The Exeter Times, 1892-6-16, Page 47 Established 1877. •B. 8, O'ITITIM, BANKER, EXETER, - ONT Transacts egeneralbankingbusiness. Receives the accounts of merchants and others OIL favorable terms. Offers every aocoramodation oonsistent with safe and conservative banking, principles. InterestaBowed on deposits, Diane issued payable at any office of the MerehanteRank. NOTES DISCOUNTED, & MONEY TO LOAN ON NOTES AND MORTGAGES quosominomo smorgoOmosomaSOMIWORMOON Zht (SUUT rflURSDAY, JUNE 161131 1892, NOTES AND COMMENTS. Crop prospecta excellent; hardly a -cecina house in Winnipeg j three hun- dred immigrants arrive daily. This is the cheering news that the wire brings deny from the Prairie Province. * * * The Ottawa Free Press complains because the receipts from Dominion lands are not greater. The revenue from this source is, however, steadily growing. It amounted to only 8101,000 in 1887, but in 1880 it had increased to $21,17,000, and in 1891 to $261,000. * * * Mi. Mercier of Quebec has made an assignment for the benefit of his credit- ors. His alleged wealth, made :in poli- ties, it seems, was a pure fabrication. -- Mitchell Recorder. People do not al- ways make assignments beceuse -they are in straightened cireumetences, but fer other reasons sonietimee. DeePt'you know that meney in the p' 1.-t is hard to get at. e Bet a few menthe ago Mercier was at the height of his power—rich, with an enormoue majority at his back in the Leeielature, ;MIA 1.01.n1ace the same reverence as is aecord- t,, one of the highest dignitaries of the ehurehe Now he is penniless, on trial f,,r fraud and abandoned by his friends. This sudden reversal. of fortune etrilting proof of the correctness of the geed old proverb that honesty is, after 11, the best policy. e e Mr. Harrison has been chosen by the Republican Convention after a hot week ..t Minneapolis, as their candidate for a seeend term as President, The fighthas been a bitter one, and whichever way it went threatened a serious split in the perty winch would redound to the ad-• vantage of the Demecrats. It was a beet -,e entlinsiasm on the one hand and grim determination on the other. The Blaine Idell sought to carry the Cenven- tion by the "grand hurrah," but the ballot went for Harrison in a way which showed unmistakably that he has the largest measure of popular confidence, t 1 - From a Canadian standpoint there is no special significance in the nomina- tion of Harristons nor will the election of next November have any greater er th pe • ee!,..: f t1ieerLetey• No matter who °couples the White House, the efforts to coerce Canada into the Union—which now form a leading feature in United States' policy—will be continued, and it is a matter of perfect indifference to us whether Harrison or the Democratic nominee is to serve as the figure head for that policy. The duty of Canadians is to look away from Washington altogether and pursue the course best calculated to serve their own interests, without reference to the ex- igencies of American politics, and that course lies in the direction of closer trade relations with Great Britain. The report of Emin Pasha's death in Central Africa is confirmed by the Ger- man papers The new )riental Bank; of London, England, has failed, with liabilities of £1,250,000. Deposits will be fully paid. Thomas Norguay, M. P. P. for Kil- donan Man., was badly injured on the C. P. it. The interview between the German and Russian Emperors uregarded as a guarantee of peace. A Spanish nobleman is said to have left Victor Laporte, an Ottawa hotel keeper, $1,000,000. Anarchists invitedPrince Odescalchi, of Come, to give up $100,000 or be as- sassinated. HA had them arrested. Police Inspector O'Leary has arrived at Ottawa from San Francisco with Ab sconding Postmaster Paquin of Hell. Fred Withey, of Rochester, for abus- ing his wife vraa taken by white caps, ducked in a pond, vrbipped and run out of town. Aid, Campbell's barn at Niagara Falls, N. Y., was hurtled by lightning. Mr. Campbell formerly 1 ved on Ed- ward street, Toronto. Lightning struck Wm. Youngs barn near Durham, and killedJoseph sharp, Jr., and his horse. They had gone in there for shelter: A blood Indian is to be hanged at Winnipeg for the murder of the medi- cine Man ol his tribe because he failed to mire ht e siek children, Five people have been arrested in Essex for Ill-treating a child named Florence Herbert. San Francisco llighbinders nre offe- ring $500 each for the heads of Chris- tian Chinese. They also 'threaten to kill the missionaries arnong them. A Buffalo dispatch says trouble is anticipated at tbe coming •biennial • sesnon of tbe 0, M. B. A. at Montreal The Canadian body will probably se- cede. Atinard's Linimeta cure s La Grippe. GOSSIP OF THE WEEK. HARRISON GETS THE. REPUBLICAN NOMINATION ON 1ST BALLOT. The Plamed Rule:1a Only Receives a Tits Tote With fileRinley—Whitelaw Reid Unanimously Nominated for Viee-Presi- dent —The Itainy Hiver affarder SINGLE SHOT', after the Republiean con- vention at Minnea- polis got down to the • business of. balloting, was all that was re- quired to put the ;quietus upon the as- pirations of the Man from. Maine to the presidential their of the United States • w forever. His name has been before the Republican conventions of 1876, 1880, 1384, 1888 and 1892'and in all these he only succeeded getting the • nomination in 1884 to be slaughtered at the polls by Cleveland. the Democratic candidate. The convention of this year, at its meeting on Friday, effeetually squelched IMINJAMINL1.tZUUSU, REPVIILICAN NOMINER VON. r. S. ruesteerr. Iii s aspiration in this direction for all time. Ifis dramatic resignatinn of the Secretary- ship the other day is only equalled by the drametie vote polled by the convention in answer thereto, .And this is how it struck the eonvention After the calls of states, Chairman MeKinley said, "The clerks will auuounee the results of the roil call." "The whole number of votes," said the clerk, "is 904 1-3; the nurnber uecessary to a choice is 453. (Applause.) Benjamin • Harrison receives 535 1-6 votes—(prolonged ap- plause)—James 0. 131aine receives 182 1-6 —tapplause)—William McKinley receives 182—(cheersl—Robert Lincoln 1 vote and Thomas B. Reed 1 vote." (Applause.) "13enjarein Harrison having received a majority of all the votes east," said Chair- man McKinley, "is the nomination of this convention. Shall that motion be made unanimous." Great applause and. cheers, and. cries of " Yes,yes,' " Let us make it unanimous. "All in favor of making it unanimons say aye," said the ohairman. There was a storm of ayes. Chairman Mc- Kinley never put the negative. "It is unanimous," said he at 4,36 p.m., and once more the convention gave itself over to one of those scenes of enthusiasm which had be- come so familiar to the proceedings cif the day. Whitelaw Reid, the diplomatic editor of the New Yuri; Tribune, was unanimously chosen candidate for vice-president, *** During the past week Mrs. Carruthers was tried for the murder of her husband at Rainy River during the year 1891. The trial took place at Part Arthur, and the Grand Jury brought in a true bill. The prisoner was alleged. to huve killed her husband by shooting for love of a man named Fotheringham, but his testimony distinctly disavowed any undue intimacy between them, The defence was that the deceased conunitted suicide, and a letter purporting, to have been written by him just before his death was put in evidence. It stated that he was tired of life; but the prosecution put witnesses in the box, ex- perts, who swore that the man had never written the letter, and that the prisoner's handwriting and that of the alleged letter confessing suicide were the same. The inedical testimony was to the effect that the wounds from the shooting—there were two of them—were homocidal and not suicidal. A host of wienesses gave more or less pertinent testimony, and after the trial bad lasted a week the jury found Mrs. Car- ruthers not guilty and she was acquitted. The woman who was prosecuted for this crime was formerly of Blanchard Township, near St. Alary's,and from August, 1891, for some months worked as a clerk in Eaton's store, Toronto. see Sir Oliver Mowat, 17.1 a defence of his ae- ceptance of an Imperial title, said at Wood- stock: It is said, however, that all titles are undemocratic. Is thee so? In the French Republic, and in other large repub- lics, they have abolished those titles that are considered as identified with the monarchy, but they have not abandoned all titles. For instance, they still retain the Legion of Honor, which is looked upen as a high mark of distinction. In the United States they retain the mon- archical prefix "honoratle " and make a very free use of it. We all know how they abound. over there in "generals" and "col- onels." Once a man is appointed a judge or a governor, he retains the title for life, whether he hold the office or not So 18 18 in regard to voluntary associations. The Knights of Labor, for instance, choose this very word knight. There are knights of industry and labor as well as Knights of St. Michael. However democratic the country or people may be, there is this fondness for names and titles. It is, has always been, and I apprehend it willalways continue to be so. ,t,at Africa is being rapidly taken possession of. Its total area is 11,514,500 square miles, according to the well-known geogra- pher, E. G. Raumstein; and 'its population 130,185,000. The following table gives the respective areas and populations eontrolled by European powers in the Dark Conti- nent : Power. Population, Area. Great Britain . . 40e54,100 2,570,926 France . . . 28,788,000 • 2,902,624 Portugal . . 5,416,000 841,025 Spain . . 437,000 • 208,767 Germany . 5,950,000 822,000 Italy . . . 6,800,000 602,006 Belgium . . . 15,600;000 865,000 Turkey . . . . . 7,980,000 • 836.000 As usual, Great Britain monopolizes the greatest share. *** , The Patrons of Industry have taken a lea out of the book of the old parties, and are now holding a series of farmers' picnics throughout the country. And these be largely attended, indeed; 'With few excep- tions they rank in point 01 numbers with tkose f the, ether parties held in days gone THE OLD STORY. rwo Young Englishmen 'Duped t,, snipes—Bow th'I,k,' w,s rk' TILOROLD, JULIO 14. —00a$idara exam- ment luce been ca.t.weet here by the expOtire of a farm pupil fmtut s4-.414,to that prac- tised by Birchen. A fen- weeks ago two yotiegEnglishmen Were attracted by an advertisement inone of the London dailies to the effeet that good siteatiOns would he provided in Canada for fare) pupils, with board, lodging- and good pay. The "ed" bore the signature of P. B. Warwick. Both young men ConlinUniCated 'ivith Warwick, and the interviews ended in their agreeing to his terms. Warwick peoinised to escort them to Canada, where lie said he owned a large farm. The young men were to be taught professional agriculture, beleg led to believe that they could make as fern), apprentices 830 a month on an average. For the, hied and solicitous care bestowed vipoti him by Werwick the younger paid him 13 geineas (about $65) and farther bound himself to pay another sem litter on. The elder says he did not part with as much. The trio came to Thorold, where Warwick remained two days, when he disappeared, Before going he got the younger of the boys to work for Arthur Griffiths and the other for F. W. Townsend of Thorold Township. The Shell .0rolten. The boys found that they had been duped, when, in conversation with the farmers, they learned that , Warwick owned no farm hereabouts, and that wages were a long way from $30 per month and board. They interyiewed Constable Dundas, who escorted them to P. M. Fish, to whom they told their tale and asked that steps be taken to have Warwick ar- rested on a charge of obteining money under false pretences. The boys, however, had no money to defray costs, so t he magis- trate advised them to eommunicate • with their friends and obtain the very necessary wherewithal to push proceedings. They do not know where 'Warwick is located, but think at Ingersoll, as they say he told them that he owned half the stock of an electric company there, Gave rp Good sentries. The name of the elder of the youths is Walter Culver of London, u hose relatives reside at, Folkstone (Kent); the younger boy is Ernest, Edlington of London, aged 17. Culver had n first-class situation as librarian at the Gladstone Liberal Club Library, London, at a good adary. Ilis health, however, not being good, he thought if he could get a situation in the open uir he would improve. The advertise- ment, asking a premium of .418, attracted his attention. Warwick told him the work would be very light and pleasant; that he would get $10 and board the first month, 320 the second, and 830 the third, which was the average wages paid. Calver was not acquainted with Ed- lington in England, but met him in ecan. pany with Warwick, and learned that he was coming to Canada also. He learned that other boys were expected to accom- pany Warwick, but for soine reason on the day of embarkment they did not put in en appearance. The whole affair was arranged a few days pi evious to sailing, when there was no time to write to Canada to inquire into matters. In the agreement with War- wiek, Idlingtou has bound himself to pay further sum of five guineas at the end of a year. METHODIST TOPICS. What the Toronto conference Did Yes. testae—Satisfactory Reports. Ton ONTO, June 14.—It eras the Educa- tional Committee thee first occupied the attention of the conference yes- terday morning. The presideut of the conference, Rev. Mr. Bishop, was in the chair, and Rev. Dr. Rurwash presented the report. Messrs. A. J. Toye, E. R. Young, B. T. Ferguson, A. E. Swartout, E. C. Laker, C. W. Reynolds, D. Norman, R. 13, Johnston W. Elliott, A. J. Paul, S. G. Noble, J. Livingstone, W. C. Sanderson, A. er. ,Theitsen Thames Scott teed 11. A. Fish were permitted to attend college. Rev. Dr. Stone and Rev. L. W. Hill were appointed auditors. Albert College pre- sented its report through Rev. G. Webber. There are 43 pupils preparing for matricula- tion there. The Superannuation Fund report came next, Rev. James Gray presenting it. He reportea tbe permanent fund as 8185,150.92 and the annual fund as $83,684.67, The General Conference fund amounts to $6305.77, of which Toronto sends $647.10. This closed she work' of the morning session. The Memorial Committee was next on the list. Its report suggested the appointment of a committee to assist the Prisoners' Aid Association. Then came the Contin- gent Fund, reporting $1042 on hand. Some cases were referred back after a smart dis- cussion, in which Rev. Dr. Stone took a leading part. The question was whether all eases submitted for aid be allowed and a percentage of each claim be paid, or whether each case in succession be paid in full, and when the funds were exhausted theremain- ing cases be thrown over. Cigarets Ave:lint! Then came the Temperance Committee with an important report, rehich provoked a good deal of discussion. The first recom- inendatiou was that in all Sabbath schools there be placed pledge books, with two pledges, one against the Use of liquor, the other against the use of profane and obscene language and of tobacco. These pledges the superintendents are to see signed by teachers and pupils as far as pos- sible. Temperance text hooks for the public schools were favored. The centein-thesslot eigaret machines were vigorously con- demned. Still another clause recommended that no man not a total abstainer and ready to use his voice and influence for prohibition receive the votes of church members in run- ning for any municipal or other office. The Dominion Alliance's suggestion as to the appointment of a representative of the tem- perance inteetests upon the Royal Commis- sion was approved. Shall Ministers De Detectives? There was a clause suggesting that a column be inserted in the mrcuit schedule saying if members were total abstainers. This brought on a vigorous dispute and finally the clause' was struck out. "There are other questions we rnight,ask," said Dr. Sutherland; "we might ask how many bad voted for temperauce caudidates, and NO rnighs get tinpleasant results." Dr. Stone genially alluded to the elause as to the one making ministers detectives. The clause referring to opposition ofnon- probibitieri members called forthmore dis- cussion. Bev. tr.' Sutherland presented in. addition a motion that the conferencefeels that the liquor traffic cannot he crushed as long as the political parties are committed to the policy of license, and that .thirparties will not change until' Christian voters with- hold their- support.' Rev. Mr. Blackstoelt pointed out that this was endorsing the policy of the Roman Catholic Church. Rev, Dr. Dewart nas also unwilling to commi0 the conference to a third party movement: Finally it was carried by a vote of 02 to 32. The Sunday School Gommittee reported. The un-llanadiau character of some 8unday School literature was 'con- demned, thus meeting with ex-Ald. T. B. Boestead's thorough approvaL The new hymnals were highly praised and recommended to all Sunday sehoels. ' The seggestion of tippointieg a traveling Sunday school agent was reported agaiust. The re- port WAS a emartessoewesinsweloseseassessemearesunoeserecroterreerinry IT KILLED SIXTEEN. EXPLOSION IN A CALIFORNIAN NAVY • YARD. real ful Deaths-,-'t'welve Bleu 'three Dangerously so ared—Liet Tito Sufferers—Two heaths alt the • hospital. . SAN' FRANCISCO, June 14, --An explosion at Ware Island navy -yard yesterday occurred in the shell. room. Acting Gunner Hittinger of the oraiser Boston and 11 others are reported killed and three seriously injured. The following is the list of the killed: D. GEOlIGH HITTINGBR, gamier V.S.1s;T, COL. SUNDBERG, ganner's mate. THosrAs SEYMQBR, chief gunner's mate. WILLIAM Ilecirene apprentice. A. KSTRIEfz, seamen. C. W. SMITH, landsman. Wxxxxam Wasiniuner, seaman. LECAT, seaman. W. Osreenneen, apprentice. 11. Joos, apprentice. Wraraaer Rusn, seaman. JOHNSON, seaman. R. Rumen, seaman. J. 11. Halms', apprentice. Of the three taken to the hospital two have died. The one surviving is named J'. Briscoe. TORONTO GRAINMARKETS. Business 'ireeisriened and rriees of Grant the Queen Gity, TOROICTo," June 14. —The rececipts of grain cm the street Monday -were represented by 100 bashels of wheat at Stc..for fall and 70(:e for goose. Hay was in good supply, 50 loads selling . $12 to 814 for thuother and $9 to $11.50 for clover. 'Straw quoted at $10 to $12. • Ou call board No, I Manitoba hard white offered to arrive at 31.03, . with $1,00 bid, and No. 2 hard to arrive North Bay offered at 95c, with .92c bid, No. 3 hard to arrive North Bey was wanted at 84e without of- ferings. No. 1 Northern to arrive North Bay offered at 97e, and No. 2 northern to arrive North Bay offered at 8ezi'with 83e, hid, No. 1 regular to atriye North Bay offered at 71e, and. abet at Port Arthur at Ole. The same to arrive Moutreal offered at 67c Withoat bids. No. 2 regniur to ar- rive Fore William Offered at 51 1-2e with- out bids, Cars by sample offered at 70e, 72c and 80e. North Bay without bids. A Big Budget From the :Northwest. WiNexreo, June 14.—Albert Main a young man well connected, was 'yesterday senteeced to one year hi jail fur forging bank cheeks, . Coneral Superintendent White of the GP.R. has left for the Souris district to locate the terminal point of the Seelig branch line and also the paha of junction with the extension of the Soo line from St, Paul to Regina. The Souris extension will be completed this week and shipments of coal from the Souris mines will then be commeneed, The Governor-General has written the directors of the Provincial Exhibition stat- ing that he will he unable to come here next month to open the exhibition, 'There is an element of uncertainty in Lord Stanley's reply, however, and the directors will still further urge their request, The Ron.= Catholic ecclesiastics from the Pacific, (least are delighted with the 0.P.R. route. Its magnificent scenery, and its resorts. Banff pleased them immensely. Phippon and Scott of Belleville'Oet., heve airived here to establith ail exteusive soap manufactory. Three hundred and fifty iminigrunts from eastern Canada settled in Manitoba during last week. The Dominion Government offiical who was sent here in connection with the Manitoba fish hatchery has decided on Selkirk as the location. It will be t he third largest fish liedeliery ie the worl d. having a capacity for 100,000,000 white Bali and 10,000,000 salmon or speckled trout. The work is to be commenced immediately. A Winnipeg man had a miraculously narrow escape in the Rocky Mountains re- cently. Thomas Parsons was working with three other men when a rock slide came down killing three near him, but leaving him unhurt 0. Hallock of Washington arrived in the city yesterday. Hallock is of the Smi thsonian Institute, and is engaged collecting curi- osities for the Columbia Exposition. Be will collect a great many old relies of this western country. MRS. CARR_UTH_ER'S CASE. flow the Verdict Was Reached - What the Trial has cost. Pone ARTHUR, June 14.—At 9.30 Satur- day evening, after six hours' absence, the jury, in the case of Nellie Carruthers, re- turned with a verdict of "Not guilty." The whole of the day was devoted to addresses by counsel and the judge's charge. Mr. Osier, Q.C., admitted that the famous "suicide letter" was in the prison- er's handwriting, but claimed that an inno- cent person knowing she was suspected -would act as the prisoner had done. Jidge Armour's charge was a temibly strong arraignment of the prisoner. Hie Lordship told the jury that there could be no doubt whatever as to the prieoner's guilt. The jury stood 8 to 4 for a conviction, but the persuasive eloquence of Foreman McCallum and Jurors Arthura, St. Louis and Nicholson soon turned. the others. When the jury returned announcing the verdict of "Not guilty," judge Armour re- marked: "Prisoner, the jury has acquitted you ; 1 hope your conscience has acquitted you. You aro discharged." The woman, though nervoas at times when the jury was out, maintained her. re- markable self-possession to the end.. The cost of the trial -will be enormous, exceeding probably 37000, of which about 83000 will fall upon the Government, The balance of 84000 has to be meb. by the father and brother of the prisoner,who mortgaged the farm in Blanchard toraise funds for Counsel and witneesen, tiles finan- cially ruining them. Russian Iranalne Disappearing, WASHINGTON, June 14.—The Department of State has been informed that a ukase was issued by the Russian Government on the 1st (13th) ultimo relative to the famine relief measures, 18 is understood to indi- cate that the famine is dewing to a close. It is believed that a ukase will be issued on July 1, possibly as early as June 1 (old style), permitting the exportation of all • grain except rye. The authorities will be able to deal easily with what remains of the famine, and the indications are that it will be unneceseary to send fuither contribu- tions of grain. • News of the Weelc—Condensed. • London, will have electric street cars. Canon Pattersonwas buried at Strat- ford Friday. • Peet of good quality has been found near Berlin . - The jail at Sudbury has been destroy- ed by fire. " Dr. Legere, M. P. for Kent, N. B. is sereausly ilt at his home. • Anstin Porter, who killed his wife, was hanged by a Louisville mobl J. B. Crawford's hardware store at Dutton. was robbed Thursday night. Thorns! Flowers, of Dunnville,. was killed by a falling tree at Chatham. lt 1:1 dInradaYe. .1.H ear, tt°, rawg se d t8hOr, Considerable damage was done by uogfhout Ontario London, fell whale alighting from a carriage and nay die. Geo. F. Green, who first applied electricity to street cars, is dead at Kalamazoo, Mich. Blondin, the rope walker, though 68 years of age is still following his vo- cation in England. Mr. Levee, Liberal M. .n. for Mae- kinonge, has been confirmed in his seat by the Suereme Court. Out of 20,000 books issued by the free library of St. John, N. 13. last }la only two were lost. Mrs, Corky, of Barriefielci, nearEing- sten. hid $30 in her stove, forgot it was there and lit the fire. 'I he body of a four-year.old boy was found tied to a railing in Whitechapel, London, with his throat out. Henry Page, of Montreal, for swead. lingln a horse trade, Wee sent to Perna tentae.ry for 3 years. The bodies of John Hurley and Engi- neer Robinson, shamed at Wine.sor on May :30 have been recover( d. Rev. E, M. H111, of Montreal, has been elected ohrarman of the Congre- gational Urxioa of Ontario and Que- bec. Nelson Sears, of Aylmer, Ontario, bruised his knee in Dakota last win. ter. It, has now been amputated to save hi s life. D- D. Fraser, M. P., has been elect - ted firand Master of the Freemasons of Nova Scalia, Lion, William ROSS is re-elected (rand Secretary. Twelve Astrachan sheep and four lambs born on the way have been re. calved at Washington from Persia. An attempt will be made te breed them in America. There were 30 business failures last week in Conade, against 3± last week and 32 a year ago. Matthew Sutheriand, a young real - dent of Kildonan. Man., was drowned while bathing in Red River. A true hill has been found against Thos. Paquin, ex deputy postmaster at Hull, for stealing money letters. Two mining experts. Mr. Foster of Colorado,and M. Gillen, ot Montana, are investigating Canada gold mines at Marmon. The attraction is the new prnoess used by the Crawfor 1 nxill. Obarlea Ilugners, ofSpringwell, Mich. and Frank and TliOn11113 itoellefie' of Windsor, Ont, have been arrestedfor smuggling four barrels of wine. The prisoners' boat, horse and waggon and the wine were seized, The sad new has been received of the death in Chicago of J. S. Fraser, eon of John M. Fraser, of Stratford'. Deceased was 27 yearsof age and leaves a young widow, formerly Miss bander - son, of Strn tford. A meeting of the Brant CountyFrult amwera' Asseclatian was hid hi the coun ty court house Saturday afternoon. Mr. Thomas Ivey, president, occupied the chair. The rrspherry crop was re - A PRIZE PORTRAIT REBUS. a This young lady has three brothers, each one of whose picture is combined in the above p_ortrait. The manufacturers of 'MAMA- NO.A.144 THB LATEST SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY FOR CLEANSING AND PRESERVING THE TEETH, will give a handsome Gold Watch to the person who can make out the faces of the three brothers FIRST ; to the second an elegant pair of genuine DIAMOND EARRINGS ; to the third a PIANO LAMP in Antique Silver ; to the fourth either a SILK DRESS PATTERN Or a SWISS MUSIC BOX playing six pieces; to the fifth a beautiful pair of PEAM, OPERA GLASSES; to the sixth an elegant MANTEL CLOCK; to the seyenth a pair of sotm Goma CHAIN BRACELETS, with Padlocks, and to the eighth a COIN SILVER WATCH. .2 Each contestant is to cut out the picture rebus and make a cross with a lead pencil on the three brothers faces, and send same to us, with ten three -cent Canadian postage stamps for 30 cents in silvorl for one package of envelope postmarked r;re which contains the Pearatioana, before ley 2oth, 1892. The ,three brothers' faces correctly marked will re- ceive thefirst prize, .the balance in order as received. For the last correct enswrr we will also give a handsome Gold Watch ; to the 'next to the last a complete EDSINESS nonce - ripe ; to the second to the last an elegant pair of genuine DIAMOND EARRINGS • to the third 'from the last a PIANO Lcmp in Antique Silver; •to the fourth a SWISS INMSiC eox' playing six .pieces eto the fifth a Slid( DRESS PATTERN; to the sixth a pair of PEAKL OPERA GLASSES; to the seventh an elegant MANTEL GLOM, and a valuetble Prize will also be given to every person Teas is able to answer this Picture rebus correctly until zoo prizes have been awarded if there should be that number answering correctly. Nothing is charged .for boxingand packing prizes. We shall offer extra premiums to all who are willing to help , as introduce Pearlifotun. Our pizes are entirely FREE. Our object is ti) introduce and attract attention to Pearlifoom, which is .the only preparation wbose manufacturers are willing to offer a reward of Aroo to any dentist who can show that it contains anything injur- ious to the teeth. Ladies who have used Pearlifoam cannot say too much In its favor. A mouthful of pearly white teeth is the sure result of its constant use. It is re- commended by the leaders of the profession everywhere, ask your dentist what he thinks 01ite Parlifeam Is sent by mall postpaid. Prizes in the above Portrait Rebus are to be eareffillyawarded strictly as deserved. Ad- dress, EXQUISITE TOILET MFG. CO., 170 YOnge St., Toronto, Ont. reverter: [EP; 111111 T., :sung 'erbs, )bs it e to • That is the motto at J. Tr: Clarke's. Step by step ork Bs,: goes a long .way.. Last week rewarded our labors in the \ best sales of the year, 'If sticking hard and close to business' means success then we will win. If keeping first-class goods and selling them on their merits ensur- es the best of customers, ,,then we ire getting a share of them. • Taste are not sensational statements but facts. Sound ' reasons underlie every movement. We have no excited rush of trade, but a steady onward march. There are 1.7 Pairs of those job line of Ladies' Slippers and Shoes left in the following sizes : 1 pr No. 2?e, 3 pr 8-1, 4 pr 4, 5 pr 4i, 8 ler 5, and 1 pr ; they will be sold at 750 pee pr, For Prints, Lawns, SteiBed, Muslins, Embroidery Skirting, ericr'i3lack Lace Flouncing ; for Bleached Cottons, Grey Cottons, Towellings, Tablinge, and. Table Damasks, white or colored ; for Flanneletteeixi white, grey, striped or checked ; scrim curtains -at 12,4c and 140 'per yard, eSateen Curtainettes in choice patterns. Notwithetanding the probability of the great American Wall Paper Truse or Combine my stock is complete and e t ricest rie'lit, and they tell the story. ; I will not be undersold, • Comparison of prices and designs invited. I am prepared to ehallenge and lima. Bargain day for Prints will be Friday of this week anti Tuesday of next. Ladies come and be convinced. Yours truly, J. P. CLARKE:, EXETER. ported slim, but the strawberry crop most promising, though rather late. The British Parliament will proba- bly prorogue in about a week, The British Government has dropped the Irish local bill for this session, A want of confidence motion in the Quebec Legislature was defeated by 38 to .11. J. W. H. Wilson has been elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba, One fireman was killed and six in. jured by the collapse of a burning building in London, Eng. A collision on the Chicago, Milwau- kee and St. Peal resulted in three railroad men being killed. Rev, John 8, Emmens has been ele- rated president cd the Methodiet Con- ference for Manitoba and the North- west In alight et Buda Pesth between soldiere and workmen aver a barrel of beer, fourteen of the lat84 were bay: onetted. There is trouble in the Moravian Seminary at Bethehum, Pa. The re- verend principal is charged with kiss- ing the girls. Charles Magee. an ex convict has been arrested at Kingston as the per- petrator of the numartous outrages which occurred there lately. Herr Alberti, a master ma son, has been arrested at Thorn, Germ any., for telling secrets regarding the fortifica- tions of thatplace to Russia. 1/147, 407.11:tees ..Se ealLeetes Miss Lettie Haentiey Is the sister Of Mr. W. S. Huntley of Cortland, N. Y., a well known car- penter and builder. Her frank state- ment below gives only the absolute truth concerning her illness and mar- velous recovery by the aid of Hood's Sarsaparilla. She says: ' "0.1. Hood& Co., Lowell, alis "Dear Sir: Twelve years" ago I began to ha.vo hemorrhages and four years ago became so low that the physicians told me There Was No Hope and 1 should soon die. I eouldnot be moved from my bed. Under my face were napkins eontinually reddened with blood from my' mouth. 1 ould eat nothing and had no action of the bowels for a week. The doctors said the cause was ulcers in the stomach. A this thneiny mother Said she wanted. to make one more trial, and asked if I would take Rood's Sarsaparilla. I told her it would be A WaSte of 1 oney but finding it would comfort her, I began tak ing it In a few days the bloating began to subside, :I scented to feel a little stronger, bu thought it only fancy. 1 was so weaki emit only take ten drops of Sarsaparilla, at 'first In two weeks 1 was able to sit up a few min utes every day. In a month Ji could walk , Tigress the room. One day I 'asked wha they were to have for dinner, and Said I wanted something hearty. My mother was SO happy she cried. It was Oie First Time had Felt • gry for Two Years I kept on with Rood's Sarsaparilla and 10 81) naonths was as well as ever in my life. It i now four years since I recovered, and .1 hav not had a clay's sickness since, nor any hemor Thane. If ever a human beteg thanked th good Lord on beaded knees it was L I kno that Hood's Sarsaparilla, and that alone unquestionably Saved nay Life:, - Messrs. sager & Jennings, the well known druggists of Cortland, say that Mos Huntley ai a highly respected lady; her statement of What Hood's Sarsaparilla Bas dew for her Is *worthy the highest eon& dense." Brood's Pills 'sure Liver --nttittliVOMIllp ......., :4 . `..;.se'—'• laR-- ve a, ea.,...e.elioteeeete •&.?... eeeree o