HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-7-14, Page 5if Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant nd refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys• tom effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its uanyezeellentqualities eommendit to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists, Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly • for any one who wishes °o try it. Manufactured only by the, 1ALIF R IA FIG SYRUP CO l3AN FRANCISCO, CAL. r J TSVXLLE, Y, NEW 'FORS, X.-4 k'or Sale at 0. Lutz's Drug Store Canadian Railway Figures. The rails ay statistics for the Dominion were brought down by Hon, John Hag;rart. These are from sworn reports taken from the difl'erentcompanies to the Government. The report shows that the miles of railway completed were 14,033, and the capital paid $816,022,758. There is 14,000 miles of railway in operation. The earninga of these are 848,192,033. and the working ex- pellees : $34,960,449. The net earnings are placed at 813,231,619. The passengers carried were 13,222,508, and the freight 21,752,290 tone, while the train mileage was 43,309,178. There were 13 passengers killed. The Government and reueioipnl loans promised to railways completed and under oonetruction is $193,470,033, Of tbie amount $146,791'27•:1 is from the Do - 'minion. The table of fatal nooideuts shows as follows:—Passengers killed, 13; employ- ees killed, 05; others killed, 118—tota1,196'. Of the pasecnpers killed 8 were through collision, 4 from getting off and on trains while in motion, and one from .falling from care. English Spavin Liniment removes all Mired, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- ielies from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,. eta. Savo $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful BIemiah Cure ever known. Sold by 0. Lutz, 0-291y A Bunn ItemetiOE.—Gentlemen,—We have a family of seven ahfldreu and have re lied on Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for the past ten years in all oases of diarrhoea and summer complaint. It never fails us and has saved many doe. tor's bills. J. T. Parkinson, Granton, Ont. GIVErs GOOD APPETITE.—Sirs,—I think your valuable medicine cannot be surpass- ed, according to the benefit I received from it. After suffering from headaobe and loss of appetite for nearly four yours, I tried B. B. B. with the greatest success, finding it gave me great relief and good appetite. I now enjoy good health which I owe to your valuable medicine. Mgr Hamilton Branch Kemp, Jones &Peck Manufacturers of Cider, Toronto. • Another death from the fataldisease con- sumption, occurred at Seaforth on Tuesday las;, that of Miss Mary McOosh, fourth daughter of :tire Hugh Motloen. She had beeu ill for a number of months, but born her sufferings with great patience and seren- ity, Bioyole riders in Clinton are included in the fast driving by law. Minard's Liniment is the hair restorer. "Ge rman Syrup" G. Gloger, Druggist, Watertown, Wis. This is the opinion of a man who keeps a drug store, sells all medicines, comes in direct contact with the patients and their families, and knows better than anyone else how remedies sell, and what true merit they have. He hears of all the failures and successes, and can therefore judge : "I know of no medicine for Coughs, Sore Throat, or Hoarseness that had done such ef- fective work in my Coughs, family as Boschee's Sore Throat, German Syrup. I,ast winter a lady called H oat se n ess, at my store, who was suffering from a very severe cold. She could hardly talk, and Itold her about German Syrup and that a few doses would give re- lief; but she had no confidence in patent medicines., I told her to take a bottle, and: if the results were not satisfactory I would make no charge for it, A few days after she called and paid for it, saying that she would never be without it in future as a few doses had given her relief." THE LADIES DELIGHTED The pleasant effect and the perfect safety with which ladies may nee the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions make it their favorite remedy. It is pleas- ing to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels. Ninety thousand shoemaker operatives are locked out in England. The Chicago World's Fair executive will spend $187,000 for music), Sir William Aitken, a noted physician of London, England, is dead. John W. Foster succeeds James G. Blaine as U.S. Secretary of State. Mackerel in great numbers and larger sizes have struck in on the Maine coast. All Jewish pawnshops in Moscow will be closed this month by order of the Govern- ment. Several fires which have occurred in Paris are believed to be the work of Anar- chists. A scarlet fever epidemic prevails in Lon- don, Eng., where 2„060 cases have been re- ported. Full returns show, the re-election of President Diaz as head of the Mexiean re- public. Foxhall Keene's colt, by Mr, Pickwick Alice Bruce, won the Groat Trial Stakes at Slteepshead Bay. Goddard, the Australian, won the fight with Joe McAuliffe, at New Orleans, in the fifteenth round. The Town Council of Munich has rejected a proposal to confer the freedom of the city upon J3ismarek. 1)r. Tanner, the. Irish M.P,, was knocked down, injured and robbed at a political meeting at 'Tam. The St. Petersburg press discusses the possible organization of an inter -European cholera commission. Lord Randolph Churchill was re-elected to the British Parliament in Paddington without opposition. Tlie Delaware and Hudson freight house at Moore's J unction, N. X„ was struck by lightning and burned, Olen, John Bidwell, of California, has been nominated as the prolnbition candi- date for presidency. At Gloucester, N. J., a tornado killed two people and injured three, besides doing great damage to property. A meeting of Aitatehists in Paris adopted a resolution to blow up the Mont Bryson prison and rescue Ravachol. Five girls and one man, belonging to a pleasure party, were drowned by the sink- ing of a rowboat at Cologne. The Premier of Queensland has received 1 a letter threatening him with death unless hie election bill is withdrawn. n A bronze equestrian statute of Janice A. Garfield will be erected in Garfield Park, Chicago. It will cost $100,000. Owing to the resignation of the No r- wegian Ministry the Storthing has d- journed for an indefinite period.. At a meeting of the French Cabineta project for holding an international exh bi- tion in Paris in 1900 was approved. Three nogeoes, who confessed compli ty in an outrage at Colmes' Mill, Texas, h ve been shot to death by masked men. a Tho disease known as cholerine is spre d- ing in the suburbs of Paris, 14 deaths ba ng attributed to the disease on Saturday.e Dr. W. B. Green, a well-kown New b York physician, was run over and killed y the newspaper train at Long Branch, N The Knights of the White Shield is an organizatian formed in Alabama preserve ve the supremacy of the - whites over lie negroes. With the dawning of July 1 nearly 1,- 000 iron workers in Philadelphia we thrown out of work by expiration of agreement. The sheet iron manufacturers and A l- gamated Association of Ironworkers h ve compromised their dispute and 10,000 re kept at work. Mrs. Montagu, who is serving a term of imprisonment in Dublin for having can d the death of her little daughter, has gin birth to a son in prison. Twenty of the crew of the British barque Taylor have arrived in aoutha,mpton. e vessel was run down on June 22 by the steamer Trove and two lives lost. A balloon at the Crystal Palace grounds, London, burst 108 feet from the ground on Wednesday. One passenger was instantly killed and the other three were fatally in- jured. A lolaster factory at Bonne` Bay, on the west Mast of Newfoundland, has been raid- ed by the British warship Buzzard, which destroyed everythingconnected with the es- tablishment. Prince Michael's hair and whiskers, cut off since his conviction and sentence for his many misdeeds, have been sold to the pro- prietors of a museum in Detroit for seven hundred and fifty dollars, . Mrs. Chester Bullis, of Steven's Mills, Vermont, was killed by the accidental dis- charge of a gun in the hands of her 12 -year- old son. The charge penetrated the heart, causing instantaneous death. Rolling mill employes in Philadelphia, numbering upwards of 1,000 have quit work because of the refusal of the employ- ers to sign the scale of wages „that has been in force for several years past. The recent utterances of Prince Bismarck have eo much annoyed the German Govern- ment that there are threats of prosecution if he does not hold his tongue on questions of State policy for the future. The great Homestead works at Pittsburg have shut clown, 3,000 men being thrown out. The sheet iron manufacturers of the Pittsburg district have made a settlement of differences with their 10,000 employees. A boiler in a celluloid factory at Nieder- liscben, Prussia, exploded, wrecking part of the first storey. Herr Gistler, the own- er, was killed, and his' son -son-in-law, Lieut. Kleim, and Aire workmen were seriously in- jured. • a i of a i J. t 50 or ma a a a0 ve Th The Senate ,Columbian Exposition Com- mittee at Washington has decided to re- port to the Rouse a bill in aid of the World's Fair with the Sunday closing amendment for incorporation in the sundry civil bill. At the Warwick sessions Mrs. Marion Humphries, wife of the vicar of Warton, was sentenced to three months imprison- ment with hard labor for cruelty to a maid servant, whom she frequently stripped nak- ed and flogged with. a -whipstock. San Francisco internalrevenue agents have found in; an underground cellar in the Chinese quarter an opium factory large enough to supply half of the Chinese popu- lation of the city with prepared opium. The, factory was in a cave under a "Joss Eselor ol:or IVICARIciti:T REPORTS. Wheat fti71 to 80c per bushel OUR SELLA:Sage PRICES. F -77n, Strong Bakers' $2.50 per 100 do Best Family 2.25 " do Law Grade 1.75 " Bran .. 70c " Shorts .. 80e " Chop .. $1.00 to $1.20 " Chop stone running every clay. TILE EXETER MILLING Coy. tAREET REPORTS, =Tun RedWhoat ... Spring Wheat ... Barley ... Oats Olover'Seed Timonhy ... Peas Oorn .. i3ntto 3 ... ... Fiourperbbl .. .-. Potatoea,porbushel — Applos,pernag ... Dri,oaApplespr b ,. Close per lb. ,,, Turkeypori) Ducks per lb ... Ohickensperpr ... Hogs,dreeeedper 100 ... Beef — A. Hidearough, .., .... " dressed . ... Sheepsi ins each ... ()oilskins Wool perlb ... .„ 'Fts.yporton _. Ou4onsnerbnab Woodperoord 76 to 78 76 to 78 48 to 40 28 to 29 TOO to750 1 GO to 1 Vii) 55 to 50 O 40 to 50 9 to 12 tr 13 00to515 �• 50 to 0 55 1OOto100 • 0 4to050 OCOto00E11 - C9 to ell • 0Vito 00 025to0:3!i 550tr573 ... 400 t0525 ... 4set 9,`,0 ... 500to625 0 60 to 70 - 05nto05) 0l1)to017 10;00 toll 00 59to0PO 50 to 3 60 eT:3r1ALES . Vail Wheat........ .... ..... .... ...... ......... 8:., RI Spring Wheat.....,...... 8D 51 Barley ' 0 >s 0 10 Oats . 'h 20 Glover Seed Timothy ., 1 00 1 f 0 Peas . r 15 1 31 Eggs ......' ... ,) 0 its Butter 13 0 14 Potatoes laor bag ...... .... ..... ...... 50 55 Apples per hush ......................10 O le ..... 4 00 O 00 ......,,.319 14 pn ... .........20 00_^,0 co woolporlb riayperton Bran per ton Shorts " " Oatmeal per bbl.......«. ..... , e fri 7 Ora Hoge dressed mer 100. 5 0 to 5 75 rL0 A �7. Wheat,L 81 to F3 per bus. 53'c nor bus. Poas.54c to Sic .per bee- lev,ialting.43t to 48o nor bus. Earley :. t,1. SOe tol410 par bus Cam, 571e to 71e per. busl TORONTO. Toronto. June14—wheat Boring—Ne 2,"+tle to810 per bus; red wintor.No 2. 81e to 83e per bus. Manitoba No2bard, 09 to1!)0lOe9, Ile to 93; PEAS 50o to 62e per bus. (MT 33e to 35e lorbus. FLOUR. extra $3 40 to 53.111 per bbl; straight roller. 353.85 to it3.80 ; strongbakers,50.00 to $5.00. BARLEY, No 1, feeding, 52o to Ole. Edward Linlef, of St.Potere 0.13., seyr : —"That his horse was badly torn by a pitchfork. Ono bottle of MINABDS LINI- MENT oared him." Livery Stable men all over the Dominion tell our agents that they would not be with- out MINARD'S LINIMENT for twice the coat. NEWS NOTES. NoTHINc So GOOD.—i.)ear Sirs,—I have rased Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry in my family for it number of years, and find nothing en good for diarrhoea and Sick stomach its it has proved itself to be. Mrs. D. A. Filson. Ridley P. 0., Ont. Sn3iMER COMPLAINT AND DrAaiISIOEA.—I oan reoommond. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for summer complaint and diarrhoea, as I have used it in my fam- ily, both for children and adults, with the best results. F. E. Dunn, Clear Creek, Ont. Mr. John Shobbrook of Hullett has sold his farm on the llth eon. to Mr. Oaldwell. Clinton will spend $1205 on the streets of that town this year. Miss Minnie Brown, London, Ont. A LIBERAn Tainairm $cores of men. women who have always suffered their prejudioes to blind them to the merits of Burdook Blood Bitters now use and praise this wonderful tonic purifier as the best remedy known for dyspepsia, constipation and all blood diseases. Mrs. Pulford, relict of the late W. A. Fnllord, of Teeswater, while walking from the train the other day dropped suddenly dead. She had been in good health. Itoh; Mange and Scratches of every kind on human being or animate, curedin30min. notes by Woolford's sanitary lotion Tbis never fails. Sold by 0. Lutz: Scot. 9, -ly There ban been an agitation in Clinton lately over the prohibiting of cows running at Large, and at a council meeting the other night, a motion to close thelbovines up,wes lost by a good majority. CENTRAL Barber Sho FAN SON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop Shaving and Haircutting in theiateat style of ;he art. Every attention paid to cutting Lariies' and 0liildren' ¶Ha/ The Moisons -(OIIARTERFID B Y. PA LILIAM Paid up Capital ... RestFunit ' ' HoadOt4ee,llio F, WOLFERSTAN T 0fMoney advanoedto note with one or mor perannum. Open every la SA' Curren TO LEND ON MORTGAGES at lowest rates of interest. Over 560,000 eri- vote funds, Applyto 1er,LroTI1r.AIoe, Solicitors, etc„ Exeter. FOR SERVICE. A fl,err bted D'46a,1 13u11 "Young Chester - and a '11 ,;•."brad Berkshire Boar, an lot 1.1 eon .1.Stephcn; .mats: $I each. with privilege of returning if necessary. WES. SN ILL, Proprietor; 1892. --. SPRING }•— 1892. Do you want a.-. PIANO, ORGAN, BICYCLE, SEWING MACHINE, BOYS',& GIRLS' TRICY- CLES, EXPRESS WAGONS? BRANTFORD NEW PNEUMATIC TIRE .,CAM OE REPAIRED IN FIVE MIN!TEO'. SEE YOUR BIOYOLE HAS 0$Et th'll9YTBE GOOtq $IOYOLE CO. LTD„ BRANTFORD, 01 If Pm do. the place to getthe most reliable goods at a nw,iern price is at PERKINS 0 elAITIN S dea tees in :ells. -i, al Instruments, Sewing Machine eueplies etc eto 1111 kinds of Inas implements sold on a mar- ginam o`.vV icrco t A;;'•ntS for the eseehratcdOhat- lagen. PERKINS & MARTIN, I ,tnson's Block. ROOT COMPOUND. A recent discoveryhv an old phyeicia,n. tuIreesg1i111t,itS- yet 'non Clef y by t71,:119,11irts of /espies. 1' the only perfect Iesafeend reliable medieine prineijl k;1, Beware, who, eller inferior medicines in plsre nF ;I:,-. Askfi,r COOK'S COTTON ROOT C OSpOo1 r t"fin 01, suhstitiftc ; er inclose $I and 4'hree -rei t t an ids postage titaiut•s in letter, and we will seud. sealed by return mail. Full sealed particulars in plain envelope.ro ladies 01[1117,2 stamps. Address Pond Lily Cainpauy o 13 Fisher Bled;, lid Woodward ave.,l'etrait, 91,eh ,'Said in Exeter by PR. LL'T7., Central 'lira :Stone and las all druggists everywhere. BRUSHES, COMBS, ON GES, SOAPS, PERFUMERY -- E� 3? — TRUE SEA. SALT 00 TO BROWNING'S. JUST ARRIVED —AT— GIDLEY'S Furniture & Undertaking Establishment A very NEW Prices to suit large line of GOODS everybody. Bring along your old Furniture and have it made new. The largest stock of New Picture Mouldin g in town. Also PARLOR SUITES AND CURTAIN POT.ES—in all colors. Remember you can have your Curtain Poles cut any length desired, as we buy them in long lengths. Gall and lobed our Stock S. GJDLEY. Oddfellows Block. !athinb Zlyl! 111 111 0111 Cobbledjck & FQlland. Having lately purchased the Stock and Good -will of :/1 j, N. Howard, and added largely to the Stock, they have now the best equipped and largest Hardware and Tinware Establishment in the County. They sell whole- sale and Retail, and carry BUILDERS' MATERIALS, FTs;. BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES, ETC., CARRIAGE MAKER'S GOODS, ETc., STOVES, TINWARE, BICYCLES, and everything in SMALL HARDWARE LARGEST STOCK OF NAILS in the COUNTY GET TtH1 I t PELICES BEFORE YOU BUY. House cleaning time is upon us. Use Alabastine for your ank ceilings. They have the genuine thing only, i-.1 all impro:•e,.l You can mix it you scif with cold water. Tei ;1 -re r -.!i the tints.. Call and see their fine store, fine stock and fine prices. GARDEN SEEDS, FIETID SEEDS, ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE LAWN' MOWERS ALABASTINE (IN ALL SHADES), "DAISY," D.A.Q.SY" GE tJ 'a ALL KINDS OF TINWARE CHEAP FOR CASH-—AT— /$0t %' $o$ CAUTION EACH PLUG OF DTvrtle Navy 18 MARKED Ta&B, IN' GROIN ZF1 m.,3z1T'Ta1RS. NONE OTHER - GENUINE KIRKTON Let the howlers howl, And the scowlers scowl, And the growlers growl, And the gruff gang go it ; But behind. the night There's plenty of light— We'll sell you goods right, And we want you to know it ! Tune of "Quick, March" —TO— DOUPE'b STORE We are now prepared to sell you goods cheaper than ever before. Big drives in DRESS GOODS, P and SHIRTINGS a DOUPE c�L G. A.'HYNDMAN wishes to inf,:,rn1 the citizens a Exeter and surrounding that. he ii nee, engaged selling Teas,Coffees,BakingPowder• In quantities b suit I'urchasore. Orders left at the henao or Dr [tendma . a Office will receive pr erupt attention, dl0irt6 G. A. HYN'D'ur AIT VVE have on band :trine Lino of BOUND BOOKS Suitable for Sunday School Libraries, oa Presentations. DIE LATEST G4u : ":Parlor Quoits: ALSO ;FLIPS, PARCHEESI, HAL Authors, Etc., Etc. J. W. BROWN BOOB Sr; DRUG STO wo11 Boots AT TO