HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-6-30, Page 3INSURANCE
1'iNY, of Toronto; also for the PHONIX
1 tttF; MST -TRANCE COMPANY, 01 Uondon;
P..1NY or England,
\\Ti1 Pipet
J. GH IGi..Jf'S.
CTnn Meer.) Exeter,
w g
�+ us i,rit the neve
Dress Goods. Silks, Sateels,
Prints, Challies and Skirting .„.4
Embroideries -all at closest
cut prices during the great al
teration sale now an. Our Big
Stock must be reduced before;
the workmen take possession'
and begin enlarging the store.
Do you want a nice white em
broidered dress ? It you do,;
we want to see yon ; we have;
some grand values for you at,
reduced prices.
Now's your time to buy'
Groceries,as• we are doing big
things in choice, fresh Gro
ceries. Many lines below!
actual wholesale cost. How'
we do it and live is what tro
ubles the old timer's. Our
system of doing 'business is;
our own. Others may follow
r ct zheatl.� o
5T:•evttro .
Mr. Steallemembehas moyedhis: tailoring
business en Crediton,
The electrical and remit storms are doing
much harm to wires and crops.
The cricketers go to London Friday to
play the Asylum team of that city.
In rural school sections the summer
vaeatiou will extend from July 1st toAug.
,harry Davy of Woodstock will send his
woude'ful handmade table of 10,000 pieces
to the World's Fair.
Some seventy-five candidates wrote in
Exeter this 'Week at the entrance and leav-
ing examinations.
The races on .Friday will be a big success
if the rain only lets up tor a time. The
track is yet in good shape and many horses
Western Prize List.
The Western ,Fair directors have issued
their prize list for 1892. The exbihiton
will be open from Sept. 15th to 24th,
The special speed program has 22 races on
it, and $2,500 is .to be given in ,prizes,
This exhibiton has been inereasing iu pa.
pultrity year after year, and we have no
doubt but that the directors will keep up
their record for 1592, For list' or other
particulars write to. Thos. A. Browne sec.,
London, Ont, •
The Toronto Industrial Pair,
The prize list for this year's. Industrial
Fair to be held at Toronto, from the 5th to
the 17th September, has been issued.
Many changes have been made in the var.
sous. classes anis ebout$2,000 added to the
amount of prizes Ole ed last year. The
Association have obtained about fifty acres
are booked,1 more grunod, anti a new half -mile tree
,The post t-ffice authorities have been will bo constructed, and a monster new
notified of a reduction of five cents per grand stand capable of seating over 12,000
pound on packages to all postal union Donn- people is to be erected in time for the Fair.
tries via England. New staples and eattte pens are also to be
Mr. Joseph Cobbledick has had plans created aucl rnany other improvements
prepared for the erection of a new and pal- made at a cost of ,one hundred and fifty
attal resideece, which wilt be among the thousand
y be aoI agrrs.at one. year's or s Fair will evi
fienst in town ;
deprize list drop a post cerdto Mr. H.J.HiP,
Wesley Webb, detective for the Ontario
the dootora and druggists of this section,
The Weekly snout,has resigned his position. The regular weekly shoot took place ou
Thursday evg last. Cc r rho Gold MedalWhile at work in the planiug mill of
Messrs. Dyer & "Coward the other day, at unknown angles the f.:llowing score is
Mr, Wm. Howey had his hand badly cut the result
by one of the tools run by steam.
Medical Association, and well known to Manager, Toronto.
The excu•siOn to Goderioh under the
auspices of the Presbyterian church ou
Thursday last, was fairly well patronized,
and a pleasant clay was spent on the beauti
ful shores of lake Huron.
Mr. M. D Willert of Tnkamah, Neb,, in
writing to renew his subscription to the
Teems for another yeansays that prospects
in Nebraska are good for a large yield, and
that the State was never in better shape.
The juniors went to Hensall Tuesday
evening to kink foot ball with the under
team of that village. The game xesulted
in it draw after three quarters of an hour.
The referee heti better read the game up
before we again play Hensall,-Coe'.,
Mr. Ira Bice of Crediton was in town
one dtry last week, and while about to
water his horse at one of the hotels, the
animal started ()lithe moment the bridle
was removed from its head. The buggy
was badly wrecked by coming iu contact
with the watering cart
Now is the time of the year for the de-
strnedon nt caterpillars. The nests have
been eieely formed in the branobea of the
trees, and the insects aro about to come to
a mete ri y. A few hours spent in remov-
ing these clusters now will save many a
man several hours of hard labor in the
course of a few weeks. See to it and have
them removed.
A census bulletin issued June24th, gives
the number of industrial:establishments in
Canada at 175,768 -an increase of 51 per
cent, in ten years. The capital invested is
$353,600,000 --an increase 114 per cont.
Tho employes are 6117,805 -an increatie
J. A. STEWART• I an increase of $.40,000,000. The value
------ crease of $165,000,000 in ten. years.
The Falcon Band of London will furnish
music for the Centralia Festival on Dom-
inion Day. For the aocommodation of
Exeter people, a covered 'bus will run to
sed from Centralia elution the afternoon,
leaving Exeter town hall at 1 and 2 30,Rro-
turning from °outralia at 0.30. Fare for
round trip, 25 cents, Should any consider-
able number -wish to remain for the evening
conceit, another return trip will be made
tit 10.
- The ooncett on the evening of July lat
will be one of the best ever given in town.
The Falcon Guitar Clnl, of London, widely
known as a super dor Musical orgauization,
has at great expense, been engaged for the
occasion. All who come to town will get
an evet,iug's entertainment such as they
never got before. The program speaks
for itself, is free from vulgarities and will
please the most fastidious. Plan of hall at
Dr. Lutz's Drug Store.
The three mouths' permit wheeh Sir
Oliver allowed the small boy in which to
consume his stock of tobacco expires July
1. After that time the boys will not use
the nasty weed iu any fo'm, and tebeccoo-
ists must not sell to minors, tinier the pin
cf fine. When father gets out of tobacco,
he moat giye Johnny a note,when he sends
hien for a supply, or will go without his
after dinner smoke.
• of the products was 5175,000,000 -an in -
telc %a logo.
JUNE 130th. 1892.
J, '4oads
Ed Bissett
W. Johns
J, Snell
The silver medal was shot for as follow',
at unknown angles
J Woods 0.1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1- 7
EdBiseett 1111111111--10
It was previously held by Bissett. For
the silver cup the match was between R.J.
Eacrett, who stroke 4 out of 12 and J. Bis-
sett, who broke straight 10 rocks.
Strewn ere y Zre..trvals,
The past week has leen ane of Straw-
berry Festivals. On Thu sday evening the
Ladies' Aid of the James-st. church gave
one,which was highly successful, The evg
was protitious and the crowd large. The
strawberries were firet served, after which
an interesting and varied program was
given, Ale. Meponagh occupied the chair
in the absence of Mr. RueselL The pro-
ceeds amounted. to $65.
A Festival was held on l•'Ite R. H Ver-
ity's lawn on Monday evening under the
auspices of the Ladies'Aicd of the Main,at
Churoh. The evening was unpleasant and
the attendance in consequence compar-
atively meagre, the receipts only amount-
ing to 9.45. The grounds were very nicely
decorated and the house being thrown open
made the evening pass more pleasantly.
On Tnesday evening armlet wv's given in
the church to dispore of rho slit pits sup.
plies, lit there was a gry 1 ntteielanoe A.
splendid protnram was presented by the lip
worth League, and altogether a social evg.
was spent.
quiet wedding took place
.. teruoon at the residence of Mr
r.." w'etity, being the marriage of his
daughter Lizzie to Mr. Robert Pickard of
the firm of Messrs. Richard Pickard et Son
Merchants of this place. Tho ceremony
was performed by Rev. W, McDonagh, in
the presence of the near relatives of the
•contracting parties, there being no second
parties in the ordeal. • The bride was
plainly yet richly attired, A sumptuous
dejenuer was enjoyed after tho ceremony,
when the bride and groom were driven to
the depot, where they took the 5 o'clock
-train for Sarnia, and from which port they
will take boat for Delrrtli, The presents.
were very handsome, and among which
was one from the choir of the Main -street
Church, of which the bride was organist,
being •a costly drawing room hanging lamp
wishing we join a host of friends of w g Mr.
and Mrs. Pickard a pleasant honey
ne moon
trip as well as a happy marded
lifSpecial Sermon. —�-
An emergency meeting of the members
of Lebanon Forest Lodge, A. F. and A M,,
Exeter, was'held on Sunday last -being
the Sunday nearest to the festival of St.
John the Baptist (June 21th)--for the pur-
pose of attending Divine Service in the
Trivitt Memorial Church. About:fifty-five
of the brethren members of the Lodge, to-
gether with a number of visiting brethren.
from Hensall, Liman, Ildertor, and other
places, met in the Lodge room at 2.30, p.
m , and after "opening duly formed into
procession and marched to the church,
where the Rev: 13ro. F. H. Fatt preached
to them and a large congregation, a moat
apprepr!atc and elegem:A sermon from the
text : `'Take heed that the light which is
in thee be not darkness." It was concerted
by every person present at the service that
the sermon was the best and the most elo-
quent Masonic cue ever preached to the
.craft here. Service coneladed the breth-
aea returned to the Lodge room, where,
after votes of thanks to the Rev. Bro Feet
nd the visiting brethren,Lodge was closed.
reat deal of creditis due to the stew -
Bros. McLaughlin, and Brown, and
eotor of Ceremonies W. tiro. M.
ttended the.
�irn anew.,.. ti,,..a.,
1111.11 1 1 1 1-10
t0 1 0 00 0 1 1 1.0 0- 04
c `
Are clearing their stook regardless of cosi. N
is the timer o get Dr y.G-oods, Millinery, Boots an
Shoes, Ordered &c Ready-made Clothing, Crockery,
Glassware, Plateld ware, Etc,, Etc., DISCUNT
ranging from 10 to 50. per cent. for CASH.
C A. I I
, And see our lines of
A T T3E3311
ExeterFurn,iture Factory
A splendid Bed -Room Suite in Maple
or Cherry for $9.00. Sideboards from
-$8.00 upwards.
n aelalused Money.
A blue book has been issued `coldac -AiSg
a detailed report of the dividends remain-
ing unpaid and amounts or balances in
respect to which no transactions have
taken place or upon which no interest has
been paid for five years or upwards, prior
to Slat December, 1891, in the chartered
beaks of the Dotrcielen of Canada. The
report shows that a sum amounting in the
ageregato to nearly half a milliouof dollars
111.v been tor years lying awaiting claimants
in the different banks of the Dominion.
Of this earn the alnnunts named below are
lying in the R\
3 Bank
to the
credit of the parties mimed since the dates
e. Among the visitors were R, v4
C, Robson. D. D. G. M. llderton.
Geo. Knight, Ilderton; W. Bro. , J.
loKay, W. M.. Hensall; l3ro. Dr. Thom-
son, Hensall; Bro. J. McNevin, S, W.,
Hensall; and Bro. E11is,Hensall. Altoget-
her this was the most successful of the at-
tendances of Lebanon Fores tLodge at
publib worship for many years. •
Mr. Wm. Anning who had been a'sev=
ore sufferer for the past year, died at his
residence here on Monday last at the age
of 40 yrs. 8 menthe. Deceased was of
;English birth and came to this country a
etturlber of yeara ago, set.ling near Toronto
Se,married adaughter of the late James
Eaeterbrook, and it was at the death of
Mr. JEasterbrook soute six years ago that
Mr. and Mrs- Anning came to Exeter. He
was amember of the Meth church, we quiet
and ansaeg
'min and was respected by those
Whom he knew. He leaves a wife ti nd a
small circle of relatives to survive him.
The Eden and Exeter football teams
faced each ocher on the Exeter grounds on
Saturday evening last, in a friendly game.
The game for a time was hotly contested,
but the Eden boys being possessed of a
superior amount of stamina, soon worsted
the: Exeter team and scored 3 to 0 in their
favor. Some splendid individual kicking
was done on both sides, and if the Exeter
boys practise more frequently, and become
hardened to the game they will prove a
good match for Eden.
The type -setting machines seem to have
as much fun in them in their own ponder-
ous way as that gifted,- but nne0nseions
humorist, the intelligent compositor, and
his compar•-'on in crime, the proof reader.
Right in the mid3'e othhe Globe's House
of Commons report the other morning,
which ie set with a type -setting machine,
this line appears "dtd, BoxagdeGpG1tot-
hrx.th afrmfrthfre h." A compositor would
have to be both blind and insane before he
could, get up acombination to equal that.
The funeral takes place today at 2 o emelt.
• The assessors of Stephen, Hay, anrt (18,
bowie met here ou Tttesday s,md cotnnared
their respective rolls,
Obyru Lk; Co $ 7.10 Exeter Sep 16'75
Caddy & Go 0.09 Nov,15` 7 8
Brown J. ay 0.25 •u Nov.19'78
Love 11:. 0.70 do Sep.29'70
Senior C. 0.7:: do Sep.1.4'7f
do Feb 20'79
Robt 1.IL 1ti do July 6'81
Madge \V. 1 .I do Mayll'81
'Tolland a
Gall While the Stock Lasts
Remember the stand: -.-Two doors
North of Town Hall, Exete.
13, Hill of St. Thomas, are visiting at Mr.
Thomas Clarke's and Mr J. P. Clarke's.--
It is understood that the Verity Plow
Works Co , object to the clause in he
centthe exemption by-law passedby
Brantford City Council, making it impera-
tive that the works should employ ole? e?wale
number of m -- „J tie lRari is company die
"continuously." This is held to prevent
a short shut -down necessary every year,
and was not intended by the Council. A
new by-law will probably be introduced,
making the necessary verbal correction.
Other manufacturers in Brantford are ob-
jecting to the recent legislation and aro'
demanding similar privileges on a threat tol
leave the city. There will be a big row in
Brantford yet.
Jessy Smith, a young woman 28 years
of age, went to Detroit about three weeks
ago, from Exeter, and secured employ-
ment as a domestic. Early Thursday
morning, the girltold Mrs. Morose,' her
employer, that she was very sick. Sus-
pecting what was the trouble, Mrs, Morose
called a coupe and sent her to the House
of Providence, w ere i we d th t
she had given birthto a child. The wo- 1
man admitted the fact, and stated that she
had hidden f' ill a closet at the Morose
house-,,. Count v Physician Kelly made a
poet mort.• n o x,. lunation, and foetid that
the Mare '„t i l ;d from a hemorrhage
caused b, eeel The woman is still in
I he Tfeui c f P vii"enc0, and is in a per
ion rnnct;+;, t 1':00400 Free, Press,
Village Council.
Council niet 28th June, 1892; all present
except Mr, Carling. The minutes of pre-
vious meeting were read and confirmed.
Ross--Spackman--that the reeve, Mr^
Christie, end the road commissioner be ap-
pointed to examine gravel pits and decide
where /u get it f•, -Carried.
council adjourned u41 Wednesday, the
Lith, July, at 8 o'clock p m.
do Juue30 81
Canfield W. A. ,e6961 ddo o Jan.3l'80
Schurr W.
Charters \'1. C. 165 do Sep 3 '81
Ni. EAMETT, Clerk.
1 had on exhibition at ane time aOare
eovered. wi+h Sheep skins, which 11
, and being asked why he did this, 0
he said the public like to be humbugged.
Now we do not propose to adopt this plan of hu
bugging the people by exhibiting a Mountain Go
but simply to state
At all times. When a Merchant tells you he is.
You can count to a moral certainty on the statement
ing false : or when a Merchant sells you an article at
The money pi`etbytoriana £.aieo,l
The report of the committee onstatiatics
of the Presbyterian General Assembly 'for
the year ending December -cr, lelle,after
giving detailed figures for all the congregat
tions le the Dotnipion,states thatthe entire
contribution for strictly congregational
purposes, for the schemes of the church,
for Presbytery and synod funds, and for
other religions and benevolent purposes
amounted ro $2,003,239.againat $2,0 12 810,
the yea irbefore, or an increase of $11S.
Mission stations raised. $63,996, a against
$59,4Slthe year beforo,tor an ir.creato cf
$4,512. The total payments for all pur-
poses, therefore, amounted to $2 067,235,as
against $2,062,293 the year before, or an
increase of $1,94e, au average of `r22 35 to
each amily.
On Monday morning, ldr. J. Hawkshaw
was taken sudden`y ill of inflammation,
but is now on a fair way to recovery• -Mr
Will Schosenburg of Seaforth was in town
on Sunday, the guest of Miss Lon Hawk-
shaw.-Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Lofft of St.
Marys were in town on Friday last the
guests of Mr.A J McTavish. -Mise Fanny
Pinch, whole taking a course at the Alma
Ladies' College, St. Thomas, is home for
vacation. Miss Pinch hes taken honors
in several subjects, doing especially well in
eicoution, and will yet win a foremost
place among elocutionists..-Mr.I. Hand-
ford has returned home from the hospital
where he has been lundergoing treatment.
-Rev Mr, McDona0h's discourse next Sun-
day, beim, one of a series of sermons, will
be "Christianity not afailure, The. ser -
M011 Sunday night last was very interest-
ing and instructive,and was listened to by
a large congregations -The Rev. A. L.
Russell is away this week attending the
funeral of his father,George Russell, Esq.,
who passed into his heavenly rest on Mon-
day, 26th inst, at the advanced age of 81.
He was born in the county of Kent, Eng.,
in the year 1811, came to Canada in 1.835
and settled with his wife in the township
of Raleigb,county of Kent, where for fifty-
seven years they have lived and labored
together on the same farm. His aged wife,
six one apd t•rn,.LIniiglaters a=e lajl±giatie
up life's burdens without his love and ten-
der sympathy. ' The revered husband and
father has gone to his reward, and the
dear wife and mother. 'now iu her SOth
year, will doubtless soon follow. -Miss L.
Hardy of Exeter, ; and Miss Steinbach of
Zurich returned to Exeter last evening
'from'• 7:'oronto,wbere they have been attend-
ing the Toronto Conservatory of Music.
Mrs, '.Gait and daughter Mies Susie leave
this morning for Tilsonburg to attend the
wedding of Mr. David Tait to a Miss
Mudge of that place this evening. Dave's
many friends here wish him all happiness.
-Miss IdaEaerett of Sarnia is visiting
friends in town. - Mrs. C,{Ranfon and Mrs
G. Southcott are visiting at Mr. W. H.
Verity's. --Mr. W. E. Gundy of Leaming-
ton wan in town 011 Wednesday. -Mr.
Annan of Kincardine is visiting frfende in
You may depend that be will make it up on someth
else before he gets through with you. There must be so
profit or a merchant can't live. But Calling Bros'
TOCB musir GO T1,
and therefore we offer everything at the very limit
margin of profit consistent with honesty and fair :,dptri
The best discount we can offer is 5 per ceut.off for
Johnny Roes, son of J.P. Ross, fell from
a wagon•on Tusaday and broke,his arm in
two places.
The Methodist Protestant Church bas
stricken the word"obey"from the marriage
service. Nearly every wife in theland did
the same thing long ago.
Now is the time to look after troublesome
and unsightly weeds. and our street and
road overseers neglect their duty in that
they wait until the seed ripens.
The Trustees of the ExeterriUnion Boiled
ground have secured the services of Mr L.
Davey, who will take charge of the same
on July 20th. Parties who desire to have
their lots kept in order should apply to
A striped worm, known as the warrior
worm, has made its appearance in Brant
county. It leaves a path of destruction
behind it wherever it appears, many whole
meadows being totally destroyed. It is
aid to be travelling westward.:
The prospects for the coming fruit crop
are cenecially good. Most of the farmers
are sp eying their apple trees but a good
deal of care must be taken that too much
pads green be not added to the water as
the trees themselves may be easily de-
town -Mrs. B Swenerton of Halifax
spent the fprepart of this week the guest
of Mrs. J. P. Ross. -Mr. and Mrs. 'James
Southeott of London were in town last
week, en route to Grand Bend, where they
will spend a season camping. -Mrs, Rich.
Gidlcyspent last week wisiting Mrs. Bee
of Larkhill, -Mrs. Geo. Tiill of Pott Hope,
sinter of Mr. Thos. Clarke, and Mrs. Jai.
CUT THE TzmrsTars.-If you have a spark
of pride in the beauty of your town cut
the thistles and clean the street in front of
your premises. The summer visitor will
soon be with us and if we want to send
him away persuaded that Exeter - is the
finest town in Canada, we must put forth.
an effort to keep the sidewalks nice and
clean by allowing the cattle to roan over
Butter 1'3e ; Eggs 101- in trade,
We solicit a call.
mtv CMG
of Clothing,
IstAT$ awl
HOWAen-Ereeee -In St. Marys. at the home
of the brides parents, Queen st. west.`by the
Rev J. Scott, M, A.. Mr. L. k Howard of
Toronto, and Miss Ella Rupert, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr.D. S Rupert.
Pi0KAno-.Farm-At the residence Of the
bride's parents Exeter, on the 29th inst., by
-Rev. Mr. MoDonagh,;Mr. Robert'Pickard to
Miss Lizzie Verity, sixth daughter of Mr,
Wym.H.Verity •
SEBMSN-Scueismee-By 'Bev (1, Huber at his
residence on Sunday Jum' t ha 12t�yhss. Mr. Al-
Schneider of formerly N. Y. Mies
Iiir,nATaXO(-In Crediton on the 23rd inst.,
R' Katrick.a.
Box-InalphSt.ilpMarys onged the59 28thyearsinst., Richard
Box, aged 76 years,
ANNiNa--Ia "Exeter: on the 27 inst.. Mr. Wm.
Arming, aged 60"years and 8 months-
TEien--1n ltThbo,ne. f Thames. Road) on
the 24th inst.. George, son of Robert Mon-
teith. aged
onteith.aged 24 years 6 months.
6oerueoaras At Pilotbfound, Manitoba, on
June 17th, Wrn, 11, Soutbcomhe, (son-in-law
oftMl;11,• W: Sperling of $t.Marys' aged 35
MyearscDoon.rr•1,=Ini-Tibbert, on the 22nd inst.,
L,aura,lane McDougall, daughter of Daniel
cDougall, aged 2 years 9 months and 19
My Stock being too large it must be reduced at of
Note some of the prices .---=
1 G Fine Tweed Suit for $ 12.50
X20 Fine Worsted Suit for $17
A. dandy Tweed Suit for , 10
(Well -made and good trimmings)
See our 75c Tweeds for GOc.
See our G0c Tweeds for 45c
We out our own goods free of charge on shortest notil
�_ per,.:-alal�:"
A. Very.. Large Range,.. of .ias
In this Salve we will make a specialty of
tr'Agril 'ws11S
Of t
which we have a big Stock in'a
The Latesty Styles in hard and soft Hats we are selling at these pitoi
$1.25 Fine Fur Hat for 80c.
$11,20 do $
$2.50 o 2
A a
have them of the fines
In Rubber :,Coats,
030; w t 1d. Call and see the GoodS,
will be convinced.