HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-7-21, Page 5ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys• tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches anti fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy andagreeable substances, its many excellent qualities oommen its to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand willrocure it promptly for any one who wishes 10 try it. Manufactured only by the IALIFURN A FIG SYRUP CO sex FRANCISCO, CAL;, i..O. LOVIT,r.Ts, EY. NNW YORE, N Y kt'or Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store BORN. DN;:NRT.-In Exeter on the 20th inst., the wife of Mr, A. E. Bennett, of a daughter. CuRTIN.-In Biddulph on the 12th inst, the wife of Mr. P Curtin,of twins -son and daug- hter. MA11RIE U. Drolllnno,I-Mituts.-At the residence ,of :the bride's parents, on the 20th inst. by the Rev • Mr. Rowell, ofSeaforth, Rev McKibben of Pine River, Ont , to Mies Elizabeth Mollie of ppon. lazge,a--RANDRLL.-At the Dundas-st Center Church. London, on the 6th inst.. by Rev.J. 0. Antlitf, Mr, Henry.Baker (formerly of Exeter) to Mies Dida'Landoll,both' of How- ard City, Mich. Scin er--ORareemuee.-In Ste ellen. (neer " Crediton) on the 8th inst., Rev J. A Sohmitt of Berlin to Aliso Mary, daughter of Mr. Miohaet Matruh:her. JOIINS-SPINDLER.-In Duluth, on the 4th inst„ at the residence of the bride's brother. Mr, Wm, 0, Johns, formerly 'of Exeter, to Miss Annie E, Spindler. late of Clinton. DIED. I home inMantitoba) TaArthur, youngest douYgh- ter.of 11r.Ilarrison, formerly:of St. Marys, aged 4 years. THoiarsoN,-ln St. Marys on the 9th inst., Sarah Thompson, aged 81 years. Gnaxriu a. -In Stanley (near Granton) oh the n11George Grantham. 59teasootion foro- un L ..edyrs. During the storm on Friday afternoon there were some strange freaks of light- ning on the .]}ase Line, about a mile from Clinton, At the residence of Mr, John Colclough there was a dangerous and live- ly scene for a few seconds. Eddie John- ston of Clinton and Miss Colclough were near the house when the thunderstorm came up. Near them were several poplar trees, and a wire clothes line running from one of them to the house. The lightning struck the tree with the wire and followed to the house -splitting in twain the line prop -and entering, winded its way to the pantry and slivered a board off, then dis- appeared in the cellar. Miss Colalough and the lad Johnston were in the meantime prostrate outside, but soon recovered con- sciousness. A severe shock was fortunately the worst,but the death call was very close Several young fowl close by were killed from the shook. The census returns.of Canada, by nation - antics are completed. Hamilton' street cars began running with the trolleys Thursday, Mr. William Hendrio'a Queen Mary won the Dominion Derby at. Montreal. Mr. George Macdonald,a pioneer of. Smith's Salls, is dead, aged 82 years. The Hamilton yacht Nancy won the Queen's Cup, sailed for by 30 -footers. Mr. Robert G. McArthur, of Forest, has been appointed jailer of Lambton County. A detective from Scotland Yard, London, is in Canada looking up Dr. Cream's record. John Edmonds, an employee of the Ham- ilton Street Railway Company, died very suddenly. During the first six months of this year 24,213 immigrants reached Winnipeg for the West. The third large party of settlers from the Maritime Provinces arrived at Winnipeg last Friday. The 9•year-old son of Mr. S. S. Ritchie, of Lindsay, fell into the river there and was drowned. Judge McCrae, of Algoma district, died on Thursday evening at Sault Ste. Marie, aged 84 years. A. team of horses, supposed to have been stolen, Iisa been seized at Humberstone, near Port Colborne, The clothing supposed to have been worn by the Toronto Island freak was fished out of the bay yesterday. At the closing exercises of the Winnipeg schools the younger pupils were presented with small national flags. Hon, John Robson, Premier of British Columbia, died suddenly in London, Eng. Ho was a native of Sarnia. Tho Grand Lodge of Canada, I,O.G.T,, in session at Guelph, decided to hold next year's mooting in Hamiltou. At Macleod, N.W,T., a man who recent- ly arrived from British Columbia, has been discovered to have smallpox. Fred. Prosser, aged seventeeu, was drowned in the Humber by the upsetting of a boat as he stepped into it. John 1loaoh attempted to board ar elec- trio car at Sault Ste. Marie. He fell- under the car and was instantly killed. The United States Senate ]gree Silver bill has been favorably reported to the House from the Coinage, Wet hts, and Measures Committee, and place upon the House calendar. The centenary of Free Masonry in Canada will bo celebrated in 'Toronto on the 2d, 3d and 4th of October next. Grand -Master John Ross Robertson is taking a very active part in pplanniug pre- liminaries and the event will be one of the greatest Toronto has witnessed. It is esti- mated from a hurried canvass that 45,000 lkfasons will be in line. The report of the Spanish Medical Coni. mission sent to Paris to enquire into the nature of the epidemic: 01 the so-called "cholerine" declares that the disease is Aeiatiri cholera, and ns a FonttonhPnnn the Clot ornnient has orilered the establish- ment of quarantine along the Pyrenees to prevent the introduction of the epidemic iii - to Spain. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Soraine, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, oto. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the moat wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by 0. Lutz. -29-1y 112E nerd's Liniment is the hair restorer. "August, Flower During the first six months of the year 25,000 immigrants reached Winnipeg for tho West. This is by far the biggest move- ment towards tho Northwest that Canada has yet witnessed. Speaking on June 30th, Rev. Abbe Morin, from the Edmonton district, stated that this year's crops looked splendid, and that with another week's good weather the harvest et 1892 would be assured. To give the reader an idea of the way settlements are being formed in the territories a few remarks from Abbe Morin aro quoted: On the] 17th of March, 1891, the pioneers of Morinville began their little colony, and to -day 57,500 acres of land are taken up, while 1,656 bushels of seed grain and 375 bushels of potatoes are iu the ground, and everything points to a magnificent harvest. Sixty-five entire families from the province of Quebez are settled in Morinville, besides the heads of 145 other families who have come into the neighborhood, taken up land, and will send east for their wives and chil- dren a few months hence. This newly - formed French-Canadian ce%ay has a popu- lation of 355 souls, which has probably increased since their pastor's departure. !iotr Roller MIs, MARKET,{R1 PORTS.. Wheat - 75e .to 80c per bushel oUR:SELLt111 G:PRTC Es. Flour, Strong Bakers'1,4- $2.50 per 100 do Best Family 2.25 " do Low Grade,,; j, ' 1.75 " Bran ..'r 70o ct Shorts . , 80c Chop - $1.00 to $1.20 " Edward Linief, of St.Petere C. B., says : -"That his horse was badly torn by a pitchfork. One bottle of MINARDS LINI. MENT cured him," Livery Stable men all over the Dominion tell our agents that they would not be with- out MINARD'S LINIMENT for twibe the cost. Far Pyspepsia. A. Bellanger, Propr., Stove Poun- dry, Montagny, Quebec, writes : "I have used August Plower for Dys- pepsia. It gave me great relief. I recommend it to all Dyspeptics as a very good. remedy.” Rd. Bergeron, General Dealer, Lauzon, Levis, Quebec, writes : "I have used August Flower with the best possible results for Dyspepsia." C. A. Barrington, Engineer and General Smith, Sydney; Australia,, writes: 'August Flower has effected a complete cure in my case. It act .ed like a miracle." Geo. Gates, Corinth, Miss.,writes: `` I consider your August Flower the best remedy in the world for ,Dys- pepsia. I was almost dead with that disease, but used several bottles of August Plower, and now con- sider myself a well man. I sincerely recommend this medicine to suffer- ing humanity, the world over." ,© G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A. t♦ Chop stone running every day. THE EXETER MILLING Coy. MARKET REPORTS. BRET HR RedWhoat ,« .- 76 to 78 Spring Wheat •.• 76 to 78 Barley ... ... 38 to 45 CloyerSeed „. 708 tto 50 Timouhy ... ... 1 GO to 1 68 Peas 55. to 56 Corn ••• 0 40 to 50 Butter .- 1 6o 18 Flour perbb1 00 to 5 15 t?otatoes,per bushel .., 50 10 0 58 A.pplee,peroag •-.... 1 CO to 1 00 tarieddpplespr b — 0 Oto 050 (*ease perrb• .- 0 06 to 0 06 Turkeyperlb .-. 09 to 09 Duokepor lb „. 0 06 t0 0 07 Ohiekensperpr .. ,.. 0 25 to 0 3O Hoge,droseedpsr100 _. .,. 5 50 .toy 75 Beef - ... .„ 400ta525 Hidesrongh, ... - •, 4 00 to 4 50 dressed,3 00 to 5 25 Sheepskins eaoh ., „. ,.. 0 60 10 70 ()oilskins„,,,„ 0 50 to 0 50 Woof pearb _. 0 10 to 0 17 Iiayperton ' , „,„ .10 00 1011 00 Oaiousnerbush... 50 to 0 00 Woodperoord ,,, „ SQto350 aT V.011ra 81 Pall Wheat 80 81 Spring Wheat 0 0 0 81 Oats Barley Clover Seed Timothy Peas 28., 29 700725 -....150160 0 ,55 0 51n lilEggs13 0 14 Potato Potatoes per bag . 50 0 Apples per bush ..... .... ,.... '•0 5 500 Woolporlb 4 . 1. 0 00500 51 Ray neI.;on 140 7500 Bran per ton Shorts' , ,., .. 20 00 20 00 Oatmeal per bbl,,. 6 00 7 On Hogs dressed nor. 100. ... , 5 50 to 5 75 LONDON. Wheat." 81 to 63 per bus. Oafs. ale to 83c per bus. Peas.54c to 57e per bus. Bar - 39c tonnegpari bu88 corn, u6s7. bushel. TORONTO. Toren to, jun el4-Wheat Spring -No. 2,80e to8in per bus; rad wintor.No 2. 81e to 83o per bus. Manitoba No nerd, 99 to100 No.3, Ole to93; PEAS 60oto 62c per bus. OATS 33e to 35c por bus. FLOUR, extra.3SS 40 to 53.69 per bbl ; straight roller. 53.55 to AIM; strong bakers,M4,90to 15.00. BARLEY, No 1, feeding, 82o to 54a. Judicial. Sale, ESSAY VS. ESSAY. A uctzon Sale of Valuable Farm Lands, in the Township of Hay, near the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron. 1 Pursuant to an Order of Sale, dated the Nth I day, of July, A. D. 1892 and made by the Judge of the County Court o11 the County 01 Huron, in a certain ;matter of Partition of Essay vs. Essay, there will be offered for Salo, by Pun - ma Aumos, by JOHN GILL, Est.,Auotioneer at THE LADIES DELIGHTED The pleasant effect and the perfect safety with which ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, undo* all conditions make it their favorite remedy. It is pleas- ing to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting onthe kidneys, liver and bowels. ATOTERS LIST. -1892. MUNICIPALITY Os THE TOWNSHIP Or USnoRNo COUNTY OF HURON. Notice is hereby given that I have transmit- ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 6 of the Voters' .Lists Act, the copies required by said sections to be so trans witted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act of allporsona appearing by the last revised Assessment Boll of said Municipality to bo entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections for members of the Legislative As- sembly, and at municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up rt myrolfioe at Elim vitro on the 20th day of July,1192, andremains therefor inspection. Electors are palled upon to examine thesn.idlist, and if any omissions or any other errors are perceived therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. GEORGE W, BOLIVIAN. Clerk of Usborne Dated this 20th day of July, 1892 TO LEND ON MORTGAGES. at lowoat rates of interest. Over 560,000 orl- vate funds, Apply to al trawl* & Erarem, Solicitors, oto., Exeter. FOR SERVICE. A There' bred Durham Bull "Young Chester - .Geld "and a Thoro'bred Berkshire Boar, on lot 13,eon .1, Stephen." xrrix TERMS: $1 each. with privilege of returning if necessary. WES. SNELL, Proprietor: 1892. -.- SPRING'}— 1892. Do you want a PIANO, ORGAN, 13ICY0tl11, SEWING MACHINE, BOYS' & GIRLS' TRICY- CL1)S, EXPRESS WAGONS? BRANTFORD NEW PNEUMATIC TIRE 33oMt3-SSTS' HOT$S,, In the VILLAGE of HENSALL -ON— Saturday, the 6th day of August, 1892 At one o'clock in the afternoon, the following valuable farm property. viz : the north half of LOT NUMBER FOURTEEN in the FOURTH CONCESSION. of the Town- ship of Hay, in the County of Huron. This is a evabuable property. well -situated, under cultivation, within fonrmiles of the Vil lege of Hensel!, and in the midst of the best farming country in Ontario. and the soil is un surpassed for farming purposes. The title to this property is perfeot and free from incumbrances. CAN RE REPAIRED IN FIVE MINUTES, SEE YOUR OIOYOLE HAS ONE, • Elf THE COOLD BICYCLE CO. LTD., BRANTFORD, ON It 3 o do, the pl;iee to get the most roliahle goods at a modern price isat PERKINS & MARTIN'S. dealers in 0lusioai Jnatruments, Sewing Machine supplies. ole., etc.. All kinds of farm implements sold on a mar- gin over cast, Agents for the celebrated Chat- ham =Wagon. PERRINS & MARTIN, Fanson's Block, OO'S COTTON ROOT COMPOUND. A repent discovery byan old physician. Successfully us- edmonthl' by't)tousams of LADIES. Is the only period lysafe and reliable medicine recovered. Bowarc of un• pruteipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in Place of t'',i,. Ask for ComK's COTTON Rotr Couronen,tahe no substitute ; or inolose 51 and a 4 three cont Canada nostaso stamps in letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mail Tull sealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pond Lily company ;: 0.0 Fidler Blook,131 \Voadward ave.,Detroit, hick. ;Sold in Exeter by DR• LUTZ. Central DrurStore and by alldrnggists everywhere. BRUSHES, COMBS, - SPONGES. CGI -+-.S. SOAPS, PERFUMERY TRUE SEA SALT GO TO BROWNING'S. TERMS OF SALE ; Ten per centum of the purchase money to bo paid on the day of sails and the balanee with- out interest to to paid into Court in 30 days, or the purchaser may have three years to pay ono half of the purchase money, securing the same by amortgage on the property,apayahle in 3 equal yearly payments, with interest at six per Dent. The Roal Representative reserves to himself power to adjourn the setoff in his judgmon3 an adequate price is not bid. In a 1 other respects the conditions of sale will bo the 'standing conditions of the High Court of Justice. For furtherpartioulars apply to Philip Holt Esquire, Goderich ; Messrs. Garrow & Proud - foot, Goderich ; or to the Vendor's Solicitor. Dated this 16th day of July, A. D., 1892. R. H. COLLINS, ISAAC F. TOMS. Exeter, Ont. Real Representative Vendor's Solicitor. County Huron. *P21 -3t VOTERS' LIST. -1892. MUNICIPALITY OF THE lriw,AG&"OF ExgTIIR COUNTY OF HURON. Notiao is Hereby given that I have transmit- ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections Sand 6 of the Voters' Lists Ao t the copies required by said sections to be so trans- muted or delivered of the List made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by thelast.. revised Assessment Roil of said alunioipality to be ertitled to vote in the said municipality at elections for members of the Legislative As- semblyrand at Municipal Elections, and that said list was firstposted up at my:ot&ce, town hall on the 15th day of July,1892, and remains there for inspection. Electors are Called upon to examine the said list, and if ting omissions or other .errors are perceived therein to take imme iateproceed- ings rotoe - uRa to have the therein, corrected aaeording to law. MfLJBAEL EACIIETT, Clerk of Exeter, Dated this 15th day of July, 1892. CENTRAL JUST ARRIVED —AT— GEOLEISeS Furniture & Undertaking Establishment A very NEW Prices to suit large line of GOODS everybody. Bring along your old Furniture and have it made new. Barber S The largest stock of New Picture Mouldings in town. Also PARLOR SUITES AND CURTAIN POLES -in all colors. Remember you can have your Curtain Poles cut any length desired, as we buy them in long lengths. FAN SON'S . ° FOCI:, A. Hastings, Prop Shaving and Haiiautting intbe,ateet style of ;he art. Every attention paid to cutting, af4GInlay en' sHaib ALESMEN WANTED. S We want both travellin and local Salesmen to represent the old established Fon thil TNur- series SALARY PAID FROM THE START to Salesmen experienced in our line; liberal tern=s to beginners and a permanent 'situation assured. We have 7P0.ACRES under cultiva- tion and are the only firm furnishing STRICT- LY FIRST-CLASS CANADIAN GROWN STOOK. OUTFIT FREE. HARDY VARIE- TIES for North Ontario and Manitoba. a spec- ialty.GUARANTEE OURSTOCK. tuft. w E y Apply for terms at once. Wewant you NOW. STONE & WELl 1NGTPN, Toronto, tint. Cobbledxck .& Folland having lately purchased the Stock and- Good -will of Mr J, N. Howard, and added largely to the Stock, they have now the best equipped and largest Hardware and Tinware Establishment in the County. They sell whole- sale and Retail, and carry BUILDERS' MATERIALS, ETU. BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES, ETC,, CARRIAGE MA.KER'S GOODS, ETC., STOVES, TIN WARE, BICYCLES, and everythingin SMALL HARDWARE LARGEST STOCK OF NAILS in the COUNTY Gall and I nslect our Stock S. GIDLEY Oddfellows Block. £ashiAaa61� S1y1c! 0 0 zl P'3 GET THEIR Pli.ICES BEFORE YOU BUY. House cleaning time is upon us. Use Alabastine for your walls and ceilings. They have the genuine thing only, in an improved form, You can mix it you self with cold water, Thuv have all the tints Call and see their fine store, fine stock and fine prices. CO2313LEIDICX gg'4 rozi a , "I 0001 GARDEN SEEDS,. FIELD SEEDS, ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE LAWN MOW- IIRS, .. ALABASTINE (IN ALL SHADES), "DAISY" CHURNS, ALL KINDS OF TIN= WARE CHEAP FOR 0451 -AT- $Z$$ TIA $ O s T13L(' BEST YET ! THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET! CAUTIO BAGEL PLUG OF Myrtle Navy! IS MARKED T. It B. SST BRONZIEI lS,ETTFdRS_ NONE - OTHER - GENUINE Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen l leave your orders early; for with en Cutting io IDOTJPE & CO. 1Z r �tTO1Y ■ Are selling goods so cheap of late that spin people got the idea that all they had to do was to help themselves. This is presumption on their part, as we do not make a practice of giving goods away. At 3 O'C1oo1k In the morning, in future, we will be prepared to give such customers a little more than a few old watches and brass chains, as we have added to our large stock a beautiful line of the best Staff of Tailors ; the best stock of: Fine Trimmings, and the best rsure o f f G are f sat 8 a0 ti in Town,x t a By Mon ice•. .. +thy ,i./■riir POWDER and LEAD. $1.00 will buy 20 to 27 pounds of best Sugars at Shop undergoing Repairs to make room for Spring Stock. It will be to your ad- vantage to call. G". A.:YNDM .N Wishes to inform the citizens o Exeter and surrounding that he is now engaged selling Teas1Cofi'ees, Baking Powder In quantities to suit Pareettscrz. Ordera loft at the house or Dr Hyndmaa's oflinewili receive prcaupt attontiou, dl6m6 G. A. HYNDMAN 'WE have op band a Fine Lino of BOUND BOOKS Suitable for Sunday School Libraries, ox Presentations, TI314 LATEST GAuz : "Parlor Quoits." ALSO 'FLIPS, PARCHEESI, HALMA, Authors, Etc., Etc. J. W. BROWNING BOOK & DRUG STORE 2 COO *OO WORTII Boots & Shoes TO BE SACRIFICED AT ANSON'S,i During the Next Month_ DOUPE & CO'S, Kirkton. HURRAH! A. SW' Tailor Sho 1 DISEASES EX OF Of all ages. resulting from Errors or Indisere- tions of i' uth, may be permanently cured and ' the vigr • of perfect manhood fully restored, as NERVOUS DEBILITY, STERILITY witbt SEMINAL LOSSES & PREMATURE DECAY Long Standing casesof GLEET, STRICTURE SYPHILIS, VARICOCELE and all PRIVATE and CHRONIC Diseases treated with perfeot success. Our field is in CHRONIC CASES in which others have failed ; if you are incurable we will frankly toll you sc. We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on the shortest possible notice and in the Latest Styles -AND A - Sure u Sure Fit G aranteeG •W. JOHNS. 1Vrito forpartioulare and treatise, Froe, to ST L z M nxCA C . 162 ov s R L o , and 1.4 Kfng Streit. Morley SAVED by Buy- ing at our, PLANING MILL ,, And LUMBER YARD We keep constantly on hand a large stook of all kinds of building materials. Dressed orua- dressed pine and hemlock lumber, also a choice stock of No.1 pine Lath. Our stook of doors, sash, blinds, mouldings. &e. is eompleteand tboroug__i.yy kiln dried We offer for sale 1,501.000XKand XXX PI'' and CEDAR SIB ,iTGLRS manufactured be best makersrn Ontario-' Tanks and cisterns, all shapes and sizosat to order at lowest prices. ,'Wehavo som•eti new in this ltne for, watering cattle in the( or barnyard. Call and'aee our Celebrated Baking Cabin every woman using them ream:mends tL.,,.. highly. Turning.band, scrollsawing, and all kinds of machine work promptly y attended to. It will be to your interest to examine out stook before purchasing elsewhere. ROSS 8s TAYLOR, Main Street