HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-6-16, Page 5Fagg d 'hut ! ! Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys. tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual .cone,tiOation. Syrup of Figs is the only "remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its Affects, prepared only from the most . healthy and agreeable substances, its xnanyexcellent qualities commend to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs . is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly fcr any one who wishes , `o try it. Manufactured only by the rIAUFORNIA FIG SYRUP CQi, SAN PBANQI$0O, OAI.. r c� t$V712.4E, T't f I1T W S OR35, zi" Ivor Sale at 0, Lutz's Drug Store A e destroyed 310 houses at Poll chinlu, Iiusaia. THAT tired, worn -out feeling, of which so many women complain after a day's washing, is done away with by talose who use that great Laborot'e Saving , (ft% ff aiee !xcir Itoilor Mills. MARKET PORTS. Wheat 80c to .82c per bushel OUR SELL.IN4* PRICES., Flour, Strong Bakers' $2.50 per 100 do Best Family 2.25 11 do Low Grade 1.75 ti Bran 70e is Shorts.. .. 80o Chop . , .. $1.0to $1.20 Chop stone running every day. TILE EXETER MILLING Coy. Which snakes the Dirt drop out Without 7('da, d Rubbing Without; Boiling Without Washing Powders Try the eaey, clean nue economical way—the ((yy ts way of washing, and tYti— Ig t y ou will not be dia. ''� P•�ij �J appointee; SUNLIGPIT SOAP Having no equal for Purity, you may use it with comfort and delight for every household purpose. WORKS; PT, SUNLIGHT LEVER BRCS., LIMITED NEAR BIRKENHEAD TORONTO Lightning blew up a powder mill at Cincinnati, killing one man and injur- ing seven. A AATTcnY A t at nl D , ,uCx.ag • 1110X OAS MILK NODICAL TnrATMKNT iM.bL RAR,ICULAna JUDI) r,iiS°. E4rorinolrY wna. cu, c YOU ANA MCP vOU ,y NeAL'rH. 5men .0 Il L n, to Oft. Ste, *tn. Sive WA0'}T MCACUne paICa,' W£.l.,,NRrOH 6Tne4T 41AC TGBQNTO CANADA. 10/ 1 rrr, l!r+p vii (t flf f! 11 T r . 1, 4411:11M17 " ,i •mak;,. X "y• d C �• 1 :! «ut f . ',�ry' e 1 «1111. ±1111 We propose to adajt the following method of increasing the circulation of the Canacdlaa 118 vast* Folio and extending our music trade. Every person who has a piano, organ, band inatrum.:,tt iti}mu.icrd instrument' of an% kind or is interested in music in any way will profit by helping us. 1,V.s want to reach theconsamer$ direct and supply n1! the stars Bard and latest atswoicxt grab rates, in frnuf of wldch we t nolo flu, fon...in copy:LnP, "1.01%h.,.f aur east number. wlti.l. in a retail tsar would cobt$a.4o: T3•rm ra-boors (P.d!c ), A,.rLl 7) 4s.; C r aidine Maltz), llutahim;, °.x.; Sylvia. (Bon -Ton). Monk, .p.m.; Love's sorrow (V ocat,, Shelley. dos.; Ortiy Promise (Vocal), Howard, 4oe. We ask our subscribers to send us the name of one piece the, desire, and that selected by a majority will be pnbrishad iu our next issue. Do not lose sight of the fact that in addition to receiving $25.o0 worth of music incur Folio per year, you *Rh save one-half or more on all orders you place with us. We do not advertise to give everything, but Wo give everything we advertiser and would ask you not to associate our business or methods witk those that might nppear at firstseeht to he of a similar nature. Road this carefully, think over it, and, in ndditi0n to your own 'weinvite a judgement nvi a the ut. pection of Toronto's s three leading dell papprv,to corroborate our Statement regarding the merit of it, } • A special offer to bands. The town or village sending in the largest number of sub- scrlbera over thirty for one year's subscription at $a.00 each, to their band will be given a complete suit of uniform or band instruments to the value of $six+, and to the smallest ntunber above ten sent in, a complete set of caps. Each subscription received front individuals front towns and villages is alsacredited to their band list, thereby placing your band in a position to win the prize. Tito above cut represents a fence on which a sign of three words has been painted, which has. been pulled down and in being rebuilt the boards were misplaced. Cut out the letters, paste them on a piece of paper so that the three words thereon will read in their proper sense and enclose with same tier",, e..0 3, 5.:Y44 (or to tt. ., ,.0 i:. . Y:., 1-, 1..tc: to \ ,<' .1415' ,T, 1...1 1Ro. G i. 4. .ta•.I 7 ..0. Folio. The proprietors of the Canadian Music Folio will give an elegant Upright Piano manufactured by The Mondelssohn Piano Company, Toronto, ono of the most reliable makers in Canada, (catalogued price of which is $350.00 with manufacturers' guar- antee for five years,) to the loth person sendingin the correct answer to above puzzle. To the Both sending in a correct answer will be given a Solid Gold Watch (383.00); to the 30th, 4oth and 30th, a pair of Genuine Diamond Earrings ($30.00 each); to the 60th, 7oth, Bads and eotle choice of fine Guitar, Banjo or Violin $i3.00 each); to the tooth, a beautiful Music B ($,5o,00)3 to each succeeding 05th to the close will be given a valuable bound album of Eng music for any voice or instrument selected by the winner, and t0 each of the last fifty will be given Folio free for one year. This is your opportunity to get good music cheap by respon quickly and inducing all your friends to do likewise. To all those who are bandsmen or Intereste4 band business we call particular attention to this their greatest chance of not only equippt themselves thoroughly with either instruments or uniforms, but of placing themselves in connect3 with the publishers direct, thereby securing all music they desire at trade rates. Do not forget tit under any circumstances you will receive eight times the value of your remittance rf any one number. Each letter will be numbered in order received before being opened, and Mr. Thos. Fano, of Toronto, the boat -known and largest bicycle manufacturer in Canada, bas kindly consented to openthe letters and announce the names of prize -winners. We cordially invite all subscribers to our office when in the city. Alt answers must be mailed to us ay July xoth. Address t CANADIAN MUSIC FOLIO,' 86 Bay 8t., Toronto, Ont. MARKET REPORTS. I188T IDs Red Wheet Spring Wheat` Barley °ate CioverSeed. Ttmouby Peas Corn Sutter Flonrp arbb 1 ... Potato o s,p or buanel Applea,per Dag DriedApple err b Geeeo per lb. Turkey per ib Ducks -per 1b Chickeneperpr flogs,dressedperl00 Beef , Hidesrongh, dragged . Sheepskins each Catskills 'lyoo)perlb .... Ilayperton Golanenerbnsb Wnodperoord TO LEND ON MORTGAGES at lowest rates of interest, Over $60,000 ?ri- vatefunt(e, Applyto f nr.Tclt is 141rrrr1o7, Solicitors, etc,. Exeter. FOR SERVICE. Sald,1 anti a ThoDurham r 13 Bull Boar,, ontlot. 13,o0n.1.$tephen Teens; $t each. with privilege of returning if necessary. )YS. SHELL; Proprietor: 1892. —. SPRING1-- 1892. Do you want a PIANO, ORGAN, BICYCLE, SEWING MACHINE, BOYS'.& GIRLS' TRICY- CLES, EXPRESS WAC>ONS? 76 too 7788 40 28 to 0 70038 to 7to 50 1 50 to ,i'r — 55 to 56 • 0 40 to 50 1 to la 10 De to 515 ti000 toto 10 55u0 ,« l 0 4to050 • 006 t0 0 06 «. 09 to 00 000 to 007 025to080 550to575 • 400 to525 . 400to450, 5ODto525 • 060to 70 • 00 5O16 toto00a117 ...10 00 toll 00 ... 50to000 , 50 to.3 50 INA 0.4 sT ntanxs Fall Wheat 80 31 Spring Wheat .... ... . ............. 30 81 Ramey ' 0 98 0 40 Oats 28 20 Clover Seed"- ...... .• .... 7 00 7 25 Tintotiiy .... .... 1 30 1 6n Peas .... 0 fir, 0 O`4il E 10 n6ter , 1111...,, '...,,....<............. 1R 0 Potatoes pox bag 1111 . .......... ..... 50 55 Apples per bas h .,.. 0 5n Wool per lb 18 Tray person..., 1111. 10 01110 ti10n Bran per ton 14 00 14 00 Shorts" " .......20 002000 Oatmoalperhbl., 0 00 7 00 Hop dreaaed mer 160 .., .. 5 50 to 5 lei -e--. LfNDON. Wheat, 81 io e3 per bus. Oats. 31c to 43t per bus. Peas,54e to 57e per bus. Ber- k sMalting,433 to 43c ocr has, Basler Teed, 30c to 41c per bus Cern, 673e to 71e par. bushel. TORONTO. Toronto. Juno14-Wheat Sprint; --No. 4.30e tosia per bus; red wintor.No 2. 814' to 8"o per hos. Manitoba No2hard, 90 tol 110 Aiin.3. ale to 93: PEAS 60e to 62c per hits. OAT:' 93r to 35e per bue. FLOUR, extra. 43 4n to 148.63 per bbl; straight roller. -e3 55 to ete„se stsnnabakers, a4,90 to 55.00. BARLEY,No 1. feeding. 52o to 510. BOAR FOR SERVICE . Tho undersigned will keep a thoro'bred Berk- shire boar for melee .at 1. Berry's Sale and Exchange Stable, Ilensell. TERMS: -One dollar at time of soviets wi tit grit -liege of returning if necessary. Taws. Pilau. 1 ARM L FOR S:ILE. BRANTFORD NEW PNEUMATIC TIRE CAN OE REPAIRED IN FIVE MINUTE$, SEE YOUR BICYCLE HAS ONE> *F'D BY THE !t'oOLO BiCYCLE CO, LTD., BRANTFORD, OW 1f you do, the pb eo to got the most reliable goods at a modernprice is at PERKINS it MARTIN'S. dealers in Musical instruments, Sewing Machine suppliea, etc., oto.. An ki :do of farm implements sold on a mar - in over cost. Agents for the eclebra ted Chat - fun Wagon, PERKTNB & MARTIN, Fnnsou's Block OOKT COTTON ROOT COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. ,Successfully us.. eel monthly bytltou+mt,ds of Lams. Is the only perfect lysafe and roliab'cmedicine discovered. Beware of un- principled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of °this. Ask. for Coos'a Corrox Roor tiUnecoNo,tac:riastay,tatate , or incluse Slam' 4 three -cent Canada postage smuts a in letter, and we will send, sealed by return radii Full Sealed particulars in plain envelope. to ladies only, 2 st3m s. _% 11rese Ponta Lily Company \o,,f Fisher s'Iucic, tet Woodward ave.,i)etroit, 5lioh. t':o, l in Exeter by DR LUUTZ, Central Drualtc.re end be al,lrugt;ists everywhere. :fi`OR, BRUSHES, COMBS, v t•"4. PO IN; ( d�.:':'+. SOAPS, PERFUMERY —.•"�•N3� -•^1111 TRUE SEA SALT GO Tt) 150 more, in the township of Bidduleh, one mile from Liman village, mostly pasturage and meadow good and rich. Will bo sold separately or together. Ono half of purchase money can remain for five or ten years at five per cont. (load frame outbuildings and a two starer brick house on the premises. Address 1 0 G. HAMILTON, iu-21m Liman P. 0. MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE V1bLA(iE PROPEI11 There are four British and two Fret]. ch warships at Halifax. John Nathan, E.f Canton, Muss-, was beaten to death by hail stones. Lidhtt~ing killed David Bell and a team of horses near Walkerton, The rebel gunboats in Brazil have surrendered to theGovernment. L. L. Polk, president of the National Farriers' Allience,is dying at Washing- ton. 99 English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blom. ishes from horses, Blond Spavin, Chubs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of ono bojtle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by 0. Luiz 0-20 ly For Pyspepsia. A. Bellauger, Propr., Stove Poun cry, Montagny, Quebec, writes: "I have used August Flower for Dys- pepsia. It gave me great relief. I recommend it to all Dyspeptics as a very good remedy," . , Ed. Bergeron, General Dealer, Lauzon, Levis, Quebec, writes : " have used •August Flower with the best possible results for Dyspepsia." C.. A. Barrington, Engineer and General Snaith, Sydney, Australia, writes: "August Flower has effected a complete cure in ley case. It act- ed like a miracle." Geo. Gates, Corinth, Miss.,writes: " I consider your August Flower the best remedy in the world for Dys- pepsia. I was almost dead with that disease, but used several bottles of August Flower, and now con- sider 1nyself a well man. I sincerely recommend this 'medicine to suffer- ing hulltanity the world over." G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer; Woodbury, Near jersey, U. S. A. • Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind on human being or animals, cured in30 min notes by Woolford'o sanitary lotion This never fails. Sold by 0. Lutz. Oot. 9,-ly Is LEADS MB LEADERS —Tile foremost medioine of the day, Durdoelt Blood Bitters is a putely vegetable compound possessing perfect regulating powers over all the organs cf the system and controlling their seore- tatione. It so purifies the blood that:it mires all blood humors and disease from a com- mon pimple to the worst ierofulous sore, and this combined with its unrivalledregu- lotion, cleansing cull pniifying influence on Sae secretions of tho liver, kidneys, bowels and skin, render it ncequalled as a cure for all diseases of the skin. From one to two bottles will cure bode, pimples,. blotches, nettle ash soruf tetter. andall the,eim 1 haul r ] e ,p forms of skin (disease. From two to four bottles will, euro. salt rheum or eczema, shingles, erysipelas, ulcers, abteoe'som, run- nine sores, and all teltin eruptions. It is noticeable that sufferers from skin diseases aro nearly aggravated by int olorubleitching bat this quichlySobsides althe removal al of the disease by -B, B. B. Passing on to gra- voryct prevalent diseases such as Scrofula savellinica.1tutnotg 030 scrofula, we have undoubted proof that from three to stn bot- tles need internally and by outwuxd appli- cation (diluted if the skin is 'broken) to the affected parts, will affect a cure. The great mission of B.13• B. is to i ('pnlete tike liver, kidneys, bowels and blood, to correct acidity and wrong action of the stomach° and to' open the sluiceways of the system to oar ry off all ologeed and impure secretions, allowing nature Ono to aid recovery and remove. without fail bad blood, liver coni plaint, billiousness,dyspep-t,a, sick head- ache, dropsy, rheumatism, end every spnies of disease arising from disorder of the liver, e bo and kidneys, bowels, stomach a biood Mins,tra Liniment is the hair rsstoror. Main Street, Etc., Exeter. BRC..';VNtNG'S FCi7t.RF:fZ".Su$$'$•.� a.':.C'rxxxx .... ",'.^, err ..rzer ^. ror•r �, r�gfr' E !if/111111i Cobbledick & Follanc having lately purchased the Stock and Good -will of M J, N. Howard, and added largely to the Stock, they hay'e now the best equipped and largest Hardware and Tinware Establishment in the County. They sell'wtiole- sale and Retail, and carry BUILDERS' MATERIALS, ETu. BLACKSt41TTH'S SUPPLIES, ET0., CARRIAC-E MAKER'S GOODS, ETC., STOVES, TINWARE,, BICYCLES, and everythingin SMALL HARDWARE LARGEST STOOK OF NA'1L8 in the C'O GET TFIEIR PRICES BUFORE YOU BUY. House cleaning time is upon us. Use Alabastine for your,' walls and ceilings, They have the genuine thing only, in an improved form. You can mix it you sell with cold water, They have all the tints: Call and see their firie store, fine stock and fine prices. OBBL .sa ICE: .Sr Q LA .._�.....�... _1111 .�. ._ __ �_� w. GARDEN S EDS, FIELD SEEDS, ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE; LAWN''''MOWERS, ERS, AL BAS .L I.L.V .G! (IN ALL SHADES), "DAISY" CHURNS, • ALL KINDS OF TINWARE (JFJEA1 FOR. CA_SI . —AT— 5 , , T , d`1` (0$* JUST AR UUVED —AT- zainLienrs Furniture & Undertaking Establishment A very N1C%V Prices to suit large lune uf GOODS everybody. Bring along your old Furniture and have it made new. BACK L LUG,OF ► 'yNavy! rtie 9r 15 ArAIBKED Tinder and by virtue of a power of sale con- tained in a certain Indenture of Mortgage, which will bo produced at time of : gale, made by Edwin Shobbrook and others to the vendor, there pill be sold by Public Auction. At the Central Hotel, in the Vil- lage of Exeter On SATURDAY, the 18th day of JUNE, '92 At 3 o'olook, p. m. by Mr John 0411, Auction- er. (alibied to such conditions as shall then be produced) the following Village Property, viz; FIRSTLY.—Lot nuarber Three CO, on the Westside of Main Street, North of Victoria Street, containing 32 porches, more or less, and shown on the map or plan of the sub -division of part of Lot Number 23, in the let concession of the Township of Stephen, under the name of "carting's Survey." This is a very desirable property. in good lo- cation on Main Street with frame dwelling house and shop thereon. SECONDLY --The South westerly pert of lot number Eight (8) on the Beat side of Marl- borough Street, containing ono -fifth of an aura. more or lees, and which is more particu- larly described in the mortgage above men- tioned. This property is convenient to the Railway station, and has a cottage thereon. TERMS OF SALE: -10 per cent. dune at time of sale; helanooin 3O days or as etty be agreed. For further particulars. apply to ELLTOT it ELLIOT, Vendor's Solicitors, Dated this ±Sth day of May. 180 -3tE.xeter. Ont, READ THIS : MillST ALL BLOW AND BLUSTER R. E N. O d Y Still takes lead in the The lamest stock of New Picture Mouldings in town. Also PARLOR SUITES AND CURTAIN POLES --in all colors. Remember you can have your Curtain Poles cut any length desired, as. we buy them in long lengths. Gall and lobed our Stock T. MST ER,ONZE x4EnT 3 s. NONE - OTHER - GENUINE KIRKTON v G. A. HYD IVIG' Wishes to inform the pith '.ci,s is Exeter and surrounding that he is: rat:rel; engaged selling TeasTeas,Coffees.Bakingl'ovrder In quantities to sn't Pnr(•neser,'. Orders loft at the house or Dr Iiyndmartle ONloewill receive lirurupt attention, (n8me G A. HYNDMAN' WE have on Band a Fine Line of BOUND BOOKS Suitable for Sunday School Libraries', on Presentations.: Tint LATEST G.t3u( c612.i.0.12 u tiltiS." ALSO Let the howlers howl, And the scowlers scowl, And the growlers growl, And the gruff gang go it ; But behind the night There's plenty of light -- We'll sell you goods right, And we want you to know it 1 Tulle of"Quick March" FLIPS, PARCHEESI, HALM, Authors, Eto., Etc. J. W. BBOWNII\T -', BOOK & Drim STORE $20)0060 S. GIDLEY. Furniture Business. • We are too busy to call on people in need of Furniture ; but please drop in our Warerooms and see our Stook and we will try to suit you in this line. Ordered 'Work NeatlyDone on Short Notice Remember we have also a handsome line of U7adertaaking Goods Always on hand, and all calls in this line will be promptly attended to, and satisfaction' guaranteed every time. Store—Next to Molsons Bank, Exeter. R3RT, N. ROWE; WORTZ Boots & Shoes DOUPE'b- STORE Oddfellows Block. Pashionglo tyu! -j-1 tai r, 8 H rn r c }-� I J 1... 1111 tlil�ltt.lt M T131' . 13.H. ST YET 1 . TEE GREATEST YET TEE BIGGEST We are now prepared to sell you TO 33E SACRIFICED. AT MUNSON'S, goods cheaper than ever before. During the Next Month_ Big drives in DRESS GOODS, PRINTS and SHIRTINGS at Shop undergoing Repairs to make room DOUPEft� CO'S. Klrkton. vantage to call tool.. It will be to your ad - HU ,RAH ! N.° i1ailor Shu; Rest Ordered Clothing pi educed in Fxite eorlemtih i hays rout nrders early, for with the Deet eta! of 1'ai)orr ; the befit stock of Fine Trimmings, and the best Cnttiwiu Town,yo:; aro Burn of saliafa:- teen ' f 1111,7 edw.d. • We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Trebles harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on clic shortest possible notice and in the Latest --AND A— 1 DISEASES 3OF 1 Of all ages.-esulting from Errors or Indiscre- tions of Y uth, may be permanently cured andi ( the vire of perfect manhood fully restored, aei NERV ,I'S DEBILITY, STERILITY with SE�_ L1\ `TA 14 L LOSSES tis PREMATURE DEt?AY Long Standing cases of GLEET, STRICTIIRB SYPHILIS, VARICOCELE and all PRIVATE and CHRONIC Diseases treated with perfect success. Our field is in CHRONIC CASE' era which others have fa' lied; ifou s area no urabl e; we will frankly tell yon so. write forpartionlars and treatise, Free, toSt' Lours yisnrcat, Co., 162 and' 1.4 King Strtnt (irest,Toronto, Ont. s3;9m,: Sure Fit Guarantees JOHNS. Man trey SAVED by Bay- ing zn„gat our PLANING 1iLL Ane LUMBER YARD We keep 00080 31'1Y 013 hands large stook' e5' ell kinds of building materials. Dressednr at_ dressed pine end hemlock lumber, also a.cluitis'e stock of No. 1 pine lath. Our stock of doors, sash, blinds,.menialla ;, 5cc: is nami,lete and thorn ugly kiln dried,. We offer for sale 1,50't,i'U0XX and -XXX: and t;1,UA0.•S13INGLES manufacturodtb best makers in Ontario.` Tanks and cisterns. all abapes andsfies,r. to order at lowest Prices. We have sons new in this line forw.ttering cattle in. theta or barnyard. Cell and see' our celebrated Baltic4(3 t,, t every woman using them recommends4SL,_ highly: Tit rning,hand,serotlstawinr„and'alli Ringlik machine work promptly atteadbd'tos , t will be to your interest to examine; naves stock before purchasing elsewhere. ROSS & TAThOILMain Std YiA