HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-6-23, Page 4s BAN]EE, 'EXETER, ONT Trensieets a generalbenkingliainess. Receiva the accounts of mordants mil others Me tevorehle terms. e Offers every aoriemroodation ecenistent with c and, oonservative banking neinotoitsi Interestallowedon deposim. . Drafts issued payable at itny office of the Merchants Bank. NOTES DISCOUNTED, & MON'EY TO 140 -AN ON NOTES AND MORTGAGES neeepegeeseeneeeneeenene amegageegeemene.eaen Ukt euttv • rHITRSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1892. • NOTES ANI) VOMMENTS. An increase of thirty per cent in our exports to Great Britain during the meat •tioe months shows the unlimited expension of which Cenada's trade with the mother eouatry is capable. * * Britieli exports to Canada deelined might per cent, during the month of Nay, .11.103. five per -eent, during, the past 15 ve nnonths. The importsfremn the Panimien a °amide to Great Britain inereen- ed three per cent, during May and thir- ty per cent, durieg thepast five months. rea-egene --.mmenereig..m. • It he quite possible that Our own EI - at Blake will aemmt a nemination a Home Rule enndidate in Ireland end 'sit iu tile Imperial Parliament as lemler 4)£ the Irith rainy. Mr. Blake will have to exhibit Immo (hell and courage Vein te; ler aid in Canecia, to mire a Radian, Jed leading so ridical a inovemeut. Sie Cheilds Tapper, High Commis - r Cnnaila in London, and Hon. Harvey, PrOnaier a Newfoundland have, within the past few days, hold ntwerel cenfemencee at theForeign Mee teepeetizin tipanisli trate • relations with et:timela and Neevioundiand. It is 4-,,x• Teeter'z setisfuetory errangenuent will be arrived at. + ++ 'lie County Council has raised a re eatlation asking that at the next muni- eipel elections a vote be taken 5,, each ommicipality on the question d e having a /louse a Refuge. it will coet -4tt1e or nothing to do this, unless them. n amenu to ou no Liectivn iu.'axe when the vote will not be taken, and 'will give an ides, of the sentiment in the County concerning this vexed, question. •...........romeasiaman••••ainnwhiamemomemim HE 'WILL OBEY THE CALL OF DUTY. Ile Does Wet Leave Canada Without Pain and Hopes For a .Speedy Return -The News Caused Intense Interest and wag tile Tome on au Men's Tongues -An Answer Irrorn Home Rule Leaders Ex- pected. Towne°, June 20. -Mr, Edward Blake, before leaving for Murray Bay, sent to the papers the following letter: Though I would have preferred to await a final conclusion before saying anything with regard to the unanimous invitation of the Irish party to accept an Irish seat in the Imperial House of Commons, yet, in view of its publication and of the many inquiries I Lave received, it is perhaps better that I sbould inake a brief statement before leav- ing for Murray Bay. On Tuesday last 1 cabled to the effect that I was deeply sensible of tee high honor clone me, but feared I was too old and too un- familiar with the arena to be serviceable; yet, if it were thought to be in any degree useful to tbe great cause, I woulct accept a safe seat, but that I could not attempt a doubtful or costly contest, aud it would be rather difficult for roe to start forthwith; and I requested certain particu- lars, which I thought important, as to the time of leaving, and the proposed Seat. The pressure on the time of the Irish lead- ers is just now so overwhelming, and they are ealleil on to deal with so inituy matters of induitelv greater moment, that an im- mediate reply to toy euquiry could not reasontibly be expected; and I have no further information on the subject. This is not the time to give reasons for a decision, which I cannot help sometimes hoping may after all be ineffective. I may yet be spared the pain of leavieg Canada, .Let me say just now that, should it be my Jot to go,I can be sustained only by the be- lief that 1 go in the discharge of duty and by the hope that I may before long •return to home and friends, SWARD linalts. iturday, June 18. The pews ereated groat interest and was the temic an all mews t wipes. Wherever two men Were gathered together there was the matter discussed. The feeling every- where WaS one of Fide, not to say exultee Hop. .At the botimin of it all was n sense that Canada was honored by the offer and honored by the splendid sacrifice that Mr. Blake uppears ready to make. His career from this time out will be watched with aiiger eyes. A AIost Happy Idea, LOXDON, June 20. -The proposal that Mr. Blake should accept a seat in the British House of Commons meets with (warm approval in Liberal circles here, where Mr. Blake's character and ability are highly esteemed. The Pall Mall Gazette says it is a most happy idea and Mr, Blake will prove a most 'valuable Inern- ber. Exeter Municipal Counoil. The eouncil met by order of the reeve at the town hall, 13th of Juue, 1892. All present except Mr. Christie; the mikados of previuus meeting read and confirmed. Carling -Ross -Mr. Treble's account of $60 for moving the market buildinge and $2 00 for lumber paid. Tenders for deeming as follows : Thos. ao.rtnoll, 0 er rod for north drain, 45e -for station • Richard Crooner, ,n1 10 for morth drain48c for station; Lewis Davie, $1 2U far north drain; Thee Horn, ttl ior north drain,60a for station; Wm,Treble $l for north drain, Carling -Spackman -that Mr.Hartnoll's tender, being the loweat, be accepted, - Carried. The clerk to order cedar for culverts, etc., and hemlock plonk for repairing side- walks. Dylaw No.11,to water a portion of Main IStreet, was duly read and passed. The council adjourned until Wednesday the 22nd inet on motion of Can1iem=1.3mee: EACEETT, Clerk, 'rank Leslie's Popular Morstlaly men nor Conspicioue in interest and tinielniee among the magazine articles of the Ion nth 5s the comprehensive paper uport"Porm Toe XIII.," by Richard B. Fenaball, Lb D., eshiah. erens July number el 17.,..1,1 Popular k.ijth1, Dr- Rit.,14:11 sLtk *s. &minty the eitarinen of Italy and the Churcb at the time Leo :Sin became Poe; then pretends with a masterly review oe the •eccleeiastical and diplomatic career of the -venerable Soverign Pontiff. Aecompanying this paper ie eat liamirehle repreduetien af 'the near portrait ef tee Poem by ClieeM an .AUOther notible contribution "Famine- etricken Russia," by Thomas Donnelly and Iralerien Gribayedgff, deeeribing and trating cor.temporary seenee in the Volga mrovinces. Other interesting articles, with (embus pictorial embellishment, arei"Lady Bis," by Edwin H. Morns; ',National holidays" by Frelgick S. Daniel; "Ermlor- ang Talstoonca," by Cecil Charles; "How the bads came to the Green Mouataine," by Nellie Hart Woodworth; "Abdul Hamid the Sultan of Turkey," by T.D. Apery; and "Etelebag with flres"--a thorough en count of the mimeo art of which Mr. J. Wifliar roediels ie tho foremost exponent - by Franklin Smith. There are emit a doz. excellent short stories; and Et ty W. Pierce's serial, "A Torah!, Case," IS bronghr, to a dramatic concluoion. One day last week Cameron, youngest sontef Mr. 1.1. W. Allen of Goderieh town- ship, had a very barrow micape from being (gushed to deatb. Be had undertaken to a. BOlhe roliing, and Was seated on a chair fixed on the platform of the roller, • wben accidently he fell forward, behind the her- oes, one of which bepan kieltirg furiously and knocked the boy against the tongue of the toiler, whieh he clinched helding ou -with arms and legs with his bank hanging oownivards. The teem ran against A board fence, tearing down four pantie and anat. wards against a tree, breaking the tongue. At this; point the horses beCame entangled in the 'mimeo, and could not proceed. They were immediately caught by Mr. Allen, and just in time, for the roller was over Came- ron's legs and his bead on the whiffietree Mr, tenneuel Playford, an old and respect- ed resident of Wroxeter, pressed away on Wednesday last. He had been sick only •since teriday Jaen though he had been ail- ing all last winter and spring. /liniment cues La Grippe. ••••••••••••••• Mr. 'Redmond Called Back. New Yong, June 20. -John E. Redmond, the Irish M.P., and his compauion, John ee yea Power, ot rine Dublin tinge Inde- pendent and Evening Herald, sailed for Ireland on the Etruriv. on Saturday. Mr. Redmond intended to remain in America several weeks, visiting Chicago and other large cities. Ile received. cablegrams Sat, urday from friends on the other side urging him to returu nt MM. suicide o C.P.U. News Agent. Vanconnert, B.C., June 20. - Sonar - day Arthur Westley, 0.P.R, news agent, committed suicide by shooting himself through the heart. Deceased arrived on yesterday's train and should have gone out again to -day, aaid was not missed until 4 o'clock, when the body was found in a friend's room, 'where he apparently obtained the revolver. Deceased WAS steady and the reason for the suicide is unaccountable. Passengers on yesterday's train my he auted turiausly, asking for a revolver or razor. Re was 24 years old, and was for Same time porter at the Hotel Douglas, Winuipe.g. Originally he came from England. On lum were papers addressed; "Ilra. Watley, Conservative Club, Nantwich, Cheshire.' •-ennalmemeree- TORONTO GRAIK MARKETS, business Transacted and Prices at Grata in the eueee lefty, •Tolman°, June 21. -There were no offer- ings a grain on the street yesterday. Hey, was in good supply at $12 to $14 for timothy and $a to 10 for clever. Straw sold at $10, On call board businees was very dell, no transactions being reported. No. 1 Mani- toba hard wheat to arrive North Bay offer- ed at $4.(6 with $1 bid, and No. 2 hard to arrive, all rail, offered at Vic with 90e bid. No. 1 regular afloat at Port Arthur offered at 61c without bids. Cars -of ample wheat were offered at 87e and 93o without bids, Oats steady, mixed offering at 30e outside end white east at 32c. Prince Michael's Sentence, DETROIT, June 20, -To such a high pitch, has public indignetion been aroused that it iinmanattheriliffieulnman infuriated crienet or 3000 pawns wax restrailfed front lynching the whole of "Prince" Michaelis unsavory gang. The trial has been proceeding at Ann Arbor for a week past, and resulted in a 'wholesome verdict of guilty, as a result oi which the long-haired rascal has been given the maximum term allowed by law, and will spend the next five years of his life as a common convict. A Girl Wins a Harvard Prize. CAMERIDGE, Mass., June 20, -For the second time in the history of Harvard College the Sargent prize of $100 has been awarded to a girl, this time to Miss Mar- garet Foster Herrick of the Harvard Annex. She won it in competition with 40 college men. Two years ago this prize was won by Helen Leah Reed. Soldiers Blown to Pieces. BERLIN, June 20. -Yesterday at Magde- burg soldiers belonging to the garrison there were unloading a wagon containing ammunition when a shell exploded, killing four of the men. Their bodies were fear- fully mangled, and their heads, arms and legs were blown off. A 810,000 Blase, Peorms, June 20. -Fire broke out yes- terday in the factory of the Ontario Wire Fencing Company, totally destroying the building and one storehouse, including the valuable machinery and about 10 miles of woven wire fencing: The. loss is about sio,00; insured in the eiEtnit for $8600. Incendiarism is the supposed cause of the fire. mined on the Track. ST. Thomas, June 20. -The dead body of Ellice Scott, aged 40, a laborer in the em- pley of George Nichol, nth concession, Westminster, Woe found on the track yes- terday near Glanworth. Both feet and one arm were cut offIx. is supposed he was walking on the track, He Is Now Dr. Flannery. Sr. Tames, June 20. -The University of Georgetown, D. 0, has conferred degree of "D. 1)." on /toy. iather Flannery of this city. .A: Laborer Drupe' Dead. Sr. THOMAS, Jane 20. -George Powell, a farm band in employ of I 'Haney, Saarta, dropped dead tat night. A .Tudgo Shot Dead. Mitments, Tenn,, Jane 20.--aTudge Bright, Morgan of Hernandez, Miss., wait shot dead on an Illinois Central train by . Henry Foster, a lawyer. Lynehing is talked of. Judge Morgan was a delegate to" the Chicago SOUN anti' THE GREAT BLACKMAIL CASE. Thomas Nadi Eterore the Dovv.Etreet Court in Louder*, LONDON', June 21.-Thomaa Neill was brought up on remand before Sir John Bridges in the Bow -street police court to answer to a charge of attempting to extort money from Dr. Joseph Harper of Barn. stable. It is alleged Neill, who claims to be a doctor and the representative in Lan- don of G. IL Harvey, a drug marinfacturer of Saratoga, N. Y., wrote under the name of :Kerrey thefollowing letter to Dr. Joseph Harper. • DEAR SIR, -I have to inform you that one ot my operators has positive proof that W, Harper, medical student of St, Thomas' Hospital, and son of Dr. Harper of Barn- staple, is responsible for the deaths of Alice Marsh and Sinevell, he having polamied these girls with strychnine, This proof you can have on paying ray hill fur services to George Clark, detective, of Coekspur-street, Charing Cram to whom I will give the proof on his paying iny bill, Yours re- speafully, Mumeem. The sinn referred to in tho letter amounted to 11500. At the previous hear- ing Clark, the detective, testified that lie had received a letter signed Murray, read - Mg thus; "Dear Sir; If Mr. Wyatt, the eoroner, cells upon you with roger," to the murder of Alice Marsh and Emma. Shrivell, yon can tell him you can give proof positive that W. Harper, medical student of St. Thomas Hospital, eon of Do Thereon of Barnstable poisoned these girls with strychnine, provided be nays yotx well for your services. I will glee you the proof when he eomes to oar terms. I will write yon :intern in a few days. Yours respect- fully, W. H. Minineve When the MSS. Was repel -tea it was thought to be nothing mare than a common blackmail ease, It subsequently transpired, however, that the Scotland Yard authorities reasan to suspect that Neill himeelf hail poisoned the twogirls. The police also had a strong suspicion that he was con - earned in the taking of two other girls, Ellen Doddsworth and Matilda Clover, whose deaths are now known to have been caused by stpchnine. At the inquest on the body of Ellen Dmitieworth, it was shown that she had met her death from strychnine and morphine combined. After the; deaths of the Marsh and Shrivell girls, the peculiar eircumstauces ;Mending the death of the Clover girl were called to mind and herbody was exhumed for ex- andimtion. At the hearing to -day evi- dence was given showing that she, too, bed been poisood with strychnine. Great interest is menifested in the case, and the courtroom was crowded with curious listeners, inoluding a number of young girls of the unfortunate class 'to which the viethns cd the poisoner belonged. Angers Lewis, who is prosecuting the oast on behalf of the treasury, produced letters that Neill had written to William Freder- ick Smith, son of the late Williain Henry Smith, who represents the Strand division he the House of Commons, and Dr. Wil- liam Henry Broadbent, of 34 Seymour. street, Portman-aquare, In these letters Neill made threats against Smith and Broadbent in connection with the poison- ing of the Marsh and Shriven girls and at- tempted to levy blackmail. Mr. Lewis also produced a letter written by the prisoner regardieg the death of "the Glo-ver girl. The prisoner was again remanded, It is thought a charge of wilful murder will be made against him. INTERESTING ITEMS, SY WiRE. It is now reported that the Duke of York will marry Prince Christian's daughter. Singer Bessie Belwood has sued the Duke of teauebester for $16,660, money lent aud board bills. According to advices from Turkes tan cholera is making fearful ravages in Persia and Afghanistan. Vent, the alleged London wholesale poison- er of young girls whom he invited to drink with him, has been further remanded. Mr. L. L. Dillvvyn, a well-known 13ritish M.P., dropped dead while addressing his con- stituents at Swansea on Saturday. John Clayton, a well-known Hamilton painter, was found unconscious in his office yesterday and cannot recover. • It is announced that the sight of the Em- press of Russia has been seriously affected by neuralgia of the eyeballs, and grave fears about blindness aro entertained, Mrs. James O'Connor of 114 Inchbury- street, Hamilton, woke up last midnight and mid to ber husband "I am going to die." In five minutes she was a corpse. Heart disease. The Ittest report says th at Chauncey M. Depew will be appointed U. S. Minister to England and that Robert Lincoln will go to Washington to succeed Blaine as Secre- tary of State. Miss Stowell of Melbourne and Miss Ab- bott of England have carried the highest honors lu the Cambridge examinations, com- ing outequally with the men of the first class, first division. The Marquise de Belbenf, who is the sister of the Duke of Remy, is said to have ap- peared in a box at an exhibition in the "Vieille Amerique," at Neuilly, France, dressed as a man, smoking a cigar and kiss- ing her hands and throwing flowers to the ballet girls on the stage. Huron County Council. SICKUART OP BUSINESS TRANSACTED. The regular June meeting was held last week, all the moulberS present. A number of lettere and oommuniatione were referred to various committees and dealt with, if at all, in their reports. The following reso- lutions were carried unanimonelyt-Moved by M. Y. MoDean, seconded by T. Beaeoro, that this counoit desire to express its en- core satiefation and thankfuluees that Mr. A,. H. Manning, 'Reeve of Clinton, ie again otouilihicsiednuttliyeerejanoviberieedeetuonheen, aebulde twoe a thteenpde to see him fully restored to his wonted health and vigor, and we authorise the treasurer to pay ifr. Manning his full sess- ional allowance for last Jenuary session. A motion that the warden and treasurer advertise in the County papers the amount of Shifting Fund on hand, for investment, was referred to the Finance Committee, width left it in the handl; of the warden, Treas. and clerk to be dealt with, It was moved by Mr, Proudfoot, emended by Mr. Britton, and oarried, that the cann- on of eath muniemality be requested to take a vote of the electors at the next muni- cipal election aa to whether or not a houae of refuge be erected in the County of Huron. The caretaker of the Court E101180 was authorized to helot tbe flag on all loyal holidays, thanksgiving day, and during the sittings of the County . Council. Moved by Mr. Cox, escaladed by Mr. Bemoan and carried, thin; the County En- gineer exanaiue the two bridges on the Bay - Bold con. Goderieh township. 'mown as Dunlop's and Parson's bridges, report at next meeting, and if report favonrable, that theee bridges be placed on the list ofPourity briges' twas decided to dispense with the De- cember seesion of the 0ounoil. The nuance Committee recommended that the following be the aunty rate levied for all purpoees, 1 mill and 18-20the. A. znotiou to supply a cemy of the Municipal World to each reeve and deputy, was lost. Each reeve and deputy are to be supplied with a oopy of the Consoliditted Criminal law. iletramzegnoe-The EClUaliZetiOn 001n- nate0 reportedhaving examined the various assessmeet rolls of the monk:11)4110es and recommended that the equalizer( values be the same as last year, which was adopted alter some discussion. It was moved that Hullett be reduced 81 an acre, but this was 1084; a motion to raisellay township 42 was also lost; a motion to reduce West WRVS, 110811 $1 all are was also lost; a motion that three valuators be appointed to value the whole county via also lost, TER =CUTTER COMMITTEE decided to grant 424.58 to Jailor Dickson, for assistance an.. gaged during his illness; the usual grant of 425 to the various Farmers Institutes in the county, was granted; the rum of 4200 was gointed to Seaforth lock-up, to be paid when lock-up is built, Godenoh, Clinton and neafortb High School Board. were greeted proportionate cat for the maintenance of pupils/ inteudieg the reopective sohools. FINANCE MESON Committee me ()- remoulded payment at a Jerre nomher et' small aocounte, the dandle of which are un- important. Noteltrsmaxe COLLECTIONS, -Tho fol- lowing were the collations from non-resi- dent lanai for the four months of 1892, Aelffield, 446.17: Colborne, 4507; Gab- riel; $8; Grey,435.42; Hay, 485.88; Hullett 66e; Morrie, $9.00; Stephen, $179.69; Turn. berry, $268.94; Eat Wawanosin $25.22; Bayfisld, $9; Brussels. $9. ROAD COADDMIXONER'S HRPOET.-MT. Alia- eley's report detailed all his payments for repairs to rade and bridges, and the par- ticulars of new contracts entered Into. The report was adopted and will be publiehed in the county minutes. DIIAINA,GE Coneueenn.-The Drainage Committee reported having met the Ontario Drainage Commiesionor at Clinton, and going over the suggested changes in the act- They were much pleased with the r courtesy of the members, and their practi- cal kuowledge of drainage matters. The corannesion informed the committee that a set of questions would be prepared and sent to °toil member of the committee and others giving evidence, so that such ques- tions can be considered and anewers sent miumhefereethem complete their report.. - Thee commissioners conaideren the meeting at Clinton the most profitable one they had held. Alissionaries Roughly Treated by Fanatics VANCOUVEU, B. 0., June 21. -Advices from China by the steatner Empress of Japan say that the anti -foreign riots have been resumed in the Yangtsekiting In Chitigko, the house of two ladies of the Church of England was attacked and the ladies insulted and Da. Mods' hospital. wrecked and the dater badly treated. He was assaulted by a mob of Chinese; and escaped only after hie clothes had been torn to rags and his wretch stolen, Vigorous Measures Of redress have been taken by the British Consul at Foo Chow. Contrnemorating the Discovery of America, Wasantotow, June 2L --The Senate Mon. day authorized the President to proclaim a general holiday commemorating the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America. Oct. 21 was substituted for Oct. 12. gr stet:a Dentlit. l-rou, SonAroke. Naw YORIC, June 20. -During the week there were 16 derails in this city rem iteeetroks. Nimeteeit eases of small*erere reported, SPECIAL COUNITTIES REPOTtT. -The Stet - Mee provides that in a municipality having bridges over 100 feet in length, the county may relieve such a municipality, on appli- cation of the council thereof. The town- ship of Morrie, being so satiated, made ap- plication to the county for assiatanee, and the special committee recommended that township be required to furnish a list of bridges, and the amount spent on than during the paet ten years, and when this information is obtained, the clerk is to cor respond with the clerks of the munioipali ties for the same information. Rome AND BRIDGE. -The committee re- commended the erection of a new bridge on the gravel road, north of Londesboro, that the Road commissioners report be adopted. EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE,-Tlie commit- tee in reference to the dispute between S.S. No. 11,Hay, and Union 8.8, No, 1, Hen and Stanley, that Judge Toms, W. Coate, Clinton, and H. Eleuston, Exeter, be appointed arbitrators in this matter; the same committee to arbitrate and etc. the formation of a new union echool section be- tween the townshir s of Hay and Stephen. In reference to a change proposed in Union ELS. Grey, Morris and Mcireillop, A. Me Fadden, of Grey, W. J. Johnston, .Morris, and T. E. Heys of MaKillop, were appoint- ed a committee to arbitrate iu the matter. Clerks who have not sent in reaps of their school sections are requested to do so. JAIL INEPECTOR'S REPoItT.-Mr. Chamber- lain, Inspector of Prisons, reported that when he visited the jail there were nine prisoners, The jail is in poor condition, and ought to be remodelled as ;mon as pos- sible. In future, wheu old people are com- mitted to jail for areaway, they are not to wear the prison garb, but suitable eivilian'e clothing :aunt be provided, if they have not sufficient of their own. Gamuts's BRIDGE, WINGETAIkr.-The corn- mittee appointed to inquire into the noon- eibility of the county in connection with this bridge, went over the grounds very fully, and recommended, that on the town- ship of Turnbury undertaking to build a suitable foot bridge and relieving the county of any further responsibility, the sum of 4300 be granted to aid in building said bridge, ' Rev. E. "iiledd, fornaerly of the Etiraville SIGNS of the TIMES circuit was made the reaipieat of a wellfilled purse by the congregation of Ione, where lie Wen, leaving, Mr. Jas. Willis, has a colt, dropped tide year, which i an herrnaphroditi of the most Romania nature, being both a gelding and a filly -a freak of nature that does not ofteu happen. Mr, Ihnneue KeBeath, of Victoria, B. C., and some years ago a resident of Seaforth, recently enjoyed a atreak of good luck. It seems that shortly after going to British Coltunbia he got acquaiuted with an old gentleman of Vietoria, who was a bachelor and lived alone. Mr. MOBeatb, frequently visited him la his loneAg bachelor's e uai tors and as frequently bad him at his residence and thus brighteuing uphis lonely life.. These 'timidly relatitime oontinued for many :veva. The other night the old omit' email died and lett Ur, 1VIeBertili $10 000. 0. (), RICHARDS & Co. Gentle -I sprained iny leg so badly that I had to be drama home in a earriage. I inamEdiA telY auplied MINARD'S LINT. MENT freely and in 48 houra could use my leg again ea well as ever• . Josatia Wean tea Ira Bridgewater, N. R. That sting an your finger tuearia "Bring home a bottle uf MINARD'S LIN ENthiNT.' HAVE You BEAD. -How Mr. W. D. Wentz of Geneva, N. Y., was cured at the severest form ot dysipepsia ? He says any,. thing he Me seemed like pouring melted lead into hie stomach°. Hood's Seminar- illaeffeeted a ported cure Full particular,' will be pent if you write 0, I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mies. The /lige* praise hasbent won by Hood'a Pills for their easy, yet efficient action. 0010.1.3119111.1.14.1111.42151,511.1.1.,-... PRIZE PORTRAIT Rtaus. This young lady has three brothers, each one of whose picture is combined, in the above p_ortrait. The manufacturers of linhAItLX- ee0Aniln, TIM LATEST SCIENTIFIC EISCOVERY NOR CLEANSING AND PRESERVING THE TEETH, will give a handsome ;Mold Watch to the person who cxu . make out the faces of the three brothers FIRST; to the second en elegant per of genuine DIAMOND EARRINGS ; to the third a max° woe in Antique Silver ; to the bUrth either a SILK DRESS PATTERN Or a SWISS MuSIC sox playing six pieces; to the fifth a beautiful pair et PRAM OPERA messes; to the sixth an elegant lqAMTEL CLOCK ; 10 the seventh a pair of sown coma CHAIN BRACELETS, with nedlocks, and to the eighth a COIN SILVER WATCH. Each contestant is to cut out the picture rebus and mate a cross witha lead pencil on the three brothers faces, and send same to us, with ten three -cent Cenadtan postage stamps tor 30 cents in silver) for one package of rearlifoam, before July aoth, tags. The ouvelepo peetikedjoid welch comains the three brothers' faces correctly marked will re- ceive thefirsi prize, the balance iu order as received. For the last comet nuSwrr we will also give a handsome Gold Watelt ; to the next to the last a complete Near:less EU LICA - TION; to the second to the last an elegant pair of genuine DIAMOND EARRINGS • to the third from the last a mem" mem in A'ntique Silver; to the fourth a swiss niusic BOX playing six pieces; to the fifth rt sitx mass PATTERN: to the sixth a pair of rearm arena GLASSES: to the seventh an elegant NANTEL CLOCK, and a valuable li•rize will also be given ea emery person %rho is able to answer this icture rebus- correctly until zoo prizes have been awarded if there should be that number answering correctly. Nothing is charged for boxingand packing prizes. We than offer extra premiums to all who are willing to help us introduce Pearlifonan. Our prizes are entirely Pans. Our object is IS 'introduce and attract attention to rearliforun, which is the only preparation whose manufacturers are willing to offer a reward of Sloe to any dentist who can show that it contains anything injur- ious to the teeth. Ladies who have used Pearlifoaan cannot say too much in its favor. A mouthful of pearly white teeth is the sure result of its constaot use. It is re- commended by the leaders of the profession everywhere, ask your dentist what he thinks ofite Parlifoant is sent by mail postpaid - Prizes in the above Portrait Rebus are to be carefully awarded strictly as deserved, Ad. dress, ExgursiTE TOILET CO., 170 Yongo St., Toronto, Ont. , worp..L ! Cash for Wool. And their Outcome. It, is not so much what IS earned, as that whicb iS saved by a man. The lat- ter makes him rich or wealthy, it makes him mean and stingy or liberal and lerge hearted. It is largely how the ship is managed, the small lealtee dui; the ship, cargo, and crew. The plans fOr future operation and making everything bend to those decisions largely , show up the man atid his ability. Every branch of bueinese worthy the attention of man demands his care, his attention ! It is the aim of the undersigned to bear in mind. these points. Trade aid commerce cannot be maintained in indifference. The care of stook is the most haportant subject for a man's consideration, and in those days, amid so much side-track- • ing andrunning off the tracic, which means disaster every tune, when it renders it difficult for a man to do an honest, straightforward business. Honest com- petition is healthful and bonuses trade, but that which turns the current in upon. . ,_ „ you IS ruin bo au. Men carry an almost immovable stook until • it is a burden no longer too carried. until the 1St r1 b11 bell is rung through r streets, the rod fie*, at mast head or half rna t.atiti its presence always means death. some Ast,,,anfortunate has gone undov end °there by 'means of the p legue are smitten by the removal' of the body. 'I mean the stook" to some other polut, whore its ravages are continued and so eerie on the ruin, the general tenure of business 15 for a time sot aeide. But e'er long it 8000 arights itself, beeaese the promised boon has been a mirage, a delusion I prefer to gain tho confid- ence of my easterners by inspiring the spirit of tiust regardlue their feelings and judgement. immuring their approval when such is in keep- ing with that respect which mush aro entitled to beetow en the other. Auything short of that is to fall into error. error of judgement which is all the more rogretable hoomts0 the remedy ia tbe DeSseSsien of everybusiness man, I take this opportunity o' thanking my many custom • ors for coulidenee reposed, la the past- It will bathe utmost of my endeavor for the future to maintain that liUS4102$ Mending that shalt court your an United patronage mid oonadenee, and as I am mar just closing= 16th year of business, 1 think it Droller to express ma thankfulness to you for YOUr almost eonstaot support, and ask a continuance of the same. Youre truly, The undersigned having rented - The Crediton Woollen Mills And refitted the same with ri&iv Machinery, IS Raw prepared to do 'all Manner of Civtom Work on the shortest notice, such at4 CARDING R GUS, CARDING and SPINNING, WEANING mom DRESSING And all kinds of Manufacturing. Satis- faction guaranteed. We also, keep Twe' eds Flaimeis, Blankets and Yarns in :toek for sale or exchange for Wool. DAN XITCHEN "Backac e the scavengers means the kid- of ,the syetein. neys are in 'Delay is trouble. Dodd's dangerous. Neg- Kidney Pills glue 'elated kidney prompt relief/' troubles result "76 per cent. in Bad Blood, of disease is Dyspepsia, Liuer first caused by Complaint, and disordered kid- the most elan- neys. gerous of all, Might as well Brights Disease, try to haue a Diabetes and health y c it y Dropsy." without sewer- "The aboue age as good diseases cannot health when the exist where kidneys are 1 Dodd's Kidney clogged, they are Pills are used." Sold by all dealers or sent by mail on receipt of price so cents. per box or eix for $x.co. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. Toronto. Write l'or book canal 'Kidney Talk., J., P. C LA R K E:, EXETER. Every teativaonial regarding Hood's Sar- saparilia is an honest, unpurobeteed elate - tient of abut thie medicine haa aatually done. Messrs. Gruber°, of St. Mews haye re. tarned home from Scotland, andreport the horse business dull, and many who are taking ehipments over are losing money. An old tramp, who was coyered with yen - ado, and inmate bent together inth agenvas found dead in a corner of a fence on the 6th couceesion of Hilbert, on Tuesday. On semi:tog the body over 4100 was found in Jil ekete. `111, Perth Flex Mill Company, of Strat- i.4 111 belle a biuder twig° faotory. Staitiave hasparni ti • by•law enerneting the company from taxatiou for ten years. John Hogarth. manager of the mummy, will build their faotory this surainer and be gin nmettfootaring twine by Deoember. OE, MY HEAD! -That splitting head. robe, aching brow and ieretable feeling can be immediately relieved and permanently cured by Burdock Blood Bitten, the beat remedy for headache. constipeelon and all disorder of the etornathe, Nair povecle and blood. Men prematurely aged or broken down by over work, or suffeFing from mimeses or In- disoretions will A ud Dr. William's Pink Pille a positive cure. They supply the material necessary to build up the blood, and nerves and restore the shattered syqnne, Sold by all dealers or sent on reeeipt, tif price -50 cents a box or six boxes for 2:50. Address Dr, Williams Med. Ca., Brookville, Ont., or Morristown, N, Y. t2rohn &Mena Of StiViary's,Orit. A Great Sufferer from • spepsia Perfectly Cured by • Hocars Sarsaparilla The best stomach toni4 known to medical science are so h.4.ppily com- bined ia Hood's • Sarsaparilla that it cures Indigestion, and Dyspepsia in its severest forms, when other medicines fail. Itt many cases Hood's Sarsapa- rilla seems to possess a magical touch, so quick and so gratifying the relief. Read the following from an aged and respected citizen of St. Mary's, Ont.: "I am very glad to ghee this testimonial as to what Hood's Sarse,Parilla has donefor me. I suffered very much with dyspepsia. I have been taking medicine •For 25 Years and 1 never had anything tto me as much good as Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every symp- tom of the dyspepsia has entirely disap- peared anti I feel that 1 cannot praise the medicine too highly. Est Better Sleep Better and fool stronger than I have :Ter many Voters. 1 have taken six bottles. oi Hood's Sanu,parilla bought of Mr. Sanderson, the drugzist," Jourr Aurnats. CORDIAL ENDORSEMBNI. • • Front Mr. Sanderson, the Drugg'Ist. "I know Mr. Alkens to be a etriet.ly honest, straightforward Man, and takQmudli pleasure in testifying to the truth of -the testlinonial he gives above." P. G. Saainnitacee', Drug- gist, Queen street, St. Mary's, Ontario. HOOD'S PILLS, the brist aftet-diutter Ping", asSlat digestion, prevent eatultip;tieu.