HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-7-7, Page 1ANT) HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE
VOL. XIX. XIX. NO. 48.
4 a
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Pubusn'er and Pio rider
-- —
----------- —.---1--+.
We ter,:
;took of
;hem easy
ts01 malt
Ve control
hey areethe
on the
.size at
m Sugars,
at prices
iu the
balance of
cart buy a
or one
Speoial. pricee
clreas goode.
for ``Batterwick's
these patterns
Store. Special
And coffees
i i
Zurich.. '
ireeon Sete on TO REM -A Now York Meese
lap ii)1;,ywavgastriltrend4oreg erne:
A Lei= emote -We 'Mime USW on hand a
large stoek of Inmates osmium, wagensearss.
((it:aril riilaivc: asfridgfgtreartNilla gi
stook. Repairing and carriage trimming. wil
receive careful attention. Peale nass,Zurieli
Cromarty. .
Deane -Mrs. Brown, mother of Mr. H.
foot; ;a0110eLyarothuonnicl 10a:
after a 1 mg and weery illness She had
reaellea her 00111 year. lint bar iu tellect had
not suffered in the least from the revages of
titue.—§3lic wag Universally beloved in the
neighborhood. The body was out to La-
nark, the home of her adoption. Ma and
Mr.. D. rink weak also and will not return
to Cromarty for some woke,
41.10.Mnaworammismalkanonolympimmow *iimawmaliq
CONDENSED NEWS. rri • ri 3
„. 4.,
, ___31.8.!'
oBninrridayTelvenninenga°4 glIrvocnfl '10-i tit ho' ;Zell I
don, was decided
From V'trious S o urc ea Through
a Anomie eiery'pa' rtieu-
, and
oda were . et a premium. Miss Botta
Mutoll'a oleo were well received, MIseCar-
rie Maks and knee Brows) played the ae,,
. . ,
companurien'el Mr. j. W. T,Park, with his
phonograph, rendered some very pleaaing
Pieces. Mr. Abbott has establisbed his
reputation here as an elocationist, and en
will welcome his return for another enter-
tainraent some time In the future.
out the District.
And lots at people •taking them
Honor -
=Sept. le, and the fall Chancery Bittuege ' ----
the order of things at the MARKT
The fall assizes will be held at Gederiett STORE.
on Sept. 31st, Notwithstanding that the farmers
. Mr. Durst of Colborne, picked a stravr. e busy they cap:around as usual to
orey the other clay which girthea five and Mere the special bargaires we offer. '
on half inehtte wish yon to remeniber that we are off
° -- - - '
Mrs. Geo. Dobson, of Obleelherst, died lief; &Item Pririts, Pain, in all Can
last week at the age of r;i' yeare, after a pro- and lovely ?lams in figured, at pri
Bees. -Miss Fanny Townsend, who
bas been tochine in Sluice° Co. is home
holidaying, --Mr. A 13roadfoot WAS pretteli
ing Plymouth doctrine in No. 6 sohool last
week, and was sound, peacticel 4114 earn-
t 'n his etteratieme-Pletelier Turner
ell 3 f H . . ' ' . ‘'
ems o f dward Furner of this townehtn. le
e •
home rom Iowa. -He us me the siok Jest
ff ." „ te e . 1 e le • 1
en mum -tom maw r lege o mammal.
St. 1111arYS.
Biomes., -A. opeoial committee of the
emanto °enterer:ice efter hearing the, axe
plauatious of Bev A. AL Phillipe, 13. D.
pastor of Entail Avon tie 011111011, ' Toronto,
and. formerly of St. Marys have brought in
a tepee comp e e y. curie aang a gen•
t I t 1 r le th t
, Neglect from all suispicione of barmy.
Mut Nellie ()twits of the U. P. R. tole.
areph office left town onTneaday for Bootee
-, ., • • •
dos., where elie has iteeePte" a Pcliat"n I°
---thjacealliee al tlia Waatern linelan"-All'' il. :
ie soneeft tionclay leonine on a tri
n' P
aorose the Atlentsc.-The coutraot haa lemon
a ti - i • •
steno for ni granola ito id 01k on qua-
en-st. to bo °can pleted by the 15th of Jaly
Tb I , . . , '
_ n e ems (newt) of town atuppea au-
other lot of h o t the Old tloi
,- , ors A , ,0 6 nary
mancest sate weela-lhe law ofacesin tOWIS
will be closed at th e •
.e o clock p. re. during
the menthe of Jr1 , . „...
u.. aim am ust.- amee
Shoe, teaelier iu the R. C. oboe), left Wed-
nodes, on it trio through E 'I d, Soot-
land f 1 • If e .!/", an, . -
and. arid rauee,-inias Millie -aik-Weduesday
en and Mims Flossie Weirder of this town
were simmer the suctiessfel candidates at the
late examinations at Toronto Normal ache -
oi a me , V% 4M ,
w isauseey of Thoredale at the
' "- . 0
Ottatra Normal. -G. Carole Son & re
) • d i ,
s inme aiss week A nottelanmout of flour
W. I
to Du in, re an ancl on Tuohy of Oils
week auother consignment was ehipped to
' Blythe
el ences,-efr %%Haut Sloan, of 'Toronto,
an lci B b• * •
o lyt ite, to at prevent vieiting olce
• . — - • - .
acquanitances.-eir. se. le. manner ang
family left here on Saturday for a couple of
weees visit amoug relativesin Sarnia, -Air.
H. Watson's nisat and hancleome brunt resi•
denim on Dinah*, s t. is about completed;
the family intend movieg into it see:retinae
this weeke--On Saturday evening onstable
Deena arrested a pedlar of clothes lines for
beiee, drunk and sleeping in Ma'in's bey
loft and t 1 i i I
, a put i ns 0 t le cooler until Aeon-
day morning when be wag brought, before
Reeve Han ton and elapistrate eJanitibell
anti sentenced to ten days in .Caatie Dixon.
-On Monday morning the remains of the
late se e
41111.0403010011WAre taken frau) her eon.
traoted Meese.
John Sparrow, of Verne, hea a field of
Id Eteree of fall wheat seldch averages or
6 feet in height. ,
The atteudance of plena at Clinton Pala
lie Selma' for May tv 471 th ,
' - 55 ' a av‘rage
attendauce being 237., • ,
While cutting thietlea the other day
Vaster L. Rape= ran the sickle againet hia
hatid,severing his little finger,
The mini of $12,000 bag been appealed-
ated by the Goverment towarde, imeroye.
raenta for Goderedi herber, and b9,000 lor
Port Albert.
Counoilis of the Bo 1 T I
ya emp ars of TeMe
per arm will be opened at Daaltwoosi Z *
, nue
Cle' lh
eh, lee unt, Blake and Holinesville, et
au early date
never before eold at in Exeter. r7
test thee will you !
Also a magnificent lot of D.ress
fil. the ;west itliatliA just opened. '
were fortunate to seem -0 0, large .ep?.:
tity Cottons, Cottonades end. Slurtie
1 • ' .
before the rise on those goods, and V
sell them. at the usual low figUres.
We will give all the benefit of I
large job lot of Boots ste Shoes whieh
an sell below original oost, anti me
mouey.. Como right in and secure so:
of them.
Market Stor
BitlEFS.-nr. Sadler le pushing Ms new
store well on to coiopletiou, alai when
finished will be a credit to the comer -Oar
villeee blaoksinith has his hands full jot
now repeiring mower's for the he.y hervest
whieh promises abundant.-elts, Wren of
Hensall is visiting friends in the neighbors
, .
bood.-Meeers. Isatte and James le orne
who are attending College in Kingeten are
at the old homestead for vacation -A
number from here attended the pienie at
Dublin lad week, an Oh, What a differ-
ence there was next morning. You couM
hetet got them on the aiming quite eassily,
Following are the roarket quotatione ;
Wheat 70 to 75h
Barley 138 to 40
Oats ........... 23 to 30
Peas ........- ... - 55 to 56,
Hay ..... . .. ......10M0 to 11M0
Dutter .......... ...... ..14 to 15
Eggs 0 to 10
Hogs 5.75 to 5.75'
Clover geed, ... , 7,00 to 7,150
Summer elearine sale of boobs and shoo for
se next ee dos. Everything at reduced prices
i order te retake room for Fell and Wiliam
cods. spasm will not permitto .quote •priees.
re load the trade in foot wear 'and have the
nod steak to select frail,' won't be under
std. by any dolor; can and examine our stook
etere purchasing elsewhere and be onvinced
hat WA Sen Boots and Shoo es cheap And
eastentr than any other doter in the County,as
oote and Shoes ere our Speoialtv. Ordered
orketedrenairing promptly attended to and
ma In the latest styles B utter and eggs taken
age in casire A. WESELOH,Sign of the Big
oot, Motew ea Bloolc.
------e-eassee - -
i• —
. ,
1 '(Too tete for Int week.)
H.11110,1•, --A earl at:cadent occurred on Fri.
my evening laet to Master Harvey Mobray,
Ito et tondo Etigh :Stem' at St. Maus,
rbile going to the statism at St Marys to
lard the 5 o'clock train, and while on the
ridge not far from the station, in company
ith another seholar, they steppe on the
edge end, ae neer ste een be tamed.
trouth sport 'young Mr. Afobray tbretv
ane stones down at two young men of Si.
etrys town, and in return received a idiot
on a revolver, which took effect, the ball
ening through his eye and lodged some-
here near that organ, The erotism man in
ill at St. ,Marvs. His parents are waiting
on him and last reports he is out of dans
sr, the ball being removed. A warning to
her young mer. -There is to be a garden
trig in behalf of the Ladies' Guild of the
nglials church to be beld at the parentage
'omads Wednesday evening. -Several from
tre attended the C. 0. F Planet at Fevicos
riday laat. The Granton Band was iii at.
ntiance and did remarkably well, H.0.11
ewe from London wile in attendance and
loke doily on Forestry, giving everyone
understand clearly what the society was
Msg. Rey• Mr. Thomson also gave AU
[dregs. An enjoyable time was spent.
'weds to go toward tbe new hall Uourt
wince have Mina -Bev, Mr. Grave left
onday for his new home. He will be long
membered by all wbo know )nm. -Several
our public soheol etholaro have gone to
man to attend the exaroination there._
enial John gays a rousing party. Eviday
ening lest to 'a large gathering. Bove
ere well soon be another. -Mr, Foster of
e car illops,8tratford, is in town enjoying
3 bogeys,. He Doke well. --Mr Willi&
eton,jr4a s secured a sit as night operator
Lucite. What wilt that little girl do ?--
e. has his esge about completed, weat is
slated now is the bird.
(This week". )
BRIEFS. --, Jos Sheldon of near St Marys
cut the lat visiting at R. Horn's.-IVIiss
'bite of St 11/arys 10 visiting at ber un-
i's here. --It is fully micierstood that the
angereen fpraltere And adjoining lodges
II celebi ate the coining 12th July at St.
ars instead of Sarnia, the far to Sarnia
Mg too high e, ,we don't see why Orange
tri are taxed so • much mere than are
her isocietlee. StMaeye -will likely see
we crowd in town that day. -Rev AIL
,At, °burets of England Minister of this
we Nein ,preach to the Orangemen Sun-
y eeg next, and • the following Siinday
eniug to the Foresters. The Methodists,
remise holding a garden party next .Fri-
y evening at NV Stanley's, Everybody
rited.--The Presbyterian 'Picnic posed
hannoniouely, Luean eeejr doing their
ratiemarkably,vven. The day wound up
eh. a geaden.party et Mr. Eames, station
La ter, and it was a success. -Mr. Barry
)wbray arrived home on Tuesday morn-
'on the 9 o'clock train. • '
m laws teaidence, Mr. Thos. Aehbury in
Verne, and put 'dined the train for Lyn-
den, Wentworth CO, to be laid alongside of
husband • Ma i •I I t A 1
erin e anti y p o . arge
number of sorrowingfriende were weitingat
the dation to show mow; for the bereayed
we regretto lora of Wee death of a
Alr .
Robert Bell, of the London road north of
hich cold event took leo on
e"IPP°33, av . P
Hoy. John Baboon, .prerater of British
Columbia, end a former regislent of Bayliefe,
in this county, , died suddenly In Loudon,
Eng,, on Wedneseay.
and the beet of meiliot treatment that p
led him through
There ie no one article in the inc
inediomee that gives eo live° A return i
the money SA A good porotte strerigebeei
plainer, finch as Carter's Smut Weed a
Belladonna Backaehe Piaeters.
Buten --Mr, W. J. Wilson has aaded
much to the appearance of Ids atore by the
cream of a verandah anti painting the
front. -A very enjoyable time was spent
et the gitrdeu petty at Mr, James Gilbert's
'The weather being unfayorable had no ef-
Mot on the excellent programme ; every-
thing posed off pleasantly aud success-
fully: The Boston and Grand Bend teams
bad a Moody game of foot ball, resulting
in Boston winning by one to none. -Mr
Arabic MoLaehlen reterned home luso
se, - - —
yr eartesear -zero, James eeilbert is very
Edo at present. -revelers have commenced,
haying and the crop is a good one,
. —
BnInrs,-51r. Fletcher Turner, on of
Edward Turner, mune home from the west
on Monday; lie ilea been away from the
parental toot for about 12 years, and. we are
sorry to etate that he comae stiefering from
a severe attack of herantorhege of the Intro
t t tit t h d I b* '
WO ras a e may opee i y I ecover at
at present he ie very poorly. -The last few
days have not bon very good weather for
hay roakiug but those who are wanting a
. -
second crop for seed are at he -Mists Sareh
Waders lett thie week ou a Inset to her Ens -
ter Mrs, Jae Elie, of Pierce Co. N. Dakota.
-Mr, Fred Johns at Thessalon, Algoma, is
)_„, , „ ,
lut"'llg re'a'''ve° "trrre*
A very sad aceident occurred at a barn
raising ou the farm of Ur. Robert Niokling
lot 14 on. S, Mornington, on Tintroday,
A number of roma were at work on the buil-
ding, and had raised two lactate into poeition.
In some way 110t explained, the third bent,
when partially up, WAS all0Sraa to fall. A
young man named W. %MU, son of Ed-
ward Glenn, lot 14, eon, 0, in endeavoring
to get out of danger's way tripped over a
timber end WI. The bent came down up.
ea him and altnoet caushea the entire life
ont of him. Doctors were called, but eo-
thing coula be done to 5iye the man's life,
and he pied. about an hour and a half after
the accident.
Rev, w. pares/sore prior to hie tearing
liondesboro for Greaten, was Prorated
with A beguiliel upliolsterea chair by the
members ()tithe oircuit
The County Council of Brace Ilea deci-
(led tied all taxes for candy purposes be
raised on land volute, vvitn the exception
of live per cent, on pereonality.
Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia), and too
heityyeating, is relieved at once by taking
oue of Clarter'a Little Liver Pills and take
, •
some comfort. Den t forget this.
Ur Liao Langstraith, of Seaforth, seems
t b th b '
o e e 0 employe strawberry grower for
this season. He plekeda single berry midrib
, a d' " hatheo and reeell re art Me e one wee an Our
inches the other.
P. Heyward, who for A member of leave
— • .
hag been esirryIng on businees in Olmten In
the carriage lino, is flunking of removing
•7a know not where h co -
therefrom. el 0 n
templates going
ff siekheadaohe is 'misery, what are Car-
ter's Little Liver Palish they will positively
onre it ? People who hosed used them speak
frankly of their worth. They are small
and way to take,
The Western Stars and Clinton Rovers
played a friendly gams; at ClintonThursday;
the result was 1 goal to 0 in favor of the
Stars. McCann, Morgan and Crawford
played well for the Stars.
Mr. Thome* Nixon, miller, of Blaevale,
While performing att operation On ft Vc
year-old colt, belouglog to Mr John Dil
2011, 01 Reeliore, there was found among I
iatestines of the aniinal a bony grov
which when abstroted was found to
a ' ' '
tutor the flume ;of a horse'a tooth, e
measering fully au Moll and a half in /I .
gth eu 3 an inch in eirtionferences A. grc
th of that nature us a, very ore epecarren
rind Mrs Grieve oneiders it k fitaillailf,
Mee Mary McMillan, relicrt of the It
Hugh Malfillan, died lest week at the A
yawed age of ninety yore. The doom
joy immi d with h b d d f
grate her us au an al
ily from Ixtvernesshire Scotland about t
1850 a ta a ' f ' the 3
year. : en se a ote a arm on. es
, toneesexon of Teakettle:at-la when tee co
try was then a vast-wild/inseam Sheresid
on the neat) farm for a period of fel
. e .
eigh years. Her buebaud duid about eig
teen years ago, when Afo, McMillen may
to Seaforth . .
.A. Governinent Subsidy of $00,200 1
been appopriated tower& the construefe
of the proposed Goderioh & Wingbain IL
via Port Albert -31 ranee, We are i
forraed that tide aixtount -will require to
supplemented by $150,060 from the nun
cipalidea through whilst). ihe line will psi
The promoters of the scheme will present
takeup the question of the submitting
municipal bonnses, and tlie opportunity 1
this Emotion. of IVeat Heron is now bete,
B r traIC188 Edith B 11 -11 h,..
•-•* "we a ° -
been teaching school at Sharon, is spending
the holidays at her horne here. -Mr. Alex.
CAM of 13ay City paid his 'parents a visit
on en) -Tb '
y let.Eden foot.ball teata is el
higbly pleased with the zna'oh they played
Brumfield on the let; they ()him the Brume
field hop to te as fine s lot of boys as they
ever kicked whh. Although they did not
oenre let raoney the I 1 • t* li d
y ee quite sa is e
vrith what they got• -•-The maleh at Central.
1 b Betcl M Gil'
a between au • is i ivray was very
keenly contested for owe time; however,
the Eden hoya proved to be too much for
their opporiente, the aeon resulting S to 2
in favor of Eden, thus giving Eden the 610
which the Beavers to much coveted. Mak-
hag a total 01 822.50 for the day. Not too
bad for Amateur team.- Quite a nuraber of
Edonites proved successful in the different
games at Centolla on the lst which you
will see by the list: Fat nian's race llat
Wm. Coate, Sok race let T. Cave, 2nd
Jae. lessery, three legged race 1st T. Cave
& Jas. Essery, Girls race lat Minnie Cave,
Alen's long jump 1st M. Boyle, Boy's leng
jump, lot Ben Kerslake.
re . —
Bniers.-Mr. G. Van Egniond and wife
of Seaforth were in town the past week.-
The gehooner Carter reached harbor on
Saturday from Thesitalon with 240,000 feet
of lumber for this port. -The tug Chios
left on Saturday with the barge Mystic for
the Bruce PeninsnIre-Mr. A. Stewart of
Seaforth was in town the past week. -God-
erieh celebrated Dominion Day in good
style -games for young and old in the morn
in, lacrosse in the early afternoon, tbioycle
nem at 5, the war canoe on the lake at 7,
and fireworks at -9. The excursion train in
the Morning was crowded with passengere,
the townships turned out in goodly num,
berg, and our residents reroaining in town,
the games were well patronised. Daring
the day boating was much' enjoyed, end
large nurabere of the disciples of Immo
Walton were patiently(tb at is some of them)
tempting the fighting black bass. The train
left knee shortly before eleven, tbe pressen-
gers being seemingly pleased with their
days' outing. During the day the Seeforth
band 21 strong played a choice program.-
, ,
The rains of last week made things grow,
no doubtebut it eaneed the fall wheat to fall
• •
in many places. The farmers say that a
two weeks' spell of dry weather would be a
blessing, -Fishing is still below the average
in this neighborhood. -The dredge, No 9,
works when. the weather permits, but ha e
lost Emma days through wind storms. -Mr.
A. MS Todd, of the News Reecad, Yeas in
town on Dominion Day -The Dauntlees
tom of Clinton beat the.Hutens of Goder.
ich at Lacrosse in this town on the First,-
Goderich has a chance of a connection with
tee 0. p B. see winghane, the Government
having made the neoessorY grant towards its
bnfiding.-,. The crowds,' of children in ;he
Parks, on the beach, and &hinge is a _tare
Sign that the schools are clood.-Miss
°harks of the Collegiate Institute staff will
visit the Pacific past before the autumn
term commences -Mn. Logan of this town
seen thennedals given for the one and three
mile 'bicycle rune on ..Dominion Day. -The
replier inesting of the , school board was
held en Tnesdae mossiest. The principal's
report for the half year showed an inorease
in the attendance , ,over the woes Poni g
period of 1891.
Bniers.-The mowers lia.ve all been
overhauled and haying is in lull blast,
The crop is an excellent one, and if it can
be properly baryeeted, we will have an
abundant erop of good hay, -Fall wheat
is standing well, and with a little fine
weather will soon ripen. Spring grains
are coming along nicely, and promise well.
-s-A meeting of the Directors of the Gabor
ne & Hibbert lone Ins CO, WAS held here
on Monday to settle claims and receive ap
plications for insurance, A largo number
of applications were accepted, making in
all a merabers14 of nearly 2,000, besides
a number of claims for loss by fire and
lightning were settled.
HAIESS.-One day last w-eelc a two year
old daughter of Air. Sam'l Cornish, jr.
while playing with the water in a wash
tub, fell in, and narrowly escaped drown-
ing; Mr. led. Small a blind man was the
rescuer. While passing be heard splash-
ing in the water, and Speaking to the uhild
it did net answer. He at once went to the
tub, and lifting the little girl out, found
that rfe was almost extinct. Placing her
on her face she vomited, and was Nvith clif-
fieulty resuscitated. ---The following par-
timbers regarding the assessment, of the
township bave been prepared histhe asses
eor, Mr. Miners. :-No acres 42,687; acres
elearnd, 35,206,' personal property, $5,250;
taxable income, $t,800 ; taxable real and
pevsonal income, $1,8782250 ; Zlelee of . male
Persons f ram 21 to 60, o29; school ehiMren
between 4 and 6, 533 ; between 7 and 13,
226 ; between 16 and 21, 193; births 5S ;
d 1 17 ; 'NT of persons in the tovr ship
eel)! af• I:a tl 5452 hee 0-24 nh
,:l..4 , o ofint e s*enif bP". ea 6Pi;
lt93, horses 3 ; aar_e 1181.8
acres of swamp ilea ; acres ot orchard
586 • deem enUines 5.
The anniversar serviees in eon t
nee ion
wIli the MethodiYat S. S. held:on Sunda
Jtime 26th and July 'let was the best fis;
men ears, The 'Sancta servlog were
w IlYttY d d b • t• 3'.te
e a en a y appeal:in me eongrega ions
and very acceptable germane were Preaehea,
one hy Rev, S. J. Allin in the morning and
th th b B A. L. Russell elf E ete el
th:o er. y evt; th ft 0 x r t
tivenomf gthe is h 1 'as a ernheca ainaeli
Intir Mg ' C .6 sr was. . when a
ram of recitations and Ringing was ren-
Idn'eregcl h h h 1 f 1 d b 1 d'd
y t e se o ars, ol owe v a sp en i
address by Rev. A. Leftussell. On Friday,
• July let, the strawberry featival was largely
attended, and .the 1 f t*
p at orm mee mg was
pronounced in many respeots the beat yet.
The order, attention d ' • t kb
, an singing o e
h I s excellent indeed The lecture
08(1 0 arE4 _WA . .. .
n "Christian Patnotierci" by Rev. W. Me-
Donagh of Exeter was a pplendid lst of
Tidy oretion, and he was tendered a vote
of thanks. Some were of the opinion that
with the • d t • tl b f --*
wi e in noexnen s in le a ape o menetlee
offorad elsewhere the 'attendance this year
would be smaller, but the management of
Eg el s s 1 t•fi d t k
imvi .e • . are deep y gra i e. o now
te •
eir effort to have a festival without
tit:aiming features that threaten the morals
who recently made an assignment for the
benefit of hia creditore, gives up an estate
valued at $7,000s while his liabilitiee are
said. to foot up to $5,000.
ed* F ea d
ad. fee fo 1 A tuns, daughter of X. R.
me, of Egmondville, died led week at
ehe age of 17 years of consumption. Pt% e
is the second. death in a few met's; Ida
having died in March last. .
Mo. . tie end, o aton, is t o
J Wh* It f CU * Li
proud posessor of a fugehia . that steeds
about ten feet high, with a spread of about
three feet high, and literally covered with
flowera; can any one beat title.
Mr. Joseph Stenzel, of Leadbuty, is the
owner of a curiosity in. the shape of a pet
• •
beer He caplet el it close to his bean-yeed
a short time ago, and it has become tame
and, in some respects, attractive.
A little gen of Mr. George Middleton,
teacher. Luelcnow, fell from one of the
large willow treea in front of Mr. J, Agenw's
reeidence there reeently, and broke his
left arm near the wrists. Toe little fellow
dropped**bout 20 f t
' A stranger was in Clinton the other clay.
He put tn tbe n' h • h t I d • th
ig t in one o 0 , an in e
morning took e walk about town. Ete re-
turned for breakfast, but instead of oing
, . g
The following is the fiaancial statemen
of the recent camp meeting held at Kippei
-Iteeeipte-Collections, etc , $155. Di
bursements:-To freightage on teats and et
20.17; Couductor Snider, and Aliases Ela
and Mies Williams, en railroad fares f
ministers, $16.75; rent of tante and can
bode $69.80; gate keepet, 44; hay, $5. prin
ing, $1-75;nails, ropes, lumber and repair
PIS; balairee given to treasurer of parses
age trustee boerd, $13; total expanditur
$155. Rev. H. Irvine. secretary; W. Cii•
more Tres •urer. 'ees
Hamilton, April 2177`tait2„e•
I was doctoring for years with physielat
far a scaly and setuvey affliction ot ti
scalp, they told nee it WAS eczema, but gat
nee no permanent relief. I we's alao trm
bled with excessive dandreff, which woul
drop from nay head like snow flakes. Etem
ing of .Anti Dandruff I useri it, and fret
the t ird applecationie -moon loved the
fez. yaws:. when halt the bottle was used th
eczema and treaty eruptions disappeared am
have not returned sitree; dandruff was the
roughly removed, the itching of the seal
stepped, and elegant,
fo an
r o
clean and n
ful hairdressing Anti -Dandruff has ru
_ J. S. Graham,
-..-..........,-...1. • 4;1. *
Stephen. Council.
Council met on Monday last, all mem-
boo present and minutes of previous meet
ing read and signed.
The following orders were panted :-G.
Ford pt for gravel $16; relief to different
Persons $19; 0 Prouty $50; B Bates $21;
J' G Wine culvert .$1.50; Or Webb, coin.
expenditure $37; J Baxter 0 Co St Labor
$9.25; ee Wirier, Om C R $16.25; 8' Mors
lion oontraot S. /3. $15; II Veelker and
others 0 R 616.75; W Baker coin $7.50
and rep culvert $1 50; e Rile ditch "roes
road $2: A Meraehen contract $17.50; 3
Moller(1 gravelling $14.25; A Clark oulvert
63 50; C. Either com 0 R $11.25; W Hod-
gins omit $ B $5628; 0 Wolf rep 'bridge $7
M E Saudere stones e R ee,e0 ; et Lane
cent 8 B $2e.20; L Rollings eoPt 8 B $27 ;
II Essery cod 0 R $53.55; J. Lane com
$16,26; L Stanley breaking stones el; j
Marteit‘e min exp. $13 75: J Lawson, cont
$84; A Disjeadine L. R. $14; .A MeCor-
mick cons and stones $18: R Barry cont
$101.15 ; hf °Menke culvert $4.50 arid
contract end donee 889.20; T Carey oul' t
2450; H Kellermann, spikes 159; A Ware
ner ditch G. Wein rep bridge $2 ; J
Winer ditch 131; telegraphing $1.32 : A
Heist 3rd 8 R $e2 ; J Lawson several jobs
37.S5 • McDonald and others 0 R $10.
Gunter. Z 1 • et C $29- J Turner, & C
y ei o , , J. urner, o
S. L. $20 ; G. Slientt cora exp. 21st con
$17.76 ; P. Baker C Co S. L. $2.25 ; F.
MeKeener gravel and work 87 '• J. Me-
coin 8 le $3.75 • Mr: Alaveeon mek
and,grevel $22.50 ; C H. Wilsob exp S 13
$22.25 ; J. Ryan SUL dries $9,25; W Nairn
cal ' • C t• I' $7 1 r2 clentially
1 near en le ra , ; tom scrapers r ;
enses in getting $6 '30 ' ehould
., .
ennoil erjoureed to meet on 182 Moe
id August, ' 0, Pnotrry,
_ -' •
MWm. Uniec 711f/Fird fell off a fence for
other day and broke hor I,,v. ' ed
o e youeer, Mei ETU 80110 y noon e y
f th h b bI secondcd b
a arger
1 tt d th
by =deice
to the hotel en whites. he slept, . ,
took breakfaat in another•bmng reeler
' ' -
" I • 'm -
Muerte. s Diu ent lithe Best.
a mit rune an ever e
proceeds of the anniversary amount to $146.
-Bev. S. Sehofiela, epeletant pastor of this
oirouit last year, ha/left the Confereuce
and intends, to go across the line .to preael'e
to the wicked Yankees.
(From an oecaeional.) -
At the ileimville S. S. festival on Friday
lateguite an exciting time prevailed between
the toot ball teems while playing, . The Be.
tbesda club was invited by the Elimville
club -to play a friendly game, but what shall
we call it -some proposed tbat• eve name it
slug -for it that
' Exoaso me, George, but when I eae, you
a year ago, your face was covered with
pimples; it seetno to be all right now."
so ,
"Yes, • that's because 1 stuck to Ayer's
fiareaparilla. the greatest blood mediciaa he
the world. 1 was neve* so well in my life
as I aill n8W. 31
Richard Andersott of Constance, tvhile
assisting at a been raising the other day
was seriously, injured by A large beara fall -
kg on him, ,At another barn raising in
MoKillop last •
week, Mr. A. D.unaam, slipped
'. ar erShop
. 1
A. 11 as t i n g s Prof!:
- .
was plainly seen some of
them •(1id not know how to kiok foot ball.
But where is their referee,who was ping to
give satisfuthie.for both teams, and only
caned one foul on his own team and' twice
too many On Elimville. • Sumo- suggest be
had better learn the rules or not try st any
more. The Elimville boys axe a quiet,gen,
axid. fell a considerable distance, injuring
his arm and, knoceing out eeveral teeth: '
. -
sar. A. 0, ?cation, who repreeented the '
.Arneeican authorities in looking after the
sailors who were nearly frozen of Lake
Huron last winter. has just sent in the final
mounts for eare• and medical tteatment
of the one who had, to behind
Staying ana Efaii e. utting in tit eiatea
style of the art. se. e a•
. Every Attention . alet1 to nu itie
/ ' nh 7
'-' (Idles ar7d u filren s flat,
tlelot of plaey re but won't b ie mposed on
too much, For as the poet says :
TheRethescle boys are sluggers,
As an mild plainly see,
Bat ld 1 1 f A th t
some woe p ey ie or . ey A 6
So went, home without their tea.
Bit] litnyilla ean't be blamed for that-
There was beriieseaud cream for all,
But they weieefraidthey would tint so much
That theq'oultin't Irielc the ball.
13 t b 01 ele-t:'- l• del 1 o 1
n ow 0 rss ss,s a 1 e i w .
When the Wit sket through the geal rm ss
,. , (,
mile .
orour ien , e , etI •alwas' y
all ,
But the referee says that'ti 60 f03.11'
gave their boys the eetrie.,
s. .
remain OWillp
to his tnjunes. These seeounte foot Up a
total of $1692.49.
"We reeommend :thie truly wonderful
remedy -St, Jacob's Oil -to every ono who
• • •
is suffering from pain. We are pereonally
acquainted withj many marvellous ores
effected by its use While the above is
from Modern Tenth, it is au ancient fact
that for the cure of pain St. Jacob's Oil has
no equal. ' . esitfoney
Robert Wixon, the sailor who had lin
.., ,
1666 iro7M.1111,t Win LOT 131 01.06 sin a Lake
le- • ' el . • ' e ' '
mem, and sv o bad been livieg . mime at
the home of Mrs. elnowden, Sanble Boo
Stanley, was takee to Detroit on Tuesday-
The boy. hag poised. through a terrible ex- 1
. . - •
penenee, elle is little mere than a skeleton, it's
the lose of bete legs was 11108'.'. drein ' on
, . . . . .
Th NI 1 Ban k
. e o sons an
( 0 .11 A itTEEE D B Y PA RLTAMEN T,1855)
U oa itai ... _ e2e00 001
Paid p, p ,,
Fund ' 1 100 cot
Relit - .."' . ' '.
Sex d 0 Mao, montreal .
Gees a et M exete it a
advanced to goodtanners On their own
note with one or more endorserS At 7 pee 'cent
per annion.
Exeter Branch.
• - ,
epee every lawful day ,from le a.re.tee 1).34
eheTURD-eY8 JO a ,m.te 1 0 .m.,
Current reteslof interest allowed en &POI.
Hood'a Sarsaparilla is strictly trne and will
bear the closest investigation. No matter
whereet may be front, it is ati reliable and
Worthy your confidence as if it 08M8 from
emir most respected neighbor. Have you
ever tried this excellent medicine?
For a genera family cathartic WO confi-
recommend Hood's Pills Thev
. . ,
be M every home medicine ehest.
- . •
ntes,--The remains, of Mrs. A. Martin
031 terred in Bay eld cenietery on Mon-
t. Deceased had. been a resident of this
de for A number of yearts.-We hear that
minhardt is goieg to Moosomin arid the ,Keener
.11K is going to fitly him out and get the
box fin nished 013 11(11 -We are gIad to
Mr , Kennees Moorhouse back again to
3 velage,frOril Thiele Sam's Dominion. ex
is It great fevoeit,F,i With US here.
. A botition bas been filed at Osgoode Hall,
Toronto, against the return of Jae Grieve
I, •
le -osier, Pena, The erounds are (moron- Arai
in tbe general term for corrunt praeimes I _
----c— duy
;eve ral EeC61068 ot Nebraska vvere
ite'd by a desiructivo cyclone on
day night. the
by himself and agents.
.4 .2?112. 1 en.
.• liens irlalism,
al -