HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-6-23, Page 5ONE) UlVjairS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys. tem effectually, dispels colds, head, aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro, diieet -:p41,easin.g to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, ite many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. SS*sup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes `o try it. Manufactured only by the "ALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO„ SAN FRANCISCO, OAL. *.O C5VT_LLEi1, FS'. NEW SORS,1>i. IA 1 For Sale at C. Lute's Drug Store 76.t the lust Blanchard Council meeting, John Elliott of St. Marys was awarded the oontraot for the erection of two bridges. AN EASY' WASH SIMPLE ANOCLEAN 0 •j/irf/ I, A Without Hot Steam and Smell Without Washing Powders Without Hard Rubbing Without Sore Hands THESE ADVANTAGES ARE OBTAINED BY USING. Aq, Which has been awarclecl 7 Gold Medals for Purity and Excellence, Its UNEQUALLED QUALITY has given it the largest sale in the world.. • You can use " Sunlight" for all.pur- poses, and ie Dither hard or soft water.. Don't use washing powders as with other soaps. "Sunlight" is better without. worms: PT. SUNLIGHT 'LAST m ., LIetllnn men nut semmAn !rotr0Nro Dr. J. W. White, son of Postmaster White of St.1Iarys, has left for the North west, intending to,prsotioe as a med oo at Edmonton. IO -C;S -. SOX. SATTCIIi0C, LCCT (CITY WU.. mina You AND nee.. yrs..,IN NLA4TH, en=MUSICAL T,ICATMCNT• ',rues Or 00.T*, 9a. Aa. *10, 5,.. CNC WAIST mrmsunW. PIC 14114. PARTICULARS. JUDO 14I,YCTITI^ t„':... „ t:JCLLINOTON STRCCT CAST. TORONTO. CANADA. meee We propose to adopt the following method of increasing the circulation of the Canadlo..n Mueic Folio and extending our musk trade. Every person who has a plane, organ, band instrument or musical instrument of' any kind or is interested in music in any way will profit by helping us. We want to reach the consumers direct and supply all the standard and latest m uslc at trade rates, in proof f of which wo quote the following copyright music among the contents of our next number, which is a-, retail way would cost$a.4o: Ta-ra-ra-boom (Polka), A,L.E,D., 4ac.;Geraldine (\Voltz), Hutchins, 6oe,: Sylvia. (Bon -Ton), Monk, 4oc.; Love's Sorrow (Vocal), Shelley, soe.; Only Promise (Vocal), Howard, Doc. We ask our subscribers to send us the name atone piece they desire, and that selected by a majority will be published in our next issue. Do not lose sight of tin filet thatin addition to receiving $as.00 worth of music in our Folio per year, you can save one-half or more on all orders you place with us. We do notadvertise to give everything, but we give you we advertise and would ask not to associate our business or methods with those that might appear at first sight to be ail -similar nature. Readthis carefully, think over it, and in addition to your own judgement we invite the inspection of Toronto's three leading daily papers to corroborate our statement regarding the merit of it. Ai3peciat offer to bands. The town or village sending in the largest number of sub - seri ter thirty for one year's subscription at Ss.00 each, to their band will be given a complete eui of uniform or band instruments to the value of $joo, and to the smallest number above ten n it in, a complete set of caps. Each subscription received from indiviluals from towns and village is also credited to their band list, thereby placing your band in a position to win the prize. The above cut represents a fence on tthich a sign of three words has been painted, which has been pulled down and in being rebuilt the boards were misplaced. Cut out the letters, paste them on a piece of paper so that the three words thereon will read in their proper sense, and enclose with same thirty cents in silver (or :o three -cent stamps) by letter to us for one month's trial subscription' to the Folio. The proprietors of the Canadian Music Folio will give an elegant Upright Piano manufactured by Tho Mendelssohn Piano Company, Toronto, ono of the most reliable makers In Canada, (catalo ued price of which is $sso.00 with manufacturer guar- antee for five years,) to the roth person sending in the correct answer to above puzzle. To the Doth sending in a correct answer will be given a Solid Gold Watch ($85.00); to the 3ath, loth and 5oth, a pair of Genuine Diamond Earrings ($3o.00 each); to the 6oth, 7oth, Both and Both, .. choice of find Guitar, Banjo or Violin ($rs•oa each); to the tooth, a beautiful Music B each ($so.00); to succeeding asth to the close will be given a valuable bound album of Eng music for any voice or instrument selected by the winner, and to each of the last fifty will be given Folio free for one year. This is your opportunity to get good music cheap by responds " quickly and inducing all your friends to do likewise. To all those who are bandsmen or interesteq band business we call particular attention to this their greatest chance of not only equipp themselves thoroughly with either instruments or uniforms, but of placing themselves in connectik with the publishers direct, thereby securing all music they desire at trade rates. Do not forget di under any circumstances you will receive eight times tho value of your remittance fir any one number. Each letter will be numbered in order received before being opened, and Mr. Thos. Fane, of Toronto, the best-known and Largest bicycle manufacturer In Canada, has kindly consented to open the letters and announce the names of prize -winners. We cordially invite all subscribers to our office when in the city. All answers must be mailed to us July loth. Address t CANADIAN MUSIC FOLIO, 86 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. 44144. Gives good appetite. -Sire, -I think your valuable medicine cannot be surpassed, se - cording to the benefitl received from it. After suffering from headache and loss of appetite for nearly four years, I tried B. B. B. with the greatest success, finding it gave me great relief and good appetite. I now enjoy good health which Iowe to yonr val- uable medicine. Miss Minnie Brown, London, Ont. •46 erma 9 sel ru G. Gloger, Druggist, Watertown, Wis. This is the opinion of a man who keeps a drug store, sells all medicines, comes in direct contact with the patients and their families, and knows better than anyone else how remedies sell, and what true merit they have. He hears of all the failures andsuccesses, and can therefore judge "I know of no medicine for Coughs, Sore Throat, or Hoarseness that had done such ef- fective work in my Coughs, family as Boschee's Sore Throat, German Syrup. Last winter a lady called. Hoarseness, at tray store, who was suffering from a very severe cold. She could hardly talk, and I told her about German Syrup and thata fewdoses would give re- lief; e-lief; but she had no confidence in patent medicines. I told her to take a bottle, and if the results were not satisfactory I would make no charge for it. A few days after she called and paid for it, saying that she would never be without it in future as s. few doses had given her relief." O English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem• iches from horses, Bleed Spavin, Onrbe, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, eta Save $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Oure ever known. Sold by 0, Lutz. 0-20 ly Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind on human being or animals, cured in30 min notes by Woolford's sanitary lotion This never fails. Sold by 0. Lute. Out. 9,-Iy xtr flr Mills, AIA.RKE'11 REPORTS. Wheat .. 80e to 82c per bushel OUR SE1./LINiG• PRICES.' Flour, Strong Bakers' „n, $2.50 per 100 do Best Family 2,25 "J do Low Grade 1.75 Bran .. 70c "t Shorts, 80c Chop $1.09 to $1,20 Ohop stone running every day. TUE EXETER I%IILLING cos. NARKET REPORTS. EEETER Redwheat Spring Wheat Barley Oats Qlov er seed Timonhy Peas Corn Eggs •-. 76 to 78 -.• 76 to 78 d8 to4G 28 to i3 700to750 150 to 1'10 • • • 55 to 56 _. • 0 40 to 50 • 9 t 10 Butter ••• - . 12 to is Plourpeibb1 .. •.• 00 to 515 Potatoes,por bnsfiel 50 to 0 65 Apples,-yrer,Dag •-• 1 CO to 1 e0 DriedApplespr b . .... 0 4 to 0 60 Geeee porlb. -- ••. 0 06 to 0 06 Turkey per lb - ... 09 to C9 Ducks per ib ... ... 0 06to 0 07 Chickensperllr -• .,. 0 25 to 0 80 1Fog,seleer.sedpor100 ee .„ 5 50 to 5 75 Beef .., .., .., 4 00 to 5 25 Tlidesrouell , e.4 00 t0 4 00 caressed . ., . 6 00 to 5 25 Bhoopskins each • ..• .,. 0 60 to 70 DaltskiuR - ,,, 0 60 to 0 51 Wool porlb •:- 1 16 to 0 17 Exyporten ,.,10 00 toll co Ouionanerbuets ..• ... 60 to 0 Ot: Woodperoord •.. •., 5000 8 50 s y:4t-have 8 Fait Wheat .A0 a7 Spring Wheat .... AO 8t Barley......' ..... ... 0 8° 0 40 Date 26 29 Clover Seed. ; 00727 Timothy.. 1 r0 1 00 Mese .. .................. 0 f5 0 5e 9010 Butter 33 0 14 Potatoes per ba; 50 05 Apples perbuah Woolperlb Hay pert on Bran per ton .. Shorts " " natmen]porbbi Hogs dressed per 10 " 0. --0-.....- LONDON, Wheat. 61 to e3 per ane. Oats, 31e to e3i porbue. Peas, sic to 57e per bus. Thar Ite,Maltiug• 43l to 43a t•nr bee. Better Feed, 39c to 41e per bus Corn, 071e to 710 per. bushel. 060 18 0 19 10 0011 00 .14 0 74 uta ..,,20 00 20 00 6 00 7 00 560 to 575 TORONTO. Toronto. Jnnel4-Wheat Spring -No. 2,e0c tome per bus; red winter, No 2. 81 a In Ole mer bus. Manitoba No 2hard. f8 to 1 (10 ' o.3, Ole to 93: PEAS Mei to file per bus. t1 ATe lac to 55c per bus. FLOUR, extra. 113 41 to 113.6) por bol; straight roller. $3 e5 to .81,6'1: strong bakers, 91,90 to $5.00. BARLEY, le., 1 feeding, 52e to 51e. OST, Between Heiman and Exeter en Tuesday evening a lady's jacket dark gray, and trim- med with bleak jot beards. Tho finder will bo suitably rewarded by returning to the Livery Stable. Henn 1. T. MURDOCK. BOAR FOB SERVICE . "rho undersigned will keep a tltorn'bred Berk- shire boar for service at A. Berry's Salo and 1leebange Stable, Heesall. TERMS: --Ono dollar at time aeon -ice with privilege of returning if necessary. Tries. PFAItT• J41ARM FOR SALE. 150 acres in the township of Biddulph, ono mile from Luean village, mostly pasturage and meadow.cood and rich. Willbo sold separately or together. One half of purchase monay can remain for five or ten years at five per cont. Good frame outbuildings and a two storey brick house on the promises. Address G. HAMILTON, ju-21m Luoan P. 0. r OST OR STOLEN. 1 Tho public is hereby cautioned not to buy or negotiate a promissory noteIvan l: Jn ob Brown and Beery Koehler in favor of Philip Mauch, or hearer, for the sutra of $200.00 (ewe hundred dollars). with six per cent. interest, dated January 4th,1892,payablein onoyear from dames said promissory nute is only payable to me. HENRY KOEIILER, SR:, Juno 15th, 1892.-n3 Ilay. P. E. Dunn, Clear Creek, Ont. A Sure Relianee.Geotleuien,• - Wo have a family of seven children and have relied ouDr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for the past ten years in all eases of diarr- hoea and summer complaints. It never fails us and has saved many doctor's bills. eteee J. T. Parkinson, Granton, Ont. We regretto learn that Mr, Patrick Kea- ting, sr., of Hibbert township, met with a serious accident bn the evening of the 8th inst, It seems that he was tightening up a wire fence when his hand +lipped and the barbs torn his hand in r frightful manner: He will be disabled for some time. SUJIYIMER COMPLAINT AND DIAEiR- EIOEA.-I can recommend Dr Fowler's Extract 'of. Wild Strawberry for summer oonipleint Mid diarrhoea, as I have used it in my 'family, both for children atd adult+ with the best results, London and St. Mery's cricketers played on the Athletic Park grouudd in St.Marye on Thursday. Tho visitors won by seven- teen rune. A Liberal Triumph;. -.Scores of men,; and women who have always suffered their pre- judieerd to blind them to the merits. o1; Bar - (leek Blood Bitters now uee and praise this. woudferultonic purifier as the best remedy known for dyepepria, constipation and all other blood diseases, NoTuiNG So Goon. -Dear eire,-1 hate need Dr: Fowlee's Retreat of Wild Straw- berry in my family for a number of years, and find nothing so good for diarrhoea and tick stomsehe as It has proved itself to be. 14ra. D. A. Wilson, Ridley P. 0., Out. hituard'e Linireent Is the Baer rast00Sr, rte{ Tenders for leases of locations at Cedar Lake inthe North West Territories. Sealed Tenders addressed to the undersigned, and marked on the envelope "Tenders for lease of leo ation at Cedar Lake to bo opened on the 25th of July, 1592 " will be received at, this de- partme t until noon on Monday the 25th of July next, for leases to explore for amber, and mine the same if found on certain locations at Cedar Lake. in the District of Saskatchewan, )North West Territories. Plans showing the position of the locations in question and information giving the terms and oceditions under which leases will bo is- sued, may be obtained at this Department. Each tender must bo accompanied by an ac- cepted cheque on 0 chartered Bank in favor of the Minister of the Interior, ler the amount of the bonus whieh the applicant is prepared to pay for the lease. A separate tender/mist bo made for each lo- cation. No tender by telegraph;will be enter- tained JOHN HALL, Secretary. Department of the Tet crier, Ottawa. 25th May,1802. READ Tr3IS 'MIDST ALL BLOW AND BLUSTER R. N. : OWE Still takes lead in the Furniture Business 1k.. TO LENT) ON MORTGAGES at lowest rates of interest,' Over $60,009 ere. vete funds, Apply to F.Lo,ror & E mxoP, t3a7tcttors, ate„ Exeter. FOR SERVICE. A There' bred Durham Bull "Young Chester- field; and a Thore'bred BereshiroBoar, on lot , 13 con .1, Terms: 81 each. with. privilege of returning if necessary. WES- SNF1LL. Proprietor; 1892.. •--� SPRIN(;x 1892, Do you want a PIANO, ORGAN, 'BICYCLIC, SEWING MACHINE, BOYS',.& GIRLS' TRICY- CLES, EXPRESS WAGONS? BRA TFORt (NEW PNEUMATIC TIRE y�® CAN CE REPAIRED IN FIVE MINUTES, SEE YOUR BICYCLE HAS ONE. tlikF'D 8Y THE. COOLD BICYCLE Co. LTB•,BRANTFORD, OA If you do, the piaea to get the moat reliable :roods at a modern price is at PERKINS & MARTIN'S. dealers in Musical Instruments, Sewing Machina supplies eta., etc . All kinds of farm. implements sold on a mar - girt ever cost. Agents for the colebrated Chat- ham Wagcn. PERKINS & MARTIN; - Eamon's Block OOI 'S OTTON ROOT OOMPOU.ND, A recent discovery by an old Physician. onty y t auaiuls of i.aon:s Is the only perfect lysafe and reliablemedicine • discovered. Beware of un- principleddruggists who offer inferior medicines in plaoaof telm isek forCOOK'S CorroN ROOT Celt eesn,takenosubstitute; or inclose el and 4 three -cent Canada postage stamps in letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mail. Full sealed particulars in plain envelope. to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address fond Lily Company No. 0 Fisher Block ,191 Woodward ave„ Detroit. elieh. :field in Eeeterby DR LUTZ, Central 1)rut; Store and by all druggists everswhore. We are too busy to call on. people in need of Furniture ; but please drop in our \'Varerooms and see our. Stock and we will try to suit you in this line. OrderedWorkNoatlyBone en Short Notice Remember we have also a handsome Undertaking Goods Always on hand, and all calls in this line will be promptly attended to, .and satisfaction guaranteed every time. Store -Next to Molsons Bank, Exeter. ROBT. N. ROWE. BRUSHES, COMB-S,,,r-� ��� S O ..l,.�i GE S . SOAPS, PERFUMERY --ASTS1- TRITE SEA SALT on 'fo BRQ W 1\1 Lig JUST ARRIVED -AT- Furniture & Undertaking Establishment A very NEW Prices to suit age liof GOODS everybody. Bring along your old Furniture and have it lade new. The largest stock of New Picture Mouldings in town. .,..'PARLOR SUITES AND . CURTAIN POLES in all colors.* Remember you can have your Curtain Poles cut any length desired, as we buy them in long lengths. Gall and /nsiecl our Stock S. GIDLEYI Oddfellows Block. Fhb Stiles ! z 0 0 TUh BEST YET ! TEE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET I Best Ordered Clothing pioduced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave your orders early, for with the best stat` of Tailors ; the best stook of Pine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, yen are stirs 'if satisfac- tion Cobbledick & Folland. Having lately purchased the Stock and Good -will of 1V. J, N. Howard, and added largely to the Stock, they haye now the best equipped and largest Hardware and Tinware Establishment in the County. They sell whole- sale and Retail, and carry BUILDERS' MATERIALS, .ETU. BLACKSMITH'S SUi?PLIES, ETC., CARRIAGE MAKE r 's GOODS, ETC., STOVES, TINWARE, BICYCLES, and everything in SMALL HARDWARiIO LARGEST STOCK OF NAILS in the COUNTY GET THEIR PRICES BEFORE. YOU BUY. House cleaning time is upon us. Use Alabastine for your walls a:i ceilings. They have the genuine thing only, in an improve,l You can il#lx it you self with cold water. They have all the tit ,k Call and see their fine store, fine stock and fine prices. lereeMem GARDEN ,IE`E^�DS, F"�,�"IELD SEEDS, ALL KINDS OF FENCE WI: -,•EAW.i. MOWERS, ALABASTIWE (IN ALTi SHADES), "DAISY" CHURNS, ALL KIND F3 OF TINWARE CHEAP O H �:. iI --A T-- AariaN EAC LI PLUG IOI+ Myrtle Navy 1 IS MARKED T. & B. =XS .33MOST01110.S- NONE - OTHER GENUINE KIRKTON -I•-.: Let` the Bowlers howl, And the scowlers scows, And the growlers growl, And the gruff gang go it ; But behind the night There's plenty of light -- We'll sell you goods right, And we want you to know it Tune of "Quick, ittarcic'4 -TO-- DOUPE's STORE G. .., HY'ND MA Wishes ts, inform the ertinv- - Exeter and suit+minding that Ito ig i engaged selling TeasrCofees,Baking 'ow A�. III cLazatltios to suit I.',1Leaeeame. Orders loft at the house or lir leynthn' ,• O.rlloo will receive prt,rupt attentio", dIOmO G. A. HYNDMAe WE Lava on hand a Fine Line of BOUND BOOKS Suitable for Sunday School Libraries • Presentations. 1 Tioti LATiese GAME : rt l'arlor Quoits." ALSO FLIPS, PARCHEESI, HALM & Authors, Etc., Etc. s. w. BBOWN1,3 BOOK & DRUG STORE WORTH We are now prepared to sell you goods cheaper than ever before. Big drives in DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, and SHIRTINGS at Boots & shoe TO BE SACRIFICED AT M,,''. During the Next Month Shop undergoing Repairs to make .:,..:.. for Spring Stook. It will be to you <, i DOUPE & CO S, Kirkton. vantage to call. HURRAH! 8 1'2W DISEASES 1 OF Of all ages- resulting from Errors or It i tions of Y nth, may be permanently cur the vige of perfoot manhood fully restore 1, NERC' SUS DEBILITY, STERILITY wz1.b rr' •1 __ C 1.. ,_ _ - { SE 1'.NAL LOSSES & PREMATURE I) ?" a \ Long Standing eases of GLEE 1, STRICTMee SYPHILIS, VARIC00ELE and all PRI. ATP; and CHRONIC Diseases treated with poi: ee ,h success. Our field is in CHRONIC CAST in which others have failed ; if you are inen '8 )c we will frankly tell you so. Write forpartionlare and treatise, Free, to AT Lours Msnr0ALCo., 162 and 1i4 iding ,.tr.,... West. Toren to, Ont. s3:6m We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on the shortest possible notice and in the Latest Styles -AND A - Sure ure Fit Gu a ran e a t eo W. JOHNS �� Sven by A. ing at cur PLANING MILL And LUMBER Y .1`.R i' We keep constantly on hand a large sacce e,d' all kinds of building materials. Dresscdornem dressed pine and hemlock lumber, also act Mee stook of No.1 pine lath. Our stook of doora, sash, blinds wear: tr e. &o. is complete and thorougly kiln .item We offer for satel,50n.000XX end XXX'Pre' and CE l best makers in Ontario, Tanks and cisterns, all ,Shaped and sizcs,to" to order at lowest nrioes. We have taohretI , new in this line for watering cattle in the k or barnyard. Call and see our celebrated Baking Cable( every woman using them resommonds el':, highly."� Tsrning,band,sorollsawing, andlerIT Aind:I sd machine work promptly attended` to. 1 It will be to your interest to exsrelne' owe stook before purehssing elsewhere. AYLOR,i17a,in Str ROSS & Det,