HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-7-7, Page 5MVO INT3 vo6° 130th the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts. gently yet promptly- on the Kidneys. Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem ottectwllly, dispels colds, head- aches and;Tevers andcures habitual constittian: Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste andac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects,repared only from the niosi health.yand. dagreeable substances, it;. many excellent qualities cormen el. it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c 'bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not :have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one Who wishes °o try It,, lt''.Itlaufac turgid only by the IALUFOB IA FIG SYRUP CO,e SAN ' '.itAT.TOESOO, OAL. a..o CBVILLE, =1% MOW YORE, N.'Y FOX Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store QETROIT'S GREP. i T.ROTTINO ANE PACING 1 ETING, or o ,, -- or� As the time eppi aelie , for the great blue ribbon meeting a the 1)etrrAt r i)rtving Club, interest c.st is visibly teethe increase, Adviees received from. most of the leading horsemen of the 00untry give sire promise of large entries of an unusually high class of horses. Some are already on the ground and '°there will shortly arrive. Among those ex- pectecl this week 16 the Semoeolou ;Stoci, 'Farm, of Ypsilanti Mich., in charge fr that accomplished "Knight a the Rib- bons," Mi•, Ben Stanley. He has twen- ty head in his stable, prominent among which is that elfin° racehorse and high- bred stallion, Sernocolon, 2:10; 11t t•a- hontas Prince, 2,:0!4; Lizzie Gib en, 2:203 ; Ciesar, 2:16;:i; Keno F., 2:17; 1:(eokoe, 2:W Vesta Medium 2 .f';.;; Duchess (a very fast four-year-old, daughter of tlie. great Sidney), ani. others, Doblt:, . Goldsmith, Ilirkoek, Starr, McDowell and other magnates of the turf, tiro -eines, to be among the fa- miliar facies that will be seen on the grounds of the Detroit Driving Club, participating in the events of its ensiling .:}".: Sly:'+' i's. 111,17, T,•;.r .18th. tRo 2}rtr7, iiir'lnsive. A letter re - While one of the farmers, of the 14th cots„ least Williams. -sue viewing the lo. cation of, a ditch winch is to be eonstrueted through hie 1srm, be stirred tip a snake in grass which he attempted to kill with a stelae. The eonteet of the stone with the snake's bodygave beck a metallic Bound, and thereupon he hammered the reptile up- on the bead until dead, Examination being nada it was discovered that two thirds of the snake's body was encased in a section of gas pipe, an inch in diameter. Whether the snake had crawled luto the pipe when young and ;grown fast or was weilring it for self prott'otion, is a conundrum. Wonders will never cease Miss Minnie Brown, Loudon, Ont, A Lincnar, Talunlrtr.•-.Scores of men women who have always suffered their prejudices to blind them to elle merits .01 Burdock .Blood .littera now use and praise this wendorfn1 tonic purrfior its the best remedy known for dyspepsia, constipation and all blood diseases, Su:aatxn,tCOWL ,Mit Aon Drnniuro5A. I aan rettJsxtmond'Dr, h'owler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for summer complaint and diarrhoea, as I have used it inlay tam- *, both for children and adults, with the best results. F. E. Duuu, Clear Creek, Out. MAIM -LIT RJGP{)EATS. Wheat . , 80o to 82o per bushel OUR, SELLI.NC"t Piilit:Ey'..' Flour, Strong Bakers' A•"; $2.50 per 100 do Best Family 2.25 " do Low Grade 1.75 Bran '70e " Shorts 80e " Chop - $1,00 to $L20 " Chop stone running every, day. Tun EXETER 1VIItLX 'G Coy. IIIL�RR T REP`f)1tTS. • ex:ae e IledWilest , Spring ',Vilest ., Usoiey Ottts Olo•-erSeed 'I'inonby Peas Corn ratite lluttox •.. llourverbbl ,•- Potatoas,lserbranof .•• Apples „per nag -• DrietiApplospr b «, (ioese per lb. Iuricaypor lb ).uc;ki vat lb • 76 to i6 70 to 73 It 'to g0 O LEND ON MORTGAGES at lowest r • ties of interest Over :500,O00 vete funds, Alipl-3 to 1,17'L30'1 Sc EZIAsOa. brslf'•Itc.r8, ate., FOR SERVICE. A 'lhoro' bred Durham 73u11 "r"otte0 Chester- field,', and aThor"'bredUerkshireBoar, on lot. 13,con .1,Stephen. 2Eliar2 $l each, withprivilege of -returning if necessary. WES. SNELL, Proprietor; 1892. - { SPRINU- -- 1.892. Do you want a PIANO, ORGAN, BICYCLE, SEWING MACHINE, BOYS' k GIRLS' TRICY; CL ;S, EXPRESS WAGONS? BRANTFORD NEW PNEUMATIC T),IRE 25 to 23 00 to 7 5U„0$`, fr d9•-l..Y, • ' 1 50 to 07 t; -" s� ▪ 55 to ... 040 to ✓r 9 Go 1(a(( • -. 12 to Is! •.. OO to 510 • 50 to 0 53 ..: 1 CO to 1 00 0 40o050 . 006to006 09 to C0 ,.. 006to 0t'7 • 0 25 to 0 S0 ... 550te5"t; „. 4001002/ 4n0 to 4 Mi . 505to5233 • .... 050to 7u 050 to 0i„ • 31000017 ..10 00 toll 00 -n to 0 ntt. Obiekeusperpr (seised froth Mr. Monroe sal,hnr;y, f10gAf,drasaoiapo100 itoa of the Pleasantuu t'alife via tital,lee 1:'1Jasronsh, ,.. also one from L. A. Davis, 1 i ., of Ito droxaod . � 1 S 5tioepnkins each Wilkes (e:01;11i) fumy, indicate their iit- Oalfokins tentions of beingon hand with their ti ialporlb Fl ay porton great stables of trotters and paters. (tnionsperbua/1 woodyereord 00 to 5 53 This week an army of bill p ':tc rs are: am:srenys scouring the country, putting up the. 5+11 RYhoitt ................»..,,.,. R0 al most elaborate litho's•r•aph orae met - issued x .,issued by the club, The peewee, tR in- dow sheets, t te., aro wally work:: et' art. The elub has just entered on the eighth anniversary of its organization. .During the past eight years it, has di- tributed among the lenere ort,ertees trout drivers of this eeuntry two hundred t.ua ninety-nine th,lu amyl i .e hanairi.il r ., ,...20 00 20 an trots dri'anea Dear 1011 ` , 1 re to F. Spring Wheat 3`1 51 Itariey,•0 13 0 Ora Oats .., , ....... .23 20 r!tover sUud' CO 7 21 't'imnthy•••••••-.. ••••'• 1 FO ntl bean' 0 55 0 ".0 nutter 13 0 14 Potatoes. per bag ...... •.... 50 53 lhplos por bash......,.. ,.,..• 01 i Yioolpter�lb lA 01:t Hav porton... ., 14000011 Tv) Bran per ton ..,.•,.,,..,,. Shorty dollars in stakes., putties, specials, tstee An amount. iseuptisst•d by any trotting and peeing association in Atneriea, dur- LoNDON, int the salve period of tint, while the Intim.,' Al to 03 per bus. Oats, ale to elass of Sport furni"herl hee boon un- ° "talc pttooorlAtus. 4o^Pr,ao;o4. rbc rabrniae•v rivaled. B1110-IIbb.n ln,•ltion• bus Corn, 07(re 1" e FlPcirae.drr- . hhatieally the reek -re -event of the s.rasen. ° bushel. TORONTO. natmoalper hbl ... • , No matter what may bo the ills you bee from indigestion, a dose of Ayer's Cather. tic Pille will ease you without question. dust tryltbem once and be assured; they Imre much worse dyspeptics cured. Yon'll 1 REBUS. find them nioo and amply worth the price. 1 ` Torouto, Junet4•-Wboat Shying --No. 2,30x. 11oTIIiNr1 So (aaor. lle•nr ;ails. ---1 Lave' tale nor bus; red winter, No 2. Ste to 320 ;tor used Dr, Fowler's E..$riint et Wild ,Straw- bus. erenit;:ba No 2 hard,ffr to 1 110 9n.5, die borr3 in rny Welly fora number of yerirs, to 03: PEAS ti to to 02c por bars. OATW 33t alleluia mottling so good for tlfarrlxeert Intel to ; 5s. mer bug. I` t roti extra. {i8 .40 to el t pink ato:r'nch as it has proved itself to t. eo, b rrongtbakerrs,r-14 90ttor$5 00. 13A.1OLEY, No 1. ars. D, A, Wil,teix llia:(ley P, 0., (crit, feeding, 5„',e to 51c. Curvets Goon APrrrlrl:.-Sirs,-I thin!: your valuable,mediaiue cannot be surpass- )GA.R• FOlt Sl+ ltVLC+' , ad, according to the Benefit I received from 11. After atiffering from headache sod leas alto undsreigatd wi11 kcerto.thora'bred llerk- of appetite for nearly four ears I tried 'hire boar for service at .. l3orry'a Sato and P years, Isxeh.thge Stable, Hensel). B. B. 13, with. the greatest success, tlnditrg T1:;ltyt,. Qnodotlar at tinio of service with it gavo mo great relief anti good appetite. privilege of returning if necessary. Inow enjoy goad health which I owe to -_ __..,.. _ 11108 •Pl•eur- yourvaluablemedicino, 71ARM FOR SALE, It's about t{melAUme of the Omit bur• 1 4_ Books which impede travel on several streets 130 acres in the township of I3iddulpl., ono to town were chopped down. 'There are iuilefrum buaau villae;o, ruostly Paatnrage and lent of shade trees in toxon: without the nieadow rood and riot. Willbo soldsopsrately plenty or toaother• One half of purchase money can luxuritnt burdock. (Parkhill Review). remain for fire or ten years at rive per cont. Good frame outbuildings and a two storey .-- s ^^^ ^- ^'^�' briok house on the premises. Address G. ITAMILTON, 1,ncan P. 0. A PRIZE PORTRAIT ,u -21m BORN. Qu .se.. Qann alp a gips , an the 20th ult•,the wife of Rtl.Dey--In Exeter, on Juno 2713. the rrire of Mr, Louis Day. a daughter. KEYS -At Shipka, on 26thult.', the wife of Goo keys, a son. MI'rouetr.-At Fairfold,on Julylst, the wife of Janes tditohell, a son. tea.--•►-•- :: wrttitus-Iirexs-At the residence 'of the bride's mother. on the 29th nit.. iby Rev_ W. McDonagh, Chas. Williams to MissM•Hraks, all of Exeter,. TerreMunoot rn Tilsonburg, on the 30th nit. at the residence of Mr. B- Colborno'ilir.David S. Tils uforme ly of Exeter, to MissZB.Mudgo GBse-Iannnxs-In St. Marys, en Juno lath, at the residence of the bride's brother-in-law, kSoaMrs.pRev. Talor.W m Groy.Woodeco, y DIED. Bnowx-In Cromarty, on the 26th ult., Jane Brown, relict of the late James Brown, and mother, of Mr. Hu gb Brown, aged00 years, 5 mos. MoMratsx-in Seaforth, on Juno 25th, Mary. relict of tho late Hugh McMillan, aged 90 Years. Ss• Irsox-At Toronto. an the 24th h nit. Jhariette Sampson, formerly of McGilliMrs. vray, aged 60 years • "August Flo.wer". , Fur Dyspepsia. A. Bellanger, Propr., Stove Poun- (try, Montagny, Quebec, writes : "I have used August Flower for Dys- pepsia. It gave me great relief. I recommend it to all Dyspeptics as a very good. remedy." Rd.; Bergeron, General Dealer, Lauzon, Levis, Quebec, writes: I have used August Plower with the best'possible results for Dyspepsia." C. A. Barrington, Engineer and General Smith, Sydney, Australia, writes: "August Flower has effected .-a complete cure in my case. It act- ed like a miracle. Geo. Gates, Corinth, Miss.,writes: " I consider your August Plower the best remedy in the world for Dys- pepsia. I was almost dead with that disease, but used several bottles of August 11ower;_ and now con- sider myielf onsider:myself a well man. I sincerely reGopimeini this medicine to suffer- ing, humanity the world over." U Q. G. GREEN, Sole Manufactifrer, Woodbury, lit aw,lerseY, U. S. !L ) For Sale by all Druggists. This young lady has three brothers, each one of whose picture is combined in 11,1 -above portrait. The manufacturers of I EATIL1- FOA1T, TXIE LATEST uc:U'\IXX 1C iritic u� 11ti FOR CLEANSING AND rr- `oa'R11'is1 Ten tllten, Will give a• handsome (clot ':telt to the person who can make s et t. .acts of the T JOST OR STOLEN. The 0103110 is hereby cautioned not to buy or negotiate a promissory note given ry Jacob Brown and Henry botlrlor in favor of Philip Mauch, or bearer, for the Mil of $200.00 (live hundred dollars). -with six per eclat. interest, dated January 41h.i$92,payablein one year front data, as sold promissory note is only Payable to me. HENRY KOEHLER, Eli;, Juno 15thh.1892, n3 Ilay. rrrt World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, lsas MliRE GO}"Lit`1ii1•:NTOF TUB D01\IfNION of Canada etas accepted the invltati.;n of the Government of the United Status to take Part in the World's Columbinn Exposition, to be holdin Chicago from 1st May to 31st October three brothers FIi , r t i ! , d ism e peg t t ' 11413, As it ie tintsortaut that a very full display pair of genuine nt»tu . u r a i , '.5 , to the of Canadian products be wade on that occasion third aS'IAxo LAl n n ti•a,i tt..r t .i. f mirth either a art ' ,r t V or n SWISS MUSIC BOX . 1 reh'g sit. pivee to the fifhaheantIhd 1nriPeeler. Ri cnC-t C -r 15 SL.' to the sixth an elegant ill Cr t,e 1 t t the seventh a pair 0r t.t11 I (mar,: BRACELETS, with. 1' 1 :tits, mid tp i t o eighth IL •R�t trt t acorxs vx Each contestant is ti r trot the itt .t n: rebus and maltcr a 1 . i e mai on the three brothers faces. end send same to us; with ten three -cent Gentles an postage stamps (or 30 cents in silver) for one pro -Otago of Pearlffoarn, before July loth, 1392. The envelope postmarked fir<1 which contains ns the three brothers' faces correctly 7nnrktil ••••• ill re- ceive the first prize ulr bola-Ice'n or e.r :e received. For the hut cotrc t mss. 1 tie yid also give a handsome Gold. '. •itch, to the next to the last a complete r sea 1 poo.- TroN ; to the secondto the 1. , . o,a elegant•..ir of genuine n0AAtonn , +u IS, to the 11' rt from the last a rnu r to the fourth a swiss •1 tl0t0 , el t\ tog sits. pieces; t'o the fifth a 1,,s letter, post free, to the undersign c1. to the sixth a pair of ;A i t, WM. S AU RTDEFS, to the seventh an eleg.a r . ri c n en r '• 10.rectative Comiuissiouer fot•Oanada and a valuable hi 1 - r1 Department of Airriculruro, every person. -iv/pi is ,r e!, Y. J ; •. bicture rebus correee y until x' co pt c s i een awarded if there .rliauld be CIA i t.ie •to c , answering correctly. Nothinb is charged ed fora boxing and packing prices. We shah offer extra premiums to all who are willing to hell us introduce Peartifonxu Our loins are entirely runt. Our object n to 1ntrc.duco and attrapt attention to Peaillfoa :r, whit3r is the only preparation whew, ntiam:facturers are willing to offer n+reward of Oroo to any dentist ,Who can show that it contains anything injur- ious to the; teeth. Ladies who lave' used Pearlifoatui cannot saw too much in its favor:, A mouthful of pearly white to th'is the. sure resitlt of its constant use. Jt isre- commended' by the leaders of the profession • everywhere, ask your dentist what he thinks of it, s Pearlifoain , is sent by ' mail postpaid. Prizes in the above Portrait Rebus are to be ' carefully awarded Strictly as deserved. Adl dress, VXtUISI TJTOIL ET' CO.. 170 ong,a t. 'Toronto. ,1♦i'FG, Ont. t 0AM 00 11EFAIRE0 141 F11rg tiiUUTES, 5EE. 70011 SIOY0ME HAS 0111. F'fi ay THE Mom J31ok1tE Co. la P., O R0E0R14 019 If you du, til0 plero to 6i;Itau most reliable1 g(10118 at, a modern IErleO, is at PEUNINS MARTIN 6. dealers in Musleal instruments, Setving'1lnrhina supplies etc.. etc. All kinds 141 farm impletnt'uts sold on a mnr- 1100ever eo't. Agents, for the celebrated Chat, haw Wagon. PEL'rrKIN6 & MA.R.TLN, 1 i•nan's Bieck, a general invitation is extended to Canadian producers and manufaeturero, in agriculture, horticulture,produets of forests,lisberoes,rniner Ills. machinery: manufaetures,arts ,2o.,to.asslst in bringing together such e, display of the , nat- ural resources andindnstrinl products of Canada as will ho a credit to the country ' is An t v rater for Cannda, has t L ccutive i.ammi,su r been appointed, who will have the general charge of the exhibits and tho allotment of space and the several Provincial Governments have been invited to eo-operate with the view of making the exhibition as complete and sat- isfactory as possible. TnoDoruinion Government will pay the trans- port of exhibits going andreturning,and for the placing of articles sent. Entries must be made not Iater than 31st.nly The reception ,of articles nt the Exposition buildings will commence lstNovembor,1892,and all exhibits, exceeting live stock, must he in pinee by IstApri1.1t03, Forms of application for settee and general information can be obtained on applying by pit r'OtTTON /;OOT C I'`PCUND, �1 recent disvevcry by an old pnyeiclan .�+,.0 +.+rt6aaf 618.' t r,.ent/rig 7,;f tit, uranas of L917I13 1p, the only perfect 1s. safoanti reliable medicine ielRssfoh- prnpe Beware oho offer inferior medicines in Plage of th .-. Ask for Coote' Cocres .heel' t'ourouiiP take 4te sicicstatote ; or inclose Stand 4 three -cont t'n, .cda postage stamps in letter,. end we will sold sealed hs' return mail Full sealed particulars in plenty eov,i.'i e. 10 .adios nilly, 2 stamtss. Address f unet 1,tly L.urupany No,1 Fisher 131uek,111 Weedwurd al e,,.tetruit,. tick, Sold in I tetorby 1l11. LIITZ, Central Dru1Store and by all druggists everywhere. V t� ,.Ll-- P1 LEKON E A Positive e Cure. $1,00 Pint BOX. Ottawa 2utiz April, 1002, READ THIS : 'MIDSTALLBLvW AND BLUSTER B. N. R OWE Still takes lead in the Eurriiture Business Bt`USH;t;S, COMBS, SPON(;.JI;S. SOAPS, PERFUMERY --•A.N3D -- TRUE SEA SALT GO 7:O BRC? VVNING'S. JUST ARRIVED CAUTION I 1 'S :Miura & Undertaking Establishment IVrtie Navy S 7 0 P4F Cobbledick & Folland, Having lately purchased the Stock and Good -will. of Mr J, N. Howard, and added largely to the Stock, they have now the best equipped and largest Hardware and Tinware Establishment in the County. They sell whole- sale and Retail, and carry BUILDERS' MATERIALS, ETU. BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES, ETC., CARRIAGE MAKEIt'S GOODS, ETC., STOVES, TO WARE, BICYCLES, and everything in SMALL HARDWV'ABE LARGEST 8100K OF NAILS in the COUNTY CrET THEIR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY. 1TOi1St cleauing tii,.t; is upon its. Udo AlaiL.astine for your walls anis ceilings. ."trey have the genuine thing only, in an iinprovel form. Yon can mix it you self with cold water, They have all the tints Call and see their fine store, fine stock and fine prices. COLX CIK 'tai .t''D. GrABit E. N SEEDS, FIELD EL SEEDS, ALL IMTDS OF FENCE VV. E LAWN MOWERS, SLABS. TIN: (IN ALL SHA.DS), "DAISY" CHURNS, ALL .ffIiNTDS OF TINWARE O HE ATFOR 0 ASH --AT- 1.ACEL PLUix.OIi.'' We are too busy to call on people in need of Furniture ; but please drop in our Warerooms and see our Stock' and we will try to suit you in this line. Ordered 'Work Neatly Bone onShort notice Remember we have also a handsome line of . Under -tali: 1,g Goods Always on hand - and all calls in this line will bep P y roni t1 attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed every time. Store -Next to 1Ko1sons Bank, Exeter., RJBT, N. ROVVE, A very, large line of GOODS . everybody. NEW Prices to suit Bring along your old Furniture and have it made new. The largest stook of New Picture Moulding in town. .Also PARLOR. SUITES AND - CURTAIN POLES -in all colors. Remember you can have your Curtain , Poles cut any length desired, as we buy them in long lengths. Call and lnsi'ect our Stock S. GIDLEY. Oddfellows Block. rfthtab tyles ! z 0 0 y TH11 BEST YET 1 THE CHEAPEST YET 'ME BIG G.EST'YET IS MARKED T. & B. SST73M.011.1`.Z NONE - OTHER - GENUINE KIRKTON Let the howlers howl, And the scowlers scowl, And the growlers growl, And the gruff gene go it ; Bub behind tire: night There's plenty of light•- Well sell you goods right, And we want you to know it Tune of "Quick March" DOUP.E'b' STORE We are now prepared to sell you goods cheaper than ever before. Big drives in DRESS GOADS, PRINTS and SHIITINGS at DOUPE & CO'S. Kirkton.. HURRAH! 1 1 a i l V r Sho N.t SEM4.LLOSSES ,� PREMATURE DECAY Long Standingeases of GLEET; STRICTURE A. ECYNDIVIAN Wishes. to inform the citizens 0 Exeter and surrounding that 11e as now engaged selling Teas, Cof lees, Bakingrowder In tivantitica to suit Purenaears. Orders left at the house or Dr Ilyndman'a 0Moe will receive prr.i„pt1ttentiarre, cilantS G. A, HYNDMAN 'WE have on hand, a Fine Line of BOUND BOOKS Suitable for Sunday Sehoot Libraries, or Presentations. T lite LATEST GAME : tt Parlor Quoits." ALSO FLIPS, PARCHEESI, 1-14L414,Authors, Eta., Etc. BROWNING 1300k ,k DRUG STORE .i I77021 TIE Boots & Shoes TO BE SACRIFICED Fels 9 During the Next Month. Shopundergoing Repairs to make room for Spring Stock. It will be to your ad- vantage to call, DISEASES OF Of all ages. resulting from Errors or Indisere- tions of Y nth, may bo permanently erred and pSYPE[ILIS,VARICOCELE and all PRIVATE andCRRONICDiseases treated with perfect success. Our field is in CHRONIC CASES in' which others have failed; if you areinourable we will frankly tell you so. Write forpartfoailars and treatise, Free, to,5•r Lovrs 1VIEnrCAL Oo», 162 'snit L 4 l ing Streit West, Toronto, Ont. 53:6m We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do world. on • the shortest possible notice and in the Latest t ityles ,9.ND A•. - Bost Ordered Clothing inadnoed in Exeter Gentlemen ! leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best Sure Fit G'aarantee C'lland so oBakikgi)abrn( stook . of Fine Trimmings, and 'the best g .lisi'1, 011e3 SAVED by B- e tuat oMARur PLANING And LMILUMBER L We keep constantly on hand a large stook of all kinds of building materials. Dressed sedorun- dressed pi e andhe lumber,wlao a choice stookof No. 1 pine lath. Out stock of doors sash, blinds. Monicifng.. 9334. is complete andthorouglrltitn c1ried We offer for salal.1Af,000XXand XXX Pr' and UEOAlRR SHINGLES manufactured by ) bestmakersin Ontario.' Tanks and cisterns, all shapes and siges,1Y" tie order at lowest prices. We have sometl new in this line for watering cattle in tbe!-.` orbarnyard. . +, a our celebrated every woman using there -recommends highly. q;: Ts rning•band,scrolisawinrr, and all 'kinds n re a• • ., Cutting in Tow yen a s of s stair• 1- Hein 8,y Yep �. machine week pretnptly xtteuded to ti , it wilt be to your interest to examine esa, ""e^ stook before purchasing P K elsewhere, • ROSS & TAYLOR, Main Street..