HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-7-14, Page 8rilsratAtot
Tan WIlleTelableaStittleettOB COM,
PAWY, of Toronto; also tor therHeeleTen
e .Naten cOatneaten, ot nondou;
u• And, Al 1.-i.N(.1 Id INSURANCE 00.let-
r Y ot F.egland.
Wan P.6,pe
lIA BT.) Exeter.
• Dress Goods, Silks, Sa.teens,
Prints, Challies and Skirting.
°Brat/wide' ies—a11 at closest4.
cut prices duriug the great ab.
4.4 ;teration iaalc now on. Our Big'
• Stock must be reduced before
• the workmen take possessionL
and begin enlargingthe store., "44
• Do you want a nice white em-,
,broidered dress ? li you do,,
Iwe want to see von; we have
.some grand values for you at
• Induced prices.
t) Now's your time to buy
V,Groceries,a.s we are doing big TE
t hings in choice, fresh Gro 8
ceries. Many lines below
,actual wholesale cost. How c
;a Ave do it and live is what tro r5"
ubles the old timers, Our!
system of doing business is f.,2
our own. Others may follow
ttS hut they never get ahead,
4 do they.
THURSDAY, JULY 14th, 1895.
Mrs. T.B. Carling and family are upend-
'S'ng few weeks visiting friends in Toronto.
—Zr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilson of St. Marys
spent Sunday with friends in town--Post-
retorter Johns is now doing nicely and can
take a short walk.—Ma John Snell, who
eeseRn :animal:a' injured by being thrown
Crone his suite/ et. July 1st is regaining
strength, anti ran milk across the Boor.—
Mr. A. Hastings is at preaent visiting his
perents in Berlin. Mr. M. Ellwood has
charge of the shop in the absence of Mr.
gestinge.—Miss Lou.Clarke of Butte City,
Cal., is the guest of her sister, lire. M. J.
Vhite.—Mr, A. ,T. and Visa McTavish
wen called to Ripley last week, to the
general of their 7 -year-old brother, who
died of blood poisoning.—Mr, R. J. Pick-
ard end bride returned on Monday from
their honey -moon trip up the lakes, and
bave taken possession of Mr. Crocket's fine
xasideace on Andrew street.—Dr. N. F.
Harrison of Detroit was in town on Tues-
day the guest of his father, and gave The
TIMES a call. We are pleased to learn that
the doctor, who is a former Exeter boy, is
aneetimg with unbounde1 success in the
_city of the straits, and. our wish is that he
(may ietole and largely iacrease his practice.
—Mr. Sohn He,wkshaw was visiting friends
Seaforth.—Messrs. Henry and J; Pen -
bale of Toronto are holidaying here.—Mr.
Jas. Creech, jr„ and wife, of New Dundee
are visiting relatives in the village. Mr.0
is negotiating for the purchase of a tailor-
ing establishment in a neighborinKvillage.
—Miss Clara Vosper is visiting friends in
St. Marys.-3.Ir. W. H. Harvey of this
place was granted a diploma at the recent
examination:at the Ontario Agricultural
College. Ile is now a fulhfiedged agricul-
turist.—Rev Mr. McDonagh on Sunday
"last predatted his special 'sermon on horse
maoing, ,to a large congregation. The rev.
gentleman dealt very fairly with the theme
.and as it is his custom in such matters,
showed lay history:that horse racing had
wrought great evils, and was really un-
lawful.—Mies McCallum of London spent
Zunday e. guest at Mr. John Gillispie's.—
• Min Pinch in another column edvertises
Iher very desirable property for eels'.
The thistle mop in the townships is
altogether too luxuriant, and the applica-
• tion of a few scythes thereto wouldlee bene.
ontple of email boys kept the towns-
veople aware of the fact that Tuesday was
the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne
• by plaeting in good style the various favor.
ite and appropriate seleotious, They
• would do great credit to old time fife and
drurn rnauipuletore.
• The Exeter Post Office has been flooded
lately with circulars eddressed to our
•eitizens, of a lottery in the province of
Quebec, oxt behalf of some religious inatitu
• Coo in Montreal. We have always under,
stood it was contrary to law to send such
•e.liroulars through the mails, end in fact,
• staly A few weeks ago we received a notice
• grem the Postmaster General to the effect
• that all te wspapers containing advertise,
• meats of lotteries and garnet of • chance
were ptohibited from praising through Her
lajesty's men. Sir John Thee -menet; uew
criminal code realms the buyer of a lottery
-ticket liable to a fine of $20 for eaoh offense
and limits the prizes at church raffles to
• the vaIne of $50.
liTinard's Liniment fox Rheumatism.
Raying is now in full blast, and the crop
is being well saved.
The weather continues dry and hot, a
reverse to that of a few weeks ago, when
it was continually wet and cold.
While in Ontario the cry is that there
has been too much rain, in Manitoba
fanners are Alarmed at the absence of mois-
Mr. Ed. Dyer yesterday sold hie reel.
deuce oa Andrew-st to Wmlitertou of
Hibbert, for $950. Mr. Horton will move
totown at once.
The units of the entrance examinations
'will not be made knowtt until the findings
of the examiners have been approved by the
Education Pepartment.
"Do not ask a man who is learning to
ride a bieyele how he is getting on," Etats
exehange. A more tender subject is
how he is getting kg -
A new rega-:etion of the intend revenue
deperneent will b.x issued shortly, prohibi-
ting the mixing of grain in elevators. No
grain standards will be fixed until next
year. ,
A .Montreal weather prophet offers the
following foreeast for Jely t "A. hot eultry
July. (teat dorms (tornadoes). copiouti
demagiag lightning. a. whole sum,
mer in itself
"Personal" item from the Atwood Bee
Mises Etta Fox is visiting friends in Hen.
sell, Huron Co. There is a pretty little
village near Hawaii, but dashed if we will
give its name away.
Thatnasville 'hoaete of the largest colt of
its age in Ontario. It is owned by Hiram
Richardson, Chief of Police, was foaled ou
the 34th nit, then measuring 12i handa
high, girth of artus,15 inches; weight 107e
The Rev. B. Clement, formerly pastor
of the James -at chureb, Exeter, who was
last year, president of the London Metho-
dist Confereisce,has been appointed Educa-
tional Secretary of Alma Ladies' College,
$t. Thomas.
A ministeseedining with an editor and
observing tffe scant table, asked a blessing
as follows "Lord, make us thankful for
what we are about to receive and strength
en us to jouraey horneuard after we have
received it.
A depittation coneistiug of Messrs. Mil,
ler, Halgins, Prititutra. Cochrane, Hutch-
ins, and other members, waited upon
membera of the Government on Tueaday
and urged that in the ineermtts of Canadian
farmers and fruit growers the duties on
pork, hope, and tined fruit be increased.
Another tneetiug of the Lacrosse Club
was hell ou Friday avg., when the names
of mitlititend members wore preoured. The
membership uow uumbera some fifty. The
eticke !WM' O./rived and practise has emu-
meneed. The club is composed of good
stuff, au I will yet this season make a good
A. large number of citizens visit the
beautiful shores of Lake Huron every Sun
day. Some of them say that Sunday ob-
servauce goes no farther than Grand Bend,
as on the beach all sorts of amusements are
carded on, such as boating, fishing, swim-
mitag, etc. Surely the authorities can pre-
vent this procedure
People should be very careful at this
season of the year as to the condition of
their milk. All tnilk should he boded and
kept ma ice,aa it sours very geickly in warm
weather, and at a certain point in the fere
mentation,considerable pousou has formed.
A good rule is to drink no milk that looks
the least bit suspicious.
A telegram states that Alex, Beason -
berry awl Mrs. Clara 'Wilson of Zurich,
Out, were arrested at Port Huron on Mon-
day on complaint of Bossenbery's true and
lawful sponge. The couple arrested bad
eloped from Zurieli and Mrs. 13ossenbery
followed her husband, Both elopers hed
left farailiee lchind them at Zurich.
Dindine twine is neatly 23',e cheaper this
year than last, as will he seen by the fot
lowing table :
Silver Composite
'Blue Tin Tau
Red Cap
Blue Cap
1892. 1891.
08 10
11 124
la 16
13 15
11 15
12 /5
The Masonie Grand Lodge of Canada
will meet this yen in London on July 18
for business, election. of officers, etc.
Then who are posted say that the follow-
ing gentlemen are likely to be elected to
the principal offices Hon, 3. M. Gibson'
grand ene.ster; Dr, Clarence R. Church,
Ottawa, deputy grand master; Mr. R. W.
Barker. London, grand senior warden.—
[Ottawa Citizen.
A foot ball match between the Juniors
of Exeter and a picked team from Hensall
was kicked hereon Friday evening last.
After kicking for 40 minutes each had
secured a goal, but it was the general opin-
ion that Exeter would have worsted their
opponents. The Exeter club objected
strongly to Hansen having four of the
senior club and one ;from the Chiselhurst
team, but Heiman team would not play
unleas allowed these men. Merit is merit,
The number of mutilated silver mine in
circulation now is being freely commented
upon by merchants and others. Scores of
10, 25 and 50 cent pieces have large holes
in them, and some of the coins have large
pieces nipped off theiiedges. It is thought
somebody la in the business of making
money by the punching and clipping
procees. The nuisance would be speedily
abated were a discount plateed on each
mutilated coin, 53 18 done in the United
The remarks of a correspondent in last
week's Tams anent a canning factory for
Exeter, have brought out considerable die.
mission, mostly in favor of the scheme, and
it would seem that the consensus of opin-
ion is that such an iostitntion hero would
be of incalculable benefit to town and sur-
rounding country. Let some practical steps
be taken to establish a factory at once ;
there is money in it for all concerned. Ex-
eter is favorably located in eyery respect.
Make a move 1
It's passing, strange how eorne people will
sign an agreement with their eyes wide
open and live to iegret it. Some time ago
an agent of a Toroato commission house
went through Blanshard and entered
into an agreement with several farmers
who were to sell to his firm all their butter.
at 22 cents per pound and their ego at so
much per dozen. They (the farmers) also
agreed to pay down—au a hind of bonus—
the sum of $35 for which they were to re-
ceive goods to be seleoted from eansples to
be sent them. ahose who thought they
were getting egenuine snap,are wondering
why the "earriples" are not forthoothing,
and are troubled least the eupposeduagree-
meet" might/onetime turn up as a pro-
missory note,
:arrow lesoaPa-
Ou Friday evening 1ast,h1r.4lbe1 \Yelper
narrowlyescaped a serious accident. He
had been et 1)r. Millet•'e, and was About to
get hitt his buggy agein,aad with ono foot
on theatep, the hem started suddenly,
throwing him between the wheels and. the
box. Mr. Welper hung on to the daeh and
seat until his strengh gave oat, when he
fell to the ground, the buggy passing aver
him. Fortunately he was not injured, re-
ceiving only a iew bruises and a alight
shaking. The horse was captured before
it had damaged the rig.
One of the largeet corteges seen in Exe-
ter for some time was that which followed
the remains of Ms. Sidney Davis to the
cemetery on Sunday last, there being lover
100 vthieles itt lisse. Mrs. Davis (nee Miss
Shapton) had been 111 but a few months
and the taking off of so young and healthy
a woman is sad, but the cironmstances sur-
rounding her death makes it still more de-
plorable. Deceased was only 29 years old,
was possessed of imuch vigor and had a
blight future before lion In April last
she waa delivered ot a child, a bright
healthy gill, and progrested nicely until
a fever set in, when she steadily sank and
(lied as above. The child survives its
mother. Deceased was held intim highest
esteem, was a, member of the Methodist
church tied bore her trying illness until the
lest with Christian fortitude. Mr, Davie
has the sympathy of the eommuuity.
A few tleys ago the home of Mr. Pollard
of:Leadbury was the scene of it very inter,
estirg and happy event. On the Ilth inst.
surrounded by their friends, Miss Plicebe
Rheinhaet of Leedhery (late of Toronto)
and E. S. Hogarth, B. A., of Exeter (late
of Woodstock) were united in marriage.
Pastors Ottoual and Sanderson • officiated.
Miss S. Pollard of London acted for the
bride, while Dn N. F. Harrison of Detroit
assisted thejgroom. After an early dinner,
the bridal pair took the train at See.forth
and will visit Saratoga, New York,13outon,
and other eastern points. Ou their return
Mr. and Mrs.Hogarth will make their home
in Hamilton, in the Collegiate Institute of
which city Mr. H. has been eepaged as
modern language master, We join with
the many friends of the bride and groom in
wishing them a most happy future.
Sunol trotted an exhibition mile in
Binder twine is being sent into the couu-
try in large quantities.
Hay is bringing 85 per ton, and a good
deal is being delivered in town.
The Orangemen celebrated the 12th in
Bayfield and report having a good time.
Citizens are alreedy laying in their stook
of coal fel text whiter at 06.10 per ton.
The town (dock stopped the other even-
ing and the time of day from that source
is missed very mach
Reinember the varden party et ele.
Whiteford's on Tuesday next. Free 'bus
to end from tlse grounds.
Advertising is it great help to the politi-
ciatnas it is to almost every other individ-
ual except the fugitive from junk°.
For two days this week the thermometer
registered sr in the shade- This is sore -
what of a ooutrast to the weather f it few
weeks ago.
The Ingersoll town council has passed a
by-law setting apart the second Wednesday
in August of each year to be observed as a
civic holiday.
Arrangements are at present under way
for the holding of a grand bicycle tonna-
inent in the Recreation Grounds in Sea -
forth on August 5th.
Belle Hamlin and Ololte lowered the
world's double team record fiom 2.13 to
2,12, at Wilmington, Del., the other day,
over0 kite -shaped track.
Sunday.bebsg the second Sunday in July
Special collections were made in all the
Anglican churches of the Diocese of Huron
for the widows and orphans of deceased
Mr. Jos. Cobbledick has purchased of
Mr. LCarling several lots of land on Main
Street, north of T. B. Carling's housegirty-
ing therefor $500. Mr. Cobbledick will
build this summer.
The Exeter Milling Co. require a large
quantity of wheat Is ple'
orders and are
paying the highestultriAt at the mill.
Farmers who :have oldwheat on hand
should team it ont now.1
The Rev, Canon Riehardson, M. A. of
London is expected to preach in the Trivitt
Memorial Church next Sunday, 17th inst.
—nsorning and evening. Special collection
for Widows and Orphans' Fund of the
Judge Toms, Goderich; W. Coats, *Olin -
ton; and H. E. Hueston, Exeter, were en-
gaged last week arbitrating over a disputed
union school section in Stanley, and Hey.
They got $3per day and mileage while on
The"B,overs":of Brucefield have sent the
Eden foot ball team a challenge to play a
game at Bewail in the near lfuture for a
stake of $50* The Edenljboys we believe
have accepted, and the match will take
place in it lapse in harvest operations.
The body of corporal Fret* E. Jones,
9th United States Infantry, formerly of
CIandeboye, who was drowued itt Sacketts
Harbor, N. Y.,in January last, has been
recovered. and interred temporarily at the
military cemetdry, Madison Barracks.
At the R. C. plonk at Mt, Carmel on
Wednesday last, a horse belonging to Rev.
Father Keeley, who is at present in the
hospital at London, was raffled off and
brought $250 and won by W. O'Rourke of
Stephen. The entire receipts of the garden
party amounted to 8350. • The affair was it.
success in every respect.
While a young boy named niers, who
is in the employ of Mr. James Strang of
Ushorne, was working about some machin.
ery the other day, he got hie hand in the
cogs and bad three fitgers partly taken
off. 'Dr, Browning had to amputate an-
other. The lad it only 14 years old, and is
from one of the pauper homes.
The South Huron Agricultural Society
will hold their fall show at Seaforth,
on Tuesday and Wednesday,October 4 and
5, The East Huron Agricultural Society
will hold their show at Brussels on 'Thurs-
day and Fridety, October 6 and 7. The
Stephen and Marne show will be at Eire,
ter on Monday and Tuesclay,September 26
and 27. The Clinton tallow will be held on
Wedneeday, Thutsday and Friday, Sep.
ternber 21, 22 arid 23, The Goderich show
will be held on Wednesday, Thureday and
Friday, September 28, 29 anti 30. The
Western at London from September ji15 to
24*' The Industriel itt Torontcafrone Sep-
tember 5 to 17.1
ftlinardet Lipineent cures La Grippe.
In lilid=SunamerGoods we are showing a complete
line, embracing:
Embroidered Skirts, Silk Flouncings,
Silk Lace, Plain and Fancy Muslins,
White and Colored Lawns (all wool)
Delaines, (fast colors) Sateens, etc.
Also the largest stock of Cotton and Cashme
Hosiery ever shown in Exeter, at lowest prices.
A few of our celebrated Parasols left, which we are clearing. Prints 12i to 14e,
clearing at the low price of 110.
And see our lines of
. A splendid Beds:Roma Suite in Blaplo
or Cherry for ;,19.00. Sideboards from
$8.00 ttemende.
Call While the Stack Lasts
Remember the stand:— Two doors
North of Town Hall, Exete.
Public Schaaf, Report.
Tho following pupils have passed the
reeett promotion examinations : Junior
4thto Senior ,ith—Bartort Hoene; George
Nelson, Mary Westewity, Alvin. Da,vidson,
Almer Nelson, Ada Treble, Warren Rose,
Clarence Fatt,reine Howand,Ide Ferguson,
Annie Matheson May &Indere, Hattie
Handford, Mary "IsTeleon, *Minnie Taylor,
Maud Parkinson, Alma Brooke,,
Sr 3rd to 4.401—Stele t I regory.lIerby
Ford, Eva Browning, Freddie Sweet, Any
Joints, Ellen Brown, Lily Hueston, Harvey
Diguan, Luther Howard, Hilda Hersey,
Tommy Creech, Gilbert Dow, Elle Smalle-
corabe, Louisa, Taylor, Cora Prior, Willie
Moncur, Allis Handford, John Spackman,
Carry Davis, Wesley
' Jr. 2nd to Sr. Paid —Edna McCallum,
Jessie Gillispie, Edith Rollins, Russell
Frayne, Eddie Hooper, May Armstrong,
Ella Frayne. Florence 33iesett, Melville
Bowey, Sam Thomas, Gilbert Williams,
Charles Westaway, Carrie Dyer, Frank
Ross, Alfred Peterson, Harold Collins.
Freddie Moore, Frank Taylor Cora Caen,
William Willis, \Threw Hardy, Thes.Tapp
Mary Morgan, Ethel Dow.
T. A. Bitowx, Prin.
Exeter Municipal Council.
The council met pursuaet to adjourn-
ment at the towa hall, Exeter, 6th July,
1892. All present except Mr. Christie ;
minutes of previous meeting read and con-
Speakman - Roes—orders for the follow-
ing sew : Wm Parsons, $15 14, labor:
Chas Wilson $10 61, do; Rd. Williams,
$11 61, do; .1. Armstrong, $14 80, do; Chas
Smith, $7 80, do; Lewis Davey, $11 01,do;
Walter Westcott, $7 56, do; S.Rannie $25
for cedar posts; Jas. Creech, $1 50, horse
hire, and 45c lumber for crossing; Mrs.
Cann, $2, charity,per the reeve; and Thos
Hartnoll, $30,part pay for draining.—Oar-
Carling—Rose—that the reeve And Mr.
Christie be a committee to direct the dis-
posal of gravel on streets.—Carried.
The clerk to enquire concerning drains
and streets.
Adjournment until Wednesday, 20t5
July, 1892.
On Tuesday, July 19th there will be a
grand garden party and tea on Mr. Adam
Whiteford's lawn, London road north. A
floe 'bus will convey the Exeter people to
real from the grounds, and everything pos
tale will be done for the comfort and en-
joyment of all. Our Presbyterian friends
are noted for successful garden parties,but
this one promises to eclipse all previous
ones. See posters for particulars.
We have received a prize list of the
thirteenth annual,fair of the Sixth District
Agricultural Association :of Los Angeles,
of which Mr. L, Thorne is Secy. About
$10,000 are given in prizes.
Two young lads of about 12 years, have
been caught dealing cigars and picking the
till at the ,"Commercial." They will yet
wield up in the Reformatory,
Mr, John Cann and sister returned this
week from their trip to the Old Country.
The raspberry season has opened and'
the crop is reported a good one. They
bring 5o a poundr
BRIEFS. —Bev. E. Fessent of Forest for-
merly of this plant, was el 4.1,4 here last
week,—William Moffatt Ite got his hotel
re -painted, —P. Curtain telipped 60 fine
steers from ben int week,
• Meagre. Eelbfieisch of Zurich have been
&warded the contract for the erection of a
new school at Bayfield, at $600.
Itt view of what Hood's Sarsaparilla has
dome for othero, is it not reasonable to sup:
pose that ik will be of humus to you? For
Seroftda, Balt Ithouni, and all other dime.
nes of the blood, for Dyttpopsia, Iedigestion,
Sick Headeche, loss of Appetite, ThatTired
Feeling, Catarrh, Malaria, 2theumatism,
Hood's Sarsaparilla is at unequalled rem-
Hood's Pills cure Sick Headache.
- 1 cloiavceiroer,it ewxihtlibireeart ostantsimwe
i • satiayjellinu ask°ed PhyThe Idid Th7;4101111'
he said the public like to be humbugged.
Now we do not propose to adopt this plan of hum-
bugging the people by exhibiting a Mountain Goat,
but simply to state
At all times. When a ATerehant tells you he is
Grin Go.' AWAY GOO S
You can count to a moral certainty on the statenieut be-
ing false : al. when a Merchant sells you an artiele at or
You may depend that he will make it up on something
else before he gets through with you. There must be some
profit or a merchant can't live. But Carling Bros'
and therefore WO offer everything at the very smallest
marcrbin of profit consistent with honesty and lair dealing.
The best discount we can offer is 5 per cent.off for Cash
Butter 13o; Eggs I% in trade.
We solicit a call.
PA 8mn8—In Exeter, on th 010th inst., tbe wife
of Mr. John Farmer, %daughter.
Sizan—S:Iztraz—On London Baud (near Han-
sen) on the Oth inat.. by Rey. D. Buchanan,
Mr John Elder to Miss Wary
Cotat—D.trtheox—In Mitchell, an thz t th inst.
by Rev•Air Tully, Mr. W.lt.Cole to Miss Mat
Davidson, eldest (laughter of Mr. 0 co .David-
LICAIMEN—PRICR—In toinion. en Tilly 7, by
Der. Mr. Oundy. Mr -Jo. Leathern of London
to Miss Lizzie Frye° of London West,
Evmogn—Foansx—In Soaforth. on tho 4th
inst by Rev Mr. Smyth, Mr. 0. Eymond,
ofFlin t M ich.. to Mary, second daughter of
11 r. JohnIForden, of StaPletOn
Mangan—At New lIamburg. on 1 st inst.. Marr
Ann, beloved wife of Samuel Werner, aged 64
Dow—In liibberb. 00 Rho 5th inst., Mary Ellen
daughter of Mr. Wm Dow, aged 11 years, 10
Rongerson.—In St. Marys, on July 5, D.A.Rob-
ens en, aged 73 years'
STA Rum. —At the Manse, Rippen, en the ard
inst., homes Starrett, aged 77 years,
Frame house and lot on William -at., near tho
market, will be seld cheap. House, which is
a storey and a half, 'contains 8 rooms, besides
kitchen and wood shed. For further partieu-
lars apply to
Suitable for a retired gentleman, containing
of an nom of land, on which IR a two storoY
brick house, and, good driving shed and stable.
Choice, young,. fruit -hearing trees of all kinds.
The property Is situated on the corner of Dill
and Andrew streets, east of the Presbyterian
church, the best lots Won in town. Terms
easy, and possession given at any time. Apply
MRS. matt,
I1y7-ml On the premises
A Positive Cure.
$1.00 PAIL BOX..
For Sale by all Druggists.
Still takes lead in the
Furniture Business
We are too busy to call on people in
need of Furniture ,• but please drop in
our Wareromns and see our Stock and
we will try to suit you in this line.
Ordered Work NeatlyDone on Shut Notice
Remember we have also a hantbkie
line of
Und ertaltllg Goods
llways on hand, ancl all calls in this
ine will be promptly attended to, and
satisfaction guaranteed every time.
Store—Next to Molsons Bank, Exeter.
And a Valuable and Handsome Prize will be
. Given Free to Everyone.
ne meetshors of Tam Lenrns, PICTORIAL Trian'KLY will give a fir tiirs-a' ea passage to ,
Paris, Prance, and return, with all el. wises fox' six weeks/ Sojourn In t4:14(orl s /dent,
In cash, not to exceed $400) totleeperson send ug them the largest numl ot,word. • not IOW
than four letters each constructectfrom letters contained in the three • 'fS0
TORIAL WEEll.a.X. To the personsending next to the largest fit bo given au ELE-
GANT CURIO= PUN° (valued at 234). �'o the person_si ending
y,Iven Two Caar Ettrannam DotaARS. To the person sending the fourth drd- largest list will be
tnxd BS comp eta (valued at$1601. To the person en ing the 'fifth largest list
anerinoeMens in ease. .A. committee consisting.* or tiro teachers from the public schools of To,
ronto will be invited to be present and assist the -judges.in the award of prizes. ADDITIONAL
PRIZES to be awarded in order of merit, three Ladies' Gold Watches, three Ladies' Coin Sliver
Watches, two Preach Music Bona, two complete Mina Dinner Sets (consisting of over 00 p1eee8 •
each), three Silk Dress Patterat and one -French Mantel Clock. _
_ A RANDSOME PRIZE OR VALUE will be_givert to EVERY PERSON Who sonde Da ono
hundred words or over in this our last Prize Word Competitiou.
RULES r-1, Lists are to contain English and .Anglicised words ONLY of not less than
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pears in Lewes, PICToRIAL Virialnair. 8. Words 'having more than me metuaiu_g, but spelled
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Wad. 7. The inaln part oNLY of Worcester's or Webster's Dictionaries may be ased as the gate-
orning authority. Eitob list must contain name of person Sendingsome, with full postoffice ad.
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