-
fully hot, ain't it ? "-Bass fishing is very
good just novr,some exceedingly fine atrings
being made daily. -There has been a great
rush of summer visitore this week. -In the
ease of M. C. Cameron vs. Jainee Mitobell
criminal libel, the magistrates decided to
send for trial, so that it will come before
the lifiBiZ0 Court in September. -The rains
the past week were of great benefit to roots.
-Goderich Public School passed 27 can-
diaates at the zecent High &heel Entrance
Examination. A good number of the suc-
cessful ones were under 12. -The dredge
No. 9 is doing exoeedingly good work, and
is muoh admired by those who know any-
thing. -The deliveries at this port the past
week were two eargoea of coal, one of briek,
and atmiseellaneons &see/intent, per the
Wmdeor -The Baveriathat was rescued
from the mouth of the river, MOB gtowed to
Port Huron on Saturday for the dry dock.
-The Rattenhury Meth. Sunday school
plonked in Goderich 00 Tneeday.-The
choirs of the Protestant churcheiralong the
Buffalo and Lake Huron B. R. had a big
day in gGoderiola' on Friday. About one
thousand people formed • the exoureion
partyi-Mr. P. W. Johtfeton: has been ap-
pointed Senior Judge of Algoma. jadge
Johnston was in terra last week and left
per the Monaroh on Saturday for his Judi-
cial district. -The Monarch of the Beatty
line made her first call this season on Sat-
urday. She took on considerable freight on
her first visit in '91 -The City of Winder.;
was in port Tuesday.
Montane and NI:MM.-All who have
the oere of children should know that Dr,
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry may
be confidently depended on to oure all.
summer oompleinte, diarrhoea dysentery,
orampe colic, cholera %faun, °bolero
rocrbits, Walter, etoe ba children or faults.
Front S &arc es Through
out the District.
Friday, Aug. 5th, has beeu appoirited
Clintoia s Civic. Holiday.
A. S. Hardy, of Clinton, is trying to start
piaeo faetory at Kingston,
Tlte eerie, dealers of the (minty estimate
that the yield here will be 150,000 barrels,
The Mende of tIr. Robert Elgie, former.
ly of Egmondville, will learn with regret of
bi coutinuea
There is tonne talk of the formatter( of a
bugle baud in Clinton in connection with
00. D. 33ra Rattalion.
Mr, A, P. Gundry of Aylmer has been
engaged as Soienee mad Clooemeroial Master
for Clinton Collegiete Institute.
Mr, W. lolichia, of Mellillop, weighed 7
sheep of the shorthorn breed that tipped
the beam at 1,840 pounds, they are two yr.
Rev. Ed. Softley, erecently orbited by
the litialaop of Huron, eon ot Bev. E Softley
B. D., London is inoumbent of the Hensall
Charaoteristios of Efood'a Sarsaparilla
a -The largest sale, the moat merit'the
greateat cures. Try it, and maize itsbene-
J. R. Miller Roans° Inspeoter for Beet
Huron, has gone on a trip to the Northern
emelt, and his brother Andrew has taken
his piece -
Mr. John Cowan, an old and respected,
resident of Waivanosh, passed away on
Wednesday morning, the 20tb, at the ago
ef 82 years.
• Bev, Jetta Rose, of Whyacemmah, Cape
Breton, Nova Scotia, has been called to
Prosbyteritta Chureh, the di -
•peed being $300,
.4. staff of men have been busily engaged
dttzipg the past week putting in inosndea-
cent lights in atoms and other places of
bueiness in Wingham.
On Tuesdey death relieved Mrs. D. Mo.
Tevieh, of ahrlefeworth, of her suffering be -
low. She died at the age of 00 years and
letwes a husband ena ono son to mourn
her death. •s
The &deaf son of Ur. John Gardner of
Porter's Hill met with a painful aeoldent
last week byfullinS off a wagon, breaking
/ale li
eft arm n two elms, and dialooating
his elbow.
W. C. ?doyen Q. 0., of Wiegharn, is
lying dangerously ill from an affection of
tbr bent at tho residence of his !bretber-in.
law, Wen. Poem, at Calgary, N. W. Tema
his recovery is doubtful.
Mr. F. W, Johnston, Junior Judge of
Algoma. formerly al Goderioh, has been pro
meted to be senior Judge, vice Judge Mc-
Crea, deceased. His many friends join Tee
Titres in extending congratulations.
An effort hail been made to hevo the
Wingham post office removed from its pro
sent location, but contrary to this is a peti-
tion praying that it remain where it is now.
The Government has the matter under
On Friday bast, as Mr. Forbes, who lives
about two miles from Conetance,was mist-
ing Mr. T. Staples to draw hay, the horses
suddenly started. and Mr. Forbes,losing his
balance, fell to the mound and breke his
breast bone.
Ur. James lIenderaou of the 4th eon.
itfoKillop, while standing on a load of hay,
was suddenly jerked by the horses moving,
s.nd was thrown to the ground, the result
being paralysis ot the body and limbs. He
died shortly afterwards,
A team from the Seaforth Gun Club
visited Brussels on Wednesday and enjoyed
a trial of skill with the drib of that town.
After a close contest &Meath earns on tfirst
by one shot, the score standing 92 for Sea
forth and 91 tor Brunelle
Mrs. James Budge, of Belgrave. died on
•Sthbath last, at the advanced age of 93 ya,
she had been very feeble and helplesa for
sometime. She leaves 4 sons and 4 daugh-
ters to mourn an absent mother; her hus-
band died 15 years ago,
A friend in Denver, Colorado, writes on
July the 14 as follows meeting was
called last evening and a Canadian Club
orgattieed in Denver, with R. tr. Hunter,
formerly of Ingersoll Ontario, as preaident,
and W. B. Robb, formerly of Huron Co.,
Iffe. Young,] Sully Street Grove
Street, Liverpool, Eng., writes that the oort-
tents of one bottle 01 51. Jacobs Oil owed
her of lumbago after she had given up all
hopee of ever being better.
The suit between the Canada Salt Asso-
ciation and the Ontario People's Sall Com-
pany of Kincardine, particulars of which
appeared in last:week's issue'was Eettled
Friday in favor of the Association, and the
defeated company must therefore etsy in
the combine until the end of the year.
Mr. John Avery of Stanley lost it fine
four-year-old fitly. the other day. She was
pastured at his brother's, and, getting
rfrightened, attempted, with urine others, to
jump a fence, but ah'e fell on top of it post,
which disembowelled ;her. She was from
imported stook, weighed about 4700, arid
was valued at 0500; there was an Insurance
of 8200 on her.
Clinton New Era : Some idea of the
extent of the export cattle trade may be
gathered from the fad that dining the
months of May and June Mr. Sidney Smith
paid out here the sum of $83,000 for cattle
alone: Thie amount, taken in connection
with what it expended by resident buyere,
shows a very extensive business that will
adroit of almost unlimited expansion.
_ • .11
Hood's Pills cure Siok Headache.
Backache is almoat immediately relieved
by wearing one of Carter'e Smart Weed
and Belladoena Baokache Plasters. Try
one and be free from pain. Price 26 o,
Mitierd'e Linimen onrcs Cottle, etc. •
Tire other morning Sar. Won hfurhy,
Strathroy, hed a mare badly gored by a
bull, which necessitated the ending of her
earthly career the following morning. The
at:Weals were to the table feedieg et tile
Ube Louisa Marina Yorke, one of Park -
hill's estimable young ladies, Passed atsser
the other day. Miss Yorker returned home
ill frora Allehigan about five or ate months
ago and sinoe that time gradually Bank un -
till death tame to her relief.
The BloGillivray council hold it special
session on Saturday efterueort for the pur-
pose of opening tenders to building a pile
water gap through the approaoh near the
black bridge over the Ana Senble, ricer
Craig, The tender of 9, Pearson., being
the lowest, was aceepted on hie tarnishing
approved seourity for the completion a the
Mitohell haa sent $154,50 la private con-
tributions to St. John's,
James :Henry, one of Mitchell's oldest
settlers, is dead, aged 73,
The date of Mitchell's civic holiday has
boon changed to the Ilth of next meta.
The St. Mime ootmoil has renewed the
contraet with the eleetne light company for
a term of five peers,
The Lord Bishop of Huron has offered
the rectorship ot the parish of St. Jams;
Stratford, to Rev. John Ridley of Trinity
Churoh, Galt.
Al!. Boss has =tea the E. half lot 20
in the 12th oon. Fullerton, front Mr. 1.
Gourley for it term of years, at it rental of
$150 per year.
T,E. Greenwood, late of Fullerton was
marten% of the Hon. 0. Silesia of North
Brandon ha the recent election. and IVES
defeated by a small majority.
Mr. Robert Raney, Ribbart, hem purchas-
ed from. Ur. John Aikeus hia 25 aore lot o0
the eaat side of .Eduron Road, which gives
him it lam now of 200 acrer.
Uwe D. Sinclair cd Logan hat:it vary pro-.
line goose, which has already hatched out
Iwo brood of goslings this season, and is
expeoted to WEIR out a third, before fall.
A Stratford young man gave presents to
a young woman to whom he wee engaged.
The wedding failed to come of,ao be is now
suing her for obtaining 'geode uuder false
Mr. Wm, H. Grant, eon of Rev. A. Grant
of St. Marys goes to Ronan, China, as
missionary. His ordination takes place
in Knox Church, St. Marys, on the itOttest
2p. m.
A. olummionship game of laeroese was
played at Stratford Friday afternoon be-
tween the name Falls and Stratford teeing
whith rest -sited in favor of the home team by
3 goals to 2.
James Gourley of the 18th eon. Fuller,
ton has sold his farm containing 100 acres
to Wm. Hamra for $5,500` which is eon-
sidered a good price, Mr. Gourley purpos-
es rnovhtg to 'Windsor to live.
The St. Marys journal says a mysterious
epidemic has broken out among the hogs
owned by Mr. 0. J. White, of that town,
vibioh are being fed at the reyonbenk cheese
factory. A number of the hogs have died
from the disease. entailing alose :upon Mr.
White. A. GOVOSOMETIS inspector, who
visited the Beene deolared that it was not
boa cholera, and several vets are making
Grand Bend.
Berars.-Mr. Je B. Hoagies has rented
his farm to Richard Hoagies, on the 19th
oon., for a term of five years --The work of
the Grand Bend otit is being rapidly push-
ed forward, all the timber being cleared off
and the grounds ready to start and dig. -
On account of the favourable =Mho: moat
of the farmers tare through haying. -Mr -
Ashton Mallard and Will Tapson, who
have been spenaing the last few months in
theteliohigati lumber woods have returned
home for a short visit. -Mr. David Pollock,
returned from the North West Friday of
last week looking well but reports the crops
to be very poor in that vicinity. --The wind
storra last week aid a gieat deal of damage
to the fishermen of this place by tearing
out their nets and pales which will require
a good deal of work to repair again.
Aliso, Craig.
Bnizrs.-Rev, Mr. Smith is improving
but has not yet resumed his work. He and
his family left on Tuesday on a visit to
Sarnia. -Rev, Mr. Dewar has returned from
his trip to New Olerunswick. Mrs. :Dewar
who accompanied him, will remain some-
time longer, -Mr, Walter Glenn, who was
taken to the London Hospital owing to in-
juries sustained in a runaway, bee return-
ed home and is now able to attend to his
work. -Mr, E. E. Shoebottom has gone to
Kincardine where he will pursue his veteri-
nary studiea with Mr, J. S. Fife, V. S. His
many friends here wish him 11100011. --
Bev. Mr. Hough, who was formerly a Met-
hedist minister here, has been visiting
friends in town. Re supplied the Matto -
dist pulpit for the last two Sundays -Mr.
W. M. Shoebottom will dispose of hie house-
hold effects by public: 'notion on Thursday
afternoon, 281h inst., and immediately af-
ter the sale will leave for hie home in
Lnoknow. •
Miss Julia Vigor, Trenton, Ont.
green fruits and summer drieks is the time
when the wove forms of cholera morbus,
diarrhoea, and bowel complaints preriail.
As a safeguard Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry ahould be kept in the
house. For 36 gears it has been the most
reliable remedy.
Tire ONLY Rnatewro-Gentlenren I have
need Burdock Blood Bitters for my blood
iand for pimples, and two bottles made it
complete cure of my case. It is the only
remedy I ttould find to help me.
For preserving, I know, and vott eyrapa-
thise with the ladies. But, if yea. will ,
buy our pure granulated sugar and sae
self sealers, both of whieh we keep
large quantities and at lowest polesee,
your labors will berewardecl by luscicrus
fruit in, eyery jar you open during the
We congratulate the farmers oo the
abundance of the hay prop and the ex-
cellent weather for saving it. You must
surely r equire ar large number a
• Eo.
We have sold large numbers of these
already, and have abundance yet and
Bargain, Depot ,
BRIEM-The iarmere areal', very basy %t-
ine off their harvest which ie reported a
good crop. -Mr, 0. Mo. Wilson has returned.
to Aurora, 111, after spending it few day:.
with laia pare:lats.-Sorrow end sleeve has
0E4 R shadow over tha community being
the death cf. Martha beleire(t \wife of 'Mt -
son Eagleson who died on dhly 12th. She
was highly (lineal:ma by her neighbors and
loved devotedly by her fatally who atirvive
her to mourn the lose of a raced affectionate
mother. Her funerel to the Grand Baud
cee: -tory waa largely atteroled. The bereav-e„
ea family have the Sympathy of all in their
sad bereavement -Mr. John AleKenzie of
lievaaa has (mute here for her health audie
spending a few weeks with her zonsin Mrs.
N. Y. Wilson. -Our village blacessatith ie
very !may, you. eau hear the claug of his
hammer from early morn till late at nightt
-Mrs. J. Dorman, Sr. Is visiting here:
daughter qrs. D. Brophey.
Berens -It's awful het. ----The A. 0, F.
photo was a grand tereese-What might
have been a sorioue moment happened itt
front of the Huron Hotel on the evening of
the 20t1,. While some of the picnic:we were
getting off the wagon, the horses started
and need the wagon. No pets= wart ter-
iously hurt. All were badly soared -w
horse driyen by Mn. Henry Weber, while
being given a pail of water, became fright-
ened aud alerted forits home in Dasherrood.
It was captured after makiag a hasty tour
lour of the village and. depositing the buggy
top dogn in the ditoh -Mrs. 11 -Gottschalk.
is Gottsobalk, ar., is seriously ill.
- The. a1g Peopien teetauee lies been
organised in the Evangelical Church here
with the following officers : Sties lellannie,
Pres.; Mx R. Steinbaoh, Vioe Doe Miss E.
Steinbach, Cor. See.; Mr. John Kibler,Reo.
Do.; Miss F.Geiger,Treas. This is a grand
movement. and should be aided zealously by
all who feel an interest in the young people.
__Miss E. Steinbaoh haa returned from a
visit to Exeter. -Mr. Ed Hagen, who has
been tesehing in the Inter. Dept. of our P.
S., is engaged to teach No. 12 (14th) for
'92 at a salary of $330,
The new electric railway iniffinnipeg
was opened on Tuesday.
A slight shock of earthquake waefelfr
in San Francisco early Friday morning.
The withdrawal of soldiers from the
Carnegie mills at Homestead, Pa., has
been commenced.
Mr. Glaclstone'sinjured eye has gain-
ed so much of its strength that he can.
now use it briefly for reading purposes.
John Beocleck-er, aged fifteen, of Nia-
gara Falls, was drownedwhile bathing
m the river below the New Suspension
Heavy sententes, ranging from 3 to,
20 years imprisonment, were imposed
ou several Anarchists Tuesday absLiege
President Harrison Tuesday approved
the act to enforce reciprocal commercial
relations between. the United States and
A violent outbreak of cholera is re-
ported at the insane asylum at Bonne-
val, on the river Loire, 75 miles south
west of Paris.
Burglars at Seaforth stole gold watch
es and other prizes which were intended
for a bicycle tournament to be held next
' Eighty Teeple were seriously injured
by the collapse of a tier of seats at a
theatrical performance at Rueil, in the
department of Seine-etrOise, France.
Advices front Vladierosteck report that
there are 12,000 men engaged in laying
the eastern section efethe Tians-Siber-
iari Ritiltrray and the Work will be com-
pleted next auttinin,
Minard's Liniment la used by Physician.
Keep Minard's Liniment in the house.
Ask for Miiiard's Liniment and take no
RAPID RELIEF -Dear Sms,-I had
for years been troubled with dyspepsia and
siok headache, and found but little relief
until I tried your Burdock Trood Bitters,
which was it perfect cure. It le the best
medicine I ever had in my life, and 1 will
never be without it.
Hettie Davis, Clinton., Ont.
m-T's-aard's triple:met ceree tiarget Dowsr