HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-7-14, Page 1ortalsta-21.7 AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. .x1X. NO. 48, itopeclearing the balance of our of paiasoLs at prices that makes easy to sell. You can buy a Tar - (nth $1.00 for 75e, or one worth for $L65, Special prices in ,muslins,and summer dress goods, ontrol the agency for"Butterwicles rated Glove Fitting Patterns. • You ely on the fit a these patterns as are the best in the world," ' AlSrl GEiVISII GEMS!!! y size at the Cheap Store. Special s in Sugars, Teas, and. Coffees at MoTAVI$11 a, CO. Hensall. °Bowing are the market quotations: Wheat 70 to 75 Barley 88 to 40 Oats ... . . 28 to 30 Peas 55 to 50 Hay — 4,00 to 5,00 13utter .11 to 15 Eggs • .. . 9 to 10 Hogs . 5 75 to 5.75 Clover seed.7.00 to 7:50 wo tailors wanted.—A coat and vest maker, eta pant maker, ainelY at once to John Pope, Beneath, mutter clearing sale of boots and shoes for O next 90 days. Everything at reduced prices °alarm make room for Fall and Wieter ods, space will slot permit to quote prices. o lead the trade an foot wear and have the gest stook to select front, I won't be under old by any dealer, ert11 and examine our stroa fore purchasing eteewhere and be convinced • at we sell Boote and Shoes as cheap and heeper than any other dealer in the County,as oots and Shoes aro our specialty. Ordered ork and repairing promptly attended to and one in the tato e styles . Butter and eggs taken no as mob, A. WESELOR,Sign of the Big opt, Moltwen Bieck. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY, 14 1892 now, to be used in making and repairing sidewalks; we hope the pathmasters will be able to see at least a ehort distance past their own doors.—A game of foot ball was played between the Hanna "Leaders' and a team from Hills Green, last Thurs- day evening, on the grounds of the latter, which resulted in a score of 0 to 0.—The St. Pauls S, S. took an outing at Bayfield on Thursday; the weather was good and a very pleasant time was spent; a good many wee there on the 12th,—Mie5 Wright of London spent thia week the guest ot Miss Blanche) Petty:—Frank O'Neil reports prosperity in his case in Manitoba ; a let- ter to a friend hero says he is doing well in the harness and boot & shoe business.— . Twelfth. of July. , %%MIELE. The Twelfth of July was celebrated at Bayfield. The weatherW.8 warm'dry and delightful. After dinner fifteen lodges met in the Clan Gregor Square with their drams fifes and colors and marched to the shelter of Jewel's beautiful grove,on the lake shore, the Seaforth braes band leading and giving forth inspiring strains. The following lodges were present Bnittra—joseple Mollhargey of Claude - boys ghfut lrieh ehemrooks (directly from Ireland)growing in his garden. Seine years ago a box of shamroeks were out from Ire- land to a member of theafamily. The first year they were planted they did. not seem to grow, Now there is an abundance. One of the family was asked: "How ranch for Ike thamrocks e" and the reply was "Gold. cannot purchase thena,but a lover of Ireland can have some at any time,for I believe the only thiug in Eden that the sin of Adam did aoli destroy was the loye of an Irishman or woman for their country; and it will be so till the end of thne." Burars.—Business in the village the at week has bean unasualler dell.—Mrs. . Cook and alas. Weseloh spent last emelt among friends in Dashwoott —Messrs . H. Popo and A. Sareeeloh spent Sunday t Dashwood.—ala J. C. Stoneman and amity spent the past week with friends in embeth, awl J. T. Wren was in charge Mx. S's business. 3. T. says it is strange hat the lady telephone operators through. ut the district can tell in a moment whether a fellow is a married man or not. rheie instinct is great He is pleased that la 0, nes returned.—While repairing leis gate the other day Mr A. Weseloh !struck his thumb with the hammer, knocking the nail and the end of his thumb off. We are surprised at this Inishom since August is so worthy a knight of the hammer and awl andso accustomed to "pegging away."— Muni. *McPherson left yesterday for Ideho Territory where he has secured a good situation with his uncle.—Mr, Coed of Man., is the guest of his brother Mr. R. Coad.—Mr. Elder's increasing busi nese has demanded additional help, and he has engaged Mr. Win. Down e to set up machines.—The Orange brethren from this neighborhood celebrated the 12th at Bey - field ; a large number of the craft passed through here on Tuesday, so that we were vvithal favored with abundance of music. They returned home early and report hav- ing spent a pleasant day,—The Chiselhust foot ball team are expected here this week to play the Hensall team. We look for- ward to a gond match, and of course ex- pect our boys to come out of the battle easy victors.—M188 May Gill is the guest of Miss Cook pt el, this week.—Mr. John Colette of Gokrich, formerly with John E AleDonell, was in town the pad week cal- ling on his maily friends ; he is working as a fisherman on the lake.—A. Weseloh has had his residence repainted inside and out, and its attractiveness has been much improved. —On Tuesday next there will be a grand garden party and tee. on Mr. A. Whiteford's lawn, London Road. A good. time assured everybody. See bills.—Miss 13erthe Hodgins is home from College for vacetion.--The Flax Mill Company recent ly purchased from Mr A Johnston a large barn which they are converting into a flax mill at the rear of the salt well.—afr. R. Bell's saw mill is reaching noticeable pro- portions and will be ready for operation shortly.—The Misses Hawkehaw of att- wood are visiting at Mr. Beek's.—Two young men from Exeter with their fair ones drove through town the other day, when suddenly the horse driven by one .hied, upsetting he buggy, smashing it And dumping the occupants out, Sweet smiles and loving eyes often cauee these miss haps in our village.—T. Murdbak has old his pair of pacers, the four-year-old to Si. Hunter for $400, and the three-year old. to Dan. McKenzie of London for $200. They are both promising horses. --Rev. Mr Softley of London ham been appointed by the Bishop of lluron as successor to Rev. 13. Serman. He comes highly recommend, - re, and we welcome him among eide.y evening the Exeter junior foot ball ,club will play a match with the "Leaders" of this village. These teams haye had etre- eral tussles and neither has won, We 'hope Friday's match will perch victory oa either.—aars. Wren returned home a rom Stelae on Tuesday, after a two weeks' visit with friends there. -3. T. Wren goes to Montreal next week for a trip,—Mr, Geo. Retternee pnrchased a bicycle, end makes his trips throegh the country tin this 'steed —Jaz, Sutherland lead nevv potatoes tWO Weeks ago and, a fine sample at that. — Piles of hunber may be seen 00 our streets No. 145, W. Bell, W. M. No. 153, A.; Millian, W. M. No. 189, Adam Cantelon, W. aL No. 300, M, Sheppard, W. in. No. 308, Jas. Keyes, W. Mt No. 710, W. Walker, W. M. No. 783, John Berry, W. M, No. 793, T. Harney, W. M. No. 833, W. Pollock, W. AL No. 924, H. lanabrook, W. M. No. 135, William Bothwell, W. at No. 334, James Pollick, W. 111. No. 331, Orange Y. B., Alfred Irving,W. M. A tremendotte crowd assembled on the grounds. The chairman, County Master of the Lodge, opened the proceedings by a few stirring remarks and then called upon the Rev. ltdr, Oliphant, wbo spoke of his expera once amongst the Roman Catholics of the Ottawa Valley. stating there was as much need of Orangemen ae ever. Be was follow- ed by Rev. Mr, O'Connel, who believea in the infinenee of auoh an institution,although he deplored its connection on any side of polities. He wee followed by Mr. Kerrin, lately from England, who, in a humorous and able speech, °outvoted the freedom in Ontario with the abjeet eervitude of the priest -ridden Argentine Republic. The Rev Mr. Ayers, who is a warm Orangeman and strong supporter of the:British Crown, in a very humorous address thought that all who spoke in favoe of Orangeiem ehoula be Orangemen He then gave one of his meet inspiring orations. The Rev. ;Mr. Newton then took tbe platform, and gathering rip some of the points, finithed a well ordered meeting, whittle retained its enthusiaem du''' the whole time. CONDENSED NEWS. Front. Various SourcesThrough out the District. zunotustx. Zurich. BitikaS.—Miss Edith Elteinback, who for the past six months attended the conserve. tory of musio in Toronto, has returned home, after very creditably pessing the ex- amination held a few weeas previous, there being a elms of forty pupils that passed; Miss Steinback has received the honor of receiving the highest nuraber of marks.— Mrs. Wm. Holtzman and family, from Mildraay, aro hero visiting friends aud rela- tives.—Miss Lizzie Hess arrived home the other day from South Bend, India.—Mr, Jacob Brown and wife have arrived home from a trip to Huron county, Michigan. He is greatly taken up with that country.— ItIre.Ered Demuth has retarnea froni a three months' visit to her children in Michigan. -131'' Hartman Haople, of Ber- lin, arrived here the other day, and. will stay for some time with her mother, Mrs, Stelk. =Henry Greb is building a oanoe, which will be need by the men working at the dam. This is the second canoe built in our villago.—Haying has beguu and farraers are hoping for dry wesaher to Bemire the good hay crop,—Mr. August Eames has gone on a trip to Mania, Port Huron, Cairo, Saginaw, and otherlattaee. One hundred and thirty pupils wrote at the entrance examinations held an the H. S. Luoan last weals. Mithael Powe was fined $5 and oosts by Squire J. B, Smith Monday morning for asseulting Patrick alitthell, of Bidclulpb, He pleaded guilty. Harvey alowbray, the victim of the late shooting accident, was taken. to his home at Granton this week. 11 18 doubtful, RS yet, if sight will be restored to the injared eye. An old man named James Macdonald, aged 93 years, lute been remommitted to Stratford jail for six months as a vagrant, he having no place clue to go. He cornea f rom Nissouri. The eall from East Williams' Presbyter. ian congregation to Rev. J. J. Elliott, B, promising $900 and manse, has been ao- septed. The induetion will „take plaoe at Beachwood on the 261h inst. Mr: W, J. Parsons, of Nairn'has been engaged as teaaber for West Mitaillivray in the place of Mr, 3, F. Harrison, who is going to attend the Ottawa Normal %hoot this fall. Prior to Mr: Harrison's leaving he was presented with a handsome writing deek. ••••••••.*. •*•,* J3lanahard. Bautra.—Meny of the farmers in this vi• cieday have corameuced haying.—The fall ram t orop has been considerably damaged by the recent rains. --T. Sawyer is spending his vacation with his parents in W,00dham. —A, itioNevin proposes leaving Woodham. There will probably be a change in the grist naill.—The queetion of road =eking has coma to the efront in Blanshard very rapidly. At the last meeting of the Far- mers Institute 111. J. H. Barns read a paper on the statute labor question, showing that oomrauting the statutellabor and haying the council look after all:the improvements of the roads would be eocnoray for the town- ship, and that the roads weuld be kept in muele better condition. Now the council have taken a step in bringing this matter promptly 'before the ratepayera. At their last meeting :a resolution wets moved by Councillor Sinclair and seeonded by Coun- cillor Barry, "That, whereas the perform- ance of atatute labor as at present exitting in tins tewnsitip, in the opinion of a great many ratepayers, should be abolished, and the council, wishing to aay the matter scenarely before the ratepayeve, authorises the elerk to prepare a bylaw for the aboli- tion of statute label., to be submitted to the ratepayers at the next municipal election." This motion was carried, and. we should like to eeeethe bylaev oleo carried, and a new scheme given a fair trial, for we believe that it will bo a beneacial change, There were over 3,000 people present ; The press was represented by McLean, of the Expositor; Todd of the News -Record ; Neelin of the Sun and J. White of TIM Teems. ST.314tRY'S St. Marys, Ont., July 12.— The St, - Marys Orange district lodge celebrated the anniversary of the battle of the Boyne here to -day. There was a large turnout, and everything passed off very succees- fully-, The proceesion formed at 1 o'clock, and headed by the St. Mary's breas band, marched to the Driving Park. W. Bro, D. Brethour, of Woodham, occupied the chair, and stirring addresses were delivered by W. Bro T. D. Stanley and. Rev. J. A. Scott, M. A. A resolution sympathizing with the loyaliats of Ulster in their present struggle against home rale was carried amidst great cheering. An excellent pro- gramme of athletic) games followed the speaking. a meeting the other day and accepted a compromise of 40 cents on the aollar. The liabilittes are in the vicinity of $42,000 and the meets something like $16,000. George Kort, the mail carrier betweep, Atwood and Mitchell, has met with a pain- ful accident. Be was returning from Mitc- hell and undertook to pass a rig on the road when his horse became frightened and jumped into the dhoti, upeetting the rig sod dragging Afr. Kort a considerable distance along the road. ' "When your heart is bad, and your head is bad, and you are bed olefin through, what is needed e" mike& a Sunday-sehool teacher of her °lase. "1 knovr—Ayer's Sarsapar- illa," answered a little girl, whose sick mother had recently been restored by that medioine. Those unhappy persons who eater from nervousness and dyspepsia should nee Oar. .tee's Little Nerve Pills, whittle are made ex- pressly for sleepless, nervous, dyspeptics sufferers, Price 25 mita. One day this week a prospective bride and groom from Parkhill were in Strath. roy and called at the Front Street Metho- dist premium() to be married. While the ceremony was in progress the minister re- ceived a telegram from Parkhill stating that the heeler bride was the sender's wife. The telegrem later proved a hoax, but it work- ed oon eiderable indignation. r A. Bay field oorrespondent says that the corporation is entirely free from debt, Seaforth has now 11,70 Orange Lodges, and the last one will be known as L. 0. L. No. 825. Mr. W, Graham, of ;Stanley. who wont to the old country with his cattle, returned on Saturday evening; he olairas to have made a satisfactory trip: A little two year old child of Mr. John Hud. of Bayfield, while running aeross the floor with a large knife in hand, fell, the Imite striking its month, planing deeply into the roof, causing an ugly gash. A Camp of the Sons of Scotland has been organized a Parkbill, with the follow- ing officers :—Ohief, D. N. McLeod; Chief- tain, J. G. Russell; Past Chief, Simon MoLeoa; Rec. See., John Hamilton; Finan- cial Secretary, John Chinese; Chaplain, Rey. 3, 8,, Lothead; Marshal, John Scottie; Physician, Dr. Oaw; 0. S. G., Wnie Scott; L S. G., Alex. McNeil; Piper, Ronald Cur- rie. 'aoreiN WItITE& SON Pnbilaher and Proprietor A HOT TIME For preserving, I know, and we sympa- thise with Inc ladies. But, if you will buy our pure granulated sugar and safe self sealets both of which we keep in large quanlities and at lowest prices, your labors will be rewarded. by luscious fruit in every jar you open during the year. We congratulate the farmers on the abundance of the hay crop and the ex, cellent weather for saving it. Youinust surely require a large number of SCYTHES, SCYTHE STONES, PITCHFORKS, FORKRAI IKAB, I\STIES, NIAOHINE OIL, ETO., ETC. We have sold large num.bers of these already, and have abundance yet and away DOWN IN PRICE. Bereys.—The people of this little hamlet have suffered great loss lately by Horne, until lately, unknown thief visiting the hen roosts, one party losing sieteeu fine chicken in one night: A trap was set and the cul- prit—a skunk— caught and dispatched. These peas are very plentif al this year,and people travelling the roada sheuld carry a su.pply of"Jockey Olnb."—Alr.Harry Johns had a large barn raising last Monday afternoon—two barns being erected. Sides were chosen and a lively time witnessed for some time. Both aides claim the victory. Mr Johns will have one of the largest and best barna in the township when completed Both barns have besements which will af- ford ample protection for this stook.—Any one finding a gold-plated neok chain on the Mania grounds on the lst ol July would con- fer a favor by retuzning it to the rightful owner, Mise Lena Miners. Miss Praline Smith, of London is visit. ing friends in the neighborhood..—Mr. and Mrs. Cr. W. Holman and family intend tak- ing a trip east next week. If yoa once try Carter's Little Liver Tills for sick headaehe, billiousness or oonstipa- tion, you will never be without them. They are purely vegetable, small and easy to take. don't forget this, Mr. A. Tiffia, who has been engaged as teacher near laippen, left his home at the Nile last week to go to Dobbington, where he is stationed as a young minister; we wish hito much sueeess in his new field of labor, Mr. J. Robb of Taekersmith while driv- ing through Clinton tho other day was thrown from a buggy by the horse shying at something on the side of the street. He was somewhat injured while Miss Robb escaped. A BIG TROUBLE.—The great solatio nerve. when disturbed, ORR give more pain than, any other nerve of the ,human body, Fortunately it isleasily:aubduad by the -right remedy at the right time. On this subject Mr. Wm. Blagden of Edensor, Bakewell, Derbyshire, Eng., writes 1--"I was a suffer- er from eciatio for two years. St. Jacob's Oil completely cured met whoa all other remedies had failed. Ills* Bessie MeDonala, sister of Mrs. Robert Seott, of liarpurhey, passed peace- fully away on Monday afternoon, at the residence of Mr. Scott, Reaforth. Mies McDonald. had been confined to the house with dropsy for four or five menthe. The death is reocoded of one of the oldest settlere in Creditonain the person of dich- eel Einkbeiner, alto died the other day, aged 07 years, 10 months and 6 days. De- ceased had been ailing about two months previous to his death from heart trouble. Ile leaves to mourn his loss a widow, fora pone and. two daughters, all of whom are living in Stephen township. Fire broko out shortely after two o'clock Thursday morning of last week in Joshua \Venial Merlins shop, Seaforth, and before it could be got ander subjection Ward's shop, together with Jones &Motaaade's butchee shop, Stewart's restaurant andlthe office of Lawyee Best were badly gutted The loss is very heavy. Thie is the second fire that has broken out in this block of frame buildings, and ineendiarism is sus- pected. Air, Wm. G-arrett of the 16th con.London township is suffering from cancer in the mouth, About eight years ago be noticed a small sore spot on the lower gam but thougbt nothing of it until about two years ago, when it assumed such proportions that he sought raedioal aid but withlittle benefit. Recently he has umiergone several opera- tions, but whether the doctors have :got to the seat of the disease or not, is yet un- known, and his family are becoming very anxious about him. Goderich. BRIEFS—Mr. L. EI. Dickson of Exeter was in the co. town on Saturday.—The treasurer of the Dominion Day celebration oomraittee has paid all acconnts,and carries a balanda of $20 to '93.—Mrs. Fletcher of Exeter wise visiting in town ou Friday.-- Chief Will KM Son and his btaves were pre - Bent at the Kincardine turn out on the 12th The eanoe Menesetnng took the tribe from Goderith, and the warriors gave several ex- hibitions of their skill on the 12th. --Our Orangemen attendedKineardine on the 3.2th. The local brethren, accompanied by the Cadet Band, left by the 7 a. 10, train and returned by the 10 p. m. The turn -out was a most crediteble one.—The steamer City of Windsor was In pert on Sunday and Toesday of this week. --The dredge No, 9 is doing good work to the harbor and its ap. poaches—Judge Johnston, (F. W.) is spending a f OW days in the ocatown of Huron --Goderich and. Seaforth lscrossed here ,Tuesaay, the home team being beaten by two to one. --Nearly the whole ot the hay crop in this neighborhood ie in the barna. The crop, a good one, has been gathered in without one drop of rain so far.—The can- didates for 2nd and 3rd class certificates are having exceedingly hot weather for their work ,which commeneed on Monday. --There have been Florae nice catehes of bees this month, a few very fine ones.—Next week the town will be visited by the Proteetant church °holm along the Buffalo and Lake Huron R. It. 11 18 etepeeted the eicureion will be a large one. On Tuesday evening there wail dateing party at the Park House, a not overly cool job. --The yacht Norma of Goderich is away on a trip that will take in many prominent places on the lake, Commodore Lewis has a eeleet crew with Men—gentlemen from °they cities being of the oompany,—A large number of oar 'residents took it the Bayfdela Demon. ''t Mime ou the 12th, A 'axle number of J. P. ROSS. Bargain Depot The laseformere of North Ontario have nominated T. W. Chapple of Uxbridge, for the next election for the 'Ontario Legisla- ture, The pipers and drummers of the 480. Highlanders, Toronto, participated in a demonstration in Hamilton on Dominion Day. Capt. Robinson's fine saw mill at Fisher's River, on Lake Winnipeg, has been de. stroyed by fire with all the winter's cut of logs. The closing exercises of the Ontario Agri- cultural College took place on Thursday. Lieutenant -Governor Kirkpatrick was pre- sent. Manitoba red Page wheat has been awarded the championship gold medal at the International Millers' Exhibition in Lendon, The Royal Commission on Prohibitioa will commence to take evidence it the lower proviimes about the end of the pre- sent month. A young mail named W. Glenh, of More nington Township, was killed oa Thursday by a, bent falling on hint while assisting at a beau -raising. ETERNAL VIGILANCE,—Is the price of health, But with all our precaution there are enemies always lurking about our system, only waiting a favourable opportunity to assert themselves. Impur- ities in the blood may be hidden for years or even for generations and suddenly break forth, undermining health and hastentug death. For all diseases arising from''' im- pure blood Hood's Sarsaparilla is the un- equalled and unapproached remecly. It is King of them all, for it conquers disease. BRIEFS—Messrs, Sam J. Latta and T. Edwards took a trip on their bicycles to Bayfield on the 121h of July. They re- port a reclletterday for that usually quiet little village.—Mr. Nicholas Deichert, who was engaged in hauling hay to Zurich, had the miSfortune to upset in front of the Huron hotel on Tuesday evening.—Mr. Dan McGregor paid our village a flying visit on Sunday last. Ho was accompanied by 13/Ir. Snider. --Rev. Mr. Fare preached very acceptably in the town hall on Sunday last. There will be services again in two weeks at 2 p. m.—Mrs.. John Williams has been Very ill. -3/1r. Harry Deichert has been visiting old acquaintances in and around the village.—Mr. Chas Fritz visited in Zurich on Sunday.—Mr. Fred Kibler and family spent Mondayat Grand Bend —Mrs Latta ,entertained lt friends from Michigan on Sunday last—Quarterly- meeting was held in the Evangelical church on Sunday last.—The Misses Faust have returned from their visit to Michigan.—What might have been a Serious affair happened in the village on Monday forenoon. While Mr. Gotleth Merner was loading his wagon in front of the Zurich hardware, the homes be- came frightened and started for home. Jonathan Merner then went to the stable:to get out his horse, but being m a hurry to catch the) runaway ;team, he did not take the precaution that he otherwise would, the result being that the horse kielted him nth, severely in the stomachaand leg. The “13 - juries, howerer,sre not so eerioas as at first feared. Ile is able to use a crutch and cane and we hope to see him soon regain hie former aetivity.—Miss Lizzie Hess of Mieh igan is the guest of her parentee—Mr. 11. Doan ottended the funeral,d,hia Bi§ter.who A. peculiar accident happened at West Williams one day last week, by which a son of Mr. John Barrett lost his thumb. He was with one of his brothers leading a cow through a field and each of them held on to a rope which was attached to the horns of the animal. The brute gave several des- perate jeiks of the head, and by one of these John's thumb was as cleanly ampu- tated as if a physician had been around with his knife; in fact, he was not aware of his toes for a mement or two, and walked back through the field for the greater por- tion of the thumb. Mr. al. T. 13ailey, Elkhorn, Mao., writes: --My daughter was sick for eleven months; she was white as it was possible for any living person to be; was short short of breath and had terrible pains and. ringing 33.0i608 thehead on thaslightest exertion. Two time of Dr. William's Pink Pills tho- roughly oared her. Unequalled for all dis- eases peculiar to females. All dealere or by mail on receipt of price 50 oents a box or six botes $2,50. Dr. William's Med. Co., Brockville, Ont., or IvIorristown, N. Y. Clintanites areived in town on Tuesdety even ing to jOin a baltilig party ell Ibe lake. died in laetroit on Saturday laet The Mitelaell fall fair will be held on the 27113 and 28113 of September. In St. Marys during the hot weather, services in eome of the churches are being shortened, the sermons not to exceed twen- ty minutes. The directors of the HIbbert Agricaltural Sooiety intend to hold their annual fall show at Staffa on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 4113 and 5113 of Ootober next. If you are tired of taking the large old. fashioned griping mile, try Carter's Little Liver Pills and take some comfort. A man can't stand everything. One pill :a dose, Try them. At the Bobringville picnic recently MiSS Minnie Collison took the gold watch for the most popular young lady, her opponent In the oonteet being Bliss Thompson of Mitchell. The vote stood 1,425 to 1,226 in favor of Miss Collison. New Canadian records for the half mila? one, three and five miles were made nit the races of the Canadian Wheelmen's Assaoia- tion in Kingston. At the thirteenth annual meeting of thee Eastern Ontario Dental Association held in Kingston, Dr, J. C. Bower, Ottawa, was elected president. The annual yearly meeting of the Friends of Canada has been concluded at Bloomfield. Next year's gathering will be held at Pickering. Ia the lacrosse league's series on Friday, the Shamrocks defeated the Torontos by o goals to 1, and the capitals rau away from Cornwalls by 0 to 0. Ellen Rowlinson and May Webster, two of the detained witnesses in the Prince Michael case, have been released in Detroit and. will return. to Toronto. The customs. returns at the port of To- ronto for the year ending Jane 30, 1892, show an increase of $274,25S.81 over those of the year ending June 30, 1891. A. L. Langford, B.A., classical masteA of the 'Winnipeg schools, was presented by the pnpils with a writing desk and chair on the we of his departure for Toronto. Cameron V. Gore.— Hugh Macdonald for the defendant, obtained an order for the examination de bene esse of one Laura Gor- don as a evilness. The above item from the legal notes of the Toronto dailies of last Thursday means that the evidence) thus Bought for is to be used. at the trial of the ease if the witness should not then be alive; otherwise she will give evidenee then in Tenon. The case is the suit for libel brou- ght by M. C. Cameron, alleging that defen- dant had. charged him with seduction. God - each Star. The list of magistrates' ovaes in Huron county for the quarter ending Jane 14, shows a total of 71 cases, 17 from Goderioh, 13 from Seaforth, 15 from Clinton, au a the remander from various other points. Of the total 12 oases were for infractions of liquor license laws, 18 for assault, 3 fox larceny, 2 for insanity, and the !remainder for vagrancy and minor ()fiancee. The total of fines imposed was $422. Seventeen of the cases were dismissed. or did not male up for trial. Cold, Cough, Coffin is evhat philosophers term "a logical sequence." One is. very liable to follow the other; but by miring the cold with a doge of Ayer's Cherry 'Pectoral, the cough will be stopped and the. coffin not needed ---just at present. " Oa Wednesday last the St. Marge laevosee team defeated the Mitchell team 3 goals to 2. This game ptactioally gives tit. Marys the championship at the Western division; but it is likely thet match for $100 side will take alace in a few weeke between Mitchell and St. Marys at Stratford. ox hill The mee creditors of the iesolvent estate of Web'Weir, firM dpnlo St. Marys held, Alexander Sproal, of Milton, died, from injuries received in a fencing bout at Upper Canada College, Toronto, rho foil in the hands of a companion• pierced. his neck. Mr. Salter al. Jarvis, one of the most highly respeeted and useful oitizens of Chatham, was accidentally drowned. in the cistern on his own premises on Saturday. The council of Teterboro' Board of Trade has appointed Hon. Thomas Ballantyne, Speaker of the Otitario Legislature, as its representative at the congress ia London. The by-law authorizing the issue of clea bentures &meeting to -$150,000 for the extension of the Toronto Industrial Exhi- bition was carried by a majority of nearly 1,100 According to the published report of Kippen Circuit, Methodist churches, the following moneys were raised last year to- wards ministerial support :—Kippen 3215; Chislehnrst, $281; Hills Green, a3135; Drys- dale, 470; total, 4701. Total moneys raised on the circuit; Quarterly Board, $701; Missionary fend, $80,30; Superannuation, $41; Edeoational fund, $13.71; GenrL Conf. fund, $6.22; Contingent funcl,$a; Church relief, $1.40; Sustentation fund, 039; Sunday School aid, 66o: S. S. and Epworth Leages, $69.50; Trustee Boards, $288: All other purposes, $130; total, $1352.08. Total for previous year, $1013.- 08. Increase for peesent year, 3309. 1.-.1.41114-411 Mr. George E. Tuckett, the well known and wealthy tobacco manufaeturer of Ham- iltou, has presented a house and tot each to two of his oldest employes, and $00 to the wife of another. At Guelph lightning struck the residence of Mr. Robert Decide. A fine mastiff dog was killed and another injured. Mrs. Dodds, who was only a few feet away from the dogs, was uninjured. A San Francisco despatch seys that Val- neyeV. Ashford, the Canadian who was Mee prisoned at Honolulu for treason, has been released, and iinmediately took passage on a brig for San Francisco. According to Bradstreet's report there was a considerable decrease in the member of failures it Canada during the first six months of 1892 as compared with ISOLwith lighter liabilities involved. T. H. Stinson, of Hamilton,. who defeat* ed Provincial Secretary Gibson at the last general. election for the Ontario Legislature, was unseated, and was defeated by Mr. Gibson ea the by-election which followedi is L aTevilrernee ewRa siv me r r tfrt toSaturday. Yn ontha St A. mime, manned by seventeen members of the Grand Trunk Boating Club, was upset by the current, and. six (ef the party were drowned. EiddUlPh. Bainne.-11. Bayoraft has gone to Exetet tO live.—John Hobbins, of St. Marys is working with Mr. Kehoe.—Jas. McCarthy started on hie aerial Tonto last Sunday, but the ramovertook him at Mooresville, where he pat up for dinner.--Itobert Morgan of Brinsley, has rented the Scilly farm (the homestead), on the 2n3, med. he will become a resident in a few weeks.—A. yearling steer belonging to J. Tone, of the lat. was killed on Sunday, at Soilly's crossing by a met bound train. Minard LimMent is the Beet. — ' • t 0 riilau, c.3311. biteatnitehnet busntbooe/11a beea 11at 05aett t un'a 0.11-bic; UniteStates eutters in Behring Sea of the British supply steamer Coquillen an4, number of Canadian schooners. It is as serted that the etearrter was not violating' the law, and the seizure, unless promptly', explained, may lead to Revealed talations,!. between Eaglaad and the "(Jolted States.