HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-7-21, Page 8INSURANCE
TUE wESTEEN.A.sstataxoE 0011.r.
Pa NY, ef Termite; also fox the PNCENIX
Pion fleSURANOE 00MPANE, or ocauclotti
PAN): or England,
AA,Tmt Papef
(Tar. Muir.) Exeter.
r H
, 11.10,11?!.
174 ,Dress Goods, Silks, Sateens,
rt;'4Pririts. Chailies and Skirting.'
Embroideies—ail at closest,..„'V
'cut prices during the great al
4-4 teration sale DOW on. Our Big
.Stock must be reduced before
Q the workmen tako possession'
and begin enlarging the store:::
-7-.1 Do you want a nice white ein
broidered drzss It you do, .74
.we want to see von; we have
sune grand values for you at
redunc.3 prices.
• Now's your time to buy'
Groceries,as we are doing hig.TR
g things in choice, fresh Gro
• ,eeries. Many lines below,.
actual wholesale cost. How
'wo do it and live is what tro 5
.ubles the old timers. Our".4'
,system of doing business is 04
nee one own. Others may follow ;r...
.us hut they never get ahead,
'do thy.
1/ th an
To Ilelp Temperance.
The licensed vietuallers have raised funds
whereby their eiee of the ease may be pre -
Forted before the Royal COM MieSiOn on
Temperence, the friends of the temperance
cause are 'moving in the same direction
t hroughout the Dominion. In town solid
tors will shortly wait upon those of the
toivuspeople whose sympetbies are with the
torritu.rolleP range. fm belie if of the defame
n ear teat is :elite; ralsee, auti they writ be
pleased to receive whatever financial aid
they reel disposed to render.
Expulsion of Ants.
A friend of our says the problem is this
way ; "Raving had years of torment with
ants, both black and adore lighted on the
followtng remedy, -which with us has
worked like magic : One spoonful tartar
emetic and one spoonful of sugar mixed
into a thin syrup. As it evaporates or is
carried off, add ingredients( as needed. A
sicker lot of pests would be hard to find.
Whether they impart the result to home
firm or whether all are killed I know not,
Certain it is that they do not pay us an-
other visit. For ants on the lawn a spoon-
ful of pans green cut with alcohol and
made into syrup with sugar and water can
be put on pieces of glass or crockery -
cover from domestic pets -and the slaugh-
ter will be satisfactory."
Read J, P. Clark's and Doupe & Co's
change of advertisements in this issue.
The exeavation is being made for the
foundation of the school room in connect-
ion with the Trivitt Memorial Church.
A representative of an electric light firm
waited upon the Council with a view to
putting his system into Exeter. We have
not learned the reset.
Some ashes were thrown on a manure
heap at the rear of L. H. Dickson's ',stable
the other day, and in a few minutes the
pile was ablaze. Timely discovery result-
ed in the staying of whet might have been
a serious fire.
A deputation from the Seaforth Council
eomposerl of the Ma,yor, Reeve and two
Cour milers visited Exeter on Friday last
to inspect our town hall. They were
shown from basement to lower and. ex-
pressed themselves as being well satisfied
with the size and errangernent of the build
ing, and will likely follow the same in the
erection of a town hall for Seaforth.
There has been a unanimous outcry
frobe students and teachers at the arith-
metic and algebra papers presented for
soltition to the candidates at the depart-
mental examination. The papers com-
pletely overcome some of the candidates
and many who are mare they made a
pass on the other subjects arefearful that
the perposterous questions in arithmetic
or algebra which they endeavored to
solve will unhorse them. The protest
is general at the unreasonable character
of th papers, and is entered with
Igor because nearey every yeat
estrosities are put before he
3 subject or another. The
'dilution should see that
a who have been yearly
harass children all over
eeigned up smartly and
,A.ugest: 4th will be Bsetees eivie bo
tie els° Heusall's.
elitehell will have racers on August
the eel° holiday.
Mr. George Stowell received on
day a valueble Jersey cow and calf.
Large quantities of new hay hart
marketed the past week, at from, Let
per ton.
in Mitchell, under the auspieee of
Raspberry festivals are now the
liday Mrs. Alfred Bayley, of St Thomas, is
the guest of her mother, Mrs. Penhala-
leth, Me. A. J: McTavish last week showed us
the valuable presents Ile won at the lager -
hoe__ soll Atleetic gimes all May 24th, Among
" them was a gold watch, -Miss Young of
Seaforth eves the guest of M. R. H. Col.
taeeet lies the past week. --Little "Miss Crocker
to• 85 is home from St. lUarys visiting under the
maternal roof, -Messrs. C. French and B.
order Watt of Wiarton were the guests of Mr.
the D, French on Sunday. They are on a trip
by wheekto the 'ia. r Palle They re -
pork the roads good and the coontry look-
ing splendid, Mr. and Mrs, .Aitkin of
Golletieh spent Sunday in town the geests
of Mr. and Mrs J. I', Rose.--leliss A. IA
Crocker. Milliner of Blyth, is spending
Vacation under the parental roof.-Mr.E,
Harwood of Toronto is visiting friends in
to wro-Mr, Luther Gill, formerly with
Messrs.. Carling Bros, now of Cleveland
is spending a few weeks with his parents
and 'friends -The annual session of the
Grand Lodge of Free e,ud Accepted
Mason, of Canada is now lacing held in
London, and the represe ntatives from
Lehman Forest Lodge, N, 133, Exeter,
are H. Collies, Master : J. b -night,
C. Senders ; and Past Masters M. Eacrett,
G. A. le, MeLeod, and g. Spackinan.-
Rev. Capon Richardson, rector of the
Menial Charch, London, preached
epeeitte sermone in the Trivia Memorial
churoh last Sunday. The rev gen.leman
le a pleasing speaker, fluent and earnest,
and his discourses were heard with profit
and emotion. Rev. Mr. Fatt suppliedefor
Canon Richerdson in London, and the
press made special mention of his sermons
and stated that the cburch was filled to
hear an esteemed former pastor.-telr. D.
johes, postmaster, is able to visit the of-
fice daily, and is occasionally seen on the
street. -The millittery mewl has closed
and the various milliners have taken their
departure, -Mr, John Suell steadily im-
provete-Mr. A. 3. McTavish spent Sun-
day with friends in St. Marys. --Mrs, E.J.
Speakman and family spent last week
camping at the lake -Mr. Jos. Davis,
Ledger -keeper in O'Neil's bank is off en a
two weeks' saunter. --Miss McDonagh of
Toronto is the guest of her brother. Rev.
W. McDonagh, here. -Miss Jamieson of
Et, Watford spent the put week the guest of
the Mises Verity, -Rev. D. M. Ramsay
en'e.e., of Mt Forest is at present visiting under
the parental roof, and on Suuday preached
ed in the Caven Presbyterian. church -
on,e Mr. Jae. Brophey and wife of Montreal
eat are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. L. H. Dick-
elt son at present, -Mrs. G. F. Oakes tote re-,
es" turned to Clinton after spending a few
weeks with her parents, Mr and Wm. T.
ite- Gregory here. -Min Annie Gregory is
he spending Iter vacation visiting friends in
to Guelph, Bettupton and Grimaby,-J.
ot- Gregory, has returned from Aylmer, where
he has been attending the Collegiate Ta-
ble stitute.-Mr. W. Manning of Clinton vie
lie ited :his parents here this week.-jr,
es AndrewsorGoderich is the guest of his
me brother, W. W. Autlrews.--.,Ir. Alefinell.
of St.Thomas,is'eleiting uudertbe metaled
rool.-elr. M. Parkinson and wife of Tor-
„e onko are guests at Mr. Thos. Parkinsou's.
110 .• •
a• .....J.418f.5 4 nuie Arktil„k,,,vsiting frieniessin
"'end John Hawkahaw a:deeded the Travel-
er lers Fienio at Port Stanley on Saturday
hat -Miss Fannie Pinch has returned
hvo° from a visit with friends in Stretford. -
Miss Maud Reid of Kincardine was the
to guest of Mrs. A. M. Peterson, at Mrs.
Templeton'a last week. -Mr, Wm. Yee,
ed clear in Messrs. Curling Bros, store, Is
to taking a two weeks' vacation at Mitchell,
to and other places. -Mr. Russell .etanning
returned home from Cleveland on teeter -
or day,where he Ma been visiringhis brother.
The Salt Werke is shut down for
present but there is a large steak of
on hand.
A Garden Party will be held on the
of the Thamee Road Manse, on Friday
la wn
of this week.
Mr. John McInnes' till was tapped on
Thum:ley last to the extent of $5,the work
of boys about town.
Mr. John Willis still suffers with his
arm, and will go to Detroit shortly,to have
an operation performed.
The eflax is nearly ready for harvesting
and the crop is it big nae. Soon the large
army of pullers will be et it.
The contract tor the erection of an ad-
dition to the big bankrupt store has been
awarded and the leork will be begun at
Mr. R. R. Collins contleues to improve
his very handsome and commodious reste
slimes), and it will be among tile flutist in
Contractors are now examining the plans
of the proposed new resiclenee of Mr, Jos.
Cobleetlick, which will be erected this
Mr. R. S. Lang is jasmine a circular to
the farming community, with instruction
how to pick their apples. Everv foamier
should have one.
Mies Elitabeth leeellis of Kippen was
yesterday married to Rev. Mr. McKibben
of rine River, Ont., at the residence of
her peeents Kippen.
Ma Sutherland of Woodstock, the other
day, took carbolie acid by mistake and
died soon eftervvetrtis. She was mother of
Airs. Horton of Gotleriebe
There will be a cricket meeting in
lot's office at $.30 o'clock to -day (Th
day) to errarige About a match with Sar
on civic holiday F. ELLIOT, SECY.
We And it stated that there is only
sudden death among women to every el
among men. These probably all res
from seeing a mouse or from being prep
ed to.
The Voters' list for tbe Village of E
ter has been mead and contains t
names of 565 voters, 25a being eligible
serve as jurors. There are 40 female v
erse” idey night's storm did considers
demage to shade trees hereabouts. T
strength of the vigorous breezes was ehoi
by the blowing down of fences and so
The managers of the Caven Presbyt
len Church be to tender the mem
their sincere thanks for their services gr
tuitously given at the lawn social To
day evening.
Always read the advereies i▪ tt • ye
local ..epseeeeeceteereetrew just what li
IiiMiess men are about, and everyone w
has to do trading will find that it pays
ttade with those who advertise.
The Exeter junior foot ball team visit
Hensall on Friday evg. last, but owing
the latenesa of the hour were unable
kick with the juniors there. These teen
have met on several occasions but neith
has won a game.
Mrs. (Rev.) 3. R Gundy, of London,
formerly of Exeter, was eecently preeented
with an address and lifenneanherehip
certificate by the ladies of the Mission
Auxiliary in connection with the Metho-
dist church, Saruia. It is a tribute to her
arre eridge over the 'Sauble at Stan -
lake's mills, lake road is beiug rebuilt by a
Mr. L. Herely, Huron's famous bridge
builder, and in consequence traflic along
that portion of the road has been atopped. T
Riga are taken le miles south to avoid the
obstruction and deep water.
A. young lad named Efarry Piper was b
taken before mad -trate Snell on Monday
charged with disturbing the Salvation
Army service. He pleaded guilty and wa
fined. $2 and coats, $5 75 in all. The
are others who will meet with similar far
if they continue annoying the Army,
A circular sent out recently by the Ea
ucational Department, states that "On
hour ,pach week must now be employed i
teaching Temperance and Hygiene la ever
Public School, and that Inspectors are re
quested to zee that this T egulation is car
ried oat."
A correspondent who has friends interr
ed in the cemetery 'writes to tie of th
shameful manner that parties are allowe
to desecrate the graves of loved ones. • H
says that parties visit the place and tea
up flowers that have been placed there b
friends of the departed. Surely anyon
having any respect for themselves woul
not be guilty of an act so mean. It should
certainly be made a punishable offence.
The weather continues dry and hot,
plendid lime for hervest.
Mr. James aaward is creating a new
ence in front of hie residence,
Mr, John Ilawkshew is painting and
therwiee improving bit residence.
The raspberry season haa opened, with
good crop and abundance of pickers.
The hay harvest is about over and the
utting of fall wheat has commenced.
he yield promises big.
Since the Grand Truer gobbled up the
xpress company no special. rates have
een granted. Another result of a huge
The voters' list for the year 1892, for
e the township of tlaborne, has been iesued.
e It contains a total of 834 names of voters',
with 414 elieble to serve as jurors. •
_ The Kingston City Council has decided
e to exempt manufacturers who run nine
, months during the year and pay •$400 in
puelart. weekly,on buildings,machinery and
- In ease any of our readers contemplate
attending the Sullivan -Corbett fight at
New Orleans an Sept. 7, we will announce
e that the price of tickets has been placed
d by the Olympic chileunder whose euspiges
• and in whose club -house the fighe is given,
e as follows: general adm1esion,e15, reserv-
ed seats, $20, box (6 chairs) $160.
e Since July 1 the limits of size for weir-
d eta ot patterns or samples of merchandise
sent by post to all countries in the postal
union are extended, and are as follows: 12
inches in length, &finches in width, and 4
Inches in depth. For packets made up in
the form of rolls, the length limit is 12 in.
and the diameter 6 in
The Garden Panty on Tuesday evg on
Mr. A. Whiteford's lawn, London Road
north, under the auspices of the Caven
Presbyterian church, was a success, finan-
cially and otherwise. The attendance was
very large, both from Hensel and Exeter,
and all appareney spent a good time.
Music by the Gidley orchestm enlivened
the proceedings, also the cornet solos of
Mr. Wooster, of London, while Chinese
lanterns served as tasty decorations, and
everything pasted off pleasantly, Proceeds
The display made by the polar lights or
aurora borealis in the :heavens,. on Friday
and Saturday nights was one of the grand-
est and most brilliant ever seen. An im-
mense (tech spanned the sky near to •the
zenith, while behind it darted variously
colored and changing mellow lights that
shot columnar rays far southward, at the
end of which sheets a faint light flashed
with electrical rapidity and xn dazzling
fashion. Lovers of the heaven's wonders
sat up far into Sunday morning watching
the play 'of the lights.
James Mitchell, editor of the Goderich
Star was arrested on Monday, charged
with criminally libeling Mr, M, C. Camer-
on, ex -M. P. Mitchell in his paper last
week made a bed charge against Mr. C#
and challenged him to resent it in any
manner he pleased. People will eagerly
watch the outcome of the arrest, as also
the result of the charge preferred by Mr.
Mitehell. The prisoner was taxon before
•the Mayor, on Tnesday, but the case was
postponed, Mitchell being liberated on his
own bail to appear when called. t, eeee
IVIinard's Iiimment for Rheuerettiom.
three. -year old daughter of Mr. T. 13.
Carling while at the lake last week nar-
rowly escaped drowning. With other lit-
tle girls she was playing bare-footed at the
water's edge, running in and out, when
she fell, the sea, although light, carrying
her into deep water. Mr, Carling was
olose by and waded in and rescued the
child, as she came to the surface the se-
cond. time. -
Carling Brewing :Company, of London,
being the judge, temperauce is counting
for something after all. The manager re-
cently asked for it reduction in the muni-
• cipal nestle -meat from $159,000 to $60,000,
and contended "that the license reduction,
the work of the temperaace organisations
and the possibility of prohibition had had
the effect of largely curtailing the com-
pany's business, arid that they were only
. running the establishment at about onehalf
its capatity.
Here are some facts and figures to make
the school boy quail. It may be unkindto
thrust there upon his notice in these, his
vacation days, but the memory of past
punishments will make him appreeiate
them all the more: "Sehoolniaster Johann
records that during fifty-one years he d'
tributes' 911 517 strokes with a stick 240,-
100 'mites' with it birch rod, 10,086 hits
with a ruler'136,e15 handsma,cks, 10,235
oleos in the face, 7,905 boxes on the ears,
115,800 blows on the head, 12,763 tasks
front the Bible, catechism, the Poems and
lefiARD PICKA1111 SC1N
In Mic1=Summer Goods we are showing a complete,
line, embracing :
Embroidered Skirts, Silk Flouncings,
Silk Lace, Plain and Fancy Muslins,
White and Colored Lawns (all wool)
• Delaines, (fast Colors) Sateens, etc.
Also the largest stock of Cotton and Cashmere
Hosiery ever shown in Exeter, at lowest prices,
A few of our celebrated Parasols left, which We aro clearing. Prints 1r,' to 1.4o,
clearing at the low price of 110.
And see our lines of
A. splendid Bed -Room Suite in 1Vlaple
or Cherry for 89.00. Sideboards from
e8,00 upwards.
Call While the Stock Lasts
Remember the stand:- Two doors
North of Town Ran, Exete,
Presbytery of Huron.
The Presbytery met in Knox Church
Goderich, on :the 12th inst. Rev. J. H.
8itnwson was appointed Moderator for the
ensuing six months. Delegates to the
General Assembly reported their attend-
ance at the same. Messrs. Wilson and
Anderson, atueents, read diecoursesewhich
were approved. Steedjug,eetnileittees-weee-
eestegeolietceieeirergar, with the followiug
Conveners aome Missions, C. Fletcher ;
Finance, R. Henderson; Sabbath Obser-
vance, A. McLean; Sabbath Scheele, J.H,
Simpson; Superintendence of Stadents,W.
MelVIertin; Temperanee,A. Steweet; State
of Religion, Dr.McDonald. The clerk was
instructed to forward an extract minute
of the Presbytery's action regarding the
Drysdale property, to Rev. 3. McDonald,
of Varna. The resignation of Dr. McDon-
ald of Seaforth was next taken up. Meagre
D.1). Wilson, Ballantyne J. Wilson, and
Govenlook appeared for the Session and
congreeation Resolutions were read from
the congregation, setting fortb its desire to
retain Dr. eicDonald., and offering Lire an
assistant if he would withdraw lee resigna-
tion. Dr. McDonald stated his adherence
to Ma resignation, but left himself entirely
in the heeds of the Presbytery. It was
duly moved, seconded and carried, that in
view of the congregation, unanimous de-
sire to retain the services of their pastor,
the Presbytery decline to accept the resig-
nation. The Presbytery adjourned to meet
in Brucefield the second Tuesday in Sep-
tember next.
The insurance losses in St. John Al -
up $4,480,000.
Smallpox has reached Calgary, total
berta, from the Pacific coast.
A little son of PeterSmith was drown-
ed in the Grand River at Elora, on Mon-
day. He fel in while playing on the
James Wray, of Rothsay, who was
coromitted to. -Guelph jail a few weeks
ago as a lunatic, died last Sunday morn-
ing in an epileptic fit.
Sir John Thompson has received an
official communication from Lord Salis-
bury appointing him one of the arbitra-
tors in the Bering Sea dispute.
John Bennett, of Beavereon, who was
seriously injured by the falling of Thos.
McEachrin's barn ae Point Mara on
Friday last, died on Monday.
It is a good thing that St. Johns, NM
fire took place at a seasnn of the year
when the people could camp. What
prevateens would have been experienced
by the unfortunate victims if the con-
flagrations had occurred with the ther-
mometer below zero 1
A Simeoe lawyer named Kelly and a
school teacher named. Crysler have been
lodged in jail on a charge of fraud, the
outcofne of an advertisement calling for
a teacher to accompany a lady with two
Children, who intended travelling for
two years, teacher to receive $900 per
year for services. Deposit of $10 was
required from applicants, 'Kelly was
To one PonT.r.—We say onr remedy is a
permanent cure and then prOve it thus :-
Toronto, Ont., April 17, 1887. "I would
state that St. Jacob's Oil cured me effectu-
ally of rheumatism, with which I suffered
in 1880. I have never hed a A return ((ince
of the pain which I endure (or months
previous. It affords me re pleasure to
say I have recommended 1 a number of
friends. Too muon praise caunot be devo-
ted *to its healing qualities." J. Abrahams,
Passenger Agent, 51 Yore St. A seven
year's telt.
A Omen Sevon.-lely little boy was taken-,
very bad with diarrhoea, be was very deli-
cate and got so dew we had no hope of his
life, but it lady •friend recommended Dr.
Fowlers Extraot of Wild Strawberry, and
although he could only bear a few drops
atit time he got well. It saved my child.
Mrs. Wm. Stewart, (Jannebellville,Oni,
Prompt relief in sick headache,dizzineas,
nausea, constipation. and pain in the side,
gum enteed to those using Cazter's Little
Liver Pills. One a dose. Small price.
Small dose, Small Pill. '
Bit 111'_, eito,aviderdoe(1 enzhtiiitobitTaeeavrt oszlic tsi,mi ii 11):1 o
and being asked why he did this, Oh,
he said tlie.public like to be humbugged.
Now we do not propose to adopt this plan Of hura-
bugging the people by exhibiting a Mountain Goat,
but simply to state
At all times. When a Merchant tells you he is
You can cam3t to a moral certainty on the statement be-
ing false : or when a Merchant sells you an article at or
You may depend that he will make it up on something
else before he gets through with you. There must be some
profit or a merchant can't live. But Carling Bros'
ST C liflUSrli GO
and therefore we offer everything at the very smallest
margin of.profit consistent with honesty and fair dealing.
The best discount we can offer is 5 per cent.off for Cash
Butter 13c; Eggs 1% in trade,
We solicit a call.
An accident occurred on the Welland
division of the Grand Trunk Railway be.
tween St Catharines alai Merriton near pILEKoNk
the aqueduct of the new canal Monday
morning, the steamboat express from
Buffalo colliding with the local train for
Pelt Colborne, Four persons are reported
The Sir John A. Macdonald Monament
Cemitnittee, at Heetulioa, heve decided on
a design in which Sir John is wearing a
Prince Albert coat, and. has his right hand
extended. The statute will be bronze,
seven feet high, and the order has been
cabled to Georze E. Wade, London, Eng.
The order for it pedestal of Canadian
granite will be given to a Canadian firm.
Food's Pills cure liver ille. jaundice, hil-
lionsness, sick headache, constipation.
In' the Main-st. Methodist Church, 00 Sun-
day 10th inst.. a nair of gold -rimmed spectacles
The owner can have the same by proving pro -
Pear and payingfor this advertisement on ap
plication to ,TAS, WILLIS,
Exeter, Julylbth;1002, Lumber Merell'n't
Fra me house and lot on William -at., near the
market, will be aid cheap. Nouse, which is
a storey and a half, contains 8 rooms, besides
kitchen and wood shed- For further particu-
lars apply to
Suitable for a retired gentleman, containing
1 of an acre of land, on which is a two storey
brick house, and good driving shed and stable.
Choice, young,fruit-bearing trees of all kinds.
The property is situated on the corner of hill
and Andrew streets, oast of the Presbyterian
Church, the bost Joe Ilion in town Terms
easy, and posSession given at any time. APPLY'
MRS. PIN011,
Jle7-mt On the premises.
A Positive, Cure.
$1.00 PRIM BOX.
For Sale by all _Druggists.
Still takes lead in the
Furniture Business
We are too busy to call on. people -itt
need of Furniture; but please 'drop in
our Warerooms and see our Stock and
we will try to suit you in this line.
Ordered Work Neatly Done on Short Notice
Remember we have also a handsome
line of
Undertaking ..6
CIT20 d--
llways on hand, and all calls in this
ine will be promptly attended to, and
• satisfaction guaranteed every time.
Store -Next to Molsons Bank, Exeter
And a Valuable and Handsome Prize will be
Given Free to Everyone.
The publishers of Tug LAurns' PrcrourAr, Wmrstr will give a first-class cabin passage td,
Paris, Prance, and return, with kti
all expenses for fibC weeks/ sojourn in that city (or its equivalent
In cash, not to exceed $100) to the person sending them the largest number of words of Met less
than four letters each constructed:from letterS contained in the three words LADIES' PIC).
• TORIAL WEEKLY. To the person sending next to the jarge,st list will be given an Era..
GANT 'Orme:am PrAwo (valued at $800). To the person...sending the third largest llatwill be
given Two Hurrunno DormAus. To the penion sending' -the fourth largest list will be given a
PONY. CART and BArtavras completn(valued at $1501. 7.o the person sending the fifth largest list
PrIPTY Dormans izi cash. A coMinittee consisting of five teachers from the rotiblic schools of To. ronto -will be invited to be present and assist the Judges -in. the awifrd of ' prizes. ADDITIONAL.
PRIZES to be awarded in order of merit, three Ladies' Gold Watches, throe' Ladies' Coin Silver
• Watches, two Prench 1Vinsie Boxes, two conardete China Dinner $ets :,(consisting of over 00 pieces
each), three Silk Dress Patterns and One -French Mantel Clock.
A nit NDSolvIE PRIZE OF VALUE wM be given to EVERT PERSON who sends in one
hundred words or over in this our last Prize Word Contfietilion.
RULES s-1. Lists are to contain tnglish and: Angliolsed words 'orimr. of not fess thaa
four letters each. 2. No letter can be used in the construction of any word more time than it ap.
pears in LAranS' PrOromam WEEELX. 3. Words having more than one meanin ,g but spelled
She same, can be used but once. 4. Rama of places and persons are barred. 6. Words will be
allowed in either singular or_plural, but not in both numbers, and iti one tense only. 6.. Prefixes
and suffixes are not allowed- by themselves, but can be used in' the construction of a complete
word. 7. The main_part ONLY of Worcester's or Webster,s Dictionaries may be used as the goy,
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