HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-7-7, Page 8INSURANCE
lOTotoaso lleere Toronto; also for t e,petO NleVi lee tk5Uitd.NCB
CameeeNX; ox deaden;
reseed. all Ie/ Cls INSURANG,., COJI-
1' t2 r' or England.
ic)ap et'
(Tu heave.) Exeter.
j �t
te :.Dress Goods, Silks,4Sateens, ;
I'rir:ts, Chillies and Skirting ''
5 Lanbroidetres--all at closest', �.
cut prices during the great al r•
teration sale: now on. Our Big: 71
Stock must be reduced ltzaf,.i(•: ,'
'the worknnen take possession•
e 'slid begin enlarging the stole.
a, :Do you want a nice white em
broidered dress ? If you do,' !.:
„'yre want to see you ; we have r.„.
'" some .trand values fiat
x 'reduced prices.
t Now's your time to buy; r
4 Groceries,as we are doing big I
things in choice, fresh Gro ' o
a ,aeries, Many lines below.
7 actualFwholesale cost. How'
L twe do it and live is what tro ;
iubies the old timers. Our
!system of doing business is -r
.lour own, Others may fbilaty ;;
=ins but they never get ahead,
4 ldo they.
J. A.
cau &du Bb Jto..
'RUR,SDAY, JULY 7tb, 1822.
esteeists in Exeter,
Friday last was Dominion Day, and Ex-
eter celebrated the 25th anniversary of
bythe opening t
of the
ing Perk. The weather was all that soul l
beds it . i
sz ell
atsd natii•i
, thstan,l' r
n g t,eatnee r y
every hamlet in the neighlrurhoed 1r t 1
kind ofattraction, tr
u the
wasgood,and the day attendance
,., , „ passed off pleasant -
"match bsteveen filen and llrneefle1,1. -.eelThis
match drew a large crowd and emelt in-
est was taken aken'zn't
z . Ed n first secured
re goal, with a groat deal of labor, and by
the time the whistle sounded full time
Brueefield had also secured one. As Eden
lead to leeve e t<, ploy at Centralia it was
(heeded , il•,;,:c the 1st and 2nd money
evenly between thetyvoclubs. Both teams
;are steel up in foot hall, but Fden had
rather lie selvautage of the Brucetield team
in being heavier and more able to work in
the Fonar grass through which they had to
Next Caine the horse ratting, in the 2.35.
2.50, and colt classes, the rut,ning race not
beingri 1-
Ti. Thr s
re four cam e 't r
in the 2.50 class and three in each ofthe
others. The track was in excellent shape
save a soft place or two, and fully 700
people witnessed tete proceedings, The
racing was not at all exciting, Tom Burke,
Walter G. and 'Melt O. in their respective
classes having things pretty much their
own way, 'though for second place there
was more interest infused. In the bicycle
race there were three competitors, viz ; W
Browning, Exeter; R. Downs, Clinton;
and EL Seeli,Lucan. In each heat Brown-
ing, the worthy agent for the . "Budge"
wheel, was an easy winner. He' kept in
the rear until the stretch, when he seemed
to lead as with magic,' displaying his good
qualities as a bicyclist, and won the loud
applause of the spectators. Following is
the Bet of winners : 2.35 trot-lst, J• Bea-
corn's (Clinton), "Tom Burke"; 2nd, W.
Dunseatlt s (.;t. Marys), "Gunhilda"; Wm
Time, (Rodgerville), "Little Wonder."
38',; 2 36, 2.36e. 2,50 trot-lst,
W. J. Thompson's (London), "Walter G.";
•2nd,H.E. Schnft''s (Ailsa Craig),"Jackall";
..rd, Wm. Pinkney's (Seaforth) "Freddie
Archer." Time, 2.50, 2 45e, 245. Colt
race-lat. J• 13awkshaw's (Exeter), "Mell
O.' ; 2nd.\V. Wile e's(Rodgervilie),"Tiny";
3rd, ie. Hodgin's (Lucan), "Maud B "
Time, '3 13, 3.04. Bicycle race (half mile.
heats), let, W. 13rowning,Exeter; H.Sceli,.
Lucan; R. Downs, Clinton. Time, 1.38,
1,35. The Exeter Brass Band supplied
music for the occasion; and everything
passed off pleasantly.
Yonne Sohool Board minutes.
July, 4111, 1892,
Board metat the town hall. Absent --
W. Treble, and W. D. Weekes. Items
passed: Minutes of ;previous meeting.
Per T. Fitton and W floakin, leliss Spicer,
(who surplied for Miss Vesper), to be paid
pro rata with the salary paid to the de-
partment; per Dr. Lutz and W. Hoskin,
plans and tender of R. Dennis, London, for
fire escapes to be accepted (eost $220); per
Dr. Lutz and T. Fitton, the following ac-
eonnts • Thos, klattnoll, labor, etc,; e11 6,5;
E. rollick, snudries, $2 98; per T. Fitton
and W. Hoskin,tbe council co be requested
to levy the sum of $2 500 for school pur-
poses for 1893; per T. Fitton adjournment,
J. Gatfno, 'Secy.
Iirevitie .
Mr, D.Spicer is applying a coat of paint
to his reeidenee,Whicb greatly improves its:
Mrs ,Tory we:understand has: let the con,
tract for the'erection of a new house on
Andrew st.
Hensen juniors will play the Exeter jut
fors a frieudly game ref foot,ball here on
Friday evening,
The Delineator for July can be purchas-
ed at J. l'. Clarkes, aa well as a choice'
lot of Dress Goods.
Next Sunday evening Rey• ,Mr. Martin
will commence a series of sermons sngtfest-
el by the ocean voyage.
1'he everting trains going north and south
cross at Exeter instead of Centralia as has
been the case for some time,
,August 4th has been proclaimed a' civic
holiday by the t' s e,and citizens of Exeter
will observe the day as such.
For saber and fruit jars and generalgro-
cenes, and 9) pmeads of sugar for $4 call at
J. P. Clarke's.
The Sunday Scheel of the Main st. Meth
church will picnic et Grand Bend on July
12th A geed time is a.ntieipated by tare
The watering east was out on Wednea'
day for the filet time in several days, the
late contiuue i tela s hexing kept the street
suiti_ientl} +.late;:,. •
Presents to the soho1 children who haye
bought their sehterl,litroks at Brownings
will be distribute(don Monday next, July
11th, at 5 o'clock, fp- 'eri.
The receipts of the Festival at Centralia
on July let amounted to fee50, while at
the commistin the evening$50 were taken.
Both were thorough suoceeses.
r F,,
Our zs of hosiery have been lar
y large au i
still we c h ,y e just to hand 12 doz. more of
L sdiep' Stainless hose in black ; values and
prises are light at J. I'. Clarke's.
The ear :y e'onug movement in Exeter is
net beiug ae closely adhered to as was exs
r)e.tted.. rintnenf the Irerehantshave found
it impossibly to close their stores at 6.30
t each eveurn r.
The (T:I,leri..h Ster last week published a
entpurportiarg to b;, alikeness of Ex -Presi-
dent $.tine I• Cleveland. The picture no
more resets ,.•.d Grover Clevelandthan a.
bumble bee. daee au elephant.
A report teem s from pious Endue that
the- lt•rke in that beautiful hamlet have
petitions: the shop keepers to close at an
earlier haul on 'lVelnes,lay nights to allow
thein to ttttrnd the payer meetings.
The Wry, el.% dills are at present running
over t sit• to 611 large cgcicrs teeeive.i from
Twee te ui I"'F%:ttrititywq'ie fact, they have
been so erns destrtlfiat the managers have
lied to refuse 1,zrge orders during the week
The bleached cottons, grey eattons--
stn •le and double fold shectings, 72 inch
lesseeired sheetings and pillow cottons are
worth the inspection ot Intending parches -
ere. Ca11 at J. P. Clarke's.
The Exeter C;ticket team went to Len
don ou July ist and played a game with
the Asylum team of that city, which re-
sulted lted in the -Asylumteam wtnning by 54
runs. J. A. Pope, F'. Elliot, and T. Carl-
ing made double figures.
This and the coming week wi 1 he found
a good titne Ito pnr.ehase prints, sateens,
einbroideries and white skirting ; also all -
wool delaines and challies in choice pat.
terns ; also cotton challies, fast colors at
10e at J. P.Clarko's.
The Exeter Loyd Orange Lodge will
celebrate the miming 12th July with the
brethren at Bayfield, not Sarnia as pre.
vimraly arranged. They have done wisely
in deebling upon Bayliold, as it is more
eonvcnien':, ane (finally p'ettsant with
tial ilia, '
The �;
'I it itenfl,r r -
i,;etl ;,*e settled.naw and
.y+t, operati,ns Jrctw begun in earnest,
the buzz of the newer esu he heard in all
1' ,
, rre.ctious ,
ti .. ,
r.r:Yp remises large..
Tae fall wheat, although down in many
peaces, will yr t grill through if the weather
continues fine
Oa "( e
.f ,n a
v e i.nurp the bays nisi to
form a Lacrosse Club, the following were
elected officers; Dr. Roilins, Pres.; H.
Spackman, Vice 11y; J- .senior, Qarl Vice
Do.; B. S. O'Neil, l'reas.; Jas. Grieve,
Sec'y e Com --J. `enior,S A. Popplestane
A. J. ,Snell, J. Grieve, and A. Spikier. The
admission to the association is 50 cents.
There will be another meeting on Friday
Messrs McTavish and I:aerett took in
the sports at Ingersoll on July 1st with
the f.;llowing result :-220 yard foot race
open handicap, McTavish beating some 12
oth n
e r mTor Toronto, a
. t'Tar i1
n innA nd
Pirsea • 100 yard nee, :.1ioTavish, Eacrett,
ist and 2d, time 11 seconds ; running high
jump, R. J. Eacrett; 120 yard hurdle;
Eacrett, McTavish. All classes were well
filled and competition was keen.
There is to be some li(igatiou shortly
over the trotting horse, "Sleepy Joe,"
which Thos Berry of Hensall recently sold
to a efoutreal buyer. The horse was de-
livered at the point agreed upon and the
money paid over to an acting agent for
Berry, who refused to pass it on, but for
some reason the animal was not taken, the
buyer, possibly cueing his bargain. This
is a ease in dispute between two old deal•
While exercising his horse on J sly est,
Mr,John Snell met with a severe accident.
He was seated in a sulky jogging the ' ani-
mal around the course, when it stumbled.
Mr. Snell was thrown completely, over the
animal's head to the ground and alighted
on the back of his neck, injuring his spina
He has since been confined to his bed, and
it will be some time before he will be
around again. Neither horse nor rig were
in any way injured,
Oe Sunday morning kat Messrs. Carling
Bros. were apprised of their general store
having been broken into during Saturday
night, Upon investigation it was found.
that the doors in the grocery department
were open and the lamp burning, while
goods were strewn about. For a time con-
siderable excitement prevailed, until Mr,
Carling was informed that nothing had
been taken, a joke only having been per-
petrated. The doors were seen -to be open
early Sunday morning, presumably `blown
open by a strong east wind, and the jokers
thought it would be fan to excite T.. B.
`• or Mo
The Coueert in Drew's Opera House on.
the oyeniug of July lat given by the Fal-
con. Minstrels of Loudon was not very
largely attended, but was otherwise a sue.
eine, and pronounced by those present as
one of the best given in Exeter for some
time. The singing was fats, the acting
and dancing good,while.the shadowgraphs
by Prof, Sheere were realistic,andpresent-•
ed in a skillful manner.
Installation of Officers.
The officers of Exeter Lodge No. 67, In-
dependent Order of Odd Fellows, were in-
stalled on July 6th, by Bro.. McDairmid,
D. D. G. M. of this district: Bro. J. Rein
dee. J. P. G.: 13ro. D. Davis, N. G•; Bro.
A. Hastings, V. G.; Bro A. Hoskin, R.S.;
Bro. A. Ftike, P. S.; Bro. Be Lamb'ook,
Tic's.; J. Hein, W.; (leo. Jewell, ,Curr.,
R..R,iehardson,, I. O. G,; T. Prior, R. S.
N.G'.; W. Atkinson, L. 45. \ . G ; H.
Buckingham, R. S. V. G.; D. Holleran,
L. S. V.G ; F. Knight. L S. C t J„Jewell
R. S. Se J. 13taund, Chap. Bro. S. A.
Popplestcne, 1'. (1 is the representative to
the Clrand Lodge llcltl at Wiedenr in
eeinistorirtt ssomatio:.
This Association met in the Thames
Road Manse on \lor...iay 1tit inst. The
attendance was smell. there being only live.
members present Bev. A L Russell read
a "tIe;ditation nn k ternity," w hioh showed
careful rht,n^ht u 1 ::nn,l",.onrposition. It
was au attempt to enebte the human mind
to grasp the intini'ude of Duration. Mem-
bers fo lowed nirh their criticisms. The
other paper not bele; on Lan+l, tee Asso.
ciation adjou,ncd frem speculating on
"Duratinn" to ti some • f yh "e.litii•a i f
"Time" in the shape of a few genies of
croquet adjoining or n tthe } .i ,
1 on lawn adi ,oriel, the Manse,
There was more. to ruffle the Ministerial
temper here. Afterwards the Association
left this for seine ping even more material
within the walls of the Manse.
Jtoresters' .tnnivt+r•g:try Service.
About fifty of the Indepentleut Order of
Foresters attended Divine servfee at the
!'resbgterieti church here hast Sunday,
Ter lice Mr. elnrtiit prt •trheci from the
Ib .t. ehapt,•r,.1 the Epistle of Q. James,
Tire ser, �'.0 was en trppropelate ane in
which the rev. gentleman commended the
work of the Society and strongly exhorted
the brethren, while faithful to their frater-
nal obligations, to remain true to their
homes, their churches and their religion.
It augurs well that these organisations do
yearly in thew; services acknowledge their
dependenee upon and trust in thetCreator,
in whose name, we torn, and strength,they
all must admit their frecognitiou fur well•
doing. The weather Feet S uuday was must
inclement, hence the Forestric attendance
was not as large as it otherwire would
have been.
Rev.RTi,q,•il has rein reel from 11t+ut. Co.
Where he :est week buried hie father. -.-ler
Bethune of Sea forth was in town last week.
-Mr, A. McTavish and Miss McTavish
Rip'ey taro called to nn Saturdrty to the
sick bed of their young bruther,-Miss
Burrett of Mitchell is the guest of her
sister, sirs. R. 13. s"erity.-�1Yessra. Ed.
Saunders elle Geo. Baker left on Monday
to resume their situations in Bad Axe,
Mich., after several days' vacation in Exe-
ter, -Mr. W.J. Clarke, wife and family r.f
Tosonte,caruo to town on Saturday to spensi
a few weekly with friends •bete. -Rev. J.
llelmes of Parkhill was in town last
week calling on his many old friends. He
is now stationed at Parkhill, --Mr. George
Southeottof Toronto is spending a few
trays in toren. - lire. Shelley I)=ivis is very
ill at the residence of Mr.Joltn Renrlle,and
little ,t hope le h
. is en'nrta• , n
preed fin her recovery.
/1 Carling
J., 13..0 r r
t ret attended $tet d a
meeting r
6 of
the :alt Association in (Tinton on !NON -
day fi
-Miss ,1
i lith I
Y uireuelt" t
a f o
n .Cu s •.
� t
day on a. visit to friends in 13errv, Port
Perry and Toronto. -Mrs. Jeelto of Toron-
to is the guest ,.Piers. i:. V. Elliott, -Rev.
D. Buchanan and Urs. Buchanan are the
guests of Mr. and Mre. Chas.Perkias. M•
John Irawkshaw had another attack of
sickness on Friday last, but is now able to
sit up. -hiss A Murdock, who has been
Visiting friends in town, returned to her
home in Lemmas on Monday. -Mi s l3atvden
of Liman visited friends in town last week
-lits Maggie Sheere of Loudon returned
home on Tuesday, after a. short visit with
friends in town. -:ter. and Mrs. .Emery
returned borne on Monday. Mr. Emery
has been away for a couple of menthe on a
tour of the Maritime Provinces in the. in -
tercets of the Exeter .holler Mills,and Mrs
Emery visiting friends
has ee "
In: '!
S oe.
-Mra. ' T
Geo. "Kemp e p and daughter left this
week on a visit to friends in Sherbrooke.
Que.-Miss Mc['alls of Lacon, who has
been the guest of Mrs.R.Eacrett, returned
home on Monday. -Mr. R. W. Archer,
formerly manager of Molson's Bank, Exe-
ter, was ordained as deacon at Christ
Chnrcl Cathedral, Hamilton, the other
day. Mr. Archer will be stationed at
Stamford and Niagara Falls South, as cur-
ate. -Miss Pringle, of the Exeter P. S.,
left on Monday for her home near St,Marys
to spend the summer vaoation.-tfr. S1'.
H.Brerver of Clintou was in town ou Tues-
day on business. in connection with the
bang here, -Miss Gamete visiting her par-
ents in Bay City, Mich. -Rev. Mr. Mc-
Donagh on Sunday evening last preached
a special sermon on "Christianity not a
failure." Items a decided success, and was
largely attended. The rev. gentleman
gave many positive proofs of Christianity
being a decided success, even from its in-
ception. ' The discourse was appreciated
by the congregation judging from the rapt
attention given. NextSunday evening Mr'
McDonagh will preach a special aermou on
""the evils of horse racing and accompani-
ments. 1Vliss Mand Hicks has taken
charge'ef the pipe organ in the Main -et,
Methodist church. -Messrs. Geo. South-
cottof:roronto and NV, E. Gundy of Leam-
ington each sang a solo from the Main-st
Methodist church- choir on Sunday ;even-
ing last -Miss Fannie Pinch is visiting
friends• in Stratford. She will Likely at-
tend the Boston School of E]ocutinn this
fall. -The managers of the ist July races,
are short in funds some ('$25 -Mr, W. 33.
Manning of Clinton spent Sunday with
his parents in,town.-Rev Nit Martin
went to Listowel yesterday for a horse
which he will bring back with him. -Mrs,
(Dr.) Lutz and son Frank leave this week
f ntreel where they will visit for a
eke. -lire notice in the report of
the examination of the Toronto Conserva-
toryof Music that . Miss Lily Hardy of
this place and Miss Edith Combe of Clin-
ton won honors in Pianoferte.-Messrs H.
Crediton ; D..Meleenzie, London
reser, 1•Bruce(ield, and I. .Batten -
Clutton rsore: the judges at the 1st
yea.-Little Mitis Bennett, of Bow-
e is the guest' of her sister, Mrs. J.
_art --
Liniment cures La Grippe.
Mr. E. T. Bailey, Elkhorn Man., writes: few. we
-My, daughter was eiek for eleven months
she was as White as it was possible for any
living person to be; was very short of brea-
t� and' had terrible pause and ringing noises
in the head an the ,slfglztest exertion. Two'Either,
boxes of )r. William's Pink Ping thorough- tilde' ore
ly cured her t'uequalled for all diseases bury of
poculjar.to females. All dealers, or by,mail Jaiyra
en rocmript ot 50 conte tt box or six boxoy for rnanvill
52,50. Dr. Willramne Med. Co., Brookville, A-. _ f
Ont., or ilarrititown, F. Y. Mixrard'
In 1�d=SummerGoods we are showinga
line, embracing : complete
Embroidered Skirts, Silk Flouncii gs,
Silk Lace, Plain and Fancy Muslins,
White and Colored Lawns (all wool)
Delaines, (fast colors) Sateens,'etc.
Also he largest ,�t stock of Cotton
O �' Tand.. ��5�],IYI,
siert/ ever shown in Exeter, at lowest pig :es.
A fo of our celebrated Parasols loft, which, we . are ring. Prints 12 to 1'
clearing at the low price of Flo.
0 ..6.�.,i
And sue our lines of
Ezot rtFurnitureF ctar T
A. splendid Bed -Room ;suite in Maple
or Cherry for $9.00, Sidebeatrds from
$8.00 upward~,
Call While the Stock Lasts
Remember the sand:.. Two doors
North of Town hall, Exete.
Synod of Huron.
At the recent meeting of the Synod of
Huron the bishop, in the course of his
opening address, gave a comparative state
meat of receipts fur the past eight years.
The figures for the current year are $21,-
018 26, against $18,000 the 'previous year,
neatly ;$9,000 rnn'o than in 1855. There
are 916 chur,•ht"s in the diocese and 13,605
connuuuro;nsts; in 3$0the nnmher of corn -
muter ,
c t it
tr s woe r
t y 8,, 11. , he population t f
the diocese, according' to hu cersea, is
785,839, and the nremburt:hip of the Angli-
can Church 110,910 The diocesan stat-
istics showed a membership of 54,061, and
the bishop thought this discrepancy was a
fit subjestfor investigation. He said the
diocese was 'not sufficiently manned. It
should shake off les sloth, and instead of
missions and parishes milting for help,they
should 1"e coming in to announce their in.
dependence. Tlrey "needed a new °lass
of unmarried men who were wilding to go
as deacons at least for a period without
any salary, dependent on the great God
who knows all our wants." The bishop
ofthe lIo adv
enc '
a le in the Sunday
ne1,t i • '
. tl
P ilchr.
LOW includes C11
1 09
d 221
schools, 1,17(1 teachers and officers, and
170,0e0 0 u
The pupils. mune for t
Y clergy
maintenance during the year was $17,-
95' .The overdraft on Ibis fund
of $4,014 44 in 1861 is now reduced to
.5137 10. There are 21 annui;auts on the
widows and orphan's fund; 55,030 has been
paid in annuities and $$2,500 carried to
capital account from itis fund.
Canning'Iaetor3•. '"
A correspondent writes -Last fall I
visited Waterfor,l. Ontario, and other
places where the drying and canning busi-
ness is carried on snccessfuliy. Watet•ford
has three drying ftctnries, which einploy
at some seasons of the year from 200 to 300
men, boys and girls. They make their
own cans, and raise a large portion of their
strawberries, tomatoes, corn, etc, but also
buy largely el
from om fa
g Y i s ,
Farmers told
ere the thingwas a
great benefit to them,
to the town, to the merchants, and to all.
I saw at places t visited oar loads of peach
es, apples, etc., coming in in bulk, at a low
rate of freight. Some cars came 80 miles,
so that if fruit, etc., fails in one section,
plenty can be had front another section.
It would be a wise move to start a canning
factory in Exeter, and a speculation that
would net a rood dividend to any company.
A joint stock company could be formed,
and $2,000raisod in shares of $2 to $5eaeh;
plenty would take $2 to $10 and some $50
to $300, so there would be no trouble in
getting from $2,000 to $5,000. The stock
would be increased as the thing prospered,
liability to be limited to the amount each
person subccribed. Dried apples and other
dried and canned goods are as staple as
wheat, and their market is the wide; world
Our own market, eapocially the Northwest
would be large and constantly increasing.'
There can be no doubt the thing, would
pay good interest on capital invested, if
properly managed -all would depend on
the management. There would be no
trouble in getting advances from banks on
dried and canned woods of all kinds,. the
same as on grain. The manager should
have some practical knowledge of the busi
Hees (the more the better) and be` it good
business and salesman. as all would depend.
on the management.. A visit to Waterford
by a small' delegation would establish the
correctness of my statements and also. prove
the practicability of the scheme proposed
for Exeter. If we sit down and wait until
somebody comes alone en 1 offers to do all
the work for us it never , i looked after
`What we want is a "git tit. ' 'pirit and a
feeling of unity. Y,n, •w bialy,
Ilesrt nt.
The funeral of the late Judge Me:
Crea' took place at Sault este Marie on
Mr. Peter McCallum jun., one of
Cobourg's moat ':energetic business
men, died last night.
The French Chamber of Deputies
has passed a bilChambemnif au In Rubber
Y sufferers Coats we have file
frim Anarm of the finest quality
chtsts outrages.' for $@10 507u
The elections thus far her i .+ 4t� r, worth X14- Call and see the' Goods
held, in Eng -
.and 011'..,
land show the return of ole'• � g- will be oonvinceCl..' y
nd-lTniotists and four Liberals.
The French Cabinet has approved of
a project for holding an international
exhibition Paris, in 1900,
had on
exhibition 111 ,
�.bltloll at on time a , hp
1 Covered with I • Spee
)R Skinfi, w111G
styled .,A8 MO' 0O
; A 1 and being' asked whyhe
did 'this
... '
h ',a
u 11
b G
likehumbugged. ll!'�
10to be
Now we do not propose to adopt this plan of hu
bugging the people by exhibiting a Mountain Go -
IRO, simply to state
PIl"EPAT� �'D to CARRY 013
At all tithes. When a Merchant tells. you. he is
sit:, V-:A.virAy 00013
You call count to a moral certainty an
ing false : or when a Me the statement bo
Merchant sells an article at o
You may depend that 11e will make it up
else before he gvts through with you. T on some -thin
be s lm(
y .here must be some
profit or a merchant can't live. But Carlin. Bros'
and therefore we offer
everything at the very tmaTlest.
margin of profit consistent with honesty and lair' dealing.
The best discount we can offer is 5 per oent.ofl' for Gash.
r Butter 130 ; Eggs 1.4 in trade.
We solicit a call.
IE VES' The Tailor
My Stock being too large it must be reduced
Note some of the prices :-- •
$16 Fine Tweed Suit for12
� ,50
$20 Fine Worsted Suit for $@ 17
A dandy Tweed Suit for $10
(Well -made and good trimmings)
See our 75c Tweeds for
See our 60c Tweeds for 45e
We cut our owngoods „°ods free of tete��
charge on shortest no '
A Very
Large 1�
�y" of Pantie `s
In this
Sale we wilt make a specialty '
peolalty of
Of which we have a bigStook
in a,ll.Styles,
The Latest Styles in hard and soft Hats we are selling at those prices
1..25 Pin ' `'
• e F ur Hat for 80c.
$@1.20 do
$2.50 do S2