HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-6-30, Page 17777 AND HURON & MIDIAJESEX ,VOL..XIX. NO. 44. 4111,111 ainlearing the 1i:dance of our stock of parasols a,t prices that makes them easy to sell. You can buy a, par- asol worth $1.00 for 75e, or one worth $2.00 for $1.65. Special prices in , V!ints,muslins,and summer dress goods. W4 control the agency for"Butterivieles Celebrated Glove Fitting Patterns. You ' can relyon the fit of these patterns as they itre the best in the world," GEMS1 GEMS!! GEMS!!! Any size at the Cheap Store. Special prices in Sugars, Teas, and Coffees at • A. J. MoTAVISH a CO. Sense.11. Following are the market quotations: Wheat 70 to 75 Barley 18 to 40 Oats 28 to 30 Peas . 55 to 50 Hay .10.00 to 11.00 Butter ..14 to 15 Eggs .......... 9 to 10 Hogs ... 5,75 to 5.75 Clover seed. .... 7.00 to 7.50 Summer clearing sale of boots and shoes for the next aft days Everything:et reduced prices in order te make room for Teal! and Winter goods. space wilt not permit to quote prices. We lead the trade in toot wear and have the largest stook to selecteerona won't be under sold by any dealer, calrand examine ouretook before purehasing elsewhere and be nonvinced that svo 3011 Boots and Shoes se elieap and cheaper than any other dealer in the Countyme Boots anti Shoes are our epecialty, Ordered work end repairing promptly attended to and done in the latest styles Butter and OW taken no mum, A. WESELOILSign of the Big escape at Exeter last week. While stopping en Sleek. Baat the Commeroial hotel to give hie horse lukt;:iersi t"n 111(1kIn 11P a driuk, alai when iernoviug to bridle for .$0,110,010„ ssis etuebes•Stora hero intend the purpose, the horse dashed of, smashing ling to Exeter on laridaria., attend the the buggy very badly.. -.-A number of sports ower Wheat is away down at pfeeent, 7fie ettended the horse (e) ramie at Shipha last per bus0-being paid --There were a wrge week and :were badly dimppointed ; they number of Conservatives in town.on Tune e claim that there was coneiderably more day, the accretion being the brinreag out tof talk than money or raeing.-A number of o candidata to oppose Mr. A.. Blehop at the the village people intend to take in thoraces next Provincial election. Mr. D. Wormed: at Exeter c 2Friday. Ther e should be a ler, racwOlatit, Klppen, Was tile Iteloth- Rawl attendance at the opeuine.-The local mous choice, and he accepted the honor, ir "Patrons" had a meeting in the town hall it may be called iamb, with a rousing speech on Monday night to discuss the binder Mr. Weisinitler is univereallv popular, isa tivine question. The rosalt was not as good goodeepepler triad debater, and the choice AS anticipated owing to the combines ia wo think ;vie well made. -The tinder foot Canada and the United States. ball elide of Exeter drove up on Tuesday evg Deortis -We are sorry to say that dur- and I lee ea a rectally game with the tinders lug the past week the angel of death again of this place. After playing for three guar- vi-ited the home of our esteemed barber, tors of an hour tho game was depleted a Samuel Lampert°, and removed 'rem eattli draw. Tim game ems. reeeteee by Harry hie gteatest friend, an infaet wii:oh Anal to the HM14(110011 of all -Messrs. was buried at Exeter laet Mandae. Qoito T. Retry and Bob. BOSS bap retuned from a number from here Maencletl the funeral, Boston and disposed of:their herpes at God Mr.Lamporta lro had sore ntli,ctl.$41 late. *tures. Mr. Berry says that the horses in y first in the death of hi wife, now in she demand there an those with good, Phort removal a big ord7 chill Ho ins titz? legs with plump, heavy middle. Horses beaettelt, sympathy of the manure:, liy.• - with long legs and small barrels are not On Thrteadr.y death retneved one of trtr "Ileughtt and it would be well for the farmers to make a note of this. -Mt. Wileon's fur- niture is being shipped to Dakota tbia week -A barn was raised for Mr. Burns laet week which is considered one of the largeet in the esimity.-A studeat from College is taking e3arge (..f the Church of England parish here until a supply is mint by the Bishem. Rev. Mr, Serrauns is well pleased with his parish in iltiouigan.-Mr. Joseph Coleman, of Ohimgo, a former employee of Mr. A. Weseloh ii in town -wahine friends. -Mr. Graybel of Dashwood spent the fore. part of this week the geed of Mr.John Pope -A atrawberry festival was held in the Methodist church on Monday evening un- der the auspices of tho Epwoita League, in connection with which was the reception of Rev. Mr, McKie:or, auel farewell of Rev Mr. Magee, who litis gone to Georgetown. The attendance wee fair, the evening being un - Pleasant, and n wry enjoyable time was spent: The -program WILS a good one, varied and a some leneth, and wat rendered by the childo n, iteoemeds Sill. The Sa' ur- day'% class presenic.1 Mr. Magee with an ad drFits and a 1,,ndsome coat, The rev. mi. fleman le. ,•!.1 I wiehes uf all Id - lowing, wbile 31 . MoKa fee was heartily welcomed among us. • Mr. Maid Me Pher- eon isin Londeerm. o' at.preseut.-Mr. Chas Meyers and family spent n part of lite -week with ft tends in Colbo no excursion to Goderioh on Thuisday Is was largely THE PROMISED TRUSS COMFLETE A. LAST attended from all along tee li ,e. upwarde of --The new invention (patented 18911"Sum GAZET_TE, "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' a EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE, 30, 1892 Zurich. wFon SALTO on TO llser.-A New York piano aill be field at a low priceor rented on reason- ble terms, Apply at Wenads'Isurniture Store, Zarieh. A Lettere Seoce.--We have HON on hane a large eteek of buggies earriages, wagons.carts. etc., which we are selling at faotory prices All our own make and guaranteed. Otill and see stook, Repairing and carriage t rimming wit receive careful attention, Fern. 11 ess.Zurich Rau:Pa-Mr. Sam J. Latta is aseistant examiner at the g• S. Examination at Exe. ter this week. About 30 pupils are writing on the entrance aud P. S Leaving exam- ination. Mr.13rown of Exeter is examiner. -Statute labor is the order of the dayeand our etreets are undergoing a -thorough re- pair. -The Evangelical Sunday School will picnic at Bayfield on the first of ,Tuly..- The Lutheran Sunday School will hold their annual picnic in Taylor's Grove on the let. -Mr. Fair, M ethodist minister of Hansa% preached very acceptably in the town hall on Sunday afternoon. Services in two weeks at 2.30 p m -Our boys have a bicycle club organised. A trip to !Dash- wood on Saturday evening was one of the first of the season. What became of your "wheel" on Monday :morning, Ed? The bottom of the ditch on the town line is terribly hard. One of our wbeelmen will gtveyeliable proof on this paint-MtEna- mon of Clinton was in town durino the paat week on business. -Mn R. Heidemau has built an addition to his residence. - Mies Lydia Strempfer has returned front Philailelphia,where the bas been attending Ladies'College.--Council met in the town hall on Saturday last, -Mr. John C. Kalb - Witch attended the funeral of his father on Saturday last. Oreditort. 1111•111•2111~1121/51•1111•1~1001111=1SYMO.Sr9,4171011MOMM*1110M010311, 111111•11=1111111 Bainee.---August Hill is in Baden attem- pting to make arrangements abont hotel Property there.-Chtte Wolfe him sold his farra on eon, Oth, to Herman Oestrieeher for the handsome sum of $( 100, and it is said will move to town and engage in busit nese; he is negotiating for the parolees° of the stage Ham -Reba Clarke him purchased 125 mos in the back of the township from Mr. John Parsons of Centralia, for $3,800. -Mine host of the Central had a narrow Kippen. - — BRIEFS.—The trustees of S. S. No. 14 have been improving the appearance of the school and grounds by putting up a mete board fence, and also screens and Minds on the windows. -Mr. R. MelvIordie, jr,, who was lately attending the 0. A. College, home to spend the summer vacation, and a'eo his sister, Miss Madge, who was Ore- aident student for the 'past year at Alma College, St. Thomas. -Mies Laud G. Mettle is visiting friends near Loam -Miss B. Webster of Hullett has been spending a few days 'visiting friends here. -A very friendly and intereating game of foot ball was played hem laet Saturday evening Tai- tween the Ilensall and our team. Hensel] wow beaten by two to none. Greerrway. BRIEFS.—Mr, C. H. Wilson, graand Mrs James Brophy are very sick at present. - Union Tent of Maccabees held a special meetine in the hall last Monday night. They have over 70 names on their roll now. -A large number of theRnatives attended the picnic held at Salem. Boston and Salem foot ball teams had a game resulting in each getting a goal. -Mr. Arable! Mc- Lachlan of West Bay City is visiting his parents for a few daye.-Bemember the garden party at Mr. F. Ulens, 6th Jetta A foot ball match will be played on the groand. An excellent program is being prepared,coneisting of mueic,and readings, addresses by Rev, Carrier Holmes of Park- hill, and Knox of Sylvan. If it rains will be held in Mr. Fallen's new barn. lee cream, lemonade, and strawberries will be sold on the grounds. Admission togrounds and supper, 1.5et children 10e. most esemme1 eitieene from the immrs tine wen ld to a, better abode 1 110 pereen of Mr. Italph Klipatrtek. He was eft. Ot wte, havieg tome w. ars aro inner:el 3m v 101080 rrsi....) at 11a. Kilpat jet spmathid attr:',7 tcd life in Toronto, and many years ttgo to Exeter where le engaged ;n tlze mill htriness ; and 12 years ago Le moved to Crediton, whore he had been in busiut::‘s natl this spring when he leased his prem- ises to Dalt Kitchen of 0a.ining, who is now carrying ou the business. Mr. Kil- patrick was greatly taken up with Algoma and intended going therein a sh Jrt time, and take up land. Iu polities bo was al- ways known to In a staunch Reformer, but very liberal in, ideas,and an honest toinking man, and a member of the Presbytf..rian church. Mr. Kilpatlick was .esteemed by everybody, was quiet nunret!Irtions and had enioved go el boatel). The' days previous to his death he wee t ttnn 813111101, 1.4 ill of inifiatninatien et' the bowels and trinally g.F'77 w.",rws. i3 ',ayes ‘'aivilitg him bia widow cro,1 fmr /111;1 -hen to his departure from the ea me end tombles of Ode wo.ld, two Meat children bawler; died some years age. The remaine were in tared in the Exeter cemetery on Friday. a large concourse of rriends beine in the cortege. ••=1.=!!!!=Trtr_VTIF-1!"r"—='-.7•.' • 300 tickets having been sow hare, A pleas - ant day was epent, and the only hiteh was that of two young men of the village rale- • sing the train, They were so taken up with their newly found partnere that they had forgotten where they were to say noth- • ing of thinking of a train. It just cost them a V to drive home. • Bettor leek next time boye.-Mr. MeEwen of Minneapolis was the • gueet cif his brother, Reeve Mavven hot • week. School vacations are now at hand, and some people will be found who will question eight eeks spent in idleness, or moving thess.,s1d_ om of their long duration. Six or at largesusithout the restraints of the solool room, may'bogregarded as so much lost time by those Who do not know much about children. A lev.rhad writer in the North American Review regently contended that the long holidays wefa,actually harmfal,as when they returned to "their studies they were almost uncontrollable, As a. matter of fact, the animal spirits Chas displayed are the best results of vaciteinns. The danger noweele.ye is of forcing' the young ahead too fast, and trying to neake their weak constitutions bear the burdens that would be sufficient for older persons•,le must not be forgotten that in the earew years of life the body must be developed as well as the mind. -Mail. torial,"and the neweqt invention (patented 1892) "The Automatic," have been united in ;o one, and an article has been precluced which has no equal, and which will be known after this as the "Chas. Clethe's Automatic Truss." It will be only sold by physicians and druggists, or through the house direct. The pad is held by suo• tion from slipping about When the body expands and contracts by motion of the legs, by coughing or sneezing, etc'a little pad (half the size of a pigeon's egg) enters deeper into the cavity of the very ringmaid at that moment !counteracts in true pro- portion both expansion and contraction automatically, which makes it impossible tor the hernia to escape, and:must heal the rupture in a very ehort time. Mr. Charles Cluthe will be in London, Grigg House, Saturday, July 16th; Stratford, Mansion House, Saturday, July 23r4,where he may be consulted on Trussesand also :on such afflictions as Curvature of the Spine, Club Feet, White Swelling, Weak Lego, Bow Legs, etc, None should fail to see him. e -- Sarsaparilla belcage to the similar family of planter, and is found very generally over the A merioan continent; but the variety thet is richest in medioinal properties i the Froeduras roe% of which the famou Aver'e Sarsaparilla is made. Dashwood. BEIM -The Evangelioal Sunday sabool celebrated Chlldrento Day on Sunday last. The day turned out fine and a large nura- ber attended, The following persons gave eddreaaes :--Itovs. S. Krupp and G. F HAW, and Messrs. Conrad Miller, J. Keller - mann, Chas. Miller, A. Shettler, 3, Snell and J. Ediehoffer, A collection wart Weed in eta of the Missionary Society. -The Zurich bicycle (Pleb passed through the vil- lage on Sataiday evening. Call again boys -The eenmeet for the repairs at the Rahool hone° wao lat to nfesers. &. C. Keller - maim for $172.50. There were three other tandem -Mr. J. Fried of London melted friends here on Snnday.-Mr. B. Winkon- wader of Nanierville, Ill., is at home just now. --The Misses Hoffman, Harlon and Hess of Zurich viPh011 friends here on Sunday. -The photographer hes returned to tovrn. -Mr. P. Matas,° led one of his 'mese vet - liable horses last week, -Mr. F. Wurtz and family intend camping at the lake tor some time this ninnamer.-Frank Litt the one - mile foot racer has left for home. MMard's Liniment foe Rheumatism: 111111• Bidduluh. St. Marys. Barrs. -Min Maggie Gilpin, daughter of Mr. J. 0. Gilpin, who has been attending Alma College, St- Thomas, succeeded in ob- taining nine certificates out of a possible ten, in the primary and advanced art course, at the recent deorivtatental examinations, -Another Bt. Marys boy has been 'moons - fel. Ur. N It. Ford mowed the State Board Examination of Miehigan for license to practice the profession of dentistry in that State. He is practicing irt Roohester Mien -News was received here on Friday of the sudden death of Mr. Jas. McCormack an old resident of SeMarys who was employed in the wood workshops of Stephen & Burns of London, He was apparently hale and hearty and was working at his regular em- ployment in the carpenter shop putting "Separators" together.-eHarry Mnbrity of Greaten. aged 10, while playing with sever al other boys in town on Friday, had his eye aceidentally put out with a rifle, with which they were playing. -On Fliday hot old Mr. Slack of the base line dropped suddenly dead. He had attained a good age but was not sick enough to suppose that his end was so near. -An esteemed offizon, and an old resident of town, in the person of Rich- ard Bax, Esq. J. P., died on Friday last. He had bean ailing for some time, and his death was early anticipated. -• - Farquhar. SUDDEN D.EaTII.-The 00thrahaity was terribly ahooked on Friday to hear of the sudden death of OHO of the yonng men of the Thames Road. We refer to the demise of Mr. Geo. Monteith, son of Robert Mon- teith. The youne man was in comparative- ly good healtlaand was in tho act of shaving prior to attending a pionio, and had only completed ono half of his face when:he fell off the chair and expired. In the forenoon Ire had worked about the farm az ueual,and appeared to enjoy good health. Heart tall - un, is undoubtedly the eause of death. This youug man was quite reheat, weighing nearly 200 pounds, and tha4 fall manage- ment of his fatherailarie. tart W.ag posPeas-- ed of muoli energy, was throw& linelehad a bright future before him. Ilia sudden taking off has made a void in tho father's household as well ea a vaoanoy in tho different °irides of the oommunity. The filmed was largely attended en Itlauday. Bniera-The school ohmic on Friday last in ItInflunkin's grove was a snoceesfal affair end the attendants° was very large. A pro- gram of sports was gone through, con- sisting of running, jumping, eto., besides foot ball, base ball, and other games, Exe- ter, Winehelsea, Chiselhurst. Bethesda, and Steffe feet ball, and Cromartv and Barees,--As Wm. J. Smith was nearing Lunn cheese faotory with a load of milk on Tuesday last, his waggou suddenly collaps- el, causing a serious crushing of milk cans Fortunately nothing more various happened -Mr, te H. Neil, has just returned feom Napinee, bringing with him a herd of Jer- sey cattle. censidered to be the best in the neigeibc. teted.-While llia9 Ann Harding of the 2,1 cou McGillivray was driving over 13oyce's briden on Thursday last the horee slded and baelting egainet the railieg of the idge uhlr ly preeipitated buggy and 00- •.i:tient together with the horse some 20 ft. halm 1 feet of rater, Vortunetely. the wa ter being deep helped to break the fall. and Miss Harding 'Was but slightly injured ; but how ever, the escape was miraculous. The bride beiag covered with elm plink warped by the aun into every shape, melon; it a most dan- gerous one to °roes. It would be oheapey for the township council to Geyer tho bridge properly than pay damages. The lady was resened by Mr. John Evans aud his men, of Exeter, who were masoning near by. - Many will hear with regret of the death of Mr. R. Gallaway of Adelaide, tformerly of tide township, and nephew of Mr. Joseph Cobblediok of Exeter. The deeeased was a mtring maw, 23 yeaes of age and will b3 0! stiv C+oderich. BRIEFS —Tl O SESUTEH011 :10111 EX., ter,' Kippereeed Hencall,of last wck was largely 11,Aerale1. r'he day, thc.ugh ohilly, was dry and the v"?it-sre bad a p!ca.nt lays'outing. --Mr, D. \Veismiller of Kippen was in the Co town co Tbuntitty -Ms.„ J. A. Wilson of Seaforth was in Godeaiob on Saturday. - The members of Goclerloh, Auburn, Ben - milt er, and Dan gannou Magee, A. O. IL W. had a monster picnic at the Point Farm on Saturdave-The dredge No 9 is now at work havieg reached the harbor twit week. From present appearances she will do good work and do it quiekly.-Last week Mise Downing was married to Mr. W. Oox, and Mies Few peon te Mr. A. B. Corkins The last named gentleman is a reeident of Detroit, ancl M. Cox resides in Leamington. The ladiee were residents of town, and Mr, 0. was born in Huron's Co -town, havinginoved south two years einoe.-Goderiele will, to- morrow, celebrate the silver wedding of confederation. There will be gamesof all kinds for girls, boys, and men at :10.30, la- crosse at 2.30, bicycle races at 5 p.m. Me- nesetung Indian tribe in the war canoe at 7 p. m., fireworks at 9, and general fee be- tween, while the Seaforth Band will play choice selections. Sail and row boat 3 will be ready all day, and perch andbass will dance after tempting baite. If tl e wea ther continues fine, the 1st of July will be most fitly honored. The town council held a session on Friday. -The arrivals therprist week cousisted of twenty-three bnshels of hard, No.] wheat from Peat Arthur for the big mill. -The Collegiate Institute Literary Society gives an entertainment to -night. - Mrs. D. Holmes hag returned from her visit to the Pamifie coast. -Rev. Mr,Howard preached hie farewell sernaon on Sunday, and administered Halv Communion in the • morning. The congregation will ms the rev. gentlemw very much, ae be wile an indefatigable werker. F4I.11110:1 base hall toalad were preeeut. Claiselhurst won the laurels in foot ball and Cromarty in base ball. The day was moat pleaeantly spent by all, and the teacher de-. serves credit fel providing such an outing for the soholere rwo 01 Mr. Fletcher's children from Hamilton are visiting their uncle at the Mame -The recent heavy mine have injured the crops considerably, 111 eeniat being dewn very badly in some phase, 111, -*-464-4 CONDENSED NEWS, From Various Sources Through out tb.e District. MIDDLEsEx. Parkhill is agitating for better fire pro- tection. Col. Goodman, of Parkhill, has been suite ill during the past few weeke. ws MoCalluin of Williams sold four of the hemeiest fleeces of the season. They just weighed 52i lbe. e Dr. Metherell left Parkhill last Tueliday for Viotoria,B. where he intends todprao- Bae Every tpreo: titeeBsionh ni•al reeerding Hood le Sar- saparilla is an honest, impel-obligedetate. ment of what this medicine has eaotually done. Mies Katie doLood, second daughter of Mr. Donald MeLood. of Ailsa Uraignvas may- ied on Wednesday of last week at ,I.kondon re Ur. Peter Campbell of Lobo. 6 Dr. T. A. Stewart, of Antra Craig, Whiorit) health has been irapared for some tient, at the effect of repeated attacks .4 la grippe, lilt la, t Tuesday evening for Serpent River, Algoma District. Mrs. Stewart accompan- ied him. Mr. Benjamin Pile, who lives a short distance outside Parkhill,met with a palatal accident last wesk while drawing a load of tile. He was in the alit of blooking one of the wheels with a stone when it passed over the forefinger of his right hand, crushing it, off. , Mr. Duncan Campbell, of Sylvan receir- ed the sad news of the death of his brother Aroby, of supposed heart disease. It is re- ported that he was foetid dead on the road with hie Lorre grazing beside him. Arohy left West Williauas three years ago for Dakota where he has resided ever since. Mr. G. T. Johneon,.‘wifo of the dsteemed let deputy -reeve, McGillivray, niade an un- fortunate misstep while entering the cellar and was thrown vieleutly against the door head first which fort anately for her was not securely fastened.,Aa it is she sustained severe injnries about the shoulder and teak. A very sad acoident happened at Wyom- ing on Tuesday afternoon. About 6 o'clock Mrs. John Gibeon went in search of her youngest sou Earl,who failed to come home at tea time. Atter fruitless search earound town, a cistern ou their premises, which happened to be uncovered, was examined, and discovering his hat near by, she took a hoe and dragged around the bottom of the cistern and discovered to her horror that the child was there. Bayfield. WONDERFUL FREAK or 'NATURE. —OR Sat- o, arty lad at Mr. John Geminhartha a two - headed celf was taken f:om his cow, each head is complete, them are four eyes, three eere, and two t .113. The head joins at a point bank of the eat?, the tuiddle ear in the centre is double sided so it facefor each head. The body is well shaped, and each bead is tiac same sizo, and smote has Iwo eyes. A great many people have called to see it and prouounoe it a great cariosity. It died while oat ring but Mr. G.has already refund several offers for the body. BRIEFS. -Mr. Samuel Moore, who has been living foi the past two or three years at Oil Springs, has moved baok to Bayfield- -Mr. Raney Armstrong has purchased two houses and lots on Denise street, formerly owned by the late Gilbert Thompson. -On July 1 Mr. Clark of Seaforth the new con- tractor for carrying the inail from Seaforth, Breeefield and Varna,enninencei hie duties It is stated that Mr. Beattie, the present carrier, will continue to run a passenger stage. Miss Fanny Wild, daughter of Mr. Joseph Will who has spent the past two and a half years at St. Louie, ie home for a three week's vacation -Mr. Kenny Moor - house; who left hare last March for Bay Clity and other plaern in ikliehigan, has re- trimAd to his home in Bayfield. He went for the benefit of his health, -It is many years since the fishing hap been so good here as this spring. Durine April aud May Mestre, Ohas. and Chris Dresser, John Fer- gusen, James Sturgeon and John Augest made wonderfully large hauls. At present 98 ia usual in June, the catches are lighter. -On Sunday morning Boy. Mr. Henderson conduoted a very pleasing ohildren's servioe atSt. Andrew's ohuroh,which was very taste fully decorated svith flowers. -The Boyal Tem piers of Temperance purpose holding a grand. Garden Party in Mr. John Whiddon's orchard on Jaly 12th. -Geo. King took in the Wingham races this week. -Wm. Att- wood was home a few days last week. -Miss Graoe Cameron has been home on a short vacati in from Detroit. -Rev. F. G. Newton was attending Synod at London last week. -MmEdge of Seaforth ie paying Mrs-Cowle. a visit this week.--Rev.Thibadeau preached his faVevvell sermon in the Mothodi t church on Sunday last. He leaves this week to take his new appointment at Benmiller.- Tile Battle of the Boyne will be celebrat- ed here by a grand deoaonetration on 1110 121h of July Thirteen lodges or more have sent word thakthey will meet here. Every effort is being tint forth to maks accommo- dation for the visitors. rising a number of years sines the Orangemen celebrated tbo 121h here, there will no doubt be a 1 irge crowd. Delegates to the county nimble allowed groat wisdom in selecting Bavfield for this celebration, as everybody •enj ye,: a day at the lake. Braes Baud and speakers have been (matured br the occasion, t)olr out for more partioulare, M1s 3foyin is melting grand inapr.,veMents on they a'i'l trly trim -I im town on Seuie, 'TORN WHITE St SON Publisher and Proprietor Taking Goods ! And lots of people taking them is the order of things at the MARKET STORE. Notwithstanding that tuNi.faymers ar so busy they call around as Usual 6 se- cure the special bargains we offer. We wisk you to remember that we are offer-, ing Sateen Prints, plain in all colors and lovely patterns in. figured, at prices never before sold at in Exeter. J4't test this will you • Also a magnificent lot of Dress Goods in the newest shades, just opened. We were fortunate to sward a large quan- tity Cottons, Cottonades and Shirtings befo're-tho,rise on, these goods, and will sell them at the usual low figures. • We will give all the ;ben ...*d the large job lot of Boots & ShoW*.hich-We- can sell below original 44iits,. arid. make ;money. Come right inftid secure some • of them. J. P. ROSS-. -::A4tirk.O. Store. The BrOiseds Poet; gdiee the following particulars of the -Arial run -away accident -which cieeurred -there a few evenings mule : MeKenzie, foreman at Coleman's salt' work's, who had just finished loading a 'oar of salt, was returning up town with his team from the station, and when opposite the terrace near the corner of Queen and Turnberry streets. the rein got over the end of the tongue, Mr. McKenzie stopped the team and walked out between the horses on the tongue and removed the rem, and was returning again to the wagon, when he slipped, bat reeovered himself. A. party on the aide walk remarked that he was in a dangtenes position. In reply he said he guessed he would get back all right, but at that instant one of the hones made a bound and ne fell between them. and they ran up town; the wheel of the wagon striking him on the aide of the head, breaking the skull in for about three Mabee. Several parties ran to bins but he only breathed abant five minutes. He leaves a wife aud six small children to mourn his untimely end, Mc- Kenzie came here about three years ago. and was liked by thoee having dealings with him and was well spoken of by his employ- ers as being a good man." Meeers Joseph Romer, Jas Maeuire tied John Alexander, of Ailsa Craig, returned at the elm of last week, from Ann Arbor, where they had been to give evidence against that immoral impostor, "Prince Michael" the venue having boon changed from De- troit to Ann Arbor. Prince Michael was no other than Michael K. Mills, who lived in Aides. Craig between A78. and 1885, and ran a turning faetory there. first for him- self and later for Meas. Mitehell & Owen There he acquired the unenviable repu- tation of being a liar, and a crank of a mean and jealoue disposition. which pre- vented in his own home all domestic felicity. His seven years' residenoe here ended bv his absconding from the Orem. The trial at Anu Arbor lasted nearly three days. at the ead of which the jury found him guilty and the Judge sentenced. him to five years at Sate Prison JairCituartOoll. x. T. Andersen of Harris. on the 17th June had wheat growing on his farm measuring 4 feet Gi inohes long. A young man named McLean, of ',Guelph aged 23 years went to Seaforth the other day to work at his trade He took sudden. ly ill of cholera Mertens and died the night he arrived. The Woodstock and Seaforth foot ball olube played at Soaforth last week, the home team beating the visitor. The cham- pionship fer tbe western distiict belongs to Detroit team, The Windaor Record says: -With the signal as ;is:emcee of the emiuent Daniel Metialooteaddy Robert Birmingham meats to pull J. fi. Patterson through an easy winner if Weet Heron should be nwain opened. A Christian EaLavor Union for C.., county of Huron was organized at S.;:lf.-‘r last weok with the following officers: J. 0. Snaith, Sonforth, Pres. J. Grigg E miter, Secy. Miss McGregor, Brueefield, Troaeur- er. The well known strengthening properties of iron, combined with other tonics and a most perfect nervine, are found in Carter's Iron Pills, which strengthen the nerves and body, and improve the blood aud com- plexion. Mr. John T. Diokson has received from his farm in Tnekersmith some samples froin a fear -acre lot of red Clawson wheat he is growing. The present crop is the product of a small sample lot he grew last year, and judging by the heads now he will have a magnificent yield of very superior grainhe Twoman Fisher. who strayed away from her home at Bennailler, near Goderich the other day, and WhOPe husband was in Londoh looking for her on Thursday. was about Komoka on Friday eolioiting money wherewith to purchase a ticket for Sarnia. Those who oonversed with her are inclined to. the opinion that her mind is unhinged. HEAT AND COLD. -The use of the hands, as in washing in hot water, then ex- posing them to extreme °old, is prolific of very. commen misery. Mr. Robert Simpeon, 71 Barkley St, Toronto, Ont., writes Oct- 2, 1891, as follows : -"St.Jacob's Oil cured me of rheumatic oramps of the hands after all other treatment failed me. ;My hands were much, evrolleo and painful, and for a time 1 wag imarly,helpless; however, thanks to the pa agie tongs Of 'St. Jambs Oil, short- ly after itregen I was relieved, and ultima- telv, entirelsanneed.. I now always have a 1t118 o$ SI:itjliaocert onee vci,L. PERTH. Nr, John Franoie, of Dagen, had a vale - able horse killed by lightning daring the etorm that passed over here on Thursday night last. Ur. Sylvester Saliabury sawed:two cords and a half of beech and maple foar foot wood, once through, in seven hours, for Mr. Jae Sills on Wednesday. How is that frr a boy in his 89th year? Mr. Fred Dafton, of the Mitchell wooll- en mills, says that the wool orop this year will turn out about the same as in 1891, brit cleaner and better shorn. It is coming in in large quantitiee, and commands 170ts. mph per pound, or 19 ate., if trade is taken. Lion. Speaker Ballantyne was °limn by the Woodstook Board of Trade on Taeaday evening to, represent that board at the Chamber of Commerce Congress, to be held in London, Rag., during the latter part of this month. The body of Mrs. .?.Tealon arrived from Kentucky on Tuesday and WM conveyed to Trinity church cenwtery for burial. The deceased was a Blies a if Mr. V. Nixon, of Hibbert, and she WES buried beside lter mother at Trinity ohnacti in conformity with her own wish Mr Jae. Dow, of Hibbert, returned home from Manitoba on Saturday morning last. He went to the Prairie Province with a cargo of horses about two months ago and did very -well in his venture. Ile entertains great hope for the great North West becom- ing a grand country someday, and he thinks he may return to that land again sometime tbis BUT mer. Mr. Alex. Campbell, left Mttchell ou the morning train Thursday for a trip to the old lana where he expecte to spend fivo or six weeks. H.e was aecorapanied by Mr. McLaren, of Logan. In the afternoon of the FRAHO day Mr. W. Thomson left to catea flame beet ot r al: Mr. Thomson will visit all the large bashiess centres of Scotls,nd and England, .aending most of the time iti end abort Glasgow, Michael Ellen, of Inshtown, met with an accident the other day while raising a barn an the farm of James Lannon, on the Heron Road, near Seaforth, Mr. Rhea had occasion to use an adze and it glanced off the wood and the corner went into the bone of the leg. The wound was sewed up and dressed, and after a rest Mr. Klien bit much better. Mr. Klien will soon be able to resume walk. , David Shine was placed on trig at the Perth quarter Sessions on Saturday charg- ed with having assaulted his father, Daniel Shiue, with intent to kill him. A painful *is eircurastance about the ease was that the • chief withessee againat the prisoner were hos father, his brother and his sister. The assault was alleged to have :taken plebe on A pril 30, at the blacksmith shop of Daniel Shine, township of Mornington. The pries ener, who is 33 years of age, remained in the box during the trial with his face buri- ed in his bands. The jury found the prigs oner entity of common assault, but irre- sponsible by reason of his ineanity. Ho will remain in jail awaiting the soden of the Lieutenant Governor. dee Orangevini, April 4th, 1892. Dr. t4. A. Smith & Co.: Dear Sirs, ---Anti-Dandruff is evidently 01 fog satisfaction. I have sold about hat ef the gioss I bought from you on the 23r1 of ,Tanuary last, I"n my own family and like it well. Can ie.:ion:re:tend it to all who ere troubled with dandrra Thrtre Thos. Stevenson.