HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-6-23, Page 8D INSURANCE .' 1-il $TLLLIOT.A.G NTFOR .w-_dTEE WESTERN ASSURANCE 00X. tNT, of Toronto; also for thePriCEINIA Ir,EKII f11SUlead?10E Cr111I1'ANY ,or uondon; zgland, Alil IAAr111 INSUIt&NCE COM - NY of England., E d-;rl OUR MRill ?pei' DISPLAY. y.ARGEST STOCK, BEST ASSORTMENT, NEWEST DESIGNS. LOWEST PRIDES, J. G R IGG'S. (Tao 'Mater.) Exeter. DOWN DOWN DOWN C+C> w3 c P�vxCFB AT TFII:.... Big Bankr'upt Store. Previous to enlarging and remodel- s r;,; our Big Store, we are going to give customers a big benefit. See how are going to do it ; 2' pounds Granulated Sucer for $1 ;S pounds of bright Sugar for . 1 ' pounds Baking Soda for 8o :3 pounds best now Raisins for ':Se 211}o per pound for our best Japan Tea, pounds best Starch fort o best Corn Sta oh S peer package. for 250 Best DomeStove Polish 13e N P Soap 14o for 31b bar. r bars Dingman's Electric Soap for «.o 7 bare Famous Soap for 2.5o. Clem bars Toilet Soap for 25e rostcauned. Salmon for Ile 't pound box Soda Blaouita for 22o 1 pound lax Soda 13saeuita for80. pouods evoked Soda Biscuits for 25e }test Pickles. t+int bottle, 13o ; o lsrooms for 23e. beat Rice, 0 pounds for 950. ';eat -Trews Cofeo.210 `oat 01115c per gallon. 1f you miss this chance you will regret . •:s we certainly can't promise to re - these Iines when once sold out. ry-Guutls, Boots tS, Shoes, Ready - le and Ordered Clothing all go.,at price. ...est Curtain Poles, complete for 20c. Ci nue -quick. J. A. ST.WART. f ex's rr 1.1101',A , MMw A.V ,,.. 414 THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1892. 4 OMA1r HAPPENINGS. °annals. .;,11 M. Hawkabaw is elating friends w Vork.—Mr. P. 13awden, druggist' r'. lgetcwn,was in town this week calling iD :sial many friends.—Mr. Garnet Hynd. ;ri is hem fir a. short time, --Rev, Mr. -''irti`,^:. •r'tn-'ni i.,,...o arms, fl`- «1,4 nr'.•=•,- n Friday .Inst, nitwit oenoilted in • Jtb,audon *Monday eyeniogwas accord - hearty receptive by Ms congregation e' • church.—A pleasant evening was ▪ in social chat, and other entertain- ' . The rev. gentleman was heartily ell back by evPxit late —Rev. Mr. ."Ft orbs: ~•'~; reached in the Main,at rirodiat church on Sunday last, while :leDonagh officiated during the day at ., klippen Camp Meeting.—Mr. Manning f ('"buten is visiting friends in town.—Mr .iii Mrs. Rev. D M. Ramsay of Mount t are visiting friends in town, --Quite : nber , L the Royal Tempters of Tern - ice visited Hensel on Tuesday to eat—.ell the District Meeting of the Society ti.er'.---141r.Samuel Popplestone represents n, i';xeter Lodge L O.O.F. at the district Nc,-}ing in Seaforth this week. --Rev. 11r. T:13, ,ss11 yesteru'a v receh e t a telegram from :lee -Mg Cross announcing the serioas Bl- ames of his father, and last eveuing took ti -'e train for there. --Mr. Robt. Creery of ti> ebr me leaves this week for the Old Coun- try cm n, visit. We wish him bon voyage ae,1 a safe return.—Mrs G. x. Oattes, of Clinton is visitiorr her mother Mrs. Thos. Gregory. --Miss Maggie Waulaest of Duluth. ie viaiting`in Exeter and vicinity.—Mrs. C Smith of Exeter north is recovering from her recent severe illness. --Mr. Trick of Mitten is the guest of Mr.George Samwell for a few days.—Mr. Samuel Cornish and ;sixrily Ieave this (Thursday) morning for the Old Country. Miss Fanny Batvden of ri:Meter. and Mr, John McCurdy of Kirk ton will also sail by the same boat. Miss Bowden goes to South Moulton, Devon- shire, where she will visit friends for a time. --Miss Wilson of Prospect Hill, after a few weeks' visit at Mr. J. P. Ross' re- ed hrme on Tuesday. -Mr. and 'Mrs.• .deo«rte Weekes, of Strathroy, visited at Mr. Wm.'Dearing's this week —Dr. Rol- ling has wholly recovered from Ms recent severe attack of sickness.— Mr. D. Johns, P. M., is progreasing nicely. -Miss Feign-' son who has been attending the Ottawa 'normal School the past season, is home here for a time.—Mr. Case of the London Road left on Monday for the "Soo. ---A yriuug Mr. Bagshaw left on Tuesday for Detroit. --Miss Carley is visiting friends in Clayton, X. V. -vis. Thos. Dearing, who, some weeks ago underwent the painful operetien of having a toe taken from each Toot, is again on his feet. He was oonfin- n to iris bed four weeks, and suffered con- r,iderable pain. Wearing tight and narrow toed shoes in his younger days is what Mr 3; gives as a cause for the toes growing wogether.—Mr. Wm. Hawkahaw of Sea - forth was an town yesterday,—Mr. Wm.: Ballentine, License Inspector was in town onWoduesday on official business,- Brevitte The Counoil met last eventing and pass eel a few accounts. Strawberries are new on the maxket, e good yield and fine berries. • Mr. Aubry shipped a load. of driving horses from here on Monday:, The Excursion to Port Tinton yesterday was fairly well attended frem Exeter. The usual shipments of stock have been made from this station during the week, 13. S. O'Neil has sold his -driving horse "Jubilee" to a foreign buyer for the alum of $200. Gent jars and sugar will be in demand immediately. You eon get supplied at J. P, Clarke'rs. The Excite - gist mill is workiag day - and night to "lit large orders • for flour daily received ° The Presbyterian SundaySchools along the litre picnic at Goderioh to -day instead oflast Thursday. A new flour and feed stets has started in town, making the third. There must be millions in it. Messrs. J. and S. planning are negotiat- ing for the purchase of a butchering busi- ness in Ridgetown. The farmers are now doing statute labor and the country roads in eonsegaenoe are in bad shape for travel. After July 1 next life insurance agents in order to legally do business, will require to take out a license. The hay crop gives promise of being abundant this season, and will be harvest- ed before the 12th July.. This week fiuds us with choice patterns in Chailiea at l0c per yard,atJ.P,Clarke'a, suitable for the warm aeason, Frog fishing has commenced and the anglers report some big catches. The season promises to be a good one. Swiss myelins in stripes and checks, and Swiss !skirtings and embroideries, choice patterns and designs at J. P. Clarke's, The London Falcon Band will play at the Strawberry Festival in Centralia on July let. This Festival will be the ceutro of attraction. The exhibition of fancy sewing at Per- kins & Martin's last week was examined by a largeuumber of ladies who appreciated the work, There will he a concert in Drew's Opera House on the evening of July 1st, by the Falcon. Guitar Club of London, See bills and programs for particulars. The In.lepeuelent Order of Foresters will attcn•i Diviner *service in the Presbyterian clot rub next Sunday at 2.30, when Rev Mr Martin will preach a special sermon, The sale of black dress geode is not gov- erued by the hot weather. They are every day goods. We think no better seleotiou is seen in Exeter than at J. P. Glarke's.. Prints and lateens will be sold at prices deeerving the call of every lady. The sea- son has :been against the sale of prints uutil now; please calf and get aupplied at J. P. Clarkes, The Winchelsea foot ball team was to have played a match with the Exeter sen. team on Tuesday evening, but owing no doubt to the threatening rain, deferred their visit, Remember the Strawberry Festival in the James Street church on Friday evg. of this weal-, ce.td. the - tiv el and Lewn Saoiai oa Mr. RAI. Verity's lawn on Mon- day evg., June 27th. It has been reported that the Exeter i'4 onllen Mills_ are not buying wool as they have all they need. 3hia„ is not so ; they require a large quantity yet,for which they will pay elle Iirt_w+aah price. There is uousideraltointerest t manifest t in Wocdstouk over the Dunlop cure for druuke:tness, and many cases are reported cured. It mictht 11e well ro introduce this trea'ment in Exeter, with profit. e wift'„ i.r.mst. which halt emelt tails, ie ono -u he tremolo to the naked eye any morning before dawu,but up to date it has failed to reveal itself with even one,appen- dage to the people of this vicinity. The teachers will do Tao Trams a favo r by seudiog in the moutbly remelts of their schools regularly and promptly. The re- ports are au inspiration to the children and therefore productive of good results. Are you going anywhere this summer by ocean, lake or rail f If you are, it will be to your interest toed! on Capt.Geo.Kemp, town hall, Exeter. Special rates to the Northwest. ju2-4t A by-law was recently passed by the yo,vn oouncil of Ingersoll changing the time for making the assessment to the linen Lbs 01 July, August and September, `instead of in March, April and May, as in the past. A gentleman, and one who was greatly in favor of having the market moved to the town hall, says he is strongly in the notion of making the Council an offer for the gran growing around theold market building. This is surely cruel 1 There are some people living in this district who will only have one birthday to celebrate for nearly ten years to come. The strange circumstance is due to the fact that they were born on Feb. 29, and to the further fact that the year 1900 will not be a leap ye:vr. The heat and rain continue each day with increased strength, mach to the de- triment of the fall wheat, 'whish for the most part, is headed out and coloring. It should be ready for cutting in two weeks, and if the weather does not affect the wheat the yield will be very large. Two old and respected citizens ofExeter passed peacefully away in death last week in the parsons of William Smale of Sou sh Exeter, and Mrs. Nesmith of Exeter north Each had attained a good age. Mr..Smale was taken suddenly ill,while Mrs. Nesmith` had been ailing for months, her death being expected. She was mother of Dr. Nesmith of Staffa. At>bhe County .Court Sittings of this County held in Goderich last week by His Honor, Judge Toms, one of the actions for trial was brouvht by Mr Henry Lovett, formerly of this place against Martin Bros. of Mount Forest. The action was for 9200 damages for breach of contract by the de- fendants to accept 6 care of oats at. 50 ate per bush in July last. A number of grain. merchants were examined as witnesses in the case. Judgment reserved. R. H. Collins for the plff, and Kingston, Q. C., of Mount Forest for deft. Yesterday (Wednesday) about noon death relieved the sufferinga of Mary E. Armstrong, wife of Mr. Chas. Neil. Mrs. Neil had been ill for over a year, Prom the effects of la grippe, of which she had a severe attack, heart disease and dropsy b. the direct m f deet h D a Bing le ire came e e . • see 9 ed was 36 years 8 months old, and ha-' always enjoyed comparatively good. health She leaves a husband and small family, and el wide emit) of friends and relatives to mourn her death. The 'funeral will take place from her husband's residence on Fri- day at ]0 o'clock, a. m., for Christ Church cemetery, McGillivray. Card of TI»sukM, To Taxer Qr1'zoass Aro Msuneas os' L, 0. L, 924. permit me to rendez Yoe publialaeltuowledge- rnent for the many lcindueases, the ready asais- tanooand brotherly treatment and attention of which try lice husband, nour deoensod brother, was the reoivient at your hands durioghia long illness. I bo also to eekoowledge with my beat thanks, the receipt of $1.000,00 which was. to -day reeelved by me from the trend Lodge. being the amount of endowment certificate held by my departed huebaodi i your benevolent erect, You have done much to mitigate my sorrow and afllietion Yours very truly June 14th, 1592, Sanaa Axe Fi aovsox. The Weekly Shoot. The weekly shooting match, uncles the auspices of the Exeter Gun Club, was field on Thursday evening last. The competi- tion for the gold medal resulted as follows: E. Bissett 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1-7 J. 'woods 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-9 1J.D• 11 *trawl 11101 411 00-0 J,13issett 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1-8 The silver cup held by Anderson was won by R. 3. Barrett, as follows : . G. Anderson 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1-4 11-1•kaerett 310110111010-7 18 tAttractions. 4WoJuly have often known of people being ut a last: to know how to spend a ho'iday. Thiswill surely not be the case with any on the coming lst July, There is aimed - apt attractions, and the trouble :will be to choose the best. With a Strawberry Festival at Centralia as well as atEhmville, and "other erose -corner amusements at various points it will he wlxieh shall prove the beat enceose. They will all bare their attractions for the different tastes; and if anyone should say he passed a lonesome day it will be his own fault. Installation of Officers, Court Pride of Huron, Ancient Order of Forestors,met in the Royal Temples Hall, Exeter, on Friday evening last at 8 o'elook. This being their first regular meeting since organising, the officers were installed ;-- Bro. Jas .4teheaon. keine' Chief Ranger; Sub Chief,Bro. fosse Weatcott; Past:Chief Bro, R. Richardson; Treasurer, Bro Louis Day; Secretary, Bro. R. Pickard: Sen. Woodward, Bro. A. Bagshaw; Jun. Wood- ward, Bro. T. Noaton; Sen, Beadle, Bro. J. R. Wilson; Jun. Beadle, 13r'o. C. Wilson, After the regular routine of business was over, Bro. L. Day presented the new court on behalf of Bre, Richard Taylor, P. D. C. R. and P. C. R, of Court Pride of Dominion, with a neatly finished pair of Gavels, and Bro. A. J. Stephens of ,Brantford presented a very neat frame. for the Charter on f3ro.1elDay's behalf. After a very hearty vote of thauka had 'Veep tendered to the donors and visiting lei th- ren ith- ren from Zurich, Sesforth, Mensal), and Brantford,e, move waa•made to the Ceutral Hotel where the members and visiting brethree, aere entertained to hutch. Bro. A. J. Stevens presented Bro. L. Day with a handsome A. O. F'pin and Bro. Richard- son with a pair of cuff buttons. Aft lr the usual songs anti toasts bad been gone through, the visiting brethren lefsfortbeir respective homes well pleased with their evenings catertainment. Straw Hats 1 Straw Hate!! the beat value in Straw Hats I have ever carried. This week gives yon prices that will suit you at J. P. Clatke's. The Exeter Cricket Club went :c Peg. forth on Tuesday to play a inatd' a iththe elutb of that town, The Seatoith team winning by 3 runs. Ladies f for bleached cottons, gray cot. tons, table linens. table damasks, art gnus• line, sateen curtains, solemn curtains, lace, You will find them at J. P. Clarke's.. The Grana Trunk people eetimato the cost of the recently proposed switch to tl.o Verity Pow Works at about $3000. There is a wide difference between their figuring and that of those in Exeter who said it would oast $6,000. The young man who interfered with bailiff Gill on lronday, while performing duties pertaining to his office, may eonaider himself lucky in netting off as safely as be dirt. T! i11 For 'ia *ire* ' +.•in+ .... Ir ; `. otticer of the len*. The Bailiff can arrest without a warrant an a moment's notice. The married and single men played a game of foot ball on Tuesday evoniug on the old nee course grounds The married men were beaten 2 to 0 in the abort apace of ten minutes. This will knock the eou- ceit out of the benediets who thaonht it would be the easiest thing to beat the young men. Tho Exeter Driving Park will bo opened on July lsi by a summer meeting of the Assoexatiou. It is the fastest half -mile track in Western Ontario and with some of the very hest horses entered, the races will be worth seeing. The amount of prizes is 9425, so that a good meeting is assured. Dominion Day, 1st July; is the date. The longest day of the year, 21st June, was on Tuesday. when the sunny summer was at its height. From the 19th to the 25th inclusive, the day's length, or dur- ation of daylight, extends over a period of 15 hours, 26 minutes in each of the 24 hours—these are the longest cerins of day light in the year. For the same week next mouth there will be 23 minutes less. The ahortest day of the year is 21st Dec. when Old Sol gives to electric light or coal oil, after a short reign of eight hours and 56 minutes. It has now been definitely decided that the Verity Plow Virorka will leave . Exeter some time this summer, the Brantford Council having granted the ooncessiona asked by the Verity Co. Brantford gives exemption from taxation for a number of years to the Works,' puts in a switch and places the Massey -Harris concern at a_fix- ed assessment of $41,000 for ten years. Exeter did her best to retain the Works, but to no avail, the Brantford bait, togeth er with the pressure of the Maasey-Barris Co. was•. stronger; and won the pull. His many friends in Exeter and through out the South Riding of Huron, were sore- ly pained on Friday last to hear of the sudden demise of Mr. John G. Holmes, in Toronto. Overwork at the courts had tax ed hie sleeping faculties, and in order to promote the wonted sense of sleep he took morphia, but the dose being too big he was soon rendered unconscious, and died.' 11 will be remembered that the deceased'con- tested South Huron at the late Provincial election against Mr. A. Bishop the present member, and eltho' making a strong fight was defeated . by a comparatively small majority; He was a clever and promising young lawyer, and was destined fo make his meek both and the field of politics and at the bar. PROGRESS. It is very important in this age of vast material progress that a remedy be pleaaiug` to the taste and to the: eye, easily+ token, acceptable to the aiomach arid healthy in its nature and effects, Poeaossiug these qualities, Syrup of Figs is the one perfect laxative and most gentle diuretic known, D RGAINS, RICHARD PICKARD & SON. 13A11.0,4I37. Are clearing their stook regardless of cost. Now is the time to get Dry-G-oods, Millinery, Boots and Shoes, Ordered & Ready-made Clothing, Crockery, Glassware, Plated ware, Etc., ;etc., at DISCOUNTS ranging from 10 to 50 per cent. for .CASH. RICHARD PICKARD & SON. t,r.J` A .a..a 1,4 'Aud see our lines of B D QQ1/1 SUITES And .SID BOARDS e.= Main= EzeterrumitureFactory A splendid Bed -Room Suite in Maple or Cherry for 89.00. Sideboards from $S.00 upwards. Gall While the Stook Lasts Remember the stand; -.,Taro doors North of Towit Hall, Exete, WALT. ANDREWS BO)RN. II1c1 .—) a Stephen, on the 16th inst,. the wife of John hicks, a daughter. ltolve.--In Exeter, on the 17th inst., the wife of Mr. R. N. Bowe. a (bughter. hf raIIIIXE D. tt r—AT' g«ax—In Blanshard, on the 3rd bee, atthe residenesof the brides father, lrtir las-., by Rev. Mr. Button, Mr` James Kemp of the 4th line to Miss Elizabeth, :'evetlth ,laughter of Mr.,hfines Atkinson. Y1I la). Wa-say —In Alitahcla on the 120h inst., Mary Ann, robot of the late Allan atson, at the ago of 91 years. I')rrT3n.-,In Crotnnrty,on thol8th inrt..Sarah jute), wl a of Mr. 11ugh Mtlltr, aged 31 yrs, 10 menthe. Sstatte--In Exeter. no the lath isiot„ �'illiau: Srultlo, aged72 years f months, 1 &isitire. —In Exeter, on the 16th inst., Mary Nesmith. aged 78 years c Exeter, on the 22nd Inst„ Mary E, beloved-viieof 11r, Obits. Neil, aget1S6 yrs, 8 ntuutlts Sntr>;r:r.--nn Sunday.l2th Inst, at the home ?otiulofather, 3i hi/l s aged 17 y ears. second Im South Huron Conservatives • A Mass Meeting of the Conservatives of Salta _°.1lo' s a1+ sonar•,,tf„d for Provmnonsl „atl,uses,will behold i.a Yiudgias'Ball. in the Village of Mensal', an Tuesday the 88th day of June, Instant, at the hour of 1 o'clock,p., m.for the transaction of important businesa. and the selection of It candidatetu contest the Riding at the next election. The Riding is comprised of Seaforth, Exeter, Tlayfield,and t eTownsllipsof Ushorne;Stephen Hai. Staniey,1uokersmith, and a portion of Godorieh. A tame and full representation from each of the above Municipalities is requested and all loyal Conservatives are invited to attend. M. J. WRITE, JOIII CORRANCE, Serer, Pres. Dated this 18th daY of Suns. 1802. World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. t=IIIE GOVERNMENT OF TEE DOMINION of Canada has accepted the invitation of the Government of the United States to take north) the World's Columbian Exposition, to be heldin Chicago from lst May to 31st October 3893, Aa it is important that every full display of Canadiin products !somatic on that °tension a general invitation is extended to Canadian• Producers and manufacturers, in agriculture. hortieulture,produets offoreata,fisher)es,minor cls, machinery, rnanufactnres,arts &o.,to assist in bringing together such a display of the nat- ural resources and industrial products of Canada as will be a credit to the oountry.. An Executive Commissioner for Canada has been appointed, who will have the general charge of the exhibits and the allotment of space, and the sevetai Provincial Governments have been invited to co-operate with the view of reakingthe exhibition as complete and sat- isfactory as possible.. .',L'ne Dominion Government will pay the trans- port of exhibits Rothe andraturnsng,and for the placing of articles sent. Entries must be made not later than 31 stJuly. The reception of, articles at the lrxpcsition buildings will commence 1st November,1892,and allexbibits,excepting live stook, must be in plaee by 1st Aprtl.1193. Forms of application for apace and general information can be obtained on applying by letter, post free, to the undorsignsd. WM. SAUNDERS. Executive Commissioner for Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, 2601 April, 1892. XEOUTOR'S...NOTICE. To creditors of \Villiant Alvin Brook, of the Village of Exeter,in the County of Huron deceased. b'otice is hereby, given pnrsnnnt rto Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887:elle et. 1.1110. that all creditors and others havint 1 ,ioisagainst the estate ,of William Alvin Ceroult, ]ate of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron. de- ceased, who died ten or alluut the first day of Mareh.t1892, are hereby required to send be post, prepaid,: or deliver to the undersigned executors of the said deceased. on or before the fifteenth day of July, '1192, a statement (in writing) • of their names and addresses, and full Particulars of their claims and a statement of ail seouritiea (if any) heldby thom,iduly veru- lied. Andnotioelis furtlior,giyen,Ithat after the last mentioned date the executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceas- ed, among the parties entitledlthereto,'having regard only to the clams of which notice shall here been given as above required, and will not be liable foe the said assets or ens part thereof to aey'person of whose' claim they shall' not htionave, had notice at the time ;of such distribu- - hseT11 Dli liarltor:sslfi Executors; Exeter, P, Q. Dated June 7th ,1402, at Ont. ilj had. on, eahibxtioh at one time s, horse j covered with Sheep skins, which he and being askef why he did this, oh, he kaid the public like to. lea humbugged. Now we do not propose to adopt this plan of hum- bugging the people by exhibiting a Mountain Goat, but simply. to state , FACTS which WE ARE PREPARED to CARRY OUT At all times. When a Merchant tells you he is GIVIN ..4:111141.11' GOO You can count to a moral certainty on the statement be- ing false or when aa,�� ""��Merchant sells you an article at or .aL COST You may depend that he will make it up on something else before he ,'bets through with you. There must be some profit or a merchant can't live. But Carling Bros' surveil: "cwt S and therefore we offer everything at the very smallest margin of profit consistent with honesty and fair dealing, The best discount we can offer is 5 per cent.of for Cash Butter 130 ; Eggs 10• in trade, We solicit a ca,ll, CAnLffi ,; OtOs4 4;" ASV , ; " -•. *moi -r.� +ten At t r atiit,6 41' 4424 AT . The Tailorx m` My Stock being too large it must be reduced at once Note some of the prices t-- $16 Fine Tweed Suit for $12,50 $20 Fine Worsted. Suit for .•$17 A dandy Tweed Suit for $10 (Well -made and good trimmings) See our 750 Tweeds for 80c. �. See our 60e Tweeds for 45c We out our own goods free of charge on shortest notice. „ �, WE HAVE A Very Large Range of Partings V AT PRICES THAT WILL SUIT THE PEOPLE. In this Sale we will make a specialty of ' 4'A,''a Of which we have a big Mock in all Styles. selling at these rices les in hard and soft Hats we are s P ".Clic LatestSty5 1.25 Fine Fur Hat for 80c. $1.20 do $1. 2.50 ' �, ao. In Rubber Coats, we have them. of the finest quality for $10,50, worth, $14..Call and see the Goods and you will be convinced. REMEMBER THE+ R PLACE, H GRIE VE S.